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Emiliko : Let us ever remember. (0:01:44.12)
Emiliko : The Shadows are an
outstanding family of nobles.
Emiliko : To serve them is the pride
and joy of every living doll.
Emiliko : Good morning, Mistress Kate. (0:04:41.62)
Emiliko : I'm the living doll who will
be serving you starting today.
Kate Shadow : Your name? (0:04:50.16)
Emiliko : Ma'am? (0:04:51.41)
Kate Shadow : You must be given a name. (0:04:52.91)
Emiliko : Yes, ma'am! (0:04:55.41)
Kate Shadow : Katie, Kathy, Kat... (0:04:56.58)
Kate Shadow : No, perhaps not. (0:04:59.75)
Kate Shadow : Maybe later. (0:05:03.00)
Emiliko : Yes, ma'am! (0:05:04.16)
EXTRA : "The Shadow and Her Doll" (0:06:36.45)
Kate Shadow : Could you not stare? (0:06:56.37)
Emiliko : Forgive me! (0:06:58.45)
Kate Shadow : Kate does not... (0:07:08.95)
Emiliko : Yes, Mistress Kate? (0:07:10.33)
Kate Shadow : Kate doesn't like
looking people in the eye.
Emiliko : If you looked at their forehead, (0:07:15.58)
Emiliko : wouldn't it seem like you
were looking in their eyes?
Kate Shadow : Like this? (0:07:20.70)
Kate Shadow : Well, it's not like you can tell. (0:07:22.25)
Emiliko : It looks like you're looking at me. (0:07:25.08)
Kate Shadow : You're just saying that. (0:07:28.25)
Kate Shadow : After all, no one can see a shadow's face. (0:07:31.91)
Emiliko : Excuse me, but... (0:07:36.00)
Kate Shadow : The soot? It emanates due to
anger or other negative emotions.
Emiliko : Are you angry right now? (0:07:42.95)
Kate Shadow : No. Anxious, perhaps. (0:07:46.20)
Emiliko : Anxious. (0:07:49.50)
Kate Shadow : Soot collects in nooks and crannies. (0:07:55.33)
Emiliko : I had no idea. (0:07:57.79)
Kate Shadow : You are staring again. (0:08:04.33)
Kate Shadow : That makes Kate more anxious than ever. (0:08:06.62)
Emiliko : Forgive me. (0:08:09.16)
Emiliko : She's anxious. (0:08:20.20)
Emiliko : I feel anxious, too, Mistress Kate. (0:08:22.87)
Emiliko : I can't read this.
I can't read any of these.
Emiliko : How will I ever be of
service to Mistress Kate?
Emiliko : Forgive me, Mistress Kate! (0:08:53.58)
Kate Shadow : What's done is done. Just clean it up. (0:08:56.33)
Emiliko : Yes, ma'am. (0:08:59.25)
Emiliko : I'm really sorry. (0:09:01.25)
Kate Shadow : Kate is going to take a bath. (0:09:02.83)
Emiliko : Yes, ma'am! I'll finish
cleaning up before you're done!
Emiliko : My body isn't working right. (0:09:12.29)
Emiliko : Can I fix it by applying oil somewhere? (0:09:15.20)
Emiliko : If I break, will I be thrown out, too? (0:09:25.95)
Emiliko : No, no! I'm completely fine! (0:09:29.16)
Emiliko : I am as fit as a fiddle! (0:09:31.75)
Emiliko : I did it again. (0:09:40.95)
Emiliko : It seems dolls feel pain, too. (0:09:43.79)
Kate Shadow : Clothes are not for cleaning up spills. (0:09:53.29)
Emiliko : You're absolutely right. (0:09:56.79)
Emiliko : But I needed a big cloth.
I don't mind looking like this.
Kate Shadow : Listen. The Shadows family's
living dolls are not mere servants.
Kate Shadow : They were created to
precisely mimic human beings.
Kate Shadow : Without faces, it's hard to tell the
members of the Shadows family apart.
Kate Shadow : Living dolls, such as you,
serve as our faces.
Kate Shadow : As such, we cannot have you
neglecting your appearance.
Emiliko : Forgive me for bringing
shame upon your family.
Kate Shadow : There is so much you don't know,
but you will gradually learn.
Emiliko : Um... (0:10:30.66)
Kate Shadow : Yes? (0:10:31.62)
Emiliko : I'm a doll someone created, aren't I? (0:10:32.75)
Kate Shadow : That's right. (0:10:36.37)
Emiliko : Why are we created to look human? (0:10:37.91)
Kate Shadow : Perhaps because it allows
you to move about, work,
Kate Shadow : and serve as our faces. (0:10:44.16)
Emiliko : Mistress Kate, are you human? (0:10:46.08)
Kate Shadow : You ask too many questions. (0:10:50.54)
Emiliko : Forgive me. (0:10:53.16)
Kate Shadow : What is it? Are you all right? (0:11:01.29)
Emiliko : I think this might be it for me. (0:11:03.16)
Emiliko : I'm broken beyond repair. (0:11:06.12)
Emiliko : My body won't move. (0:11:09.66)
Emiliko : I can no longer fulfill my duties. (0:11:11.37)
Emiliko : I wish I could've had more
time with you, Mistress Kate.
