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Math teacher : Now, who can answer this question? (0:01:34.96)
Math teacher : Miss Anya Forger. (0:01:38.21)
Anya Forger : Three-thirds! (0:01:43.64)
Math teacher : Ah. That is quite wrong. (0:01:47.77)
Sylvia Sherwood : So, how are things going, Twilight? (0:01:59.92)
Sylvia Sherwood : How is your daughter doing
with her academics?
Sylvia Sherwood : HQ was estimating that she'd be able to
receive eight Stella in about four months.
Loid Forger : Four... (0:02:11.22)
Loid Forger : Not a problem. (0:02:12.76)
Sylvia Sherwood : I see... that your ability
to lie has diminished.
Loid Forger : I'm confident she'll be able to get eight
Tonitrus Bolts in two months, though.
Sylvia Sherwood : No matter. (0:02:19.72)
Sylvia Sherwood : By the way... (0:02:20.85)
Sylvia Sherwood : Our informant within city hall
was compromised this morning.
Sylvia Sherwood : The enemy is stepping up their game. (0:02:26.42)
Sylvia Sherwood : Be on your guard, Twilight. (0:02:28.98)
Sylvia Sherwood : I shouldn't have to say this
about being in the city,
Sylvia Sherwood : but be it at Eden College or elsewhere, (0:02:32.53)
Sylvia Sherwood : you never know where eyes
will be watching you.
Sylvia Sherwood : This country's counter-intelligence
agency is quite tough.
Jim Hayward : H-How can I help you gentlemen? (0:02:48.18)
SSS Lieutenant : We're with the State Security Service. (0:02:51.51)
SSS Lieutenant : You're Jim Hayward, are you not? (0:02:53.76)
SSS Lieutenant : We're taking you in on
suspicion of being a spy.
Jim Hayward : A s-spy?! What are you talking about? (0:02:58.32)
Jim Hayward : Hey... wait! (0:03:01.24)
Jim Hayward : Stop that! Unhand me at onc— (0:03:02.76)
SSS Lieutenant : We'll hear what you have
to say back at the office.
Millie : That's totally what happened
this morning! I was so scared!
Sharon : The guy they took from finance (0:03:19.61)
Sharon : was apparently leaking
documents from this office.
Yor Forger : Oh, he must be a bad person. (0:03:24.92)
Camilla : Mornin'. (0:03:26.21)
Millie : Oh, mornin'! (0:03:28.17)
Yor Forger : Good morning, Camilla. (0:03:30.11)
Camilla : Oh, by the way, Yor, my boyfriend
told me about your marriage.
Camilla : You haven't even told your
younger brother yet?
Yor Forger : Oh, you're right! I'd completely forgotten! (0:03:41.88)
Sharon : Uh, you forgot? For a whole year? (0:03:44.30)
Yor Forger : Wh-What shall I do? (0:03:47.01)
Camilla : He said he'll be calling you here later. (0:03:48.86)
Yor Forger : That's right. (0:03:52.83)
Yor Forger : I haven't given him the
number for my new place yet.
Yor Forger : I was so relieved our marriage went through
that I blanked on everything else!
Millie : Say... is your younger brother a hottie? (0:03:59.61)
Millie : Aw, he's a total cutie! (0:04:03.79)
Yor Forger : Yes. Yuri is quite adorable. (0:04:06.13)
Yor Forger : He would always call me "Sis"
and refused to leave my side.
Millie : Yikes, so he's obsessed with his sister. Pass. (0:04:12.70)
Sharon : If your brother looks up to you so much,
isn't it kinda mean to forget to tell him that?
SSS Lieutenant : Let's start one more time
from the beginning.
SSS Lieutenant : How many and what kind of files
did you take from city hall?
SSS Lieutenant : Who did you sell them to? (0:04:26.27)
SSS Lieutenant : What do they look like?
What is their contact information?
SSS Lieutenant : When, where, and how many
times did you meet with them?
Jim Hayward : Please let me go home. (0:04:32.47)
EXTRA : An organization whose goal is to maintain
the peace within their nation.
SSS Lieutenant : Since we're both so good at talking,
let's continue, Mr. Hayward.
EXTRA : Its main duties include spy hunting
and keeping an eye on the citizens.
