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Chiyuki Fujito : Runway models. (0:00:10.33)
Chiyuki Fujito : They're the models who shine
at fashion shows.
Chiyuki Fujito : I'm Chiyuki Fujito. (0:00:21.29)
Chiyuki Fujito : This is my story
of becoming a top model.
Chiyuki Fujito : And... (0:00:29.83)
EXTRA : "Mille Neige Modeling Agency"
"8 Years Ago"
Shizuku Naruoka : "Mille Neige Modeling Agency"
"8 Years Ago"
What? Another growth spurt, Chiyuki?
Chiyuki Fujito : Yup! Now I'm 158 cm! (0:00:40.16)
Shizuku Naruoka : "Chiyuki Fujito
10 years old"
That's tall for a fourth grader!
Chiyuki Fujito : Hey, Shizuku. (0:00:46.54)
Chiyuki Fujito : To walk at Paris Fashion Week,
how tall would I need to be?
Shizuku Naruoka : Well, I'd say you'd need to be
at least 175 cm.
Chiyuki Fujito : 175 cm! (0:00:54.04)
Chiyuki Fujito : Since I'm 158 cm now... (0:00:56.45)
Chiyuki Fujito : I need 20 cm more, right Shizuku? (0:00:59.08)
Chiyuki Fujito : Shizuku's the first model
from Mille Neige,
Chiyuki Fujito : my dad's modeling agency, (0:01:05.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : to walk the runway in Paris Fashion Week. (0:01:07.83)
Chiyuki Fujito : I hold an intense adoration
for this celebration of fashion
Chiyuki Fujito : where participation is exclusive
to top models.
Chiyuki Fujito : I wanna be in Paris Fashion Week, too! (0:01:18.91)
Shizuku Naruoka : Grow at least 20 cm more, okay? (0:01:21.20)
EXTRA : The President must be so proud. (0:01:24.37)
EXTRA : His own daughter has what it takes
to represent his company.
EXTRA : At this rate,
she'll grow to be 180 cm.
EXTRA : It all comes down to height
when you're a runway model.
Kenji Fujito : Chiyuki. (0:01:37.00)
Chiyuki Fujito : Dad! (0:01:37.95)
Kenji Fujito : Hey, I got a job for you. (0:01:38.83)
Chiyuki Fujito : Paris Fashion Week?! (0:01:42.37)
Kenji Fujito : Of course not. (0:01:43.41)
Chiyuki Fujito : What? (0:01:44.25)
Chiyuki Fujito : Well it's gonna happen soon, okay?! (0:01:45.75)
Chiyuki Fujito : I know it! (0:01:47.87)
Kenji Fujito : Yeah, it will. (0:01:48.70)
Chiyuki Fujito : But it turns out... (0:01:51.08)
Chiyuki Fujito : I never grew
another centimeter after that.
EXTRA : "Height"
"Greatest Model"
Chiyuki Fujito : Shizuku!
Could I be in Paris Fashion Week?
Chiyuki Fujito : Dad! I want to be in Paris Fashion Week! (0:02:04.33)
Kenji Fujito : Chiyuki, I'm going to be direct. (0:02:09.12)
Kenji Fujito : With that height,
you can't go to Paris.
Kenji Fujito : And if you keep this up... (0:02:14.75)
Chiyuki Fujito : Who said it was impossible?! (0:02:16.83)
Kenji Fujito : I'll fire you. (0:02:19.04)
Chiyuki Fujito : Two years ago, (0:02:24.50)
Chiyuki Fujito : I was fired by my dad. (0:02:26.70)
EXTRA : "Episode 1 This Is Your Story" (0:02:31.25)
Shizuku Naruoka : "Episode 1 This Is Your Story"
Come on, Chiyuki.
Shizuku Naruoka : "Mille Neige Audition"
Remember what I told you
at the last audition?
Shizuku Naruoka : And the one before that
and the one before that?
Chiyuki Fujito : "Paris Fashion Week, here we come!" (0:02:41.04)
Shizuku Naruoka : I said, "Don't come back." (0:02:43.75)
Shizuku Naruoka : You've got a lot of nerve
to show up like this.
Chiyuki Fujito : Oh, yeah? You're only here because you want
to retire early with a stable income.
