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Seiya Aido : The stage is where idols shine. (0:00:06.56)
Seiya Aido : The dazzling lights... (0:00:10.23)
Seiya Aido : The endless cheers... (0:00:12.04)
Seiya Aido : It's like something out of a dream world! (0:00:14.09)
Seiya Aido : But this isn't the goal.
It's merely the start.
Seiya Aido : I'm not an idol yet. (0:00:21.09)
Seiya Aido : I'm just a fledgling... (0:00:24.12)
Seiya Aido : halfway to being an idol. (0:00:26.05)
Seiya Aido : I am... (0:00:28.49)
Seiya Aido : We are... (0:00:30.00)
EXTRA : If you look back... See? A shooting star (0:00:52.82)
EXTRA : I want you. Oh! (0:00:58.51)
EXTRA : You saw everything, everything, didn't you? (0:01:00.70)
EXTRA : I need you. Oh! (0:01:06.29)
EXTRA : So, all the encounters and partings (0:01:08.46)
EXTRA : were a path leading to today (0:01:12.35)
EXTRA : If you want to quit, then quit (0:01:16.26)
EXTRA : If you want to cry, then cry (0:01:20.25)
EXTRA : I will continue on this path (0:01:24.14)
EXTRA : There, shining the brightest (0:01:30.06)
EXTRA : that brilliance is what I want to be (0:01:33.80)
EXTRA : With love... (0:01:37.61)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:01:38.66)
EXTRA : and hard work (0:01:39.37)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:01:40.63)
EXTRA : With dreams... (0:01:41.58)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:01:42.51)
EXTRA : and destiny (0:01:43.45)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:01:44.50)
EXTRA : It's only because you believed
that today has come
EXTRA : And now we begin, the path to being an idol (0:01:53.24)
EXTRA : I C H U (0:01:55.28)
EXTRA : ~The Colors of Songs~ (0:02:10.37)
Seiya Aido : Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
EXTRA : We are Fire Fenyx (0:02:20.28)
Seiya Aido : We are Fire Fenyx! (0:02:21.07)
Seiya Aido : Hope you all give us a listen! (0:02:23.70)
Seiya Aido : Let's go! (0:02:27.50)
Seiya Aido : Say, what d'you think it is I'm lacking? (0:02:30.33)
Seiya Aido : Every day I fight a difficult battle... (0:02:33.64)
Seiya Aido : But, "Oh, I wish I could quit this," (0:02:36.80)
Seiya Aido : is something I've never
once thought. Hey!
Seiya Aido : Kanata! (0:02:43.22)
Kanata Minato : The dream I found when I was little (0:02:43.47)
Kanata Minato : like a meteor shower
racing through the sky...
Seiya Aido : Come on, Akira! (0:02:49.27)
Akira Mitsurugi : Oh, I know I'll never regret it. (0:02:50.14)
Akira Mitsurugi : It's just as I thought. (0:02:54.47)
Seiya Aido : One day, when I look up at that stage... (0:02:56.69)
Seiya Aido : Kanata! Akira! (0:03:00.87)
Seiya Aido : If we don't sing louder,
we won't reach people's hearts.
Kanata Minato : Y-You say that, but... (0:03:05.94)
Kanata Minato : This is my first time singing
on the street, so...
Akira Mitsurugi : Wouldn't it be better to practice
more before we get people to listen?
Seiya Aido : This! This song! (0:03:15.61)
Seiya Aido : This is our Fire Fenyx jam! (0:03:17.38)
Seiya Aido : I can't just sit still. (0:03:20.02)
Seiya Aido : I want everyone to hear it right n— (0:03:21.93)
Kanata Minato : Seiya really is full of energy, isn't he? (0:03:29.89)
Akira Mitsurugi : Good grief... (0:03:33.30)
Seiya Aido : Ow, ow... (0:03:34.36)
Seiya Aido : Sorry, Akira, Kanata. (0:03:49.44)
Seiya Aido : I made a mess of our live
street performance...
