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EXTRA : Five hundred years ago,
the church waged a holy war against witches.
EXTRA : The defeated witches went into hiding, (0:00:07.33)
EXTRA : but the church continued to hunt them
down in the name of righteousness.
EXTRA : Sorena, a Mooncaller witch beloved by the masses, (0:00:14.83)
EXTRA : was burned at the stake
for the crime of spreading plagues.
EXTRA : Those flames lit a vengeful fire,
and witches all over the world rose up in response.
EXTRA : The Kingdom of Wenias called forth mercenaries
to subjugate the witches.
EXTRA : Liturgical Year 526. (0:00:33.04)
EXTRA : The world knew of the study of sorcery... (0:00:36.04)
EXTRA : but it was still unaware of the skill called "magic." (0:00:39.88)
EXTRA : Witches! (0:00:46.42)
EXTRA : I heard it was all the witches' doing! (0:00:47.67)
EXTRA : How scary... (0:00:49.08)
EXTRA : Where the hell were they hiding? (0:00:49.83)
EXTRA : The huge storm... (0:00:51.58)
EXTRA : The rivers flooding... (0:00:52.46)
EXTRA : Kidnappings, too! (0:00:53.58)
EXTRA : You murderers! (0:00:54.75)
EXTRA : Give me back my family! (0:00:56.04)
EXTRA : They destroyed my fields, too! (0:00:57.17)
EXTRA : We can always rely on the church to take care of us. (0:00:58.67)
EXTRA : Faithful believers! (0:01:02.79)
EXTRA : The witches before you have brought terror and chaos! (0:01:05.17)
EXTRA : The Church will exterminate them, here and now! (0:01:09.46)
EXTRA : Hey, sweetheart, want a good...? (0:01:25.04)
EXTRA : We're closed. (0:01:33.08)
Mercenary : I need some salt. (0:01:34.88)
EXTRA : A beastfallen! (0:01:38.04)
EXTRA : It's a beastfallen! (0:01:52.17)
EXTRA : Get 'im! (0:01:53.79)
EXTRA : Kill 'im and reap the bounty! (0:01:54.96)
Mercenary : Every now and then, normal humans
will give birth to a half-human, half-beast.
Mercenary : These so-called "beastfallen" are said
to be instruments of the witches' sorcery,
Mercenary : and have large bounties placed on their heads. (0:02:08.71)
Mercenary : That's why every ruffian around was a fan of mine. (0:02:10.58)
Zero : All right. (0:02:43.25)
Zero : I am leaving this place, Thirteen. (0:02:46.50)
EXTRA : Is that what they said about you? (0:03:10.04)
EXTRA : Are you scared of me, Mom? (0:03:12.42)
EXTRA : Why would I be scared of you? (0:03:16.79)
EXTRA : Your fur is fluffy, your eyes are big and round,
and your mouth looks like you're always smiling!
Mercenary : My meat's not all that tasty. (0:03:40.71)
EXTRA : Oh! I thought you were an animal,
but you're just a mercenary.
EXTRA : A catlike beastfallen with white fur.
My hearin' gets sharper the older I get.
EXTRA : I've heard rumors 'bout you. (0:03:53.33)
EXTRA : I think they called you the "Black Beast of Death." (0:03:55.88)
EXTRA : You wiped out an entire enemy squadron by yourself, (0:04:00.38)
EXTRA : and your fur was dyed black by their blood... (0:04:03.33)
Mercenary : You've got the wrong guy. (0:04:07.88)
EXTRA : I hope they'll put a quick end
to those witches wreaking havoc.
