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EXTRA : "Tower of Fangs" (0:00:08.16)
EXTRA : "Azalie" (0:00:25.75)
Azalie : "Azalie"
Don't look at me...
EXTRA : But he looked. (0:00:28.29)
EXTRA : "Krylancelo"
But he looked.
EXTRA : Or rather, he was paralyzed
and couldn't move.
EXTRA : All he could do was stare at her in shock. (0:00:35.08)
Azalie : Please don't look at me. I'm begging you... (0:00:38.83)
Orphen : Azalie... Are you crying? (0:00:42.04)
Azalie : Please... Leave, Krylancelo! (0:00:44.66)
Orphen : Where's Master? (0:00:48.25)
Azalie : Just leave! Please! (0:00:51.91)
Orphen : Azalie! Your hand... (0:00:56.50)
Orphen : What in the world is going on? (0:01:01.08)
Orphen : The sword... (0:01:04.12)
Azalie : I exist as both the beginning and as the end. (0:01:11.37)
Azalie : "Childman"
Much like the monster named Time itself.
Azalie : The Soon-Another... (0:01:15.91)
Azalie : The experiment failed... (0:01:27.87)
EXTRA : "Leticia" (0:02:03.83)
EXTRA : "Forte" (0:02:05.33)
Orphen : Master! (0:02:09.20)
EXTRA : "Comicron" "Heartia" (0:02:11.04)
Comicron : "Comicron" "Heartia"
Comicron : That's... (0:02:13.45)
EXTRA : O Lightning! (0:02:24.33)
Orphen : Stop! (0:02:29.54)
Orphen : I unsheathe thee, Sword of Light! (0:02:36.37)
Hartia : Krylancelo! (0:02:51.58)
Orphen : Azalie! (0:02:54.33)
Orphen : Azalie! (0:02:57.50)
Orphen : Azalie! (0:03:00.45)
EXTRA : The Kiesalhima Continent,
approximately a thousand years ago.
EXTRA : The Dwarves that have lived
on the land since time immemorial
EXTRA : were chased away to the ends of
the continent by Dragons that had invaded.
EXTRA : And then Sorcerers were born
between the Dragons
EXTRA : and the humans who had
drifted onto the continent.
EXTRA : "The Vestige of the Past" (0:04:59.29)
EXTRA : "The Tower of Fangs, 5 years later" (0:05:03.83)
EXTRA : "The western part of the Continent, Totokanta" (0:05:22.58)
Orphen : "The western part of the Continent, Totokanta"
Hold it! Stop running!
Orphen : Wait, damn it! (0:05:27.29)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:05:29.12)
Orphen : I strike thee, Glass Hail! (0:05:33.66)
Volkan : Hey, what's the big idea? (0:05:44.79)
Orphen : That's my line! (0:05:46.20)
Orphen : You were supposed to pay me back
the money you owe me three months ago!
Orphen : A baby would be able to stand up while
holding onto something during that time!
Volkan : Like I care, you moron!
Like it'd be able to eat baby food by then!
Dortin : Actually, they probably would... (0:06:00.16)
Orphen : Who the hell cares about any of that?! (0:06:02.12)
Orphen : Hurry up and pay me the money
I let you two borrow!
Dortin : You're threatening both of us,
but it's my brother that borrowed the money.
Dortin : "Smack"
You're threatening both of us,
but it's my brother that borrowed the money.
Dortin : You're threatening both of us,
but it's my brother that borrowed the money.
Volkan : Dortin, you traitor! How dare you
sell out your own flesh and blood?!
Dortin : But Bro, fertilized eggs
can create their own blood,
Dortin : so we actually don't share blood as brothers.
Not even with our parents--
Orphen : Again, who the hell cares?!
Just give me back my money!
Volkan : I've got no money to give you! (0:06:27.29)
Volkan : Stop talking nonsense,
you money-lending Sorcerer!
Orphen : What was that, you little thief?! (0:06:32.00)
Orphen : Flow Thus! Angel Breath! (0:06:35.08)
Orphen : Just hurry up and
give me back my damn money!
Constance Maggy : Hey! (0:06:43.12)
Constance Maggy : So we meet at last! (0:06:45.08)
Constance Maggy : I've finally found you,
wandering criminals Volkan and Dortin!