Seiya Aido : I'm sorry to Rabby-Rabby, too. (0:03:54.67)
Kanata Minato : No, it's okay. (0:03:57.42)
Akira Mitsurugi : We can just do it again. (0:03:59.11)
Akira Mitsurugi : Next time, we'll practice properly first. (0:04:00.85)
Akira Mitsurugi : Kanata, is something wrong? (0:04:08.76)
Kanata Minato : No. It's nothing. (0:04:10.52)
Akira Mitsurugi : I get the feeling he's scared. (0:04:13.91)
Akira Mitsurugi : But why? (0:04:16.37)
Seiya Aido : Kanata! (0:04:19.49)
Kanata Minato : Huh? (0:04:21.82)
Kanata Minato : Wh-What?! (0:04:22.74)
Seiya Aido : Don't get so down! (0:04:24.01)
Seiya Aido : This is a "we'll do better next time" hug! (0:04:25.47)
Kanata Minato : C-Can't breathe... (0:04:27.95)
Seiya Aido : Oh... Sorry. (0:04:29.65)
Seiya Aido : Akira! I've gotta give you
a "we'll do better" hug too!
Akira Mitsurugi : Message received. I don't need a hug. (0:04:36.02)
Yuzuki Asahina : This is Étoile Vio School. (0:04:44.43)
Yuzuki Asahina : Young people who want
to become pop idols gather
Yuzuki Asahina : at this facility created
to polish their talents.
Yuzuki Asahina : A school to train and nurture them. (0:04:53.25)
Yuzuki Asahina : We call these fledgling idols "IChu," (0:04:56.19)
Yuzuki Asahina : and we currently have three
classes of them enrolled here.
Yuzuki Asahina : Members of Class 3, who enrolled just this spring,
have been split into four groups
Yuzuki Asahina : and spend their days
learning many things...
Seiya Aido : Producer! (0:05:12.60)
Yuzuki Asahina : Seiya-kun... (0:05:14.53)
Seiya Aido : Whatcha doin'? (0:05:15.75)
Kanata Minato : Seiya, you shouldn't bother her. (0:05:17.04)
Kanata Minato : Can't you see she's filming? (0:05:19.32)
Seiya Aido : Oh! (0:05:21.78)
Seiya Aido : M-My bad. (0:05:22.67)
Yuzuki Asahina : Don't worry. I'll be editing it later. (0:05:24.05)
Akira Mitsurugi : What are you filming? (0:05:26.82)
Yuzuki Asahina : Footage for promotional purposes. (0:05:28.66)
Yuzuki Asahina : Publicity for Étoile Vio School. (0:05:31.25)
Yuzuki Asahina : I also want to introduce
the new faces of Class 3.
Yuzuki Asahina : I thought I could upload it to Onsta. (0:05:37.65)
Yuzuki Asahina : Perfect timing! (0:05:40.07)
Yuzuki Asahina : I can start with you three. (0:05:41.61)
Seiya Aido : What? (0:05:43.35)
Yuzuki Asahina : Their group name is inspired
by the immortal firebird: Fire Fenyx.
Yuzuki Asahina : It's been a week since you started school. (0:05:50.88)
Yuzuki Asahina : Are you all good friends now? (0:05:52.36)
Seiya Aido : Of course we are! (0:05:54.43)
Seiya Aido : The three of us get along
great all the time! Right?
