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EXTRA : It's hot... (0:00:02.04)
EXTRA : Burning... (0:00:03.63)
EXTRA : My body... (0:00:05.46)
EXTRA : My throat... (0:00:07.33)
EXTRA : Burning! (0:00:09.29)
Eruruu : It's all right now. (0:00:10.63)
Eruruu : Just relax and sleep. (0:00:12.67)
Hakuoro : Who are you? (0:00:17.25)
Eruruu : You mustn't move around just yet. (0:00:34.16)
Eruruu : You're still in pain, aren't you? (0:00:37.37)
Hakuoro : Who are you? (0:00:39.67)
Eruruu : My name's Eruruu. (0:00:41.63)
Hakuoro : Eruruu? (0:00:44.63)
Eruruu : And this is my house. (0:00:47.71)
Hakuoro : What happened to me? (0:00:50.96)
Eruruu : Well, I found you collapsed in the forest. (0:00:52.96)
Eruruu : You had terrible injuries when I found you. (0:00:57.29)
Hakuoro : Injuries? (0:00:59.92)
Eruruu : Ah, well, you'll be all right now. (0:01:01.00)
Eruruu : You're through the worst of it,
that's what Grandma says.
Hakuoro : Are you the one who saved me? (0:01:07.12)
Eruruu : I... (0:01:10.50)
Hakuoro : I... (0:01:12.54)
Eruruu : Yes? (0:01:14.25)
Hakuoro : I do not know myself. (0:01:15.75)
Eruruu : You don't know... (0:01:18.54)
Hakuoro : Tell me! (0:01:21.46)
Eruruu : Uh, well... (0:01:22.33)
Hakuoro : Who in the world am I? (0:01:43.54)
EXTRA : {\t(0,700,1a&H64&)\1c&H481DB8&\t(500,900,\1c&H0A00B3&)\be1\fad(800,0)\pos(659,281)}The Uninvited (0:01:52.90)
Hakuoro : Why won't it come off? (0:02:08.86)
Hakuoro : What is it for? (0:02:10.69)
Tusukuru : Looks like you've come to. (0:02:12.19)
Tusukuru : What? Don't you have anything to say
to the one who saved your life?
Eruruu : Grandma, he's... (0:02:19.32)
Tusukuru : Yes, I know. Don't you worry, Eruruu. (0:02:21.19)
Hakuoro : Who in the world am I? (0:02:26.74)
Tusukuru : I'd like to know the answer myself. (0:02:29.11)
Hakuoro : And this mask... (0:02:32.65)
Tusukuru : Well, if it doesn't come off, that's how it is. (0:02:34.78)
Tusukuru : All I'll say is that there's probably some reason. (0:02:38.53)
Tusukuru : For now, you should just take it easy and focus
on getting yourself back into shape.
Eruruu : Well... (0:02:47.11)
Eruruu : I made some rice porridge for you,
mororo porridge.
Hakuoro : Mororo? (0:02:52.40)
Eruruu : You need to get a little nutrition in you. (0:02:53.53)
Hakuoro : Oh, right. (0:02:57.94)
Hakuoro : Thank you. (0:03:00.02)
Eruruu : It's nothing. I'm a healer's apprentice,
so it's only natural...
Eruruu : Here now, it's going to get cold. (0:03:08.78)
Eruruu : Actually, I guess it still is kinda hot. (0:03:10.94)
Tusukuru : Those are my son's old clothes,
but it looks like they fit you just right.
Hakuoro : Eruruu... (0:03:36.48)
Eruruu : That's great! A perfect fit! (0:03:39.90)
Tusukuru : So, do you mean to go out and about then? (0:03:43.11)
Hakuoro : Yes, I can't allow myself to be
in your care forever.
Eruruu : But it might be better if you
get some more rest.
Tusukuru : You go along with him, Eruruu. (0:03:52.94)
Eruruu : Huh!? (0:03:55.32)
Tusukuru : We can't have him collapsing again
while he's out. Now, can we?
