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ID 94448
Name Nadia
Other Names ナディア
Role Unsorted
Primary Assignment Island Saga
Media Type h-game
Voiced By Chiroru Ooyama, 大山チロル, おおやま ちろる
Bust 105cm
Waist 55cm
Hip 95cm

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Anime girl Nadia is a character from Island Saga.

They have been indexed as Female Adult with Brown eyes and Black hair that is To Chest length.


The Princess of the Kingdom of Ruby.
As a nation where 80% of its land are made up of sand, the Kingdom of Ruby would not exist without the water and food imported from the Kingdom of Gultel.

Because of that, they are one of the poorest nations on the continent, yet the citizens of the Kingdom of Ruby don't view themselves as poor at all. Instead, they take pride in their identity as a nation of happy people who love to sing and dance.
Nadia herself is talented in singing and dancing and is beloved by her people.
She only met the protagonist once by chance at a banquet back when they were little. At that time, she saw the kind side of him and so since then has been secretly in love with him.
When she received information that the protagonist was searching for the Love Mine, she left her home in order to travel with the protagonist even before King Gultel requested for her aid.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Female
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Black
Hair Length To Chest
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No

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Latest Comments : Ifen Cho

She is the best girl villainess ever 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 - Anonymous


My humblest apologies. But seeing as we have yet to find the sovereign's seal, - Shi Shi

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