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EXTRA : Meeden border contact in 800. (0:00:18.93)
Reghindetz : Rhodokrhoun isn't in on this? (0:00:23.60)
Reghindetz : Those jerks. (0:00:26.07)
Ratarykov : They don't have enough men, so... (0:00:27.73)
Ratarykov : they'll send us Trion Soldiers. (0:00:31.15)
Reghindetz : You mean the "dogs?" (0:00:33.53)
Reghindetz : What an easy way out. (0:00:35.37)
Ratarykov : Well... (0:00:37.20)
Ratarykov : They'll also send Idras. (0:00:38.91)
Ratarykov : And we have new Triggers.
Don't worry.
EXTRA : Galopoula Away Mission Member
Reghindetz : I hate the new one. (0:00:47.71)
EXTRA : Galopoula Away Mission Member
EXTRA : Galopoula Away Mission Member
Sub-Leader: Koskero
EXTRA : Galopoula Away Mission Member
Wen Saw
Ratarykov : We're here. (0:00:59.14)
Gattlin : Good. (0:01:00.76)
EXTRA : Galopoula Away Mission Member
Gattlin : Let's go over the mission one last time. (0:01:02.10)
EXTRA : Galopoula Away Mission
Captain: Gattlin
Gattlin : Here's what I've decided
about this mission.
Gattlin : Aftokrator's orders are to stall Meeden. (0:01:11.54)
Gattlin : Our job is to deliver a blow
so they can't go after Afto.
Gattlin : We get to decide our methods. (0:01:20.93)
Gattlin : So, for this time, (0:01:24.08)
Gattlin : I've decided to attack the Meeden base. (0:01:25.60)
Reghindetz : Only with these members? (0:01:29.88)
Reghindetz : Why not the city? (0:01:32.34)
Ratarykov : Does that mean we're going after
their Trigger users?
Gattlin : No, just their base. (0:01:38.49)
Gattlin : Not their people. (0:01:41.14)
Wen Saw : We're not capturing "Baby Birds?" (0:01:43.68)
Gattlin : Correct. (0:01:46.65)
Koskero : Why, Captain Gattlin? (0:01:48.06)
Koskero : Capturing their Trigger users
will hurt Meeden.
Koskero : It'll stall them as we were ordered. (0:01:54.53)
Reghindetz : Yeah. Afto captured
20 or 30 of them, right?
Reghindetz : Let's just go for it. (0:02:02.34)
Reghindetz : Without loot,
this mission isn't worth it.
Gattlin : If we target Meeden's citizens, (0:02:08.54)
Gattlin : their force will focus on our country. (0:02:12.04)
Gattlin : Galopoula is closer to them orbitwise. (0:02:16.17)
Ratarykov : So, Afto's true intent is to
divert Meeden's attention to us?
Gattlin : Most likely. (0:02:25.39)
Reghindetz : Those horned punks! (0:02:27.23)
Gattlin : Meeden fought off Afto's best,
including four Black Trigger users.
Gattlin : Even though it was their home territory, (0:02:35.23)
Gattlin : it was quite a feat. (0:02:37.74)
Gattlin : We don't need to incur their wrath (0:02:39.65)
Gattlin : just because Afto wants us to. (0:02:42.33)
Reghindetz : Not that we'd care if Meeden attacks us. (0:02:45.45)
Koskero : Think of the future, Reghi. (0:02:49.02)
Koskero : Meeden has developed drastically lately. (0:02:52.28)
Wen Saw : Our country is small.
We can't make more enemies.