Eruruu : Grandma... (0:03:59.86)
Tusukuru : Keep a good eye on him. (0:04:01.19)
Eruruu : Grandma! (0:04:03.69)
Tusukuru : All right? (0:04:05.57)
Eruruu : Right! (0:04:07.69)
Eruruu : Oh, come on, Aruruu.
You'll have to introduce yourself!
Eruruu : Well, this is my little sister, Aruruu. (0:04:22.40)
Hakuoro : - Hey...
- Wrong!
Aruruu : - Hey...
- Wrong!
Hakuoro : It seems there has been some
sort of misunderstanding.
Eruruu : I think she was surprised when she saw
you wearing our father's clothes.
Hakuoro : Now that you mention it,
I have not seen him yet.
Eruruu : Our father passed away. (0:04:42.19)
Eruruu : Our mother did too, shortly after
giving birth to Aruruu.
Hakuoro : Then you cannot lend me something
so important to you!
Eruruu : No, it's all right. Don't worry. (0:04:51.15)
Eruruu : It happened back when we
were both very little.
Hakuoro : I appreciate you lending me your shoulder,
but this is only going to tire you out.
Eruruu : I'll be all right.
Country women are strong after all.
Hakuoro : What's that? (0:05:15.23)
Eruruu : Say, is something... (0:05:17.65)
Eruruu : No! (0:05:25.53)
Eruruu : Are you all right!? (0:05:31.27)
Hakuoro : Well, I can see that country women
certainly are strong.
Eruruu : That's what happens when you grab a
girl's tail like that all of a sudden!
Hakuoro : So that thing is real? (0:05:42.69)
Eruruu : What do you mean? (0:05:45.40)
Eruruu : Teoro-san... (0:05:51.82)
Teoro : So you're the one? (0:05:55.74)
Teoro : The weird guy who was carried to
the village chief's house?
Hakuoro : Weird? (0:06:01.82)
Teoro : It's true! You got a weird
mask there, dontcha'?
Teoro : Man, I sure am sorry about that! (0:06:14.98)
Teoro : We don't get many visitors out here
other than soldiers fleeing battle.
Hakuoro : You get people fleeing battle here? (0:06:20.53)
Teoro : Every now and then, yeah. (0:06:22.19)
Teoro : It's 'cuz this place is more
peaceful than other parts.
Teoro : So we'll see 'em come running
once in a while.
Teoro : It's just a tiny village with
nothing going on really,
Teoro : but we still enjoy our lives in our own way. (0:06:31.44)
Hakuoro : It seems like there are quite a few
houses undergoing repairs.
Teoro : Yeah, there was this huge
earthquake the other day.
Hakuoro : Earthquake? (0:06:41.32)
Teoro : Aruruu didn't come home right after that,
and Eruruu raised havoc.
Eruruu : Oh, good grief! Everything turned out
okay, so what's the big deal?
Teoro : That's for sure! (0:06:53.19)
Hakuoro : An earthquake... (0:06:55.06)
Eruruu : What's wrong? (0:07:00.44)
Hakuoro : Oh, nothing... (0:07:01.98)
Sopoku : Hey, you! (0:07:04.15)
Teoro : Honey! (0:07:08.48)
Sopoku : Slacking off again when you
should be on the job!
Teoro : Hey, I already worked until sunrise, didn't I? (0:07:14.32)
Teoro : Isn't that enough? (0:07:17.23)
Sopoku : Don't you give me that self-centered talk. (0:07:19.48)
Teoro : Yer gonna rip it off! I'm sorry! (0:07:20.99)
Eruruu : Sopoku-neesan! (0:07:21.46)
Sopoku : Huh? Oh! (0:07:22.96)
Sopoku : My, my... (0:07:24.74)
Sopoku : You must be the strange man that's been
staying at Eruruu's house.
Eruruu : Good grief, not you too, Sopoku-neesan! (0:07:29.40)
Sopoku : This is pretty aggressive for a
late bloomer like you, Eruruu.
Eruruu : Huh? (0:07:36.19)
Eruruu : Well, you see he's injured, so I... I... (0:07:39.11)
Sopoku : That's a relief. (0:07:44.36)
Sopoku : I see how it is. (0:07:46.15)
Sopoku : Well, I don't really know if
you're a nice guy or not,
Sopoku : but please take good care of
Ellulu for us, all right?
