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Natsu Kumai : Welcome home. (0:01:57.38)
Machi Amayadori : Thanks. (0:01:58.84)
Machi Amayadori : O Master Kumai, the miko of Kumade Village has come bearing offerings. (0:03:38.68)
Machi Amayadori : Please bestow upon me the divine revelation of the mountain gods. (0:03:48.23)
Natsu Kumai : Looks delicious! (0:04:08.79)
Natsu Kumai : What's this? You want to go to school in the city? (0:04:15.80)
Natsu Kumai : That's two hours from here. (0:04:23.40)
Natsu Kumai : Way too far. (0:04:25.81)
Natsu Kumai : And now, we're done. (0:04:27.52)
Natsu Kumai : Mind if I take this off?
My shoulders are killing me.
Machi Amayadori : I'm going. (0:04:32.58)
Machi Amayadori : No matter what. (0:04:33.96)
Natsu Kumai : Absolutely not! (0:05:02.55)
Natsu Kumai : Listen, Machi. (0:05:11.31)
Natsu Kumai : Life in a big city can be tough. (0:05:13.71)
Natsu Kumai : If you're not ready, it'll eat you alive. (0:05:20.45)
Natsu Kumai : Sure, there's a lot going on there. (0:05:25.95)
Natsu Kumai : Dreams, fateful encounters... (0:05:28.94)
Natsu Kumai : And yes, those are the spice of life. (0:05:30.61)
Natsu Kumai : But there are those who can handle the big city (0:05:35.13)
Natsu Kumai : and those who can't. (0:05:39.88)
Natsu Kumai : You, Machi... (0:05:43.32)
Natsu Kumai : undoubtedly fall into the latter! (0:05:45.72)
Machi Amayadori : Why?! (0:05:48.56)
Natsu Kumai : You've lived up in the mountains long
enough to develop a bumpkin complex.
Natsu Kumai : You're almost too shy to go
shopping in the next town over.
Natsu Kumai : Plus you're the ultimate klutz with machines. (0:05:57.73)
Natsu Kumai : You still boil rice on the sto— (0:06:00.26)
Machi Amayadori : Shut up, shut up! (0:06:01.80)
Machi Amayadori : I can't take it anymore! (0:06:03.34)
Machi Amayadori : I can't stand this boring, dwindling village. (0:06:07.16)
Machi Amayadori : There's no signal. (0:06:11.33)
Machi Amayadori : No trains. (0:06:14.71)
Machi Amayadori : No people. Just monkeys. (0:06:16.41)
Machi Amayadori : No shops that are ever open. (0:06:19.34)
Machi Amayadori : The convenience store isn't 24/7. (0:06:21.90)
Machi Amayadori : The people are all distant. (0:06:25.76)
Machi Amayadori : Nothing happens. (0:06:27.63)
Machi Amayadori : Nobody wants to develop the town. (0:06:29.07)
Machi Amayadori : I'm sick of this village! (0:06:32.23)
Machi Amayadori : This crappy, boring village... (0:06:36.40)
Machi Amayadori : No asphalt. No street signs. (0:06:39.43)
Natsu Kumai : Okay, I get it. (0:06:41.55)
Natsu Kumai : Don't call it "crappy." (0:06:42.91)
Machi Amayadori : I don't want to stay here. (0:06:45.45)
Machi Amayadori : I want to leave and go see the world. (0:06:48.70)
Machi Amayadori : I don't want to be an ignorant child anymore! (0:06:52.91)
Natsu Kumai : You've grown up, Machi. (0:07:02.30)