SSS Lieutenant : What do you say? (0:04:46.30)
EXTRA : To complete their missions,
they frequently use violence,
EXTRA : wiretapping, intimidation, and torture. (0:04:49.15)
EXTRA : The citizens called them the
"secret police," and they are feared.
Yuri Briar : Great work, First Lieutenant. The boss
asked me to take over the questioning.
SSS Lieutenant : All right. I'll leave the rest to you, (0:04:59.80)
SSS Lieutenant : Second Lieutenant Briar. (0:05:03.79)
Yuri Briar : Yes, sir! I'll do my best! (0:05:05.08)
EXTRA : Yuri Briar, age twenty. (0:05:07.48)
EXTRA : He is a member of the secret police. (0:05:09.84)
SSS Second Lieutenant : Why did the boss bring
such a softie into our team?
SSS Second Lieutenant : I admit that he's good,
but frankly, he's just a kid.
SSS Second Lieutenant : Some elite from the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs who quickly rose up the ranks.
SSS Lieutenant : When I talked to the boss... (0:05:24.44)
SSS Boss : Huh? Well, isn't Yuri adorable? (0:05:28.90)
SSS Boss : He's like some cute little puppy. (0:05:31.93)
SSS Lieutenant : And that was all. (0:05:33.72)
SSS Second Lieutenant : I-I see... (0:05:35.79)
SSS Lieutenant : Well, our organization needs
a kid like him sometimes.
SSS Lieutenant : Not to mention, he knows how to do the job, (0:05:41.23)
SSS Lieutenant : and he can be quite indiscriminate. (0:05:43.90)
Yuri Briar : Hello, Mr. Hayward! (0:05:45.96)
Jim Hayward : You won't get anything out of m— (0:05:47.46)
Yuri Briar : My older sister actually works
at city hall just like you do!
Jim Hayward : Huh? (0:05:52.48)
Yuri Briar : Maybe you know her. She's pretty
and kind, and I'm super proud of her!
Yuri Briar : I'm actually going to celebrate
her marriage today.
Yuri Briar : I haven't seen her in forever,
so I'm really excited!
Yuri Briar : So, yeah. I'd like to get this over
with quickly so I can go home.
Yuri Briar : Why don't you just spit it all out already? (0:06:05.90)
Jim Hayward : I-I don't know anything! (0:06:07.97)
Yuri Briar : Here are photos of your deals. (0:06:12.05)
Yuri Briar : This is you, isn't it, Mr. Hayward? (0:06:14.31)
SSS Secretary : Second Lieutenant, you— (0:06:17.57)
SSS Secretary : How long were you holding on to
important evidence like this?!
Yuri Briar : Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to submit them. (0:06:21.68)
Yuri Briar : You'd be much better off if you were honest. (0:06:24.44)
Jim Hayward : So, I was just giving them the
papers in exchange for cash.
Jim Hayward : All I know about him is that he's from
the West. I don't even know his name.
Yuri Briar : Was there anything awkward about
this man's looks or speech?
Yuri Briar : Perhaps he didn't act his age? (0:06:45.62)
Jim Hayward : No, nothing like that. (0:06:49.00)
Yuri Briar : I see. In that case... (0:06:50.85)
Yuri Briar : Does the name "Twilight"
sound familiar to you?
Jim Hayward : Who? (0:06:58.11)
Yuri Briar : He's a spy from the West.
Apparently, a master of disguise.
Yuri Briar : He is the villain who is trying
to make this world fall into chaos.
Yuri Briar : You could call him my natural enemy. (0:07:06.72)
Jim Hayward : I-If I helped you catch him,
could we just forget about all this?
Yuri Briar : Do you know something? (0:07:13.21)
Jim Hayward : Er, no, but let me remember... (0:07:15.04)
Yuri Briar : If you feed me false information, you'll be
committing another crime, so do be careful.
Jim Hayward : I just wanted extra money so I could fool
around with girls! I didn't mean any harm.
Yuri Briar : You have a wife, don't you? (0:07:26.67)
Jim Hayward : You're a man, too! You must understand! (0:07:28.80)
Jim Hayward : I was just selling some documents.
I'm no political criminal.
Jim Hayward : Let me off the hook! Please! (0:07:34.67)
Yuri Briar : Mr. Hayward, you see... (0:07:37.28)
Yuri Briar : I haven't told my sister that I work
for the State Security Service.
