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EXTRA : "Act 9
Serious Bomber"
EXTRA : Oh, our lord's carriage. (0:01:47.92)
EXTRA : Come back safely! (0:01:50.75)
Alesta : It's Elf. Please look, princess, it's Elf! (0:01:54.92)
Count Saint-Germi : Why the heck do you have
to come with me?!
Count Saint-Germi : Hmph! (0:02:03.22)
Alesta : Oh my, princess, it's not fair for
you to have them all to yourself.
Flame : Share with us, wouldn't you? (0:02:07.89)
Alesta : --By the way, princess...
Alesta : ...the Drifters' next target
will probably be Gadolka.
Alesta : They'll likely to attempt
to free the Dwarves there.
Flame : However, their security is very tight
as it is the largest armory in Orte.
Count Saint-Germi : I wonder... (0:02:29.96)
Count Saint-Germi : We have no idea what
the Drifters are capable of.
Count Saint-Germi : If Gadolka falls, the end of
this country will be inevitable.
EXTRA : Are all these weapons also
going to the western front?
EXTRA : Yeah. We were told by headquarters
the naval transport unit was destroyed,
EXTRA : putting us in dire need of weapons and armor. (0:03:11.71)
EXTRA : As a result, they ordered us to
increase the production quota.
EXTRA : So, we need to get the Dwarves
to ramp up production.
EXTRA : That may be, but... (0:03:21.30)
EXTRA : ...increasing the workload
any further is just abuse.
EXTRA : They will drop dead one after another. (0:03:28.18)
EXTRA : Quite a few of them have
already been worked to death.
EXTRA : --What the...?!
--What the hell is happening?!
EXTRA : Did the mine collapse?! (0:03:43.53)
Oda Nobunaga : The soil taken from the toilet's subfloor, (0:03:48.79)
Oda Nobunaga : the sulfur from Boobienu, and charcoal... (0:03:51.12)
Oda Nobunaga : It's the perfect combination for... (0:03:54.33)
Oda Nobunaga : powder. (0:03:56.75)
EXTRA : Wh-What the...?! (0:03:59.88)
EXTRA : The hell is going on?! (0:04:00.98)
Oda Nobunaga : The primary effect of gunpowder is... (0:04:13.06)
Oda Nobunaga : ...not the flames that char the body, (0:04:15.35)
Oda Nobunaga : nor the shrapnel that tears through flesh. (0:04:16.80)
Shimazu Toyohisa : We're charging forward. Raise the battle cry! (0:04:21.36)
Shimazu Toyohisa : The enemy is terrified. Get them! (0:04:26.95)
Oda Nobunaga : It is the sound and light,
the shock and awe...
Oda Nobunaga : ...utter terror... (0:04:42.34)
Oda Nobunaga : Cannons, fire arrows, and firearms
all have the same effect.
Oda Nobunaga : The Shimazu clan controls Tanegashima,
the birthplace of Japan's first firearm.
Oda Nobunaga : It's no surprise that Toyo knows
how best to put them to use.
Shimazu Toyohisa : Rush them down! (0:04:55.81)
EXTRA : The enemy! It's an enemy attack! (0:05:00.07)
EXTRA : Is it the Elves?! (0:05:01.73)
EXTRA : Is this a revolt?! Shit! (0:05:02.82)
EXTRA : Damn demihumans! (0:05:04.62)
EXTRA : Wh-What the hell is that?! (0:05:10.28)
Nasu no Yoichi : Incredible! (0:05:15.29)
Shara : Wh-What a terrible concoction... (0:05:17.05)
Shara : We had no clue that (0:05:19.88)
Shara : he was having us create such
a terrible powder all along.
Oda Nobunaga : Mix it carefully, or else
we all may die. Cautiously.
Nasu no Yoichi : Calm down. It's all right.
You Elves are all incredibly dexterous.
Nasu no Yoichi : Now, let's rain arrows down upon them. (0:05:32.85)
Oda Nobunaga : These explosive arrows aren't bad. (0:05:37.98)
Oda Nobunaga : I thought they'd work about
the same as fire arrows,
Oda Nobunaga : but in the hands of Yoichi and the Elves,
they became devastating weapons.
