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Moriko Morioka : I'm home. (0:01:57.12)
Moriko Morioka : Oh, yeah. I don't have to go in anymore. (0:02:47.57)
EXTRA : Morning! (0:02:55.15)
EXTRA : Morning. You're gonna be late! (0:02:55.90)
EXTRA : Wait! (0:02:58.44)
EXTRA : Service Terminated (0:03:29.89)
Moriko Morioka : Oh. Well, I haven't played in half a year. (0:03:34.63)
Moriko Morioka : MMO recommendations... (0:03:50.20)
Moriko Morioka : Fruits de Mer ? (0:03:57.15)
EXTRA : Start Playing (0:04:01.91)
Moriko Morioka : The characters look cute,
and the art is really pretty.
EXTRA : Install (0:04:05.46)
Moriko Morioka : I'm Morioka Moriko. (0:04:08.25)
Moriko Morioka : Thirty years old. I'm a recent
corporate dropout and NEET.
Moriko Morioka : I'm not your average NEET schmuck. (0:04:13.05)
Moriko Morioka : I chose the NEET life. (0:04:15.32)
Moriko Morioka : I'm an elite NEET. (0:04:17.41)
Moriko Morioka : Perfect. (0:04:27.52)
Moriko Morioka : My hot guy character is complete. (0:04:29.11)
Moriko Morioka : Log in! (0:04:31.59)
EXTRA : Episode 1 (0:04:38.75)
EXTRA : LV 1 Hayashi (0:04:46.63)
EXTRA : Lightning of the Black DarknessBeast Shadow
Darkness Knight
Heavy Nightmare
Cross of Darkness
Moriko Morioka : Why did I go with a name like Hayashi? (0:04:52.73)
Moriko Morioka : I thought about it too much and
ended up just confusing myself.
EXTRA : You got a new quest. (0:05:05.90)
Hayashi : All right. Let's do this! (0:05:08.09)
EXTRA : Amen. (0:05:28.31)
Hayashi : I'll get you this time. (0:05:34.60)
Hayashi : Take this! (0:05:36.08)
EXTRA : Amen. (0:05:43.50)
Hayashi : This time for sure! (0:05:44.54)
EXTRA : Amen. (0:05:54.00)
Moriko Morioka : This is pretty hard. (0:05:59.98)
Moriko Morioka : It's completely different from Nanter SG . (0:06:01.82)
EXTRA : New Message (0:06:06.29)
Lily : Are you okay? (0:06:09.57)
Hayashi : She's an angel! (0:06:11.83)
Lily : Um... (0:06:14.96)
Hayashi : I'm okay. (0:06:15.97)
Hayashi : I'm just stuck on a quest.
I died and came back here.
Lily : So that's what happened. (0:06:21.30)
Moriko Morioka : Sh-She's so cute! (0:06:23.81)
Lily : I see. That quest is a bit difficult. (0:06:27.25)
Lily : And you've only just started, right? (0:06:31.74)
Hayashi : Yes. (0:06:33.97)
Lily : This game can be a handful when
you're trying to get the hang of it.
Lily : But... (0:06:41.65)
Lily : The scenery is so pretty. (0:06:45.50)
Lily : It's a totally new world. (0:06:51.72)
Lily : And... (0:06:55.47)
Lily : It lets us meet totally new people. (0:06:57.62)
Lily : It makes me feel like role-playing this journey
on my own two feet is just so much fun.
Lily : So, Mr. Beginner... (0:07:06.26)
Lily : They say no road is long with good company. (0:07:09.70)
Lily : Even a chance meeting is due to fate. (0:07:12.25)
Lily : We were lucky enough to meet like this, (0:07:16.57)
Lily : so would you care to adventure together? (0:07:18.36)
EXTRA : Add to your friends list? (0:07:27.50b)
Moriko Morioka : Yes! (0:07:31.17)
Lily : That's it, Hayashi-san! (0:07:35.01)
Lily : By using your shield
skills at the right time,
Lily : you can reduce the damage
you take quite a bit!
Lily : Now! (0:07:43.40)
Hayashi : I did it! (0:07:51.27)
Lily : That went really well! (0:07:52.39)
Lily : Congratulations on leveling up! (0:07:58.76)
Lily : It looks like you're about ready
to head to the boss room.