Yuri Briar : It's a particularly dangerous job,
so it'd just worry her.
Yuri Briar : And above all, I don't want her
to know how much dirty work I do.
Yuri Briar : Mr. Hayward, what you've done is treason. (0:07:55.15)
Yuri Briar : Perhaps they were nothing more
than pieces of paper to you,
Yuri Briar : but they may very well put many
of our citizens in danger.
Yuri Briar : Do you understand?! (0:08:07.02)
Yuri Briar : Unlike you, I love my family... my sister. (0:08:08.82)
Yuri Briar : I will do anything to protect this
country where my sister lives.
Yuri Briar : And I do mean anything. (0:08:18.77)
Bondman : I don't care how much you torture me! (0:08:23.38)
Bondman : I will never... sell out my friends! (0:08:25.76)
EXTRA : Curse you and your resilience, Bondman! (0:08:28.88)
Loid Forger : If only she could concentrate
on her studies like this.
Bondman : I only have two bullets left. (0:08:35.04)
Anya Forger : How many bullets can Bondman's pistol hold? (0:08:36.88)
Loid Forger : Hm? I'm pretty sure it was eight. (0:08:39.83)
Anya Forger : So that's two-eighths! (0:08:44.32)
Loid Forger : Yes! You're right! (0:08:46.41)
Anya Forger : He has two-eighths of his bullets left! (0:08:48.65)
Loid Forger : How do you even know those words? (0:08:50.80)
Loid Forger : So the cartoon makes things
easier for her to understand?
Yor Forger : Th-Th-Th-Th-There's trouble, Loid! (0:08:57.62)
Loid Forger : Welcome home, Yor. (0:09:00.32)
Anya Forger : He has two-eighths of his bullets left! (0:09:01.58)
Yor Forger : Yuri... I mean, my younger brother
is coming here today!
Loid Forger : Today?! (0:09:09.62)
Yor Forger : So, yes... (0:09:12.31)
Yor Forger : He insists on coming over
and congratulating us.
Yor Forger : What shall we do? He won't find out
that this marriage is fake, will he?
Loid Forger : Don't worry. (0:09:19.84)
Loid Forger : I've prepared lovey-dovey couple
accessories for just this sort of occasion.
Anya Forger : Papa and Mama are flirting. (0:09:32.18)
Loid Forger : We are not! (0:09:33.88)
Yor Forger : We are not! (0:09:33.88)
Anya Forger : Mama's little brother still isn't here? (0:09:37.25)
Loid Forger : You mean your uncle. (0:09:39.89)
Anya Forger : Unkie... (0:09:41.32)
Loid Forger : It's late. You should go to bed. (0:09:45.02)
Anya Forger : Anya will greet Unkie, too... (0:09:47.73)
Yor Forger : It appears as though he's
still stuck at work.
Yuri Briar : I got a little worked up, and now I'm late. (0:09:59.02)
Yuri Briar : Ah, but... (0:10:02.51)
Yuri Briar : I'll finally be able to see Sis!
It's been so long! La, la!
Yuri Briar : Hurgh! (0:10:07.43)
Yuri Briar : I can feel the ribs that my
sister broke before tingling.
Yuri Briar : I'm remembering her loving embrace,
and now my whole body is tingling!
Yuri Briar : But why in the world did my sister wait
a whole year to tell me she was married?
Yuri Briar : Could he be some foul villain that
she's afraid of introducing to me?!
Yuri Briar : I will eliminate every threat within
this country where my sister lives.
Yuri Briar : That includes her husband, too. (0:10:35.28)
Yuri Briar : Loid Forger... (0:10:38.15)
Yuri Briar : If he's some shithead who's threatening my
sister, I'll throw him in a cell immediately.
Yuri Briar : No, calm down. She mustn't
find out about my job.
Yuri Briar : In order to protect my
job and my happiness,
Yuri Briar : I must make sure she never
finds out about this!
Loid Forger : Yuri Briar... (0:10:54.32)
Loid Forger : The Forgers' only blood relative. (0:10:56.00)
Loid Forger : It's easy to slip up around someone you're
emotionally close to. We must be careful.
Loid Forger : I cannot lose this family that
I've worked so hard to create.
