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Liliana : Hello there. (0:00:42.14)
Liliana : Pillaging elegantly and extravagantly, (0:00:43.64)
Liliana : for that is my style. (0:00:46.69)
EXTRA : Run away! (0:00:49.27)
EXTRA : It's the great pirate Captain Liliana! (0:00:50.07)
EXTRA : No one ever survives against her! (0:00:51.99)
Liliana : Men, strip every piece of (0:00:53.95)
Liliana : treasure you can find from this port! (0:00:56.66)
Liliana : Oh, my. How interesting. (0:01:36.86)
Liliana : Not too shabby! (0:02:06.18)
Liliana : I know not from where you hail, (0:02:19.78)
Liliana : nor who you may be, (0:02:21.03)
Liliana : but for you to defy Captain Liliana, (0:02:22.41)
Liliana : you must be one extraordinary fool. (0:02:25.04)
Liliana : I shall ask your name. (0:02:30.79)
Annelotte Kreutz : Of the Kreutz Order of Knights, (0:02:36.46)
Annelotte Kreutz : Annelotte! (0:02:38.13)
Yuit : "A mysterious, ragged warrior, (0:02:52.94)
Yuit : sets ablaze a portside city," eh? (0:02:54.61)
Yuit : "The mysterious, ragged warrior destroyed the portside city (0:02:58.69)
Yuit : alongside the great pirate captain, Liliana, (0:03:01.07)
Yuit : leaving behind massive damage, (0:03:03.78)
Yuit : and then left town, destination unknown." (0:03:05.58)
Yuit : What's up with this boring article? (0:03:07.75)
EXTRA : W-What's the matter?! (0:03:09.21)
EXTRA : The mysterious, ragged warrior is (0:03:11.46)
EXTRA : the bad guy everyone's talking about right now! (0:03:13.04)
EXTRA : They go from town to town causing trouble, (0:03:15.09)
EXTRA : and now they're even a wanted villain... (0:03:17.05)
Yuit : I already know that! (0:03:18.71)
Yuit : You don't need to tell me! (0:03:19.67)
Yuit : The way you wrote the article is the problem. (0:03:21.97)
EXTRA : What do you mean? (0:03:24.26)
Yuit : Don't simply write about this release from (0:03:26.06)
Yuit : the Queen's army like some simple event reporting. (0:03:28.35)
Yuit : Dig deeper. (0:03:29.89)
Yuit : Who is the ragged warrior really, (0:03:31.39)
Yuit : what are they really after... (0:03:32.94)
Yuit : Actually, figure out if they're really (0:03:34.15)
Yuit : even all that bad in the first place. (0:03:35.44)
Yuit : Stuff like that. (0:03:36.65)
EXTRA : Of course they're bad. (0:03:37.90)
EXTRA : Everyone's saying they are. (0:03:40.15)
Yuit : And you want to be a newspaper reporter... (0:03:43.03)
Yuit : You're being a tad lackadaisical, don't you think? (0:03:45.24)
Yuit : Well, whatever. (0:03:47.12)
Yuit : If this issue doesn't sell, you're fired. (0:03:48.58)
Yuit : Anyway, take care of the check for me. (0:03:54.38)
EXTRA : Y-You can't be serious! (0:03:55.92)
Yuit : Vante. (0:03:57.96)
Yuit : Well, see you later. (0:04:01.84)
EXTRA : Ch-Chief! (0:04:03.47)
EXTRA : Chief! (0:04:05.39)
EXTRA : Queen Claudette, who came to the throne (0:04:09.52)
EXTRA : through the last Queen's Blade, (0:04:12.19)
EXTRA : abolished the nobles and encouraged free trade. (0:04:13.81)
EXTRA : Citizens are more prosperous than they have ever been, (0:04:17.69)
EXTRA : however... (0:04:21.19)
EXTRA : Do you have a problem with what's happening here? (0:04:22.20)
EXTRA : The military is requisitioning all of this! (0:04:24.16)
EXTRA : Looks like this little girl here doesn't know the law! (0:04:26.70)
Mirim : But if you take so much every day... (0:04:28.95)
