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ID 46141
Name Hajime Kakei
Other Names 筧 肇(かけい はじめ)
Role Supporting
Primary Assignment S.A ~Special A~
Media Type anime
Voiced By Yoshinori Fujita, 藤田圭宣, おだ けいすけ
Voiced By Clint Bickham, ,
Tags glasses, school uniform, tie, plaid

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Anime boy Hajime Kakei is a character from S.A ~Special A~.

They have been indexed as Male Teen with Blue eyes and Gray hair that is To Neck length.


First appearing in chapter five, Hajime Kakei is the Student President at Hakusenkan and holds first place in the class 2-A. He is frequently hospitalized for feeling weak and relies on using money to get what he wants. He begins to send various challenges to the SA when nobody appears at his talk show; since none of the SA members wanted to attend his show, nobody else in the student body wanted to either. Because of Hikari's open and kind nature, he seems to develop a crush on her, though is always scared off by Kei before he gets any chance to express his sentiments. He is not very popular among his classmates, most of whom do not share his animosity towards the SA.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Male
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Gray (Blue)
Hair Length To Neck
Apparent Age Teen
Animal Ears No


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She looks like Mt Lady's twin (from mha) - ilikememes0


she doesn't think of winning even for a second! - Hisa Takei

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