Shizuku Naruoka : What?! (0:02:54.83)
Shizuku Naruoka : You're fired! Now get out! (0:02:56.00)
EXTRA : It's okay, Shizuku. (0:02:58.41)
Shizuku Naruoka : So, Chiyuki. (0:03:02.83)
Shizuku Naruoka : What's with that outfit? (0:03:04.62)
Chiyuki Fujito : It's the outfit you wore
at Paris Fashion Week.
Chiyuki Fujito : I'll pass if this looks good on me, right? (0:03:11.29)
Shizuku Naruoka : Are you kidding me with those heels? (0:03:13.62)
Shizuku Naruoka : There's nothing more hideous
than wearing heels to cheat your height.
Shizuku Naruoka : There are plenty of models out there
who look good in clothes.
Shizuku Naruoka : Runway models don't showcase themselves.
They showcase the clothes.
Shizuku Naruoka : That's why you need that height. (0:03:29.33)
Shizuku Naruoka : Those proportions. (0:03:31.04)
Shizuku Naruoka : We're not a big agency
that can pull strings.
Shizuku Naruoka : I'm afraid there's no hope for you.
You just don't have the height.
Shizuku Naruoka : Chiyuki, it's impossible. (0:03:44.95)
Shizuku Naruoka : Please just give up. (0:03:47.91)
EXTRA : "Dressing Room" (0:03:49.70)
Takahashi : Chiyuki. (0:03:53.79)
Takahashi : Thought you might be interested. (0:03:56.00)
Takahashi : I gathered audition paperwork
for other agencies.
Takahashi : You've got the looks. I bet you'll-- (0:04:04.37)
Chiyuki Fujito : Takahashi. (0:04:07.16)
Chiyuki Fujito : Don't worry about me. (0:04:08.75)
Chiyuki Fujito : I'll be back! Tell Shizuku for me. (0:04:10.45)
Chiyuki Fujito : My dream isn't just to appear
in Paris Fashion Week.
Chiyuki Fujito : I'm not giving up. (0:04:19.70)
EXTRA : If you haven't submitted
your post-graduation plans yet,
EXTRA : make sure you give it to Fujito,
today's teacher's assistant.
EXTRA : Fujito, collect them
and get them to me after class, okay?
Chiyuki Fujito : Will do! (0:04:37.12)
EXTRA : "Post-Graduation Plans
Chiyuki Fujito
First Choice: Supermodel"
EXTRA : "Post-Graduation Plans
Chiyuki Fujito
First Choice: Supermodel"
EXTRA : You've got a glamorous future ahead! (0:04:45.45)
EXTRA : You'll make your father proud! (0:04:48.12)
EXTRA : Chiyuki, eventually you could take over
as president!
Chiyuki Fujito : No thank you! (0:04:54.08)
EXTRA : Why not? (0:04:56.04)
EXTRA : Well, you're already a model,
aren't you?
Chiyuki Fujito : Oh, you're right. (0:05:00.62)
EXTRA : "Post-Graduation Plans
Chiyuki Fujito
First Choice: Hypermodel"
Chiyuki Fujito : I'm gonna be a hypermodel! (0:05:04.58)
EXTRA : Wow! (0:05:06.58)
Ikuto Tsumura : Miss Fujito. (0:05:07.54)
Chiyuki Fujito : Yes? (0:05:09.08)
Ikuto Tsumura : I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. (0:05:09.91)
Ikuto Tsumura : The post-graduation plans
I just submitted...
Chiyuki Fujito : Oh... What was your name...? (0:05:17.45)
EXTRA : Chiyuki, he's your classmate.
So... What was your name again?
Chiyuki Fujito : Hey. (0:05:25.62)
Ikuto Tsumura : It's Tsumura... Ikuto Tsumura. (0:05:26.62)
EXTRA : Oh, you're the bean sprouts guy! (0:05:29.45)
Chiyuki Fujito : Bean sprouts? (0:05:31.54)
EXTRA : Remember? Everyone teased him
for bringing
EXTRA : plain bean sprouts with rice
for lunch on sports day?