Oda Nobunaga : However, I wasn't expecting
them to burn this well...
Oda Nobunaga : We could have taken so many supplies. (0:05:51.08)
Oda Nobunaga : Oh, well, it's too bad. Such a shame. (0:05:54.58)
EXTRA : What the hell is happening?! (0:06:00.13)
EXTRA : Who knows?! (0:06:01.34)
Oda Nobunaga : Shout! Shout! Bring them to their knees! (0:06:03.59)
EXTRA : It's going to blow! The
fire is rapidly spreading!
EXTRA : Run! They have us surrounded! (0:06:10.84)
EXTRA : They will kill us all! Run! (0:06:12.64)
EXTRA : Wh-What the...?! (0:06:15.35)
EXTRA : The hell is happening?! (0:06:16.85)
Oda Nobunaga : Don't give them the chance to rally! (0:06:17.85)
Oda Nobunaga : Destroy them all! (0:06:21.52)
EXTRA : Hey, this looks bad. Let's get out of here! (0:06:25.90)
EXTRA : Eh?! (0:06:28.20)
Shimazu Toyohisa : To the castle town! Charge forward! (0:06:31.66)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Go invade the town! (0:06:34.08)
EXTRA : The ground you step on
is Orte's largest armory,
EXTRA : and this land is protected by us,
the Armored Guards Corps of Orte!
EXTRA : We shall not give in to you rebels. (0:07:02.56)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Heavy armor, heavy swords, heavy spears... (0:07:11.36)
Shimazu Toyohisa : arrows, no bow, and no horses... (0:07:15.20)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Withdraw! (0:07:18.18)
EXTRA : Running? (0:07:19.96)
EXTRA : We won't let you! (0:07:21.36)
Kafet : Olminu... I wonder if she is doing all right. (0:07:27.23)
Abe no Haruakira : There should be no problems. (0:07:30.67)
Abe no Haruakira : Those guys from the deserted castle (0:07:32.31)
Abe no Haruakira : should be able to put Olminu's
powers to full effect.
Abe no Haruakira : "Olminu of Stone Coffins." (0:07:38.72)
Abe no Haruakira : Her casting of the "Stone Wall Spell" is... (0:07:43.52)
Abe no Haruakira : ...unmatched. (0:07:47.23)
Abe no Haruakira : In fact, she is probably the
most talented one among you...
Abe no Haruakira : ...especially in the chest area. (0:07:56.91)
Kafet : Ah, you sound like a dirty old man. (0:07:58.54)
Kafet : Coming from someone who is
actually 83 years old, that fits.
EXTRA : Wh-What the hell is that?! (0:08:03.50)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Toss them over! (0:08:05.25)
Shimazu Toyohisa : The enemy is falling apart.
Perfect opportunity!
Shimazu Toyohisa : Worth its weight in gold. (0:08:15.18)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Let's go! (0:08:16.68)
EXTRA : Our heavy infantry was destroyed! (0:08:18.47)
EXTRA : Damn it... What the hell?! (0:08:20.35)
EXTRA : The gate! Close the gate! (0:08:22.14)
EXTRA : Close the gate! (0:08:23.98)
Oda Nobunaga : It's amazing he used the
"Stone Walls" in that way.
Oda Nobunaga : Well done, Toyohisa! As might be
expected... that was a dirty trick.
Oda Nobunaga : The spell was supposed to be for defense. (0:08:32.44)
Oda Nobunaga : Instead, he used it to annihilate the enemy. (0:08:34.83)
Oda Nobunaga : It is as if he were born to
take on the battlefield himself.
Oda Nobunaga : Yet, they closed the castle gate.
That could be problematic...
Oda Nobunaga : Huh? (0:08:48.25)
Oda Nobunaga : Grandpa, are those raspberries good? (0:08:51.76)
Hannibal Barca : They're good. (0:08:54.68)
Oda Nobunaga : Why did he even come with us? (0:08:56.39)
Oda Nobunaga : How are we supposed to deal with
this stupid southern barbarian?