Orphen : Wandering criminals? (0:06:52.29)
Orphen : Did you two cause trouble in other places, too? (0:06:54.33)
Constance Maggy : I've come all this way to capture you two! (0:06:57.45)
Volkan : A police officer dispatched here
from the Royal Security Police?!
Volkan : Run away! (0:07:04.41)
Constance Maggy : You're not getting away from me! (0:07:05.79)
Constance Maggy : Oh, I'm so sorry! (0:07:10.33)
Constance Maggy : No fair! You two are so small and hard to hit! (0:07:12.62)
Orphen : Could you stop with the darts, please?! (0:07:15.83)
Constance Maggy : I'm supposed to arrest them in a
fun manner while leaving minimum casualties.
Constance Maggy : Did I do something wrong? (0:07:20.45)
Orphen : How about no casualties?! (0:07:22.41)
Constance Maggy : Look who's talking! You're the one
who used Sorcery out on the streets!
Orphen : Oh, shut up! At least I held back! (0:07:28.54)
Constance Maggy : Damn those two! (0:07:31.33)
Orphen : Hey! The guy you hit with those darts... (0:07:32.25)
Orphen : His body's spazzing out! (0:07:34.70)
Constance Maggy : Crap! I forgot I coated them with an anesthetic! (0:07:36.37)
Constance Maggy : Hey, are you able to heal him? (0:07:39.66)
Orphen : I repair thee, Scars of the Sunset. (0:07:44.62)
Constance Maggy : Thank goodness.
I guess I'll let you off the hook.
Constance Maggy : You should be grateful. (0:07:55.25)
Orphen : Grateful, my ass! (0:07:56.58)
Constance Maggy : But I guess drop-out Sorcerers
like you can actually be useful.
Orphen : Drop-out Sorcerer, huh? (0:08:09.12)
Majic Lin : Here you are, Orphen. (0:08:16.29)
Orphen : Thanks, Majic. (0:08:18.54)
Majic Lin : Orphen, I was watching from the windows. (0:08:23.79)
Majic Lin : When you used Sorcery on those Dwarves! (0:08:27.41)
Majic Lin : It was truly amazing! (0:08:31.08)
Baggup : I mean, I've only seen the lot
that calls themselves Sorcerers
Baggup : when they can barely even use Sorcery, (0:08:35.58)
Baggup : or those who can use a spell or two
and use them to con people.
Majic Lin : Dad! Orphen's nothing like them! (0:08:42.70)
Majic Lin : Um, I've been meaning to ask this for a while, (0:08:46.50)
Majic Lin : but that's the emblem
that's given to the Black Sorcerers
Majic Lin : who trained at the Tower of Fangs, right? (0:08:51.95)
Orphen : Yup. (0:08:54.29)
Majic Lin : That means you were
at the Tower of Fangs, right?
Orphen : Well, yeah. (0:08:58.95)
Majic Lin : So you trained under the best
Black Sorcerers in the land!
Majic Lin : That's so amazing. (0:09:03.12)
Orphen : What? You want to be
a Sorcerer, or something?
Majic Lin : Well, my mother comes
from a family of Sorcerers.
Orphen : Then you might have
a knack for Sorcery, as well.
Majic Lin : Really? (0:09:16.75)
Orphen : I think I sense something from you, too. (0:09:18.29)
Majic Lin : Then would you be willing to teach me Sorcery? (0:09:20.20)
Orphen : Well, if you pay me a monthly fee,
I guess I wouldn't mind teaching you--
Baggup : Come on, now. Don't try to coerce
my son into anything shady
Baggup : just because you've got
a tab building up at my inn.
Baggup : A powerful Sorcerer would never
become an illegal moneylender,
Baggup : no matter how hard things may be. (0:09:36.79)
Baggup : He's lying about you having a knack, too. (0:09:39.87)
Orphen : Man, that's harsh. (0:09:43.91)
Orphen : I wasn't lying about anything. (0:09:45.83)
Baggup : Why would you even think Majic has
a knack to become a Sorcerer anyway?
Orphen : The fact that he's descended
from Sorcerers, and...