Wen Saw : We don't want another enemy, (0:03:00.84)
Ratarykov : but we still have to stall them. (0:03:02.93)
Ratarykov : That's why we're destroying their base? (0:03:06.31)
Gattlin : That's right. (0:03:09.52)
Gattlin : We'll focus on
their military installation
Gattlin : and stop Meeden's forces. (0:03:15.19)
EXTRA : (Take it) (0:03:22.55)
EXTRA : We are dreamers (0:03:30.54)
EXTRA : So it's the trigger (0:03:32.27)
EXTRA : It's up to you (0:03:34.05)
EXTRA : On the other end is
Dawn Dawn Dawn
EXTRA : Like a meteor (0:03:37.51)
EXTRA : Like a meadow (0:03:39.28)
EXTRA : It's an inevitable force (0:03:41.09)
EXTRA : A once-in-a-lifetime meeting (0:03:43.10)
EXTRA : The soft, precious gem (0:03:44.89)
EXTRA : shined strongly into our eyes (0:03:47.91)
EXTRA : We have yet to see tomorrow's light (0:03:51.48)
EXTRA : We'll feel discouraged at times (0:03:55.03)
EXTRA : But let's break free from this labyrinth (0:03:57.42)
EXTRA : We won't stop (0:03:59.99)
EXTRA : My heart has arrived
and it's pumping hard
EXTRA : Wow wow oh (0:04:04.87)
EXTRA : Let's protect the future together (0:04:08.14)
EXTRA : Wow wow oh (Take it) (0:04:12.17)
EXTRA : Fighter, let's head to the other side (0:04:15.40)
EXTRA : Try, it's possible if we're together (0:04:19.01)
EXTRA : Higher, let's fly forward (0:04:22.82)
EXTRA : Before I lose sight of it one day (0:04:25.76)
EXTRA : Before I end up losing you (0:04:29.39)
EXTRA : We are dreamers
So it's the trigger
EXTRA : It's up to you (0:04:37.40)
EXTRA : On the other end is
Dawn Dawn Dawn
EXTRA : We are believers
So it's the trigger
EXTRA : Come on, let's go (0:04:44.72)
EXTRA : On the other end is
Dawn Dawn Dawn
Gattlin : Do you understand our mission? (0:04:49.74)
EXTRA : The Attack (0:04:50.62)
Gattlin : Time to get to specifics. (0:04:52.70)
EXTRA : Roger. (0:04:54.98)
Gattlin : Yomi. (0:04:56.79)
Yomi : Yes, sir. (0:04:57.56)
Yomi : According to the data from Afto, (0:05:00.38)
Yomi : Meeden has 40 to 50
confirmed active soldiers.
Yomi : The total should be
two or three times that.
Yomi : Quite a few Baby Birds are under them. (0:05:11.22)
Yomi : But they shouldn't
be counted as threats.
Yomi : And they have at least one... (0:05:18.44)
Yomi : Or three Black Triggers at most. (0:05:20.82)
Reghindetz : One or three makes a big difference. (0:05:24.28)
Reghindetz : What kind of data is this? (0:05:27.48)
Wen Saw : Say that to Afto, not us. (0:05:30.58)
Koskero : There are six of us
and some Trion Soldiers in stock.
Koskero : Without cooperation from Rhodokrhoun,
this might be a tough mission.
Reghindetz : Yeah, he's right! (0:05:45.34)
Reghindetz : Why's Rhodo skipping out? (0:05:47.60)
Gattlin : They're not. (0:05:49.85)
Reghindetz : Huh? (0:05:51.35)
Gattlin : Rhodokrhoun said they'd send
200 Dogs and 95 Idras.
Gattlin : We can't complain. (0:06:03.20)
Koskero : 300 Trion Soldiers? (0:06:05.21)
Wen Saw : They're small, but what a number. (0:06:06.87)
Ratarykov : With this many pawns,
we can make it work.
Gattlin : Let's hash out the details. (0:06:13.41)
Gattlin : First, we'll investigate Meeden
to verify the data we have.
Gattlin : After Rhodokrhoun's
Trion Soldiers arrive,
Gattlin : we'll execute the plan. (0:06:26.64)
Hyuse : Galopoula and Rhodokrhoun
are approaching Meeden.
