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Nasa Yuzaki : It's like my life is being
sucked up by this snow.
Nasa Yuzaki : Am I going to die? (0:00:22.08)
Nasa Yuzaki : My entire body feels like it's on fire. (0:00:25.00)
Nasa Yuzaki : I didn't realize dying would hurt this much. (0:00:27.84)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : You'll be okay. (0:00:32.13)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : It takes more than this to kill someone. (0:00:35.01)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Besides, you're not ready to die yet, right? (0:00:38.22)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : So... hang in there. (0:00:42.68)
Nasa Yuzaki : I heard a kind voice as my consciousness
started to slip away...
Nasa Yuzaki : It was the first time my wife ever spoke to me. (0:00:52.03)
Nasa Yuzaki : Let's say you get married (0:02:27.54)
Nasa Yuzaki : and end up having kids. (0:02:29.29)
Nasa Yuzaki : Let me offer one piece of advice: (0:02:31.46)
Enishi Yuzaki : He's full of energy! (0:02:36.38)
Kanoka Yuzaki : What should we name him? (0:02:38.30)
Enishi Yuzaki : Good question. I want him to be big,
like the universe itself!
Enishi Yuzaki : Let's call him Nasa,
with the kanji for "starry sky"!
Nasa Yuzaki : Please, give your kid a normal name! (0:02:46.56)
Nasa Yuzaki : By the time I was in kindergarten... (0:02:50.98)
EXTRA : Let's see, your name is... (0:02:52.98)
EXTRA : Yuzaki... (0:02:55.73)
EXTRA : Nasa, huh? (0:02:57.90)
Nasa Yuzaki : Whenever an adult saw what my
name was, they'd chuckle a bit.
EXTRA : Hey, hey! Are you gonna
be an astronaut, Nasa-kun?
Nasa Yuzaki : I don't think so, why? (0:03:10.41)
EXTRA : Then why's your name Nasa? That's weird! (0:03:13.04)
Nasa Yuzaki : At the time, I didn't realize (0:03:17.17)
Nasa Yuzaki : NASA was also the American National
Aeronautics and Space Administration.
EXTRA : Everyone knows about NASA! (0:03:23.30)
Nasa Yuzaki : But I did realize that people
were making fun of me...
Nasa Yuzaki : And I really hated that. (0:03:27.47)
Nasa Yuzaki : So I wanted to become someone
people would respect.
Nasa Yuzaki : So that anyone who heard my name, (0:03:34.61)
Nasa Yuzaki : no matter where in the world they were from, (0:03:36.15)
Nasa Yuzaki : they'd think, "Wow, he's even better than NASA!" (0:03:38.53)
Nasa Yuzaki : There's something inside me that lets me
push myself to the limit, once I get motivated.
Nasa Yuzaki : Because of that, by the time I was
in my third year of middle school...
Yanagi : What?! (0:03:51.61)
Yanagi : Tsukuba University's affiliated high school?! (0:03:52.34)
Yanagi : B-But, Yuzaki-kun, that school's famous for
only wanting people who score in the top 30%!
Nasa Yuzaki : Right. (0:03:59.21)
Nasa Yuzaki : But... (0:04:00.46)
Nasa Yuzaki : I think I can get in! (0:04:01.47)
Nasa Yuzaki : Look how ready I am! (0:04:04.01)
Yanagi : Well, with your grades, (0:04:05.93)
Yanagi : you probably could get an A-rating
from the big public schools...
Yanagi : But do you have a backup school? (0:04:11.31)
Yanagi : There's a risk of wasting money, not to
mention recommendation being—
Nasa Yuzaki : Sensei... (0:04:15.56)
Nasa Yuzaki : I don't need a backup school. (0:04:17.61)
Nasa Yuzaki : Because I'm getting into my top choice! (0:04:20.36)
Nasa Yuzaki : My name is Yuzaki Nasa! (0:04:22.78)
Nasa Yuzaki : And I'll reach the speed
of light before NASA does!