EXTRA : There's been so much ruckus in this forest as of late. (0:04:15.13)
Mercenary : Are the ebelboars running amok, too? (0:04:17.71)
EXTRA : The insects, the animals, everything. (0:04:20.08)
EXTRA : Beastfallen huntin' witches are more than welcome here. (0:04:24.33)
EXTRA : Take these. (0:04:28.71)
Mercenary : Dammit, some luck I've got! (0:04:39.75)
Albus : Zahard fraud! Swiftly pierce through mine enemies! (0:04:45.08)
Albus : Chapter of Hunting, Page Two, steim! (0:04:48.42)
Albus : Grant me power, for I am... (0:04:54.29)
Mercenary : God dammit... I HATE WITCHES! (0:04:56.75)
Mercenary : The hell did I end up here? (0:05:25.17)
Zero : You bastard! (0:05:28.25)
Zero : How dare you?! I worked really hard on that soup! (0:05:32.08)
Mercenary : Shut it! (0:05:35.50)
Mercenary : Now's not the time to be worryin' about soup! (0:05:36.71)
Zero : What could be a bigger problem than my soup right...? (0:05:38.63)
Zero : THAT'S a bigger problem. (0:05:42.17)
Mercenary : Watch out! (0:05:45.58)
Zero : Hey, why are you carrying me? (0:05:48.71)
Mercenary : It just happened! (0:05:51.63)
Zero : Someone's chasing you? What did you do? (0:05:54.13)
Mercenary : Does a witch need a goddamn reason
to be goin' after a beastfallen?!
Zero : Okay, let me down. (0:06:04.50)
Mercenary : Are you a witch? (0:06:25.13)
Zero : I am indeed a witch. (0:06:27.75)
Zero : I draw meaning from the meaningless,
and substance from nothingness.
Zero : I am a Mud-Black Witch! (0:06:35.29)
Mercenary : Hot! (0:07:06.83)
Mercenary : Huh? (0:07:22.29)
Mercenary : The hell are you doing?! (0:07:29.79)
Zero : You're the one who spilled my soup in the first place! (0:07:32.08)
Mercenary : What? (0:07:35.83)
Zero : Give that back! (0:07:40.08)
Mercenary : It's mine, dammit! (0:07:41.25)
Zero : Giving soup back to me is what's morally right! (0:07:44.00)
Mercenary : Givin' hospitality to a witch ain't morally right. (0:07:47.50)
Zero : Why do you have such hatred for witches? (0:07:50.92)
Mercenary : You try saying that to my face again! (0:07:52.96)
Zero : I can't say I dislike the human face
hiding behind that furry one.
Mercenary : You... (0:08:08.04)
Mercenary : You can see it? You see my human face? (0:08:09.29)
Zero : I could not call myself a witch if I could not
see through the beastleaven sorcery.
Mercenary : Beastleaven? (0:08:19.46)
Zero : Witches imbued humans with the spirits of animals,
transforming them into powerful soldiers.
Zero : It is said that in the olden days of endless war,
one million beastleaven soldiers were created.
Mercenary : Witches created the beastfallen? (0:08:34.17)
Zero : If you don't give me some soup right now,
I'll use my sorcery on you!
Zero : Famine in the north! (0:08:45.75)
Zero : Plague in the south! (0:08:47.96)
Zero : Swarms of rats in the west! (0:08:49.83)
Zero : Crippling drought in the east! (0:08:52.54)
Zero : Your wrongdoing will bring the world to an end! (0:08:59.08)
Mercenary : Whatever. (0:09:07.00)
Zero : I want to eat. (0:09:12.25)
Zero : I'm so hungry. (0:09:16.21)
Zero : I'd been working on that soup since early morning. (0:09:18.50)
Zero : I was looking forward to eating it... (0:09:23.71)
Zero : And this soup is so delicious, I could die for it. (0:09:27.63)
Zero : I want to eat it. (0:09:31.88)
Mercenary : Here. (0:09:47.67)
Zero : More! (0:09:52.04)
Mercenary : Why the hell did you come here? (0:09:53.83)
Zero : I'm too hungry to answer that. (0:09:56.71)
Mercenary : I'll give you another bowl if you talk. (0:10:00.13)
Zero : I am looking for a man by the name of Thirteen. (0:10:02.42)
Zero : My compatriot left on a mission
to take care of some trouble,
Zero : but he has neither returned
nor informed me of his well-being.
Mercenary : He's part of the witches' uprising? (0:10:19.58)
Mercenary : 'Cause if he's trying to take over the country,
I ain't on his side.
Zero : "Take over the country"? (0:10:25.33)
Zero : Why would I do such a bothersome thing? (0:10:26.79)
Mercenary : Then what's he doin'? (0:10:30.83)
Zero : Looking for something. A book that was stolen from him. (0:10:32.50)
Mercenary : A book? (0:10:35.33)
Zero : A precious book that has no copy. (0:10:36.92)
Zero : If it fell into the wrong hands, it could spell disaster. (0:10:39.58)
Mercenary : What kind of disaster? (0:10:42.25)
Zero : The end of the world. (0:10:44.25)
Mercenary : Well, damn! I'm so scared I'm about to burst into tears. (0:10:49.17)
Zero : They wouldn't even need the whole book,
just one chapter could do it.