Kanata Minato : Huh? (0:05:59.13)
Kanata Minato : Oh, yeah. (0:06:00.32)
Akira Mitsurugi : You could say that. For the time being. (0:06:01.87)
Seiya Aido : Yeah! (0:06:04.51)
Yuzuki Asahina : Here are our twin idols, Twinkle Bell. (0:06:08.56)
Satsuki Kururugi : I'm Satsuki! (0:06:12.25)
Mutsuki Kururugi : I'm Mutsuki. (0:06:13.31)
Satsuki Kururugi : And together, we're... (0:06:14.66)
Mutsuki Kururugi : And together, we're... (0:06:14.66)
Satsuki Kururugi : Twinkle Bell! (0:06:16.37)
Mutsuki Kururugi : Twinkle Bell! (0:06:16.37)
Yuzuki Asahina : What's wrong? Are you all right? (0:06:20.65)
Satsuki Kururugi : My eye... (0:06:22.87)
Satsuki Kururugi : My eye! (0:06:23.77)
Satsuki Kururugi : Prank successful! (0:06:28.86)
Mutsuki Kururugi : Prank successful! (0:06:28.86)
Satsuki Kururugi : Yeah! (0:06:33.38)
Mutsuki Kururugi : Yeah! (0:06:33.38)
Yuzuki Asahina : Rich in international flavor,
this idol group is also a band: I♥B.
Chaoyang Li : Ni hao. (0:06:42.99)
Yuzuki Asahina : Lucas-kun and Rabi-kun. (0:06:44.49)
Lucas : Bonjour. (0:06:46.15)
Rabi : Zdravstvuyte. (0:06:47.17)
Yuzuki Asahina : What? (0:06:48.59)
Rabi : It's a Russian greeting. (0:06:49.54)
Leon : Hello. You're looking as lovely
as always today, Producer.
Leon : Very beautiful! (0:06:55.41)
Yuzuki Asahina : Thank you, Leon-kun... (0:06:56.86)
Yuzuki Asahina : More importantly, you're
much too close to the camera.
Yuzuki Asahina : Could you step back a bit? (0:07:02.52)
Leon : Ooh, you're so cool.
But I like that about you!
Leon : I love cool ladies! (0:07:06.73)
Noah : Let's take this seriously, shall we? (0:07:11.45)
Leon : I was just saying hello... (0:07:14.11)
Noah : Thank you for all your hard work, Producer. (0:07:16.07)
Noah : Welcome to I♥B's room. (0:07:18.06)
Yuzuki Asahina : This is I♥B's leader, Noah-kun. (0:07:19.85)
Yuzuki Asahina : Everyone in I♥B is
from a different country.
Yuzuki Asahina : It must be hard bringing them all together. (0:07:24.33)
Noah : Our nationalities and
languages don't hamper us.
Noah : Why, you ask? (0:07:29.54)
Noah : Because we're joined by music! (0:07:33.27)
Yuzuki Asahina : And here's our group of idol artists: ArS. (0:07:38.09)
Torahiko Kusakabe : My artistic spirit is about to explode! (0:07:41.68)
Yuzuki Asahina : T-Torahiko-kun... (0:07:46.81)
Hikaru Orihara : I am Orihara Hikaru. (0:07:51.43)
Hikaru Orihara : I am a child sent by the
beautiful goddess Venus.
Yuzuki Asahina : Right... (0:07:57.42)
Kyosuke Momoi : This is bad! I've only got five
hours left until my deadline!
Yuzuki Asahina : Kyosuke-kun... (0:08:01.55)
Raku Wakaouji : Producer? (0:08:02.78)
Yuzuki Asahina : Raku-kun. (0:08:05.26)
Raku Wakaouji : Won't you have some tea? (0:08:06.59)
Yuzuki Asahina : No, thank you... (0:08:09.01)
Raku Wakaouji : What's wrong? (0:08:10.58)
Yuzuki Asahina : With ArS, I just never know where to focus. (0:08:11.92)
Shiki Amabe : Everyone is free, doing what they love. (0:08:16.49)
Yuzuki Asahina : Shiki-kun... (0:08:19.28)
Shiki Amabe : This is ArS! (0:08:21.49)
Yuzuki Asahina : There's one more... (0:08:24.43)
Yuzuki Asahina : Oh! There he is. (0:08:26.04)
Yuzuki Asahina : Akio-kun? (0:08:28.66)
Akio Tobikura : Please don't come any closer! (0:08:30.17)
Akio Tobikura : I'm sorry... (0:08:33.38)
Akio Tobikura : I... I'm not comfortable with women... (0:08:35.21)
Yuzuki Asahina : Then I'll just zoom in from here... (0:08:38.84)
Akio Tobikura : Please don't film me! (0:08:40.46)
Akio Tobikura : Videos, pictures... I can't! (0:08:42.39)
Akio Tobikura : I just can't! (0:08:45.21)
Principal Kuma : B-B-B-Bonjour! (0:08:50.58)
Principal Kuma : This is an announcement
from your principal, Kuma.
