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ID 36242
Name Hanzou Hattori
Other Names 服部 半蔵 (はっとり はんぞう)
Role Unsorted
Primary Assignment Brave 10
Media Type anime
Voiced By Takahiro Sakurai, 櫻井孝宏, さくらい たかひろ
Tags braid, half mask, earrings, one eye showing, ninja

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Anime boy Hanzou Hattori is a character from Brave 10.

They have been indexed as Male Adult with Red eyes and Brown hair that is Hip / Past Hip length.


One of Tokugawa Ieyasu's spies, though he holds no shred of loyalty towards him, and plots to seize control of the land from the shadows. Cruel and heartless, his specialty is making use of his speed to attack, and might even boast more talent as a ninja than Saizo...! He's after the Kushi-mitama that Nami Isa holds, so that he might seize its great power for himself.

He is a skillful Iga ninja who was ordered by his master to capture Isanami. Also he is the one that burned down the Izumo shrine.
He is also jealous of Saizo's renown. He is very sadistic and cruel, teasing Isanami about her lack of power causing the death of her friends , and is also very confident in himself and his abilities, often bragging to Saizo about his superior skills (Which is not entirely untrue) .
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Male
Eye Color Red
Hair Color Brown
Hair Length Hip / Past Hip
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No

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Latest Comments : Korekiyo Shinguuji

He’s my little pookie wookie baby boy zoo wee mama yippee hoorah 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍 (He would slaughter me in an instant) - Anonymous


Why are there three of them? - Subaru Natsuki

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