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1. must_zen 7640
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4. 1melco 4743
5. Anonymous 4328
6. NuitTombee 4142
7. SomeWaffles 2703
8. Miky94 2151
9. NatsumiSawada 1906
10. Bogie 1607
11. ISTC 985
12. Hikarihaze 839
13. Golt 820
14. SKyongmania 697
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16. Igraine 387
17. RinaK 354
18. kjur18 211
19. 8SummerMemories 207
20. LiCobra 174
21. phonglangthienha 155
22. squidrobber 144
23. KurosakiIchigo 123
24. Mearyuh 121
25. legenjutsu 116
26. sunshade 115
27. InfernalQueen 110
28. Kepran 97
29. Akikojam 89
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31. anonymous17 84
32. capes 80
33. EatsSweets 75
34. Black_Cat 75
35. aurichan 69
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38. Zellami 67
39. Aurelie 65
40. KuroNeko 65
41. johnnyboy 58
42. AyumiTsukada 54
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47. AlbertCamslut 41
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53. CalvinClannad 35
54. 9bladesofice 33
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62. KidA 26
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66. silver123 24
67. MatiuX64 20
68. silent-thought 20
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70. ANIMazer 20
71. Karasu87 19
72. LBM 19
73. nummel 18
74. LucifersKin 16
75. Eiki-sama 16
76. rpgguy999 16
77. TsundereChan 15
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79. Reo 15
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81. BellSilver 15
82. animeCats 14
83. Mew Mokuba 14
84. Ghosty123 14
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86. Nyawi 14
87. sophiechan 14
88. Piggycow 13
89. kali7713 13
90. Vomi 13
91. Kaymish 13
92. RetroViking4 13
93. saibot 12
94. The Jesus 12
95. Fujoshi_18 12
96. heinz5003 12
97. thenit 12
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99. Trashi 12
100. Onineko 11

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Kyouko Kisaragi

God I wish that were me - Anonymous


Shin, first, let me say congratulations. - August von Earlshide

But we're still in the middle of a crisis. - August von Earlshide

Be sure you're not so caught up in your
relationship you neglect your training.
- August von Earlshide

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