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Ichika Arima : I don't regret (0:00:04.31)
Ichika Arima : what I did for him that day. (0:00:05.90)
Ichika Arima : As for what I said to him that day... (0:00:13.09)
Ichika Arima : I have nothing but regrets. (0:00:19.17)
Ryou Amakusa : So... (0:00:43.16)
Ryou Amakusa : What was her name again? (0:00:45.32)
Ryou Amakusa : Ah, Kenny. I know you're both experts, (0:01:01.58)
Ryou Amakusa : but please make sure you not only find out, (0:01:04.59)
Ryou Amakusa : but also record as much as possible
about these potential customers' needs.
Ryou Amakusa : Right. Let's get to it.
Looking forward to seeing you.
EXTRA : Hey, wait. (0:01:20.77)
EXTRA : What about breakfast? (0:01:21.76)
EXTRA : {\pos(210,300)\fnTimes New Roman\shad0\c&H5C5D52&\3c&H4B4536&}Forward World Gaiden (0:01:29.36)
Ryou Amakusa : Damn that woman,
making me stay up all night...
Ryou Amakusa : I'm definitely not seeing her again. (0:01:53.56)
Ryou Amakusa : I'm pretty dizzy... (0:02:00.26)
Ryou Amakusa : Oh, shit. (0:02:07.52)
Ryou Amakusa : I'm falling. (0:02:10.27)
Ichika Arima : I-I'm so sorry! (0:02:19.23)
Ryou Amakusa : Ow... (0:02:21.12)
Ichika Arima : Are you okay? (0:02:24.72)
Ryou Amakusa : Yeah, I'm fine. (0:02:28.27)
Ichika Arima : I-I'm sorry! I panicked
and ended up hooking you.
Ichika Arima : Are you hurt at all? (0:02:32.62)
Ryou Amakusa : Nah, I'm fine. (0:02:33.97)
Ryou Amakusa : Thanks. I could've been a goner. (0:02:35.97)
Ichika Arima : I'm sorry I ended up strangling you. (0:02:38.78)
Ichika Arima : Um, you look a bit pale. (0:02:42.11)
Ryou Amakusa : Yeah, I haven't been feeling well. (0:02:45.05)
Ichika Arima : Huh? Did you have any breakfast? (0:02:47.32)
Ryou Amakusa : What? No, I didn't. (0:02:50.15)
Ichika Arima : That might be why. (0:02:51.94)
Ichika Arima : Do I have anything to eat... Wait. (0:02:53.90)
Ichika Arima : Oh, no! I'm going to be late! (0:02:57.36)
Ichika Arima : Um, uh... Here! You can have this! (0:02:59.63)
Ryou Amakusa : Huh? (0:03:02.13)
Ichika Arima : Well, take care! (0:03:03.41)
Ichika Arima : I'm going to be late! (0:03:05.82)
EXTRA : What should we do for lunch? (0:03:11.93)
EXTRA : Want to eat out? (0:03:13.25)
EXTRA : Why don't we try that new pasta place? (0:03:14.17)
EXTRA : Think we'll be able to leave on time today? (0:03:18.88)
EXTRA : Gonna have to rush after lunch. (0:03:20.57)
Ichika Arima : Are you okay? (0:03:23.48)
Ryou Amakusa : She had the same uniform as Rio... (0:03:28.90)
Ryou Amakusa : So much ham... (0:03:33.98)
Rio Amakusa : Welcome back, Onii-chan. (0:03:41.53)
Rio Amakusa : I've got a friend over right now. (0:03:42.95)
Ryou Amakusa : A friend? (0:03:46.75)
Ryou Amakusa : Hey, I saw you this morning. (0:03:53.54)
Ichika Arima : Hey, I saw you this morning. (0:03:53.54)
Rio Amakusa : Wait, you two know each other? (0:03:55.79)
Ichika Arima : I wouldn't go that far. (0:03:59.47)
Ryou Amakusa : She saved my life. (0:04:01.44)
Rio Amakusa : Huh? (0:04:04.03)
Rio Amakusa : It's Mom. I'll be right back, Ichika. (0:04:07.38)
Ichika Arima : Sure... (0:04:10.52)
Rio Amakusa : I'll ask for the deets after this call. (0:04:11.59)
Rio Amakusa : Mom? What's up? (0:04:14.35)
Ryou Amakusa : I never thought you'd be
one of my sister's friends.
