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Minato : "I'm heading to the Big Gate for a bit. (0:00:14.20)
Minato : The rest is in your hands," huh? (0:00:17.62)
Minato : Even if you tell me that... (0:00:20.79)
Minato : Still, that's so typical of Dad. (0:00:24.79)
Minato : The Big Gate, huh? (0:00:29.12)
Minato : The heart of the world, Gatepia. (0:00:32.66)
Minato : Long ago, it was said to be
a desolate and forsaken land, but...
Minato : day, a goddess
appeared from the heavens...
Minato : ...and brought forth a gigantic gate. (0:00:52.58)
Minato : Across the lands,
other smaller gates appeared as well.
Minato : People swarmed through the gates
to gather what was found inside--
Minato : the miracle energy and foundation
of our world, "kirakuri."
Minato : And so, the world prospered, (0:01:16.45)
Minato : and businesses and adventurer guilds
sprout up around the city.
Minato : And one day, my childhood friend
Yutoria wanted to meet me.
Minato : She said it was about something important, but... (0:01:35.83)
Minato : What if it's a confession?! (0:01:44.87)
Minato : N-No! That can't be it! (0:01:47.04)
Minato : Yutoria's just my childhood friend! (0:01:49.33)
Minato : A-Anyways, better hurry! (0:01:55.04)
Yutoria : Minato! You kept me waiting, you know! (0:02:09.95)
Minato : S-Sorry! Pretty sure I came
right on time though...
Yutoria : Businessmen arrive five minutes early! (0:02:18.29)
Yutoria : What if you're late to a vital meeting?! (0:02:21.00)
Minato : A-Anyways, what's so important? (0:02:23.75)
Yutoria : That's... (0:02:28.25)
Yutoria : Actually, I... for the longest time... (0:02:30.58)
Minato : Could this be...?! (0:02:34.62)
Yutoria : For the longest time, I've... (0:02:35.91)
Minato : I-I knew it! (0:02:38.41)
Yutoria : I've thought you'd make a good president! (0:02:41.25)
Yutoria : Please, Minato! Be the president
of Kibou Company!
Minato : Huh? (0:02:49.79)
Minato : What?! (0:02:51.20)
EXTRA : President, It's Time for Battle ! (0:02:53.41)
EXTRA : "Episode One: Induction as President" (0:03:01.50)
Minato : W-Wait up a sec! (0:03:05.75)
Yutoria : Let's head to the office first!
I'll explain the rest there!
Minato : Fine, just let go! (0:03:12.29)
Yutoria : No, I cannot let you escape. (0:03:14.45)
Minato : It's not like I'm some pervert
on a packed canal boat...
Yutoria : Your father left behind a letter
before his untimely departure.
Yutoria : Without a president in place,
the company will certainly go bankrupt.
Minato : I was thinking about that too, actually. (0:03:34.87)
Minato : Wait... Why are you talking all funny? (0:03:37.66)
Yutoria : Since I shall be your secretary,
I must be more polite!
Yutoria : I mustn't mix work and pleasure! (0:03:45.00)
Minato : Yutoria, my secretary? (0:03:47.45)
Yutoria : Here we are, President!
Right on schedule at three o'clock!
Minato : Kibou Company... (0:04:01.41)
Minato : This brings back memories... (0:04:07.79)
Minato : Haven't been here since I was a kid. (0:04:10.58)
Yutoria : The old man's desk has been cleaned, (0:04:13.12)
Yutoria : and their personal effects
are no longer here.
Minato : He really did head for the Big Gate... (0:04:19.33)
Yutoria : Regardless of his objective,
our company is in danger of bankruptcy.
Yutoria : So we need you to work hard as president! (0:04:28.12)
Minato : H-Hold on a sec!
I still haven't decided to do it yet!
Yutoria : Aren't you unemployed right now? (0:04:36.00)
Minato : Erm... (0:04:38.20)
Yutoria : And wasting day after day as a NEET? (0:04:39.37)
Minato : W-Well, I'm just recharging my batteries!
I'll look for work someday!
Yutoria : Scramble to land any old job
and you'll get exploited by a sweatshop.