Ikuto Tsumura : Ah, how does everyone know about that?! (0:05:38.58)
Chiyuki Fujito : Oh... Are you poor or something? (0:05:41.00)
EXTRA : Chiyuki, rude much? (0:05:42.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : So, what's up? (0:05:44.50)
Ikuto Tsumura : Right, about that... (0:05:45.54)
Ikuto Tsumura : I wanted to rewrite my plan,
if that's okay.
Ikuto Tsumura : I-I'll bring it right back! (0:05:51.08)
Chiyuki Fujito : Sure. Sounds good. (0:05:53.16)
Ikuto Tsumura : Okay, great. (0:05:54.83)
Ikuto Tsumura : Thanks so much! (0:05:57.87)
EXTRA : Could we stop by the library? (0:06:03.87)
EXTRA : Sure thing! (0:06:05.58)
EXTRA : One, two! One, two! One, two! (0:06:06.75)
Chiyuki Fujito : He said he'd be right back! (0:06:14.12)
Chiyuki Fujito : Hey, about that Tsumura guy... (0:06:16.87)
EXTRA : Tsumura? Who's that? (0:06:19.00)
EXTRA : Remember this morning? (0:06:20.95)
EXTRA : That unfortunate guy
with the bob?
EXTRA : Oh, right. (0:06:24.25)
Chiyuki Fujito : Any idea where he could be? (0:06:25.87)
EXTRA : Hmm... Probably... (0:06:27.62)
EXTRA : Oh, yeah! (0:06:30.58)
EXTRA : "Dressmaking Room" (0:06:31.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : Is this it? (0:06:34.45)
Chiyuki Fujito : Never knew we had a handicraft club. (0:06:35.91)
Chiyuki Fujito : Excuse me. (0:06:38.75)
Ikuto Tsumura : Whoa! M-Miss Fujito?! (0:06:39.75)
Chiyuki Fujito : Your post-grad plans? (0:06:41.87)
Ikuto Tsumura : Ah... S-Sorry! (0:06:43.00)
Chiyuki Fujito : He didn't even change anything. (0:06:47.04)
Ikuto Tsumura : So sorry! Please forgive me. I'm very sorry. (0:06:49.08)
Chiyuki Fujito : Hey! That's the Paris Fashion Week DVD! (0:06:52.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : Why do you have this? (0:06:55.41)
Ikuto Tsumura : Why...? My advisor lent it to me... (0:06:57.12)
Chiyuki Fujito : And it's the one Shizuku's featured in! (0:07:00.08)
Chiyuki Fujito : She's so beautiful... (0:07:02.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : Tsumura, what were you doing watching this? (0:07:05.75)
Ikuto Tsumura : Oh... I'm trying to recreate the same outfit
by watching it.
Chiyuki Fujito : How so? (0:07:17.50)
Ikuto Tsumura : I'm working with what we have here! (0:07:18.50)
Ikuto Tsumura : There's no money to buy fabric (0:07:20.41)
Ikuto Tsumura : so I'm just recycling
old clothes that were donated.
Chiyuki Fujito : Hey, he's pretty interesting. (0:07:26.83)
Chiyuki Fujito : Hey, Tsumura. (0:07:34.41)
Ikuto Tsumura : Yes...? (0:07:35.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : Do you think I'll look good
in this outfit?
Ikuto Tsumura : What? Y-You're a model, Miss Fujito.
You'll look good in anything.
Chiyuki Fujito : I know, right? (0:07:44.95)
Ikuto Tsumura : Vain, much? (0:07:46.04)
Chiyuki Fujito : Do you have anything better for me? (0:07:47.16)
Ikuto Tsumura : For you? Well... (0:07:49.29)
Ikuto Tsumura : L-Let me go check in the closet! (0:07:52.12)
Chiyuki Fujito : Whoa... Did you really make all of these? (0:07:57.75)
Ikuto Tsumura : Yes, I did. Since I'm the only club member... (0:08:00.95)
Ikuto Tsumura : Miss Fujito,
what do you think of this one?
Chiyuki Fujito : Are you trying to piss me off? (0:08:10.91)
Chiyuki Fujito : Hey! Explain to me why you chose this one. (0:08:13.20)
Ikuto Tsumura : I-I'm sorry. It's just that you always
speak your mind
Ikuto Tsumura : and you're way more manly than I-- (0:08:21.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : Hey, why don't you finish that thought? (0:08:24.29)
Ikuto Tsumura : But let's see... (0:08:27.66)
Ikuto Tsumura : For you, Miss Fujito,
we want to find the right balance
Ikuto Tsumura : with your masculine spirit
and feminine appearance...
