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Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun! (0:00:04.69)
EXTRA : You ready for this? (0:00:11.30)
Masataka Kiyomizu : Yeah. (0:00:13.67)
Masataka Kiyomizu : I lost everything because of him . (0:00:19.08)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Kiyomasa-kun?! (0:00:22.83)
Masataka Kiyomizu : I'm gonna kill Draken. (0:00:25.12)
Jin Akaishi : Look who I found. (0:00:28.84)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Let go of me! (0:00:31.66)
Masataka Kiyomizu : Once this is all over, I'm gonna have
you take the fall for all of this.
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Takemichi-kun! (0:00:39.86)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Sorry for leaving you alone. (0:00:48.23)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Huh? (0:00:50.94)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : God, I suck. (0:00:54.02)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Takemichi-kun... (0:00:56.60)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : And yet, nothing's changed!
I haven't been able to save anyone!
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Of course it hasn't, though. (0:01:06.12)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : How the hell is a complete and utter
failure like me supposed to save anyone?
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : How stupid can I be? (0:01:14.61)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : That's not true. (0:01:16.93)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Just leave me alone! (0:01:18.56)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'm just a failure. (0:01:23.14)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : That was my first kiss. (0:01:36.47)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Why... (0:01:38.87)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : I gave it to you because
you're that special to me.
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : You're not Draken-kun. You're not Mikey-kun. (0:01:43.53)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : You're just you, Takemichi-kun. (0:01:48.29)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : You're able to break down crying for others. (0:01:51.32)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : You can get so frustrated for them. (0:01:54.04)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : That's who you are. (0:01:57.11)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : There's no one cooler than you. (0:01:59.05)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Thanks, Hina. (0:02:14.36)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : I didn't do anything. (0:02:16.57)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I... (0:02:18.91)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Don't worry! (0:02:20.21)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : I know you can do it, Takemichi-kun. (0:02:21.91)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I have to go. (0:02:28.31)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'm going to stop Kiyomasa-kun this time. (0:02:31.67)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : And then I'm going to settle the
trauma in my life once and for all!
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : There's trouble, Mitsuya-kun!
Draken-kun's going to be attacked!
Takashi Mitsuya : Yeah, I know. (0:02:44.92)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : By Kiyomasa-kun! (0:02:46.78)
Takashi Mitsuya : Peh-yan, right? (0:02:47.16)
Takashi Mitsuya : Huh? (0:02:48.27)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What? (0:02:49.10)
Ken Ryuuguuji : She might've gone home already,
since it's raining.
Ryouhei Hayashi : Draken! (0:02:54.82)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Hey, Peh. Sup? What's with the sash? (0:02:57.73)
Takashi Mitsuya : Peh-yan is convinced that
Toman abandoned Pah-chin.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : But that's not true. (0:03:11.52)
Takashi Mitsuya : Peh-yan got together with some of
the remaining members of Moebius
Takashi Mitsuya : and said he was gonna take Draken out. (0:03:16.91)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : But that's... (0:03:19.52)
Takashi Mitsuya : He's gonna hunt down Draken. (0:03:22.23)
Emma Sano : You look so serious. What's up, Peh-yan? (0:03:24.66)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Emma... (0:03:32.08)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Take this and head over there. (0:03:33.57)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Peh, I guess you aren't
happy with what happened.
Ken Ryuuguuji : You're probably pissed at me. (0:03:44.44)
Ken Ryuuguuji : You wanna throw hands? (0:03:47.04)
Ken Ryuuguuji : You got it. (0:03:49.53)
Emma Sano : Draken! (0:04:08.01)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : We need to let Draken-kun know! (0:05:46.74)
Takashi Mitsuya : Considering we saw Peh-yan's ride,
shit might already be going down.
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : On August 3rd, 2005, (0:05:56.58)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : in the parking lot of Musashi Shrine
in the Shibuya Ward of Tokyo,
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : fifty members of a biker gang had a brawl. (0:06:02.03)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : A young man in his third year of middle school
was beaten and stabbed in the abdomen,
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : then he died. (0:06:09.68)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : This middle school student is Ryuguji. (0:06:12.13)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Mitsuya-kun! (0:06:14.97)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : The parking lot... (0:06:17.94)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Is there another parking lot other
than the one we were just at?
