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Shin Yasuda : Right, that's all for today's class. (0:00:13.75)
Shin Yasuda : Remember, you'll be studying
for college exams next year,
Shin Yasuda : Remember, you'll be studying
for college exams next year,
Shin Yasuda : so you won't get to enjoy
your next summer vacation.
Shin Yasuda : Go out and enjoy the pool
or the beach while you still can.
Shin Yasuda : I'd be happy to go with you. (0:00:28.62)
Tooru Ishikawa : What? Why the hell would we
invite a teacher to come with us?
Shin Yasuda : Oh, please, Ishikawa! (0:00:35.45)
Shin Yasuda : There's no point in going to the
pool or beach with a bunch of guys .
Tooru Ishikawa : Oh, right. (0:00:42.12)
Yuki Yoshikawa : God, they're so dumb. (0:00:44.33)
Yuki Yoshikawa : Yasuda's pretty hot, but he
keeps opening his dumb mouth.
EXTRA : He's a good teacher, too. (0:00:52.79)
Kyouko Hori : Ugh, just ignore him. (0:00:55.37)
EXTRA : Why? Did something happen
between you and Yasuda-sensei, Hori?
Kyouko Hori : Yeah, this morning. (0:01:02.41)
Shin Yasuda : Hori! Keep your chin up, okay? (0:01:06.04)
Kyouko Hori : What? Why? (0:01:08.04)
Shin Yasuda : Here's a little-known fact about me:
I love flat-chested girls!
Shin Yasuda : So have a little self-confidence! (0:01:12.66)
Kyouko Hori : That's how he tried to cheer me up. (0:01:15.95)
EXTRA : Sorry. I have no idea what
he was trying to do there.
Yuki Yoshikawa : Oh, hey, Hori! (0:01:20.70)
Yuki Yoshikawa : A guy from another school
asked me for your number.
Yuki Yoshikawa : Can I give it to him? (0:01:28.08)
Kyouko Hori : He didn't have the guts to ask
me himself, so no. Turn him down.
Yuki Yoshikawa : Aww, again? (0:01:33.16)
Tooru Ishikawa : Yo, wanna hit up karaoke on our way home? (0:01:35.33)
Yuki Yoshikawa : Karaoke? (0:01:38.16)
Tooru Ishikawa : I got these coupons that expire today. (0:01:39.12)
Yuki Yoshikawa : Half off two hours! That's a sweet deal! (0:01:41.45)
EXTRA : Wanna go, Hori? (0:01:43.66)
Tooru Ishikawa : C'mon! (0:01:46.29)
Kyouko Hori : Sorry, I gotta pass. (0:01:49.62)
Yuki Yoshikawa : You always pass! (0:01:52.04)
Kyouko Hori : I'm really sorry! (0:01:54.41)
Izumi Miyamura : Hori-san. (0:01:58.04)
Kyouko Hori : Huh? (0:01:59.37)
Izumi Miyamura : You dropped your phone. (0:02:01.50)
Kyouko Hori : Oh, thanks. (0:02:03.79)
Yuki Yoshikawa : God, Miyamura sounds so gloomy.
Same as always, I guess.
EXTRA : I bet he's a total otaku. (0:02:12.33)
Izumi Miyamura : Oh, I like this angle! (0:02:15.41)
Yuki Yoshikawa : The "so moe !" kind? (0:02:19.12)
EXTRA : Oh, yeah, totally! (0:02:20.33)
Yuki Yoshikawa : What's he really like, Toru? (0:02:23.12)
Tooru Ishikawa : Don't really know. (0:02:26.37)
Tooru Ishikawa : Doesn't seem like he has
any friends we could ask, either.
Kyouko Hori : Sorry, gotta run! (0:02:32.08)
Tooru Ishikawa : Hori's always in a hurry to get home. (0:02:35.29)
Yuki Yoshikawa : It's probably because she's
got a boyfriend or something.
Tooru Ishikawa : A boyfriend?! (0:02:41.25)
Yuki Yoshikawa : I mean, she's pretty and popular.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Kyouko Hori : Okay! (0:02:51.70)
Kyouko Hori : Hey, Mom. (0:03:01.08)
Kyouko Hori : Got it, I'll handle dinner. (0:03:05.12)
Kyouko Hori : I know, no getting out of overtime. (0:03:07.87)
Kyouko Hori : Bye. (0:03:10.79)
Kyouko Hori : I'd better get going... (0:03:14.12)
Kyouko Hori : Sota! (0:03:16.79)
Sota : Big sis! (0:03:18.66)
EXTRA : There you are! (0:03:20.16)
EXTRA : I know, right? (0:03:27.50)
EXTRA : Wanna hit up that store
we saw in that fashion mag?