Ikuto Tsumura : That means we cut the sleeves,
lengthen it...
Chiyuki Fujito : Did he really just call me masculine? (0:08:38.70)
Chiyuki Fujito : But taking a closer look... (0:08:42.83)
Chiyuki Fujito : You can tell he took it apart
and sewed it back together many times.
Chiyuki Fujito : He didn't have enough fabric here. (0:08:48.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : Making clothes must be his passion. (0:08:52.95)
Chiyuki Fujito : You should be one. (0:08:56.87)
Ikuto Tsumura : What? (0:08:58.16)
Chiyuki Fujito : A fashion designer. (0:08:59.45)
Ikuto Tsumura : Oh, there's no way I could do that. (0:09:02.91)
Ikuto Tsumura : That's not what I want to do anyway. (0:09:06.54)
Chiyuki Fujito : Really? You sure about that? (0:09:09.08)
Chiyuki Fujito : I saw that you wrote
"Tokyo Designer Fashion School"...
Chiyuki Fujito : But you erased it. (0:09:15.54)
Ikuto Tsumura : Miss Fujito... (0:09:20.75)
Ikuto Tsumura : Do you think I could be a fashion designer
with only a high school diploma?
Chiyuki Fujito : See? You do. (0:09:27.12)
Chiyuki Fujito : But I don't think that's possible. (0:09:29.25)
Chiyuki Fujito : All the designers I know
went to college for it.
Chiyuki Fujito : Even my dad's company
only accepts new grads
Chiyuki Fujito : from professional school or college. (0:09:39.41)
Chiyuki Fujito : So, yeah, the designer industry
is surprisingly tough.
Ikuto Tsumura : Right... I knew that... (0:09:46.29)
Chiyuki Fujito : I'm assuming you have financial reasons
that are preventing you to go, right?
Chiyuki Fujito : Why don't you look into getting a scholarship? (0:09:53.58)
Ikuto Tsumura : I have three younger sisters. (0:09:56.12)
Ikuto Tsumura : One's super smart. (0:10:01.33)
Ikuto Tsumura : One's a talented volleyball player. (0:10:04.79)
Ikuto Tsumura : The youngest is so far apart in age,
she's just too darn cute.
Ikuto Tsumura : But one refuses to go even though
she could get into any college she wants.
Ikuto Tsumura : The other one rejected an offer
from a top-ranking school
Ikuto Tsumura : because it would be too expensive. (0:10:21.12)
Ikuto Tsumura : As for the youngest,
she's only five years old.
Ikuto Tsumura : I want her to dream big. (0:10:26.37)
Ikuto Tsumura : All of this. (0:10:29.50)
Ikuto Tsumura : All of this will resolve
once I get a job this year.
Ikuto Tsumura : So... (0:10:37.25)
Ikuto Tsumura : That's why I'm not going to college. (0:10:39.29)
Ikuto Tsumura : I just don't want to. (0:10:41.66)
Chiyuki Fujito : Ah, I see. (0:10:43.45)
Chiyuki Fujito : Tsumura's in the same boat as me. (0:10:45.75)
Chiyuki Fujito : We both have circumstances (0:10:49.29)
Chiyuki Fujito : that prevent us
from fulfilling our dreams.
Chiyuki Fujito : But that's not a reason to quit... (0:10:54.41)
Chiyuki Fujito : What? (0:11:03.75)
Shizuku Naruoka : It's impossible. (0:11:05.29)
Takahashi : You can't go to Paris. (0:11:06.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : But I don't think that's possible. (0:11:09.33)
Chiyuki Fujito : What did I say...? (0:11:16.50)
Chiyuki Fujito : No... Not possible...? Who said that? (0:11:20.29)
Chiyuki Fujito : Tsumura... Or did I...? (0:11:23.45)
Ikuto Tsumura : Miss Fujito. (0:11:26.41)
Ikuto Tsumura : Thanks to what you said earlier,
I feel more determined now.