Principal Kuma : All IChu from Class 3, (0:08:56.62)
Principal Kuma : please assemble in the
auditorium immediately!
Seiya Aido : Hey! Looks like everyone's here. (0:09:07.40)
Yuzuki Asahina : All of Class 3 is present, correct? (0:09:21.34)
Yuzuki Asahina : Take it away, Principal Kuma Kocho. (0:09:24.25)
Raku Wakaouji : He made one impactful entrance
at the opening ceremony, but...
Raku Wakaouji : It's quite impressive today as well. (0:09:45.82)
Shiki Amabe : That's a legendary idol for you. (0:09:49.37)
Shiki Amabe : Never a boring entrance. (0:09:51.70)
Kyosuke Momoi : I'm going to use this idea in my manga! (0:09:53.61)
Principal Kuma : I'm Principal Kuma! (0:10:00.98)
Torahiko Kusakabe : We know! (0:10:03.66)
Principal Kuma : It has now been a week
since you all joined our school.
Principal Kuma : Are you boys having fun being IChu?! (0:10:10.75)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:10:13.85)
Seiya Aido : Tons of fun! (0:10:15.64)
Principal Kuma : Do you boys want to make CDs?! (0:10:18.20)
EXTRA : We do! (0:10:21.89)
Mutsuki Kururugi : What's with this energy? (0:10:23.76)
Satsuki Kururugi : I don't get it. (0:10:25.21)
Principal Kuma : Then I want you to make three thousand CDs
and sell them all in the next three months!
EXTRA : Let's sell 'em! (0:10:32.73)
Principal Kuma : And if you cannot complete this
assignment, you shall be expelled!
EXTRA : Expelled! (0:10:37.74)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:10:40.60)
Principal Kuma : Work hard so you don't get expelled, okay? (0:10:43.15)
Principal Kuma : Wishing you the best in your brave fight... (0:10:46.70)
Principal Kuma : Here's to the IChu of Class 3! (0:10:49.67)
Chaoyang Li : Make and sell three thousand
CDs within three months?
Chaoyang Li : And if we can't, we'll be expelled? (0:11:11.44)
Chaoyang Li : That means they want us to leave, doesn't it? (0:11:14.19)
Leon : We practically just got here
and they're trying to kick us out?
Leon : The principal's crazy. (0:11:20.38)
Lucas : That's what he's like. (0:11:22.16)
Noah : No problem. (0:11:25.14)
Noah : One day, our music will be famous,
resounding throughout the world.
Noah : Three thousand copies of a CD
is but a rung on that ladder.
Noah : Isn't that right, everyone? (0:11:38.27)
Leon : That's true! (0:11:41.84)
Rabi : What about our music? (0:11:43.02)
Rabi : They handed out demo songs
to each group, but...
Lucas : We don't need that. (0:11:47.58)
Lucas : We'll make our music ourselves. (0:11:49.41)
Lucas : Right, Leader? (0:11:52.20)
Noah : Right. (0:11:53.73)
Noah : I♥B, engage! (0:11:56.34)
Satsuki Kururugi : Three thousand CDs, huh? (0:12:00.64)
Satsuki Kururugi : That's a pretty high hurdle to throw at us. (0:12:02.64)
Mutsuki Kururugi : Yeah... But nothing's impossible
so long as you're with me, Satsuki.