EXTRA : Why do you think you can even do business here in the first place?! (0:04:32.33)
EXTRA : I'll tear this shop down! (0:04:36.25)
EXTRA : Take this! (0:04:40.88)
Yuit : My apologies. (0:04:47.89)
Yuit : I messed up controlling my automaton. (0:04:49.72)
EXTRA : S-Stupid kid! (0:04:52.77)
Yuit : If you don't hurry up and get out of here, (0:05:00.90)
Yuit : I might make another mistake. (0:05:02.99)
EXTRA : My wrist... My wrist... (0:05:05.86)
EXTRA : We won't forget this! (0:05:12.87)
EXTRA : You know what happens when (0:05:14.37)
EXTRA : you underestimate the Queen's army! (0:05:15.62)
Yuit : Yes, yes. Take care of yourselves. (0:05:17.00)
Yuit : Mirim, did they hurt you? (0:05:30.51)
Mirim : I-I'm fine. (0:05:32.18)
Mirim : Thanks, Yuit-chan. (0:05:35.06)
Mirim : T-Take this! (0:05:37.27)
Yuit : No, it's fine. (0:05:38.65)
Yuit : You need money for your mom's illness, right? (0:05:40.23)
Mirim : Yeah, but... (0:05:43.32)
Yuit : It's fine. (0:05:45.49)
EXTRA : The strength of the Queen's army grew unnaturally, (0:05:48.61)
EXTRA : and invasions and massacres started becoming (0:05:52.29)
EXTRA : commonplace all throughout the continent in the name of the Queen. (0:05:54.95)
EXTRA : What's the hold up?! Hurry up and start already! (0:06:04.34)
EXTRA : Kill her! (0:06:06.17)
EXTRA : You're supposed to be the strongest bladed warrior, (0:06:08.38)
EXTRA : having dragon blood running through your veins. (0:06:10.39)
EXTRA : Now show your skill! (0:06:12.76)
EXTRA : What's wrong? (0:06:33.78)
EXTRA : Begin already! (0:06:35.04)
EXTRA : Kill her! (0:06:36.41)
EXTRA : Fight until you're bloodied! (0:06:37.50)
EXTRA : What are you doing?! Come on! (0:06:57.73)
EXTRA : You're supposed to be the proud Dragon Warrior, Branwen! (0:07:00.44)
EXTRA : You still haven't had enough? (0:07:18.16)
EXTRA : Fine, take this! (0:07:19.79)
Ymir : The church received a report, as well, correct? (0:07:39.68)
Sigui : You mean the clockwork automaton incident, correct? (0:07:42.56)
Sigui : There's one in the city of Labat (0:07:46.02)
Sigui : that's made a little too well, or something like that? (0:07:47.40)
Ymir : Correct. Alchemy and magic is the technology (0:07:49.90)
Ymir : that will develop and encourage growth in the Queen's land. (0:07:52.07)
Ymir : As Strategist, I was planning on (0:07:54.99)
Ymir : heading out there to take a look. (0:07:56.70)
Ymir : Sigui, you're not thinking (0:07:59.16)
Ymir : of going to Labat to perform an inquisition, are you? (0:08:01.46)
Sigui : I have no intention of (0:08:05.21)
Sigui : going against the word of the Queen, (0:08:06.38)
Sigui : however, I believe that any form of (0:08:08.38)
Sigui : alchemy or magic is a heresy (0:08:09.96)
Sigui : that betrays religion. (0:08:13.09)
Ymir : Well, putting your beliefs aside, (0:08:16.01)
Ymir : I was wondering if you could (0:08:18.56)
Ymir : let me handle that automaton. (0:08:20.52)
Sigui : What are you saying? (0:08:23.52)
Ymir : I'm just thinking (0:08:26.31)
Ymir : the inquisitors are already have their hands full. (0:08:27.52)
Ymir : They don't really need to head all the way out there. (0:08:29.57)
Ymir : Besides, I have some business to tend to in that town. (0:08:33.07)
EXTRA : How was your dance? (0:09:12.36)
EXTRA : Did you have a premonition? (0:09:14.20)
LunaLuna : I'm not sure. (0:09:15.91)
