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ID 29969
Name Lita Blanchimont
Other Names リイタ・ブランシモン
Role Main Character
Primary Assignment Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
Media Type video game
Voiced By Wendee Lee, ,
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Lita Blanchimont is going to a huge adventure with Jinto


Anime girl Lita Blanchimont is a character from Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana.

They have been indexed as Female Teen with Brown eyes and Brown hair that is Hip / Past Hip length.


Age: 16 Height: 5´ 2" Weight: 108lbs
Likes: Lively atmosphere, Anko bread
Dislikes: Her own body style
Dream: To live peacefully

Lita is the heroine of Atelier Iris. She works as a Galgazit monster hunter at the city of Kavoc and she is slowly becoming famous for her work. People around her respect her for her super human abilities. Bright, cheerful, and happy Lita acts full of energy around people, but sometimes she shows a sign of sadness in her. Often times she can be seen at places with a lively atmosphere. During her work as a Galgazit, Lita rescues Klein from a life-threatening incident. Having an interest in the young alchemist, Lita offers Klein to work as a Galgazit like her-self.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Female
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Brown
Hair Length Hip / Past Hip
Apparent Age Teen
Animal Ears No


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