Hyuse : Is this the work of Afto? (0:06:41.98)
Hyuse : Then maybe... (0:06:44.94)
Youtarou Rindou : Hyuse. (0:06:46.69)
Youtarou Rindou : I'm coming in. (0:06:48.36)
Youtarou Rindou : Huh? (0:06:49.59)
Youtarou Rindou : Why're the lights off? (0:06:50.99)
Hyuse : Just thinking. (0:06:53.66)
Youtarou Rindou : Oh... (0:06:55.66)
Youtarou Rindou : Don't worry. (0:06:59.33)
Youtarou Rindou : You'll get home one day. (0:07:02.58)
Youko Katori : Defense duty right before
our Rank Wars match?
Youko Katori : It's an unfair disadvantage. (0:07:43.38)
EXTRA : B-Rank #9, Katori Squad, Captain
All-Rounder: Yoko Katori (16)
Yuuta Miura : You're right, Yoko-chan. (0:07:46.46)
Yuuta Miura : I agree. (0:07:48.76)
EXTRA : Attacker: Yuta Miura (17) (0:07:49.13)
Rokurou Wakamura : It happens to every squad. (0:07:50.88)
EXTRA : Gunner: Rokuro Wakamura (17) (0:07:54.01)
Rokurou Wakamura : Before you complain, (0:07:54.30)
Rokurou Wakamura : watch the competitors' logs. (0:07:56.42)
Youko Katori : Our opponents today are Kakizaki Squad (0:08:00.89)
Youko Katori : and Tamakoma's middle schoolers. (0:08:04.65)
Youko Katori : We've been beating Kakizaki Squad, (0:08:07.52)
Youko Katori : Tamakoma lost hard
as soon as they ranked up.
Youko Katori : They're both no big deal. (0:08:14.70)
Rokurou Wakamura : It's been a while since we
fought Kakizaki Squad.
Rokurou Wakamura : Plus, (0:08:21.25)
Rokurou Wakamura : I heard Kako-san was trying
to recruit Tamakoma-2's ace.
Youko Katori : Huh? (0:08:27.01)
Youko Katori : What? (0:08:28.13)
Youko Katori : Are you nagging me
for not being recruited?
Rokurou Wakamura : Just don't slack off. (0:08:33.05)
Yuuta Miura : Now, now. (0:08:35.01)
Hana Somei : You three... (0:08:37.60)
EXTRA : Operator: Hana Somei (16) (0:08:40.22)
Hana Somei : We're on duty. (0:08:40.35)
Hana Somei : Take it seriously. (0:08:42.10)
Rokurou Wakamura : See, Hana-san scolded us. (0:08:47.19)
Youko Katori : It's your fault. (0:08:49.32)
Yuuta Miura : Come on, you two... (0:08:50.90)
EXTRA : Recon and Group Combat Trion Soldier:
Wen Saw : Dog No.9. (0:09:00.70)
Yomi : Begin reconnaissance mode. (0:09:01.87)
Ratarykov : The Meeden soldiers (0:09:05.21)
Ratarykov : are pretty skilled. (0:09:07.63)
Wen Saw : It would be easy if those
were their best guys.
Koskero : I bet they're average. (0:09:13.24)
Koskero : Yesterday's spear guy was better. (0:09:15.34)
Reghindetz : Yomi, keep it still. I'm dizzy. (0:09:18.06)
Yomi : I have neutralized
their monitoring Trigger.
Yomi : But there are cameras. (0:09:25.94)
Gattlin : So it'll be tricky to sneak in. (0:09:29.02)
Koskero : They're being pretty cautious. (0:09:32.03)
Reghindetz : Did Afto leak information? (0:09:34.82)
Ratarykov : We tracked their Trion and know
our target is in the basement.