LunaLuna : I saw a purple light, and another light spinning around it... (0:09:17.62)
LunaLuna : Doesn't really say much. (0:09:23.87)
EXTRA : That doesn't tell us anything. (0:09:25.54)
EXTRA : Try it again— (0:09:27.50)
LunaLuna : How about... (0:09:28.67)
LunaLuna : we do something more fun instead, (0:09:31.09)
LunaLuna : Elder? (0:09:34.01)
EXTRA : Wow. (0:09:35.09)
Yuit : A cat was born on the outskirts of town. (0:09:52.94)
Yuit : It's Old Lady Solda's birthday. (0:09:55.49)
Yuit : Next week it's ten percent off at the bar. (0:09:58.32)
Yuit : There's never any good material. (0:10:02.45)
Yuit : It's open! (0:10:06.04)
Mirim : H-Hi there. (0:10:08.25)
Yuit : Hey, Mirim! What's up? (0:10:09.92)
Yuit : Oh, those are cute! (0:10:12.09)
Mirim : There were a lot of these blooming near the river. (0:10:14.21)
Mirim : I wanted to thank you for yesterday... (0:10:17.13)
Yuit : Thank you, Mirim! (0:10:18.84)
Mirim : Oh, here's one for Vante-san, too. (0:10:20.51)
Yuit : It looks good on you, Vante. (0:10:25.72)
Mirim : I wonder if she liked it... (0:10:30.98)
Yuit : Yeah. She probably did. (0:10:33.02)
Yuit : Huh? (0:10:37.19)
Mirim : Such a large wizard stone... (0:10:39.86)
Yuit : No, don't touch it! (0:10:41.49)
Mirim : Huh? (0:10:42.91)
Mirim : S-Sorry... (0:10:46.70)
Yuit : It wasn't hot? (0:10:48.16)
Yuit : Are you okay? (0:10:49.46)
Mirim : I'm fine... (0:10:50.50)
Yuit : The power in this wizard stone is too great. (0:10:52.88)
Yuit : When a normal person touches it, they'll get burned. (0:10:55.84)
Yuit : But I'm glad nothing happened to you. (0:10:59.26)
EXTRA : Ch-Chief! (0:11:02.01)
EXTRA : Big news! (0:11:03.14)
EXTRA : I-Iron Strategist Ymir is in the common! (0:11:04.56)
EXTRA : She wants to see you and your automaton. (0:11:09.39)
Mirim : Yuit-chan... (0:11:20.61)
Ymir : You're Yuit, correct? (0:11:22.82)
Yuit : Guess so. (0:11:24.62)
Yuit : And what would the (0:11:25.74)
Yuit : Queen's Iron Strategist want with me? (0:11:27.04)
Yuit : You came all the way (0:11:29.91)
Yuit : out here to the middle of nowhere. (0:11:31.29)
Yuit : You must either have something really (0:11:32.92)
Yuit : important to do or be really bored. (0:11:34.75)
EXTRA : Hey, be more respectful! (0:11:37.05)
EXTRA : Ymir-sama has full control over the military! (0:11:39.47)
Ymir : It's fine. Don't get so worked up. (0:11:43.55)
Ymir : I'm here for one reason alone. (0:11:47.10)
Ymir : I heard about your automaton. (0:11:49.35)
Ymir : I was thinking of showing it to the Queen, (0:11:52.52)
Ymir : as an impressive piece of magical technology. (0:11:55.15)
Ymir : Could I get you to come to Gainos with me? (0:11:59.11)
EXTRA : She gets to have an audience with the Queen? (0:12:02.07)
EXTRA : Yuit's really moving up! (0:12:04.32)
EXTRA : That's so cool, Chief! (0:12:06.78)
Yuit : What if I said, "No"? (0:12:09.91)
Yuit : I have my life to tend to here. (0:12:13.29)
Yuit : If the Queen wants to see Vante so badly, (0:12:16.50)
Yuit : she should just come here. (0:12:18.34)
EXTRA : Why you... (0:12:20.51)
Yuit : Just kidding. (0:12:22.84)
Yuit : I can't really decline your request, can I? (0:12:24.22)
Yuit : So I'll just go with you, then. (0:12:26.43)
Yuit : That's the most logical option. (0:12:28.18)
Ymir : Interesting girl. (0:12:30.98)
Ymir : Take her back with care. (0:12:33.14)
Ymir : I have a bit of an errand to run. (0:12:35.44)
