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EXTRA : The taboo emperor, Arthur Gaz... (0:01:34.35)
EXTRA : His daughter is the successor to his empire, (0:01:37.77)
EXTRA : and at the same time,
the one who will decide fate.
Layla : Fate? (0:01:46.01)
EXTRA : Chaika's existence is only the beginning. (0:01:47.50)
EXTRA : A fate surpassing the
imagination of man lies ahead.
EXTRA : You are a mere tool whose sole purpose (0:01:56.25)
EXTRA : is to set that fate in motion. (0:01:59.38)
EXTRA : The Girl who Bears the Coffin (0:02:06.14)
Toru Acura : Man... (0:02:17.74)
Toru Acura : Isn't there any money lying around somewhere? (0:02:19.30)
Toru Acura : A rabbit? (0:02:30.14)
Toru Acura : I'll make a stew out of it. (0:02:31.89)
Toru Acura : Wha— (0:02:35.71)
Toru Acura : Hey! (0:02:39.33)
Toru Acura : What are you doing out here in the mountai— (0:02:41.09)
Chaika Trabant : A— (0:02:55.88)
Toru Acura : A? (0:02:56.78)
Chaika Trabant : A-Attack? (0:02:58.25)
Toru Acura : Who's attacking? Attacking whom? (0:03:00.63)
Chaika Trabant : B-Bandit! (0:03:02.90)
Toru Acura : Sorry, but I'm not a bandit, either. (0:03:05.32)
Toru Acura : I'm currently jobless. (0:03:07.49)
Toru Acura : I have no food, so I came
to hunt some edible plants.
Chaika Trabant : Poor? (0:03:13.88)
Toru Acura : Yeah, that's right. (0:03:15.07)
Chaika Trabant : Understood. Jobless and poor! (0:03:17.18)
Toru Acura : You're right, but that still pisses me off. (0:03:20.13)
Toru Acura : What about you? What are you doing out here? (0:03:22.70)
Toru Acura : Is that a coffin? (0:03:25.67)
Chaika Trabant : Mountain. No people. Great idea. (0:03:28.19)
Toru Acura : Wait, are you... (0:03:31.42)
Chaika Trabant : Pretend you did not see! (0:03:33.50)
Chaika Trabant : Did not see this! (0:03:35.64)
Toru Acura : Is there... someone in there? (0:03:37.00)
Toru Acura : Are you a murderer? (0:03:39.85)
Chaika Trabant : Not criminal! Traveler! (0:03:41.77)
Chaika Trabant : Weak traveler! (0:03:43.91)
Chaika Trabant : Going to Delsorant town! (0:03:45.47)
Chaika Trabant : Too far... (0:03:48.65)
Toru Acura : How long have you been walking around here? (0:03:51.19)
Chaika Trabant : Three days. (0:03:54.56)
Toru Acura : These mountains don't take (0:03:55.58)
Toru Acura : that long to get through
if you travel normally...
Toru Acura : You got lost, didn't you? (0:03:59.20)
Chaika Trabant : Shocking truth... (0:04:01.82)
Toru Acura : You have any money? (0:04:04.63)
Chaika Trabant : Thief! Poor! Bandit! (0:04:06.45)
Toru Acura : I'm not! (0:04:09.14)
Toru Acura : I was just gonna show you the
way if you'd buy me breakfast!
Toru Acura : If you can trust me, I'll take you (0:04:14.24)
Toru Acura : to the town without anyone seeing you. (0:04:16.23)
Toru Acura : Keep this up, and you're never
gonna get out of these mountains.