EXTRA : Wait, like, now?! (0:03:30.58)
EXTRA : Yeah, let's go! (0:03:32.12)
Kyouko Hori : Let's have hamburg steak for dinner tonight. (0:03:33.54)
Sota : Yay! (0:03:35.33)
Kyouko Hori : Overtime and working on her day off... (0:05:11.12)
Kyouko Hori : Overtime and working on her day off... (0:05:14.04)
Kyouko Hori : I really wish she'd learn to say no to people... (0:05:14.87)
Sota : Big sis! (0:05:21.25)
Kyouko Hori : What's wrong? (0:05:25.91)
Kyouko Hori : Sota! What happened?! (0:05:29.66)
Sota : I fell down. (0:05:32.83)
Kyouko Hori : Aww. Where's your handkerchief, buddy? (0:05:34.16)
Izumi Miyamura : U-Uhh... (0:05:37.12)
Kyouko Hori : Huh?! (0:05:38.50)
Izumi Miyamura : I think he's okay now, so I'm gonna go. (0:05:40.12)
Kyouko Hori : I was totally ignoring him! (0:05:42.79)
Kyouko Hori : U-Uhh, I'm so sorry you
had to take care of him...
Izumi Miyamura : It's okay. (0:05:48.62)
Izumi Miyamura : I'm gonna go, then. (0:05:49.62)
Kyouko Hori : Sota? (0:05:53.70)
Izumi Miyamura : Uh, umm... (0:05:54.87)
Kyouko Hori : Umm, if you're not in a hurry,
why don't you come in for a few?
Izumi Miyamura : O-Okay, but... (0:06:00.75)
Kyouko Hori : Please. I have to thank you
for taking care of him.
Izumi Miyamura : He got scared by a dog and fell down. (0:06:07.87)
Kyouko Hori : Thank you for going so far out of your way. (0:06:10.50)
Izumi Miyamura : Oh, no, thank you for treating me. (0:06:12.54)
Sota : Hey, is your coffee really bitter? (0:06:14.70)
Izumi Miyamura : It sure is. (0:06:18.25)
Izumi Miyamura : He's a good kid.
Introduced himself and everything.
Kyouko Hori : O-Oh, thank you. He's a real
handful most of the time, I swear.
Izumi Miyamura : Still, I'm really impressed that
you take care of all the housework.
Izumi Miyamura : I never expected that from you, Hori-san. (0:06:32.04)
Kyouko Hori : Oh, no... (0:06:33.62)
Izumi Miyamura : You are Hori-san, right? In Class 1? (0:06:36.54)
Kyouko Hori : Y-Yeah, that's me, (0:06:40.66)
Kyouko Hori : but wait, you go to my school?! (0:06:43.33)
Izumi Miyamura : Huh? What are you talking about? (0:06:46.25)
Izumi Miyamura : I'm in your class. Miyamura? (0:06:48.58)
Kyouko Hori : Wait... What?! (0:06:51.37)
Kyouko Hori : That can't be the same person! (0:06:59.37)
Kyouko Hori : I still don't believe it. (0:07:01.95)
Yuki Yoshikawa : Hori, you're making the
weirdest face right now. You okay?
Kyouko Hori : Yeah, it's nothing. (0:07:08.54)
Yuki Yoshikawa : You sure? (0:07:10.12)
Yuki Yoshikawa : Huh? Hori? (0:07:15.16)
Kyouko Hori : Miyamura, can I have a sec? (0:07:18.00)
Izumi Miyamura : Huh? You want me to come over again? (0:07:21.45)
Kyouko Hori : N-Not me! My little brother! (0:07:25.08)
Kyouko Hori : Sota wants 'that cool dude'
to come play with him.
Izumi Miyamura : Really? Then I'll pick up
a picture book for him or something.
Kyouko Hori : It's fine. You don't have to
go out of your way or anything.