Natsu Kumai : I knew this day would come. (0:07:05.26)
Natsu Kumai : You used to cry about everything at school. (0:07:08.22)
Natsu Kumai : I knew I couldn't always be there to console you. (0:07:11.10)
Natsu Kumai : You've grown strong. (0:07:19.65)
Natsu Kumai : You can make your own decisions now. (0:07:21.33)
Natsu Kumai : But... (0:07:26.77)
Natsu Kumai : It still hurts. (0:07:30.69)
Machi Amayadori : Natsu... (0:07:35.11)
Natsu Kumai : You won't play with me anymore! I'll miss you! (0:07:35.66)
Machi Amayadori : We grew up together, didn't we? (0:07:41.50)
Machi Amayadori : Natsu. (0:07:44.84)
Machi Amayadori : Natsu. (0:07:47.00)
Natsu Kumai : Machi... (0:07:49.38)
Machi Amayadori : Mr. Bear! (0:07:51.42)
Machi Amayadori : Mr. Bear, where are you? (0:07:53.51)
Machi Amayadori : I fell down. (0:07:56.13)
Machi Amayadori : That tickles! (0:07:59.26)
Machi Amayadori : Mr. Bear! (0:08:02.56)
Machi Amayadori : Natsu... (0:08:04.60)
Machi Amayadori : Natsu! (0:08:06.17)
Machi Amayadori : Hey. (0:08:08.35)
Machi Amayadori : Hurry up the flashback, Natsu. (0:08:10.10)
Natsu Kumai : Well, before you make a hasty decision... (0:08:21.41)
Natsu Kumai : The City Girl Quiz! (0:08:26.86)
Natsu Kumai : I shall now quiz you on must-know facts for living in the city. (0:08:37.16)
Natsu Kumai : If you get the answers wrong... (0:08:42.87)
Natsu Kumai : a good girl and go to school here. (0:08:45.59)
Machi Amayadori : What happened to making my own decisions? (0:08:48.34)
Natsu Kumai : Don't worry. It's super easy. (0:08:50.97)
Natsu Kumai : Just fun little questions. (0:08:53.88)
Machi Amayadori : That's not the issue! (0:08:55.98)
Natsu Kumai : Machi, are you afraid you'll fail? (0:08:58.13)
Machi Amayadori : I look forward to watching you cry later. (0:09:04.74)
Natsu Kumai : Let's save that for your wedding day, shall we? (0:09:07.88)
Natsu Kumai : Question 1! (0:09:12.40)
Natsu Kumai : What can you use to go through the ticket gates at the train station? (0:09:14.29)
Natsu Kumai : Choice 1: Suica (Watermelon). (0:09:17.90)
Natsu Kumai : Choice 2: Apple. (0:09:19.13)
Natsu Kumai : Choice 3: Banana. (0:09:20.34)
Machi Amayadori : A ticket. (0:09:31.60)
Natsu Kumai : Please choose one of the three. (0:09:32.82)
Natsu Kumai : Don't leave me in suspense, Machi. (0:09:43.20)
Machi Amayadori : Y-You're cheating, Natsu! (0:09:46.74)
Machi Amayadori : Doesn't it depend on the station employees' tastes? (0:09:48.79)
Natsu Kumai : Wait, what? (0:09:52.11)
Natsu Kumai : What did you say? (0:09:53.11)
Machi Amayadori : N-Nothing! (0:09:55.25)
Machi Amayadori : The answer is number 1! (0:10:24.98)
Natsu Kumai : You're right. (0:10:28.16)
Machi Amayadori : Yay! (0:10:29.33)
Natsu Kumai : Machi, do you know what "Suica" means? (0:10:31.01)
Machi Amayadori : Come on, everyone does.
By the way, you're saying it funny.
