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Elaina : Ever since I was young, I loved to read. (0:00:15.75)
Elaina : My favorite book was The Adventures of Niké . (0:00:21.41)
Elaina : It contained records of the witch, Niké,
as she traveled around the world.
Elaina : I want to go to lots of places like Niké! (0:00:39.41)
Victorique : Then first, you need to study
to become a witch like Niké.
Elaina : If I become a witch, then you'll let me travel? (0:00:48.91)
Victorique : Of course. Right? (0:00:51.16)
Elaina's Father : Huh? (0:00:53.33)
Elaina's Father : Yeah... (0:00:54.54)
Elaina's Father : Only once you're older and become a witch, okay? (0:00:56.50)
Elaina : Really? (0:01:00.45)
Elaina : Really really? (0:01:01.87)
Victorique : Really really. (0:01:04.45)
Elaina : I'm going to be a witch! (0:01:10.54)
Elaina : I don't mean to brag, (0:01:18.83)
Elaina : but I worked assiduously, (0:01:21.29)
Elaina : studying fervently, day after day. (0:01:24.33)
Elaina : And then... (0:01:33.54)
Elaina : There was a girl who passed
the magic exams at age 14--
Elaina : the youngest in the history of
the Peaceful Country of Robetta--
Elaina : and she became an apprentice witch. (0:01:43.45)
Elaina : That's right, it was me. (0:01:47.54)
EXTRA : "Elaina, the Apprentice Witch" (0:01:53.00)
Elaina's Father : Congrats on passing your magic exams, Elaina. (0:01:57.66)
Victorique : We're so proud of you. (0:02:00.75)
Victorique : What's wrong? You're not happy? (0:02:05.62)
Elaina : The other examinees were so weak... (0:02:08.45)
Elaina : At this rate, it's only a matter of time
before I become a full witch, huh?
Elaina's Father : Oh? (0:02:18.16)
Victorique : Oh, my... (0:02:19.12)
Elaina : In order for an apprentice witch
to become a full witch,
Elaina : she must study under another witch
and have her acknowledge her abilities.
EXTRA : Coming! (0:02:44.29)
EXTRA : Yes, what is it? (0:02:50.12)
Elaina : U-Um, I'm Elaina, and I just passed the magi-- (0:02:52.16)
EXTRA : Coming! (0:03:03.33)
EXTRA : Oh, you're... (0:03:06.29)
Elaina : I just passed the magic exams and-- (0:03:08.00)
Elaina : However, it seemed the witches
of this country did not find it amusing
Elaina : that I was the youngest to
ever pass the magic exams...
EXTRA : I can't do it! I'm sorry! (0:03:21.25)
Elaina : ...and they all refused my
request to be their apprentice.
Elaina : At this rate, I won't be able to become a witch. (0:03:35.25)
Elaina : What should I do...? (0:03:38.16)
Elaina's Father : It seems a suspicious witch has
settled down deep in the woods.
Victorique : I heard those rumors, too.
Apparently, she's called the Stardust Witch.
Elaina : I went to go meet this "Stardust Witch." (0:03:53.04)
Elaina : I thought that if she didn't know who I was, (0:03:57.75)
Elaina : then maybe she'd take me on as an apprentice. (0:04:00.20)
Elaina : Is that it? (0:04:08.08)
Flan : Now, now... (0:04:17.04)
Elaina : The Stardust Witch...? (0:04:18.58)
Flan : There, there! (0:04:25.75)
Elaina : Maybe I'll go home... (0:04:29.25)
Flan : There! (0:04:31.20)
Flan : Oh, good, good! (0:04:35.62)
Flan : Yup, yup! (0:04:38.37)
Flan : There, there! (0:04:41.25)
Flan : Oh, oh, yay! (0:04:43.37)
Elaina : Um, excuse me... (0:04:47.08)
Flan : Oh? What's this? (0:04:49.20)
Flan : Could you be Miss Elaina? (0:04:52.45)
Elaina : You know who I am? (0:04:55.91)
Flan : Yes. You're the girl who passed
the magic exams easily at 14, right?
Flan : You're famous, for better or for worse. (0:05:02.29)
Flan : Well, did you need something? (0:05:10.29)
Elaina : No. Sorry to bother you. (0:05:12.00)
Flan : Are you here to ask about
becoming my apprentice?
Flan : In that case-- (0:05:17.62)
Elaina : You're going to say no, anyway, right? (0:05:18.75)
Flan : It's fine. (0:05:20.16)
Elaina : Huh?! (0:05:23.29)
Flan : I've got time, anyway. (0:05:25.20)
Elaina : But... um, me...? (0:05:27.33)
Flan : I'm not the same as the Robetta witches. (0:05:38.08)
Flan : It doesn't matter what
kind of girl you are to me.