Kyouko Hori : Whew, okay. Sota'll be really thrilled. (0:07:39.33)
Izumi Miyamura : This is a surprise. (0:07:45.25)
Kyouko Hori : What is? (0:07:46.58)
Izumi Miyamura : You talking to me. (0:07:48.50)
Izumi Miyamura : I thought for sure after yesterday, (0:07:50.91)
Izumi Miyamura : you'd just avoid being around me. (0:07:54.20)
Kyouko Hori : Why would I do that? (0:07:55.70)
Kyouko Hori : I mean, yeah, it was a little
awkward and freaked me out a bit.
Kyouko Hori : You're so not like that here at school. (0:08:02.58)
Kyouko Hori : But I'm kinda in the same boat, (0:08:05.41)
Kyouko Hori : so I don't really have
a reason to avoid you or any...
Kyouko Hori : Why're you blushing? (0:08:12.20)
Izumi Miyamura : Uh, I guess I'm just not
used to hearing this stuff...
Izumi Miyamura : It's kinda weird. (0:08:16.83)
Izumi Miyamura : But thanks. (0:08:19.62)
Izumi Miyamura : What? (0:08:23.33)
Kyouko Hori : You've got a nice smile. (0:08:25.16)
Izumi Miyamura : Huh?! (0:08:26.87)
Kyouko Hori : You should wear your hair up more often. (0:08:27.75)
Kyouko Hori : And lose the glasses, too. (0:08:30.87)
Izumi Miyamura : I could, but then they'd see I have piercings. (0:08:33.37)
Kyouko Hori : You've got a lot, too. How many? (0:08:35.75)
Izumi Miyamura : Nine, I think. Four on
each ear and one on my lip.
Kyouko Hori : That's way too many piercings. (0:08:42.58)
Izumi Miyamura : My mom said the same thing. (0:08:44.58)
Kyouko Hori : Here are a few things I've
learned about Miyamura so far:
Izumi Miyamura : I like manga, but I'm not
into all that moe stuff.
Kyouko Hori : He's not an otaku. (0:08:54.83)
Izumi Miyamura : I brought some cake! (0:08:57.25)
Kyouko Hori : His family runs a cake shop. (0:08:59.04)
Izumi Miyamura : Yeah, it hurt a lot when I did it. (0:09:01.20)
Kyouko Hori : He pierced himself with
a safety pin back in middle school.
Kyouko Hori : And... (0:09:08.45)
Kyouko Hori : Oof... (0:09:11.58)
Kyouko Hori : He's not a very good student. (0:09:12.91)
Izumi Miyamura : You're incredible, Hori-san!
You've got almost straight A's!
Kyouko Hori : It's nothing special. (0:09:19.04)
Kyouko Hori : Aren't quiet guys with
glasses supposed to be smart?
Izumi Miyamura : Is that how it works? (0:09:23.58)
Kyouko Hori : It's times like these when I realize (0:09:26.95)
Kyouko Hori : that my initial impression
of him was totally off the mark.
Kyouko Hori : that my initial impression
of him was totally off the mark.
Izumi Miyamura : What's that? An ad for the supermarket? (0:09:33.20)
Kyouko Hori : Yeah. (0:09:35.12)
Kyouko Hori : Eggs are on sale tomo-- (0:09:36.75)
Kyouko Hori : His lower eyelashes are really long. (0:09:40.95)
Izumi Miyamura : Hori-san? (0:09:44.33)
Kyouko Hori : Oh, uh! (0:09:45.37)
Kyouko Hori : There's a limited-time sale on eggs
tomorrow with no purchase limit.
Izumi Miyamura : But it says "only until 4 PM." (0:09:51.04)
Kyouko Hori : Yeah, but it'll be fine. (0:09:53.25)
Kyouko Hori : As long as there's no emergency
committee meeting or anything,
Kyouko Hori : I'll be able to buy a whole truckload
of eggs on my way home!
EXTRA : All committee members, (0:10:02.25)
EXTRA : please report to the AV room after homeroom. (0:10:03.50)
Kyouko Hori : What great timing... (0:10:07.29)
Kyouko Hori : But I'm not giving up... (0:10:09.79)
Kyouko Hori : ...on those eggs! (0:10:12.70)
Izumi Miyamura : Oh, Hori-s... (0:10:13.95)
EXTRA : "Coming over today, right?