Natsu Kumai : On to question 2, then. (0:10:42.97)
Natsu Kumai : How do you read this sign? (0:10:46.05)
Machi Amayadori : O— (0:10:54.31)
Natsu Kumai : It is not "oi oi." (0:10:54.71)
Natsu Kumai : You have twenty seconds. (0:10:57.40)
Machi Amayadori : Wait! They're not English letters? (0:11:00.90)
Machi Amayadori : Wait, wait! (0:11:11.70)
Machi Amayadori : Stop the countdown! (0:11:14.00)
Machi Amayadori : I don't know this! (0:11:16.96)
Natsu Kumai : Time's up! (0:11:21.84)
Machi Amayadori : No fair... (0:11:25.51)
Natsu Kumai : The correct answer was "Marui." (0:11:36.46)
Machi Amayadori : What the heck?! (0:11:40.00)
Machi Amayadori : Where do you get that from? (0:11:41.00)
Natsu Kumai : Machi, calm down. (0:11:43.11)
Machi Amayadori : How could any one know that?! (0:11:44.89)
Machi Amayadori : Who's idea was that? (0:11:47.25)
Natsu Kumai : Only a true hick would get this angry about it. (0:11:49.16)
Machi Amayadori : Don't call me a hick! (0:11:52.12)
EXTRA : Residents of Kumade Village! (0:12:06.34)
EXTRA : Bears have been sighted in the area. (0:12:08.63)
EXTRA : Please remain in your homes. (0:12:12.64)
EXTRA : There's no-one out here. (0:12:18.27)
EXTRA : Still gotta do our jobs. (0:12:19.81)
Boy1 : It's true! (0:12:24.86)
Boy1 : Let's test it at school sometime. (0:12:26.40)
EXTRA : Hey, you kids! (0:12:28.51)
Girl1 : A cop car! (0:12:30.70)
Boy1 : It's a patrol car. (0:12:32.10)
EXTRA : There are bears out today, so go on home! (0:12:34.40)
Boy1 : Yoshio told us to meet him here. (0:12:37.63)
EXTRA : "Yoshio"? (0:12:41.03)
Yoshio Amayadori : Here I am! Sorry! (0:12:42.96)
EXTRA : There's bears wandering around here, sir. Take the kids inside. (0:12:45.91)
Yoshio Amayadori : Sure, right away! (0:12:49.55)
EXTRA : Who are you? What are you doing in the woods with these kids? (0:12:51.80)
Yoshio Amayadori : Let me introduce myself! I'm the Kumade
Village Health Department's "Zest Officer,"
Yoshio Amayadori : Amayadori Yoshio! (0:13:01.61)
EXTRA : Uh-huh... And what's a village officer doing with these kids? (0:13:03.44)
Yoshio Amayadori : Sir, I'm doing the annual telling of our village's lore! (0:13:06.82)
Yoshio Amayadori : Excuse me, may I photograph your car? (0:13:10.95)
Yoshio Amayadori : I love patrol cars! Too cool! (0:13:14.02)
EXTRA : Okay, whatever. Just get indoors quick! (0:13:18.44)
Yoshio Amayadori : I wanted to, but Grammy stopped me. (0:13:22.88)
EXTRA : Sheesh. These Kumade villagers never take the threat seriously. (0:13:26.95)
EXTRA : Well, living so far up the mountain, the bears are probably old friends. (0:13:31.84)
EXTRA : That might be true. (0:13:37.18)
Yoshio Amayadori : Once upon a time... (0:13:47.36)
Yoshio Amayadori : ...there was a giant, man-eating bear on Mt. Kumade. (0:13:49.60)
Yoshio Amayadori : The villagers— (0:13:53.60)
Yoshio Amayadori : The villagers were at the end of their rope. (0:13:58.31)
Yoshio Amayadori : Because the god of the mountain... (0:14:02.21)
Yoshio Amayadori : ...took the form of a bear, (0:14:04.96)
Yoshio Amayadori : ...the people saw all bears as gods. (0:14:07.80)
Yoshio Amayadori : And so, with no recourse, each year
they sacrificed a village maiden to it.
Boy1 : I can barely understand him... (0:14:20.98)
Boy1 : I've never suffered like this before. (0:14:23.27)
Yoshio Amayadori : Come on! What a bad student. (0:14:25.27)
Girl1 : I heard this story lots in nursery school! (0:14:27.48)
Girl1 : The mountain god came and
got the bear to mend his ways,
Girl1 : and then he lived in harmony with the villagers, right? (0:14:33.61)
Boy1 : Happily ever after, the end! (0:14:36.37)
Yoshio Amayadori : Don't reduce it to one sentence! (0:14:38.27)
Yoshio Amayadori : This is just the beginning. (0:14:42.25)
Yoshio Amayadori : The version you know is sanitized for children's ears. (0:14:44.42)
Yoshio Amayadori : Now that you're nine, we trust you as full citizens, (0:14:49.98)
Yoshio Amayadori : so I'm telling you our true
history and the village secret.
Yoshio Amayadori : However, there are some racy parts. (0:14:57.39)
Girl1 : Sexual  harassment! (0:15:04.21)
Boy1 : Please, continue. (0:15:07.86)
Yoshio Amayadori : Don't blame me! It's an ancient tradition. (0:15:09.94)
Girl1 : Don't  touch  me! (0:15:12.72)
Yoshio Amayadori : I give up. Have your mom tell you later, Kaori. (0:15:14.61)
Yoshio Amayadori : This might be rough for you guys,
but most folktales like this are pretty raw.