Hayashi : Th-The boss? (0:08:05.47)
Lily : It'll be fine! I'll be right by your side. (0:08:08.57)
Hayashi : Right! Let's go! (0:08:13.34)
Hayashi : This time for sure. (0:08:19.55)
Lily : Hayashi-san! (0:08:29.18)
Lily : Leave the healing to me. (0:08:33.30)
Lily : Breath of Healing! (0:08:38.28)
Hayashi : My wounds are healing
right before my eyes...
Hayashi : I can do this. (0:08:49.26)
Moriko Morioka : I... I did it! (0:09:06.60)
Lily : Yay! You did it, Hayashi-san! (0:09:08.76)
Hayashi : Yeah! Thanks a lot! (0:09:11.09)
Lily : Oh, it's a rare drop. (0:09:14.96)
Lily : It's a silver sword.
That's a pretty good weapon.
Lily : Now then, Hayashi-san, you've got
one more shot to test your luck.
Lily : Hopefully we'll find
something good there, too.
Hayashi : A thousand gold and bracelets? (0:09:42.67)
Hayashi : Does this count as good luck? (0:09:46.47)
Lily : Hmm... A little bit? (0:09:48.29)
Lily : Oh, but now we're a matching
pair... or something?
Hayashi : Of course! I'll keep it equipped my whole life! (0:09:56.52)
Lily : You can unequip it once
you find something better!
Hayashi : No. I'll wear them forever! (0:10:02.11)
Moriko Morioka : Th-That was really fun. (0:10:17.40)
Moriko Morioka : I had so much fun.
Lily-san, thank you. Thank you!
Hayashi : Lily-san! Lily-san! (0:10:36.26)
Hayashi : You can go inside these sea anemones! (0:10:38.20)
Hayashi : Look! (0:10:40.37)
Hayashi : I fit right inside. (0:10:41.63)
Lily : I want to go inside, too! (0:10:45.89)
Hayashi : It's snowing... (0:11:20.73)
Hayashi : What's this? (0:11:23.32)
Lily : It looks like it's for Christmas. (0:11:28.87)
Lily : Even in Fruits de Mer , things
can get festive just like this.
Lily : It kind of gets you excited, doesn't it? (0:11:39.35)
Hayashi : It does. (0:11:41.54)
Hayashi : Christmas... (0:11:43.93)
Moriko Morioka : I know! (0:11:46.53)
Lily : Hayashi-san, good evening! (0:11:54.18)
Hayashi : Lily-san! (0:11:56.55)
Lily : Let's go hunting. I heard
some new monsters spawned.
Hayashi : Sure. (0:12:02.39)
Hayashi : Oh, um... There's actually
somewhere I wanted to go today.
Hayashi : Later! (0:12:08.38)
Lily : Hayashi-san? (0:12:14.04)
EXTRA : The Next Day (0:12:16.58)
Lily : Hayashi-san! (0:12:18.89)
Hayashi : Sorry, I'm in a hurry to get somewhere! (0:12:21.41)
Lilac : Poko-chan, you playing from a net cafe? (0:12:28.72)
Pokotarou : Yeah, on the way home from work. (0:12:30.51)
Pokotarou : It takes me three hours to get
home, so I'm taking a break.
Hayashi : Three hours?! (0:12:35.43)
Pokotarou : It's a bit of a trip, right? (0:12:36.48)
Himeralda : You should hurry on home! Don't
you have someone waiting for you?
Pokotarou : Yup. You've got a point. (0:12:42.65)
Kanbe : Hayashi, you fit in completely these days. (0:12:47.02)
Kanbe : Remember when you first started? (0:12:49.40)
Kanbe : You'd get killed by super weak enemies... (0:12:57.06)
Hayashi : Take this! (0:13:01.00)
Kanbe : And you had trouble with the controls. (0:13:05.42)
Kanbe : You'd run off randomly at full
speed in the middle of a fight.
Kanbe : It's all thanks to the help I got
from you and everyone in the guild.
Pokotarou : Come on, let's put the formalities behind us. (0:13:15.02)
Pokotarou : Time to drink! (0:13:17.15)
EXTRA : Cheers! (0:13:19.52)
Himeralda : What's the matter? You look lonely. (0:13:33.94)
Lily : Hime-san... (0:13:36.46)
Himeralda : Got some girl problems? (0:13:40.64)
Himeralda : You can tell your big
brother Himeralda anything.