Hannibal Barca : Hey, kid. (0:09:02.06)
Oda Nobunaga : Huh? (0:09:03.80)
Oda Nobunaga : Messenger! Messenger! (0:09:16.53)
Oda Nobunaga : I need to send a message to Olminu! (0:09:18.82)
EXTRA : Ah... yes, sir. (0:09:20.33)
Oda Nobunaga : Grandpa... you... (0:09:23.20)
Hannibal Barca : I want more raspberries! I want more! (0:09:26.21)
EXTRA : There's no more left. (0:09:28.92)
Hannibal Barca : If you don't give me more raspberries,
Carthage will fall.
EXTRA : Here, sir. (0:09:33.46)
Oda Nobunaga : Can I just talk into this? (0:09:35.42)
Oda Nobunaga : What the hell is this sphere?! (0:09:37.38)
EXTRA : Olminu said it would work. (0:09:39.18)
Oda Nobunaga : Come in, Boobies! Come in!
Can you hear me, Boobienu?
Olminu : Shut up! (0:09:46.94)
Olminu : Remember my name, you jerk! (0:09:48.56)
Oda Nobunaga : I don't give a damn. (0:09:50.56)
Oda Nobunaga : You should still have
the charms for the "Stone Walls," right?!
Oda Nobunaga : Do as I tell you! (0:09:54.61)
Oda Nobunaga : We can make things work with
your charms and Yoichi's archery!
EXTRA : The gate is closing! (0:09:59.28)
EXTRA : That was dangerous... (0:10:05.08)
EXTRA : What the hell just exploded...? (0:10:07.08)
EXTRA : Don't know. I lit the signal fire. (0:10:09.46)
EXTRA : It'll probably take half a day for
reinforcements to arrive, but...
EXTRA : it's almost impossible for them to
besiege the castle with the gate closed.
EXTRA : We will crash them against our walls. (0:10:18.55)
EXTRA : The troops in the areas outside
the walls are falling apart.
EXTRA : Very few soldiers are left! (0:10:25.77)
EXTRA : Damn demihumans! (0:10:27.10)
EXTRA : When reinforcements arrive,
we'll attack those idiots from both sides.
EXTRA : There are stairs on the wall! (0:10:39.66)
EXTRA : Nobu! It's amazing! Nobu! (0:10:41.74)
Oda Nobunaga : Sure, the "Stone Walls" are great, (0:10:45.08)
Oda Nobunaga : but they cannot be better than this sphere
by any stretch of the imagination.
Oda Nobunaga : There is no need of messengers anymore. (0:10:51.13)
Oda Nobunaga : Best of all, a message can be
delivered instantly... No more time lag.
Oda Nobunaga : For those magicians, did
it never come to mind
Oda Nobunaga : that this was such an incredible discovery? (0:10:58.05)
Oda Nobunaga : Probably because of the difference
in perspective... They have no clue.
Oda Nobunaga : They only consider it a convenient device
to report their daily investigations.
Oda Nobunaga : This sphere can also enable troops (0:11:10.56)
Oda Nobunaga : who are far apart to cooperate
with one another...
Oda Nobunaga : Such an idea never entered their minds. (0:11:15.01)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Splendid! Well done! (0:11:17.23)
Oda Nobunaga : Their views on the
"Stone Walls" are no different.
Oda Nobunaga : Olminu cast the charms to defend Toyohisa, (0:11:21.91)
Oda Nobunaga : but he used them a
launchpad instead, and now...
Oda Nobunaga : a tool to breach the castle. (0:11:28.20)
Oda Nobunaga : In other words, the Drifters are those (0:11:30.87)
Oda Nobunaga : who introduce technology as well as
recognize the differences in perspective.
Oda Nobunaga : Then what on earth are
these so-called "Ends"?
Oda Nobunaga : Why are we here? (0:11:40.72)
Oda Nobunaga : What kind of scheme do they have for us? (0:11:46.57)
Murasaki : That's it. That is what you are, (0:11:53.06)
Murasaki : and what you are is the reason you are there. (0:11:55.52)
Murasaki : That difference in view
could change the world.
Murasaki : Stir it up, Drifters. (0:12:01.24)
Murasaki : There is no "way things
should be" in this world.