EXTRA : Moruzerun... Moruzerun... Emurun... (0:04:26.05)
EXTRA : Zeburun... Wamurun... Tourun... (0:04:30.49)
Toru Acura : A unicorn... (0:04:33.83)
Toru Acura : Damn... This sucks. (0:04:35.71)
Toru Acura : Run! (0:04:39.48)
Toru Acura : Oh, come on... Just ditch this thing! (0:04:45.31)
Chaika Trabant : No! Not touch! Valuable! (0:04:47.94)
Toru Acura : Huh? What? (0:04:50.51)
Toru Acura : Damn it. I take it back. (0:04:52.79)
Toru Acura : Don't ever let go of that coffin! (0:04:55.20)
EXTRA : Moruzerun... Moruzerun... (0:04:58.22)
Toru Acura : Let's go! (0:04:59.73)
Toru Acura : We're jumping! (0:05:06.50)
Toru Acura : If you don't want that thing
to eat you, hang on tight!
Toru Acura : It's no use...
I'm so hungry, my strength's gone.
Chaika Trabant : Sudden! Pushy! Reckless! (0:05:27.07)
Chaika Trabant : Blood... (0:05:30.56)
Chaika Trabant : Treat. Fast! (0:05:31.93)
Toru Acura : That was a unicorn.
It'll be on us again soon.
Chaika Trabant : Gone... (0:05:39.24)
Chaika Trabant : Can't treat... (0:05:40.75)
Toru Acura : We'll never get away from that thing. (0:05:44.39)
Toru Acura : What a lousy life I've had. (0:05:47.11)
Chaika Trabant : Give up? (0:05:49.42)
Toru Acura : Might as well. (0:05:51.22)
Chaika Trabant : Die? (0:05:52.72)
Toru Acura : Probably. (0:05:53.71)
Chaika Trabant : Die, not scared? (0:05:55.29)
Toru Acura : I'd be lying if I said it didn't scare me... (0:05:57.72)
Toru Acura : But I have nothing better to do. (0:06:01.03)
Toru Acura : In this world, I'm totally incompetent. (0:06:03.65)
Toru Acura : A Gundo? (0:06:19.26)
Toru Acura : You're a wizard? (0:06:20.65)
Chaika Trabant : Yes. (0:06:23.16)
Chaika Trabant : Incompetent. Same. (0:06:24.87)
Chaika Trabant : I have only this. (0:06:27.55)
Chaika Trabant : Else, incompetent. (0:06:29.71)
Chaika Trabant : This, can do much. (0:06:31.78)
Toru Acura : Like... kill a unicorn? (0:06:33.85)
Chaika Trabant : Need time. (0:06:37.00)
Chaika Trabant : During magic technique. (0:06:38.92)
Chaika Trabant : Can not move. (0:06:41.51)
Toru Acura : We just need to buy time, right? (0:06:45.54)
Toru Acura : If we do that, you can use your magic, right? (0:06:48.07)
Chaika Trabant : Yes. (0:06:50.68)
Toru Acura : I am steel. (0:07:00.11)
Toru Acura : Steel knows no fear. Steel knows no doubt. (0:07:02.08)
Toru Acura : When faced with my enemy, I hesitate not. (0:07:05.47)
Toru Acura : I am a weapon to destroy these. (0:07:09.10)
Toru Acura : Iron-Blood Transformation! (0:07:11.67)
EXTRA : Zeburun... Wamurun... Tourun... (0:07:18.24)
Toru Acura : Come on, you nag! (0:07:27.84)
Chaika Trabant : Kokult elum... (0:07:57.92)
Chaika Trabant : Naikt inte... (0:07:59.51)
Chaika Trabant : Naint kum... (0:08:01.08)
Chaika Trabant : Ee wam, ee wam, milta ru... (0:08:06.55)
Chaika Trabant : Kokult elum... (0:08:10.17)
Toru Acura : Crap! (0:08:12.94)
Chaika Trabant : Naikt inte, naint... (0:08:23.71)
Chaika Trabant : Milta ru... (0:08:36.87)
Chaika Trabant : Fly, blade! (0:08:38.37)
Chaika Trabant : The Ripper! (0:08:40.01)
Toru Acura : I pronounce the battle over. (0:09:03.73)
Toru Acura : I am man. (0:09:06.63)
Chaika Trabant : Alive! Both alive! (0:09:11.79)
Chaika Trabant : Surprise! (0:09:14.38)
Toru Acura : What is? (0:09:16.25)
Chaika Trabant : You! Strong! (0:09:17.16)
Toru Acura : Well, I was a saboteur, after all. (0:09:18.80)
Chaika Trabant : Not incompetent! Useful! (0:09:21.83)
Toru Acura : Huh? (0:09:24.41)
Chaika Trabant : Saved! Because you here! (0:09:25.34)
Toru Acura : I guess... (0:09:28.92)
Chaika Trabant : Ask again. Show way. (0:09:30.04)
Toru Acura : Sure... (0:09:32.78)
Chaika Trabant : You, name? (0:09:33.99)
Toru Acura : Toru. Toru Acura. What's yours? (0:09:36.88)
Chaika Trabant : Chaika Ga— Correction. (0:09:40.67)
Chaika Trabant : Chaika Trabant! (0:09:43.66)
Matthaus Callaway : I've done something inexcusable. (0:09:52.72)
Matthaus Callaway : If I could have used you more skillfully,
you wouldn't have died...