Get me those eggs asap"
Izumi Miyamura : I'm supposed to buy them now?! (0:10:18.95)
Izumi Miyamura : And I have to run in this heat?! (0:10:26.04)
Izumi Miyamura : Twenty minutes left! (0:10:28.91)
Izumi Miyamura : I'll take the shortcut! (0:10:32.00)
Izumi Miyamura : Sorry, it's egg time! (0:10:52.95)
Yuki Yoshikawa : Wait, what?! (0:10:55.50)
Yuki Yoshikawa : Egg time? (0:10:58.62)
Kyouko Hori : Man, thanks a ton! (0:11:02.08)
Izumi Miyamura : Those rabid housewives were scary...
No more sales for me...
Izumi Miyamura : Oh, yeah, uh, I ran into
someone on my way there.
Kyouko Hori : What? Who?! Where?! (0:11:17.95)
Izumi Miyamura : That Yuki girl you hang out with. (0:11:20.33)
Kyouko Hori : Oh. (0:11:23.12)
Kyouko Hori : You ran into her dressed like this? (0:11:25.29)
Izumi Miyamura : Yeah, but I don't think she knew it was me. (0:11:28.16)
Kyouko Hori : Oh, huh. (0:11:31.79)
Izumi Miyamura : Let's dig in! (0:11:33.62)
Sota : Let's dig in! (0:11:33.62)
Izumi Miyamura : Look out, don't spill. (0:11:36.58)
Sota : Okay. (0:11:38.16)
Kyouko Hori : I kinda don't want anyone else
to see you like this, Miyamura.
Kyouko Hori : Sorry, never mind! Forget I said that. (0:11:50.50)
Kyouko Hori : I forgot to get out drinks. Is barley tea okay? (0:11:54.87)
Sota : Are you gonna eat? (0:11:58.50)
Izumi Miyamura : Hori-san, I... (0:12:03.04)
Izumi Miyamura : When I get to see you like this, (0:12:05.37)
Izumi Miyamura : cooking dinner, or getting mad
and yelling really loud...
Izumi Miyamura : Like, the fact that you don't care
what your hair looks like at home,
Izumi Miyamura : or the way you're kinda brawny, in a good way-- (0:12:16.62)
Kyouko Hori : That's enough! (0:12:18.41)
Izumi Miyamura : I don't want anyone else
to see this side of you, either.
Kyouko Hori : Neither do I. (0:12:23.91)
Izumi Miyamura : It kinda feels like this moment
belongs to me and only me.
Kyouko Hori : Don't say stuff like that, you dummy! (0:12:33.95)
Sota : Can I have some, too, please? (0:12:37.66)
Sota : Thanks! (0:12:41.41)
Kyouko Hori : Ugh, how can he say something
that cringey with a straight face?!
Kyouko Hori : Does he not realize? Is he that dumb?! (0:12:49.58)
Kyouko Hori : --You dummy. You're such
a dummy! You big dummy!
Izumi Miyamura : --I'm a dummy...?
--You dummy. You're such
a dummy! You big dummy!
Kyouko Hori : --I'm a dummy...?
--You dummy. You're such
a dummy! You big dummy!
Kyouko Hori : --You dummy! Dummy, dummy, dummy! (0:12:56.62)
Sota : --My sister can't stop saying "dummy"
after she says it once. Watch.
--You dummy! Dummy, dummy, dummy!
Kyouko Hori : --My sister can't stop saying "dummy"
after she says it once. Watch.
--You dummy! Dummy, dummy, dummy!
Izumi Miyamura : --Really?
--You dummy! Dummy, dummy, dummy!
Kyouko Hori : --Really?
--You dummy! Dummy, dummy, dummy!
Kyouko Hori : Dummy, dummy, dummy! (0:13:03.87)
Izumi Miyamura : You're right! (0:13:07.41)
Kyouko Hori : Why're you laughing?! (0:13:08.58)
Kyouko Hori : Everyone has a side of them they
don't want anyone to know about.
Izumi Miyamura : It's not that I don't like
the way you are at school,
Izumi Miyamura : I like this side of you that gets
mad and dresses plain at home.
Izumi Miyamura : I think you're way cuter like this. (0:13:21.54)
Kyouko Hori : The two of us ended up sharing
this "secret self" time with each other.
Kyouko Hori : Ugh, whatever, you big dummy. (0:13:31.37)
Izumi Miyamura : It's only gonna get hotter from here on out. (0:13:36.33)
Kyouko Hori : Yep. (0:13:38.54)
Izumi Miyamura : Wearing this jacket all
the time's gonna be torture.