Minato : T-True, companies have been pretty bad lately. (0:04:53.58)
Minato : With excess overtime and unpaid wages,
crying out for a labor reform...
Yutoria : That's why it's perfect! (0:05:03.04)
Yutoria : We're not dirty,
but we're not spotless either...
Yutoria : It's not always black and white, okay?
We're off-white!
Minato : B-But... (0:05:12.66)
Yutoria : In any case, please sign this document
and officially become our president!
Minato : Does it really have to be me though?
Why don't you just do it?
Yutoria : I'm not suited to be president. (0:05:27.29)
Yutoria : I'm better at supporting people. (0:05:29.95)
Minato : What about the other employees? (0:05:32.66)
Yutoria : Including me, there're four people who work here. (0:05:35.41)
Yutoria : It's hard to see any of us as president
since we like to be in the thick of it.
Minato : I see... Thing is, I don't even know
what a president does.
Yutoria : I went ahead and prepared this for you! (0:05:52.04)
Minato : Oh... (0:05:54.70)
Minato : What is it? (0:05:56.66)
Yutoria : You don't know? It's a learning kit
from the Adventure Agency!
Yutoria : "The Dungeon Clearing Pictorial Tutorial!" (0:06:02.12)
Minato : That's some wild naming sense
for a government agency.
Yutoria : It's the Adventure's bible! (0:06:09.83)
Yutoria : By watching this,
even if you're as dumb as a slaby,
Yutoria : you'll learn how to clear dungeons! (0:06:15.37)
Guide : Hello! How are you doing today? (0:06:24.45)
Guide : This program is an important lesson
about workplace basics
Guide : for all the presidents of
adventure companies out there!
Guide : Please sit seiza and watch at least three times! (0:06:37.83)
Minato : Wh-Why seiza ? (0:06:41.37)
Yutoria : Follow the instructions, President!
You're a newbie!
Minato : I still haven't decided to do this, you know. (0:06:47.00)
Guide : First off, let's explain dungeon exploration! (0:06:50.29)
Guide : Presidents accept jobs from customers
or the Adventurer Agency
Guide : and lead their employees as they
adventure through gates like this!
Guide : While progressing through the dungeon, (0:07:04.62)
Guide : it's your job to direct the battle
when confronted by maju!
Minato : It's a slaby... I hate how soft
and flabby they are...
Guide : Also, since there can be traps within dungeons, (0:07:14.91)
Guide : it's also your duty to carefully choose a route! (0:07:18.70)
Minato : Thing is, I get lost easily. (0:07:22.70)
Yutoria : You'll get used to it, so no worries! (0:07:24.95)
Guide : Inside dungeons is where you'll find kirakuri, (0:07:27.91)
Guide : along with other minerals
and stuff you can gather
Guide : in exchange for money to run your business! (0:07:34.83)
Guide : You use that money to pay your employees (0:07:40.54)
Guide : and purchase more equipment
to support further adventures!
Guide : Now, let's move on to explain
staff approvals and paperwork.
Minato : Th-This is more complicated than I thought.
I'm getting dizzy...
Guide : ...and that concludes the lesson! (0:07:58.50)
Guide : By treating your workers well
and knowing business basics,
Guide : you'll be able to live a fun,
enjoyable president life!
Yutoria : How was it, President? (0:08:13.79)
Yutoria : President? (0:08:17.04)
Minato : Oh... Y-Yeah! That was such a great explanation! (0:08:18.00)
Yutoria : President? What's the matter? (0:08:23.87)
Minato : My legs are tingling! (0:08:27.08)
Yutoria : Oh, please. You'll need to shape up
if you want to get any real work done.
Minato : R-Right. How about I just avoid sitting seiza ? (0:08:34.50)
Minato : Hmm? (0:08:38.58)
Makoto : We're back! (0:08:40.29)
Akari : Ah, I'm exhausted! (0:08:42.37)
Guide : That was a bit tougher than we thought. (0:08:44.66)
Yutoria : Oh, these are the other employees
who were out on a job.
Yutoria : Welcome back, everyone! (0:08:51.50)
Guide : It's good to be back! (0:08:53.37)
Makoto : Oh? That's the guy you talked about... (0:08:55.25)
Akari : He finally came. (0:08:58.25)
Yutoria : Yes! He's the new representative
of our company, President Minato!
