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Fleet Admiral

Dec 19, 2012

Haha, ah I see, Kana.

The series is worthy of credit for the things it did well.

The city it takes place in has cleaning robots that throw out the craziest phrases when they bump into people. lol

While Shiro is the main character, the people around him are quite interesting. The cat ( Neko ) for instance, has the power to manipulate people's memories and perception. She can create illusions with ease. But she also seems quite stupid. Yet incredibly cute. She's no Horo, that's for sure.

And the first season seems to introduce 2 main fractions. One under the red king that seem like a poorly armed street gang. And another under the blue king that seems like a cross between Medo era police and a Gotei 13 squad. lol They all "activate" their swords before going into battle as a group.

And all of these people have some sort of metaphysical powers granted to them from their kings. And all of their kings have some sort of weird HUGE sword that appears above them whenever they use their full power.

There's so many "named" things in this series ( Sword of Dumoclarious. Strain. Bakuto. Wiseman Level, Silver King, Red King, Blue King, Gold King, ... ), yet so little explanation. I wonder what the origin of this is. Manga? Novel? Probably a novel ...

There's even a trouble making Kitsune spirit thing that takes control of people.

And it takes place at a school where every student has a PDA, cameras are everywhere, and security is omnipresent. Yet metaphysical battles take place all the time like it's no big deal. Ah anime.

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