Yanagi : I guess grades and common
sense aren't synonymous.
Yanagi : But... wait! On the off-chance you fail, (0:04:30.64)
Yanagi : you'll end up losing a whole year! (0:04:32.91)
Nasa Yuzaki : There is no off-chance. (0:04:34.71)
Nasa Yuzaki : Because I'm going to reach
the speed of light—
Yanagi : You know what, never mind! (0:04:37.58)
Yanagi : Look, there's still time before entrance exams. (0:04:41.42)
Yanagi : Take some time and discuss what
you're going to do with your parents.
Nasa Yuzaki : I don't intend to turn to my
parents for advice. It's my life.
Yanagi : Well, you never know what
fate has in store for you.
Yanagi : If you let your guard down,
it could cost you everything.
Nasa Yuzaki : No matter what fate has in store for me... (0:04:59.47)
Nasa Yuzaki : I know I'll be able to manage! (0:05:02.15)
Nasa Yuzaki : And I genuinely believed that. (0:05:08.45)
Nasa Yuzaki : After reinventing myself through sheer effort, (0:05:10.66)
Nasa Yuzaki : I was sure that I could deal with
anything fate had in store for me.
Nasa Yuzaki : But then... (0:05:16.17)
Nasa Yuzaki : First place again! At this rate,
the entrance exam will be no problem.
Nasa Yuzaki : I let my guard down... (0:05:25.55)
Nasa Yuzaki : and stumbled across the fate that awaited me. (0:05:27.68)
Nasa Yuzaki : I didn't have words for it. (0:05:31.31)
Nasa Yuzaki : She was just really cute! (0:05:32.68)
Nasa Yuzaki : What school does she go to? (0:05:38.56)
Nasa Yuzaki : Is she the same age as me?
Wait, younger, maybe?
Nasa Yuzaki : No, it doesn't matter! (0:05:44.44)
Nasa Yuzaki : I think talking to this girl right now is what... (0:05:47.07)
Nasa Yuzaki : E-Excuse me! (0:05:50.41)
Nasa Yuzaki : ...I was born to do! (0:05:51.68)
Nasa Yuzaki : Would you— (0:05:53.41)
Nasa Yuzaki : I let my guard down...
and it cost me everything.
Nasa Yuzaki : I never thought I would die like this. (0:06:06.92)
Nasa Yuzaki : I didn't even get to learn her name... (0:06:10.18)
Nasa Yuzaki : I don't want to die! I don't want
to die! I don't want to die!
Nasa Yuzaki : If I die like this, what was the point
of being born in the first place?!
Tsukasa Yuzaki : You'll be okay. (0:06:22.52)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : It takes more than this to kill someone. (0:06:24.19)
Nasa Yuzaki : It's her... (0:06:29.36)
Nasa Yuzaki : Blood? Why is she bleeding? (0:06:31.32)
Truck Driver : A-A-A-Are you okay?! (0:06:33.99)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Yeah, I am. (0:06:37.08)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : But could you get him to a hospital? (0:06:39.46)
Truck Driver : Whoa, wait! I know he's in bad shape, (0:06:42.46)
Truck Driver : but didn't you take the brunt of the
the hit when you got in front of him?!
Tsukasa Yuzaki : You really shouldn't try to talk. (0:06:52.05)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : You might not be dying,
but you're hurt pretty bad.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : No thanks necessary. (0:06:57.17)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Get some rest, and when you wake up,
forget you ever saw me.
Nasa Yuzaki : As I saw her heading toward
the moon while leaving...
Nasa Yuzaki : It was as if she was Princess Kaguya. (0:07:08.86)
Nasa Yuzaki : My consciousness left me... (0:07:13.74)
Nasa Yuzaki : And so did you. (0:07:16.37)
Nasa Yuzaki : "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" is the story
of a couple who didn't get to be together.