Matthaus Callaway : I can't believe he defeated Fayla... (0:09:59.60)
Matthaus Callaway : What in the world is he? (0:10:02.02)
Matthaus Callaway : I thought the girl had
traveled alone all this time.
Matthaus Callaway : Has she gained a partner? (0:10:07.83)
Chaika Trabant : Terrifying appetite... (0:10:14.43)
Toru Acura : Exercise makes me hungry. (0:10:16.20)
Toru Acura : Besides, I gotta eat when I can. (0:10:18.63)
Toru Acura : You've got money, right? (0:10:22.02)
Toru Acura : No problem, then. (0:10:24.58)
Akari Acura : What are you doing here? (0:10:27.64)
Akari Acura : And where are the edible plants? (0:10:31.06)
Akari Acura : Just when I thought you'd
finally gotten off your ass,
Akari Acura : you bring back a girl
instead of edible plants?
Akari Acura : You have me, and yet you're (0:10:40.86)
Akari Acura : eating breakfast with an
innocent little girl like her?
Akari Acura : You're pretty cocky. (0:10:47.90)
Akari Acura : You just sit around the
house all day every day,
Akari Acura : not lifting a finger to work... (0:11:00.84)
Akari Acura : I'm the one earning all the money. (0:11:04.00)
EXTRA : That's wrong. (0:11:08.36)
EXTRA : What a terrible guy. (0:11:09.48)
Akari Acura : I've reached the end of my patience. (0:11:11.27)
EXTRA : I feel for you. (0:11:13.80)
Toru Acura : It's not like that! Hang on! This is... (0:11:15.27)
Akari Acura : Say your prayers! (0:11:17.96)
Toru Acura : Hang on, Akari! You're mistaken! (0:11:18.74)
Akari Acura : What have I mistaken, exactly? (0:11:24.52)
Akari Acura : Please, tell your stupid sister, (0:11:27.55)
Akari Acura : my dear Brother. (0:11:30.19)
EXTRA : Brother? (0:11:31.12)
Chaika Trabant : Siblings? (0:11:32.12)
EXTRA : Still, once a no-good brother,
always a no-good brother.
EXTRA : You forget about your younger
sister waiting for breakfast
EXTRA : and eat your fill without her. (0:11:41.53)
EXTRA : Then you mess up the place, (0:11:43.99)
EXTRA : and push both the cost of food and (0:11:46.36)
EXTRA : the damage compensation
on a girl you just met?
EXTRA : I'm so appalled, I can't even
bring myself to be angry.
EXTRA : You seem like a loser in all sorts of ways. (0:11:55.85)
Akari Acura : Fayla attacked you? (0:12:00.24)
Akari Acura : Can I take your word on that? (0:12:02.12)
Toru Acura : Yeah. And she helped me kill it. (0:12:04.47)
Toru Acura : She's a wizard. (0:12:08.35)
Toru Acura : She's got a Gundo in that coffin. (0:12:10.06)
Toru Acura : See? This wound is proof that we fought. (0:12:13.33)
Toru Acura : And she bought be breakfast in return
for showing her the way... to...