Yoshio Amayadori : In fact, this is fairly tame. (0:15:23.91)
Yoshio Amayadori : Though it does feature one of life's great mysteries!{differs from and makes no sense} (0:15:26.02)
Yoshio Amayadori : When the maiden faced the bear,
she trembled in terror at his great size.
Yoshio Amayadori : "If I am to be eaten, then at
least I shall neuter this beast."
Yoshio Amayadori : The bear stalked toward her
with exquisite seductiveness...
Yoshio Amayadori : and insinuated his tongue between her legs. (0:15:49.65)
Yoshio Amayadori : "Oh, you loathsome bear!" (0:15:52.67)
Yoshio Amayadori : "The sensation of your tongue
against me has made me lose control!"
Yoshio Amayadori : "Yes! No! You terrible beast!" (0:15:59.91)
Yoshio Amayadori : All their children had the bodies of bears. (0:16:05.19)
Yoshio Amayadori : This is the beginning of the Kumai clan. (0:16:08.62)
Yoshio Amayadori : See? Not too bad, right? (0:16:11.72)
Boy1 : R-Right. (0:16:14.92)
Girl1 : There are lots of people named Kumai in our village. (0:16:16.78)
Yoshio Amayadori : You were listening? (0:16:19.43)
Yoshio Amayadori : The bear fell for the maiden, mended his ways, (0:16:21.55)
Yoshio Amayadori : and began working hard for the village. (0:16:24.18)
Yoshio Amayadori : Kumade Village became jointly
governed by humans and Kumai.
Yoshio Amayadori : But hey, it's just a legend. (0:16:30.89)
Yoshio Amayadori : Don't forget it, though, because... (0:16:33.40)
Yoshio Amayadori : the bears here can speak to humans! (0:16:36.94)
Yoshio Amayadori : I mean, of course. Otherwise we'd never get along! (0:16:46.56)
Girl1 : Did he just say bears can talk? (0:16:51.08)
Boy1 : I'm worried. He looked serious. (0:16:54.34)
Girl1 : Is he having a breakdown? (0:16:57.07)
Boy1 : The civil service job must be too much for him. (0:16:59.51)
Girl1 : Oh, juice! (0:17:04.22)
Girl1 : Thank you! (0:17:06.35)
Girl1 : I was looking for... juice... (0:17:07.54)
Yoshio Amayadori : Natsu! (0:17:11.77)
Girl1 : Yoshio! It's a b-b-bear! We gotta run! (0:17:12.77)
Yoshio Amayadori : "Graawrrr!"{rawr} (0:17:19.57)
Yoshio Amayadori : Just kidding. (0:17:24.16)
Yoshio Amayadori : It's fine! Bears in our village don't eat people. (0:17:25.16)
Yoshio Amayadori : It's part of the deal. (0:17:28.58)
Yoshio Amayadori : It's fine! Come on, pet him. (0:17:30.58)
Yoshio Amayadori : I guess he's not in the mood! (0:17:41.93)
Yoshio Amayadori : Anyway, it's Kumade Shrine
that executed the contract...