Mercenary : So where do I come in with all that? (0:10:56.75)
Zero : I'd like to hurry my journey,
but I've been the frequent target of witch hunters.
Zero : It's inconvenient to be traveling alone. (0:11:05.83)
Zero : So... (0:11:09.04)
Zero : will be my guard! (0:11:10.33)
Mercenary : Like hell I will! (0:11:12.96)
Zero : That was an impressively quick response. (0:11:15.58)
Mercenary : I came here to kill witches,
now you want me to protect one?
Zero : You will be compensated, of course. (0:11:21.96)
Mercenary : I don't give a shit about compensation! (0:11:24.33)
Mercenary : I hate those damn witches! (0:11:26.33)
Zero : You mean the one attacking you earlier? (0:11:29.71)
Mercenary : Not just him - all of you bastards! (0:11:31.83)
Mercenary : No matter how much I hate them,
all you witches and thieves just love beastfallen!
Mercenary : Because of my body, because I look like this,
every goddamn day turns into a big bloody mess!
Mercenary : Even humans shut me out, tell me
to keep out of their towns, their stores, their sight!
Mercenary : I'm sick of it! (0:11:53.46)
Zero : Do you want to return to being human? (0:12:03.96)
Mercenary : Can you turn me back into a human? (0:12:07.63)
Zero : It's quite simple. (0:12:10.71)
Zero : In return, will you protect me? (0:12:12.33)
Mercenary : You're not tryin' ta get me off guard
so you can slit my throat, are you?
Zero : If I were, I would have already done so. (0:12:20.04)
Mercenary : Wh-what are you doing?! (0:12:23.42)
Zero : If you are so in doubt, I will draw up a contract. (0:12:25.75)
Zero : A sorcerer's blood contract. (0:12:29.08)
Zero : I will warn you, this contract is absolute. (0:12:31.50)
Zero : Any party that breaks it will be killed. (0:12:35.46)
Mercenary : "Killed"? (0:12:38.54)
Zero : Nothing to fear as long as you don't break the contract. (0:12:40.04)
Zero : Give me your hand. (0:12:44.46)
Zero : I will not kill you. (0:12:54.96)
Zero : After your guard service has ended,
I will turn you back to a human.
Mercenary : Hey, Witch... why'd you choose me? (0:13:02.71)
Mercenary : Traveling with a beastfallen's
just gonna draw more attention to us.
Zero : It will mean less attention drawn to me. (0:13:10.25)
Mercenary : You're not scared of me? (0:13:14.33)
Zero : What is there to be afraid of? (0:13:18.46)
Zero : You have wonderful fur, sharp eyes,
and a cute mouth that looks as if it is smiling.
Zero : And you smell like a cellar. (0:13:30.17)
Mercenary : What? (0:13:33.46)
Zero : There's a hiding place for witches in Moonsbow Forest. (0:13:34.38)
Zero : It's dark, damp, and quite comfortable. (0:13:37.83)
Zero : I have fond memories of that place,
and you smell strongly of it.
EXTRA : Give up your money and the beastfallen's head! (0:13:52.50)
EXTRA : I will not give them my son! (0:13:57.13)
EXTRA : We can't let there be any more victims! (0:13:59.00)
EXTRA : They say they'll leave us alone
if we give them the beastfallen's head...