Nasa Yuzaki : Princess Kaguya returned to the moon, (0:07:24.24)
Nasa Yuzaki : and nobody, not her adopted father
nor the emperor, could stop her.
Truck Driver : Right! We're over by the place, at the thing! (0:07:39.35)
Truck Driver : Yes, please! Send an ambulance as fast as— (0:07:41.44)
Nasa Yuzaki : Don't worry about me! (0:07:43.10)
Truck Driver : Are you okay?! (0:07:49.53)
Nasa Yuzaki : Did you see where that girl went? (0:07:50.99)
Truck Driver : Look, you really should lie down! (0:07:53.28)
Nasa Yuzaki : Now is not the time! (0:07:55.78)
Truck Driver : I'm pretty sure this is exactly the time... (0:07:58.20)
Nasa Yuzaki : I understand why you would want
me to go to the hospital.
Nasa Yuzaki : I'd feel the same way if I ran someone over! (0:08:04.79)
Nasa Yuzaki : Because they could die! (0:08:07.54)
Truck Driver : If you understand all that,
why are you doing this?
Nasa Yuzaki : Because... (0:08:11.76)
Nasa Yuzaki : She's just really cute! (0:08:13.80)
Truck Driver : I don't understand what he's trying to say, (0:08:15.66)
Truck Driver : but I can tell he really means it! (0:08:17.39)
Nasa Yuzaki : That being the case, goodbye, mister! (0:08:19.35)
Truck Driver : Wait! (0:08:24.35)
Nasa Yuzaki : I don't know if I'll be able to find her,
but if this is fate, then...
Nasa Yuzaki : I know— (0:08:41.08)
Nasa Yuzaki : There she is! (0:08:44.54)
Nasa Yuzaki : Excuse me... (0:08:48.38)
Nasa Yuzaki : Thank you for before. I survived, thanks to you! (0:08:51.80)
Nasa Yuzaki : My name is Yuzaki Nasa! (0:08:55.80)
Nasa Yuzaki : Written with the characters for
"starry sky," but pronounced "Nasa"!
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Well, this is impressive. (0:09:01.02)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : You're able to move with those injuries? (0:09:03.25)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I mentioned this before,
but you're pretty badly hurt.
Nasa Yuzaki : I just had to thank you! (0:09:08.82)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : All right, take that wet
coat off and have a seat.
Nasa Yuzaki : You don't mind?! (0:09:19.13)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : What I do mind is you being covered in blood. (0:09:20.16)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : After I went to the trouble of saving you... (0:09:23.07)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : You've only got one life,
so take better care of it, okay?
Nasa Yuzaki : Is this the smell of her shampoo? (0:09:28.79)
Nasa Yuzaki : Do girls really smell this good? (0:09:31.55)
Nasa Yuzaki : W-W-W-Wait— (0:09:38.30)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : You've lost a lot of blood.
You need to stay warm.
Nasa Yuzaki : The warmth from her coat and
this intensely sweet aroma...
Nasa Yuzaki : It's enough to knock me out! (0:09:51.19)
Nasa Yuzaki : And... (0:09:54.40)
Nasa Yuzaki : This girl is just seriously, really cute! (0:09:55.32)
Nasa Yuzaki : You're not cold? (0:10:02.37)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Of course I am. It's snowing outside. (0:10:04.04)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : But I think I should call for help. (0:10:07.54)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : You could actually die at this rate. (0:10:10.17)
Nasa Yuzaki : I'm fi— (0:10:14.34)
Nasa Yuzaki : Huh... wha? (0:10:16.51)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Both of your legs are broken, you know. (0:10:18.55)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : And the adrenaline from the
accident is about to wear off.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Pretty soon, you'll find it
hard to stay conscious.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : If you care about staying alive,
just wait right there.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I'll call an ambulance. (0:10:32.48)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Goodbye, now. (0:10:35.82)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Look after yourself. (0:10:37.86)
Nasa Yuzaki : My whole body's burning. (0:10:44.54)
Nasa Yuzaki : My consciousness is fading... (0:10:48.21)
Nasa Yuzaki : But... (0:10:50.96)
Nasa Yuzaki : Wait! (0:10:54.80)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : A-Are you crazy?! You could seriously die! (0:11:01.64)
Nasa Yuzaki : You looked just like Princess Kaguya before! (0:11:05.22)
Nasa Yuzaki : When the people from the moon came for her, (0:11:10.27)
Nasa Yuzaki : neither the old man nor the
emperor fought for Kaguya,
Nasa Yuzaki : even though they cared about her! (0:11:14.98)
Nasa Yuzaki : But... if you know you'll
never see someone again,
Nasa Yuzaki : you should fight for them,
chase after them, and try to get them back!