Takashi Mitsuya : I think there's one out back. (0:06:24.18)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : That's it, then! (0:06:25.60)
Takashi Mitsuya : Hey! (0:06:27.07)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Please let me make it in time! (0:06:28.48)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Takemichi-kun? (0:06:44.50)
Takashi Mitsuya : It's just around the corner. (0:06:46.59)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Got it! (0:06:47.88)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : They're from Moebius! (0:06:51.78)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun! (0:07:04.39)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Hey, Mitsuya... Takemitchy. (0:07:05.79)
Emma Sano : Takemitchy! Mitsuya! (0:07:11.17)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Emma-chan... (0:07:13.03)
Takashi Mitsuya : Peh-yan, you bastard! (0:07:14.98)
Takashi Mitsuya : The hell are you teaming up with Moebius for?! (0:07:16.91)
Ryouhei Hayashi : Shut up, Mitsuya. I'll kill you, too. (0:07:19.61)
Takashi Mitsuya : Oh? (0:07:22.62)
EXTRA : That's the captain of the 2nd Division, Mitsuya. (0:07:25.38)
EXTRA : He's strong. (0:07:27.60)
Emma Sano : Peh-yan, you coward! You had them
attack him with a bat all of a sudden!
Emma Sano : And you brought all these guys with you! (0:07:33.74)
Emma Sano : And you call yourself a man?! (0:07:35.64)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Ugh... I'm tired. (0:07:38.92)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun, are you okay? (0:07:42.36)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Yeah... (0:07:45.89)
Ken Ryuuguuji : I'm at my limit. (0:07:48.29)
Ken Ryuuguuji : I'll leave the rest to you, Mitsuya. (0:07:50.95)
Takashi Mitsuya : Yup. (0:07:54.40)
Ken Ryuuguuji : God, my head hurts. (0:07:55.80)
EXTRA : You little shits really think
you're a match for all of us?
Takashi Mitsuya : Can it, dumbass. (0:08:02.60)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I don't see Kiyomasa-kun. (0:08:06.44)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Shit! I don't know where
he's gonna attack from!
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : How can we protect them with
all these guys surrounding us?
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What can we do? (0:08:16.45)
Ryouhei Hayashi : Kill all three of them. (0:08:18.16)
EXTRA : Hell yeah! (0:08:20.41)
EXTRA : Let's do this shit! (0:08:21.60)
Ken Ryuuguuji : He's finally here. (0:08:50.59)
Takashi Mitsuya : That exhaust sound... (0:08:52.25)
Ken Ryuuguuji : That's Mikey's CB250T. (0:08:54.71)
EXTRA : Hey, isn't that... (0:09:06.36)
EXTRA : You gotta be shittin' me! (0:09:07.39)
EXTRA : No one said he'd be here. (0:09:08.32)
Ryouhei Hayashi : Mikey... (0:09:11.11)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Mikey-kun! (0:09:13.02)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Thank goodness. Now Peh-yan will stop. (0:09:19.15)
Manjiro Sano : I see now. (0:09:26.69)
Manjiro Sano : The reason I got called to be somewhere
else was so you could attack Ken-chin.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What? (0:09:33.32)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Someone planned that, too? (0:09:33.88)
Manjiro Sano : And then you were gonna put the
blame on me and break Toman in half.
Ryouhei Hayashi : I'm just doing this for Pah-chin— (0:09:41.12)
Manjiro Sano : This isn't how you do shit. (0:09:42.65)
Manjiro Sano : Who tricked you into doing this? (0:09:45.44)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : So... there's a mastermind controlling Peh-yan? (0:09:52.04)
Nobutaka Osanai : It was all a part of his plan. (0:09:57.40)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : Whoever he was talking about
was plotting to split Toman up,
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : and Osanai just got used. (0:10:05.90)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Wait... Kiyomasa-kun, too? (0:10:08.61)
Shuuji Hanma : Wow, I'm impressed. (0:10:12.26)
Shuuji Hanma : Guess you're not just brawn after all. (0:10:15.99)
Manjiro Sano : Who the hell are you? (0:10:23.32)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Now who's this guy? (0:10:26.55)
Shuuji Hanma : Man, I'm tired. (0:10:33.99)
Shuuji Hanma : It really doesn't matter who I am. (0:10:38.80)
Shuuji Hanma : But I'm sorta in charge of Moebius for now. (0:10:42.27)
Shuuji Hanma : The name's Hanma. (0:10:45.47)
Manjiro Sano : So you're the creeper who's
been pulling the strings?