Murasaki : Keep the world turning, Drifters. (0:12:06.41)
Shimazu Toyohisa : The castle is mine! (0:12:11.58)
Shara : Toyo, let's go free the Dwarves. (0:12:27.55)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Huh? (0:12:30.22)
Shara : We've been told countless
times since childhood
Shara : that the Dwarves are strong warriors. (0:12:33.14)
Shara : The Elves certainly despise the Dwarves. (0:12:36.80)
Shara : Every night our fathers told us about them,
filled with fear and loathing.
Shara : But behind all that lies a jealousy
for the traits that the Elves lack.
Shara : Their strength, their perseverance,
their sharp axes...
Shara : They are likely to be captives
here in the castle town.
Shara : Once, it was inconceivable for the Elves
to fight beside the Dwarves.
Shara : But now...! (0:13:02.11)
Shimazu Toyohisa : That's the way things should have been. (0:13:03.34)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Let's get them out of there. (0:13:05.72)
Shara : The Dwarves are vulgar, violent,
foul barbarians with scruffy beards.
Shara : They drink a lot, eat a lot, smell bad,
and are totally frightening.
Shara : Their massive arms can
crush boulders and strike steel.
Shara : Their massive legs stomp the ground. (0:13:21.40)
Shara : Their massive axes cleave
their enemies in two.
Shara : And after all that, they go drinking,
laughing and singing bawdily.
EXTRA : All the other buildings
are the same as this one.
EXTRA : This place really is a concentration camp,
a "workshop" in name only.
EXTRA : Even after we Elves surrendered,
the Dwarves kept fighting.
EXTRA : We were lucky to have
just been made into serfs.
EXTRA : It seems the Dwarves were enslaved in
the mines or in workshops all this time.
EXTRA : We were wondering about the
commotion outside...
EXTRA : Was it your doing? (0:13:59.85)
EXTRA : It's ironic. You of all people
came to save us, huh?
Shara : "We" didn't. (0:14:08.11)
Shara : We too were saved... by the Drifters. (0:14:09.70)
EXTRA : Whoever, doesn't matter. Free us. (0:14:12.79)
EXTRA : We are through. (0:14:16.33)
EXTRA : Free us. I'm begging you. (0:14:20.21)
EXTRA : Please. Even if you are Elves... (0:14:23.63)
EXTRA : us. We can fight as well. (0:14:28.68)
Shimazu Toyohisa : All right. (0:14:32.10)
Shimazu Toyohisa : So, you are Dwarves? (0:14:33.97)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Your beard is incredible. (0:14:36.56)
Shimazu Toyohisa : You're really small. You're
also really thin, huh?
EXTRA : You are... You are one of those "Drifters"? (0:14:42.56)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Don't care about that stuff! (0:14:47.07)
Shimazu Toyohisa : They just call me that. (0:14:48.57)
Shimazu Toyohisa : An army marches on its stomach! (0:14:51.77)
Shimazu Toyohisa : It's time to eat! Time to eat! (0:14:53.83)
Oda Nobunaga : Hum? What happened, Boobienu?
What happened?
Oda Nobunaga : Have the castle defenders fallen yet? (0:15:06.09)
Oda Nobunaga : Come in! Boobienu! (0:15:07.80)
Olminu : Well... it appears Toyohisa
has freed the Dwarves, but...
Olminu : ...the Dwarves were starving
and severely malnourished,
Olminu : so Toyo started saying, "It's time to eat." (0:15:18.77)
Oda Nobunaga : Wait! Don't tell me... they've begun eating?! (0:15:22.52)
Oda Nobunaga : They haven't even taken over the keep yet! (0:15:26.36)
Olminu : They dug into the food storage,
collected all the food in stock,
Olminu : including whatever survived the
fire, then dragged it over here,
Olminu : mixed it all together in the
pots, and started cooking.
Oda Nobunaga : They actually started eating
in front of their enemies' eyes?
Olminu : Ahh! The horses! The horses! (0:15:44.04)
Olminu : They are butchering draft horses, warhorses,
everything, and starting to cook them!
