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EXTRA : You can do it! (0:00:22.50)
EXTRA : Heading into the world competition, someone
will be chosen to add their strength to the team!
EXTRA : Who will it be? (0:00:27.37)
EXTRA : Burning hotter and more
blindingly than the sun...
EXTRA : Go and shine even brighter! (0:00:36.76)
EXTRA : Great! (0:00:44.55)
EXTRA : He's grabbed the slimmest of chances! (0:00:46.10)
EXTRA : What concentration. (0:00:49.16)
EXTRA : Miyazaki's bucking bronco.
Such magnificent dynamism!
EXTRA : The Wizard of the Waifu Board. (0:00:55.90)
EXTRA : A quick pan and he nails
his Perforation Attack!
EXTRA : I don't understand the name
he created for this move,
EXTRA : but it is truly excellent! (0:01:06.94)
EXTRA : A freewheeling, science-type guy... (0:01:13.49)
EXTRA : Is his riding based on
instinct, or calculation?
EXTRA : Aloha oe! (0:01:20.68)
EXTRA : He's been riding a board
for as long as he can remember...
EXTRA : A born surfer! (0:01:26.95)
EXTRA : With those discerning eyes,
what does he see beyond the waves?
EXTRA : Justice! (0:01:33.13)
EXTRA : His playboy era has ended. (0:01:38.33)
EXTRA : In his new era, he's a man's man. (0:01:40.48)
EXTRA : Plunging straight forward
with simple honesty...
EXTRA : His hot blood is burning. (0:01:46.21)
EXTRA : He said this... (0:01:51.96)
EXTRA : "I'm not short on cash!" (0:01:54.09)
EXTRA : "But no matter how much money I save up,
there are things I can't buy!"
EXTRA : "Waves and the feeling
of being one with them!"
EXTRA : Right now, he is one with the waves! (0:02:04.10)
EXTRA : Masaki
Sakura Hinaoka : You can do it, Big Brother! (0:02:12.42)
EXTRA : You got this! Go! (0:02:15.50)
EXTRA : Go for it!!
Japan, Represent
Masaki Hinaoka : Watch me, Sho! (0:02:19.13)
EXTRA : Take off! (0:02:27.47)
EXTRA : Amazing! (0:02:34.11)
EXTRA : Let's Go Surfing!! (0:02:49.56)
Masaki Hinaoka : Isokichi! Morning! (0:03:33.46)
Masaki Hinaoka : It's a race to Sun Beach!
Let's go, Isokichi!
Masaki Hinaoka : You're too slow! Try to catch me! (0:03:51.33)
Masaki Hinaoka : Hup! (0:03:59.59)
Masaki Hinaoka : Huh? What's wrong? (0:04:06.45)
Masaki Hinaoka : That day... (0:05:18.51)
Masaki Hinaoka : That morning... when I saw
him flying across the sea,
Masaki Hinaoka : that's when my fate was decided. (0:05:23.85)
Masaki Hinaoka : The sight of him riding the waves, (0:05:26.73)
Masaki Hinaoka : no matter how much time passed,
it never faded from my heart.
Masaki Hinaoka : It's like it would come in close,
then retreat... just like the waves.
EXTRA : You're really tanned. (0:05:43.25)
EXTRA : It was Guam! (0:05:45.57)
EXTRA : You're lucky. I only went to Izu. (0:05:46.67)
EXTRA : Aw, man... Second term, huh? (0:05:50.45)
EXTRA : Any chances for romantic
adventures are over.
EXTRA : Studying for entrance exams
is the main event now.
EXTRA : It's so depressing... (0:05:58.94)
Masaki Hinaoka : Morning! (0:06:01.04)
EXTRA : 'Sup? (0:06:03.09)
EXTRA : Good morning, Masaki. (0:06:05.41)
Nalu Tanaka : Morning, Corgi. (0:06:07.64)
Masaki Hinaoka : Hey, Tanaka, there was a surfer
I've never seen before at Sun Beach...
Masaki Hinaoka : Listen to me! (0:06:16.90)
Masaki Hinaoka : At Sun Beach, there was a— (0:06:18.25)
Masaki Hinaoka : For crying out loud. This bum. (0:06:23.76)
Nogami : Good morning, everyone! (0:06:26.61)
EXTRA : Good morning! (0:06:29.08)
Nogami : Did you all have fun over summer break? (0:06:31.14)
Nogami : Now, this is sudden, but I'm going to
introduce a transfer student.