Satsuki Kururugi : We're the absolute best together! (0:12:12.15)
Mutsuki Kururugi : We're the absolute best together! (0:12:12.15)
Shiki Amabe : Quite a hard assignment, isn't it? (0:12:15.49)
Shiki Amabe : What shall we do, Leader? (0:12:17.80)
Torahiko Kusakabe : Got it! (0:12:26.14)
Akio Tobikura : G-Got what? (0:12:28.70)
Torahiko Kusakabe : The god of art has descended! (0:12:30.52)
Torahiko Kusakabe : I'm just gonna go on a short
journey! Be right back!
Kyosuke Momoi : The deadline for my manuscript is
coming up, so if you'll excuse me...
Hikaru Orihara : I'll take my leave as well. (0:12:43.32)
Hikaru Orihara : To further polish this beauty,
I have an appointment with an aesthetician.
Raku Wakaouji : I suppose I'll be on my way too. (0:12:49.74)
Raku Wakaouji : Farewell. (0:12:51.83)
Shiki Amabe : Same here. Gonna go find me
some cute little kittens to hit on.
Akio Tobikura : I wanna leave too... (0:13:01.43)
Seiya Aido : Making a CD and selling it...
It's like being real idols!
Seiya Aido : I'm all fired up! (0:13:08.51)
Seiya Aido : What gives? What's eating the two of you? (0:13:10.93)
Kanata Minato : Three thousand copies...
That's a pretty tough number.
Seiya Aido : What? Is it? (0:13:17.04)
Akira Mitsurugi : We haven't even debuted yet.
Selling three thousand copies is a bit...
Akira Mitsurugi : What is the principal thinking? (0:13:23.16)
Kanata Minato : Do you think we'll really
be expelled if we can't do it?
Seiya Aido : Let's just do it! (0:13:30.24)
Seiya Aido : We'll never know until we try, right? (0:13:31.79)
Kanata Minato : Yeah, you're right. We've gotta do it. (0:13:35.17)
Akira Mitsurugi : You say that, but where do we start? (0:13:38.65)
Principal Kuma : How did everyone seem? (0:13:43.79)
Yuzuki Asahina : It's been a week since they joined us. (0:13:46.72)
Yuzuki Asahina : Their group solidarity
and individual abilities vary,
Yuzuki Asahina : but in general, they seem to be having fun. (0:13:52.70)
Yuzuki Asahina : It's just... (0:13:54.96)
Principal Kuma : Is something bothering you? (0:13:56.26)
Yuzuki Asahina : Fire Fenyx is... (0:14:00.34)
Seiya Aido : We've arrived! (0:14:10.07)
Seiya Aido : Wait here just a minute, okay? (0:14:11.84)
Seiya Aido : I'm gonna go get us something to drink! (0:14:13.92)
Kanata Minato : And he's gone... (0:14:17.93)
Akira Mitsurugi : Yeah. (0:14:20.77)
Akira Mitsurugi : So... wanna sit? (0:14:27.27)
Kanata Minato : S-Sure. (0:14:30.12)
Akira Mitsurugi : Kanata, are you scared of me or something? (0:14:39.08)
Kanata Minato : It's not that. (0:14:42.04)
Akira Mitsurugi : Really? (0:14:44.35)
Kanata Minato : I get anxious around people... (0:14:46.57)
Kanata Minato : and I'm a little uncomfortable
around tall people.
Kanata Minato : Sorry. (0:14:52.42)
Akira Mitsurugi : No, don't apologize. (0:14:53.85)
Akira Mitsurugi : You can't help it. (0:14:56.41)
Kanata Minato : Sorry. (0:14:58.95)
Yuzuki Asahina : It's like their feelings don't align. (0:15:01.26)
Yuzuki Asahina : It just doesn't seem like they've
gotten as far as having fun yet.