Kate Shadow : This will not do.
Without you, Kate cannot--
Kate Shadow : Hmm? (0:11:24.41)
Emiliko : Now my body is making strange sounds. (0:11:26.00)
Kate Shadow : Have you eaten? (0:11:28.54)
Emiliko : No, I'm a doll. (0:11:29.79)
Kate Shadow : Food supplies the energy your body needs. (0:11:32.25)
Kate Shadow : It should be delivered
to your room each day.
Emiliko : Forgive me. It's my first day.
I only ate a tiny bit.
Kate Shadow : Well, eat more! (0:11:40.87)
Emiliko : I thought the rest was yours,
so I left it on the cabinet.
Kate Shadow : Wait there. Kate will bring you something. (0:11:45.91)
Emiliko : Mistress Kate... (0:11:50.95)
Emiliko : Wow! Is this all for me? (0:11:54.00)
Kate Shadow : It is. (0:11:58.00)
Emiliko : This is the bread you eat. (0:11:58.87)
Emiliko : It's not like the bread
that's brought to my room.
Emiliko : It's white, and soft,
and so yummy looking!
Emiliko : No! No matter how hungry I am, (0:12:07.70)
Emiliko : I don't want to become a doll so greedy
she'd dare eat her mistress's bread!
Kate Shadow : You are Kate's face, are you not? (0:12:16.62)
Emiliko : Yes. (0:12:19.33)
Kate Shadow : Kate would like to see what she looks
like when eating something delicious.
Emiliko : So that's part of my job, too?! (0:12:26.29)
Emiliko : Then I won't hold back! (0:12:28.50)
Emiliko : Thank you for this bread! (0:12:30.20)
Kate Shadow : What is it? Does such food
not suit a living doll?
Emiliko : It's so yummy! (0:12:38.25)
Emiliko : How can bread be this good?! (0:12:40.04)
Emiliko : It's so very, very delicious! (0:12:42.04)
Emiliko : Hmm? Mistress Kate, why do
you suddenly seem so merry?
Kate Shadow : It's quite amusing to see someone
so delighted over some bread.
Emiliko : But it's so delicious! (0:12:54.83)
Emiliko : This is just too yummy! (0:12:58.37)
Kate Shadow : Don't roll around while you eat! (0:13:02.08)
Kate Shadow : Kate is going to bed now. (0:13:07.12)
Kate Shadow : Thank you for cleaning all day. (0:13:08.95)
Emiliko : You're welcome, but I'm afraid
I was nothing but trouble.
Emiliko : I'm so very happy, and I thank you
for bringing me such delicious bread.
Kate Shadow : You're welcome. How do you feel now? (0:13:19.29)
Emiliko : I feel wonderful and full of energy! (0:13:22.12)
Kate Shadow : You sure are positive, aren't you? (0:13:24.62)
Kate Shadow : Did you forget already? Don't stare. (0:13:29.12)
Emiliko : Forgive me. The thought of not seeing
you till tomorrow made me feel lonely.
Kate Shadow : Huh? (0:13:35.62)
Kate Shadow : You're a strange one. (0:13:36.58)
Emiliko : Good night. (0:13:39.08)
Emiliko : Hmm? (0:14:09.37)
Emiliko : You made a sootman! (0:14:22.79)
Kate Shadow : How long have you been there?! (0:14:25.20)
Emiliko : From the very start! It's a masterpiece. (0:14:26.95)
Kate Shadow : It was merely to pass the time.
There's nothing else to do.
Kate Shadow : You may return to your room if you'd like. (0:14:32.75)
Emiliko : No! I enjoy watching you, Mistress Kate! (0:14:35.00)
Kate Shadow : It makes Kate uncomfortable
to be stared at like that.
Kate Shadow : Would you care to play a game of cards? (0:14:46.79)
Emiliko : May I?! (0:14:49.50)
Emiliko : Excuse me. How do you read this one? (0:14:55.54)
Emiliko : I can't read this one or this one, either. (0:14:59.00)
Emiliko : You taught me so much today. I'm so happy! (0:15:11.29)
Emiliko : I want to study even more
so I may better serve you.
Kate Shadow : You're right. (0:15:17.54)
Kate Shadow : If you get up to clean
an hour earlier tomorrow,
Kate Shadow : Kate will continue today's lesson. (0:15:23.91)
Emiliko : Hurray! That's wonderful! (0:15:27.70)
Emiliko : Mistress Kate taught me
this letter. This one, too!
Emiliko : So that's how you write this. (0:15:36.58)
Emiliko : It's kind of hard to read. (0:15:40.66)
Emiliko : But I'm sure I'll be able to read
better tomorrow. I can't wait!
Emiliko : I overslept! (0:15:51.45)
Emiliko : Good morning. (0:15:59.37)
Kate Shadow : Good morning. (0:16:04.75)
Kate Shadow : You're late. (0:16:10.29)
Kate Shadow : Kate is going to take a bath.