Chaika Trabant : Work request. (0:12:21.15)
Chaika Trabant : Want saboteur siblings. (0:12:24.25)
Akari Acura : Work? (0:12:27.06)
Toru Acura : That's easy to say... (0:12:28.12)
Akari Acura : You don't intend to refuse, do you? (0:12:30.13)
Toru Acura : Well, I haven't worked in years... (0:12:33.32)
Toru Acura : Springing this on me now is kinda... (0:12:36.22)
Akari Acura : Would you rather work or
let me have you stuffed?
Akari Acura : Make your choice. (0:12:41.33)
Toru Acura : Those are my only options? (0:12:43.07)
Akari Acura : Or would you prefer that
I stuffed you myself?
Toru Acura : Aw, damn it! (0:12:52.42)
Toru Acura : I really have to work? (0:12:54.17)
Robert Abarth : Welcome to my home. (0:13:06.23)
Robert Abarth : I am Robert Abarth. (0:13:09.22)
Robert Abarth : Albéric Gillette, was it? (0:13:11.92)
Alberic Gillette : Yes. (0:13:14.54)
Robert Abarth : I was surprised to see that you are so young. (0:13:15.34)
Robert Abarth : I heard that you were employed
by the Kliemann Organization,
Robert Abarth : so I expected an old man. (0:13:21.37)
Robert Abarth : The Gillettes are a celebrated family. (0:13:23.69)
Robert Abarth : May I ask why? (0:13:26.01)
Alberic Gillette : I carry out my job with pride and
due responsibility every day.
Robert Abarth : Ah, forgive my rudeness. (0:13:32.35)
Robert Abarth : Now, what brings you here? (0:13:35.43)
Alberic Gillette : While I fully realize that
it is poor manners
Alberic Gillette : to do so upon our first meeting, (0:13:39.47)
Alberic Gillette : I wish to ask a favor of you. (0:13:41.28)
Robert Abarth : Oh? (0:13:43.23)
Alberic Gillette : I have heard that you were among the (0:13:44.26)
Alberic Gillette : Eight Heroes who took down Emperor Gaz. (0:13:46.88)
Alberic Gillette : That said... (0:13:49.69)
Alberic Gillette : I want you to give me the article
that you acquired in the
Alberic Gillette : Battle for the Imperial
Capital of the Gaz Empire.
Robert Abarth : Return the article, you say? (0:13:59.92)
Alberic Gillette : Yes. (0:14:02.30)
Robert Abarth : Why must I do that? (0:14:03.31)
Alberic Gillette : Due to the confidential nature of
that information, I cannot answer.
Robert Abarth : Hey! (0:14:11.05)
Robert Abarth : Our guest is leaving now. (0:14:12.06)
Alberic Gillette : Count Abarth... (0:14:17.78)
Alberic Gillette : Of course, I understand how you feel. (0:14:19.21)
Alberic Gillette : However, this concerns the peace
of not only the kingdom of Wiemac,
Alberic Gillette : but that of the entire continent of Verbist. (0:14:25.35)
Robert Abarth : Return it after all this time? (0:14:36.29)
Robert Abarth : I don't think so. (0:14:39.52)
Chaika Trabant : Work, not take long! Easy! (0:14:44.90)
Chaika Trabant : Ruler, Count Abarth's manor. Attack. (0:14:47.67)
Chaika Trabant : Then seize! (0:14:50.91)
Toru Acura : Seize what? (0:14:52.43)
Chaika Trabant : Important thing. (0:14:53.76)
Chaika Trabant : When there, I will know. (0:14:55.17)
Toru Acura : You sure you're sane? (0:14:56.87)
Chaika Trabant : Sane. Need. Any cost. (0:14:57.96)
Chaika Trabant : Is what I must do. (0:15:00.82)
Toru Acura : What you must do? (0:15:03.63)
Chaika Trabant : Do! Duty! Mission! Absolute! (0:15:05.36)
Chaika Trabant : Even if forever... (0:15:09.50)
Chaika Trabant : Will try! (0:15:11.78)
Akari Acura : If you plan to attack,
you'll need to make some preparations.