Orphen : His pure, sincere passion. (0:09:57.54)
Orphen : That's what you need to become a Sorcerer. (0:10:00.41)
Orphen : Don't give up if you want to become one. (0:10:02.95)
Orphen : But I'm... (0:10:07.54)
Majic Lin : Welcome. (0:10:12.41)
Orphen : Wow, you actually got a customer for once. (0:10:13.45)
Volkan : I've got a sweet deal for you. (0:10:16.29)
Orphen : You two! (0:10:21.00)
Volkan : You don't see that
police officer anywhere, do you?
Volkan : All right. All clear. Get out here! (0:10:28.58)
Orphen : Why do I have to do this? (0:10:33.54)
Volkan : Well, you want the money
we borrowed from you back, right?
Volkan : Then I'll let you in on this sweet deal. (0:10:38.95)
Volkan : We'll be splitting the profits 50-50 though. (0:10:41.41)
Orphen : You're the one who owes
me money, remember?
Volkan : And you can't pay for
your room at the inn, can you?
Orphen : And that's your fault! (0:10:48.87)
Orphen : So, what do you want me to do now
that you've got me in this stupid outfit?
Volkan : You'll know when we get there. (0:10:54.12)
Orphen : What the hell? Sure is quiet around here. (0:10:56.12)
Dortin : Well, apparently something
appeared in a village nearby.
Orphen : What do you mean by something? (0:11:03.04)
Dortin : We're not entirely sure, but that's
probably why people aren't coming outside.
Volkan : Who cares? Let's go! (0:11:09.12)
Orphen : This better not be anything shady. (0:11:11.08)
Leticia Macredy : So, any update? (0:11:20.16)
Forte Packinggum : "You better have some details
after making me wait all this time," eh?
Leticia Macredy : How many times do I have to tell you
to stop reading people's thoughts?
Forte Packinggum : You should always use abilities you acquire. (0:11:32.95)
Leticia Macredy : And what if you can't? (0:11:36.12)
Forte Packinggum : What you just thought right now is my answer. (0:11:38.08)
Forte Packinggum : Yes... You'll end like him or her. (0:11:41.29)
Leticia Macredy : Haven't you ever thought an overwhelming
ability could actually destroy someone?
Forte Packinggum : Are you talking about us? (0:11:51.50)
Forte Packinggum : Then wouldn't you be
disavowing Sorcery overall?
Leticia Macredy : No. I know the meaning of training. (0:11:58.79)
Leticia Macredy : We've been risking our lives training here. (0:12:03.87)
Leticia Macredy : In order to control powerful Sorcery. (0:12:08.29)
Leticia Macredy : Not to make it more powerful. (0:12:11.45)
Forte Packinggum : But as a result, your Sorcery
did become more powerful, Tish.
Forte Packinggum : To the point where people
now call you the Scream of Death.
Leticia Macredy : Could we not use that nickname? (0:12:22.20)
Leticia Macredy : Doesn't it feel like kids teaching
some tricks they learned to each other?
Forte Packinggum : But there's a point in keeping
that name if it proves effective, Tish.
Leticia Macredy : Could you also stop calling me "Tish"? (0:12:33.37)
Forte Packinggum : Then what shall we call her,
after she reappeared five years later?
Forte Packinggum : The Chaos... No. (0:12:40.29)
Forte Packinggum : The Former Chaos Witch. (0:12:43.79)
Comicron : O Wind! (0:12:50.25)
EXTRA : That thing's insane. (0:13:06.50)
EXTRA : We have to take it down. (0:13:08.12)
EXTRA : We've been ordered by the elders
of the Tower to annihilate it!
Childman Powderfield : Azalie... (0:13:16.70)
EXTRA : Where's it going? (0:13:27.91)
Childman Powderfield : Beyond those mountains lies Totokanta. (0:13:31.50)
Volkan : There's no one that doesn't know
the name Burplewarts in Mebrenst!
Orphen : Burplewarts?! (0:13:48.08)
Volkan : Oh, come on, Mr. Warts! (0:13:51.00)
Volkan : I know you're nervous seeing such
a beautiful lady in front of you,
Volkan : but get too excited and it's bad for your heart. (0:13:55.66)
Tishtinie Everlasting : Do you come from a long line of
nobles since you're from Mebrenst?
Orphen : Noble?! (0:14:03.41)
Volkan : Why yes, he does! He actually runs
his own business now though.