EXTRA : Everyone has a side they
don't show anyone else.
EXTRA : To their friends, their significant others,
or even their families.
Yuri Briar : Hello! It's nice to meet you!
I'm Yor's younger brother, Yuri!
EXTRA : They hide what they're truly feeling
through fake smiles or bravado,
EXTRA : and keep their true identities secret. (0:11:22.73)
Loid Forger : Welcome. (0:11:23.06)
Yor Forger : Welcome. (0:11:23.06)
EXTRA : That is how the world keeps up
the appearance of its temporary peace.
EXTRA : Foreign Minister Windsor met with Westalis's
Foreign Minister Brantz for six days of talks,
EXTRA : with the goal of normalizing diplomatic
relations between the two countries.
Loid Forger : I'm going to find out... (0:11:40.21)
Loid Forger : if this man is going to
harm our family or not!
Yuri Briar : No, of course he's not worthy. (0:11:45.33)
Loid Forger : Oh, let me take your coat
and the things you're carrying.
Yuri Briar : Oh, no, there's no need.
Thank you for offering.
Loid Forger : I can prepare something simple
for us to eat pretty quickly.
Loid Forger : The two of you can go ahead and relax. (0:11:58.73)
Yuri Briar : Oh, don't mind me. (0:12:01.34)
Yuri Briar : I would never eat something you've made. (0:12:02.94)
Yor Forger : Oh, you look so scary, Yuri.
You must be nervous.
Yuri Briar : I-I'm not... (0:12:08.45)
Yuri Briar : Crap. My animosity must've been showing. (0:12:10.80)
Yor Forger : Please, make yourself at home. (0:12:13.28)
Yuri Briar : I could still be worked up from
that interrogation earlier.
Yor Forger : I need to play the part of the
lovely wife in front of Yuri!
Yor Forger : I could never tell him that I got
married so I could continue killing!
Yor Forger : Thank you for the flowers, Yuri. (0:12:26.77)
Yuri Briar : Sure... But, Sis... (0:12:29.01)
Yuri Briar : I haven't accepted your marriage yet. (0:12:31.72)
Yuri Briar : Why did you keep this a secret for a year? (0:12:35.72)
Yuri Briar : How am I supposed to accept
it if you don't explain?
Loid Forger : A reasonable question. (0:12:40.52)
Loid Forger : Now, then... (0:12:42.27)
Loid Forger : About your brother... Why don't we just
go ahead and tell him everything?
Loid Forger : The fact that single women are
seen as highly suspicious
Loid Forger : is a very serious issue in our times. (0:12:52.76)
Loid Forger : I'm sure your brother will understand. (0:12:55.45)
Yor Forger : W-We can't! (0:12:57.97)
Yor Forger : My brother can be very, er, sensitive. (0:12:59.59)
Yor Forger : If he found out that I... I got married
to someone I wasn't in love with,
Yor Forger : he would probably lose his composure. (0:13:08.11)
Yor Forger : Then we could end up troubling you, Loid... (0:13:10.22)
Yor Forger : And I don't want my brother to have to
worry about me over something like this.
Yor Forger : Oh, b-but don't worry! I have the
perfect excuse to give him!
Yor Forger : I know more about Yuri than
anyone else, so leave this to me!
Loid Forger : I'm counting on you, Yor. (0:13:28.81)
Yuri Briar : Well, Sis? Why didn't you tell me? (0:13:30.68)
Yor Forger : W-Well... (0:13:33.89)
Yor Forger : B-Because I completely forgot! (0:13:36.08)
Yuri Briar : Huh? Okay, uh, I... (0:13:41.33)
Yor Forger : It completely slipped my mind! (0:13:44.29)
Yuri Briar : Actually, when I called you the other day,
you told me that you had a partner.
Yuri Briar : You could've at least told me then! (0:13:50.17)
Yor Forger : W-Well... (0:13:51.42)
Yor Forger : I forgot that I had forgotten to
tell you about my marriage!
Yuri Briar : Well, if you say so,
it must be true! Sorry, Sis.
Loid Forger : He accepted that?! (0:14:04.26)
EXTRA : When it concerns his sister, this man's
sense of logic goes out the window.