Ratarykov : We could force our way in. (0:09:43.16)
Ratarykov : We have new Triggers. (0:09:45.79)
Wen Saw : I agree. (0:09:47.83)
Gattlin : The Trion Soldiers? (0:09:50.00)
Yomi : Ready for combat. (0:09:51.26)
Gattlin : Good. (0:09:52.92)
Gattlin : Our chance is when they change shifts. (0:09:54.00)
Gattlin : We'll go after sunset. (0:09:57.34)
Gattlin : Our target... (0:09:59.76)
Gattlin : is the Meeden Expedition ship. (0:10:02.85)
Kei Tachikawa : Pick one. (0:10:10.88)
Yuuichi Jin : Whoa, for real? (0:10:13.11)
Kirie Konami : What's up? (0:10:15.49)
Yuuichi Jin : The enemy's coming. (0:10:19.36)
Kei Tachikawa : Finally. (0:10:21.37)
Yuuichi Jin : Shinoda-san! (0:10:23.62)
Yuuichi Jin : The enemy's coming.
It's Pattern A for now.
Masafumi Shinoda : Alright. (0:10:28.25)
Masafumi Shinoda : I'll proceed as planned. (0:10:29.54)
Kei Tachikawa : Pattern A means HQ defense. (0:10:31.88)
Kei Tachikawa : Got it. (0:10:35.67)
Yuuichi Jin : Konami. (0:10:38.42)
Yuuichi Jin : Stay with Tachikawa-san. (0:10:41.39)
Kirie Konami : Tachikawa? (0:10:43.39)
Kirie Konami : Why? (0:10:44.81)
Yuuichi Jin : I saw a future where
he's going to get cut down.
Yuuichi Jin : This enemy... (0:10:51.60)
Yuuichi Jin : might be tougher than we thought. (0:10:53.77)
Kyouko Sawamura : Gate detected! (0:11:28.56)
Kyouko Sawamura : Distance, 400 northeast.
Multiple readings on radar.
Kyouko Sawamura : This must be a planned invasion. (0:11:33.36)
Shinji Fuyushima : I'll warp agents to the roof. (0:11:35.94)
Kyouko Sawamura : Thirty minutes until
nighttime B-Rank Wars.
Kyouko Sawamura : Top squads: Kageura, Yuba, and Azuma. (0:11:46.95)
Kyouko Sawamura : Middle squads are Tamakoma-2,
Katori, Kakizaki.
Kyouko Sawamura : If we carry out their matches, (0:11:55.21)
Kyouko Sawamura : these six teams
cannot join defense duty.
Kyouko Sawamura : What are your orders? (0:12:00.43)
Masafumi Shinoda : Proceed. (0:12:02.17)
Masafumi Shinoda : Jin predicts it's unlikely... (0:12:03.43)
Masafumi Shinoda : But if they target our agents, (0:12:06.30)
Masafumi Shinoda : stop Rank Wars and enter battle. (0:12:08.66)
Masafumi Shinoda : Azuma will take charge. (0:12:11.49)
Masafumi Shinoda : Inform hall security (0:12:13.25)
Masafumi Shinoda : and the two commentators. (0:12:15.15)
Kyouko Sawamura : Roger. (0:12:17.38)
Masafumi Shinoda : In case of a feint, leave one squad
each in the west and east.
Masafumi Shinoda : Focus everyone else on the northeast. (0:12:24.32)
Masafumi Shinoda : Trion Soldiers are swarming in! (0:12:28.24)
Hyuse : So many Idras... (0:12:31.33)
Hyuse : They must be Rhodokrhoun's. (0:12:33.71)
Hyuse : The agents have been busy lately. (0:12:36.67)
Hyuse : There must be a large battle. (0:12:40.00)
Yuuichi Jin : We're staying late at HQ again. (0:12:43.17)
Yuuichi Jin : Take care of Hyuse, Yotaro. (0:12:45.81)
Youtarou Rindou : Leave it to me. (0:12:48.10)
Youtarou Rindou : I'll protect my juniors! (0:12:50.01)
Kirie Konami : If you waste your energy now, (0:12:51.98)
Kirie Konami : you'll get sleepy early again. (0:12:54.19)
Youtarou Rindou : That won't happen! (0:12:56.61)
Hyuse : Where's the Lambiris? (0:13:05.53)
Hyuse : Maybe this hiding place is too obvious? (0:13:07.91)
Hyuse : It's possible Jin has it. (0:13:11.54)
Hyuse : I should've reclaimed it after the bet. (0:13:15.71)
Hyuse : Oh well... (0:13:18.71)
Hyuse : There's a reserve Lambiris back home. (0:13:20.34)
Hyuse : I need to focus on meeting
with the vassal country.