Eruruu : Sopoku-neesan! (0:07:54.65)
EXTRA : Hey!
Oh, hey there!
EXTRA : Hiya! (0:08:14.53)
EXTRA : Hurry, hurry! (0:08:17.94)
EXTRA : Wait up! (0:08:18.86)
Eruruu : Hey, you! Stop right... (0:08:23.19)
Eruruu : Are you all right? Do you feel any pain? (0:08:36.86)
Hakuoro : I'm just a little tired, that's all. (0:08:40.27)
Eruruu : It's because I made you to overdo it. (0:08:42.57)
Hakuoro : I'm the one who said I wanted to go out. (0:08:46.44)
Hakuoro : It is not your fault at all. (0:08:49.15)
Eruruu : But... (0:08:51.65)
Hakuoro : It's okay. Thank you. (0:08:53.15)
Eruruu : We'll go back to the house after
you've had a rest.
Hakuoro : All right. (0:09:05.06)
Hakuoro : What's the matter? (0:09:12.94)
Eruruu : You rest here. I'll be right back. (0:09:14.27)
Nuwangi : Listen up! (0:09:24.02)
Nuwangi : You are now going to offer up
your yearly tribute to us.
Nuwangi : What we take will be a sacrifice for your country.
I'm sure you're delighted.
EXTRA : No! You're being unreasonable! (0:09:31.74)
Nuwangi : Silence! You just do exactly as we say. (0:09:33.23)
Eruruu : Nuwangi! (0:09:37.74)
Nuwangi : Huh? (0:09:38.74)
Nuwangi : Hey, Eruruu! I rushed here today
so that I could see ya!
Nuwangi : Whaddya think? Nice woptar, isn't he? (0:09:48.32)
Nuwangi : He's a little on the wild side, which is why
I'm the only one who can ride...
Nuwangi : Sonnuva bitch, how dare you
bite your master!?
Nuwangi : Who was that? Who's laughing!? (0:10:04.69)
Nuwangi : Jeez, snickering to yourselves... (0:10:07.53)
Nuwangi : Typical for a bunch of hicks! (0:10:09.53)
Eruruu : Don't talk like that. (0:10:11.15)
Eruruu : You shouldn't speak so poorly of
the place where you were born.
Nuwangi : Jeez, I do not want to hear it! (0:10:15.65)
Eruruu : You never used to talk like that. (0:10:18.61)
Nuwangi : That was then and this is now. (0:10:21.48)
Eruruu : Nuwangi... (0:10:23.90)
EXTRA : Lord Nuwangi... (0:10:27.86)
EXTRA : Lord Nuwangi! (0:10:30.48)
Nuwangi : I heard you, damn it! (0:10:32.06)
EXTRA : We have finished collecting the goods. (0:10:33.82)
Nuwangi : Fine, then go on ahead. (0:10:35.27)
EXTRA : Sir! (0:10:37.19)
Eruruu : Why would you do such a cruel thing? (0:10:45.82)
Nuwangi : You see, Eruruu, I'm too big a guy to be
living out in the boondocks like this.
Nuwangi : C'mon, you're coming with me. (0:10:53.82)
Nuwangi : I thought I promised you.
I said I'd take you with me.
Eruruu : I don't remember any promise like that! (0:10:59.40)
Nuwangi : Why not!? (0:11:01.06)
Nuwangi : I'm telling you that I'll treat
ya to a life of luxury!
Eruruu : I don't have any need to live in luxury. (0:11:04.82)
Nuwangi : Don't you lie to me! (0:11:08.06)
Nuwangi : There ain't a single person in this world
who doesn't want that!
Eruruu : That's not what I want! (0:11:12.86)
Nuwangi : Why? Why not!? (0:11:14.69)
Eruruu : Ow! Let go! (0:11:17.02)
Hakuoro : Can't you see she is not willing to go? (0:11:18.69)
Nuwangi : Who the hell are you!? (0:11:22.19)
Hakuoro : If I only knew, then I would not
have to suffer either.