Yuri Briar : Jeez, Sis! You're such a scatterbrain! (0:14:08.50)
Loid Forger : Is this normal for the Briars? (0:14:11.71)
Loid Forger : Sorry to keep you waiting. (0:14:15.95)
Yuri Briar : Tch. How dare you interrupt
the fun Sis and I were having?
Yuri Briar : No... If I keep up this nasty attitude,
Sis might end up hating me.
Yuri Briar : I need to at least fake— (0:14:27.02)
Yor Forger : Isn't Loid's cooking just so delicious? (0:14:29.89)
Yuri Briar : Hmph! Don't think your cooking is
enough to win me over, you villain!
Yuri Briar : Oh, right. I actually
brought over some wine.
Yuri Briar : Please, help yourselves. (0:14:42.05)
Loid Forger : How considerate of you. (0:14:43.03)
Yuri Briar : I'll get you drunk and expose you
for the filthy villain you are!
Loid Forger : None for you tonight, Yor. (0:14:48.53)
Yor Forger : I know. (0:14:50.27)
Yor Forger : Unfortunately. (0:14:51.47)
Yuri Briar : So where did you two meet? (0:14:53.43)
Loid Forger : At the boutique on 3rd Street. (0:14:56.64)
Yor Forger : It was so surprising for a man I didn't
know to stare at me like that.
Loid Forger : Er, well... She was just
so beautiful, you know...
Loid Forger : The way you said that... (0:15:06.05)
Loid Forger : This subject will probably lead to
a slip-up. I need to change it.
Loid Forger : After a few dinners, we realized
we had a lot in common.
Yuri Briar : When were these dinners? Where?
How many times did you go?
Yuri Briar : Which restaurants? (0:15:17.90)
Yuri Briar : How many encounters led to your courtship? (0:15:19.07)
Yuri Briar : What made you decide to marry her? (0:15:21.66)
Loid Forger : Um... (0:15:23.08)
Loid Forger : Why do I feel like I'm being
questioned by an officer?
Yuri Briar : How do the two of you address each other? (0:15:26.46)
Loid Forger : Huh? Er, I call her "Yor." (0:15:28.87)
Yuri Briar : "Yor"?! (0:15:31.63)
Yuri Briar : Even I hesitate to use her given name! (0:15:32.63)
Yuri Briar : S-S-S-Sis, you don't happen to call him
"Loi Loi" or "Loidy," do you?
Yor Forger : Huh? Um... (0:15:37.66)
Yuri Briar : Loidy! (0:15:40.36)
Yuri Briar : God damn it! (0:15:43.41)
Yor Forger : I-I just... call him Loid! (0:15:46.41)
EXTRA : When it concerns his sister, this man's
sense of logic... Well, you know the rest.
Loid Forger : Are you all right? (0:15:53.92)
Loid Forger : Here, have some water. (0:15:55.09)
Yuri Briar : What could my sister possibly
like about this guy?!
Yuri Briar : Just because he can cook a little,
and he's handsome, and tall,
Yuri Briar : and considerate, and a
doctor, that's just...
Yuri Briar : That's just... (0:16:10.20)
Yuri Briar : God damn it! (0:16:12.19)
Yor Forger : Yuri, calm down. (0:16:14.17)
Loid Forger : I guess neither Briar
holds their liquor well.
Loid Forger : By the way, Yuri, I hear you're a diplomat. (0:16:18.21)
Loid Forger : Divert, divert... (0:16:21.45)
Loid Forger : That's quite the line of work.
Yor loves to brag about you all the time.
Yor Forger : Dominic told me the other day that you
went all the way to Hugaria recently.
Yuri Briar : Huh? Yeah. I mean, it's just work. (0:16:32.85)
Yuri Briar : But yes. It was a beautiful city. (0:16:37.17)
Yuri Briar : I wish I could've shown you, Sis. (0:16:40.44)
Yuri Briar : There were a lot of cafés, too. (0:16:42.52)
Yuri Briar : There was even an old one that
an empress used to frequent...
Loid Forger : You mean in the capital city Obda, right? (0:16:47.68)
Loid Forger : There are several delicious
restaurants there.
Loid Forger : I went there when I was a medical student. (0:16:52.20)
Yuri Briar : Oh, really? (0:16:55.36)
Yuri Briar : I went to Kalpatia often. (0:16:56.54)
Yuri Briar : The old man who owns it makes a superb stew. (0:16:58.99)
Loid Forger : I had that, too! Ah... (0:17:01.76)
Loid Forger : So this wine is also from
Hugaria. It's excellent.