Mercenary : "Like a cellar," huh? (0:14:07.92)
Zero : All right. (0:14:11.83)
Zero : Burning the contract will activate it. (0:14:13.33)
Zero : Hey! What are you doing?! (0:14:17.88)
Mercenary : Don't need a contract. (0:14:20.25)
Mercenary : Gimme your hand. (0:14:22.42)
Zero : Oh, I've heard of this! (0:14:30.75)
Zero : A blood oath, right? (0:14:32.67)
Mercenary : That's how we mercenaries do it. (0:14:34.92)
Mercenary : What's your name? (0:14:42.67)
Zero : I am Zero. (0:14:45.00)
Mercenary : First Thirteen, now Zero... (0:14:47.46)
Mercenary : Oh, my name's-- (0:14:50.54)
Zero : I don't care. (0:14:52.29)
Mercenary : What? (0:14:53.79)
Zero : I only call my manservants by their names. (0:14:54.88)
Zero : Simply "Mercenary" will do just fine. (0:14:58.21)
Mercenary : Whatever. (0:15:00.54)
Zero : Names are important to witches. (0:15:02.04)
Zero : If you ever try to discover my real name, (0:15:05.08)
Zero : I will make you my obedient servant in a heartbeat! (0:15:08.04)
Mercenary : That sounds like somethin'
I'd hear out of a witch's mouth.
Zero : Of course, because I do indeed have a witch's mouth! (0:15:14.88)
EXTRA : Look who it is. (0:15:39.38)
Zero : Master... (0:15:59.29)
Mercenary : Hey! (0:16:03.25)
Mercenary : The hell are you doing?! (0:16:04.46)
Zero : So cold. (0:16:09.29)
Zero : I need my fluffy, furry... (0:16:10.63)
Mercenary : Wake the hell up already! (0:16:13.54)
Zero : You should be grateful to me. (0:16:14.96)
Zero : You slept with an unrivaled beauty in your arms. (0:16:18.46)
Mercenary : That's rich, coming from you. (0:16:21.25)
Zero : It's the unwavering truth. (0:16:23.38)
Mercenary : You've got no shame. (0:16:26.08)
Zero : Did you desire me so? (0:16:28.00)
Mercenary : Like hell I did! (0:16:30.96)
Zero : My, how boring. (0:16:32.46)
Zero : Then just think of us as inanimate objects. (0:16:34.33)
Zero : You're the floor, and I'm a body pillow. (0:16:38.79)
Mercenary : Stop it with that ridiculous crap! (0:16:41.71)
Zero : From the course of Thirteen's mana,
he should be around here.
Mercenary : Plasta? The royal capital? That's enemy headquarters. (0:16:54.54)
Zero : Judging by the contents of the book he's searching for, (0:16:58.08)
Zero : it makes sense it would lie
at the heart of the witches' revolt.
Mercenary : So what kind of book is it? (0:17:06.13)
Mercenary : This book that can destroy the world... (0:17:08.58)
Zero : How much do you know about sorcery? (0:17:11.63)
Mercenary : Uh, you draw up weird circles, summon a demon,
and make strange things happen.
Zero : Well done. (0:17:21.17)
Zero : The witch chasing you last night
was firing arrows of light at you.
Mercenary : Yeah. When the hell did you guys
get the ability to draw circles on the fly?
Zero : Strictly speaking, that is not sorcery. (0:17:32.25)
Zero : That is magic. (0:17:35.83)
Mercenary : "Ma...gic"? (0:17:37.38)
Mercenary : What? (0:17:40.33)
Zero : Nothing. I'm just surprised a tough mercenary like you
could make such cute expressions.
Mercenary : Cut that out. (0:17:47.42)
Zero : Don't act shy, it only makes you look cuter. (0:17:48.63)
Zero : I'll succumb to the temptation to hug you. (0:17:51.83)
Zero : All right. (0:17:55.46)
Zero : I'll show you a bit of sorcery. (0:17:59.04)
Mercenary : Wait, c'mon, are you really gonna do it now? (0:18:01.13)
Zero : Wochare, westore, grou, (0:18:03.50)
Zero : wideo, omnis, (0:18:06.17)
Zero : wedis, kazam, ego. (0:18:08.13)
Zero : Dichael, miamnism, audi, (0:18:10.46)
Zero : Qui, habitent in, (0:18:12.96)
Zero : Ignem charo rai... (0:18:14.46)
Mercenary : What's happening? (0:18:15.83)
Zero : ...rex fiat! (0:18:16.75)
Mercenary : An ebelboar... (0:18:31.38)
Zero : Good timing. (0:18:32.75)
Zero : Demon, grant my wish. (0:18:33.83)
Mercenary : That sucked. (0:18:42.88)
Zero : Good work. (0:18:45.38)
Zero : Mercenary, this is sorcery. (0:18:51.71)
Mercenary : Not the time for a lesson! (0:18:53.88)
Mercenary : Damn! (0:18:58.17)
Zero : Mercenary. (0:18:59.63)
Mercenary : Huh? (0:19:00.50)
Zero : Now, I will show you magic. (0:19:01.79)
Zero : Miza ri kiv, squirm forth and ensnare mine enemy! (0:19:04.54)
Zero : Chapter of Capture, Page Eight! (0:19:08.54)
Zero : Caplata! (0:19:10.75)
Zero : Grant me power, for I am Zero! (0:19:13.79)
Zero : I use sacrifices and the power of words
to draw forth demonic energy,
Zero : without invocations or summoning circles. (0:19:25.67)
Zero : That is magic. (0:19:29.79)
Mercenary : What about that demon? (0:19:31.92)
Mercenary : You summoned it 'cause you needed it, right? (0:19:34.67)
Zero : No. (0:19:37.46)
Zero : I only did that because no one had tried to before. (0:19:39.33)
Zero : So, Mercenary, do you think we can eat it? (0:19:43.33)
Mercenary : They're tasty, but forbidden to hunt. Let it go. (0:19:47.04)
Zero : It is quite the lucky hunk of meat
to be spared its life after attacking me.