Ryou Amakusa : Uh... (0:04:27.58)
Ichika Arima : Oh, I'm Arima Ichika. (0:04:28.38)
Ryou Amakusa : Ichika-chan. I'm Ryo. (0:04:30.66)
Ryou Amakusa : Now that I know you're my sister's
friend, I should thank you properly.
Ichika Arima : Huh? No, you don't need to do anything. (0:04:36.53)
Ryou Amakusa : Maybe clothes or shoes? (0:04:39.58)
Ichika Arima : No, really... (0:04:40.67)
Ryou Amakusa : Yeah, that does seem kinda cheap. (0:04:41.97)
Ryou Amakusa : Then how about... (0:04:46.91)
Ryou Amakusa : a kiss? (0:04:50.62)
Ichika Arima : Sorry, what? (0:04:54.51)
Ryou Amakusa : Yeah, a kiss might be a bit
much for a high school girl.
Ryou Amakusa : You saved my life, so I'll
do pretty much anything.
Ryou Amakusa : Of course, if you want, I could
go even further than that.
Ryou Amakusa : It'd be a nice memory, wouldn't it? (0:05:07.42)
Ryou Amakusa : What do you think? (0:05:09.54)
Ichika Arima : You're creepy. (0:05:16.01)
Ryou Amakusa : Huh? (0:05:18.51)
EXTRA : Creepy (0:05:19.98)
EXTRA : Creepy (0:05:22.94)
Ichika Arima : Creepy... Creepy... Creepy... (0:05:23.82)
Ryou Amakusa : Creepy? Creepy? C-Creepy? (0:05:24.70)
Ichika Arima : You're offering up yourself as thanks
for saving you? What are you thinking?
Ichika Arima : That's not why I saved you. (0:05:33.84)
Ichika Arima : I'm sorry! (0:05:39.34)
Ichika Arima : I just blurt out what I'm thinking...
I mean... Really, I don't need anything!
EXTRA : Squee. (0:05:45.50)
EXTRA : {\fnTimes New Roman\b1\c&H46F2EF&\3c&HA860F1&\shad0\move(628,76,360,126)\an5\frz9.5}Squee (0:05:45.74)
EXTRA : {\fnTimes New Roman\b1\c&H46F2EF&\3c&HA860F1&\shad0\move(360,80,345,-20)\an5\frz9.5}Squee (0:05:46.11)
Ichika Arima : Uh, what the heck was that sound? (0:05:46.82)
Ryou Amakusa : Magnificent... (0:05:52.65)
Ryou Amakusa : Not only did you save me, but you had
the benevolence to give me your lunch.
Ryou Amakusa : To top it off, your clear,
cold response to my shallow idea...
Ryou Amakusa : I'm moved. (0:06:05.72)
Ryou Amakusa : I'm absolutely moved!
I've never felt like this before!
Ryou Amakusa : Ichika-san! You're the girl
I'm destined to be with!
Rio Amakusa : Sorry about that, Ichika.
I'm done with my call now.
Rio Amakusa : Huh? Where'd my brother go? (0:06:19.47)
Ichika Arima : Uh, he's down here! (0:06:21.38)
Ichika Arima : Help me! What's going on?! (0:06:23.70)
EXTRA : Koikimo (0:07:52.36)
EXTRA : Episode 1 (0:07:56.99)
Ichika Arima : I'm home. (0:08:02.49)
Yuriko Arima : Ichika! A package came for you. (0:08:03.75)
Ichika Arima : Oh, did the manga I ordered get here? (0:08:07.99)
Yuriko Arima : You got a rose from someone
named Amakusa Ryo-san.
Rio Amakusa : My brother seriously sent you a rose? (0:08:18.07)
Rio Amakusa : That's hilarious. (0:08:20.60)
Ichika Arima : It's not hilarious at all!
Why did you give him my address, Rio?
Ichika Arima : Then my mom asked me about it...
It was such a mess.
Rio Amakusa : Well, my brother seemed super serious
about this, so it just happened.
Ichika Arima : "Just happened"? As if! (0:08:32.37)
Ichika Arima : Yesterday, he had you give
me expensive chocolates.