Principal Kuma : Kanata-kun and Akira-kun have both
worked in entertainment before, no?
Principal Kuma : Minato Kanata-kun was a child star
who took the world by storm.
Principal Kuma : Everyone was looking forward to his
future, but he quit acting.
Principal Kuma : Mitsurugi Akira-kun first debuted as a model. (0:15:21.69)
Principal Kuma : He was popular and everything
seemed to be going well,
Principal Kuma : but then he suddenly disappeared
from the world of modeling.
Yuzuki Asahina : I wonder what could have happened. (0:15:31.61)
Principal Kuma : What indeed... (0:15:33.66)
Principal Kuma : I don't know the details, but I'm
sure those two know all too well...
Principal Kuma : the fear of failure. (0:15:40.55)
Seiya Aido : Sorry for the wait! (0:15:43.20)
Seiya Aido : Black coffee for Akira. (0:15:44.85)
Seiya Aido : And apple juice for Kanata, right? (0:15:46.99)
Seiya Aido : My treat. (0:15:49.38)
Akira Mitsurugi : Thank you. (0:15:50.99)
Kanata Minato : How did you know what I like to drink? (0:15:52.32)
Seiya Aido : Well, because I've been
watching this whole time.
Seiya Aido : I mean, you gotta know
what your friends like, right?
Seiya Aido : I want to know more about you guys, too. (0:16:01.13)
Seiya Aido : So let's talk some more! (0:16:05.15)
Seiya Aido : That's the first thing I want to do. (0:16:07.32)
Seiya Aido : But before that, cheers! (0:16:10.31)
Kanata Minato : Do you think... (0:16:22.69)
Kanata Minato : we can really become idols? (0:16:24.33)
Seiya Aido : Of course we can!
Let's do it together, the three of us!
Kanata Minato : But we're too different. (0:16:29.02)
Kanata Minato : Our singing and our dancing
never seem to match up, either.
Akira Mitsurugi : I don't know if we can make it as a group. (0:16:35.49)
Seiya Aido : What's wrong with being different? (0:16:46.99)
Kanata Minato : What? (0:16:49.00)
Akira Mitsurugi : What? (0:16:49.00)
Seiya Aido : If we don't match up,
we can just keep working at it.
Seiya Aido : The most important thing is
that we do all we can, you know?
Seiya Aido : The two of you haven't given it
everything you've got yet, have you?
Seiya Aido : I have a dream. (0:17:02.37)
Seiya Aido : A year ago, I heard someone's song... (0:17:07.43)
Seiya Aido : Showered in cheers and enthusiasm, (0:17:11.85)
Seiya Aido : he sang confidently all alone.
The sight was just...
Seiya Aido : It was so cool, it was electrifying! (0:17:17.46)
Seiya Aido : His voice radiated powerful, encouraging
color that wouldn't lose out to anything.
Akira Mitsurugi : Color? (0:17:31.02)
Seiya Aido : Yeah. (0:17:31.98)
Seiya Aido : Good songs have colors. (0:17:33.03)
Seiya Aido : His awe-inspiring figure
was just like a samurai's.
Seiya Aido : When I saw him, I thought... (0:17:42.06)
Seiya Aido : "I wanna be like that, too!" (0:17:44.25)
Seiya Aido : That's why... (0:17:47.96)
Seiya Aido : I'm gonna be the number one samurai idol! (0:17:49.26)
Kanata Minato : A samurai? That's just like you, Seiya. (0:17:55.77)
Akira Mitsurugi : If I had that kind of passion, then— (0:17:58.99)
Seiya Aido : You do! Both of you! (0:18:01.27)
Kanata Minato : Huh? (0:18:02.32)
Akira Mitsurugi : Huh? (0:18:02.32)
Seiya Aido : You became IChu because
you have dreams, too, didn't you?