Kyouko Hori : Yeah, but at least... (0:13:43.16)
Izumi Miyamura : Hori-san, I'm in trouble!
We're gonna be swimming in P.E.!
Izumi Miyamura : I'm screwed! (0:13:50.45)
Kyouko Hori : Oh, yeah, you're right. (0:13:51.75)
Kyouko Hori : What's wrong with swimming?
Better than making us run a marathon.
Izumi Miyamura : Swimming is way worse!
They're gonna see everything !
Kyouko Hori : What do you mean, everythi -- (0:14:00.29)
Izumi Miyamura : What do I do about these ?! (0:14:03.16)
Kyouko Hori : Sometimes I'm not sure if you're incredibly bold (0:14:09.33)
Kyouko Hori : or incredibly stupid. (0:14:12.29)
Kyouko Hori : least swimming was optional, huh? (0:14:15.95)
Izumi Miyamura : Yeah, for real... (0:14:18.45)
Izumi Miyamura : But what if we do have to run a marathon?
I have to wear my jacket!
Izumi Miyamura : I'll die of heatstroke! (0:14:23.91)
Kyouko Hori : I don't think they're gonna
make us run a marathon.
Yuki Yoshikawa : Huh. You see the two of
them together a lot lately.
Tooru Ishikawa : I never expected him to be in the picture. (0:14:35.25)
EXTRA : Hori, lemme see your notes! (0:14:37.12)
EXTRA : Oh, I wanna see, too! (0:14:40.45)
Kyouko Hori : Ugh, fine, but you really need to take your own. (0:14:42.25)
EXTRA : Thanks, Hori! (0:14:46.79)
Tooru Ishikawa : Popular, huh? (0:14:50.08)
Izumi Miyamura : What, uh, what's popular? (0:14:52.00)
Tooru Ishikawa : Hori. (0:14:55.75)
Izumi Miyamura : Oh, yeah. I wish I could
get good grades like her.
Tooru Ishikawa : Miyamura. (0:15:01.83)
Izumi Miyamura : Huh? Wh-What? (0:15:03.12)
Tooru Ishikawa : You and Hori sure have
been getting along lately.
Tooru Ishikawa : You two dating? (0:15:08.50)
Izumi Miyamura : No! Of course not, that's ridiculous! (0:15:09.95)
Tooru Ishikawa : Yeah, thought so. (0:15:14.66)
Tooru Ishikawa : The two of you aren't anything alike. (0:15:16.83)
Izumi Miyamura : Yeah, you're right.
We wouldn't make a good couple.
Izumi Miyamura : We just don't match up, uh... (0:15:24.58)
Tooru Ishikawa : Use your words, man! (0:15:28.91)
Kyouko Hori : Don't see those two together often. (0:15:30.66)
Yuki Yoshikawa : Let's go, Hori! (0:15:32.62)
Izumi Miyamura : S-Sorry--oh. (0:15:34.70)
Tooru Ishikawa : What? (0:15:37.95)
Izumi Miyamura : Ishikawa-kun, do you have a crush on Hori-san? (0:15:38.87)
Tooru Ishikawa : Wha--?! (0:15:42.45)
Tooru Ishikawa : S-So what if I do?! (0:15:43.83)
Izumi Miyamura : Wait, really?! (0:15:47.20)
Tooru Ishikawa : What?! (0:15:49.58)
Izumi Miyamura : So that's why you always glare
at me when I'm talking to Hori-san!
Tooru Ishikawa : W-Well, yeah, I do! So don't... (0:15:55.04)
Izumi Miyamura : Sorry, Ishikawa-kun, I didn't know
you had a crush on Hori-san!
Tooru Ishikawa : Don't announce it to the whole school! (0:16:02.37)
Izumi Miyamura : Oh, sorry! Is it still a secret? I'm so sorry! (0:16:04.25)
Shuu Iura : Yo! What're you guys doing? We gotta go to P.E.! (0:16:08.00)
Shuu Iura : We're already gonna be late,
so let's take our time heading over.
Tooru Ishikawa : Actually, here's something I've
been wondering about for a while.
Tooru Ishikawa : Why are you wearing your winter
uniform in the middle of summer?
Izumi Miyamura : Um, uh... (0:16:24.41)
Izumi Miyamura : I get cold? (0:16:26.58)
Tooru Ishikawa : You're sweating buckets. (0:16:28.00)
Izumi Miyamura : I know what it's going
to sound like, Ishikawa-kun,
Izumi Miyamura : but the only person who's seen me
without a shirt on is Hori-san.
