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EXTRA : The continent that lies on the ocean of Ignora, consisting of a large central island (0:00:07.03)
EXTRA : with four other islands to the south, north, east, and west, watched over by the gods, (0:00:13.13)
EXTRA : is Ente Isla. (0:00:18.52)
EXTRA : There is one whose name alone strikes fear into the hearts of all who live on Ente Isla: Dark Lord Satan. (0:00:23.07)
EXTRA : He is the lord of the underworld,
where the creatures of darkness lurk.
EXTRA : He is dread and cruelty incarnate. (0:00:33.30)
EXTRA : Dark Lord Satan declared war
against the human world,
EXTRA : seeking to build a utopia there for all the creatures of darkness. (0:00:44.40)
EXTRA : Four mighty generals served under his command. (0:00:52.18)
EXTRA : Adramelech, Lucifer, Alsiel, and Malacoda. (0:00:56.03)
EXTRA : These four demon generals launched attacks against the four islands. (0:01:01.98)
EXTRA : However, a hero soon rose up against them, sacred sword in hand. (0:01:35.96)
EXTRA : The hero led a band of comrades to defeat Lucifer's army in the west, (0:01:45.79)
EXTRA : followed by Adramelech in the north and Malacoda in the south. (0:01:51.50)
EXTRA : Gathering the knights from the human alliance, the hero then advanced upon the central island, (0:01:56.26)
EXTRA : laying siege to the Dark Lord's palace. (0:02:01.72)
Shiro Ashiya : Wretched, filthy humans! (0:02:29.25)
Emerada Etuva : Sacred spirits, heed my call! Freeze this wicked one in time, and deliver him to Hell! (0:02:32.67)
Shiro Ashiya : What?! (0:02:35.67)
Shiro Ashiya : Not today! (0:02:40.43)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord! (0:03:17.72)
Shiro Ashiya : Begone! (0:03:19.55)
Shiro Ashiya : I'm terribly sorry, my lord. (0:03:24.41)
Shiro Ashiya : The human armies are overwhelming our forces. (0:03:27.27)
Shiro Ashiya : Even now, they advance upon your mighty palace itself. (0:03:30.38)
Sadao Maou : How could a single human, even if they are a hero, (0:03:34.44)
Sadao Maou : manage to corner us like this?! (0:03:38.36)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord, (0:03:42.03)
Shiro Ashiya : I suggest we retreat for now and reorganize our force- (0:03:44.58)
Sadao Maou : Humans! (0:03:57.06)
Sadao Maou : For now, I shall grant you Ente Isla. (0:03:58.49)
Sadao Maou : But I shall return. (0:04:01.72)
Sadao Maou : And when I do, I will seize this continent and rule over you all! (0:04:03.93)
Sadao Maou : Where are we? (0:04:24.11)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord, (0:04:25.45)
Shiro Ashiya : are you all right? (0:04:26.20)
Sadao Maou : Alsiel. We must find a place to recover. (0:04:28.29)
Shiro Ashiya : But this area is disturbingly noisy... (0:04:33.08)
Shiro Ashiya : What is this place? (0:04:46.60)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord?! What happened to you?! (0:04:51.60)
Sadao Maou : What?! (0:04:56.69)
Sadao Maou : These are... (0:04:57.90)
Sadao Maou : human hands?! (0:05:00.32)
Sadao Maou : Calm down, Alsiel. (0:05:06.66)
Sadao Maou : Don't use magic carelessly. (0:05:08.66)
West Shinjuku Cop : Hey, you two! Do you have a moment? (0:05:11.25)
Shiro Ashiya : You lowly human! How dare you address us in such a way?! (0:05:15.83)
Shiro Ashiya : Do you want to die that badly? (0:05:19.21)
West Shinjuku Cop : Oh, man. Looks like they're foreigners. (0:05:20.92)
Senichi Sasaki : Do you two speak any Japanese? (0:05:23.63)
Senichi Sasaki : You seem hurt. Were you in a fight? (0:05:25.90)
Shiro Ashiya : Why? Even if they don't understand our words, (0:05:28.47)
Shiro Ashiya : surely they recognize our great power- (0:05:31.48)
Sadao Maou : Alsiel! (0:05:35.02)
Sadao Maou : Save your magic until we find out more about this world. (0:05:36.77)
Senichi Sasaki : But isn't a bit too hot to dress like that? (0:05:42.42)