Nasa Yuzaki : Even if it means dying!
If you really love them...
Nasa Yuzaki : And I... (0:11:34.13)
Nasa Yuzaki : love you. (0:11:36.09)
Nasa Yuzaki : I just met you, and I don't
even know your name yet,
Nasa Yuzaki : but all the same, would you go out with me? (0:11:45.76)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Fair enough. (0:11:57.82)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : We can be together... if you'll marry me. (0:12:01.32)
Nasa Yuzaki : Of course! It'd be my pleasure! (0:12:08.12)
Nasa Yuzaki : The way I answered instantly in that moment (0:12:10.12)
Nasa Yuzaki : is something I will always be proud of. (0:12:13.50)
Nasa Yuzaki : And after giving my answer... I passed out. (0:12:17.00)
Nasa Yuzaki : When I woke up, the cherry
blossoms were starting to fall.
Nasa Yuzaki : I was told that if she hadn't protected me, (0:12:27.18)
Nasa Yuzaki : I probably would've died instantly. (0:12:30.59)
Nasa Yuzaki : In the end, she was gone before
I could even learn her name.
Nasa Yuzaki : Would you go out with me? (0:12:38.61)
Nasa Yuzaki : Based on what's happened,
should I consider myself rejected?
Tsukasa Yuzaki : We can be together... if you'll marry me. (0:12:46.28)
Nasa Yuzaki : Looking back now, maybe that response
was her way of turning me down.
Nasa Yuzaki : My days after waking up were
filled with studying and rehab.
Nasa Yuzaki : I missed my chance to take the exams
and ended up losing that year...
Nasa Yuzaki : So I took them in the following year. (0:13:06.14)
Nasa Yuzaki : I had a top score, (0:13:08.41)
Nasa Yuzaki : but just didn't feel like going to
high school and declined the offers I got.
Nasa Yuzaki : I put my talents to use working a service job (0:13:13.48)
Nasa Yuzaki : in the hopes of meeting her again, (0:13:16.06)
Nasa Yuzaki : but the day never came. (0:13:18.68)
Nasa Yuzaki : I knew my parents would get
anxious if I worked too much,
Nasa Yuzaki : so I rented a small apartment,
where I lived alone.
Nasa Yuzaki : And I turned 18... (0:13:28.53)
Nasa Yuzaki : It's amazing how much money you can
earn if you lose yourself in the work.
Nasa Yuzaki : But it's not money that I want. (0:13:37.67)
Nasa Yuzaki : I just wish I could see her again. (0:13:43.10)
Nasa Yuzaki : Yes, how can I help— (0:13:48.84)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Hey. We meet again. (0:13:52.64)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Right, I forgot to mention this,
but my name is Tsukasa.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Is it all right if I come in? (0:14:02.14)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : We've got something important to discuss. (0:14:05.04)
Nasa Yuzaki : This picks up where
"The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" left off.
Nasa Yuzaki : After getting Princess
Kaguya back from the moon,
Nasa Yuzaki : we'll live happily ever after. (0:14:14.87)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Come on now, darling. (0:14:17.16)
Nasa Yuzaki : The story of a married couple! (0:14:19.50)
Nasa Yuzaki : I can't deny that I have questions. (0:14:25.16)
Nasa Yuzaki : Even if I've been thinking
of her all this time...