EXTRA : From
my brother
Ichika Arima : The day before that, it was a plushie. (0:08:36.60)
EXTRA : From my brother (0:08:37.76)
Ichika Arima : He's been giving me insane presents
every day this week since we met.
A teddy bear...
Ichika Arima : Is Ryo-san like this to everyone he asks out? (0:08:42.57)
Rio Amakusa : Not at all. He's pretty indifferent. (0:08:46.80)
Rio Amakusa : According to him, he's never
even asked anyone out.
Ichika Arima : Seriously? (0:08:51.61)
Rio Amakusa : Yup. (0:08:52.82)
Rio Amakusa : Who cares? Why not go out with him? (0:08:53.86)
Ichika Arima : Yikes! You're okay with your friend
going out with your brother?
Rio Amakusa : If it's you, sure. (0:09:00.23)
Ichika Arima : Say what?! (0:09:01.57)
Rio Amakusa : My brother's hot, smart,
and he's fairly loaded.
Rio Amakusa : Not bad, right? He's a scumball, though. (0:09:06.73)
Ichika Arima : I'm sorry, did you just say "scumball"? (0:09:08.75)
Rio Amakusa : Besides, if you two went out, it'd be amus— (0:09:11.61)
Rio Amakusa : It'd make me happy. (0:09:16.28)
Ichika Arima : You were totally going to say "amusing." (0:09:17.39)
Rio Amakusa : By the way, did you call
my brother to complain?
Ichika Arima : What? No... (0:09:24.33)
Rio Amakusa : Well, if you don't, he'll probably
keep sending you stuff.
Ichika Arima : Huh? (0:09:29.59)
Rio Amakusa : Here you go. (0:09:32.68)
EXTRA : {\fad(523,537)\fs12\shad0\bord1\c&H9E9B91&\3c&HF8F8FF&\frx28\fry358\frz16.06\pos(267,133)}Onii-chan (0:09:33.55)
Rio Amakusa : My brother's number. (0:09:33.79)
Ichika Arima : Thanks. (0:09:35.50)
Rio Amakusa : He's probably working right now,
so try contacting him at night.
Ichika Arima : Right... (0:09:40.56)
EXTRA : {\fad(300,1)\c&H74F9FC&\fs30\b1\bord1\3c&H89B7B2&\an8\move(434,40,460,40)\frz12.28}Uh... (0:09:41.99)
Suzuki : E-Excuse me, Acting Section Chief Amakusa. (0:09:46.41)
Ryou Amakusa : What is it, Suzuki-san? (0:09:49.93)
Suzuki : Um... I just wanted to thank you
for backing me up at the meeting.
Ryou Amakusa : Ah... That was nothing.
I just added on to what you said.
Ryou Amakusa : Just make sure you adjust the cost. (0:10:00.86)
Ryou Amakusa : See you later. (0:10:03.72)
Suzuki : He's so hot... (0:10:07.28)
Nakayama : He really is. (0:10:09.59)
Suzuki : Look at that body. (0:10:10.67)
Nakayama : He's amazing. (0:10:12.16)
Ryou Amakusa : I don't know this number. (0:10:18.90)
Ryou Amakusa : Hello? (0:10:22.07)
Ichika Arima : Um... (0:10:23.49)
Ichika Arima : Hello? (0:10:24.52)
Ryou Amakusa : I-Is that you, Ichika-san?! (0:10:27.23)
Ichika Arima : How could you tell just from my voice? (0:10:29.72)
Ryou Amakusa : I'm never going to forget
your beautiful voice.
Ryou Amakusa : It's ingrained into my brain. (0:10:37.13)
Ichika Arima : Could you not say stuff like that? (0:10:39.02)
Ichika Arima : Listen, about that flower you sent... (0:10:41.91)
Ryou Amakusa : Oh, did it get to you? (0:10:45.53)
Ryou Amakusa : Do you not like roses? (0:10:47.31)
Ichika Arima : Huh? No, I don't dislike them... (0:10:49.54)
Ryou Amakusa : Oh, thank goodness. (0:10:53.50)
Ryou Amakusa : I sent you a rose first so it would
convey my feelings clearly.
Ichika Arima : Huh? Uh... Er, that's not what this is about. (0:10:59.01)
Ryou Amakusa : I get it. You must not like red.
I knew I should've gone with pink.
Ichika Arima : Seriously, this isn't about
roses or their color.
