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Afin : Hey, Partner. (0:00:31.95)
Afin : Uh, mind if I call you partner? (0:00:33.37)
EXTRA : Hey, Ash! Do you have
another mission after this?
EXTRA : As of today, this place will be
granted authority over you.
EXTRA : This parting... was inevitable. (0:00:47.87)
EXTRA : No, come with me! (0:00:51.04)
Ash : Again, that same dream... (0:01:09.25)
Regius : Oracle: The name of a massive
space fleet consisting of...
Regius : ...several hundred spacecraft
with a Mothership at its core.
Regius : With its formation, exploration of
outer space became possible...
Regius : ...and paved the way for a new history. (0:03:00.87)
Regius : When a new planet is discovered,
ARKS is sent forth to investigate.
Regius : ARKS is comprised of the well-balanced Humans,
the exceptional Photon-wielding Newmans,
Regius : and a third race, the powerful
and heavy-duty CASTs.
Regius : In order to eradicate the Falspawn
which lurk on planets near and far,
Regius : the ARKS organization was formed. (0:03:27.41)
Regius : Until the day there is peace in space,
the fleet's journey will continue.
Regius : Attention, new ARKS in the making. (0:03:39.83)
EXTRA : "I've Been Waiting for this Day" (0:03:42.33)
Regius : "I've Been Waiting for this Day"
You're about to take your first
steps into the vast universe.
Regius : Now you must seal your decision
by inputting your personal data.
Regius : We welcome you with open arms. (0:03:52.41)
Afin : Hey, Partner. (0:04:15.50)
Afin : Uh, since we're in the same group,
mind if I call you partner?
Afin : My name's Afin. How about you? (0:04:21.25)
Ash : I... (0:04:25.33)
Afin : Well, we can take all the time you need. (0:04:31.58)
Afin : Where are you from, Partner? (0:04:34.58)
Ash : Ship 74. (0:04:37.33)
Afin : Really?! I'm from Ship 74 too! (0:04:38.79)
Afin : What a coincidence! Which school? (0:04:42.45)
Afin : We might've gone to the same one! (0:04:45.20)
Ash : Doubtful. I was raised in an orphanage. (0:04:47.29)
Afin : I wonder what this Naverius planet
we're headed for is like?
EXTRA : You've got to be kidding me. Never heard of it? (0:04:56.33)
EXTRA : That planet got discovered a long time ago. (0:04:59.37)
Afin : Really? (0:05:02.00)
EXTRA : Yeah, and since there's no
Falspawn there anymore,
EXTRA : it's the perfect planet for training recruits. (0:05:06.04)
Afin : Lucky us, Partner! Seems easy! (0:05:08.87)
EXTRA : Hmph! I'd be a little more
cautious if I were you.
EXTRA : I hear those Native Creatures
are pretty vicious.
EXTRA : Plus, being as puny as you are,
you might just die.
Afin : --Hey. Did you aspire to join ARKS
like me ever since you were young?
Afin : --Are you a Fighter?
--Hey. Did you aspire to join ARKS
like me ever since you were young?
EXTRA : --Yeah.
--Hey. Did you aspire to join ARKS
like me ever since you were young?
EXTRA : --You know, Knuckles are best for Fighters.
--Hey. Did you aspire to join ARKS
like me ever since you were young?
Ash : --That's what you think.
--Are you that curious about
other people's lives?
Ash : What made you so interested in joining ARKS? (0:05:34.91)
Afin : Me? I... (0:05:38.66)
Afin : Because I want to see the true sky! (0:05:41.95)
Ash : I see. (0:05:45.08)
Ash : I... (0:05:51.50)
Ash : I want to find out... just who I am. (0:05:54.04)
Afin : Whoa! So this is Naverius?! (0:06:07.00)
EXTRA : Recruits, line up! (0:06:16.50)
EXTRA : In just a moment, we'll descend to Naverius. (0:06:18.20)
EXTRA : For you recruits, this'll be your
first descent to the surface.
EXTRA : If you can't keep up in combat,
you'll be left behind.
EXTRA : Hold your egos in check and
strive for the final exam.