Nuwangi : I haven't seen you around. (0:11:35.06)
Nuwangi : You take that mask off now and
tell me who you are, buddy!
Hakuoro : I cannot remove this mask, and I have
no reason to introduce myself to you.
Nuwangi : What!? (0:11:45.94)
Nuwangi : I seems you don't know who I am, do ya? (0:11:46.98)
Hakuoro : Couldn't care less. (0:11:49.65)
Nuwangi : This is exactly why hicks are
such a pain to deal with.
Nuwangi : I am Nuwangi! (0:11:54.90)
Nuwangi : I happen to be the son of the king's.... (0:11:56.61)
Nuwangi : younger brother, who is the lord of this area,
Lord Sasante.
Nuwangi : So overcome with fear ya can't even talk, huh? (0:12:06.82)
Nuwangi : Hey, Eruruu, how long have you been letting
this weirdo hang around the village?
Nuwangi : You gotta run his ass out! (0:12:14.36)
Nuwangi : I guess I could just do that
right here and now...
Eruruu : Stop it! (0:12:18.30)
Eruruu : He's no weirdo at all! (0:12:21.19)
Nuwangi : Huh? (0:12:23.53)
Nuwangi : What are you gettin' so serious for? (0:12:24.82)
Eruruu : Because we've been living together, and
I know what a good person he is!
Nuwangi : Living together!? (0:12:31.27)
Nuwangi : Did you two already do it!? (0:12:35.36)
Nuwangi : Don't be ridiculous!
Even when you've already got me!?
Eruruu : Don't be ridiculous!
Even when you've already got me!?
Hakuoro : Oh, is that how it is? (0:12:41.15)
Eruruu : It's not like that!
He's only a childhood friend.
Nuwangi : Only... (0:12:46.06)
Nuwangi : Only? What do you mean only!? (0:12:47.61)
Nuwangi : And where the hell did this guy
pop out from anyway!?
Eruruu : He was injured, so I couldn't just
leave him where he was.
Eruruu : That's why I... (0:12:57.32)
Nuwangi : Ah, of course. Yeah, that's what I figured. (0:13:00.86)
Nuwangi : I'm just sayin' I won't put up with anyone
coming between you and me.
Hakuoro : So, have you finished your
business, dear Prince?
Nuwangi : What was that!?
This ain't got nothing to do with you!
Hakuoro : It has plenty to do with me. (0:13:18.65)
Hakuoro : This girl is the one who saved my life.
She is family to me.
Hakuoro : Eruruu... (0:13:43.65)
Eruruu : Yes? (0:13:44.65)
Hakuoro : Have I said anything that offended you? (0:13:45.98)
Eruruu : What? (0:13:50.27)
Hakuoro : You have been silent for some time now. (0:13:52.02)
Eruruu : It's not that. (0:13:55.57)
Eruruu : If anything, I'm happy right now. (0:13:57.11)
Hakuoro : Happy? (0:14:01.02)
Hakuoro : Haven't I been a burden on you? (0:14:02.74)
Eruruu : Not at all! (0:14:04.40)
Eruruu : Today, you were the one who rescued me. (0:14:07.36)
Eruruu : Nuwangi wasn't always like that. (0:14:11.78)
Hakuoro : I'm sure... No person is tainted with
greed right from the start.
Eruruu : Excuse me... (0:14:22.32)
Hakuoro : Listen to me, what am I talking about? (0:14:25.82)
Nuwangi : Damn! (0:14:48.11)
Nuwangi : Damn it, damn it, damn it,
damn it, damn it, damn it!
Nuwangi : That frickin' wise ass! (0:14:51.27)
Nuwangi : Damn, I hate that sonnuva bitch! (0:14:53.86)
Nuwangi : What the hell's with them,
scarin' me like that?
Nuwangi : Hey! Whoa, stop! (0:15:11.53)
EXTRA : Then, like we thought, that voice... (0:15:30.02)
Tusukuru : Yes, it is Mutikapa-sama. (0:15:32.11)
Tusukuru : It would seem that someone has
desecrated the forest,
Tusukuru : perhaps by smashing one of the small
shrines or some other mischief.
