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EXTRA : Yukishiro (0:00:21.29)
Nanako Yukishiro : As the cherry blossoms bloom (0:00:33.41)
Nanako Yukishiro : I'm so happy (0:00:35.58)
Nanako Yukishiro : That we met (0:00:37.79)
EXTRA : Th-that's him, isn't it? Eiji Busujima-kun... (0:00:46.87)
EXTRA : Looks like someone busted up
the Beast of West Middle School...
EXTRA : Morning! Did you oversleep again, Nanako? (0:00:53.12)
EXTRA : Poem 1        The 5-7-5 Girl (0:02:11.04)
EXTRA : Okay, for this problem... (0:02:17.29)
EXTRA : Hmm... Yukishiro. (0:02:19.54)
EXTRA : Nanako Yukishiro, can you solve this one? (0:02:22.04)
EXTRA : Oh, sorry. I forgot talking isn't your strong suit. (0:02:25.75)
EXTRA : You can just write out the answer
and show it to me when you're done.
Nanako Yukishiro : To tell you the truth, (0:02:42.70)
Nanako Yukishiro : I haven't understood (0:02:44.12)
Nanako Yukishiro : The last five problems (0:02:45.83)
EXTRA : Then say something five problems ago! (0:02:47.25)
EXTRA : Hey Nanako-chan, how come
you always write everything down?
Nanako Yukishiro : Because my thoughts (0:02:57.87)
Nanako Yukishiro : Get all jumbled up (0:02:59.16)
Nanako Yukishiro : And I can't speak (0:03:00.62)
EXTRA : Oh, I see. Limiting the words you're able
to use helps you keep things straight, huh?
EXTRA : Well then, what do you do when
you have to go to the bathroom?
EXTRA : Ah, gotcha. (0:03:14.62)
EXTRA : Nanako, did you decide what you want to eat? (0:03:23.66)
EXTRA : One beef bowl, coming up! How much do you want?
It's no extra charge for a bigger helping.
EXTRA : I can pile on some more beef, if you like. (0:03:34.08)
Nanako Yukishiro : Bigger helping...? (0:03:34.62)
EXTRA : You want pickled ginger and an egg on top? (0:03:36.37)
Nanako Yukishiro : More beef...? (0:03:36.75)
EXTRA : I can also do extra broth. (0:03:38.29)
Nanako Yukishiro : Ginger and egg... (0:03:39.12)
Nanako Yukishiro : Extra broth... (0:03:41.20)
Nanako Yukishiro : It's all way too much...!
What's the matter?
EXTRA : Uh, she'll just have normal everything. (0:03:44.66)
EXTRA : It all worked out, huh? (0:03:51.87)
EXTRA : Y'know, Yukishiro's pretty cute... (0:03:54.45)
EXTRA : She's so quiet and modest... (0:03:56.58)
EXTRA : I wonder if she has a boyfriend... (0:03:58.33)
EXTRA : Hm? What's wrong? (0:04:02.62)
Nanako Yukishiro : I just realized (0:04:05.12)
Nanako Yukishiro : I forgot to tell him (0:04:06.62)
Nanako Yukishiro : I don't like onions... (0:04:08.04)
EXTRA : Wanna trade for my rice omelette? (0:04:09.37)
EXTRA : The fact that she's an airhead is kinda cute too. (0:04:13.00)
EXTRA : I guess so... (0:04:15.87)
EXTRA : Busujima-kun's face is all beat up again... (0:04:23.33)
EXTRA : He's super scary. I try to stay away from him. (0:04:26.00)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:04:28.95)
Eiji Busujima : Huh? Whaddya want? (0:04:31.04)
Eiji Busujima : Club meeting time already? (0:04:36.62)
EXTRA : Oh, that's right. Busujima-kun's in
the Literature Club with Nanako-chan.
EXTRA : Why the Literature Club, of all things? (0:04:45.25)
EXTRA : Dunno... (0:04:47.37)
Eiji Busujima : Hm? Oh, this? (0:04:54.37)
Eiji Busujima : It happened when I was playing
with my little sister yesterday!
Eiji Busujima : She's at that irresistibly adorable age right now! (0:05:03.87)
Eiji Busujima : Oh, I tried putting the way I was feeling
into a poem, so give it a listen.