Minato : Huh? W-Wait up, Yutoria! I haven't decided yet! (0:09:05.00)
Yutoria : Allow me to introduce everyone! (0:09:09.45)
Minato : Um... D-Do you not hear when I talk? (0:09:12.00)
Yutoria : This is our priest, Makoto. (0:09:17.41)
Yutoria : Though he's our youngest at 17,
he's still a four-star adventurer!
Yutoria : Leave all your healing needs to him! (0:09:24.16)
Makoto : It's nice to meet you, President. (0:09:26.70)
Minato : S-Same here. (0:09:28.79)
Minato : Hmm? By the way,
that's a big rucksack you've got...
Makoto : Oh, um! This is... (0:09:34.91)
EXTRA : Tsk! Shut your mouth. (0:09:37.50)
EXTRA : Try calling me baggage and I'll kill you! (0:09:39.83)
Minato : Huh? What's inside? (0:09:43.00)
Makoto : N-Nothing! It's just a normal rucksack! (0:09:44.75)
Minato : R-Right... (0:09:48.00)
Yutoria : This is Akari, a soldier. (0:09:49.66)
Yutoria : She's strong, trusty, and Makoto's big sister! (0:09:51.95)
Akari : You're our new president? (0:09:55.08)
Akari : Looks unreliable to me... (0:09:57.37)
Minato : I-I'm sorry. (0:09:59.75)
Minato : It's not official yet anyways. (0:10:01.83)
Yutoria : Lastly, here's our veteran employee, Guide! (0:10:04.66)
Yutoria : She's worked here the longest
and does office work and accounting!
Guide : It's a pleasure to meet you! (0:10:13.25)
Yutoria : The four of us here are
the employees of Kibou Company!
Yutoria : Under your direction as president,
we'll do our best to succeed!
Akari : Bring us lots of juicy jobs to do! (0:10:29.54)
Makoto : I'd prefer having weekends off though. (0:10:32.16)
Guide : As long as there's money in it for me,
I'm up for any job!
Minato : U-Um, I keep saying this, but... (0:10:39.79)
EXTRA : Stare... (0:10:42.87)
Yutoria : Now then, since introductions are out
of the way, let's go clear a dungeon!
Makoto : Huh? Right now? (0:10:51.58)
Yutoria : When inducting a new president,
they must first pass a test
Yutoria : and thereby gain the approval
of 12 executive shareholders.
Guide : He needs to clear a dungeon
selected by the staff, correct?
Minato : A dungeon, huh? (0:11:07.37)
Akari : What? Have you never done one? (0:11:09.29)
Makoto : It'll be fine! We'll support you! (0:11:11.66)
Guide : I'll come along as well! (0:11:15.08)
Yutoria : Anything to say, President? (0:11:17.37)
Minato : Huh? (0:11:19.58)
Yutoria : Say something to encourage us! (0:11:20.70)
Minato : U-Um... L-Let's go! (0:11:23.37)
Yutoria : Y-Yeah...! (0:11:27.58)
Minato : Past that's a dungeon, huh? (0:11:33.95)
Guide : It shouldn't be that difficult, so don't worry! (0:11:35.95)
Guide : I brought a map along too! (0:11:39.66)
Yutoria : Oh, and take this. (0:11:42.00)
Minato : A sword? (0:11:44.62)
Minato : Is that a stamp? (0:11:47.16)
Yutoria : Yes! Once we defeat a boss maju,
you just need to stamp it!
Yutoria : It gets sent to the Agency and we get a reward! (0:11:53.54)
Minato : Boss, huh? (0:11:57.66)
Akari : Just stamp and you're done!
Come on, let's move it!
Minato : Ugh, I'm so nervous... (0:12:12.16)
Akari : So, President.
You have an adventurer license, right?
Minato : --Hmm?
--What rank?
Akari : --Hmm?
--What rank?