Himeralda : Okay? (0:13:45.85)
Lily : I-I couldn't... (0:13:47.78)
Lily : But... (0:13:50.76)
Lily : Hayashi-san and I went into a sea anemone
together and I felt right at home.
Lily : I sort of feel like I'd
like to play with him more.
Lily : But it seems like he's avoiding me. (0:14:03.65)
Lily : I wonder if I did something. (0:14:05.87)
Himeralda : Goodness. (0:14:08.49)
Kanbe : So, what's this about Hayashi? (0:14:12.93)
Himeralda : Apparently something happened
between him and Lily-chan.
Kanbe : "Something"? (0:14:17.82)
Himeralda : Both Hayashi-kun and Lily-chan are our
friends in our guild, @Home Party, right?
Himeralda : And you're the guildmaster,
so go and ask him what's up!
Himeralda : Okay? (0:14:28.27)
Kanbe : Jeez. (0:14:29.62)
Hayashi : Huh? (0:14:37.17)
Kanbe : Looks like you've been avoiding Lily lately. (0:14:38.92)
Kanbe : Something happen? (0:14:41.70)
Hayashi : Oh... So you invited me to adventure
with you alone to ask me about that.
Kanbe : I'm sure I told you when you
first entered our guild.
Kanbe : No romance allowed. (0:14:54.19)
Hayashi : Wh-What? (0:14:58.82)
Kanbe : You really are a doofus. (0:15:00.33)
Hayashi : Huh? (0:15:02.03)
Kanbe : While it is true that our
guild has a no romance policy
Kanbe : and I don't want any drama, (0:15:07.47)
Kanbe : you can just game normally. (0:15:09.75)
Hayashi : Yeah? (0:15:12.78)
Kanbe : Anyway, I'm asking you this
as a friend, not your GM.
Kanbe : Can you just be a good game friend to Lily
like you always have been up until now?
Kanbe : With how she looks
and how kindhearted she is,
Kanbe : surely you can imagine that she
has to deal with creeps sometimes,
Kanbe : even though she's just here to forget
about work and things and enjoy the game.
Kanbe : Besides, online games are a strange
world where there's no telling
Kanbe : what someone's gender really is. (0:15:37.18)
Hayashi : No need to worry. A game's a game,
and the real world's the real world.
Hayashi : It's thanks to Lily-san that I'm
having such a good time now,
Hayashi : so I wanted to give her a token
of my appreciation in game.
Hayashi : I'm gonna get a certain rare drop
from this quest on my own.
Hayashi : That's right. It's one you can't buy with money. (0:15:53.68)
Hayashi : I want to give her a Crystal Rose
as a Christmas present!
Kanbe : Huh?! That's so corny! (0:16:02.15)
Hayashi : I've thought about it, and simple is best! (0:16:04.73)
Hayashi : I know my level is too low, (0:16:08.32)
Hayashi : but I wanted to try and get it on my own. (0:16:09.61)
Hayashi : And I'm sure it'll look great on her! (0:16:11.36)
Kanbe : So, wait, you intend to play from
now straight until Christmas?
Hayashi : Lily-san. (0:16:53.78)
Lily : H-Hayashi-san? (0:17:03.56)
Lily : Are you okay? (0:17:06.42)
Hayashi : I'm fine. I just kind of went
overboard with a tough quest.
Lily : You need healing. (0:17:13.45)
Lily : Breath of Healing. (0:17:16.31)
Hayashi : Thank you. Um, I was looking for you. (0:17:19.76)
Hayashi : I asked Kanbe-san where you might be. (0:17:23.80)
Lily : Am I getting in your way? (0:17:32.65)
Hayashi : Huh? (0:17:35.69)
Lily : I know... I'm just getting negative on my own. (0:17:37.55)
Moriko Morioka : Wh-What's wrong? Lily-san, what happened? (0:17:42.68)
Moriko Morioka : I... I don't know what to say to her. (0:17:45.80)
Moriko Morioka : How can I understand how a girl feels? (0:17:48.90)
Moriko Morioka : I dunno even though I'm a girl! (0:17:50.44)
Moriko Morioka : I'm never gonna lose my virginity as a man! (0:17:51.74)
Moriko Morioka : Wait, I guess that's obvious. (0:17:54.78)
Lily : Just kidding! (0:17:58.01)
Lily : You're doing great just as you are. (0:17:59.67)
Lily : If I said anything more,
I'd just be putting you in a tight spot.