Ikuto Tsumura : Huh...? Miss Fujito? (0:11:36.83)
Ikuto Tsumura : What...? (0:11:41.37)
Chiyuki Fujito : How could I, of all people,
say that something's impossible?
EXTRA : "Mille Neige
Shizuku Naruoka : "Mille Neige
Chiyuki, it's time to give up now.
Chiyuki Fujito : Failed... again. (0:12:03.75)
EXTRA : "ModelT.T Fashion
Fashion Model/Talent Application Form"
EXTRA : You're accepted. (0:12:15.41)
EXTRA : You'll be working with us
starting tomorrow.
Chiyuki Fujito : R-Really...? (0:12:19.95)
EXTRA : Yes. Here's the contract.
Fill it out and bring it to us next time.
Chiyuki Fujito : I knew it. It is possible. (0:12:26.70)
Chiyuki Fujito : I've got the potential. (0:12:29.12)
Chiyuki Fujito : I passed an audition
for a major agency, just like that!
Chiyuki Fujito : If that's not potential,
I don't know what is!
Chiyuki Fujito : I've got this. (0:12:39.95)
EXTRA : Fujito, we need to talk. (0:12:40.79)
EXTRA : I need an explanation. (0:12:43.41)
EXTRA : What do you mean
by supermodel and hypermodel...?
Chiyuki Fujito : A supermodel is a model
who appears in Paris Fashion Week.
EXTRA : That's not exactly common sense, you know? (0:12:52.00)
EXTRA : What about a hypermodel? (0:12:54.91)
Chiyuki Fujito : A hypermodel... (0:13:00.41)
Chiyuki Fujito : A hypermodel is a model from Mille Neige,
my dad's agency, who goes
Chiyuki Fujito : and gets featured in Paris. (0:13:11.95)
Chiyuki Fujito : --The Mille Neige model who goes to Paris...
The Mille Neige model who goes to Paris...
--What... What...?
Chiyuki Fujito : I'm going to be
the Mille Neige model who goes to Paris!
Chiyuki Fujito : Nothing's going to stop me now! (0:13:23.25)
Chiyuki Fujito : I'm going to do everything I can! (0:13:24.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : Thanks so much! (0:13:26.91)
Chiyuki Fujito : I made up my mind! (0:13:28.00)
EXTRA : What...? (0:13:31.12)
Shizuku Naruoka : Runway models don't showcase themselves.
They showcase the clothes.
Shizuku Naruoka : That's why you need that height.
Those proportions.
Chiyuki Fujito : I just have to wear the outfit
and look amazing, that's all.
Chiyuki Fujito : Tsumura! (0:13:46.66)
Ikuto Tsumura : Huh? M-Miss Fujito? (0:13:47.66)
Ikuto Tsumura : What's the matter? (0:13:49.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : Hey! (0:13:50.75)
Chiyuki Fujito : I'll give you all my clothes I don't wear! (0:13:51.62)
Chiyuki Fujito : Just make me look amazing! (0:13:54.37)
Ikuto Tsumura : What...? (0:13:57.37)
Chiyuki Fujito : Smile down the runway. (0:14:02.58)
EXTRA : "Hayasaka General Hospital" (0:14:04.91)
Yuriko Tsumura : Wow, you're making clothes for a model? (0:14:07.08)
Ikuto Tsumura : Yup. We're in the same class... (0:14:09.66)
Yuriko Tsumura : Oh? Don't tell me.
Ikuto, is she your girlfriend?
Ikuto Tsumura : S-She's not! (0:14:17.50)
Yuriko Tsumura : Then why are you so embarrassed? (0:14:19.20)
Ikuto Tsumura : It's not like that at all.
We've never really talked until today.
Yuriko Tsumura : Well. (0:14:27.79)
Yuriko Tsumura : Your clothes have the magic
that can make anyone happy, Ikuto.
Yuriko Tsumura : This one's going to turn out wonderful, too. (0:14:33.50)
Ikuto Tsumura : Thanks. (0:14:36.83)
Ikuto Tsumura : I'm back! (0:14:43.20)
Ichika Tsumura : Hey, Iku's back! We missed you! (0:14:44.62)
Aoi Tsumura : Hey. Why did you make me a skirt?