EXTRA : This is terrible! (0:15:39.32)
EXTRA : Who could have done it? (0:15:40.74)
Eruruu : He was with me the whole time! (0:15:46.90)
Teoro : Huh? Oh, right, I know. (0:15:49.06)
Teoro : No one's accusing the kid. Right? (0:15:51.61)
Eruruu : Aruruu... (0:16:00.36)
Aruruu : You're being noisy... (0:16:01.57)
Eruruu : Because we're talking about
something important. Come on.
Teoro : Sorry about that. (0:16:08.69)
Hakuoro : Think nothing of it. (0:16:10.36)
Hakuoro : It is understandable that I would be suspected. (0:16:12.90)
Teoro : I'm tellin' ya not to talk like that! (0:16:15.32)
Teoro : Look, these guys are just a
little worked up, that's all.
Hakuoro : Who is this Mutikapa? (0:16:22.32)
Tusukuru : I'll tell you about Mutikapa-sama. (0:16:24.90)
Tusukuru : She is a servant of Yahnaun the
Divine and master of the forest.
Tusukuru : She eternally protects the forest from the
devastation we might wreak upon it.
EXTRA : Then we need to do something to appease her. (0:16:36.65)
EXTRA : Yeah, or we won't be able to go
into the forest anymore.
EXTRA : Then we might as well exterminate her. (0:16:42.32)
EXTRA : What are you talking about!? (0:16:44.86)
EXTRA : There's no way we'd be able to stand up
to the master of the forest!
Tusukuru : Mutikapa-sama is strong, agile, and wise. (0:16:49.27)
Tusukuru : And above all is that body of hers,
which neither arrow nor spear can pierce.
Tusukuru : If we do anything to agitate her,
it will only bring disaster upon us.
EXTRA : Chief! (0:17:04.23)
EXTRA : The shrine was smashed after all! (0:17:08.65)
EXTRA : Then we should fix it right away
and present an offering!
EXTRA : It's no use. (0:17:15.06)
EXTRA : Plus, the rain keeps on picking up. (0:17:16.61)
Hakuoro : However... (0:17:22.74)
Hakuoro : A god should not be angered over
something like that.
Teoro : How do you know? (0:17:30.69)
Hakuoro : Well, I just have the feeling... (0:17:34.40)
Tusukuru : In any case, come nightfall let's try to
avoid going outside if at all possible.
Tusukuru : We'll go and repair the shrine
as soon as the rain lets up.
Eruruu : It looks like the bleeding has stopped. (0:17:56.36)
Hakuoro : That is thanks to the care you have given me. (0:17:59.27)
Eruruu : It's thanks to my grandma's medicine. (0:18:02.06)
Eruruu : She's the world's best healer after all. (0:18:04.48)
Hakuoro : Eruruu? (0:18:08.36)
Eruruu : Yes? (0:18:09.27)
Hakuoro : What made me say such a thing? (0:18:10.94)
Eruruu : What do you mean? (0:18:13.86)
Hakuoro : Something impels me... (0:18:16.06)
Hakuoro : What in the world am I doing? (0:18:22.23)
Eruruu : Relax... (0:18:28.44)
Eruruu : Please relax. (0:18:29.86)
Hakuoro : I am making everyone very uneasy. (0:18:34.57)
Eruruu : Dwelling on things like that will take
its toll on you physically.
Eruruu : For now, think only of getting better. (0:18:41.98)
Eruruu : You'll be all right. (0:18:45.82)
Eruruu : I'm sure your memories will come back
once you're well again.
Hakuoro : I can rest easy hearing that from you. (0:18:51.98)
Hakuoro : You will probably be a superb healer one day. (0:18:58.44)
Hakuoro : Thank you. (0:19:07.40)
Eruruu : You're very welcome. (0:19:09.06)
EXTRA : {\1c&H481DB8&\t(500,1000,\1c&H0A00B3&)\be1\fad(800,0)\4c&H413830&\t(0,2500,\4c&H231B20&)\shad1.5}Ruler of the Wild Forest (0:20:06.51)

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