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Shin Tsukinami : The time has come, (0:00:32.27)
Shin Tsukinami : Brother. (0:00:37.69)
Carla Tsukinami : Yes... (0:00:48.69)
Carla Tsukinami : Let the vengeance begin. (0:00:55.86)
Shin Tsukinami : For the future of us founders. (0:01:14.53)
Ruki Mukami : Eve... (0:03:08.25)
Ruki Mukami : Wake up, Eve. (0:03:10.30)
Yui Komori : Eve? (0:03:15.60)
Ruki Mukami : The time has come, Eve. (0:03:36.64)
Ruki Mukami : Eve. (0:03:41.98)
Yui Komori : Who... (0:03:43.41)
Yui Komori : Who are you?! (0:03:49.62)
Yui Komori : A dream? (0:04:00.18)
Ayato Sakamaki : You're finally awake. (0:04:05.90)
Yui Komori : Huh?! (0:04:08.64)
Kanato Sakamaki : Please, don't cry out so loudly.
You're too noisy.
Kanato Sakamaki : Right, Teddy? (0:04:16.04)
Laito Sakamaki : Seriously. You're so melodramatic, Little Bitch. (0:04:17.35)
Ayato Sakamaki : Hey, Pancake! I just woke up,
and I'm thirsty as hell.
Ayato Sakamaki : Let me suck your blood. (0:04:26.02)
Yui Komori : Ayato-kun, you can't just suddenly... (0:04:27.74)
Kanato Sakamaki : Ayato, we won't allow you to have all the fun. (0:04:29.91)
Yui Komori : Kanato-kun... (0:04:34.08)
Laito Sakamaki : Yeah, Ayato-kun. No keeping her to yourself. (0:04:35.36)
Yui Komori : Raito-kun... (0:04:39.49)
Laito Sakamaki : After all, Bitch-chan's blood
belongs to everybody.
Laito Sakamaki : Right? (0:04:44.46)
Ayato Sakamaki : C'mon, let me have it already, Pancake. (0:04:48.00)
Kanato Sakamaki : Please hurry and quench my thirst. (0:04:52.16)
Laito Sakamaki : Let's all do something fun, Little Bitch. (0:04:55.74)
Reiji Sakamaki : This, so early in the morning? (0:05:06.79)
Reiji Sakamaki : Disgraceful. (0:05:09.21)
Ayato Sakamaki : Jeez, just when it was getting good. (0:05:11.12)
Kanato Sakamaki : I agree... What gives you the right? (0:05:14.36)
Laito Sakamaki : You should've joined us, Reiji. (0:05:18.26)
Laito Sakamaki : Little Bitch writhing in agony
while we all swarm upon her...
Laito Sakamaki : Just thinking about it gets me excited. (0:05:26.43)
Subaru Sakamaki : Pervert. (0:05:30.79)
Shu Sakamaki : Shut up. You're ruining my music. (0:05:34.14)
Reiji Sakamaki : You never change. (0:05:39.23)
Laito Sakamaki : Why don't you be more honest? (0:05:40.80)
Subaru Sakamaki : Shut it. (0:05:42.35)
Kanato Sakamaki : Please, be quiet. (0:05:43.40)
Kanato Sakamaki : Can't you see you're upsetting Teddy? (0:05:45.15)
Ayato Sakamaki : Damn it all, I'm parched! (0:05:48.66)
Ayato Sakamaki : I can't take it any longer. (0:05:51.67)
Reiji Sakamaki : Ayato, this is not the place for such conduct. (0:05:53.49)
Kanato Sakamaki : Sorry, Teddy... (0:05:55.86)
Reiji Sakamaki : You should be ashamed. (0:05:57.42)
Ayato Sakamaki : Shut up and stop getting in my way! (0:05:59.01)
Subaru Sakamaki : Such a nuisance. (0:06:00.78)
Ayato Sakamaki : What was that?! (0:06:02.14)
Laito Sakamaki : Well, we are cramped inside
a car at the moment.
Laito Sakamaki : Don't make a fuss, Ayato-kun. (0:06:07.70)
Ayato Sakamaki : I'll do what I want! (0:06:09.48)
Kanato Sakamaki : It's all your fault. (0:06:11.39)
Yui Komori : Me? (0:06:15.14)
Ayato Sakamaki : What is this? (0:06:41.75)
Ayato Sakamaki : You're heavy, you know. (0:06:46.98)
Yui Komori : Thank you for saving me, Ayato-kun. (0:06:49.58)
Ayato Sakamaki : Whatever. I just didn't want to lose your blood. (0:06:53.09)
Yui Komori : What happened? Was it an accident? (0:07:01.84)
Reiji Sakamaki : Don't be absurd. (0:07:05.21)
Reiji Sakamaki : The car was driven by a familiar. (0:07:07.58)
Shu Sakamaki : Looks like this was no accident. (0:07:10.03)
Kanato Sakamaki : Then what was it? (0:07:13.15)
Laito Sakamaki : Maybe it was them. (0:07:16.50)
Ayato Sakamaki : Who the hell are you?! (0:07:45.89)
Ruki Mukami : Eve. (0:07:56.71)
Ayato Sakamaki : Hey! (0:08:03.69)
Yui Komori : Who were they? (0:08:09.20)
Kanato Sakamaki : Their scent... (0:08:13.12)
Subaru Sakamaki : It stinks. (0:08:16.87)
Laito Sakamaki : It would seem they're like us. (0:08:19.00)
Yui Komori : You mean... (0:08:23.32)
Reiji Sakamaki : However, they don't seem to be purebloods. (0:08:24.72)
Shu Sakamaki : This might get annoying. (0:08:29.25)
Ayato Sakamaki : I see... So it's a declaration of war. (0:08:31.99)
Ayato Sakamaki : Sounds like fun! (0:08:36.53)
Yui Komori : That voice... I've heard it before... (0:08:41.46)
Yui Komori : I can't sleep at all. (0:09:10.00)
Yui Komori : What was that about? (0:09:13.92)
Yui Komori : It's still on my mind... (0:09:16.98)
Ruki Mukami : Eve. (0:09:19.52)
Kou Mukami : Found you! (0:09:36.01)
Yui Komori : Wh-Who are you?! (0:09:40.63)
Kou Mukami : Good morning, masochistic kitten. (0:09:45.97)
Yuma Mukami : Whoa, there. (0:09:54.85)
Yuma Mukami : Don't run from us, you sow. (0:09:57.93)
Azusa Mukami : You... (0:10:01.46)
Azusa Mukami : You smell... just like me... (0:10:03.91)
Yui Komori : No! (0:10:12.42)
EXTRA : Eternal life... (0:10:22.72)
EXTRA : Fate... (0:10:25.85)
EXTRA : A promise exchanged... (0:10:33.90)
EXTRA : Eve... (0:10:38.55)
EXTRA : The new Eve. (0:10:41.19)
Ruki Mukami : Eve. I've come for you. (0:10:54.49)
EXTRA : I will... (0:11:09.78)
EXTRA : entrust everything to you. (0:11:15.22)
Ayato Sakamaki : I don't have anyone special. (0:12:20.30)
Ayato Sakamaki : Just shut up and let me suck your
blood like the prey you are.
Ayato Sakamaki : I'll instill it in you as often as it takes... (0:12:27.12)
Ayato Sakamaki : I won't let anyone else have you. Never. (0:12:30.44)

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