EXTRA : Recruits, descend! (0:06:31.91)
EXTRA : Ow! (0:06:41.25)
EXTRA : Come on now, I fear for your future. (0:06:44.29)
Afin : Ow, ow, ow. (0:06:47.25)
Ash : Are you okay? (0:06:50.00)
Afin : Thank you, Partner. (0:06:52.70)
EXTRA : All right, listen up. (0:06:55.70)
EXTRA : From here we're heading to point Beta-1. (0:06:57.83)
EXTRA : In the event we encounter
enemy Native Creatures,
EXTRA : it's our mission to exterminate them. (0:07:04.45)
EXTRA : Form ranks! (0:07:07.04)
EXTRA : Yes sir! (0:07:08.20)
Afin : I-It doesn't seem very friendly to me. (0:07:32.08)
EXTRA : It's a Native Creature gone
vicious thanks to F-Factor.
EXTRA : What will you do? (0:07:40.83)
EXTRA : I'll take care of it. (0:07:42.45)
EXTRA : It won't take more than a single hit. (0:07:44.50)
EXTRA : Well done! You earned yourself a point! (0:08:00.45)
EXTRA : All right, let's keep moving! (0:08:03.20)
Afin : What's wrong, Partner? (0:08:12.29)
EXTRA : Whoa, buddy. There's no enemies left. (0:08:14.70)
EXTRA : What are you afraid of? (0:08:17.87)
EXTRA : What's going on? Don't stand around! (0:08:20.33)
Afin : R-Right! (0:08:22.62)
EXTRA : What the...?! (0:08:29.70)
EXTRA : Emergency notice from control. (0:08:32.04)
EXTRA : Code F has been issued for Naverius. (0:08:33.91)
Afin : --What? What?! (0:08:36.41)
EXTRA : --Spatial corruption confirmed.
--What? What?!
EXTRA : It's Falspawn! Get in formation! (0:08:38.87)
Ash : These are... Falspawn? (0:08:41.25)
EXTRA : Exterminate 'em! (0:08:54.58)
Afin : What gives?! I thought Naverius
didn't have any Falspawn!
EXTRA : Stay focused! Hey, recruit! (0:09:07.50)
EXTRA : Don't draw their attention!
Go and sneak around from the south!
Afin : Captain, behind you! (0:09:14.16)
EXTRA : Shit! (0:09:17.37)
Afin : C-Captain... (0:09:21.04)
Ash : Afin, let's run! (0:09:48.50)
Afin : But... our comrades... (0:09:50.12)
Ash : We're the only ones still alive! (0:09:52.16)
Ash : Come on! (0:09:54.70)
EXTRA : The appearance of Falspawn
has been confirmed on Naverius.
EXTRA : Spatial corruption has caused
critical Photon Coefficient levels.
Regius : But why Naverius? (0:10:07.33)
Regius : That's where... (0:10:10.33)
EXTRA : Oribe Unit has been wiped out. (0:10:11.58)
EXTRA : I'm confirming just two survivors. (0:10:13.87)
Regius : We'll head to their aid at once! (0:10:16.16)
Ash : Why not drink while you can? (0:10:33.79)
Afin : It's the same as back then. (0:10:41.04)
Afin : Everyone died. (0:10:44.45)
Afin : Nothing's changed since 10 years ago. (0:10:47.75)
Afin : I'm sure you remember seeing
the Falspawn then, right?
Afin : I was just a scared kid
so I couldn't do anything.
Afin : That's why I've pushed myself
so hard to join ARKS.
Ash : Didn't you say it was to see the sky? (0:11:03.83)
Afin : I'm looking for something. (0:11:09.37)
Afin : What I lost 10 years ago. (0:11:12.25)
Ash : Ten years ago, huh? (0:11:16.20)
Ash : This is the first time I've ever seen Falspawn. (0:11:20.29)
Afin : Huh? Weren't you from Ship 74 though? (0:11:23.50)
Afin : Where were you when it happened? (0:11:27.29)
Ash : Ash. (0:11:31.37)
Afin : Huh? (0:11:32.45)
Ash : It's my name. I haven't told you, right? (0:11:34.04)
Afin : Yeah, I guess you haven't. (0:11:38.12)
Afin : Hope we get along, Partner. (0:11:40.33)
Ash : For now, we should try to get
back to the teleport point.