Elaina : Please let me be your apprentice! (0:05:50.00)
Elaina : This is how I met the Stardust
Witch--my teacher, Miss Fran.
Elaina : Good morning! (0:06:09.95)
Flan : Good morning... (0:06:11.87)
Flan : I'm hungry. Please make something to eat. (0:06:14.29)
Elaina : What would you like? (0:06:17.50)
Flan : Let's see... (0:06:19.25)
Flan : I feel like steak. (0:06:21.58)
Elaina : Isn't that kind of heavy for breakfast? (0:06:24.04)
Flan : Then, some of those weeds over there will do. (0:06:26.41)
Elaina : Aren't you giving up a little too much? (0:06:28.66)
Flan : Then, bread will be fine! (0:06:31.08)
Flan : I'm going to go pick some wild vegetables. (0:06:41.83)
Elaina : Um, Miss Fran, I'd like you
to teach me some magic...
Flan : We'll do that later. I'm off! (0:06:50.50)
Elaina : See you later... (0:06:54.04)
Elaina : No matter how many days passed,
Miss Fran wouldn't teach me at all.
Flan : Elaina, we're out of food. (0:07:03.79)
Flan : Please go buy some from the town. (0:07:06.95)
Elaina : Yes, ma'am. (0:07:09.29)
Flan : Elaina, please catch about five geckos. (0:07:15.66)
Flan : I need them for my research. (0:07:19.29)
Elaina : Yes, ma'am. (0:07:20.95)
Flan : Elaina, is dinner ready yet? (0:07:24.29)
Elaina : Yes, ma'am! (0:07:27.58)
Elaina : How to make painkillers... (0:07:28.50)
Elaina : Let's see... (0:07:30.79)
Flan : Elaina, there's a spider in the bath. (0:07:42.20)
Flan : Please get rid of it. It's scary... (0:07:45.33)
Elaina : Yes, ma'am. (0:07:51.41)
Elaina : It's mixed in, huh...? (0:07:59.70)
Flan : You don't like mushrooms? (0:08:01.91)
Flan : Witches should not be picky eaters. (0:08:05.66)
Flan : Elaina, please massage my shoulders. (0:08:20.83)
Elaina : Yes, ma'am. (0:08:23.12)
Flan : Oh, that feels good. (0:08:28.58)
Elaina : Why won't you teach me any magic? (0:08:32.37)
Flan : Oh, harder! (0:08:35.66)
Elaina : With this and that, a month passed
without her teaching me anything.
Elaina : I've just been doing chores
ever since coming here.
Elaina : What am I doing? (0:08:55.70)
Elaina : Do you finally feel like teaching me magic? (0:09:02.75)
Flan : No, there's nothing for me to teach you. (0:09:06.20)
Elaina : I see. (0:09:09.91)
Flan : Also, I don't feel like stew today. (0:09:11.70)
Flan : Please make something else. (0:09:14.41)
Elaina : Very well. (0:09:19.95)
Flan : This seems to be a good time... (0:09:25.41)
Flan : Elaina. (0:09:28.12)
Elaina : Yes? (0:09:31.04)
Flan : We'll have a test now. (0:09:34.12)
Elaina : Huh? (0:09:38.87)
Elaina : Miss Fran, what kind of test is this? (0:09:48.54)
Flan : I'll have you fight against me. (0:09:58.58)
Elaina : You're kidding... right? (0:10:01.62)
Flan : Okay, let's start. (0:10:06.37)
Elaina : Huh?! (0:10:14.00)
Elaina : If that's what you want,
then I'll send you flying!
Elaina : Is she trying to kill me? (0:11:42.04)
Flan : What's the matter? (0:11:48.70)
Flan : You overwhelmed everyone at the magic exams. (0:11:50.50)
Flan : Is that all you've got? (0:11:53.87)
Flan : Let me have some more fun. (0:11:58.00)
Flan : Oh my, finished already? (0:12:32.91)
Flan : Even though you're a star student,
you're nothing to write home about...
Flan : I-I'm sorry! (0:13:13.16)
Flan : I didn't think you'd start crying... (0:13:15.37)
Flan : Um... Let's see... (0:13:23.87)
Flan : Take a look at this! (0:13:26.75)
Flan : Here are some of those butterflies you love! (0:13:28.25)
Elaina : I'm not the one who likes butterflies! (0:13:31.25)
Flan : Th-Then... (0:13:34.50)
Flan : Look, a crown made of weeds! (0:13:40.45)
Elaina : I don't need that! (0:13:43.16)
Flan : Then... (0:13:44.16)
Flan : Look, how about this? (0:13:46.70)
Flan : There, there--hot, hot! It's too hot! (0:13:48.66)
Flan : Um, in that case... (0:13:56.62)
Flan : Calm down. (0:14:03.37)
Elaina : Please, stop! (0:14:04.25)
Elaina : What are you trying to do? (0:14:06.04)
Flan : I'm sorry, really. (0:14:08.87)
Flan : It looks like I overdid it a little. (0:14:10.91)
Elaina : Please stop messing around! (0:14:13.33)
Elaina : You were having fun teasing me! (0:14:15.29)
Flan : I wasn't having fun at all... (0:14:17.54)
Elaina : You were never planning on making me a witch! (0:14:20.00)
Elaina : I hate you! (0:14:23.91)
Elaina : I hate you all! (0:14:25.20)
Elaina : Even though I believed in you
and endured everything...