West Shinjuku Cop : It must be that, y'know, cosplay thing. (0:05:45.45)
West Shinjuku Cop : Though there aren't many people like that around here. (0:05:47.94)
Senichi Sasaki : This is Sasaki on patrol. (0:05:51.10)
Senichi Sasaki : We found some people who appear to be lightly injured. (0:05:53.28)
Sadao Maou : This appears to be some sort of wagon, (0:05:55.75)
Senichi Sasaki : They look Asian, but they are foreigners. (0:05:55.85)
Sadao Maou : but one that does not need horses. (0:05:58.96)
Shiro Ashiya : It doesn't seem to be powered by magic either. (0:06:02.13)
West Shinjuku Cop : Sorry, but could you accompany us to the station? If nothing's wrong— (0:06:08.05)
Shiro Ashiya : How dare you lay a finger on me, filthy human?! (0:06:13.68)
Shiro Ashiya : Know your place, vermin! (0:06:17.10)
Senichi Sasaki : Anyway, just take it easy until then, okay? (0:06:26.12)
Senichi Sasaki : This is katsudon. Okay? (0:06:37.81)
Sadao Maou : Khatsu... dum? (0:06:41.40)
Senichi Sasaki : Yes, yes! (0:06:43.49)
Sadao Maou : Animal meat, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in hot oil (0:06:46.89)
Sadao Maou : with cooked, stirred-up eggs placed on top, (0:06:51.68)
Sadao Maou : cooled and then reheated. (0:06:55.34)
Senichi Sasaki : This is technically against the rules,
but you were hurt, so consider it my treat.
Sadao Maou : I need more information about this world. (0:07:06.61)
Senichi Sasaki : Yes. (0:07:12.61)
Sadao Maou : Answer my questions. (0:07:14.03)
Sadao Maou : Alsiel! (0:07:19.70)
Sadao Maou : Alsiel...? (0:07:23.87)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord! (0:07:25.88)
West Shinjuku Cop : You can't just come in like that! (0:07:26.71)
Sadao Maou : Silence! (0:07:29.17)
West Shinjuku Cop : Y-Yes. (0:07:30.56)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord... (0:07:33.22)
Shiro Ashiya : I'm happy to see you're well. (0:07:34.64)
Sadao Maou : I used hypnosis to gather some information about this world. (0:07:40.22)
Sadao Maou : We are on a world called Earth,
in an island country called Japan.
Sadao Maou : This is its capital, known as Tokyo,
and this building is called a "police station."
Sadao Maou : The police force is one of the national agencies in charge of maintaining public order. (0:08:01.82)
Shiro Ashiya : I see. Then that thing on the table... (0:08:05.83)
Sadao Maou : Khatsu-dum. It is a common food in this country. (0:08:09.55)
Shiro Ashiya : Khatsu-dum... (0:08:14.06)
Shiro Ashiya : I see. The very name rings with power. (0:08:16.35)
Shiro Ashiya : Fascinating. (0:08:19.69)
Sadao Maou : It's not as impressive as you think. (0:08:21.72)
Sadao Maou : In this world, magic, demons, and Dark Lords are considered works of imagination. (0:08:25.70)
Sadao Maou : They are believed not to exist. (0:08:31.82)
Shiro Ashiya : A world without magic?! (0:08:34.09)
Shiro Ashiya : That's impossible! (0:08:35.84)
Shiro Ashiya : I see. So we were unable to maintain our demon forms due to the lack of magic in this world. (0:08:41.09)
Sadao Maou : Yeah. (0:08:47.09)
Sadao Maou : But why did we end up in these forms instead? (0:08:48.32)
Sadao Maou : Perhaps the creatures known as humans serve as the basis for all other creatures. (0:08:52.81)
Shiro Ashiya : Surely you jest. (0:08:58.26)
Shiro Ashiya : It must be due to the nature of this world and our use of the Gate. (0:09:00.25)
Sadao Maou : I've managed to hold on to some of my magic, but it's not easy to keep it from slipping away. (0:09:04.28)
Sadao Maou : What about you, Alsiel? (0:09:10.11)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord, what just happened? (0:09:24.17)
Sadao Maou : I doubt that this vehicle was called here by magic. (0:09:25.75)
Shiro Ashiya : I see. (0:09:29.94)
Sadao Maou : If we carefully control our magic output, it shouldn't dry up too quickly. (0:09:31.79)
Sadao Maou : The problem is that we have no way to replenish it. (0:09:36.36)