Tooru Ishikawa : What?! Why?! (0:16:38.16)
Izumi Miyamura : Ishikawa-kun, you won't snitch
on me to a teacher, right?
Tooru Ishikawa : Hell no, I wouldn't! (0:16:44.25)
Izumi Miyamura : It'd be a real pain if they found out... (0:16:46.20)
Izumi Miyamura : So please don't tell anyone. (0:16:48.45)
Tooru Ishikawa : What the hell? Are those tattoos?
Wait, they're real ?!
Izumi Miyamura : Yeah. (0:16:56.20)
Tooru Ishikawa : Yeah, I can see why you can't wear
our short-sleeved uniform now.
Izumi Miyamura : Yeah. (0:17:00.79)
Tooru Ishikawa : Holy shit. (0:17:01.66)
Tooru Ishikawa : I totally had you pinned for
the weird, gloomy, otaku type,
Tooru Ishikawa : but damn, was I wrong. (0:17:07.83)
Izumi Miyamura : You're wrong about otaku,
but everything else is spot on.
Tooru Ishikawa : Now that I'm getting a good look
at him, he does have a nice face.
Tooru Ishikawa : Though his hair is obnoxious. (0:17:17.25)
Izumi Miyamura : Was P.E. in the gym today? (0:17:19.08)
Tooru Ishikawa : Is this the kind of face Hori's into? (0:17:21.62)
Izumi Miyamura : Wh-What? (0:17:24.04)
Tooru Ishikawa : Whoa! Dude, you have piercings, too?! (0:17:25.08)
EXTRA : Okay, next! (0:17:31.54)
Tooru Ishikawa : You're a funny guy. (0:17:33.08)
Tooru Ishikawa : Why get inked or pierced if
you're just gonna end up hiding it?
Izumi Miyamura : You know how you do things
in the spur of the moment?
Tooru Ishikawa : No, I don't. (0:17:43.08)
Tooru Ishikawa : If you're gonna keep hiding them,
then I won't tell anyone.
Tooru Ishikawa : Though I wanna know why you and
Hori-san suddenly got all buddy-buddy.
Izumi Miyamura : It wasn't sudden.
It happened a little while back, actually.
Izumi Miyamura : But I get the feeling
she's just being nice to me.
Izumi Miyamura : We're not anything more
than friends, don't worry.
Tooru Ishikawa : So you don't mind if I ask her out? (0:18:07.00)
Izumi Miyamura : Wh-Why are you asking for my permission? (0:18:11.45)
Tooru Ishikawa : I dunno, just felt like it. (0:18:14.62)
Izumi Miyamura : That's up to Hori-san, not me. (0:18:17.25)
Yuki Yoshikawa : I can't believe you skipped P.E., Toru... (0:18:27.04)
Yuki Yoshikawa : You had gym duty, too! Instead,
I had to be the one to clean up!
Tooru Ishikawa : I said I'm sorry! (0:18:34.04)
Yuki Yoshikawa : Think about what you've done! (0:18:35.29)
Tooru Ishikawa : I am! I know! (0:18:36.87)
Kyouko Hori : You were hanging out with Toru? That's random. (0:18:38.08)
Izumi Miyamura : Oh, yeah. We were just talking. (0:18:41.12)
Kyouko Hori : Hey, why're you avoiding me? (0:18:46.62)
Izumi Miyamura : I'm not. (0:18:48.66)
Kyouko Hori : Look me in the eye when you're talking to me! (0:18:50.41)
Izumi Miyamura : I-I'm not, it's just... (0:18:52.16)
Kyouko Hori : What is it? Did I do something wrong? (0:18:53.50)
Izumi Miyamura : N-No... (0:18:55.33)
Tooru Ishikawa : Hori! (0:18:57.66)
Kyouko Hori : Huh? (0:18:59.25)
Tooru Ishikawa : I wanna talk to you later. Is after school okay? (0:19:00.37)
Kyouko Hori : After school? (0:19:03.70)
Kyouko Hori : Oh, but I-- (0:19:05.79)
Izumi Miyamura : Hori-san, I'll go pick up Sota for you. (0:19:07.41)
Izumi Miyamura : Go talk with Ishikawa-kun, okay? (0:19:12.08)
Kyouko Hori : Huh? But... (0:19:13.91)
Sota : Oh, she's home! (0:19:36.45)
Izumi Miyamura : If they ended up dating, (0:19:40.50)
Izumi Miyamura : I'd be a huge third wheel. (0:19:42.62)
Kyouko Hori : Sorry I'm late, Sota!