Zero : The stolen book contains the basic theories of magic. (0:19:57.96)
Zero : The power demons possess is limited by laws similar
to those of nature, and there is no circumventing them.
Zero : I call it the Magical Law of the Demonic Pact,
or "magic" for short.
Mercenary : Magic... (0:20:14.50)
Zero : There you are! (0:20:18.67)
Mercenary : The witch from last night! (0:20:22.71)
Mercenary : He's just a kid! (0:20:25.88)
Zero : Setting a boar upon us was quite the violent tactic. (0:20:28.54)
Albus : You're a witch, you should know why! (0:20:33.17)
Albus : I need his head! (0:20:35.92)
Albus : I've gotta get stronger! (0:20:39.00)
Albus : Bag do glaht! (0:20:42.00)
Albus : Hellsfire, come forth! Incinerate mine enemies! (0:20:44.33)
Albus : Chapter of Hunting, Page Six, flagis! (0:20:46.88)
Zero : Oh? (0:20:51.50)
Albus : Grant me power, for my name is Albus! (0:20:52.67)
Zero : Request denied. (0:20:55.25)
Zero : Grant me power, for my name is Zero. (0:20:56.58)
Zero : Don't underestimate me, boy. (0:21:07.58)
Zero : That was my magic... (0:21:09.38)
Zero : My knowledge, my power. (0:21:11.67)
Zero : Trying to use it against me is truly laughable! (0:21:15.54)
Zero : Boy, where did you learn magic? (0:21:23.38)
Albus : I learned it from a group of sorcerers of Zero. (0:21:27.50)
Albus : Their holy book was the Grimoire of Zero. (0:21:30.63)
Mercenary : "The Grimoire of Zero"? (0:21:33.50)
Zero : The ability to use sacrifices and the power
of words to draw forth demonic energy
Zero : without invocations or summoning circles
begins with the Grimoire of Zero.
Zero : I am Zero. (0:21:44.92)
Zero : I wrote that book. (0:21:47.33)
EXTRA : Tsuretette
Take me with you
EXTRA : Ikisaki wa kimetenai kedo
Though I haven't decided where
EXTRA : Yurashiteite
Sway me with you
EXTRA : Sakasama demo kawaranai desho
It doesn't matter if we go upside down
EXTRA : Zutto koko ga ii to omotteta
I thought staying here forever was alright
EXTRA : Ano hi kimi to deau made wa
Until the day I met you
EXTRA : Sagashidashitatte ii
I want us to go on a search
EXTRA : Kasaneau mirai no hou ga ii
I want our futures to overlap
EXTRA : Hikari ni nare
Becoming the light
EXTRA : Tsunagiattatte ii
I want us to be tied together
EXTRA : Futatsu no sekai o nozondatte ii
It's fine if we want two worlds
EXTRA : Issho ni ikou
Let's go together

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Momiji, my beloved. - Anaxistratus


Oh, Director. - Shiro Ashiya

My lord, are you sure you won't regret this? - Shiro Ashiya

We've got no choice. - Shiro Ashiya

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