Minato : Um, two stars, I think? (0:12:20.41)
Akari : Two stars?! And you're our president?! (0:12:23.87)
Guide : Seven's the most, so he's near the bottom. (0:12:26.54)
Akari : Like I said, unreliable... (0:12:29.41)
Minato : I-I dunno what to tell you. (0:12:31.33)
Yutoria : That's enough chit-chat! There's maju! (0:12:36.08)
Yutoria : President! Your orders?! (0:12:40.08)
Minato : Uh, right...! (0:12:41.66)
Minato : Being a mucus-type maju,
slaby can't be that strong...
Minato : Huh? (0:12:48.54)
Minato : Th-That was easy! (0:12:50.33)
Akari : A piece of cake for me. (0:12:52.16)
Makoto : That wasn't even a challenge. (0:12:54.00)
Guide : But I guess it works as a warm-up! (0:12:56.37)
Minato : Oh, really? (0:12:59.16)
Akari : Yutoria, will we be okay
with him as our president?
Yutoria : Yes! Absolutely! (0:13:05.00)
Yutoria : But, maybe... (0:13:08.70)
Akari : Make up your mind! Which is it?! (0:13:10.70)
Guide : We should be nearing the end. (0:13:13.66)
Guide : If we can find kirakuri, you pass the test. (0:13:16.12)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:13:19.54)
Minato : A-A kid? In a place like this? (0:13:20.41)
Yutoria : Maybe they got mixed up with some adventurers? (0:13:22.83)
Minato : Hey, you. What's wrong? You okay? (0:13:26.12)
Thomas : Are you guys part of an adventurer
company or something?
Minato : Yeah. You could say that. (0:13:34.54)
Thomas : My name is Thomas! (0:13:36.91)
Thomas : Hey, do you think you could
accept a job from me?
Minato : A job? From you? (0:13:42.45)
Thomas : Of course, I'm willing to pay. (0:13:44.41)
Akari : Oh, my. What a little customer we found. (0:13:49.29)
Minato : By the way, what's the job? (0:13:52.45)
Akari : Hey now! We're in the middle of your test! (0:13:54.66)
Minato : I understand that, but... (0:13:57.33)
Akari : The kirakuri we're after might be nearby! (0:13:59.29)
Minato : Still, no matter how small a job it is, (0:14:02.41)
Minato : if someone thinks it's important,
I wanna help 'em out.
Akari : Speaking of which, the old man
used to say that too.
Makoto : Yeah, sure did. He took jobs
without caring for profits.
Guide : Everyone who came along was welcomed. (0:14:18.79)
Yutoria : Let's not forget he picked me up too. (0:14:22.50)
Akari : So? What's the plan? (0:14:27.25)
Minato : Of course, we accept! You're our customer! (0:14:29.20)
Thomas : Yippee! Thanks, mister! (0:14:31.95)
Minato : Mind telling us what your request is? (0:14:35.79)
Thomas : I want to get a sialme flower! (0:14:39.20)
Minato : Is that the one that grows high on cliffs? (0:14:42.12)
Thomas : Yeah. And I spotted one growing
right there, but I can't reach it.
Thomas : Th-That's pretty high up there. (0:14:50.70)
Minato : Why do you want it though? (0:14:54.08)
Thomas : It's my sister's birthday tomorrow. (0:14:55.91)
Thomas : Since she's always taking care of me,
I want to thank her!
Yutoria : I see. That's very kind. (0:15:02.66)
Minato : All right. We'll take care of it, so-- (0:15:05.58)
Akari : Leave it to me! (0:15:07.75)
Minato : Huh? Akari didn't seem thrilled
about this before...
Minato : I'll go too! (0:15:13.95)
Akari : Okay. You guys just wait here. (0:15:15.79)
Thomas : All right. Be careful! (0:15:18.08)
Minato : Right! (0:15:20.16)
Minato : Wait for me! (0:15:21.58)
Akari : Jeez, you're so pathetic! (0:15:23.12)
Akari : If you don't get in shape,
I fear for your future!
Minato : G-Good point. (0:15:28.95)
Minato : But still, why does it have to be sialme? (0:15:31.50)
Minato : There're lots of flowers much easier to get. (0:15:34.75)
Akari : It's thanks for care and love. (0:15:38.58)
Minato : Huh? (0:15:41.25)
Akari : That's what it represents.
It's probably why he picked it.
Minato : I see. (0:15:46.54)
Akari : To tell you the truth, Makoto once
gave me sialme as a present too.