I told you I need something
Aoi Tsumura : that's easy to move around in! (0:14:53.16)
Ikuto Tsumura : Check again, that's actually a skort. (0:14:54.75)
Aoi Tsumura : --Be nice!
--Oh... But that's not the point!
Ichika Tsumura : --Be nice!
--Oh... But that's not the point!
Ikuto Tsumura : Ouch! Cut it out, Aoi. (0:15:01.79)
Ichika Tsumura : Be nice! Ao, if you don't want it,
Ichika will take it!
Honoka Tsumura : Hey Ikuto. Did you already submit
your post-graduation plans?
Ikuto Tsumura : Oh. Yeah, I did... (0:15:11.62)
Ichika Tsumura : Ao, give it to Ichika! (0:15:13.12)
Aoi Tsumura : It's too big on you, Ichika. (0:15:15.25)
Ichika Tsumura : Give it to me! (0:15:17.08)
Honoka Tsumura : So, what did you write? (0:15:19.70)
Ikuto Tsumura : "F-Find employment." (0:15:21.75)
Honoka Tsumura : Hey Ikuto... (0:15:26.66)
Honoka Tsumura : You don't have to do that
if you don't want to.
Ikuto Tsumura : It's not like that, Honoka. (0:15:34.12)
Ikuto Tsumura : That's what I want to do. To find a job. (0:15:35.95)
Honoka Tsumura : But... You have a passion...
You're holding back...
Honoka Tsumura : You don't have to do everything like Mom. (0:15:43.95)
Ichika Tsumura : Iku! (0:15:49.08)
Ichika Tsumura : Ao, Noka, Ichika and Mom...
We're all your customers, Iku!
Ichika Tsumura : That means you're our favorite dressmaker! (0:15:58.70)
Ichika Tsumura : You're always gonna be
our favorite dressmaker!
Ikuto Tsumura : That's right. And also... (0:16:09.00)
Ikuto Tsumura : I could do what I want
and still be working.
Ikuto Tsumura : Like that time at my part-time job... (0:16:14.75)
Honoka Tsumura : The newspaper distributor? (0:16:17.66)
Ikuto Tsumura : Yup. I made the owner's son a suit
for his entrance ceremony.
Ikuto Tsumura : They were so happy with it. (0:16:25.29)
EXTRA : "Entrance Ceremony" (0:16:28.12)
Ikuto Tsumura : "Entrance Ceremony"
My clothes make people happy,
what more could I ask for?
Honoka Tsumura : But... (0:16:34.25)
Honoka Tsumura : That's not the point. (0:16:35.95)
Ikuto Tsumura : Thanks, Honoka.
But I'm happy with my decision.
EXTRA : "Audition List" (0:16:45.54)
EXTRA : Thank you very much. (0:16:48.41)
Takahashi : Think Chiyuki will show up today? (0:16:51.91)
Shizuku Naruoka : Who knows. (0:16:55.08)
Takahashi : I always wondered... (0:16:56.95)
Takahashi : Why haven't we banned her yet? (0:16:59.04)
Shizuku Naruoka : The President told her
to do what she wants.
Shizuku Naruoka : She's the type who won't give up
unless she wants to.
Shizuku Naruoka : So it's our job to keep on telling her
that she has no talent.
Takahashi : That's a tough role. (0:17:16.12)
Shizuku Naruoka : It's nothing compared
to what Chiyuki's going through.
EXTRA : S-She's here... (0:17:22.79)
Shizuku Naruoka : Must be Chiyuki. Sure, let her in. (0:17:24.37)
Shizuku Naruoka : There's nothing more painful
than pursuing a hopeless dream.
Shizuku Naruoka : Chiyuki, that's why... (0:17:31.87)
Shizuku Naruoka : I'm going to tell you repeatedly... (0:17:33.87)
Shizuku Naruoka : That you don't have... (0:17:37.29)
Shizuku Naruoka : ...what it takes... (0:17:40.50)
Shizuku Naruoka : What is... that look? (0:18:08.41)
Chiyuki Fujito : Oh, no. It's weird, isn't it? (0:18:11.12)
Shizuku Naruoka : No, I mean... (0:18:13.50)
Chiyuki Fujito : Shizuku, I'm not going to give up. (0:18:17.33)
Chiyuki Fujito : My dad started a modeling agency... (0:18:23.70)
Chiyuki Fujito : Seeing Shizuku walk at Paris Fashion Week... (0:18:27.16)
Chiyuki Fujito : I've dedicated my whole life
to following this dream.