Sadao Maou : However, though magic may be considered fantasy in this world, (0:09:39.59)
Sadao Maou : there might still be a way to replenish it as long as the concept exists. (0:09:43.55)
Sadao Maou : Our only option is to find that way and recover our power. (0:09:47.02)
Sadao Maou : Until then, we have no choice but to follow the humans' rules and live in this world. (0:09:52.90)
Shiro Ashiya : What a horrible reality. (0:09:58.51)
Sadao Maou : However, first things first. (0:10:01.72)
Sadao Maou : We must obtain "identity cards" and "certificates of residence" at the "ward office." (0:10:07.71)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord... (0:10:13.84)
EXTRA : C-Can I... (0:10:16.32)
EXTRA : Right... (0:10:18.84)
Sadao Maou : Thank you. (0:10:20.04)
Sadao Maou : Next, we need to open a "bank account." (0:10:21.70)
Sadao Maou : We require these in order to do so. (0:10:24.54)
Shiro Ashiya : What's that paper? (0:10:26.32)
Sadao Maou : The currency used in this country. (0:10:28.01)
Sadao Maou : I got it from that "policeman." (0:10:29.79)
Sadao Maou : I apparently need this "seal" as well, so I had one made earlier. (0:10:32.29)
Shiro Ashiya : Impressive. (0:10:36.42)
EXTRA : Here you are. (0:10:37.44)
Sadao Maou : Thank you. (0:10:38.69)
Sadao Maou : Lastly, we must secure a base of operations by making arrangements at this "estate agent."{he pronounces certain words (earth, japan, police, katsudon, ward office, identity card, residence certificate, bank, account, seal, estate agent) implying (0:10:40.24)
Sadao Maou : We are looking house. (0:10:44.17)
EXTRA : What kind of place would you prefer? (0:10:48.51)
Shiro Ashiya : They understood! (0:10:50.54)
Sadao Maou : Calm down, Alsiel! (0:10:51.92)
Sadao Maou : Would you expect any less from me than a natural gift for tongues? (0:10:54.42)
Sadao Maou : Okay! I got this! (0:11:00.97)
EXTRA : The landlady of this property is a most admirable person. (0:11:07.68)
EXTRA : She said she would gladly rent it even to characters of uncertain background such as yourselves. (0:11:11.03)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord... (0:11:18.23)
Sadao Maou : Yeah, I realize it too. (0:11:21.28)
Shiro Ashiya : But at least it's two stories and six rooms... (0:11:23.20)
EXTRA : Your room is here. Number 201. (0:11:29.46)
Shiro Ashiya : So we only get one room? (0:11:32.54)
Sadao Maou : We should be happy to have a place to stay at all, I guess. (0:11:34.92)
Sadao Maou : It doesn't even come close to my palace. (0:11:38.59)
Miki Shiba : Good day. (0:11:40.30)
Shiro Ashiya : A human? (0:11:43.72)
Miki Shiba : So you two want to stay here? (0:11:45.91)
Shiro Ashiya : It spoke? (0:11:50.14)
EXTRA : She is the owner of this property who lives next door. (0:11:51.52)
Miki Shiba : I'm Shiba Miki. (0:11:54.69)
Miki Shiba : Miki is written with the characters for "beautiful" and "shining." (0:11:56.93)
Miki Shiba : But you can just call me Miki-T. (0:11:59.99)
Shiro Ashiya : Right... (0:12:06.91)
Sadao Maou : Right... (0:12:06.91)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord, are you sure about this? (0:12:09.57)
Sadao Maou : In this world, they say vengeance is worth suffering for. (0:12:13.13)
Sadao Maou : We'll only have to put up with this stronghold for a brief time. (0:12:17.66)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord... (0:12:20.56)
Sadao Maou : We need to prepare for our next move and... (0:12:22.90)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord? My lord! (0:12:28.51)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord! (0:12:31.36)
Sadao Maou : Who would have thought this body required the ingestion of food? (0:12:37.68)
Shiro Ashiya : It is a human body, after all. (0:12:41.47)
Sadao Maou : And they think that one infusion is worth as much as a month's rent of our stronghold? (0:12:43.64)