Hyuse : Thanks for everything... (0:13:38.19)
Hyuse : Senpai... (0:13:40.31)
Reiji Kizaki : HQ. (0:13:45.49)
Reiji Kizaki : Kizaki here.
Snipers are in position.
Isami Touma : Toma here. We're also ready. (0:13:49.91)
Shouhei Kodera : They're here! (0:13:56.21)
Shouhei Kodera : Trion Soldiers! (0:13:57.58)
EXTRA : Group Combat Trion Soldier:
Akane Hiura : Humanoid Trion Soldiers? (0:14:04.42)
Atsushi Hokari : What a pain. Such small targets. (0:14:07.18)
Yoshito Hanzaki : And so many of them, too. (0:14:10.09)
Reiji Kizaki : They're near range. (0:14:16.77)
Reiji Kizaki : Begin interception. (0:14:18.64)
Isami Touma : What? They're combining shields
to protect themselves.
EXTRA : They're working together? (0:14:32.89)
Taichi Betsuyaku : Th...they won't stop!
What do we do?!
Shouhei Kodera : Let's focus on one at a time! (0:14:40.67)
Ken Satori : Okay! Start with the left! (0:14:42.81)
Isami Touma : We'll take the right. (0:14:45.57)
Jun Arashiyama : Attack their flank! (0:14:52.32)
Jun Arashiyama : Support the Snipers! (0:14:53.81)
Kyousuke Karasuma : Roger! (0:14:55.35)
Ai Kitora : Roger! (0:14:55.35)
Koutarou Suwa : They're a large army. Keep distance! (0:14:58.06)
EXTRA : Roger! (0:15:00.77)
Reghindetz : We're losing Idras! (0:15:03.31)
Reghindetz : They were totally waiting for us! (0:15:05.65)
Koskero : Meeden squads are gathering. (0:15:08.32)
Koskero : Orders, Captain? (0:15:10.20)
Gattlin : We keep going. (0:15:11.64)
Gattlin : Stop them for one minute. (0:15:12.91)
Koskero : Understood. (0:15:14.87)
Yoshito Hanzaki : Gates? (0:15:25.96)
Taichi Betsuyaku : Something's coming out! (0:15:29.80)
Taichi Betsuyaku : Whoa! The top two combat Snipers! (0:15:47.23)
Isami Touma : Way to go, guys. (0:15:50.11)
Tetsuji Arafune : They don't bite, do they? (0:15:52.24)
Tetsuji Arafune : I don't like dogs. (0:15:54.43)
Reiji Kizaki : Squads below, withdraw! (0:15:56.83)
Reiji Kizaki : Without Snipers, you're doomed! (0:15:58.70)
Jun Arashiyama : Roger! (0:16:01.08)
Koutarou Suwa : Withdraw until others arrive! (0:16:03.04)
EXTRA : Not good. (0:16:11.88)
EXTRA : Some of those Trion Soldiers
have different colors.
Kyouko Sawamura : Intruder alert! (0:16:23.39)
Kyouko Sawamura : There are three. (0:16:24.75)
Kyouko Sawamura : Humanoid Neighbors! (0:16:28.86)
Motokichi Kinuta : They hid as Trion Soldiers? (0:16:30.57)
Yomi : They're inside. (0:16:33.40)
Yomi : Updating building map. (0:16:35.20)
Yomi : I'll navigate you to our target. (0:16:37.66)
Gattlin : Just as planned. (0:16:40.50)
Gattlin : We'll finish in 10 minutes. (0:16:42.29)
Youtarou Rindou : Hyuse? (0:16:48.75)
Masafumi Shinoda : Shelter our C-Ranks
and civilian employees!