Seiya Aido : Okay! I'm gonna sing. (0:18:11.69)
Seiya Aido : For you, Kanata and Akira. (0:18:13.36)
Kanata Minato : What? (0:18:14.86)
Akira Mitsurugi : What? (0:18:14.86)
Seiya Aido : When I heard that guy sing,
it just filled me with power!
Seiya Aido : So in hopes of cheering the two of you up... (0:18:21.17)
Seiya Aido : Say, what d'you think it is I'm lacking? (0:18:29.07)
Seiya Aido : Every day I fight a difficult battle... (0:18:32.21)
Seiya Aido : But, "Oh, I wish I could quit this," (0:18:35.42)
Kanata Minato : I can feel it reverberating
gently in my heart...
Seiya Aido : is something I've never once thought. (0:18:39.99)
Seiya Aido : The dream I found when I was little (0:18:43.15)
Kanata Minato : as though it's healing my wounds. (0:18:43.67)
Seiya Aido : like a meteor shower racing through the sky... (0:18:46.42)
Seiya Aido : Oh, I know I'll never regret it. (0:18:49.77)
Akira Mitsurugi : Something in me is broken, missing. (0:18:53.28)
Seiya Aido : It's just as I thought. (0:18:54.15)
Seiya Aido : One day, when I look up at that stage... (0:18:57.78)
Akira Mitsurugi : I don't know whether
I'll be able to become an idol.
Akira Mitsurugi : But if I'm with these two, then maybe... (0:19:00.95)
Seiya Aido : You can hear that signal to start, right? (0:19:04.33)
Seiya Aido : It's just for us! (0:19:09.29)
EXTRA : Shine! Shine! Like jewels! (0:19:19.28)
EXTRA : Sing! Sing! Until I sparkle! (0:19:22.68)
EXTRA : With you by my side, smiling at me... (0:19:26.68)
Kanata Minato : What is this? (0:19:27.51)
Kanata Minato : Our voices keep spreading
farther and farther...
EXTRA : So that I'm worthy of you... (0:19:30.95)
EXTRA : Shine! Shine! Brighter than a diamond! (0:19:32.56)
Seiya Aido : This is so much fun! (0:19:35.40)
EXTRA : Sing! Sing! I want to twinkle brightly (0:19:35.91)
EXTRA : right by your side... (0:19:39.89)
EXTRA : Shine! Shine! Like jewels (0:19:45.83)
EXTRA : Sing! Sing! Until I sparkle (0:19:49.28)
EXTRA : With you by my side, smiling at me (0:19:53.26)
EXTRA : So that I'm worthy of you (0:19:57.22)
EXTRA : Shine! Shine! Brighter than a diamond (0:19:59.17)
EXTRA : Sing! Sing! I want to twinkle brightly (0:20:02.32)
EXTRA : right by your side (0:20:06.25)
Seiya Aido : Look! (0:20:09.10)
EXTRA : You're all so good! (0:20:24.46)
Seiya Aido : Thank you! (0:20:27.45)
EXTRA : That was a nice song, wasn't it? (0:20:34.92)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:20:36.79)
Kanata Minato : They clapped for us. (0:20:39.93)
Akira Mitsurugi : Yes. (0:20:42.51)
Akira Mitsurugi : It's something to be happy about. (0:20:43.59)
Seiya Aido : Akira! Kanata! (0:20:45.38)
Akira Mitsurugi : Are you okay? (0:20:48.77)
Kanata Minato : Y-Yeah. (0:20:49.87)
Akira Mitsurugi : Seiya, jumping on us like that is dangerous... (0:20:51.23)
Akira Mitsurugi : Seiya? (0:20:55.37)
Seiya Aido : Just now, I saw colors in our song. (0:20:57.52)
Akira Mitsurugi : What? (0:21:01.74)
Seiya Aido : No matter how much I sang,
I could never see the colors.