Oda Nobunaga : Stop them! (0:15:49.92)
Oda Nobunaga : That jackass... really is an idiot. (0:15:53.47)
EXTRA : Grandpa, I brought more raspberries for you. (0:15:56.51)
Hannibal Barca : Mmm... this is good. (0:15:58.68)
Hannibal Barca : As a reward, I shall present you with Gaul. (0:16:00.10)
Oda Nobunaga : --Make rice porridge!
Olminu : --Make rice porridge!
Oda Nobunaga : Be sure to use plenty of water in that. (0:16:07.44)
Oda Nobunaga : Food doesn't digest well after starvation,
which may lead to death.
EXTRA : "This is Monkey, my lord." (0:16:11.40)
Oda Nobunaga : Long ago, that Monkey did a horrible thing. (0:16:11.86)
Oda Nobunaga : He said if you stuff yourself
quickly after starvation, you will die.
Olminu : Eh? Monkey? (0:16:16.66)
Oda Nobunaga : We can't allow those Dwarves to die on us. (0:16:18.37)
Oda Nobunaga : --Huh?!
--Argh, annoying!
Olminu : --Huh?!
--Argh, annoying!
Oda Nobunaga : Just tell them to eat slowly!
That's all we can do for now.
Oda Nobunaga : "Nostalgic" (0:16:25.92)
Oda Nobunaga : Ranmaru! Bring me rice bowl soup also! (0:16:27.46)
Oda Nobunaga : No, he isn't here. (0:16:29.88)
Oda Nobunaga : I know that. (0:16:32.26)
Oda Nobunaga : I was aware of that, you idiot! (0:16:33.76)
Oda Nobunaga : Aaaaahhh! I wanna eat rice! (0:16:35.97)
EXTRA : What is rice? (0:16:43.77)
EXTRA : What is rice bowl soup? (0:16:45.19)
EXTRA : The assault stopped? (0:16:49.61)
EXTRA : What's with that smoke?!
What the hell are they doing?!
Shimazu Toyohisa : Hey! (0:16:54.99)
Shimazu Toyohisa : I have freed the Dwarves.
They're eating for now,
Shimazu Toyohisa : but if you haven't run away by the
time they are done, you will all die.
Shimazu Toyohisa : If you run, we won't chase after you. (0:17:08.17)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Drop your weapons and surrender. (0:17:12.01)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Decide quickly! (0:17:14.76)
Shimazu Toyohisa : The Dwarves are focused on eating for now, (0:17:18.05)
Shimazu Toyohisa : but there isn't much time
until they are through.
Shimazu Toyohisa : Once the food runs out, you'll be next. (0:17:23.73)
Shimazu Toyohisa : They will completely devour you
all the way to your livers.
Nasu no Yoichi : He's good. He is no fool. (0:17:30.90)
Nasu no Yoichi : Everything he knows, every skill he has,
is honed for the battlefield.
Shimazu Toyohisa : That was the last bite! (0:17:38.28)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Now, will you give up the keep
or will you die?! Decide!
EXTRA : Wh-What should we do? (0:17:47.04)
EXTRA : What else can we do? (0:17:49.08)
EXTRA : What could we do? (0:17:50.92)
EXTRA : They breached the first gate; (0:17:52.05)
EXTRA : we don't have time to wait
for reinforcements to arrive!
EXTRA : I already know that! (0:17:55.59)
EXTRA : Commander, the moment the Dwarves
fill their stomachs, they will come for us.
EXTRA : If those idiots dig through, we will fall. (0:18:01.85)
EXTRA : They'll kill us all! (0:18:04.89)
EXTRA : Drifters! You're not going
to kill us, are you?!
EXTRA : If we give up the keep,
you'll let us go, right?!
Shimazu Toyohisa : It's the warrior's way of battle (0:18:17.24)
Shimazu Toyohisa : not to take the head of a soldier
who lays down his arms!
Shimazu Toyohisa : Hm. They gave up gracefully. Next... (0:18:32.34)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Where is the lord of this castle? (0:18:35.34)
EXTRA : That's me. (0:18:37.41)
EXTRA : I've already surrendered.
You'll let me go now, won't you?