Sadao Maou : This is what they call a "ripoff" in this land! (0:12:49.19)
Shiro Ashiya : But without the help of that weird landlady, we wouldn't have made it. (0:12:52.40)
Shiro Ashiya : It seems that public health insurance will— (0:12:57.45)
Sadao Maou : Anyway, we need money to live in human society. (0:12:59.97)
Sadao Maou : I can't afford to use any more magic either. (0:13:05.79)
Sadao Maou : That means we've only got one choice. (0:13:08.35)
Shiro Ashiya : And that is? (0:13:11.10)
Shiro Ashiya : Wait, that's not right. (0:13:16.73)
Sadao Maou : What's wrong with you?! These job application forms cost money too, you know! (0:13:18.02)
Sadao Maou : Maou Sadao. (0:13:22.30)
Shiro Ashiya : Ashiya Shiro. Isn't this name kind of weird? (0:13:25.16)
Sadao Maou : It's too late to complain! (0:13:28.84)
Sadao Maou : The identity cards have already been printed! (0:13:30.30)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord. (0:13:43.71)
Sadao Maou : What? (0:13:44.97)
Shiro Ashiya : Would you please be a bit more considerate with our money? (0:13:46.14)
Sadao Maou : What's the problem? (0:13:49.51)
Sadao Maou : Summer's just around the corner, so we definitely needed a fridge, (0:13:51.95)
Sadao Maou : and in the long term a washing machine's cheaper than going to the laundromat. (0:13:54.44)
Sadao Maou : Plus, I need a bicycle to get to work. (0:13:58.62)
Shiro Ashiya : That's not what I mean. (0:14:00.90)
Shiro Ashiya : We could've paid in installments. (0:14:04.21)
Sadao Maou : I can't stand loans. (0:14:07.86)
Shiro Ashiya : Oh, please! (0:14:09.53)
Sadao Maou : They charge you extra if you pay in installments. (0:14:10.66)
Sadao Maou : I don't wanna pay for something I can't put my hands on. (0:14:14.51)
Shiro Ashiya : Then might I ask you, my lord... (0:14:17.29)
Shiro Ashiya : how you intend to hold out until your next paycheck with just konjac jelly, cucumbers, and milk? (0:14:20.84)
Sadao Maou : Well... It's not like we're totally out of money, right? (0:14:25.71)
Sadao Maou : I've still got some change left in my wallet... (0:14:30.96)
Sadao Maou : And I could get some leftovers from work. (0:14:34.18)
Shiro Ashiya : We're so gonna die. (0:14:38.57)
Shiro Ashiya : Do you intend to live on hamburgers and fries until then? Is this Supersize Me? (0:14:40.44)
Shiro Ashiya : All that high-calorie, high-cholesterol food while you're young? (0:14:44.75)
Shiro Ashiya : I'm looking forward to seeing you ten years from now! (0:14:46.40)
Shiro Ashiya : Let's just hope your lifestyle doesn't kill you before we make it back. (0:14:47.37)
Shiro Ashiya : I must apologize for my incompetence, but you were the one who said we should swallow our pride for the sake of our return. You should be one advocating healthy eating most of all! (0:14:49.62)
Sadao Maou : Shut up! Gotta go to work! (0:14:52.33)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord! (0:14:54.71)
Sadao Maou : You can lecture me once I'm back! (0:14:55.50)
Shiro Ashiya : That's not it! Your umbrella! (0:14:56.76)
Sadao Maou : Let's go, my Dullahan! (0:14:59.15)
Shiro Ashiya : I should get ready too. (0:15:04.44)
Sadao Maou : Um, here. (0:15:36.75)
Sadao Maou : You can have it. (0:15:39.05)
Emi Yusa : I... (0:15:40.12)
Sadao Maou : I'm working right over there, at the MgRonald near the station. (0:15:42.17)
Emi Yusa : Okay... (0:15:49.39)
Sadao Maou : Or you can just throw it away! (0:15:50.77)
Sadao Maou : Whoa, that's cold! (0:15:52.68)
Sadao Maou : This week, we gotta get first place in the area in promotional product sales. (0:16:02.56)
Sadao Maou : I'm gonna set a new sales record for black pepper fries! Just watch! (0:16:07.18)
Sadao Maou : Welcome! (0:16:14.34)
Sadao Maou : Have you decided on your order? (0:16:15.49)
EXTRA : A cheeseburger and a small cola. (0:16:17.35)
Sadao Maou : Would you like black pepper fries
with that? They're our new special.