Elaina : I believed that everything would work out... (0:14:30.37)
Elaina : But you're just the same
as those Robetta witches!
Elaina : I trusted you. (0:14:38.12)
Elaina : You have no idea how hard I was working! (0:14:40.29)
Elaina : I just... wanted you to acknowledge me... (0:14:44.25)
Flan : I really am sorry. (0:14:57.87)
Flan : I knew very well how you truly felt. (0:14:59.87)
Flan : You did a good job to endure it for so long. (0:15:02.75)
Elaina : Are you trying to trick me again? (0:15:05.29)
Flan : No, I won't trick you anymore. (0:15:08.41)
Flan : I'm at my limit, too. (0:15:11.50)
Flan : You know, I was doing all this
because your parents asked me to.
Elaina : What? (0:15:24.50)
Elaina's Father : If she keeps going like this
and becomes an adult,
Elaina's Father : there might come a day
when she's unable to recover...
Flan : That's why you want me
to take her as my apprentice
Flan : and teach her about failures and setbacks? (0:15:36.83)
Victorique : Yes... (0:15:40.29)
Flan : But... (0:15:42.50)
Victorique : Of course, we aren't asking you
to do this for free, Miss Fran.
Flan : Oh, dear! I'm not a witch
who can be enticed by money...
Flan : I grudgingly accepted your parents' request. (0:15:59.75)
Flan : At first, I thought I'd put you
through extraordinary trials
Flan : so that you would learn about setbacks. (0:16:07.62)
Flan : But you never balked at working hard
in order to achieve your goal,
Flan : you're talented, (0:16:17.04)
Flan : and you understand very well how people see you. (0:16:19.00)
Flan : I thought it wouldn't do
any good to give you trials
Flan : because you would just
endure them and rise again.
Flan : But... (0:16:31.08)
Flan : ...that's also your main problem. (0:16:33.62)
Flan : You endure too much, Elaina. (0:16:38.83)
Flan : Please don't feel like all you
have to do is bear with everything.
Flan : If there's something you don't like, fight it. (0:16:47.95)
Flan : Be able to clearly say "No" when you need to. (0:16:50.79)
Flan : So you can protect yourself. (0:16:54.91)
Elaina : Then... the reason you wouldn't
teach me magic this whole time...
Flan : I was waiting for you to reach your limit. (0:17:09.08)
Flan : It took a whole month! (0:17:12.08)
Flan : Today's test was for the same reason. (0:17:15.25)
Flan : I really am sorry. (0:17:19.16)
Elaina : Don't endure. (0:17:21.95)
Elaina : That was the first time I'd ever been told that. (0:17:23.95)
Elaina : Miss Fran... (0:17:27.41)
Flan : You have skill and talent. (0:17:29.16)
Flan : All you're lacking is experience. (0:17:32.45)
Elaina : My real training started on that day. (0:17:36.87)
Elaina : In order to gain a lot
of different experiences...
Elaina : Good morning, Miss Fran. (0:17:45.58)
Flan : Good morning, Elaina. (0:17:48.16)
Flan : I'm hungry, so please make something to eat. (0:17:50.91)
Elaina : Here are some weeds. (0:17:55.08)
Flan : Um, what kind of harassment is this? (0:17:57.66)
Elaina : You told me to stop enduring things, (0:18:01.20)
Elaina : so I tried to be honest about my feeling
like making food for you was a pain.
Elaina : Just kidding. (0:18:10.66)
Elaina : Is yesterday's leftover stew
and some hard bread okay?
Elaina : It is, right? (0:18:16.45)
Flan : Yes. (0:18:18.37)
Elaina : In the days after that-- (0:18:22.00)
Elaina : The days when I trained with Miss Fran-- (0:18:24.87)
Elaina : Sometimes, they were hard... (0:18:30.54)
Elaina : ...but they were very fulfilling and fun. (0:18:37.91)
Flan : You've become strong. Very strong. (0:19:09.95)
Elaina : It's my first time beating you. (0:19:12.95)
Flan : With this, you're training's over. (0:19:15.54)
Elaina : Huh? (0:19:17.62)
Flan : You worked hard this past year. (0:19:18.91)
Flan : I don't have anything else to teach you. (0:19:21.62)
Flan : Congratulations, Elaina. (0:19:33.45)
Flan : The Stardust Witch officially
acknowledges you as a witch.