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Pardon me. (0:14:30.72)
Nasa Yuzaki : The fact of the matter is,
we're almost total strangers.
Nasa Yuzaki : And yet, when she came into my
home, my thoughts were on...
Nasa Yuzaki : Oh, crap! I've never had a girl over before! (0:14:41.90)
Nasa Yuzaki : Sorry it's not much. (0:14:47.28)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Don't worry. And thank you. (0:14:48.99)
Nasa Yuzaki : But man, this girl is seriously cute! (0:14:52.91)
Nasa Yuzaki : The whole place smells a bit better
just from her being in here!
Tsukasa Yuzaki : My name is Tsukasa. (0:15:01.38)
Nasa Yuzaki : So this is Tsukasa-chan... (0:15:04.42)
Nasa Yuzaki : I do have questions, but still,
Tsukasa-chan is so cute!
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Not going to sit down? (0:15:12.03)
Nasa Yuzaki : S-Sorry! (0:15:13.85)
Nasa Yuzaki : So what did you want to discuss? (0:15:16.89)
Nasa Yuzaki : What's this? (0:15:23.90)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Our marriage registration. (0:15:25.09)
Nasa Yuzaki : M-M-M-Marriage registration?! (0:15:29.15)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Wh... What are you so shocked about? (0:15:31.95)
Nasa Yuzaki : I-I mean... (0:15:35.49)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Didn't we have an agreement? (0:15:37.49)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I said I would be with you if you married me, (0:15:39.58)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : and you said yes right away. (0:15:41.96)
Nasa Yuzaki : Okay, that's technically true, but... (0:15:43.96)
Nasa Yuzaki : M-M-Marri-ri— (0:15:46.30)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Well, never mind, then— (0:15:49.30)
Nasa Yuzaki : H-Hang on! (0:15:50.67)
Nasa Yuzaki : I'm shocked, yeah, but I never
said I wouldn't do it!
Nasa Yuzaki : I still love you, and I want to be together!
None of that has changed!
Nasa Yuzaki : So... if a marriage registration is what
it takes, or anything else for that matter,
Nasa Yuzaki : I'll sign! (0:16:04.13)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Uh, I see. (0:16:07.90)
Nasa Yuzaki : I'm only now realizing I shouted about how
I loved her in the heat of the moment.
Nasa Yuzaki : S-So this is a marriage registration... (0:16:16.74)
Nasa Yuzaki : W-Wow. This is really bringing
the reality of it home.
Nasa Yuzaki : I'm curious... What's this about witnesses? (0:16:24.00)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : It's just part of getting married. (0:16:27.63)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : But all you really need is to get their seal, (0:16:30.84)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : so if push comes to shove, you get
a random passerby to vouch for you.
Nasa Yuzaki : That works?! (0:16:37.14)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : There's also the matter of your seal,
family registration, and identification...
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Have you got all that? (0:16:43.41)
Nasa Yuzaki : Uh, yeah... (0:16:44.52)
Nasa Yuzaki : Still, is this really okay? (0:16:48.98)
Nasa Yuzaki : I'm going with the flow
and filling it out, but...
Nasa Yuzaki : Maybe this is a bad idea? (0:16:55.20)
Nasa Yuzaki : If you think about it,
it seems a lot like a scam—
Nasa Yuzaki : Scams aren't such a big deal! (0:17:00.91)
Nasa Yuzaki : If there's trouble, I'll deal
with it when it happens!
Nasa Yuzaki : Because I'm Yuzaki Nasa! (0:17:05.92)
Nasa Yuzaki : The man who'll hit the speed
of light sooner than NASA!