Toru Acura : Yeah. (0:15:20.85)
Alberic Gillette : I heard that the count comes
from a military family,
Alberic Gillette : but when I met him today,
something didn't seem right.
Nikolai Avtotor : Meaning? (0:15:28.60)
Alberic Gillette : He didn't look proficient
in martial arts at all.
Alberic Gillette : Did he lose his touch in the
five years since the war?
Alberic Gillette : And there's something
strange about his mansion.
Nikolai Avtotor : Like what? (0:15:38.94)
Alberic Gillette : There were far too few guards. (0:15:40.34)
Alberic Gillette : It's too undefended for a lord's mansion. (0:15:42.84)
Matthaus Callaway : That is curious. (0:15:45.63)
Matthaus Callaway : Maybe that girl from before (0:15:47.45)
Matthaus Callaway : came to this town because
she knew Count Abarth
Matthaus Callaway : was one of the Eight Heroes... (0:15:51.42)
Matthaus Callaway : And she has a partner now. (0:15:53.69)
Matthaus Callaway : It's possible that she intends
to go after the count's mansion.
Leonardo Stora : Should we keep an eye out? (0:16:00.21)
Alberic Gillette : Yes. Please do. (0:16:01.59)
Akari Acura : What are we supposed to steal, exactly? (0:16:12.36)
Toru Acura : She won't say, so we probably
don't need to know.
Toru Acura : We only need to do our job. (0:16:18.69)
Akari Acura : "Our job"... (0:16:21.01)
Akari Acura : It feels weird to hear that coming from you. (0:16:22.68)
Toru Acura : Anyway, how'd the west side look? (0:16:26.77)
Akari Acura : It's built the same as the east side. (0:16:30.00)
Toru Acura : I never thought we'd be
going up against a lord.
Akari Acura : Chickening out, Brother? (0:16:39.07)
Toru Acura : Who's chickening out? (0:16:40.96)
Akari Acura : I suppose. (0:16:42.78)
Akari Acura : Even with no weapons and not
a scrap of clothing on you,
Akari Acura : I'm sure you could stand against
many enemies with no fear.
Toru Acura : That'd just be stupid, on many levels. (0:16:53.31)
Akari Acura : Even if you are my brother, (0:16:57.22)
Akari Acura : I won't allow you to insult the
Brother I so deeply respect!
Toru Acura : Sorry. You're the stupid one. (0:17:03.83)
Akari Acura : As long as you understand. (0:17:07.12)
Toru Acura : That's okay with you?! (0:17:08.18)
Toru Acura : It shouldn't be too difficult to sneak in. (0:17:10.55)
Akari Acura : But the lord was a member
of the first force to march
Akari Acura : into imperial territory in
the War of the Gaz Empire.
Toru Acura : Which means he must be the militant type. (0:17:21.24)
Toru Acura : Maybe we should borrow her magic? (0:17:24.32)
Akari Acura : About that... (0:17:26.40)
Akari Acura : Are you sure we can trust her? (0:17:27.81)
Toru Acura : She's the one who asked for our help.
It's not about trust.
Akari Acura : No, I mean her skill as a wizard. (0:17:33.31)
Toru Acura : Oh, she's pretty impressive. (0:17:36.55)
Chaika Trabant : Whirl, flames! The Burner! (0:17:39.82)
Chaika Trabant : Bread... exploded... (0:17:52.45)
Akari Acura : Right. I see now. (0:17:55.63)
Toru Acura : It bugs me that there are so
few guards, but oh well...