I'll start dinner in a little bit.
Sota : Okay! (0:19:48.58)
Izumi Miyamura : Welcome back. (0:19:54.00)
Kyouko Hori : We need to talk. (0:19:56.70)
Izumi Miyamura : If she says, "you need to stop
coming over," then that's that.
Kyouko Hori : Toru told me everything. (0:20:02.91)
Izumi Miyamura : Oh. (0:20:04.50)
Kyouko Hori : Did you seriously tell him you
don't think we're a good match?
Izumi Miyamura : Wha...? Huh?! (0:20:10.83)
Kyouko Hori : Did you really say that you think I'm,
I'm just being nice to you?!
Izumi Miyamura : Wait--What about Ishikawa-kun? (0:20:18.08)
Kyouko Hori : Forget about Toru right now! (0:20:21.08)
Izumi Miyamura : Huh?! (0:20:23.16)
Kyouko Hori : Did you say that? (0:20:24.00)
Kyouko Hori : Did you tell him all that, Miyamura?! (0:20:25.50)
Izumi Miyamura : I did. (0:20:31.75)
Kyouko Hori : That's really what you think this is? (0:20:34.33)
Kyouko Hori : You've been thinking that the
whole time you've been coming over?
Izumi Miyamura : No! (0:20:39.75)
Izumi Miyamura : No, just... Ishikawa-kun's right,
I'm so gloomy and boring,
Izumi Miyamura : I figured I was dragging down
your reputation, or bothering you.
Izumi Miyamura : So it's not like I think it's true or anything! (0:20:51.58)
Izumi Miyamura : Hori-san?! Why--? (0:20:56.16)
Kyouko Hori : Why...? Why? (0:20:58.45)
Kyouko Hori : Why would you give
a crap about my "reputation"?!
Kyouko Hori : Don't just assume stuff without even asking! (0:21:05.12)
Kyouko Hori : Don't you ever say something
like that again, dummy!
Izumi Miyamura : Sorry, Hori-san. I'm really sorry. (0:21:11.70)
Kyouko Hori : Just remembering what you said (0:21:15.16)
Kyouko Hori : makes me so mad! (0:21:17.50)
Izumi Miyamura : Wha--? Hori-san?! (0:21:19.16)
Kyouko Hori : If you stopped coming over, Miyamura, (0:21:21.87)
Kyouko Hori : --who'd wake me up when
I fell asleep watching a movie?
Izumi Miyamura : --H-Hey--
--who'd wake me up when
I fell asleep watching a movie?
Kyouko Hori : --who'd wake me up when
I fell asleep watching a movie?
Kyouko Hori : --Or eat your portion of dinner? (0:21:28.29)
Kyouko Hori : --Huh?
--Or eat your portion of dinner?
Kyouko Hori : --Huh?
--I'd have food left over!
Kyouko Hori : --I'd have food left over! (0:21:31.87)
Kyouko Hori : Toru? (0:21:37.87)
Kyouko Hori : I turned him down. (0:21:39.20)
Izumi Miyamura : Aww. He seems really sweet, though. (0:21:40.91)
Kyouko Hori : What? You're creeping me out. (0:21:43.29)
Kyouko Hori : Do you have a crush on him or something? (0:21:46.04)
Kyouko Hori : Why don't you guys date? (0:21:48.41)
Izumi Miyamura : Oh, I don't think we'd make a good couple. (0:21:49.95)
Kyouko Hori : That's your first reaction? (0:21:53.83)
EXTRA : "You Wear More Than One Face" (0:23:21.66)
Tooru Ishikawa : Morning, Miyamura. (0:23:29.91)
Tooru Ishikawa : So, uh, yesterday, I... (0:23:32.45)
Izumi Miyamura : You don't have to say it out loud, Ishikawa-kun! (0:23:38.04)
Tooru Ishikawa : You're such a sweet guy! (0:23:41.37)
Yuki Yoshikawa : What's going on? (0:23:45.41)
Kyouko Hori : No idea. Maybe he's getting asked out? (0:23:46.62)
Yuki Yoshikawa : Who's doing the asking? (0:23:50.79)

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