Chiyuki Fujito : That's why... (0:18:35.12)
Chiyuki Fujito : If I give up now, I won't be myself! (0:18:37.62)
Shizuku Naruoka : You're going to pursue a hopeless dream
for the rest of your life...?
Chiyuki Fujito : I'll make it a reality!
I've got the rest of my life!
Shizuku Naruoka : You're being ridiculous. (0:18:53.16)
Shizuku Naruoka : A 158 cm Paris Fashion Week model... (0:18:58.75)
Shizuku Naruoka : There's no way. (0:19:02.04)
Shizuku Naruoka : There's no way, but... (0:19:03.45)
Shizuku Naruoka : For a moment... (0:19:06.20)
Shizuku Naruoka : I saw a glimpse of Paris... (0:19:12.54)
Shizuku Naruoka : One percent... (0:19:18.37)
Shizuku Naruoka : I just saw a one percent chance. (0:19:21.25)
Shizuku Naruoka : Come to the back later.
I'll explain our contract.
Kenji Fujito : Mille Neige is as old as you, Chiyuki. (0:19:41.16)
Kenji Fujito : It was established the year you were born. (0:19:44.54)
Kenji Fujito : I always wanted a French name
for my company
Kenji Fujito : and I named it
after the most precious thing in my life.
Kenji Fujito : "Mille" and "neige." (0:19:56.41)
Kenji Fujito : Chiyuki... It's your name. (0:19:58.54)
EXTRA : "Thousand Snow" (0:20:02.83)
Chiyuki Fujito : That's right. (0:20:06.41)
Chiyuki Fujito : My dream isn't just to appear
in Paris Fashion Week.
Chiyuki Fujito : I want to be there to represent
my dad's company, Mille Neige.
Shizuku Naruoka : All right, we're all set. (0:20:21.00)
Shizuku Naruoka : I'm sure you know, but you're only allowed (0:20:23.79)
Shizuku Naruoka : to accept work approved through us
from here on out.
Shizuku Naruoka : That's strictly enforced. (0:20:29.45)
Chiyuki Fujito : Yikes! (0:20:31.04)
Shizuku Naruoka : What? (0:20:33.58)
Chiyuki Fujito : It happened before this,
so it doesn't count!
Shizuku Naruoka : What did you do? (0:20:38.20)
Chiyuki Fujito : A street snap... (0:20:40.20)
Shizuku Naruoka : Ah, where fashion magazines
feature amateurs...
Shizuku Naruoka : Handle yourself like a professional.
Don't bother with that anymore.
Chiyuki Fujito : It's been a while
since I felt that kind of attention...
Shizuku Naruoka : Where did it happen? (0:20:53.37)
Chiyuki Fujito : Downstairs by the agency,
right in front of Dad's store.
Chiyuki Fujito : I wanted to find something
that went with my outfit.
Shizuku Naruoka : What do you mean?
Didn't you buy everything at Mille Neige?
Chiyuki Fujito : What?! O-Oh, yeah. You're right. (0:21:07.33)
Chiyuki Fujito : I can't say that this outfit
was made by an amateur!
EXTRA : Your outfit is so cute!
Where is it from?
Chiyuki Fujito : Huh? Oh... Um... (0:21:19.79)
Chiyuki Fujito : I'm going to be a hypermodel! (0:21:23.12)
Chiyuki Fujito : I can't say that it's handmade
by a friend...
Chiyuki Fujito : At Mille Neige, right around the corner! (0:21:31.12)
EXTRA : "The Spring look from
up-and-coming brand 'Mille Neige'"
EXTRA : Sara, you're up next. (0:21:44.00)
EXTRA : "I love this style!" (0:21:49.87)
EXTRA : "Sara
EXTRA : Oh, that's cute. (0:21:57.62)
EXTRA : Don't you love this? (0:21:59.08)
EXTRA : Love it. (0:22:00.41)
EXTRA : Super cute! (0:22:02.12)
EXTRA : Chiyuki looks great here. (0:22:03.83)
EXTRA : Hey, it's Chiyuki! (0:22:05.79)
EXTRA : We're checking right now. (0:22:10.54)
Kenji Fujito : What is going on? (0:22:12.33)
EXTRA : It's this. There's a rush of customers
contacting us about it.