Toru Acura : As we discussed. (0:18:05.40)
Chaika Trabant : Roger! (0:18:06.77)
Toru Acura : Jeez... (0:18:10.32)
Toru Acura : You've got your Gundo in there, don't you? (0:18:11.86)
Chaika Trabant : Must bring! (0:18:14.14)
Toru Acura : For crying out loud... (0:18:35.02)
Akari Acura : I am steel. (0:18:36.71)
Akari Acura : Steel knows no fear. Steel knows no doubt. (0:18:38.52)
Akari Acura : When faced with my enemy, I hesitate not. (0:18:42.02)
Akari Acura : I am a weapon to destroy these. (0:18:45.72)
Akari Acura : Iron-Blood Transformation! (0:18:48.68)
Chaika Trabant : Akari, same as Toru! (0:18:54.14)
Akari Acura : Hang on tight. (0:18:56.90)
Toru Acura : There. (0:19:03.91)
Toru Acura : Open your coffin. (0:19:05.23)
Toru Acura : Damn... (0:19:16.85)
Toru Acura : For the love of... (0:19:18.20)
Toru Acura : Damn! Push harder, Akari! (0:19:28.73)
Toru Acura : I swear... (0:19:35.68)
Chaika Trabant : Rough handling... (0:19:40.45)
Toru Acura : So, what now? (0:19:43.64)
Akari Acura : What are we stealing? (0:19:45.64)
Chaika Trabant : I know, mostly. (0:19:47.40)
Toru Acura : No, we're asking you to tell us. (0:19:49.31)
Chaika Trabant : Find out soon. (0:19:52.36)
Chaika Trabant : Efun... Heluste... Ru...
Belguil... Fai... Sev...
Chaika Trabant : Come, resounding perception. (0:19:59.56)
Chaika Trabant : The Locator! (0:20:02.17)
Chaika Trabant : Important thing... (0:20:10.92)
Chaika Trabant : Center of mansion. (0:20:12.64)
Chaika Trabant : Found. Pale blue light. (0:20:14.15)
Toru Acura : All right. Let's split up.
I'll take the first floor.
Toru Acura : Akari, you two take the second floor. (0:20:19.65)
Akari Acura : Understood. (0:20:22.48)
Toru Acura : Is this it? (0:20:33.40)
Robert Abarth : So you did come. (0:20:48.67)
Robert Abarth : You work for the Kliemann
Organization, don't you?
Robert Abarth : It seems you are quite unhappy that
I sent you away this afternoon.
Toru Acura : What are you talking about? (0:20:58.61)
Robert Abarth : No matter. (0:21:00.17)
Robert Abarth : I was just thinking what a shame (0:21:01.47)
Robert Abarth : it was that I never had a
chance to use my treasure.
Robert Abarth : Damned thief. (0:21:07.25)
Toru Acura : You're a wizard?! (0:21:14.30)
Robert Abarth : I'm nothing like the greenhorn
cavalier that you answer to.
Akari Acura : Brother! (0:21:27.24)
Toru Acura : Stay away! He's a wizard! (0:21:30.65)
Chaika Trabant : Wizard?! (0:21:32.67)
Toru Acura : Don't show yourself! (0:21:33.64)
Robert Abarth : No... (0:21:43.61)
Robert Abarth : It can't be... (0:21:45.29)
Robert Abarth : You should be dead! (0:21:46.97)
Chaika Trabant : Journey, finally, begins! (0:23:25.63)
Chaika Trabant : Toru, work, serious? (0:23:27.45)
Chaika Trabant : Slightly worried. (0:23:28.97)
Chaika Trabant : Akari, somewhat strange. (0:23:30.54)
Chaika Trabant : Just as worried. (0:23:32.09)
Chaika Trabant : I gather remains, request support. (0:23:33.42)
Chaika Trabant : Next week, episode 2:
"The Lazy Man's Choice."

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Why is my mom in this page - Anonymous


Oh, there she is! - Riko Kurahashi

She's got the looks and the brains. - Riko Kurahashi

Money-grubber! - Riko Kurahashi

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