Loid Forger : This is... (0:17:08.91)
Yuri Briar : Oh, that... (0:17:09.87)
Loid Forger : "I bought it from a shop on Hedger Street." (0:17:11.27)
Yuri Briar : I found it at a little
shop on Hedger Street.
Loid Forger : It must've been pricey. (0:17:16.75)
Loid Forger : It's 200 dalc. (0:17:18.53)
Yuri Briar : Oh, no. It was just around 200 dalc. (0:17:19.86)
Loid Forger : I knew it. (0:17:23.15)
Loid Forger : That's plenty fancy. Thank you very much. (0:17:25.04)
Loid Forger : This conversation... (0:17:28.68)
Loid Forger : It's right out of the Ostanian Intelligence
Agency's manual for the art of deception.
Loid Forger : It's a conversation template used to fabricate
a story about going to another country.
Loid Forger : Meaning this whole story's been a lie. (0:17:39.19)
Loid Forger : Besides, the owner of Kalpatia
now has his son running the shop.
Loid Forger : And this wine actually costs 300 dalc
now due to a poor harvest.
Loid Forger : You may be able to fool an amateur,
but it won't work on me,
Loid Forger : Yuri Briar! (0:17:54.04)
Loid Forger : I had my reservations as soon as I heard you
worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Loid Forger : That line of work has commonly
been an entryway to espionage.
Loid Forger : I had Franky do some digging, (0:18:02.73)
Loid Forger : and there are records showing he worked
in that department up until a year ago.
Loid Forger : He must've been scouted by the intelligence
agency right before or after that.
Loid Forger : Putting all the pieces together, (0:18:11.96)
Loid Forger : this man works for the domestic
counter-intelligence agency
Loid Forger : that is WISE's mortal enemy...
the secret police!
Loid Forger : That said, though it may be dangerous, (0:18:19.58)
Loid Forger : as long as he doesn't find
out who I really am,
Loid Forger : maintaining this relationship
isn't a bad idea.
Loid Forger : If I play my cards right, he could
be a powerful source of information
Loid Forger : regarding my enemies. (0:18:29.43)
Loid Forger : I'll get you something in return next time. (0:18:30.74)
Yor Forger : Isn't it wonderful that you have such
a lovely older brother now, Yuri?
Loid Forger : He appears to be concealing
his identity from Yor, too.
Loid Forger : He may be easier to
manipulate than I thought.
Yor Forger : Yuri? (0:18:42.86)
Yuri Briar : I told you I wouldn't accept him, Sis! (0:18:45.36)
Yuri Briar : I'm never going to call him my brother! (0:18:47.80)
Yor Forger : You're being rude, Yuri. (0:18:50.36)
Yuri Briar : Yeah, you're right. (0:18:52.39)
Yuri Briar : I went out into the world,
made a name for myself,
Yuri Briar : and I can even buy expensive booze now! (0:18:56.47)
Yuri Briar : But that's all because of my sister! (0:18:58.42)
Yuri Briar : Our parents were gone, and we were poor, (0:19:01.29)
Yuri Briar : so we couldn't even get everything
I'd need for studying.
Yuri Briar : But... (0:19:06.40)
Yuri Briar : Sis sure is late. She's still
at her part-time job?
Yor Forger : I'm home, Yuri! (0:19:12.65)
Yuri Briar : Uh, Sis?! (0:19:14.26)
Yuri Briar : What happened?! You're covered in blood! (0:19:15.80)
Yuri Briar : What kind of work were you doing?! (0:19:17.78)
Yor Forger : Huh? Oh, I'm totally fine. (0:19:19.79)
Yor Forger : This isn't my blood, so... (0:19:21.89)
Yor Forger : More importantly, look, Yuri! (0:19:23.87)
Yor Forger : Ta-da! It's the encyclopedia
set you wanted!
Yor Forger : I got paid a lot this time,
so I went ahead and bought it!
Yuri Briar : Sis... (0:19:35.09)
Yor Forger : Ta-da! Here are those snacks
you wanted, Yuri!
Yor Forger : Sis would always work
herself to death for me!