EXTRA : What? A transfer student? (0:06:37.96)
EXTRA : What could this be? (0:06:39.88)
EXTRA : A transfer student? (0:06:40.63)
EXTRA : At this point in the year? (0:06:41.79)
Nogami : It's a surprise. (0:06:43.33)
Nogami : Akitsuki-kun! Come in. (0:06:45.36)
Shou Akitsuki : Yes, sir. (0:06:47.26)
Shou Akitsuki : I'm Akitsuki Sho. Nice to meet you. (0:07:02.14)
EXTRA : Now, for our second-years, (0:07:08.65)
EXTRA : the way you spend your remaining time here (0:07:12.20)
Nalu Tanaka : Surfer? (0:07:13.50)
EXTRA : will be important as you look
to moving up into high school.
Masaki Hinaoka : I saw him at Sun Beach. (0:07:14.99)
Masaki Hinaoka : He was super for real. (0:07:17.35)
EXTRA : Time flies like an arrow. The young soon
grow old, but learning is difficult.
Nalu Tanaka : For real? (0:07:19.23)
Masaki Hinaoka : I mean... He was seriously good. (0:07:20.39)
EXTRA : You never want to regret, wishing
you'd done something differently.
Nalu Tanaka : Really... (0:07:24.32)
Nogami : "The show must go on." (0:07:26.01)
Nogami : A literal translation of this would be,
"the show cannot stop,"
Nogami : but it is also used to mean,
"we can't give up."
Masaki Hinaoka : We can't give up... (0:07:41.19)
EXTRA : They say the Prince came here from Hayama! (0:07:46.99)
EXTRA : I wonder why he transferred in
at this time of year.
EXTRA : He's so mysterious! (0:07:53.73)
Masaki Hinaoka : Is Hayama in Tokyo? (0:07:56.37)
Nalu Tanaka : Kanagawa, right? (0:07:59.28)
Masaki Hinaoka : Is Kanagawa... in Tokyo? (0:08:01.25)
Masaki Hinaoka : Hey! Tanaka! (0:08:12.19)
Nalu Tanaka : Hey, Sho! Let's ride some waves! (0:08:14.57)
Nalu Tanaka : The show must go on! (0:08:20.72)
Masaki Hinaoka : Stop that! (0:08:23.22)
Shou Akitsuki : "The show must go on"
is a nice phrase, isn't it?
Shou Akitsuki : We met at the beach, right? (0:08:37.23)
Masaki Hinaoka : Y-Yeah... (0:08:38.90)
Masaki Hinaoka : I'm Masaki. (0:08:42.37)
Masaki Hinaoka : Hinaoka Masaki. (0:08:44.65)
Masaki Hinaoka : I'm a second-year at the Oarai Minami
Middle School, and I'm 14 years old.
Nalu Tanaka : You don't have to say you're a second-year.
We're all in the same class.
Masaki Hinaoka : Oh, right. (0:08:53.79)
Nalu Tanaka : I'm— (0:08:55.46)
Masaki Hinaoka : He's Tanaka Nalu! (0:08:56.29)
Shou Akitsuki : Nice to meet you. (0:08:58.24)
Masaki Hinaoka : He's a surfer, too! (0:08:59.23)
Shou Akitsuki : Really? (0:09:02.38)
Shou Akitsuki : I've only just moved here,
so I don't know much yet.
Shou Akitsuki : Will you show me
the surf shops in this town?
Nalu Tanaka : That's an easy— (0:09:11.11)
Masaki Hinaoka : That's an easy request! (0:09:12.26)
Masaki Hinaoka : We'll show you. This way! (0:09:14.03)
Nalu Tanaka : Does he seem a little excited to you? (0:09:17.03)
Masaki Hinaoka : Hurry up! (0:09:20.03)
Masaki Hinaoka : Let's go! To Fantasy Island! (0:09:21.85)
Masaki Hinaoka : For some reason, it looked
completely different
Masaki Hinaoka : from how it had looked until now. (0:09:39.77)
Masaki Hinaoka : For some reason, my heart trembled. (0:09:42.81)
Masaki Hinaoka : For some reason, everything shone brightly. (0:09:46.30)
Shouko : Welcome! (0:09:50.06)
Masaki Hinaoka : Oh, h-hello! (0:09:52.27)
Nalu Tanaka : Oh, Miss Shoko! You're the most
beautiful woman I've ever met!
Shouko : Yes, yes. Your pronunciation
has improved a little, hasn't it?
Nalu Tanaka : It's because I'm practicing. (0:10:03.58)
Shouko : Very admirable. (0:10:05.58)
Shouko : And this is rare. To think
Masaki-kun would come here.