Tishtinie Everlasting : Oh, what kind? (0:14:09.25)
Volkan : He makes sleeping pills. (0:14:10.75)
Dortin : Bro...? (0:14:13.33)
Orphen : Why sleeping pills?! (0:14:14.50)
Volkan : Of course a high-class lady like
her would have need for sleeping pills!
Tishtinie Everlasting : Please excuse us a moment. (0:14:22.37)
Tishtinie Everlasting : Mariabelle. (0:14:24.45)
Volkan : You lamebrain Sorcerer!
Haven't you ever heard of ad-libbing?!
Orphen : Ad-libbing?! (0:14:33.70)
Orphen : You put me in this rental suit, dragged me
to this giant mansion without a single explanation,
Orphen : and my name's supposed to be Burplewarts?! (0:14:41.62)
Dortin : I had no idea about this.
My bro set this all up.
Volkan : Damn right, I did! (0:14:49.04)
Volkan : There's no way Dortin could've
ever set up such an elaborate schem--
Orphen : It's too elaborate! (0:14:53.79)
Orphen : Not to mention, doesn't
marriage fraud usually involve
Orphen : some girl who lives on her own
and doesn't know the ways of the world?
Volkan : If you marry into the Everlasting Family,
you'll have a hand at their inheritance.
Volkan : Then our debt would go poof! (0:15:06.45)
Orphen : You little twerp!
You didn't think this through at all!
Volkan : Let go! I can't breathe! (0:15:13.75)
Volkan : Madame? (0:15:18.83)
Volkan : Miss? (0:15:20.29)
Cleao Everlasting : Oh, my bad. (0:15:21.29)
Orphen : Uh... Er, yes, come in. (0:15:24.87)
Cleao Everlasting : I totally forgot to knock.
I hope you don't think I'm rude.
Orphen : Who are you? (0:15:33.75)
Cleao Everlasting : I'm Claiomh! (0:15:35.00)
Cleao Everlasting : I'm the second daughter
in the Everlasting Family.
Cleao Everlasting : Pleased to meet you. (0:15:38.79)
Cleao Everlasting : I absolutely love having guests over! (0:15:39.87)
Cleao Everlasting : They bring in the air
from outside with them, after all.
Cleao Everlasting : I've never been outside of Totokanta. (0:15:46.25)
Cleao Everlasting : By the way, you guys... (0:15:51.04)
Cleao Everlasting : ...are trying to commit marriage fraud, right? (0:15:52.95)
Cleao Everlasting : Hey, are you gonna trick my sister? (0:15:55.33)
Cleao Everlasting : How badly are you gonna pull one
over on her? Come on, tell me!
Cleao Everlasting : Oh, yeah. I was eavesdropping
right outside the door.
Orphen : For how long...? (0:16:05.04)
Cleao Everlasting : I'm pretty sure it was towards the beginning. (0:16:07.04)
Cleao Everlasting : Oh, by the way, my mom and sis
were discussing if they should
Cleao Everlasting : call the police on you or not. (0:16:13.95)
Cleao Everlasting : They're also trying to retrieve some weapons (0:16:15.66)
Cleao Everlasting : from our armory to teach you guys a lesson. (0:16:18.12)
Volkan : I'm innocent! I definitely
didn't plan any of this!
Orphen : We of the Continental Sorcerer's Association (0:16:23.16)
Orphen : were sent to check how resilient
civilians are against con artists!
Volkan : It was him! He dragged me into all of this! (0:16:29.16)
Dortin : --I absolutely did not!
--We are fighting against crime daily!
Orphen : --I absolutely did not!
--We are fighting against crime daily!
Volkan : That's it! This evil Black Sorcerer
brainwashed me, and--
Orphen : Oh, shut up! (0:16:38.20)
Orphen : Here I am, trying to talk our way out of this, (0:16:41.16)
Orphen : and you had to go and ruin it! (0:16:44.33)
Cleao Everlasting : Oh, I know! You must be comedians. (0:16:47.25)
Cleao Everlasting : You guys surprise people and then suddenly (0:16:50.37)
Cleao Everlasting : come out with a sign saying it was all a prank. (0:16:51.87)
Cleao Everlasting : "The Original"
"Candid Camera"
come out with a sign saying it was all a prank.
Cleao Everlasting : come out with a sign saying it was all a prank. (0:16:54.37)
Volkan : You're exactly right, miss! (0:16:55.45)
Cleao Everlasting : Just so you know,
the sentence for fraud is 15 years.
