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☰ Menu >>> Profile Picture for Maki Yoshioka Edit
ID 89481
Name Maki Yoshioka
Other Names 吉岡 マキ, よしおか まき
Role Main Character
Primary Assignment Mesu Kyoushi 4: Kegasareta Kyoudan
Media Type h-game
Voiced By Masami Katou, 加藤雅美, かとう まさみ
Tags suit, cleavage, mole, lipstick, tsurime, high heels
Height 167cm
Bust 96cm
Waist 60cm
Hip 92cm
Birthday September 27
Sign Libra ♎

18 Character of the Day nominations


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Maki Yoshioka is adventuring with SilverWolfKing 100%


Anime girl Maki Yoshioka is a character from Mesu Kyoushi 4: Kegasareta Kyoudan.

They have been indexed as Female Adult with Purple eyes and Maroon hair that is To Shoulders length.


World history teacher beauty with a cold atmosphere

Always with an undisturbed, dignified expression, she's a teacher who behaves with a resolute attitude.
She always has correct posture, speaks coldly, and doesn't show weakness to anyone.
Her instruction is strict, her lessons tend to be spartan, and she's feared by students as a teacher that's hard to approach.
She's someone in a family of educators, but was born in a branch family, and she's known Yuuri as a relative since they were children.
Yuuri has always idolized her since then, and they have a close sister-like relationship.
With that relation, and appreciating Maki's own excellence, the family entrusts her to aid Yuuri and become a teacher at Seishuu Academy.
She sees Yuuri as more important than herself, trusts only her, and expresses her unrestrained opinions at work as her assistant, while also showing a gentle expression in their everyday exchanges sometimes.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Female
Eye Color Purple
Hair Color Maroon
Hair Length To Shoulders
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No


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