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鋼牙 | Share ▼

Profile Picture for Koga

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ID 16276
Role Supporting
From Inuyasha
Media Type anime
Voiced By Taiki Matsuno, 松野太紀, まつの たいき
Voiced By Scott McNeill, ,
Tags demon, dog, loincloth, headband, ponytail
Birthday March 29
Sign Aries ♈

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Koga is a character from the Anime Inuyasha.

They have been indexed as Male Teen with Blue eyes and Black hair that is Hair Up / Indeterminate length.


Koga (鋼牙 Kōga) is the young leader of the southern yōkai-wolf tribe, which is nearly wiped out by Kagura and Naraku. He first meets Inuyasha as an opponent in battle, but becomes a reluctant, occasional ally despite maintaining a strong sense of rivalry with the "useless mutt" about their relative combat strengths as well as Koga's persistent courtship of Kagome.

Although Koga always flirts with Kagome and gets Inuyasha mad, it is seen that he has promised Ayame, another wolf demon to be his wife. Koga had promised Ayame, when she was younger, that he would someday make Ayame his wife. Later in the episode, Koga tries to get Ayame to leave by saying he will only marry someone who can see the Sacred Jewel Shards. At the end of the anime it is revealed he did in fact marry Ayame. Although this does not happen in the manga because Ayame is a filler character.

After suffering serious wounds, Koga is partially restored by three Shikon shards embedded into his legs and right arm. The shards are eventually taken away from him by Naraku, gravely weakening him; he leaves and disappears from the manga, after telling Kagome that she may leave Inuyasha and come to him at any time. In the anime the epilogue reveals that he married Ayame and has become the new chief of the wolf demon tribe (again, he only marries Ayame and becomes chief of her tribe in the anime).
Trait Appears (actual)
Gender Male
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Black
Hair Length Hair Up / Indeterminate
Apparent Age Teen
Animal Ears Elf
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2000 Trivia

2000 was a great year for anime. We have all kinds of interesting and fascinating trivia from this year to share with you. The most viewed series from that year on Anime Characters Database is Hamtaro ( 349 views ). Our series view count resets each month as to give you a rolling idea what is currently popular. A total of 35 titles were released in 2000. Don't forget to have a look at what was most popular - you can even filter the list by genre helping you to more quickly spot titles that may be to your liking. By the way, it is possible we missed a title from this year, and we could use your help adding it! Let's continue with the trivia. The most violent of these is considered to be Sakura Wars ( Avg. Rating 3.0000/5.0000 ) and the least violent is Digimon Adventure 02 ( Avg. Rating 1.0000/5.0000 ). Members have the option to assign a violence rating to their favorite series. The series with the most characters is Yu-Gi-Oh! ( 110 characters ) and the series with the fewest is Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran ( 2 characters ). Most titles have at least 10 characters by their final episode. We can always use help adding characters we missed! Please be sure to read this guide to adding characters first if you are interested. The series with the longest title is Magical Circle Guru Guru 2: The Legend of Doki Doki ( 51 letters ) and the series with the shortest title is Shinzo ( 6 letters ). I hope you found this information interesting, and continue to explore ACDB to your hearts content. ^_^

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