Lily : But you came to see me
for a reason, didn't you?
Hayashi : Are you free Christmas Eve? (0:18:11.55)
Hayashi : There's something I want to give you. (0:18:13.91)
Lily : I have work, but I'll try to
get home as soon as I can.
Hayashi : Great! (0:18:23.54)
Homare Koiwai : So what do you wanna do? (0:18:27.65)
Homare Koiwai : Wanna enjoy a nice drink,
just two guys on Christmas Eve?
Sakurai Yuta : I wish you wouldn't say that.
It rings painfully hollow.
Homare Koiwai : Don't take me seriously. I was joking. (0:18:33.67)
Sakurai Yuta : I've got some plans. (0:18:36.63)
Homare Koiwai : Got a date? (0:18:38.23)
Sakurai Yuta : That's not it! (0:18:38.93)
Homare Koiwai : That right? (0:18:41.97)
Homare Koiwai : Later! Good work today. (0:18:43.25)
Sakurai Yuta : Thank you. (0:18:46.37)
Sakurai Yuta : Now then... (0:18:48.88)
Moriko Morioka : Damn. There are couples everywhere
just 'cause it's Christmas Eve.
Moriko Morioka : I must retreat at once... (0:19:17.78)
Moriko Morioka : Or I'll die! (0:19:20.64)
Kazuomi Fujimoto : Thank you very much. (0:19:26.99)
EXTRA : Merry Christmas. (0:19:29.01)
EXTRA : Thank you very much. (0:19:30.60)
EXTRA : Welcome. (0:19:34.39)
EXTRA : Christmas Chicken (0:19:35.40)
Moriko Morioka : Stop it! Stop it, stomach! (0:19:41.26)
EXTRA : Here you are. Thank you very much. (0:19:45.35)
Moriko Morioka : All right, here we are!
Just bear with it, stomach!
Moriko Morioka : No, I'm asking the impossible.
It just won't stop.
Moriko Morioka : My stomach is playing its own jingle bells. (0:19:57.97)
Moriko Morioka : If I'm going to die of
embarrassment here anyway...
Moriko Morioka : I'd rather eat to death! (0:20:04.88)
Kazuomi Fujimoto : Miss? (0:20:06.23)
EXTRA : Thanks for always shopping with us. (0:20:08.25)
Moriko Morioka : Excuse me, but can I have the chicken? (0:20:18.64)
Moriko Morioka : What was that?! (0:20:21.14)
Sakurai Yuta : P-Please, help yourself. (0:20:27.57)
Moriko Morioka : I won't be able to come
to this store for a while!
Hayashi : I had a lot to deal with, but I still
logged on before Lily-san. What a relief.
Lily : Hayashi-san! (0:20:45.47)
Lily : Did I surprise you? Merry Christmas. (0:20:49.58)
Moriko Morioka : Too surprisingly adorbs! (0:20:53.56)
Lily : I have a present. (0:20:57.11)
Lily : It's dye you can use on gear when
you find something you like.
Hayashi : Thank you very much. (0:21:03.52)
Hayashi : I'll be extra, extra careful when I use it! (0:21:05.11)
Hayashi : As for me... (0:21:09.26)
Hayashi : I got you this. (0:21:12.83)
Hayashi : It's a mini rose brooch. (0:21:17.43)
Hayashi : I actually wanted to get you a Crystal Rose, (0:21:21.51)
Hayashi : but this is all I could manage. (0:21:24.87)
Lily : I'm overjoyed. (0:21:28.97)
Lily : Gifts like this are the
true meaning of the season.
Lily : What I gave you was something
I paid for, nothing more.
Lily : This year is the best! Merry Christmas! (0:21:43.53)
Hayashi : Merry Christmas! (0:21:47.66)
EXTRA : Next Episode (0:23:24.96)
Lilac : Is Hayashi-kun a NEET? (0:23:25.13)
Lily : Don't you think there are things
you're better off not knowing?
Sakurai Yuta : My name is Sakurai Yuta. (0:23:30.68)
Moriko Morioka : That guy was so cool... (0:23:32.09)
Lily : Episode 2, "We Don't Know a Thing." (0:23:34.90)
EXTRA : Episode 2
We Don't Know a Thing

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That will be difficult. - Abe no Haruakira

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- Abe no Haruakira

Yet, as to how they are produced...
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