Ryou Amakusa : Did you think it was from Tuxedo Mask? (0:11:13.19)
Ichika Arima : Of course not. (0:11:16.11)
Ichika Arima : I'm saying— (0:11:17.74)
Ryou Amakusa : Was it a bother? (0:11:18.44)
Ichika Arima : Huh? (0:11:19.87)
Ryou Amakusa : Am I bothering you? (0:11:21.04)
Ichika Arima : Um... I'm not sure how I'm supposed
to respond to you giving me a flower.
Ichika Arima : To be honest... i-it is a bother. (0:11:31.21)
Ryou Amakusa : I see. (0:11:35.56)
Ichika Arima : I'm sorry. (0:11:36.91)
Ryou Amakusa : But I'm not going to stop. (0:11:39.91)
Ichika Arima : Wait, what? (0:11:42.05)
Ryou Amakusa : I just can't control my feelings for you. (0:11:43.72)
Ryou Amakusa : I'm hoping things will
continue to take shape.
Ichika Arima : What? (0:11:50.98)
Ryou Amakusa : I'm planning to do things
that will make you happy,
Ryou Amakusa : and even annoy you,
all to show you my love.
Ryou Amakusa : I hope you look forward to it. (0:11:58.33)
Ichika Arima : S-So you're saying that you don't
care if it's bothering me or not.
Ichika Arima : You're going to pursue me regardless? (0:12:05.12)
Ryou Amakusa : Correct. (0:12:07.89)
Ryou Amakusa : So it's perfectly fine for you to get
mad and curse at me all you'd like.
Ryou Amakusa : I won't find it unpleasant at all. (0:12:12.87)
Rio Amakusa : Not bad, right? He's a scumball, though. (0:12:15.55)
Ichika Arima : He really is a scumball! (0:12:18.81)
EXTRA : {\fad(488,1)\an5\fnForte\c&HD03AA6&\3c&H472441&\bord2\fs30\shad0\q2\be1\pos(478,180)}He
Ichika Arima : Y-You're awful! How can you be so awful?! (0:12:21.26)
Ryou Amakusa : Oh, that's great! I can feel
the icy needles in those words.
Ryou Amakusa : Yell at me more. (0:12:28.60)
Ichika Arima : Never mind! Just don't send me
any more flowers or anything else!
Ichika Arima : Goodnight! (0:12:35.40)
EXTRA : {\fad(1,1041)\c&HD76D21&\fs12\an8\bord0\shad0\pos(155,110)\frz16.63}Contacts (0:12:41.44)
EXTRA : {\fad(1,1041)\c&H6A6A68&\fs20\an8\bord0\shad0\frz16.63\pos(256,98)\fsp2}Ichika-san (0:12:41.44b)
Ryou Amakusa : And... saved. (0:12:41.79)
Yuriko Arima : Thanks for doing this. (0:12:47.97)
Ichika Arima : Sure. I'll be home later. (0:12:49.58)
EXTRA : Today
EXTRA : {\an4\q2\3c&HFFFFFF&\c&H000000&\pos(445,80)\fs14\shad0\bord1}Mixed-sized eggs
10 eggs in a pack
Ichika Arima : So I need milk, eggs... (0:12:55.43)
Ichika Arima : What else was there? (0:12:57.71)
Ichika Arima : Olive oil, and... (0:12:59.34)
Ichika Arima : Oh, I'm sorr— Ugh. (0:13:02.71)
Ryou Amakusa : Ichika-san! It must be destiny that
we saw each other on our day off!
Ryou Amakusa : Where's the usual cursing and insults? (0:13:13.13)
Ichika Arima : Why would you be waiting for that? (0:13:15.46)
Ichika Arima : You're so creepy. (0:13:17.27)
EXTRA : {\fad(211,288)\an2\b1\q2\3c&HA5351B&\c&HFFFFFF&\fs22\shad0\bord3\pos(250.667,131.333)\frx8\fry356\frz17.36}1 pack
per customer
Ichika Arima : I really don't want to ask him... (0:13:24.49)
Ichika Arima : Hey. (0:13:28.84)
Ichika Arima : I have a favor to ask. (0:13:29.82)
Ryou Amakusa : Of course! I'll do anything you'd like! (0:13:33.68)
EXTRA : {\b1\c&H473A7C&\3c&HB5B9BF&\shad0\frz28.98\frx344\fry54\pos(230.667,56.333)}99 yen
Ichika Arima : Oh, you're a lifesaver! (0:13:37.71)
Ichika Arima : I was sure I'd only be able to buy one. (0:13:40.91)
EXTRA : {\pos(348,30.667)\an8\fs16\b1\c&HAEE6F4&\3c&H385A63&\shad0}Eggs (0:13:45.17)
Ichika Arima : Ryo-san? A-Are you mad? (0:13:45.51)
Ryou Amakusa : No... (0:13:49.00)
Ryou Amakusa : I'm just overcome with emotions.