Yuit : This is a bit much considering (0:12:54.21)
Yuit : we're supposed to have been invited to the capital. (0:12:56.21)
EXTRA : It's nothing but a precaution. (0:12:58.13)
EXTRA : The Strategist is rather cautious. (0:12:59.92)
Yuit : Well, that's fine. (0:13:06.22)
Yuit : Anyway, it's almost time. (0:13:09.93)
EXTRA : What's going on? (0:13:18.15)
Yuit : I couldn't make a mess in town, you know?! (0:13:44.59)
Yuit : Who'd want to do what you guys say, anyway?! (0:13:47.84)
Ymir : As expected of the daughter of the great alchemist, Shian. (0:14:01.02)
Ymir : This isn't going to be straightforward... (0:14:04.78)
Ymir : However, she's not the only one with a plan. (0:14:07.24)
Yuit : Vante. (0:14:22.21)
Elina Vance : Guess I missed. (0:14:28.59)
Yuit : Elina! (0:14:35.89)
Elina Vance : It pisses me off, (0:14:37.27)
Elina Vance : but I'm glad I came all the way out here with Ymir. (0:14:38.69)
Elina Vance : I'll just take my anger out on you! (0:14:42.52)
Yuit : Vante, counterattack. (0:14:49.24)
Elina Vance : Good. It wouldn't be fun any other way! (0:14:52.95)
Elina Vance : Yahoo! (0:15:07.67)
Yuit : Vante! (0:15:09.80)
Elina Vance : Hey! (0:15:14.76)
Yuit : Vante... (0:15:34.62)
Elina Vance : Turn to pieces! (0:15:35.62)
Elina Vance : You're the Kreutz... (0:15:57.18)
EXTRA : Good for the Chief! (0:16:04.52)
EXTRA : She gets to see the Queen! Go her. (0:16:06.65)
Mirim : But I wonder if she's okay... (0:16:09.53)
Mirim : I have this bad feeling... (0:16:11.82)
EXTRA : Mirim-chan, you're sure a worrywart. (0:16:14.28)
EXTRA : When the Chief gets back, (0:16:16.74)
EXTRA : we'll get her to tell us all about her trip to Gainos. (0:16:18.24)
Mirim : Yeah, you're right. (0:16:21.83)
Ymir : Well, well, (0:16:30.05)
Ymir : don't we have quite the interesting figures here. (0:16:31.26)
Yuit : A-Are you... (0:16:41.35)
Yuit : Onii-chan! (0:16:44.23)
Yuit : It really is you, Onii-chan! (0:16:45.77)
Yuit : It's me, Yuit! (0:16:47.69)
Yuit : From the Little Elves! (0:16:49.36)
Yuit : We used to play together at the Kreutz castle all the time! (0:16:50.86)
Annelotte Kreutz : I don't know you. (0:16:53.70)
Annelotte Kreutz : I don't know who you are. (0:16:55.49)
Annelotte Kreutz : I've never played with you, or even met you before. (0:16:57.07)
Elina Vance : I... I see! (0:16:59.41)
Elina Vance : So the ragged warrior (0:17:03.41)
Elina Vance : we've been looking for was the surviving Kreutz! (0:17:05.46)
Elina Vance : Talk about two birds with one stone. (0:17:09.00)
Yuit : Come on, Onii-chan! Remember, already! (0:17:11.51)
Yuit : We went to go find bugs together all the time! (0:17:13.76)
Annelotte Kreutz : Someone who took (0:17:17.93)
Annelotte Kreutz : all the bugs they got and put them in my bed? (0:17:19.14)
Yuit : I don't know anyone like that! (0:17:20.64)
Yuit : So you do remember, Onii-chan! (0:17:21.85)
Yuit : That salad we ate that one time was terrible! (0:17:24.52)
Annelotte Kreutz : That's because you put the leaves from the yard in it! (0:17:27.48)
Elina Vance : Stop talking and ignoring me! (0:17:30.65)
Elina Vance : Too easy! (0:17:36.24)
Yuit : O-Onii-chan has tits... (0:17:51.63)
Elina Vance : So the surviving Kreutz was a woman... (0:17:55.01)
Elina Vance : No wonder we couldn't figure out where you were. (0:17:59.93)
Elina Vance : But that ends today. (0:18:06.10)