Nasa Yuzaki : Here it is! (0:17:12.09)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Right, thanks. (0:17:15.18)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Oh, so that's how you write "Yuzaki." (0:17:18.95)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Yuzaki... Yuzaki Tsukasa, huh? (0:17:24.12)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I have to say, my new name
has a nice ring to it.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I like it. (0:17:33.83)
Nasa Yuzaki : Th-Thanks... (0:17:35.36)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I know we both have our concerns, (0:17:39.62)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : and we're bound to run into trouble... (0:17:41.66)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : But I think I'm a pretty
good judge of character,
Tsukasa Yuzaki : and I haven't said anything untrue. (0:17:47.79)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : And above all... (0:17:50.29)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I put my faith in you. (0:17:51.42)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I'm not perfect, but I hope
you'll take care of me.
Nasa Yuzaki : I definitely have concerns...
but for today...
Nasa Yuzaki : The feeling's mutual! (0:18:02.89)
Nasa Yuzaki : I honestly don't care. (0:18:05.23)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Well, we had better get going. (0:18:08.02)
Nasa Yuzaki : Wait, where are we going this late at night? (0:18:10.94)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Where else? (0:18:13.57)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : The ward office. (0:18:15.93)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Since we filled out the paperwork,
we need to turn it in.
Nasa Yuzaki : Is the office going to be open this late? (0:18:24.70)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : They've got a late-night desk. (0:18:27.71)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Marriage registrations are
accepted 24 hours a day.
Nasa Yuzaki : I had no idea. (0:18:33.25)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : During the day, people are busy with work, (0:18:35.38)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : and there are people like celebrities (0:18:37.76)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : who might want to get married
without a lot of public attention.
Nasa Yuzaki : Makes sense. (0:18:43.06)
Nasa Yuzaki : Marriage... (0:18:45.47)
Nasa Yuzaki : Getting married. (0:18:46.85)
Nasa Yuzaki : Is turning in a piece of paper
really all we need to get married?
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Yuzaki Tsukasa. (0:18:53.90)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Good, I think I'm getting used to it. (0:18:56.03)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : It does have a lovely ring to it, right? (0:18:58.45)
Nasa Yuzaki : Y-Yeah, I think so! (0:19:01.03)
Nasa Yuzaki : But here I am, with "starry sky"
being pronounced "Nasa."
Nasa Yuzaki : Talk about weird... (0:19:08.46)
Nasa Yuzaki : Wait... Come to think of it, I don't
think she's ever laughed at my name.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : NASA was founded in 1958 to compete
with the Soviet space program.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : It was made up of 18,000
specially selected experts.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : They took a dream that nobody would've
thought possible for humanity,
Tsukasa Yuzaki : and through knowledge, diligence,
courage, and patience,
Tsukasa Yuzaki : they collectively made it a reality. (0:19:37.32)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Traveling into space is much
more difficult than it sounds.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : It requires a literally astronomical
amount of trial and error,
Tsukasa Yuzaki : and at the end of that endless struggle, (0:19:48.40)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : they were even able to
send people to the moon.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : "Nasa," written with the
characters for "starry sky"...
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I think it's a fantastic name. (0:19:59.34)
Nasa Yuzaki : It felt like an ache that had been stuck in my
chest from the day I was born melted away.
Nasa Yuzaki : This marriage still doesn't feel real, (0:20:09.68)
Nasa Yuzaki : but right now, I genuinely
want to marry this girl.
Ward Office Worker : A marriage registration?
Sure, it'll be just one moment.
Ward Office Worker : Okay, here we are... (0:20:24.87)
Ward Office Worker : Let's see... Oh, you're underage? (0:20:27.24)
EXTRA : In that case, we'll need
your guardian's approval.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Yes, I've got it right here. (0:20:34.38)
Ward Office Worker : Okay, that covers all the paperwork. (0:20:36.71)
Ward Office Worker : I'll go ahead and get it submitted. (0:20:39.67)
Nasa Yuzaki : Excuse me... Is it really okay
to do this without any parents?
Ward Office Worker : There's no law that says
they have to be present,
Ward Office Worker : so it shouldn't be a problem. (0:20:48.93)
Ward Office Worker : Besides, a marriage between young
folks is a thing worth celebrating.