Yoshio Amayadori : and mediates our coexistence with the Kumai. (0:17:46.89)
Yoshio Amayadori : And its miko, the maiden with mystic powers who leads the ceremonies... (0:17:50.31)
Yoshio Amayadori : is Amayadori Machi! (0:17:56.86)
Yoshio Amayadori : Again this year? (0:18:05.12)
Yoshio Amayadori : Is she even dressed up? (0:18:06.96)
Yoshio Amayadori : Well, what can you do? (0:18:08.63)
Yoshio Amayadori : Bring her in for me, would you? (0:18:10.47)
Machi Amayadori : No! (0:18:19.67)
Machi Amayadori : I don't wanna go! (0:18:21.88)
Machi Amayadori : Put me down, Natsu! I don't need to say hello! (0:18:24.26)
Yoshio Amayadori : So, this is the bear miko, and Kumai Natsu, the Kumai representative. (0:18:29.18)
Yoshio Amayadori : Make sure you venerate them appropriately! (0:18:34.80)
Girl1 : It's Machi! (0:18:37.10)
Boy1 : Oh, you're Yoshio's cousin! (0:18:39.07)
Boy1 : Never knew you had such a distinguished job. (0:18:41.49)
Machi Amayadori : It's not distinguished. (0:18:44.31)
Machi Amayadori : I don't need to be here! You guys chat by yourselves! (0:18:49.16)
Machi Amayadori : Huh? They're really scared of you. (0:18:55.67)
Natsu Kumai : The Women's Association told me to be more intimidating. (0:18:58.21)
Yoshio Amayadori : Okay! (0:19:03.21)
Yoshio Amayadori : Now let's have Machi favor us with a few words! (0:19:05.07)
Machi Amayadori : I'm sorry for the harassment. (0:19:27.86)
Yoshio Amayadori : And now some words from Natsu, since she didn't fill her time slot! (0:19:32.74)
Natsu Kumai : I don't have anything prepared. (0:19:37.50)
Machi Amayadori : Yoshio's just messing with us, as usual. (0:19:40.71)
Machi Amayadori : Anything'll do. (0:19:43.30)
Natsu Kumai : Anything? (0:19:45.34)
Natsu Kumai : Kumaan. (0:19:48.93)
Boy1 : Yoshio! What did the bear mean? (0:19:52.97)
Girl1 : He said, "Kumaan"... (0:19:55.34)
Yoshio Amayadori : Ah, that one means "I like apples!" (0:19:57.89)
Machi Amayadori : It's just a sound he makes. (0:20:03.57)
Yoshio Amayadori : You're such a joker, Natsu! (0:20:07.60)
Natsu Kumai : My favorite food is sushi. (0:20:09.62)
Natsu Kumai : It's nice to meet you. (0:20:11.35)
Boy1 : Wow! He really does speak! (0:20:12.87)
Boy1 : I thought the village was boring, but I can brag about this! (0:20:16.08)
Yoshio Amayadori : No, you can't. (0:20:19.92)
Yoshio Amayadori : If you reveal the village secret, you'll be punished! (0:20:21.54)
Girl1 : Machi, you're so cool! (0:20:26.66)
Girl1 : Hey, do you ever wear miko clothes? (0:20:30.30)
Machi Amayadori : S-Sometimes. (0:20:33.64)
Boy1 : Thanks for all your work. (0:20:37.73)
Boy1 : I'm sure it's tough, but you can do it! (0:20:39.98)
Boy2 : Hey, Machi. (0:20:43.44)
Machi Amayadori : What? (0:20:45.48)
Boy2 : Did the bear do you, too? (0:20:54.99)
Machi Amayadori : "Do me"... (0:21:01.33)
Machi Amayadori : D-Do... me... (0:21:02.42)
Machi Amayadori : No! (0:21:06.55)
Machi Amayadori : The miko and the sacrificial
virgin are different people—
Machi Amayadori : Don't imagine it! (0:21:10.94)
Yoshio Amayadori : Did he, Machi? (0:21:12.00)
Yoshio Amayadori : You two are so close, you... (0:21:13.66)
Yoshio Amayadori : You're in middle school, and you've already done it? (0:21:15.89)
Yoshio Amayadori : And with a bear... (0:21:18.08)
Yoshio Amayadori : I can't allow this! (0:21:19.52)
Machi Amayadori : Moron! (0:21:21.09)
Machi Amayadori : Don't imagine it! (0:21:24.94)
Machi Amayadori : Dummy! Blockhead! Stupid! (0:21:26.51)
Machi Amayadori : That would never happen! (0:21:28.14)
Machi Amayadori : According to town records, the origin of the miko is— (0:21:30.31)
Natsu Kumai : Nothing happened. (0:21:34.52)
Natsu Kumai : I've been neutered. (0:21:36.06)
Natsu Kumai : Kumamiko-chan! (0:23:28.23)
Machi Amayadori : Kumamiko-chan! (0:23:28.23)
Machi Amayadori : I'm hungry. (0:23:31.44)
Natsu Kumai : Did you eat your snack? (0:23:34.57)
Machi Amayadori : Yeah. (0:23:37.03)
Natsu Kumai : I found some pickles. (0:23:40.03)

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Kumamiko: Girl Meets Bear

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