Afin : Good idea. (0:11:46.37)
Zeno : Hurry up! It's Code F! (0:12:04.66)
Echo : You don't think I know that?! (0:12:06.37)
EXTRA : Zeno, the recruit unit is in
combat with Falspawn.
EXTRA : Head to their rescue at once. (0:12:12.00)
Zeno : Didn't Oribe Unit descend? Where are they?! (0:12:13.83)
EXTRA : Killed in battle. (0:12:17.25)
EXTRA : There's only two recruits left who survived. (0:12:19.75)
Zeno : Hurry and send the coordinates! (0:12:22.70)
Gettemhult : There's something nasty nearby. (0:12:36.91)
Gettemhult : I feel a tingle in my skin. (0:12:39.37)
Gettemhult : Let's go, Seana! (0:12:42.08)
Melfonseana : Of course, Gettemhult. (0:12:44.00)
Afin : Shit! Shit! (0:13:00.25)
Ash : Afin! (0:13:05.25)
Zeno : Talk about making it just in time. (0:13:27.04)
Afin : Zeno! (0:13:30.04)
Ash : Zeno? (0:13:31.12)
Afin : You don't know the guy?
He's like an ARKS celebrity!
Echo : Zeno! (0:13:39.62)
Echo : Sheesh! (0:13:43.79)
Zeno : Doesn't look like you're hurt. (0:13:46.79)
Afin : Yeah. M-My name's Afin. (0:13:48.50)
Afin : This is my partner, Ash. (0:13:51.75)
Zeno : Huh? Do I know you? (0:13:53.75)
Zeno : I feel like I've seen you somewhere... (0:13:56.62)
Zeno : Hmm? From where though? (0:13:59.16)
Zeno : Well, whatever! (0:14:03.66)
Echo : C'mon, Zeno! Don't leave me behind! (0:14:05.20)
Echo : Try thinking about your comrades for once! (0:14:07.91)
Zeno : Whoops, my bad. (0:14:10.66)
Zeno : Let me introduce you. She's Echo. (0:14:12.45)
Echo : Huh?! What kinda crappy introduction was that?! (0:14:15.00)
Ash : We were surrounded in an instant,
and everyone but us was...
Zeno : I see. (0:14:28.04)
Zeno : Sounds like a disaster. (0:14:29.62)
Zeno : Though, compared to joining ARKS
believing in some naive dream,
Zeno : it's better you saw the
harsh truth right off the bat.
Echo : Can it, Zeno! You could have
phrased that differently!
Zeno : No matter how we put it, this is
the truth of fighting Falspawn.
Zeno : As long as you're in ARKS,
you'll someday see your comrades die.
Zeno : The quicker you learn that,
the longer you'll live.
Zeno : Catch. (0:14:55.45)
Zeno : There's no point in brooding over everything.
Keep your chin up.
Zeno : Never forget that frustration and never give up. (0:15:05.04)
Zeno : As long as you can do those
two things, it'll all end well.
Echo : You don't have to listen to him, okay? (0:15:14.00)
Echo : I bet he stole that line anyways. (0:15:16.33)
Zeno : Hey, don't ruin it! It's fine 'cuz my
master's words are like mine anyways.
Echo : You're so full of yourself. (0:15:22.91)
Afin : What's up, Partner? (0:15:30.95)
Ash : Nothing... (0:15:32.66)
Ash : Sorry, I'll be right back! (0:15:34.45)
Afin : Hey, where are you going?! (0:15:36.58)
Afin : Wait up, Partner! (0:15:38.70)
Zeno : Good grief. (0:15:43.95)
Afin : Hey, Partner! (0:16:14.91)
Matoi : Ash... (0:16:24.70)
Matoi : Please... Kill me... (0:16:27.50)
Afin : Partner? Who's that girl? You know her? (0:16:43.58)
Ash : No. (0:16:46.87)
Ash : I've never met her before. (0:16:48.12)
Afin : I wonder where she's from? (0:16:55.66)
Zeno : So this is where you two went. (0:16:57.58)
Zeno : Hmm? That a survivor? (0:17:00.20)
Afin : No, um... It's more like she fell from the sky. (0:17:02.20)
Zeno : From the sky? (0:17:06.25)
Zeno : What's your deal, slashing at
us out of nowhere?!