Eiji Busujima : My little sister (0:05:12.37)
Eiji Busujima : Is so cute (0:05:13.58)
Eiji Busujima : I could die! (0:05:14.95)
Eiji Busujima : How's that? Pretty proud of it, myself. (0:05:17.08)
Eiji Busujima : You think the "I could die!" part really
gets across just how damn cute she is?
Eiji Busujima : I've always looked tough, so I kinda
scare people when I look at them, y'know?
Nanako Yukishiro : Why not try (0:05:33.50)
Nanako Yukishiro : Loosening things up (0:05:34.91)
Nanako Yukishiro : And smiling? (0:05:36.54)
Eiji Busujima : Oh, I get it. (0:05:38.00)
Eiji Busujima : How's this?! (0:05:40.45)
EXTRA : N-Nanako, headed to your club? G-good luck...! (0:05:42.16)
Eiji Busujima : So this is one of Nanako's friends, huh? (0:05:46.70)
Eiji Busujima : I oughta introduce myself.
First impressions are everything, after all...
Eiji Busujima : It's a pleasure to meet you!
I'm Nanako's friend, Busujima.
EXTRA : H-he's gonna pummel me! (0:05:59.91)
EXTRA : Literature Club (0:06:02.29)
EXTRA : Theme (0:06:07.12)
Amane Katagiri : Oh, there you are! (0:06:10.79)
Eiji Busujima : Reporting for duty, President Amane! (0:06:12.54)
Amane Katagiri : Well? You used to the school yet? (0:06:14.70)
Eiji Busujima : I just talked to one of my classmates
other than Nanako for the first time!
Amane Katagiri : Oh, nice! What'd you talk about? (0:06:21.91)
EXTRA : Get away! Don't touch me! (0:06:24.75)
Eiji Busujima : Wait! Don't run away! (0:06:26.20)
Amane Katagiri : That's not a conversation! (0:06:27.58)
Amane Katagiri : Jeez, what are we gonna do with you?
Scaring 'em away left and right...
Amane Katagiri : Oh, I know! (0:06:32.79)
Amane Katagiri : Why not try introducing yourself to people using senryu? (0:06:34.87)
Eiji Busujima : Right! (0:06:38.45)
Eiji Busujima : How 'bout this? (0:06:50.62)
Eiji Busujima : Hello there!
My name is
Eiji Busu-
Eiji Busujima : Hello there! (0:06:53.33)
Eiji Busujima : My name is (0:06:54.41)
Eiji Busujima : Eiji Busu- (0:06:55.91)
Amane Katagiri : Hmm... I like that you stuck with the 5-7-5 format, but
you didn't even finish your name. It defeats the purpose.
Nanako Yukishiro : For more details
Please check out
My blog!
Nanako Yukishiro : For more details (0:07:04.04)
Nanako Yukishiro : Please check out (0:07:05.33)
Nanako Yukishiro : My blog! (0:07:07.00)
Amane Katagiri : Hey, now. Quit goofing around. (0:07:08.54)
Amane Katagiri : Hold on, you really have a blog?! (0:07:11.29)
Amane Katagiri : Okay then, putting Busujima's introduction aside,
let's write an April-themed senryu!
Eiji Busujima : April... (0:07:22.29)
Amane Katagiri : You don't have to think that hard about it. (0:07:23.58)
Amane Katagiri : Just try looking at what's around you and
writing whatever pops into your head.
Eiji Busujima : The sky and the birds (0:07:33.91)
Eiji Busujima : Trees, a forest, telephone poles (0:07:35.12)
Eiji Busujima : And cherry blossoms (0:07:36.62)
Amane Katagiri : I didn't mean for you to list everything you can see... (0:07:37.91)
Nanako Yukishiro : Eighty-five (0:07:40.83)
Nanako Yukishiro : Just over fifty-nine (0:07:42.20)
Nanako Yukishiro : Eighty-two (0:07:43.79)
Eiji Busujima : P-President, is your chest really that big?! (0:07:48.79)
Amane Katagiri : Don't write about me! I don't count! (0:07:52.08)
Eiji Busujima : Man, coming up with senryu is hard... (0:07:58.87)
Amane Katagiri : Seriously, you're way overthinking this. (0:08:02.00)
Amane Katagiri : When you can't come up with an idea,
try making connections.
Amane Katagiri : Take an image, expand upon it,
and then let the verse take shape.