Ward Office Worker : I'm honestly jealous that you get
to marry such a beautiful bride.
Ward Office Worker : All right, that takes care
of the registration.
Ward Office Worker : Congratulations on your marriage. (0:21:03.15)
Ward Office Worker : We also hand these out as wedding gifts,
so feel free to take it.
Nasa Yuzaki : I didn't know they gave out stuff like this. (0:21:12.50)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : It probably depends on the office. (0:21:15.30)
Nasa Yuzaki : I'm still surprised getting
married is so easy.
Nasa Yuzaki : It almost doesn't feel real. (0:21:20.88)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Would you like to hold hands, then? (0:21:24.17)
Nasa Yuzaki : C-Can I?! (0:21:27.93)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I mean, we are married. (0:21:29.35)
Nasa Yuzaki : Oh, right... then... (0:21:31.22)
Nasa Yuzaki : So soft! (0:21:41.98)
Nasa Yuzaki : Girls are this soft?! (0:21:43.90)
Nasa Yuzaki : Human hands are this warm...
and feel this good?
Nasa Yuzaki : This is marriage?! It's fantastic! (0:21:50.66)
Nasa Yuzaki : It's all-I-can-grab with this hand
until I die! Marriage is awesome!
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Uh... that's a little too hard. It hurts. (0:21:59.25)
Nasa Yuzaki : Oh! Sorry! (0:22:02.63)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Also, I'm not sure I like the
sound of "all-I-can-grab."
Nasa Yuzaki : Did I say that out loud?! (0:22:08.30)
Nasa Yuzaki : Oh, man, that sucks! (0:22:10.55)
Nasa Yuzaki : What does that even mean?!
This isn't a buffet!
Tsukasa Yuzaki : We're married now, aren't we? (0:22:17.10)
Nasa Yuzaki : Y-Yeah. (0:22:20.06)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : All-you-can-grab from now on... (0:22:26.57)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I guess you're right! (0:22:29.49)
Nasa Yuzaki : Yeah. (0:22:32.20)
Nasa Yuzaki : This is the story of a couple
who had a strange first meeting
Nasa Yuzaki : and ended up together, with an
irreplaceable bond between them.
Tsukasa Yuzaki : By the way, there's something
I need to take care of,
Tsukasa Yuzaki : so could you take the plant back home first? (0:22:47.84)
Nasa Yuzaki : Uh, sure. (0:22:50.47)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : By the way, do you have
two futons at your place?
Nasa Yuzaki : Uh, no, just the one bed... (0:22:56.48)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : I see. Well, I'll see you later. (0:23:00.19)
Nasa Yuzaki : Huh? Hey, wait! (0:23:02.61)
Nasa Yuzaki : Futons? (0:23:05.65)
Nasa Yuzaki : If we're married, that means we'll
be living together at my place?
Nasa Yuzaki : Which would mean... (0:23:11.41)
Nasa Yuzaki : We're going to sleep together tonight?! (0:23:13.14)
Nasa Yuzaki : In that bed?! Together?! (0:23:15.87)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Right, time for bed, then. (0:23:30.63)
Nasa Yuzaki : You're staying the night?! (0:23:32.01)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : Of course I am. We're married now. (0:23:33.60)
Tsukasa Yuzaki : So I'm going to be staying here every night. (0:23:36.47)
Nasa Yuzaki : Th-Then... that means... (0:23:38.60)
Nasa Yuzaki : This is going to be our momentous
first night together?!

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To be honest, I can't find an official source for either of those dates. MyAnimeList only says November 1431, without a specific date (probably because it's the real life Vlad III's birthday). But if this was mentioned in the manga, anime or other Hellsing materials it can be added. - 1melco


But if Seiya gets stabbed or anything... - Ristarte

There are limits to that advice! - Ristarte

Oh, all right! - Ristarte

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