Shinji Fuyushima : Yessir. (0:16:54.91)
Gattlin : Take the shortest route.
Ignore enemies.
Gattlin : Wen, stop any pursuer. (0:17:03.01)
Wen Saw : Yes, Captain. (0:17:05.31)
Gattlin : Rata and I will hit the target. (0:17:06.25)
Ratarykov : Roger. (0:17:08.44)
Gattlin : Reghi and Koskero, draw their attention. (0:17:09.86)
Reghindetz : Roger. (0:17:13.36)
Koskero : Roger. (0:17:14.45)
Gattlin : Yomi, support us all. (0:17:15.61)
Yomi : Yes, sir. (0:17:17.70)
Ratarykov : Captain, let me confirm again. (0:17:20.16)
Ratarykov : If we find a captive from Aftokrator, (0:17:23.37)
Ratarykov : rescuing them is unneeded. (0:17:26.67)
Ratarykov : So if they interfere,
dispose of them, right?
Gattlin : That's Afto's order. It's archived. (0:17:32.42)
Ratarykov : Roger. (0:17:36.80)
Yuuichi Jin : Oops... (0:18:01.45)
Yuuichi Jin : Aftokrator must've
told them about Fujin.
Yuuichi Jin : But now I've seen them. (0:18:06.54)
Yuuichi Jin : They're after the Expedition ship.
Send a defense team.
Masafumi Shinoda : The Expedition ship? (0:18:13.98)
Motokichi Kinuta : That's their target? (0:18:15.76)
Motokichi Kinuta : We'd need a vast amount of Trion,
money, and time to rebuild it!
Motokichi Kinuta : It'd halt our plan at least a year! (0:18:22.85)
Eizou Netsuki : Their Trigger can slip through walls. (0:18:25.77)
Eizou Netsuki : There's no way to block them. (0:18:28.56)
Shinji Fuyushima : If their tunnel Trigger
were versatile,
Shinji Fuyushima : they would've snuck in directly. (0:18:34.45)
Shinji Fuyushima : Their ability must have a limit. (0:18:37.61)
Shinji Fuyushima : We can intercept them strategically. (0:18:40.70)
Shinji Fuyushima : Right, Director? (0:18:43.41)
Motokichi Kinuta : Exactly. (0:18:45.29)
Motokichi Kinuta : Don't let them lay a finger on our ship! (0:18:46.79)
EXTRA : The humanoid Trion Soldiers
aren't so tough.
EXTRA : Individual Marmods would be tougher. (0:18:54.83)
EXTRA : Their color looks like lower B-Ranks. (0:18:58.55)
EXTRA : But it changes when they group up. (0:19:01.61)
EXTRA : They could be a hassle. (0:19:04.93)
EXTRA : The dogs are weak, but abundant. (0:19:07.22)
EXTRA : They're mainly there to distract us. (0:19:10.23)
EXTRA : The intruders all have nice colors,
above A-Rank.
EXTRA : The beard guy's color
is similar to Shinoda-san.
EXTRA : He's strong. (0:19:22.70)
Shinji Fuyushima : Want to call back the squads? (0:19:23.95)
Shinji Fuyushima : I can warp them over. (0:19:26.70)
Masafumi Shinoda : No. (0:19:28.60)
Masafumi Shinoda : More intruders may get in
if things go badly outside.
Masafumi Shinoda : Maintain outside forces,
or else our situation will worsen.
Masafumi Shinoda : Agents inside will
counter the intruders.
Masafumi Shinoda : The worst scenario is if we get overrun
outside, so push back!