Shuuji Hanma : Wow, you're a pain in the ass, Mikey— (0:10:54.77)
Shuuji Hanma : Ow... (0:11:06.26)
Takashi Mitsuya : He stopped Mikey's kick?! (0:11:08.96)
Takashi Mitsuya : Don't be in such a hurry, Mikey. (0:11:11.88)
Shuuji Hanma : Our goal is to crush Toman. (0:11:15.25)
Shuuji Hanma : But that's a pain, so we wanted
you to fight yourselves.
Shuuji Hanma : I mean, it works out either way in the end. (0:11:21.61)
Shuuji Hanma : This just means that I get to (0:11:24.96)
Shuuji Hanma : kill the Invincible Mikey
with my own two hands!
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : This is the guy behind everything? (0:11:32.76)
Shuuji Hanma : Moebius has 100 men here!
And Toman has a measly four!
Shuuji Hanma : Don't you dare wuss out this time, assholes! (0:11:41.38)
Shuuji Hanma : I'm not a softie like Osanai. (0:11:44.37)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:11:48.11)
Shuuji Hanma : If any of you run away, (0:11:49.14)
Shuuji Hanma : I'll chase you down and beat all the
teeth outta your damn mouths!
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:11:55.27)
Shuuji Hanma : Mikey and Draken... (0:11:56.44)
Shuuji Hanma : You're both dead ♥ (0:12:01.16)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What the hell's going on? (0:12:05.36)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Naoto didn't mention any of this. (0:12:08.22)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : The internal conflict
should've been resolved.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : But now a different conflict's happening. (0:12:13.16)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Wait, is this my fault? (0:12:16.84)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Is history heading in a weird direction? (0:12:19.27)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Now stopping Kiyomasa-kun won't be enough! (0:12:22.66)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What am I supposed to do? (0:12:26.56)
Takashi Mitsuya : They made it in time. (0:12:36.24)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:12:37.56)
Yasuhiro Mutou : Man... (0:13:15.00)
Yasuhiro Mutou : Look at this mess. (0:13:17.64)
Yasuhiro Mutou : Infighting's really not my thing. (0:13:22.53)
Nahoya Kawata : But we can go all-out if
we're fighting Moebius!
Keisuke Baji : Just means that the big showdown's tonight. (0:13:32.10)
Manjiro Sano : You guys... (0:13:36.50)
Keisuke Baji : Tokyo Manji Gang's here, jackasses! (0:13:39.48)
Nahoya Kawata : Who wants to die first? (0:13:44.40)
Yasuhiro Mutou : Peh! I'm killin' you first! (0:13:46.38)
Shuuji Hanma : Now the party's gettin' started! (0:13:51.60)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Shit. (0:14:02.93)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I have no idea how many people are here now. (0:14:04.44)
Ken Ryuuguuji : A big-ass brawl on the day of the festival... (0:14:07.10)
Ken Ryuuguuji : I can feel the excitement in my blood. (0:14:10.33)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Right, Mikey? (0:14:13.41)
Manjiro Sano : Yeah, Ken-chin. (0:14:18.26)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun! (0:14:22.48)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : No... (0:14:24.12)
Manjiro Sano : Let's do this shit! (0:14:28.84)
EXTRA : Kill 'em all! (0:14:33.18)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Shit! It actually started. (0:15:03.30)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I have to protect Draken-kun, no matter what! (0:15:05.68)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun! (0:15:08.64)
EXTRA : Why, you— (0:15:21.65)
Nahoya Kawata : Die, yay! Murder, yay! (0:15:22.94)
Yasuhiro Mutou : Up we go! (0:15:26.39)
Yasuhiro Mutou : Who wants some next?! (0:15:34.74)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun! Draken-kun! (0:15:52.75)
EXTRA : The hell're you just standin' around for?! (0:15:57.30)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Sorry! (0:15:59.50)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Damn it! This was all for nothing! (0:16:19.40)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Because of this conflict today, (0:16:25.40)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun is probably gonna