Elaina : Thank you very much. (0:19:40.04)
Flan : By the way, about your witch title... (0:19:42.04)
Flan : How about "the Ashen Witch"? (0:19:44.66)
Elaina : How did you come up with it? (0:19:47.00)
Flan : Your hair is the color of ash. (0:19:48.54)
Elaina : Don't you think that's a little too simplistic? (0:19:52.16)
Flan : I thought it was pretty cool, though... (0:19:55.91)
Elaina : By the way, why are you
called "the Stardust Witch"?
Flan : Because it's cool, of course! (0:20:01.37)
Flan : Well? What do you think about "the Ashen Witch"? (0:20:05.50)
Elaina : It's fine. (0:20:08.66)
Flan : It's decided then. (0:20:10.70)
Flan : Ashen Witch, Elaina. (0:20:13.50)
Flan : Please do your best from now on. (0:20:22.62)
Elaina : Yes, ma'am. (0:20:25.00)
Flan : Well then, I'm off. (0:20:27.75)
Elaina : Where? (0:20:31.45)
Elaina : Miss Fran told me then (0:20:33.58)
Elaina : that she was actually a distinguished
witch from another country.
Elaina : Then, why did you come here? (0:20:41.50)
Flan : There was someone I wanted to meet. (0:20:44.00)
Elaina : Someone you wanted to meet? (0:20:46.04)
Elaina : Did you meet them? (0:20:47.45)
Flan : I wish I could stay longer, (0:20:51.91)
Flan : but there are many people
waiting for me back home.
Flan : Goodbye, Elaina. (0:20:58.54)
Flan : Let's meet again someday. (0:21:00.29)
Elaina : Yes, ma'am! (0:21:02.37)
Elaina : Goodbye, Miss Fran! (0:21:20.95)
Elaina : Father, Mother, I've become a witch. (0:21:33.29)
Elaina : So please allow me to go on a journey. (0:21:37.83)
Elaina's Father : You don't have to rush things, do you? (0:21:40.16)
Victorique : You're serious, aren't you? (0:21:43.54)
Elaina : Of course. (0:21:44.91)
Victorique : Then, go. (0:21:46.04)
Elaina : I will. (0:21:47.79)
Victorique : However, there are three promises you must keep. (0:21:52.45)
Victorique : First, if you are in trouble, run away. (0:21:57.16)
Victorique : Second, don't think of
yourself as anyone special.
Victorique : Don't forget that you're
the same as everyone else.
Victorique : And third, make sure you come back one day
and show us that you're doing well.
Victorique : Can you keep these promises? (0:22:18.20)
Elaina : Yes! (0:22:20.79)
Elaina's Father : A-Are you really leaving...? (0:22:24.00)
Victorique : It's something she decided for herself. (0:22:26.50)
Victorique : Let's see her off properly, okay? (0:22:28.70)
Victorique : Dear, you seem like you'll die
of shock when Elaina gets married...
Victorique : It looks good on you. (0:22:42.79)
Elaina : Isn't it a little plain? (0:22:45.33)
Victorique : That's exactly right for a traveler. (0:22:48.04)
Victorique : Take this, too, just in case. (0:22:51.33)
Elaina : It's the same as what I'm wearing, right? (0:22:54.87)
Victorique : It's just in case the wind blows it away. (0:22:56.66)
Elaina : A spare? (0:22:59.33)
Victorique : A spare. (0:23:00.70)
Elaina : Then, I'll bring it with me. (0:23:01.95)
Victorique : Also-- (0:23:05.25)
Elaina : A diary? (0:23:09.00)
Victorique : Write a diary of your travels like Niké. (0:23:11.83)
Victorique : Let me hear your story
when you come back someday.
Elaina : Okay, I'll bring it with me, too. (0:23:19.50)
Elaina : Please look forward to hearing the
story of the journey of the Ashen Witch.
Victorique : I will. (0:23:27.45)
Victorique : Have a good trip, Elaina. (0:23:32.00)
Elaina : I will! (0:23:34.45)
Elaina : And so, I set off on my journey. (0:23:37.25)
Elaina : As the wind blows, as my fancy led me, (0:23:40.00)
Elaina : I traveled here and there
and experienced many things,
Elaina : and three years passed. (0:23:46.00)
Elaina : Now, here's a question: (0:23:49.16)
Elaina : Who is the witch so
beautiful she'd make you sigh
Elaina : flying through the stark mountain range? (0:23:54.37)
Elaina : That's right-- (0:24:00.37)
Elaina : It's me, age 18. (0:24:01.87)

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Riche Hayashi

she is stunning wish she was real tho rip my world): - Anonymous


The husband HAD to be in on it! - Max

H-hold on! - Max

That headline is misleading and one-sided
and meant to make me look bad!
- Max

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