Akari : I doubt he remembers though. (0:15:53.37)
Minato : Oh. So that's why you-- (0:15:55.75)
Akari : Yup. It reminded me of back then. (0:15:57.50)
Akari : Just a little further...! (0:16:06.29)
Akari : Come on! (0:16:09.12)
Minato : A little more...! (0:16:11.08)
Minato : Got it! (0:16:13.54)
Minato : Wait... Huh?! (0:16:15.16)
Akari : Wha...?! (0:16:17.29)
Akari : That hurt! (0:16:21.25)
Yutoria : Are you okay?! (0:16:23.83)
Akari : I'm all right, but... (0:16:25.83)
Minato : That didn't even... faze me! (0:16:30.45)
Thomas : Um, you look in rough shape to me... (0:16:33.16)
Minato : H-Here's the flower you wanted. (0:16:37.70)
Thomas : Thanks so much, mister! Ma'am! (0:16:40.66)
Minato : It's a maju! (0:16:46.20)
Akari : Thomas, run away! (0:16:48.95)
Thomas : O-Okay! (0:16:50.87)
Yutoria : President, please be careful!
It's a boss maju, volf!
Minato : Wh-What do you want me to do? (0:16:57.04)
Yutoria : It's tough, but part of the test! (0:17:02.16)
Guide : Defeat it and we'll get a reward! (0:17:04.37)
Minato : B-But what do I do? (0:17:07.29)
Akari : Stand back and leave it to me! (0:17:09.50)
Minato : A-All right. (0:17:12.04)
Akari : It's quick! (0:17:17.33)
Guide : I didn't expect an enemy
of this caliber to appear.
Yutoria : President! Your orders for battle?! (0:17:22.12)
Minato : G-Good luck! Let's fight as one
and use teamwork to win!
Akari : That was the plan from the start! (0:17:30.04)
Akari : You're wide open! (0:17:34.25)
Akari : What?! You got eyes on the back of your head?! (0:17:41.58)
Guide : Ah, that's not good.
Nearby slaby came to attack Akari.
Minato : I-I'll go help! You little...! (0:17:52.83)
Minato : Huh? (0:17:56.41)
Yutoria : Stay back, President! Don't take part in battle! (0:17:58.83)
Akari : Good grief! What are you doing?! (0:18:05.75)
Akari : Shoot! (0:18:13.50)
Makoto : Fall back, Sis! I'll heal! (0:18:15.20)
Guide : Its reflexes might be problematic. (0:18:18.33)
Minato : It's my fault she's hurt. (0:18:22.33)
Minato : But why can't our attacks land? (0:18:25.12)
Minato : It shouldn't be able to see behind it. (0:18:28.29)
Minato : It's got a scary face,
and yet that fluffy tail...
Minato : Could that be it?! (0:18:36.95)
Minato : Eww! This is so gross! (0:18:39.29)
Yutoria : President! You fight like a child! (0:18:43.50)
Minato : Shut up! You guys throw some too! (0:18:46.29)
Minato : I think all that fluff acts
like an attack sensor!
Guide : I see! It might be able to sense
changes in wind pressure!
Yutoria : Just like the horn of an insect! (0:18:57.62)
Minato : I think you meant antenna,
but anyways, just throw!
Yutoria : All right! (0:19:03.95)
Minato : Makoto, how's Akari? (0:19:11.83)
Makoto : In perfect shape! (0:19:14.04)
Minato : Akari, go for it! (0:19:15.66)
Akari : Okay! (0:19:17.37)
Akari : Just... leave... it... to... me! (0:19:19.12)
Yutoria : President! Quick, stamp it! (0:19:26.83)
Minato : Right! (0:19:29.37)
Minato : Huh? It's gone... (0:19:36.45)
Guide : The Adventure Agency will send all rewards (0:19:38.37)
Guide : on the 25th day of the following month. (0:19:41.54)
Minato : I-I see... (0:19:44.70)
Minato : It still hasn't sunk in that we beat a maju. (0:19:46.54)
Yutoria : It's all just one part of the job. (0:19:49.83)
Minato : Y-Yeah. (0:19:52.12)
Minato : Akari, are you hurt? (0:19:53.83)
Akari : I already said it's no big deal! (0:19:55.95)
Akari : I'll get workers' comp for it anyways. (0:19:58.45)
Yutoria : Well, we properly dispatched the boss, so now... (0:20:01.50)
Thomas : Mister! (0:20:05.58)
Thomas : I saw something over there!