We're shopping like a married couple.
Ryou Amakusa : Bless you, one-pack-per-customer rule. (0:13:54.44)
Ichika Arima : Go ahead and choke on those emotions. (0:13:57.15)
Ichika Arima : Oh, a limited edition is out. (0:14:02.49)
EXTRA : {\fs11\fnTimes New Roman\shad0\3c&H111236&\frz42.68\pos(249.333,56.666)}Limited Edition (0:14:03.07)
EXTRA : {\fnTimes New Roman\c&H213D61&\3c&H437FAF&\shad0\fs14\an1\pos(252.667,130)}Rich
Ryou Amakusa : Hey, they have the chocolate
you like. Would you like some?
Ichika Arima : How do you know I like this kind? (0:14:09.79)
Ryou Amakusa : My sister told me. (0:14:12.58)
Ichika Arima : That's definitely a lie. (0:14:14.57)
EXTRA : {\fs14\b1\c&H4556E2&\3c&HF4FCFA&\shad0\an5\frx20\fry2\pos(385.333,209.999)\frz140.3}Fresh
Ryou Amakusa : But it's not a lie. (0:14:16.41)
Ichika Arima : What's my favorite animal? (0:14:20.65)
Ryou Amakusa : Cats. (0:14:22.46)
Ichika Arima : What kind of shampoo do I use? (0:14:23.24)
Ryou Amakusa : Max Damage Repair! (0:14:26.27)
Ichika Arima : Yes! You're disgusting! That's correct! (0:14:28.09)
Ichika Arima : "Extra virgin oil" sounds stronger,
like a secret technique...
Ryou Amakusa : Secret technique? (0:14:37.06)
Ichika Arima : No, I, uh— (0:14:38.44)
Ichika Arima : Oh, God! He heard me say
something nerdy! Ack!
Ryou Amakusa : Yeah, it does sound like it has
three times the attack power.
Ichika Arima : I'll go for the three times, then. (0:14:50.09)
Ichika Arima : I didn't think he'd go along with that. (0:14:52.27)
EXTRA : Here you go. Have a sample. (0:14:56.63)
Ichika Arima : Oh, thank you. (0:14:58.46)
EXTRA : My, what a handsome boyfriend you have. (0:15:00.17)
EXTRA : Here you go. (0:15:02.71)
Ryou Amakusa : Thank you. (0:15:03.63)
Ichika Arima : He's not my boyfriend. (0:15:04.77)
Ichika Arima : It's good. Could I get a bag? (0:15:07.94)
EXTRA : Sure thing. You can throw
away the garbage there.
Ichika Arima : Thank you so much. (0:15:13.04)
Ichika Arima : Why are you trying to retrieve my toothpick? (0:15:18.55)
Ryou Amakusa : Was I that obvious? (0:15:22.93)
Ichika Arima : Maybe you should just get
stabbed by a million of them!
Ichika Arima : Ryo-san... (0:15:29.63)
Ryou Amakusa : No. (0:15:31.71)
Ryou Amakusa : I will not let you carry your groceries. (0:15:33.00)
Ichika Arima : Ugh! I bought them, so I'll carry them! (0:15:35.20)
Ryou Amakusa : Maybe if you let me kiss you. (0:15:39.83)
Ichika Arima : How are you this awful? (0:15:42.71)
Ichika Arima : Okay, fine. You can carry them. (0:15:45.33)
Ichika Arima : You must have a lot of
experience with women.
Ryou Amakusa : No. (0:15:52.59)
Ryou Amakusa : I just want to do this because I like you. (0:15:54.97)
Ichika Arima : Ugh, come on, then. (0:16:07.47)
Ryou Amakusa : By the way, (0:16:10.40)
Ryou Amakusa : people were commenting on
us being a young couple.