Masafumi Shinoda : Tell the agents outside! (0:19:46.97)
Shinji Fuyushima : Roger! (0:19:49.10)
Masafumi Shinoda : We don't know what
the enemy's Triggers are.
Masafumi Shinoda : But three intruders are just too few. (0:19:54.19)
Masafumi Shinoda : More of them must be
directing the battle outside.
Yousuke Yoneya : Arashiyama-san, what's my job? (0:20:01.95)
Yousuke Yoneya : Take down Trion Soldiers? (0:20:04.40)
Jun Arashiyama : Yoneya. (0:20:06.20)
Jun Arashiyama : Find who's sending them to the roof. (0:20:07.79)
Yousuke Yoneya : Gotcha! (0:20:10.73)
Akane Hiura : Shun-kun! (0:20:23.26)
Shun Midorikawa : Sorry I'm late. (0:20:24.10)
Isami Touma : It's Tsuji-chan. (0:20:27.72)
Reiji Kizaki : Leave the dogs to the Attackers and us! (0:20:30.39)
Reiji Kizaki : Others, aim below! (0:20:33.27)
Ken Satori : Roger! (0:20:34.96)
Yoshito Hanzaki : Roger! (0:20:36.11)
Koutarou Suwa : The Snipers are back in business! (0:20:37.52)
Koutarou Suwa : Push them back! (0:20:39.90)
Wen Saw : They're after us. (0:20:45.57)
Gattlin : Can we shake them? (0:20:47.45)
Wen Saw : This is annoying. (0:20:52.46)
Wen Saw : I'll stop them. (0:20:53.69)
Gattlin : I'll leave it to you. (0:20:55.00)
Rei Nasu : Neighbor in sight. (0:21:00.25)
Rei Nasu : Two of them got away. (0:21:01.67)
Wen Saw : Come on, little girls. (0:21:12.31)
Yuuko Kumagai : Begin... (0:21:14.64)
Rei Nasu : Combat! (0:21:16.19)
Yousuke Yoneya : Ah, found a Neighbor! (0:21:19.82)
Shuuji Miwa : Target confirmed. (0:21:22.11)
Shuuji Miwa : We'll begin processing. (0:21:23.67)
Koskero : Oh. (0:21:26.11)
Koskero : The spear guy... (0:21:27.24)
Koskero : I got spotted by a tough one. (0:21:29.24)
Osamu Mikumo : Huh? That's all? (0:21:48.55)
Yuuma Kuga : Hmm. See you next week! (0:21:50.28)
EXTRA : If I can save someone with (0:21:54.52)
EXTRA : The purpose I harbor in my heart (0:21:59.82)
EXTRA : I'm willing to be a sacrifice (0:22:05.32)
EXTRA : A selfishness born from weakness (0:22:10.33)
EXTRA : Without noticing my many scabs (0:22:17.16)
EXTRA : My days pass by as I waver (0:22:19.50)
EXTRA : With my worn-out sneakers (0:22:23.34)
EXTRA : I'm so weak on my own (0:22:26.72)
EXTRA : Powerless and paralyzed (0:22:32.27)
EXTRA : But in the darkness
deprived of moonlight
EXTRA : You're there by my side (0:22:43.61)
EXTRA : Laughing about silly things (0:22:49.51)
EXTRA : Sharing reasons to feel pain (0:22:52.08)
EXTRA : A light resonates between us (0:22:54.89)
EXTRA : It's a time we'll never forget (0:22:57.37)
EXTRA : I pray that I get stronger (0:23:00.40)
EXTRA : To that finite starry sky (0:23:02.84)
EXTRA : We're together hand in hand (0:23:05.90)
EXTRA : One-third of ourselves (0:23:08.30)

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Dark Sonic

My flex is that I captured him today lol - ilikememes0


OH GOD! - Azudra

I got lit on fire as it was burned away.
- Azudra

I got lit on fire as it was burned away. - Azudra

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