Maybe it's what you're looking for?
Yutoria : There it is! (0:20:17.33)
Yutoria : Kirakuri with a note that you passed the test! (0:20:20.75)
Yutoria : Now your induction as president is recognized! (0:20:24.12)
Minato : Wh-While I'm honored, I still need
some time to think about whether--
Yutoria : A toast! To our new president
and clearing a dungeon!
Yutoria : Cheers! (0:20:39.70)
Minato : In the end, nobody cared what I said. (0:20:42.20)
Yutoria : Congratulations, President! (0:20:46.45)
Makoto : You guided us admirably. (0:20:48.79)
Akari : Well, good work.
Running into battle was a dumb idea though.
Guide : Akari isn't being very honest.
She said your guidance was perfect.
Akari : Sh-Shut up! (0:21:01.70)
Yutoria : Anyways, it ending well is all that matters! (0:21:04.33)
Yutoria : Though, I am worried for the future... (0:21:07.62)
Minato : Maybe don't say that aloud. (0:21:10.12)
EXTRA : Tsk! Get a grip, boy. Wet behind the ears much? (0:21:14.33)
Minato : Huh? You say something? (0:21:19.91)
Makoto : N-No! You're imagining things!
That was the alcohol talking!
Minato : I'm not even drunk though. (0:21:26.08)
Guide : Anyways, I need do some reports
and accounting, so enjoy yourselves.
Makoto : Good work today! (0:21:34.45)
Minato : Um...! (0:21:36.83)
Minato : Weren't you in
"The Dungeon Clearing Pictorial Tutorial"?
Guide : Ah, I take it you watched that? (0:21:42.25)
Minato : Wasn't that made by the Adventure Agency? (0:21:44.75)
Minato : Why are you in the film? (0:21:48.20)
Guide : That's a secret. (0:21:51.45)
Minato : Th-These guys sure are a mysterious bunch. (0:21:57.04)
Minato : Will I be able to make it work out? (0:22:00.87)
Minato : Me as president, huh? (0:22:06.95)
Yutoria : Yes! Our company rep and president. (0:22:08.79)
Yutoria : I knew you'd be here. (0:22:13.66)
Yutoria : You always came here when you were little. (0:22:15.95)
Minato : Yeah. (0:22:19.25)
Yutoria : It's love that I feel. (0:22:22.41)
Minato : Huh?! (0:22:24.79)
Yutoria : For the employees. All of them. (0:22:26.83)
Yutoria : That's why I don't want to lose this place. (0:22:29.75)
Minato : I see. I get it. (0:22:32.79)
Yutoria : So, thank you for taking the job
and becoming our president.
Minato : Hey, Yutoria? (0:22:41.04)
Minato : I'll do my best. (0:22:44.41)
Minato : I know I'm inexperienced,
but I'll try hard to be a good president.
Minato : So, both as a friend and my secretary,
I'd be happy to have your help.
Yutoria : Of course! It's my pleasure! (0:22:56.95)
Minato : I can't get used to you talking polite. (0:23:01.20)
Yutoria : I-I'm terribly sorry! Ah... (0:23:04.08)
Rivar : Kibou Company has a new president? (0:23:19.95)
Rivar : I don't know who they are, but I, Rivar,
will teach him a lesson!
Minato : And just like that,
I started working as president.
Minato : My days as president have just begun. (0:23:35.08)
Minato : And I've got a hunch it'll be a wonderful thing. (0:23:40.45)
Minato : Good morning, everyone! (0:23:47.37)
Minato : Wh-What's wrong, guys? (0:23:49.87)
Yutoria : President! I'm afraid our company... (0:23:51.83)
Yutoria : Our company... (0:23:55.50)
Yutoria : out of money! (0:23:57.50)
Minato : My days as president... (0:24:00.83)
Minato : It being a wonderful thing
was nothing more than a hunch.

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