EXTRA : No thanks. (0:16:24.46)
Sadao Maou : Everything I do here, however small, is one step closer to my return as the great Dark Lord. (0:16:26.06)
Sadao Maou : Your cheeseburger and small cola come to 220 yen. (0:16:27.11)
Sadao Maou : Here's your change from 1000 yen.{this line sucks because no english speaking shopkeeper would bother saying it} (0:16:32.08)
Chiho Sasaki : A Happiness Set with a chicken burger and iced coffee? That comes to 730 yen. (0:16:33.43)
Sadao Maou : Also, would you like to use the microwave, ma'am? (0:16:38.39)
Sadao Maou : If you have some baby food that can be prepared in a microwave, we can heat it up for you. (0:16:44.15)
EXTRA : Then please do. (0:16:50.49)
Sadao Maou : Certainly. (0:16:52.60)
Chiho Sasaki : You're amazing, Maou-san! (0:16:59.70)
Chiho Sasaki : You even thought about baby food! (0:17:02.52)
Sadao Maou : Ah, you mean before? (0:17:05.56)
Sadao Maou : Well, when you've got time on your hands, paying extra attention to customer needs (0:17:07.00)
Sadao Maou : will pay off in the long run. (0:17:11.26)
Chiho Sasaki : You're so cool! (0:17:13.69)
Chiho Sasaki : Like a real grown-up! (0:17:15.50)
Sadao Maou : This is just a part-time job, though. (0:17:16.89)
Sadao Maou : We're out of work again, Ashiya. (0:17:30.70)
Shiro Ashiya : Call me Alsiel, please. (0:17:33.45)
Sadao Maou : Our goal is to return to Ente Isla, not to earn petty cash! (0:17:35.30)
Shiro Ashiya : That's true... (0:17:41.36)
Sadao Maou : You go and look for a way to restore our magic. (0:17:43.59)
Sadao Maou : I'll work and make a living. (0:17:47.26)
Sadao Maou : Go put your brain to work. (0:17:49.59)
Sadao Maou : Given that the concepts of magic and demons still exist in this world, (0:17:51.32)
Sadao Maou : if you can find the root of those beliefs... (0:17:54.72)
Shiro Ashiya : We could find a way to restore our magic? (0:17:56.51)
Sadao Maou : Yeah. And once we're back in business, we won't just conquer Ente Isla. We'll take over this world too! (0:17:58.93)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord! (0:18:06.75)
Sadao Maou : Call me Maou. (0:18:08.02)
Shiro Ashiya : As you wish. I shall find a way to restore our magic without fail! (0:18:10.22)
Sadao Maou : Stand up, Alsiel. Aren't you embarrassed? (0:18:17.86)
Shiro Ashiya : Or so he said... (0:18:22.71)
Sadao Maou : I got a 100 yen pay rise! (0:18:24.29)
Sadao Maou : I did quite well today, you see! (0:18:26.75)
Shiro Ashiya : You've become a full-fledged underling, my lord! (0:18:29.88)
Shiro Ashiya : And if you're an underling, what does that make me?! (0:18:33.43)
Shiro Ashiya : Though I suppose I haven't made any progress either. (0:18:38.05)
Shiro Ashiya : The most I can do is guess. (0:18:42.43)
Shiro Ashiya : Oh, an earthquake. (0:18:50.90)
Chiho Sasaki : Maou-san, it's an earthquake. (0:18:53.58)
Sadao Maou : Yeah, it is. (0:18:55.94)
Sadao Maou : Chi-chan... (0:19:00.29)
Chiho Sasaki : Yes? (0:19:01.15)
Sadao Maou : Everyone makes mistakes. (0:19:02.25)
Chiho Sasaki : But this is the sixth time this month I've spilled fries everywhere! (0:19:03.78)
Sadao Maou : True... You manage to spill them every other day. (0:19:08.83)
Chiho Sasaki : I'm cleaning all the time while you're serving customers! (0:19:12.35)