Shop Manager : What curious turn of events
has blown you in here?
Shop Manager : Is it because we've got a good wind today? (0:10:13.09)
Shouko : Huh? What's this? (0:10:15.61)
Shou Akitsuki : Nice to meet you. I'm Akitsuki Sho. (0:10:17.73)
Masaki Hinaoka : He's a transfer student!
And an amazing surfer!
Shouko : I'm Shoko! Nice to meet you! (0:10:24.85)
Shou Akitsuki : Thank you. I've only just come to Oarai, (0:10:28.16)
Shou Akitsuki : so I hope you'll teach me
about the waves and other things.
Shouko : Leave it to me! (0:10:34.08)
Shou Akitsuki : You introduced me to this place,
but you don't come very often?
Masaki Hinaoka : It's because I don't surf. (0:10:39.58)
Nalu Tanaka : Masaki can't swim, that's why... (0:10:43.90)
Nalu Tanaka : He's never thought about taking up surfing. (0:10:49.27)
Nalu Tanaka : Masaki can only doggy paddle... (0:10:57.26)
Nalu Tanaka : And from his doggy paddle
came his nickname...
Nalu Tanaka : That nickname is... Corgi! (0:11:04.79)
Shou Akitsuki : Really? I see. (0:11:09.88)
Masaki Hinaoka : Murphy! You bum! (0:11:12.40)
Shou Akitsuki : What's wrong with it? (0:11:16.05)
Masaki Hinaoka : Huh? (0:11:17.13)
Shou Akitsuki : Your nickname. It suits you. "Corgi." (0:11:18.40)
Masaki Hinaoka : D-Does it? (0:11:22.33)
Shou Akitsuki : Well, I'm going to go home,
then head out to Sun Beach.
Nalu Tanaka : I might do that, too. (0:11:29.41)
Shop Manager : The waves are good today. (0:11:31.78)
Shouko : Sho-kun! (0:11:33.63)
Shouko : The shorebreak can be a little rough
at Sun Beach, so be careful, okay?
Shou Akitsuki : I will. Thank you. (0:11:39.80)
Nalu Tanaka : Well, see you later, Sho. (0:11:43.02)
Masaki Hinaoka : Me, too! (0:11:45.39)
Shouko : What? (0:11:46.23)
Shop Manager : What? (0:11:47.06)
Masaki Hinaoka : I'll go, too! (0:11:50.52)
Masaki Hinaoka : I'm home! (0:11:56.69)
Masaki's Mother : Welcome back! (0:11:58.00)
Sakura Hinaoka : Welcome back, Big Brother! (0:11:59.54)
Masaki's Mother : Want some dried sweet potato? (0:12:01.63)
Masaki Hinaoka : I'm off! (0:12:08.22)
Masaki's Mother : Come back safe! (0:12:09.61)
Masaki's Mother : It's so hot, and he's still so energetic. (0:12:11.75)
Sakura Hinaoka : He's such a child. (0:12:14.55)
Nalu Tanaka : Sho's really amazing, right?
He's the real thing.
Nalu Tanaka : Say, Corgi... (0:12:56.88)
Masaki Hinaoka : Huh? (0:12:58.45)
Nalu Tanaka : No matter how many times
I've invited you, you never came.
Nalu Tanaka : Why'd you decide to come today? (0:13:03.37)
Masaki Hinaoka : Wh-Why does that matter? (0:13:06.70)
Nalu Tanaka : Huh... (0:13:10.02)
Shou Akitsuki : Masaki, you sure you just want to watch? (0:13:11.91)
Shou Akitsuki : You should come do it with us. (0:13:14.80)
Nalu Tanaka : Sho. I told you, didn't I? (0:13:16.67)
Nalu Tanaka : Corgi and surfing are— (0:13:19.20)
Masaki Hinaoka : I'll do it! (0:13:20.81)
Nalu Tanaka : Huh? (0:13:21.78)
Masaki Hinaoka : Let's go surfing! (0:13:24.69)
Masaki Hinaoka : I didn't hesitate at all
when I replied that I'd do it.
Masaki Hinaoka : I wanted to ride the waves, too. (0:13:32.79)
Masaki Hinaoka : I wanted to go beyond
the waves and fly high...
Masaki Hinaoka : Yeah. (0:13:39.80)
Masaki Hinaoka : I wanted to be like Sho. (0:13:41.45)
Masaki Hinaoka : This thing's super tight! (0:14:01.19)
Masaki Hinaoka : It might be a little hard to breathe! (0:14:03.29)
Nalu Tanaka : Couldn't you have borrowed
one a size bigger?