Ichika Arima : I'm pretty sure they said,
"What a young pervert."
Ryou Amakusa : But it was plural,
so I guess that would include you.
Ichika Arima : Please don't compare me to you. (0:16:21.53)
EXTRA : Amakusa (0:16:24.58)
Ryou Amakusa : I'm home. (0:16:25.45)
Rio Amakusa : Welcome back. (0:16:26.92)
Rio Amakusa : That was fast. Did you go to
the bookstore by the station?
Ryou Amakusa : No. (0:16:30.98)
Ryou Amakusa : I did the perfect one-per-customer
deal with Ichika-san.
Yuriko Arima : Welcome home. (0:16:40.66)
Ichika Arima : Here you go. (0:16:42.27)
Yuriko Arima : Thanks. Oh, you got two
packs of eggs? Perfect.
Ichika Arima : Yeah, stuff happened... (0:16:48.11)
Yuriko Arima : Oh, right. Today, you got a carnation. (0:16:49.79)
Yuriko Arima : This Amakusa-san person is so poetic,
sending you a single flower every day.
Ichika Arima : Huh? Why do you say that? (0:17:01.62)
Yuriko Arima : What? You didn't realize it? (0:17:03.01)
Yuriko Arima : It's because your name means
"one flower," obviously.
Ichika Arima : Ugh... I didn't want to hear that.
I didn't want to realize that...
Ryou Amakusa : Right. Yes. (0:17:27.02)
Ryou Amakusa : Understood. (0:17:29.26)
Ryou Amakusa : I'll see you in an hour, then. (0:17:30.52)
Ryou Amakusa : I guess I'll kill some time. (0:17:34.77)
Ichika Arima : What the heck is this y? (0:17:42.22)
Ichika Arima : I know. (0:17:44.00)
Ichika Arima : Maybe if I anthropomorphize it,
I'll feel like doing this...
Ichika Arima : You seriously just sat down
like you were invited.
Ryou Amakusa : Very admirable, Ichika-san. (0:17:55.66)
Ryou Amakusa : You're keeping the insults quiet
since we're out in public.
Ichika Arima : Maybe I'll just pour that coffee on you. (0:17:59.91)
Ryou Amakusa : Are you by yourself, Ichika-san? (0:18:02.37)
Ichika Arima : I'm waiting for Rio. (0:18:04.33)
Ichika Arima : I'm going to switch seats,
so enjoy your coffee.
Ryou Amakusa : But my seat is always meant
to be across from you.
Ichika Arima : Why do you keep showing up?
What are you, a stalker?
Ryou Amakusa : This is honestly a coincidence. (0:18:17.15)
Ryou Amakusa : Are you studying? (0:18:26.20)
Ichika Arima : I have a test coming up. (0:18:27.71)
Ryou Amakusa : You need to substitute this. (0:18:29.96)
Ichika Arima : Substitute? (0:18:32.50)
Ryou Amakusa : Yes. Then transpose this, and then add. (0:18:33.71)
Ichika Arima : Transpose this and then add... (0:18:37.86)
Ichika Arima : Oh, it worked! (0:18:40.56)
Ichika Arima : Rio did mention that you were smart. (0:18:45.10)
Ichika Arima : I guess it's true. (0:18:48.71)
Ryou Amakusa : Do you like smart men? (0:18:50.95)
Ichika Arima : Maybe you're not that bright after all. (0:18:53.19)
Ichika Arima : Are you good at science and math? (0:18:56.14)
Ichika Arima : I'm definitely not. (0:18:58.55)
Ryou Amakusa : Let's see... I did well in all subjects. (0:19:01.61)
Ryou Amakusa : I'm a great athlete, too. (0:19:05.52)
Ichika Arima : Yeah, I'm not interested. (0:19:06.50)
Ryou Amakusa : Well, if I had to pick,
I'd say I'm not so good at art.
Ryou Amakusa : Though now that I know you like art,
I've been doing my best to improve.
Ichika Arima : No point in wasting time for both of us. (0:19:18.88)
Ichika Arima : If you're that bad, try drawing something. (0:19:21.91)
Ichika Arima : Like, a portrait of me. (0:19:25.39)
Ryou Amakusa : I cannot draw something so sublime with
my lack of technique and capacity!