EXTRA : How should we handle this, President? (0:22:17.62)
EXTRA : Regarding that matter... (0:22:20.12)
Kenji Fujito : Let me go talk to Chiyuki. (0:22:21.66)
Ichika Tsumura : Yes! This is the Tsumura Dress Shop! (0:22:27.29)
Ikuto Tsumura : Cut that out, Ichika! (0:22:29.83)
Ichika Tsumura : Who's Fujito? Is she your girlfriend, Iku? (0:22:31.66)
Ikuto Tsumura : What? (0:22:35.87)
Kenji Fujito : I'm sorry for the sudden call, Tsumura. (0:22:38.50)
Kenji Fujito : I'm Kenji Fujito,
company president of Mille Neige.
Kenji Fujito : It's a pleasure. (0:22:44.66)
Ikuto Tsumura : Y-Yes! Um... How can I help...? (0:22:45.58)
Kenji Fujito : I'm sure you heard
the gist of it from Chiyuki.
Kenji Fujito : So, I'll get right to the point. (0:22:52.20)
Kenji Fujito : I want you to sell me
the design you made for Chiyuki.
Ikuto Tsumura : What...? (0:22:57.50)
Kenji Fujito : I apologize for how this turned out. (0:22:58.79)
Kenji Fujito : Our company got all the credit
and recognition for your creation.
Ikuto Tsumura : N-No... It's nothing, really... (0:23:04.79)
Kenji Fujito : I called you here to talk about
an official launch of that design.
Ikuto Tsumura : O-Of course! As you wish. (0:23:12.62)
Kenji Fujito : Thanks. (0:23:15.08)
Chiyuki Fujito : I know. (0:23:16.16)
Kenji Fujito : And one more thing. (0:23:17.87)
Ikuto Tsumura : Y-Yes! (0:23:20.25)
Kenji Fujito : I'm just putting this out there, but... (0:23:21.54)
Kenji Fujito : --We just lost a designer
and I need one for a project coming up.
Chiyuki Fujito : --That gaze...
--We just lost a designer
and I need one for a project coming up.
Kenji Fujito : --We just lost a designer
and I need one for a project coming up.
Chiyuki Fujito : It's the same gaze I felt
when I was young.
Kenji Fujito : So, what do you say?
Do you want to work for us as a designer?
Chiyuki Fujito : As if he's gazing
at a rough diamond...
EXTRA : "Chiyuki Fujito" (0:23:40.87)
Chiyuki Fujito : "Chiyuki Fujito"
That's right.
Chiyuki Fujito : I'm Chiyuki Fujito. This is my story
of becoming a top model.
Chiyuki Fujito : And... (0:23:48.54)
Ikuto Tsumura : "Ikuto Tsumura"
I'm Ikuto Tsumura.
Kenji Fujito : Designers are the true stars
of the fashion industry.
Kenji Fujito : That goes for this project, too. (0:23:59.12)
Kenji Fujito : I understand this can be intimidating
since it's your first time.
Kenji Fujito : But you have the liberty
to create what you want.
Kenji Fujito : That said... (0:24:07.33)
Kenji Fujito : The star of this project,
this story, is you, Ikuto Tsumura.
Ikuto Tsumura : And I'm Ikuto Tsumura. (0:24:16.16)
Ikuto Tsumura : This is my story
of becoming a fashion designer.
Ikuto Tsumura : Clothes can transform a person. (0:24:24.54)
Ikuto Tsumura : That's why I want to make them. (0:24:26.58)
Ikuto Tsumura : I want to be a professional designer. (0:24:29.25)
Ikuto Tsumura : Next episode, "The Professional World." (0:24:31.54)

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My princess!!! - peanutgobbler


and unite those Drifters
to stand against the Ends.
- Olminu

I heard that about sixty years ago,
he appeared out of nowhere.
- Olminu

Errr... can you untie me? - Olminu

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