EXTRA : Spring (0:08:09.45)
EXTRA : Entrance
EXTRA : Encounter
EXTRA : Romance (0:08:11.46)
Eiji Busujima : I get it. (0:08:14.12)
EXTRA : Spring (0:08:17.12)
EXTRA : Someone
Picks a Fight
EXTRA : Kick
Their Ass
EXTRA : Kick
Their Ass
Else Picks
a Fight
Amane Katagiri : I'm not sure I can expand on this... (0:08:21.04)
Amane Katagiri : It's a little hard to relate to... (0:08:22.91)
Amane Katagiri : And a little too violent... (0:08:26.00)
Eiji Busujima : But President... you weren't scared of me
when we met, were you?
Amane Katagiri : Huh? Umm, well... (0:08:35.62)
Amane Katagiri : Nice to meet you! The name's Busujima! (0:08:40.04)
Amane Katagiri : I mean, I was a little nervous
the first time I saw you. But...
EXTRA : Today's Theme
Eiji Busujima : Me, my pet rabbit, (0:08:50.04)
Eiji Busujima : My mom, my little sister, (0:08:51.45)
Eiji Busujima : And my old man (0:08:53.00)
Amane Katagiri : But I guess you could say... (0:08:55.20)
Amane Katagiri : I had a feeling he'd be pretty easy to get along with. (0:08:57.95)
EXTRA : Spring (0:09:02.70)
Eiji Busujima : Yo, Nanako... She said you gotta make it relatable. (0:09:03.29)
Amane Katagiri : That's not the problem here! (0:09:06.25)
Nanako Yukishiro : Hey Ei-chan, (0:09:13.33)
Nanako Yukishiro : Why did you (0:09:15.08)
Nanako Yukishiro : Start writing senryu? (0:09:16.62)
Eiji Busujima : Hm? Oh... (0:09:17.87)
EXTRA : S-so strong... (0:09:25.37)
EXTRA : So this is the Beast of West Middle School...! (0:09:27.00)
Eiji Busujima : Who're you calling a beast?!
You're the one who picked a fight with me!
Eiji Busujima : I'm sick and tired of fighting all the time! (0:09:32.58)
Eiji Busujima : I'd trade in my fists (0:09:36.04)
Eiji Busujima : To live a life (0:09:37.45)
Eiji Busujima : Full of smiles! (0:09:38.91)
Eiji Busujima : Yeah... It had such a cool, flowy rhythm,
and it felt good to let it all out, y'know?
EXTRA : Isn't that Busujima, the Beast of West Middle School? (0:09:48.25)
EXTRA : Dude, he'll hear you! Shut up! (0:09:51.29)
Eiji Busujima : Unfortunately, I'm kinda infamous... (0:09:55.08)
Eiji Busujima : Hey, Nanako... You shouldn't walk so close to me. (0:09:57.83)
Eiji Busujima : You wouldn't want people to be scared of you, too. (0:10:01.16)
Nanako Yukishiro : It doesn't matter (0:10:09.75)
Nanako Yukishiro : What they think (0:10:11.45)
Nanako Yukishiro : As long as I'm with you! (0:10:13.16)
Eiji Busujima : Huh?! Wait, you-! (0:10:21.20)
Eiji Busujima : But that-! Are you-?! (0:10:23.58)
Eiji Busujima : You idiot... That's the kind of thing a girl
says to a guy she has a crush on!
Eiji Busujima : Then again, they do say not to look
a gift horse in the mouth...
Eiji Busujima : H-hey, cut it out! (0:10:38.75)
Amane Katagiri : What are those two doing...? (0:10:40.54)
EXTRA : Yukishiro (0:10:43.37)
EXTRA : Welcome home, Big Sis. (0:10:44.75)
EXTRA : Hey, by the way, I heard a thug joined
your Literature Club... How's that working out?
Nanako Yukishiro : He's bad at talking (0:10:53.41)
Nanako Yukishiro : And girls run away from him (0:10:55.29)
Nanako Yukishiro : When he smiles (0:10:57.54)
Eiji Busujima : Next time on Sen- (0:12:05.62)
Eiji Busujima : -ryu Girl, (0:12:06.95)
Eiji Busujima : Nanako's Di- (0:12:08.20)
Nanako Yukishiro : -et! (0:12:09.50)
EXTRA : Next Time, Poem 2 (0:12:12.12)

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