Shimazu Toyohisa : All right. I'll have them
set up a place for you
Shimazu Toyohisa : to commit ritual disembowelment, (0:18:45.47)
Shimazu Toyohisa : so please wait for a little while. (0:18:47.48)
EXTRA : Disembowelment?! (0:18:49.48)
Shimazu Toyohisa : I shall act as your second
and behead you at the end.
EXTRA : Did you just say... disembowelment?!
What the hell?!
Shimazu Toyohisa : You lost the battle, therefore you lords (0:18:56.44)
Shimazu Toyohisa : must know that an honorable
suicide should follow.
Shimazu Toyohisa : It is your responsibility
and honor as a lord!
EXTRA : Th-That's absurd.
Don't be an idiot, you bastard!
EXTRA : Why the hell do I have to
commit dis... disembowelment?!
EXTRA : No way in hell will I spill my own guts! (0:19:10.21)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Alright, then... (0:19:13.05)
Shimazu Toyohisa : You don't have what it takes to end yourself. (0:19:14.46)
Shimazu Toyohisa : You are not fit to be lord. (0:19:16.80)
Shimazu Toyohisa : The only thing of value
you possess is your head.
Shimazu Toyohisa : You don't need to pursue them. (0:19:32.65)
Nasu no Yoichi : Oh, you knew, huh? (0:19:35.77)
Shimazu Toyohisa : You said you would assist me.
You're a man of your word.
Nasu no Yoichi : It's just my old habit...
Those were my previous orders.
Shimazu Toyohisa : Nobody can order you to do anything anymore. (0:19:46.16)
Shimazu Toyohisa : This is our battle to fight. (0:19:50.16)
Shimazu Toyohisa : Well, let's get back to the food. (0:19:56.30)
Shara : Yoichi, are we going to pursue them? (0:20:06.84)
Nasu no Yoichi : You don't have to do
that... at least for now.
Nasu no Yoichi : Let's eat! (0:20:13.73)
EXTRA : We won't be able to get closer. (0:20:24.78)
EXTRA : Dragon cavalry are flying all over with
detection charms hanging from them.
EXTRA : Don't use any of our charms or magic.
They will give us away.
EXTRA : This is a difficult task. (0:20:35.88)
EXTRA : I only took this job because
it's for the Octobrists.
EXTRA : Had it been a normal assignment
for the Adventurer's Guild,
EXTRA : I wouldn't have done it. It's too risky. (0:20:42.26)
EXTRA : Appreciate it, Doug. (0:20:44.30)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:20:46.22)
EXTRA : That is such a convenient telescope. (0:20:47.85)
EXTRA : Is that also a rumored
relic of the Octobrists?
EXTRA : Look! (0:20:53.10)
EXTRA : Bronze Dragon! What the
hell?! It can't be...!
EXTRA : Although he ranks last, he's still
one of the six Great Dragons.
EXTRA : Will he join the Black King's army?! (0:21:01.82)
EXTRA : Did the army stop advancing southward
because he joined the forces?
EXTRA : No, that's probably not the case. (0:21:07.78)
EXTRA : Take a look at the southern
tip of the "Northern Wall."
EXTRA : Perhaps that's the reason. (0:21:12.22)
EXTRA : Wh-What on earth is that?!
Is something wrong with my eyes?
EXTRA : Is that a field? Are those monsters farming? (0:21:21.68)
EXTRA : Monster civilization?!
They've begun primitive agriculture!
EXTRA : What the hell are the Black King
and those idiots doing... over there...
EXTRA : the Northern Wall?! (0:21:36.02)
EXTRA : Grand Master was right. (0:21:37.94)
EXTRA : The Black King is different
from the "Ends" we've known.
EXTRA : He doesn't wish the
eradication of this world.
EXTRA : His intention is to become a savior (0:21:47.07)
EXTRA : to the monsters who would
take the place of humans.
EXTRA : "Bedtime Stories" (0:23:25.88)
EXTRA : "Soup for Hundreds" (0:23:27.09)
EXTRA : "Cheaply Wasted" (0:23:28.67)
EXTRA : "Act 10
Baba Yetu"

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