Ryou Amakusa : I will surely be punished! (0:19:33.95)
Ryou Amakusa : How impudent of me! (0:19:35.08)
Ichika Arima : Am I suddenly a deity or something? (0:19:36.15)
Ryou Amakusa : Well, Ichika-san, you're— (0:19:39.50)
EXTRA : Is that you, Ryo? (0:19:40.66)
Ryou Amakusa : Huh? (0:19:41.70)
Ryou Amakusa : Uh... (0:19:42.67)
EXTRA : Wow, it's been forever. (0:19:43.36)
Ryou Amakusa : Who is she again? (0:19:45.22)
EXTRA : You hadn't contacted me in a while,
so I was wondering what was going on.
Ryou Amakusa : Oh, I see... (0:19:51.70)
Ryou Amakusa : Michiko? Maybe Sachiko? (0:19:53.23)
EXTRA : Jeez, at least be a little excited. (0:19:55.35)
EXTRA : Whoa, Ryo! (0:19:58.66)
EXTRA : Don't tell me you got your filthy mitts
on bland little high school girl like her.
Ryou Amakusa : What? (0:20:03.27)
Ichika Arima : No, I'm not... (0:20:03.93)
EXTRA : Come on, you can't just go for
any girl. This poor thing.
Ichika Arima : Er, I... (0:20:10.08)
EXTRA : You should stay away from Ryo.
He's honestly the worst.
EXTRA : He's a total womanizer. (0:20:14.51)
EXTRA : Though that's what I like about him. (0:20:17.02)
Ryou Amakusa : Hey, no one asked you. (0:20:19.47)
EXTRA : Oh, please. I'm sure you pulled
the nice-guy act on her.
EXTRA : I'm saying this for her sake. (0:20:25.91)
Ryou Amakusa : That's en— (0:20:28.33)
Ichika Arima : Excuse me! (0:20:28.84)
Ichika Arima : I have no doubt that he's a womanizer... (0:20:30.84)
Ryou Amakusa : D'oh! (0:20:35.35)
Ichika Arima : But I don't think he's
entirely bad toward me.
Ichika Arima : Probably... (0:20:42.97)
Ichika Arima : Also, I'm just friends
with his little sister.
Ichika Arima : So please excuse me. (0:20:50.78)
EXTRA : Whoopsie. Maybe I teased her too much. (0:20:56.30)
Ryou Amakusa : Hey. (0:21:01.26)
EXTRA : Yeah? (0:21:02.07)
EXTRA : Wha— (0:21:03.38)
EXTRA : No way! My makeup! My fake lashes! (0:21:07.10)
Ryou Amakusa : How dare you interrupt
my time with Ichika-san?
Ryou Amakusa : Don't make me pluck out
all of your real eyelashes.
Ichika Arima : I need to contact Rio. (0:21:21.41)
Ryou Amakusa : Ichika-san! (0:21:23.91)
Ichika Arima : Wh-What? Isn't she your
girlfriend or something?
Ryou Amakusa : No! She's nothing like that! (0:21:31.02)
Ryou Amakusa : I'm sorry. That must've made you
feel awful, all because of me.
Ichika Arima : It's fine. (0:21:38.68)
Ryou Amakusa : Ichika-san... (0:21:39.85)
Ryou Amakusa : What you said earlier made me happy. (0:21:41.54)
Ichika Arima : I just said what was on my mind... (0:21:47.32)
EXTRA : Squee! (0:21:53.80)
Ichika Arima : Did you just internally squee because
you thought I was suddenly being nice?!
Ryou Amakusa : That's amazing. How did you know?
You're so impressive, Ichika-san!
Ichika Arima : It's totally obvious! (0:22:00.92)
Ichika Arima : Never mind! Just go home
already, you stupid mutt!
Ryou Amakusa : Thank you for the compliment! (0:22:05.30)
Ichika Arima : That wasn't a compliment!
Get back in your cage!
Ryou Amakusa : I'm an expert at shaking paws.
Why don't we give it a try?
Ichika Arima : You're just trying to
hold my hand, aren't you?
Ryou Amakusa : Oh, was I that obvious? (0:22:16.59)
Ichika Arima : You think? (0:22:18.24)
EXTRA : Next time, "The Smell of Cologne." (0:23:36.07)

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