Volkan : Huh? (0:16:59.33)
Volkan : I'm telling you I was tricked! (0:17:01.08)
Cleao Everlasting : But apparently, it looks
like you really are a Sorcerer.
Orphen : Yes... Oh, and I can also do repairs, as well. (0:17:07.00)
Orphen : I repair thee, Scars of the Sunset. (0:17:11.12)
Cleao Everlasting : Wow! (0:17:17.29)
Cleao Everlasting : Come to think of it, another
Sorcerer came to our home before, too.
Orphen : Is that so? (0:17:23.45)
Cleao Everlasting : They came to see my father.
I guess he was helping them out.
Cleao Everlasting : Oh, my father passed away
two years ago due to an illness.
Orphen : I'm very sorry to hear that. (0:17:34.70)
Cleao Everlasting : They said they were from Tafrem. (0:17:36.87)
Cleao Everlasting : They were wearing some kind of pendant. (0:17:39.70)
Orphen : Well, the Tower of Fangs is in Tafrem. (0:17:41.79)
Orphen : The place is crawling with Sorcerers... (0:17:44.83)
Orphen : Do you remember what
this Sorcerer looked like?
Cleao Everlasting : It was a guy who was pretty muscular,
and he had black hair that was tied back.
Comicron : We have now entered the city of Totokanta. (0:18:13.91)
Hartia : Master. (0:18:17.45)
Childman Powderfield : Heartia. (0:18:19.45)
EXTRA : Who's that? (0:18:20.91)
EXTRA : He's one of Childman's students (0:18:22.00)
EXTRA : and is currently the secretary at the Totokanta
branch of The Continental Sorcerers' Association.
Orphen : When did he come by? (0:18:28.79)
Cleao Everlasting : It was before I started school,
so quite a while ago.
Cleao Everlasting : Oh, but someone pretty similar
showed up about five years ago...
Cleao Everlasting : They apparently came to deliver
something important to my father.
Orphen : Could it be... (0:18:46.37)
Cleao Everlasting : Huh? (0:18:47.45)
Orphen : Could it possibly be... (0:18:49.16)
EXTRA : Hurry! (0:18:54.45)
Volkan : Hey, let's get the heck outta here! (0:19:06.45)
Cleao Everlasting : Mr. Burplewarts! (0:19:08.91)
Orphen : I'm not Burplewarts. The name's Orphen. (0:19:10.45)
Cleao Everlasting : Orphen... (0:19:14.00)
Cleao Everlasting : Like orphan? (0:19:15.70)
Orphen : Yeah, pretty much. (0:19:17.41)
Cleao Everlasting : Mother? Sis? (0:19:21.00)
Volkan : Hey, let's get the heck
outta here, Black Sorcerer!
Orphen : Damn it! Looks like I'm putting
my neck on the line again!
Orphen : I request thine invitation, Untrodden Gate. (0:19:44.16)
Cleao Everlasting : Mother! Sis! (0:19:53.16)
Orphen : Azalie! (0:20:11.00)
Orphen : I... (0:20:13.00)
Orphen : It's me! (0:20:14.08)
Orphen : I've been searching for you this whole time! (0:20:15.75)
Orphen : Azalie! (0:20:17.70)
Orphen : Azalie! (0:20:34.79)
Orphen : That sword... (0:20:39.37)
EXTRA : Over here! (0:20:46.12)
Orphen : Stop! (0:20:55.41)
EXTRA : Who are you? (0:21:08.16)
Childman Powderfield : Fire! (0:21:16.54)
Orphen : I unsheathe thee, Sword of Light! (0:21:30.50)
Volkan : The only thing that can take down
that monster is your stupid magic!
Orphen : That's not a monster. (0:23:41.62)
Volkan : If you keep spewing nonsense,
I'm gonna stab your brain with an ear pick!
Volkan : "Tower of Fangs"
If you keep spewing nonsense,
I'm gonna stab your brain with an ear pick!

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Minoru Mineta

honestly, I hate him but at the same time I believe he can progress to not be as intruding. Hey, he is slowly changing to actually focus on being a hero despite his "reasons"... There's hope? - ilikememes0


What's this? - Aqua

Hey, what's all the commotion? - Aqua

"This country's bigshots made
an unreasonable request.
- Aqua

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