Masaki Hinaoka : But I liked this design, so... (0:14:09.66)
Masaki Hinaoka : Done. (0:14:14.73)
Shou Akitsuki : Once you get used to it,
it'll be easier to wear.
Masaki Hinaoka : Yeah! (0:14:20.33)
Shou Akitsuki : Then, let's start with paddling practice. (0:14:22.68)
Masaki Hinaoka : Paddle? (0:14:26.07)
Nalu Tanaka : He's talking about paddling. It's— (0:14:26.92)
Sakura Hinaoka : My big brother's going surfing... (0:14:30.24)
Masaki Hinaoka : Huh? (0:14:32.55)
Nalu Tanaka : Huh? (0:14:32.55)
Masaki Hinaoka : Sakura? (0:14:33.83)
Nalu Tanaka : Hey there, Sakura-chan. (0:14:35.23)
Nalu Tanaka : You've really grown up since I last saw you. (0:14:37.08)
Sakura Hinaoka : Tanaka-kun, I just saw you last week. (0:14:40.96)
Nalu Tanaka : Ladies grow lovelier by the day, you see. (0:14:44.94)
Sakura Hinaoka : You know you can't swim. (0:14:49.09)
Masaki Hinaoka : No one asked you! (0:14:50.76)
Shou Akitsuki : Are you Masaki's younger sister? (0:14:52.67)
Sakura Hinaoka : Y-Yes. (0:14:55.08)
Shou Akitsuki : I'm Akitsuki Sho. Nice to meet you. (0:14:56.96)
Shou Akitsuki : Sakura-chan? (0:15:05.26)
Masaki Hinaoka : Sakura? Hello? (0:15:07.80)
Sakura Hinaoka : Akitsuki... Sho-sama... (0:15:15.22)
Masaki Hinaoka : Okay. Let's do this paddling thing! (0:15:22.95)
Shou Akitsuki : First, would you lie on your stomach
on the board for me?
Masaki Hinaoka : Sure! (0:15:28.83)
Shou Akitsuki : Line up the center of the board
with your own center line.
Masaki Hinaoka : Like this? (0:15:37.01)
Shou Akitsuki : If you line up your center of gravity like that,
it's easier to keep your balance.
Masaki Hinaoka : Huh? (0:15:45.37)
Shou Akitsuki : Bring your chest up. (0:15:49.09)
Shou Akitsuki : Oh! And keep your legs together. (0:15:50.70)
Shou Akitsuki : And then, you stroke the water like this. (0:15:53.80)
Shou Akitsuki : Don't tense up. (0:16:00.18)
Shou Akitsuki : You want to paddle in a relaxed state. (0:16:02.20)
Masaki Hinaoka : Okay. (0:16:04.74)
Shou Akitsuki : Don't just use your arms. (0:16:07.10)
Shou Akitsuki : Imagine you're using
your whole back to paddle.
Masaki Hinaoka : Like this? (0:16:13.65)
Masaki Hinaoka : Okay! (0:16:16.70)
Shou Akitsuki : Your wrists should be at around this angle. (0:16:22.97)
Shou Akitsuki : Keep your chest high
and look straight ahead.
Shou Akitsuki : And then, on one, two, three... (0:16:28.58)
Shou Akitsuki : you stand! (0:16:32.09)
Masaki Hinaoka : One, two, three! (0:16:34.71)
Shou Akitsuki : That's it! Looking good! (0:16:40.15)
Masaki Hinaoka : Sho! You're really good at teaching! (0:16:43.10)
Shou Akitsuki : Then, let's go try it for real. (0:16:48.01)
Masaki Hinaoka : Yeah. (0:16:51.19)
Masaki Hinaoka : Like... Like this, maybe? (0:17:03.56)
Nalu Tanaka : Corgi. (0:17:06.80)
Nalu Tanaka : Why have you suddenly
decided to learn to surf?
Masaki Hinaoka : Huh? (0:17:10.86)
Nalu Tanaka : No matter how many times I invited you,
you said you weren't interested.
Masaki Hinaoka : Well... There isn't really a reason... (0:17:17.22)
Masaki Hinaoka : I mean, we learned it in class right? (0:17:20.85)
Masaki Hinaoka : "A wise man changes his
mind. A fool, never."
Nalu Tanaka : This isn't what that means. (0:17:25.40)
Masaki Hinaoka : Uh... Oh! Look! (0:17:27.26)
Shou Akitsuki : What do you think? Want to try going out? (0:17:42.89)
Masaki Hinaoka : Of course! (0:17:45.99)
Masaki Hinaoka : I'll try doing it like you do, Sho! (0:17:47.84)
Nalu Tanaka : Moron. (0:17:49.73)
Nalu Tanaka : It's not something
that can be done so easily.