Chiho Sasaki : If this keeps up, we're gonna get potatoes growing between the floorboards! (0:19:16.07)
Mayumi Kisaki : Hey, you two on break! (0:19:20.34)
Mayumi Kisaki : What's wrong, Chi-chan? (0:19:23.97)
Sadao Maou : What is it, boss? (0:19:25.40)
Mayumi Kisaki : That's "Kisaki-san" to you! (0:19:26.92)
Mayumi Kisaki : The shop's filling up. (0:19:29.00)
Mayumi Kisaki : Once your break's over, give it everything you've got! (0:19:30.60)
Mayumi Kisaki : This one's gonna decide who wins the current promotion. (0:19:32.51)
Mayumi Kisaki : I'm counting on you. (0:19:35.19)
Mayumi Kisaki : And try and keep those fries in their containers this time, Sasaki. (0:19:37.69)
Chiho Sasaki : Okay. (0:19:42.99)
EXTRA : One MgBurger meal with black pepper fries! (0:19:45.76)
EXTRA : Black pepper fries, medium size! (0:19:46.46)
Chiho Sasaki : Welcome! (0:19:49.91)
Sadao Maou : One smile, please! (0:19:51.22)
Chiho Sasaki : Welcome! (0:19:54.98)
Sadao Maou : All right! I've totally got this! (0:19:58.26)
Sadao Maou : We're getting first place in the area for sure! (0:20:00.34)
Sadao Maou : Huh? They're totally uncooked! (0:20:02.77)
Sadao Maou : No way... It's broken?! (0:20:06.25)
Sadao Maou : The black pepper fries fried the fryer?! (0:20:08.47)
Sadao Maou : I don't have time for this! (0:20:11.79)
Sadao Maou : What should I do? With the fryers out, we can kiss first place goodbye! (0:20:13.56)
Sadao Maou : Should I use my remaining magic? (0:20:19.49)
Shiro Ashiya : Please save your magic for life-and-death situations. (0:20:22.87)
Mayumi Kisaki : What's wrong? (0:20:36.49)
Sadao Maou : We're done for. (0:20:40.04)
Chiho Sasaki : It's not your fault. They said they'd fix it at the end of the day, right? (0:20:41.38)
Mayumi Kisaki : Maou-kun, we need to talk. (0:20:46.72)
Sadao Maou : Okay. (0:20:48.77)
Sadao Maou : What could this be about? (0:20:50.34)
Sadao Maou : Will I be blamed for us missing out on first place? (0:20:52.06)
Sadao Maou : Nah. It wasn't my fault the fryers broke, after all. (0:20:55.32)
Sadao Maou : Did she see me about to use magic earlier? (0:20:59.15)
Mayumi Kisaki : Here I am. (0:21:02.53)
Mayumi Kisaki : Chill out. I'm not gonna bite your head off. (0:21:04.15)
Mayumi Kisaki : I got a call from the head office earlier. (0:21:08.34)
Sadao Maou : R-Right. (0:21:11.57)
Mayumi Kisaki : Maou Sadao, as of today, you're promoted to a rank A employee. (0:21:12.75)
Sadao Maou : Hell yeah! (0:21:19.71)
Sadao Maou : I made rank A, Ashiya! That means a pay raise! (0:21:21.42)
Emi Yusa : Hey! (0:21:29.50)
Sadao Maou : Ah, it's that girl from before. (0:21:30.77)
Emi Yusa : After we met, I stopped by your restaurant. (0:21:32.66)
Sadao Maou : You did? I didn't see you there. You should've just said hi. (0:21:35.02)
Emi Yusa : I was watching from the bookstore across the road. (0:21:40.25)
Emi Yusa : You look so different that I thought I might have been mistaken. (0:21:43.97)
Emi Yusa : You tried to use magic, didn't you? (0:21:48.39)
Sadao Maou : Magic? (0:21:50.28)
Sadao Maou : No... Don't tell me... (0:21:54.16)
Emi Yusa : Why are you working at MgRonald, Dark Lord Satan?! (0:21:58.15)
Sadao Maou : Emilia the Hero?! (0:22:02.21)

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