Zeno : Who the hell are you?! (0:17:23.79)
Echo : Zeno! (0:17:28.87)
EXTRA : I am... (0:17:33.41)
EXTRA : ...the one who will kill that girl. (0:17:35.25)
EXTRA : And also, the one who will kill you. (0:17:38.00)
Zeno : Get back! (0:17:43.70)
Gettemhult : And to think I came to check out
the mission on a whim.
Gettemhult : Look at all the fun I was missing. (0:17:57.75)
Zeno : Gettemhult... (0:18:00.91)
Gettemhult : Hey, Seana! Who the hell is that?! (0:18:03.12)
Melfonseana : Gettemhult, I'm afraid there's no record
of that person in the ARKS database.
Gettemhult : Really? In other words, it shouldn't
matter if I pulverize them, right?
Gettemhult : Tsk! They ran away... (0:18:26.00)
Zeno : I suppose I should be thanking you, Gettemhult. (0:18:41.20)
Echo : Bleh! (0:18:46.20)
Gettemhult : You... (0:18:48.45)
Gettemhult : You're so weak and helpless,
yet you think you can protect others.
Gettemhult : It makes me so mad, I could vomit. (0:18:56.00)
Zeno : They're recruits that enlisted today.
Give 'em a break.
Gettemhult : Oh, Zeno! You're here? (0:19:04.08)
Gettemhult : I almost got you confused for a new recruit. (0:19:06.75)
Gettemhult : Pretending to be their elder and
looking after them, are we?
Gettemhult : What a big boy you've become, Zeno. (0:19:14.00)
Gettemhult : Have fun getting along with
all of your weak little friends.
Gettemhult : Seana, let's go! (0:19:21.87)
Melfonseana : Of course, Gettemhult. (0:19:24.50)
Melfonseana : You must excuse me. (0:19:28.50)
Echo : He's such a pain in the ass. (0:19:39.50)
Ash : Sir, was that person a colleague of yours? (0:19:44.25)
Zeno : Hmm? (0:19:47.50)
Zeno : Well, you could say that. (0:19:49.20)
Zeno : It's fine if you call me Zeno.
There's no need to be formal.
Zeno : Anyways, let's get back to the ARKS Ship. (0:19:55.20)
Zeno : We oughta take her to a doctor. (0:19:58.29)
EXTRA : There's nothing in particular wrong with her. (0:20:19.50)
EXTRA : If something happens, call for me. (0:20:22.70)
Ash : Thank you. (0:20:24.79)
Zeno : Well, guess we'll get going too. (0:20:26.29)
Echo : You two can handle it from here. (0:20:28.37)
Ash : --Yeah.
Afin : --Yeah.
Afin : In the end, I wonder who she is though? (0:20:35.95)
Afin : She didn't have ID and it doesn't
look like she's in ARKS.
Ash : Yeah. (0:20:43.16)
Ash : Although, she did know my name. (0:20:45.62)
Ash : Why? (0:20:49.75)
Afin : Anyways, I'm leaving too. (0:20:52.12)
Afin : It was a wild day today. (0:20:54.16)
Ash : It sure was. (0:20:56.08)
Afin : See you later, Partner. (0:20:57.58)
Ash : Yeah. (0:20:59.87)
Xion : I've been waiting for you. (0:21:08.91)
Xion : No... (0:21:10.62)
Xion : The meaning of that expression may be skewed. (0:21:12.83)
Xion : Perhaps it should be,
"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."
Xion : My name is Xion. (0:21:20.95)
Xion : First of all, I must thank you. (0:21:24.33)
Xion : As contingency predominance has been confirmed, (0:21:26.87)
Xion : your fate, along with Matoi's,
has progressed along a new course.
Xion : I must apologize. (0:21:37.00)
Xion : Using such vague words,
this must be difficult to understand.
Ash : Hold on-- (0:21:43.00)
Xion : However, it's not necessary
to comprehend just yet.
Xion : I'm certain you'll have the
chance to save many lives.
Xion : For now, it's enough that you grasp that. (0:21:53.79)
Ash : Xion... (0:22:00.33)
Ash : She's gone? (0:22:03.54)
Ash : That was... (0:22:06.62)
EXTRA : How splendid. (0:22:12.79)
EXTRA : To think you prepared something like this... (0:22:14.62)
EXTRA : I can't wait to see what sort of useless
struggle you're planning, Xion.

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