Nalu Tanaka : For a novice to stand
on a board can take days.
Nalu Tanaka : No, how many weeks? Months? (0:18:00.55)
Masaki Hinaoka : What? It takes that long? (0:18:04.22)
Shou Akitsuki : That's an exaggeration,
but it is pretty tough.
Shou Akitsuki : My older brother taught me.
That's how I started surfing.
Shou Akitsuki : I fell into the ocean over and over. (0:18:15.68)
Shou Akitsuki : But the first time I managed to stand, (0:18:20.33)
Shou Akitsuki : the amazing feeling of riding a wave... (0:18:23.51)
Shou Akitsuki : It was like flying up in the sky. (0:18:26.89)
Shou Akitsuki : I will never forget that feeling. (0:18:30.28)
Nalu Tanaka : That's true. (0:18:34.14)
Masaki Hinaoka : I see... (0:18:36.59)
Masaki Hinaoka : It feels that amazing? (0:18:38.40)
Masaki Hinaoka : Okay! (0:18:41.32)
Masaki Hinaoka : The show must go on! Right? (0:18:43.03)
Nalu Tanaka : Hurry up and go! (0:19:11.37)
Masaki Hinaoka : T-Tanaka! (0:19:17.16)
Shou Akitsuki : Tanaka and I are here. (0:19:19.85)
Shou Akitsuki : There's nothing for you to worry about. (0:19:21.97)
Masaki Hinaoka : Right. (0:19:25.55)
Masaki Hinaoka : Surfing... Let's do this! (0:19:41.53)
Shou Akitsuki : He's got a good sense of balance. (0:19:59.88)
Nalu Tanaka : Must be from his dad. (0:20:01.88)
Shou Akitsuki : His father? (0:20:04.11)
Nalu Tanaka : He's a construction worker. (0:20:05.94)
Nalu Tanaka : Ever since Corgi was little, (0:20:07.28)
Nalu Tanaka : he's been playing in the scaffolding
of houses going up.
Shou Akitsuki : I see. (0:20:12.50)
Nalu Tanaka : Oh! (0:20:22.66)
Shou Akitsuki : A wave. (0:20:23.82)
Masaki Hinaoka : What? (0:20:25.32)
Shou Akitsuki : Masaki! You're going! (0:20:27.74)
Masaki Hinaoka : What? (0:20:30.85)
Shou Akitsuki : Paddle! (0:20:31.68)
Masaki Hinaoka : Huh? Right! (0:20:32.55)
Nalu Tanaka : This wave is way too good! (0:20:37.18)
Nalu Tanaka : I wanna ride it! (0:20:40.20)
Shou Akitsuki : Look ahead! Go faster! (0:20:42.29)
Masaki Hinaoka : The wave is huge! (0:20:47.87)
Masaki Hinaoka : If I fall, I'll drown! (0:20:49.60)
Masaki Hinaoka : One, two, three! (0:20:55.27)
Masaki Hinaoka : I... (0:21:12.07)
Masaki Hinaoka : I'm flying! (0:21:14.59)
Masaki Hinaoka : Sho! Tanaka! (0:21:24.19)
Nalu Tanaka : Corgi! (0:21:29.92)
Shou Akitsuki : Masaki! (0:21:30.95)
Shou Akitsuki : Masaki! (0:21:35.56)
Nalu Tanaka : You okay? (0:21:41.83)
Masaki Hinaoka : It... (0:21:44.86)
Nalu Tanaka : It? (0:21:47.61)
Shou Akitsuki : It? (0:21:47.61)
Masaki Hinaoka : It felt so amazing! (0:21:50.97)
Masaki Hinaoka : What I felt in that moment...
I don't think I'll ever forget it.
Masaki Hinaoka : The first time I rode a wave
in the September dusk.
Masaki Hinaoka : For the first time in my life,
I felt moved, passionate...
Masaki Hinaoka : and it made me tremble. (0:22:11.44)
EXTRA : We can't give up. (0:22:15.02)
EXTRA : 2nd Wave The Ocean Will Teach You (0:23:48.99)

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WAVE!! -Let's go surfing!!-

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Man, i wanna have a waifu (wipes his teary eyes) - Anonymous


May I come, too? - Seika Lamprogue

Okay. I'll try it. - Seika Lamprogue

I swore a vow that I wouldn't
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- Seika Lamprogue

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