Seiya Aido : I just couldn't do it on my own. (0:21:07.11)
Seiya Aido : But (0:21:10.62)
Seiya Aido : with the three of us, our song rang
out through the night sky
Seiya Aido : and sparkled like a star! (0:21:14.69)
Seiya Aido : Our song shone brighter
than any color I've ever seen!
Seiya Aido : Akira! Kanata! There's no mistaking it! (0:21:25.13)
Seiya Aido : We're the best members! (0:21:28.04)
Kanata Minato : Best members? (0:21:30.89)
Kanata Minato : If you say so, Seiya,
you just might be right.
Akira Mitsurugi : Let's give it a try with the three of us. (0:21:35.86)
Seiya Aido : Let's go! (0:21:38.95)
EXTRA : Fire Fenyx! (0:21:40.95)
EXTRA : I C H U (0:21:46.03)
EXTRA : I swear I will become a star
Pray Now
EXTRA : Standing on tiptoe,
into the night I'll Fly High
EXTRA : I'll give you a song, so, (0:22:02.65)
EXTRA : come on, give it to me louder,
that Cute Voice
EXTRA : So that it reaches you, together,
let's Sing! Swing! Shiniest!
EXTRA : Yeah (0:22:10.33)
EXTRA : Sing! Swing! Be a Shiniest! (0:22:12.60)
EXTRA : "Darn, darn, darn," says that
sulking heart, and here it will...
EXTRA : T-T-Tune up
I want to help you feel better Like a Magic
EXTRA : So dazzling you have to avert your eyes
Behind your closed eyelids, an afterimage
EXTRA : And even there, I want to be smiling (0:22:29.75)
EXTRA : Don't be Shy Singing! Swinging!
Once the curtain rises
EXTRA : In that free Style, Smile
With your plans in disarray, just Go
EXTRA : With that dead on Howling,
Humming Wish on a shooting star
EXTRA : Let's risk it all on a moment of eternity
EXTRA : Let's make a Fabulous Stage (0:22:49.23)
EXTRA : Hey, Join us Singing! Swinging! Singing! (0:22:50.30)
EXTRA : Whoa Whoa Whoa Keep the music playing (0:22:52.20)
EXTRA : We'll keep going Singing! Swinging! Singing! (0:22:53.93)
EXTRA : to Share all these miracles (0:22:56.02)
EXTRA : A Hard War War War (0:22:57.71)
EXTRA : that's reality, they say (0:22:59.85)
EXTRA : We'll blow it all away with song, and shine (0:23:01.72)
EXTRA : Promise (0:23:03.86)
EXTRA : One day, I'll be the Shiniest Star!!! (0:23:04.57)
Principal Kuma : Très bien. (0:23:23.18)
Principal Kuma : The new students this year have such variety.
Watching them is so exciting.
Principal Kuma : How will they handle the assignment
of selling three thousand CDs?
Principal Kuma : Or will they be unable to clear it? (0:23:34.82)
Seiya Aido : Hey, hey! Why did you become a producer? (0:23:40.43)
Yuzuki Asahina : I suppose... because I want
to see everyone's smiles.
Seiya Aido : Wow! You're like an idol! (0:23:45.72)
Yuzuki Asahina : Hardly! (0:23:49.19)
EXTRA : ~That Which Is Engraved~ (0:23:50.40)
Seiya Aido : Next time, I★CHU episode 2: (0:23:50.69)
Seiya Aido : "That Which Is Engraved"! (0:23:53.00)
EXTRA : Illust.: Mayaruma (0:23:55.03)

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I-Chu: Halfway Through the Idol

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Delta Akane

It's Delta Zakuro not Delta Akane! - Anonymous


What does he mean by Sanae's bread? - Kyou Fujibayashi

No one cares about your hand, so make sure you catch it. - Kyou Fujibayashi

I bet he's thinking the left batter's box
is closer to first base.
- Kyou Fujibayashi

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