Elina Vance : You're going to die right here. (0:18:09.40)
Elina Vance : You're wide open! (0:18:22.45)
Elina Vance : W-What's going on? (0:18:42.10)
Yuit : Huh? (0:19:20.05)
Yuit : There it is! (0:19:22.64)
Yuit : What's going on, anyway? (0:19:25.93)
Yuit : The Iron Strategist showed up, (0:19:27.93)
Yuit : and the leader of the Assassins of the Fang showed up, (0:19:29.81)
Yuit : Onii-chan had tits... (0:19:32.35)
Yuit : The mysterious, ragged warrior is actually a hero (0:19:35.69)
Yuit : and turned out to be Onii-chan... (0:19:39.07)
Yuit : I can't write that in the newspaper, (0:19:42.36)
Yuit : but this is a huge development, isn't it, Vante? (0:19:43.91)
EXTRA : I-It's terrible! (0:19:48.20)
Yuit : Hm? What's the matter? (0:19:49.70)
EXTRA : Ch-Chief! (0:19:51.46)
EXTRA : Are you back from Gainos already?! (0:19:53.17)
Yuit : Idiot. I didn't go. (0:19:55.96)
Yuit : Anyway, what's wrong? (0:19:58.38)
EXTRA : W-Well... (0:20:00.38)
EXTRA : Mirim-chan was taken away by the Iron Strategist... (0:20:05.60)
Yuit : Mirim was?! (0:20:08.97)
EXTRA : And the wizard stone that was in your room disappeared... (0:20:10.48)
EXTRA : What's going on... (0:20:19.19)
EXTRA : You think this'll make a good newspaper story? (0:20:21.57)
Mirim : Will I... Will I really be able to get lots of money? (0:20:27.16)
Ymir : Of course. (0:20:32.58)
Ymir : Your mother's illness, (0:20:34.12)
Ymir : your siblings' school expenses, (0:20:35.08)
Ymir : everything will be taken care of. (0:20:37.00)
Mirim : Thank you! (0:20:39.92)
Ymir : But in exchange, you will do whatever I ask of you. (0:20:41.97)
Ymir : Understood? (0:20:46.34)
Mirim : Uh... Y-Yes. (0:20:47.60)
Sigui : Holy Pose: Worship. (0:21:00.82)
EXTRA : Inquisitor. (0:21:04.24)
Sigui : What is it? (0:21:06.49)
EXTRA : We've found another village (0:21:08.28)
EXTRA : where we believe a heretic to be hiding. (0:21:09.45)
Sigui : I see. (0:21:13.46)
Sigui : Prepare to depart immediately! (0:21:15.58)
EXTRA : An era in which Queen Claudette abolished the Queen's Blade (0:21:20.67)
EXTRA : and pronounced herself the Eternal Queen. (0:21:24.22)
EXTRA : Will all the beautiful warriors (0:21:28.64)
EXTRA : be able to push forth their aspirations, (0:21:30.26)
EXTRA : hidden deep within their hearts? (0:21:32.02)
EXTRA : They will have to fight to find out. (0:21:35.02)
Yuit : This big development came out of nowhere! (0:23:10.95)
Yuit : Mirim went off somewhere, (0:23:13.58)
Yuit : and I finally thought I got to (0:23:14.95)
Yuit : see Onii-chan, but he's gone, too! (0:23:15.99)
Yuit : Also there's the mystery (0:23:19.21)
Yuit : of how Onii-chan suddenly grew boobs! (0:23:20.33)
Yuit : But as long as Vante is with me, (0:23:22.33)
Yuit : I'll be able to make it through any obstacle! (0:23:24.21)
Yuit : Expect a lot from the Alchemy Miracle, Yuit and Vante! (0:23:27.51)
Yuit : Next time: "The Sacred War." (0:23:30.76)
Yuit : What does the Inquisitor want with Onii-chan? (0:23:32.55)
Yuit : Yuit'll show you her strategies! (0:23:37.72)

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thats..... The longest profile I ever saw on this website! - ilikememes0


Did you come up with something? - Subaru Natsuki

some things have bothered me. - Subaru Natsuki

And we need to find out, huh? - Subaru Natsuki

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