be killed by Kiyomasa-kun.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I have to protect Draken-kun in this past. (0:16:32.04)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I never want to see Akkun die again! (0:16:37.60)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Or Hina's death! (0:16:41.76)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'm going to stop Kiyomasa-kun, and... (0:16:53.36)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'll change the future! (0:16:58.66)
EXTRA : Don't get too cocky. (0:17:05.87)
EXTRA : Die! (0:17:22.42)
EXTRA : Bastard! (0:17:43.06)
EXTRA : You— (0:17:45.28)
Keisuke Baji : What's the matter?! (0:17:50.53)
Keisuke Baji : You done already?! (0:17:52.65)
Manjiro Sano : Peh! (0:17:56.86)
Ryouhei Hayashi : Mikey... (0:18:02.74)
EXTRA : Hey, it's their leader. (0:18:05.01)
EXTRA : Let's get 'im! (0:18:06.70)
EXTRA : "Invincible Mikey," my ass! (0:18:08.49)
Manjiro Sano : Peh! Why'd you attack Ken-chin?! (0:18:15.57)
EXTRA : You bastard! (0:18:19.08)
Manjiro Sano : You knew that Ken-chin and
I had worked things out.
Manjiro Sano : You even brought Moebius into this. (0:18:29.16)
Manjiro Sano : Quit being such a coward! (0:18:30.75)
Ryouhei Hayashi : I don't give a rat's ass if you two made up! (0:18:35.25)
Ryouhei Hayashi : I'm not done with any of this shit! (0:18:38.21)
Manjiro Sano : We're done talking about Pah! (0:18:40.26)
Ryouhei Hayashi : The hell we are! (0:18:42.51)
Ryouhei Hayashi : We're done, even though Pah-chin got
caught and we didn't do anything about it?
Ryouhei Hayashi : Bullshit! (0:18:57.36)
Ryouhei Hayashi : What the hell else was I supposed to do?! (0:18:59.80)
Ryouhei Hayashi : Pah-chin was everything to me! (0:19:02.24)
Ryouhei Hayashi : If Toman's gonna abandon Pah-chin, (0:19:09.03)
Ryouhei Hayashi : of course I'm gonna be your enemy! (0:19:11.94)
Ryouhei Hayashi : Come at me, Mikey! (0:19:15.05)
Ryouhei Hayashi : Why the hell won't you fight back?! (0:19:18.02)
Ryouhei Hayashi : You could end me with one blow! (0:19:20.26)
Manjiro Sano : Look at me. (0:19:27.96)
Manjiro Sano : Am I smiling? (0:19:33.62)
Manjiro Sano : Have I ever smiled about
Pah-chin getting caught?
Manjiro Sano : It hurts, man. (0:19:41.62)
Manjiro Sano : Takemitchy said it'd be sad if Toman
broke apart because Ken-chin and I fought.
Manjiro Sano : I never thought that'd end
up with all of us fighting.
Manjiro Sano : Hit me until you're satisfied, Peh-yan. (0:20:02.04)
Ryouhei Hayashi : Mikey... (0:20:06.47)
Manjiro Sano : I don't want to fight with my own family. (0:20:08.84)
Manjiro Sano : Let's start all over again. (0:20:14.61)
Manjiro Sano : Come back to us, Peh-yan. (0:20:17.16)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun! (0:20:37.52)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun! (0:20:39.74)
Yasuhiro Mutou : Up we go! (0:20:40.78)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Ow... Damn it, I'm in a hurry! (0:20:43.52)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : God damn it! (0:20:55.51)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I can't find Draken-kun or Kiyomasa-kun! (0:21:00.24)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Where the hell'd they go? (0:21:04.60)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : There. (0:21:19.51)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I found you, Kiyomasa-kun. (0:21:22.10)
Masataka Kiyomizu : I'm gonna kill Draken. (0:21:25.99)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'm gonna stop you, no matter what! (0:21:30.05)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:21:39.54)
Masataka Kiyomizu : I did it... I did it! (0:21:41.85)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken! (0:21:58.46)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken! (0:22:00.44)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun... (0:22:02.04)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun! (0:22:06.74)

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