Yuri Briar : You don't have to work anymore, Sis! (0:19:40.14)
Yuri Briar : So I made up my mind... that I was
going to become a proper adult,
Yuri Briar : and be a man who could protect my sister. (0:19:45.29)
Yuri Briar : I'm going to be the one who protects
my one and only family member.
Yuri Briar : Can you even imagine (0:19:52.47)
Yuri Briar : how it feels for me to have the
most important person in my life
Yuri Briar : just suddenly taken from me by some
guy who appeared out of thin air?
Yor Forger : Yuri... (0:20:01.21)
Yuri Briar : Sure, I wanted you to get married
someday and find true happiness.
Yuri Briar : But that guy has to be someone who
could protect you even better than me!
Yuri Briar : Are you saying you're up to that task, (0:20:11.88)
Yuri Briar : Loidy?! (0:20:14.61)
Loid Forger : Lo— (0:20:15.80)
Yor Forger : I just want to put my
brother's mind at ease.
Loid Forger : I... (0:20:22.61)
Loid Forger : I love Yor as much as you do, if not more! (0:20:24.01)
Loid Forger : My daughter loves Yor very much, too. (0:20:28.01)
Yor Forger : Come on... This is just an
act to deceive my brother.
Loid Forger : She is already a part of my family. (0:20:34.38)
Loid Forger : Even if spears or meteors
rained down from the sky,
Loid Forger : I would risk my life to protect her. (0:20:40.59)
EXTRA : This man was a bold liar. (0:20:44.21)
Yuri Briar : Did he say... meteors?! (0:20:48.10)
Yuri Briar : I'm confident that I could protect
her from spears, but meteors?!
Yuri Briar : Is he surprisingly powerful?
But how would he do that?
Yuri Briar : I-It's easy to claim such things, you liar! (0:20:57.37)
Yuri Briar : Yeah! You have the face of a liar! (0:20:59.98)
Yor Forger : Oh, goodness. (0:21:03.41)
Yor Forger : You're so careless sometimes, Yuri! (0:21:04.65)
Loid Forger : I have the face of a liar?
Has he seen through me?
Loid Forger : Oh, don't worry about it,
Yor. I'll clean it up.
Loid Forger : No, that couldn't be. (0:21:09.66)
Yuri Briar : What? You've been married for a year, (0:21:15.64)
Yuri Briar : and that's your reaction when your hands touch? (0:21:18.47)
Yuri Briar : What? Are you actually married? (0:21:20.80)
Loid Forger : Wha— (0:21:22.86)
Loid Forger : Wh-What are you talking about?
We're so in love.
Yor Forger : Y-Yes, exactly. (0:21:27.59)
Yuri Briar : A likely story... If you're really
married, then prove it to me.
Loid Forger : I mean, we have our marriage license... (0:21:34.46)
Yuri Briar : That's not what I meant! (0:21:36.55)
Yuri Briar : Kiss right here and now. (0:21:38.66)
Yor Forger : Huh?! (0:21:40.82)
Loid Forger : Huh?! (0:21:40.82)
Yuri Briar : Should be easy if you're actually in love. (0:21:41.76)
Yor Forger : Er... But if it's in front of someone... (0:21:44.30)
Yuri Briar : Just once is fine. Then I'll believe you. (0:21:47.46)
Yuri Briar : If you can't, I'm going to city hall to
have them revoke your marriage license!
Loid Forger : This is bad. What should I do? (0:21:53.96)
Loid Forger : No, calm down. (0:21:55.75)
Loid Forger : I'm Westalis's greatest spy, Twilight. (0:21:56.75)
Loid Forger : I've had relations with countless
women on my missions.
Loid Forger : If a kiss or two will
keep my mission safe...
Loid Forger : If that's all it takes... (0:22:04.26)
Yor Forger : What?! (0:22:05.80)
Yor Forger : Loid, wait... (0:22:07.47)
Loid Forger : I'm just going to do what I always do, Yor. (0:22:09.43)
Loid Forger : Come on. (0:22:12.21)
Yor Forger : I mean, we need to so we can keep
our fake marriage going, but...
Yor Forger : Wha... (0:22:19.73)
Yor Forger : Wha... (0:22:21.26)
Yor Forger : What?! (0:22:22.89)

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