Please clean up this mess.
Emiliko : Yes, ma'am! I will do my best! (0:16:17.70)
Kate Shadow : You've made good progress. (0:16:26.62)
Emiliko : Mistress Kate! I could see your face! (0:16:31.08)
Emiliko : Please stay like that a moment. (0:16:34.50)
Emiliko : Perhaps your profile
will tell me how you feel.
Emiliko : Please smile. (0:16:40.20)
Kate Shadow : Like this? (0:16:43.00)
Emiliko : Could you try a big, loud laugh? (0:16:45.79)
Kate Shadow : Kate's never done that before. (0:16:48.62)
Emiliko : Like this. (0:16:51.25)
Kate Shadow : Amazing. Such laughter
with no cause whatsoever.
Kate Shadow : As you said, profiles are very important. (0:17:00.54)
Emiliko : Yes, ma'am! (0:17:03.91)
Emiliko : I'm done cleaning. (0:17:08.50)
Kate Shadow : Well done. (0:17:10.79)
Kate Shadow : You're quite dirty. Go wash up and change. (0:17:12.16)
Kate Shadow : Then we'll have tea. (0:17:16.00)
Emiliko : Together with you?! (0:17:17.29)
Emiliko : I'll prepare at once! (0:17:19.04)
Emiliko : That's better! (0:17:30.12)
Emiliko : It's almost ready. (0:17:35.50)
Kate Shadow : You only washed what you
saw in the mirror, didn't you?
Emiliko : What?! Oh, forgive me! (0:17:41.50)
Kate Shadow : Come here. Let's wipe you off. (0:17:44.04)
Emiliko : I was wondering. (0:17:47.75)
Emiliko : Do all members of the Shadows
family have a living doll like me?
Kate Shadow : Though the timing differs, (0:17:53.87)
Kate Shadow : we all get a living doll as
recognition of our coming of age.
Emiliko : Oh, I see. (0:17:59.75)
Kate Shadow : What is it? (0:18:03.33)
Emiliko : I was wondering. Am I defective? (0:18:04.37)
Emiliko : Mistress Kate, you are so prim
and proper, so utterly unlike me.
Emiliko : Will I ever be beautiful? (0:18:13.29)
Kate Shadow : You can be made more ladylike. (0:18:21.87)
Kate Shadow : Kate is skilled at
makeovers. Come sit here.
Emiliko : Oh, no, forgive me.
Please forget I ever said that.
Emiliko : There's no need to make
a fuss over me. I'll be fine.
Kate Shadow : Kate wants to play with her doll. Sit. (0:18:37.41)
Emiliko : It's so sparkly! (0:18:43.83)
Emiliko : I wish I had one! (0:18:45.45)
Kate Shadow : It's a makeup box. You'll look
beautiful if you learn how to use it.
Emiliko : What's this? (0:18:51.62)
Kate Shadow : Powder for making your face
look pretty. But you don't need it yet.
Emiliko : I just had a wonderful idea! (0:18:58.87)
Emiliko : If you use this, maybe we'll
be able to see your face.
Kate Shadow : No! Don't! (0:19:07.00)
Kate Shadow : Forgive the raised voice, but
Kate does not need such things.
Emiliko : I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. (0:19:16.62)
Emiliko : After all, I'm your face. (0:19:19.87)
Kate Shadow : You are Kate's cherished identity. (0:19:24.79)
Emiliko : I'm your identity?
I wonder if I'm serving you well.
Emiliko : I will just have to try harder! (0:19:32.87)
Kate Shadow : Be still. (0:19:35.25)
Emiliko : Forgive me. (0:19:36.62)
Kate Shadow : Maybe we should play dress-up, too. (0:19:40.95)
Kate Shadow : My clothes are in the room
over there. Go try something on.
Emiliko : Yes, ma'am! (0:19:46.70)
Emiliko : How do I look? (0:19:50.12)
Kate Shadow : Actually, it is prohibited to dress up
a living doll in a shadow's clothes.
Emiliko : What?! I'll change at once! (0:19:58.54)
Kate Shadow : The reason is clear now.
Dolls look like perfect human beings.
Emiliko : That's not true! (0:20:06.75)
Emiliko : I don't notice when I get dirty,
and my behavior is uncouth.
Emiliko : Even if I wear a lovely outfit,
I'll end up falling and ruining it.
Emiliko : Mistress Kate, you're the one
who made me look like this!
Emiliko : I am your mirror. (0:20:22.29)
Emiliko : See? You're smiling! (0:20:25.58)
Kate Shadow : Do not presume to control Kate's emotions. (0:20:29.37)
Emiliko : Forgive me! I got carried away! (0:20:32.45)
Emiliko : That wasn't my intent.
I just thought you were smiling.
Emiliko : Oh, but you're not emitting soot. (0:20:38.41)
Emiliko : You no longer feel anxious around me. (0:20:40.54)
Kate Shadow : Perhaps you're right. (0:20:44.58)
Emiliko : You just laughed! (0:20:49.45)
Emiliko : It was as plain as day. (0:20:51.25)
Kate Shadow : You know what? (0:20:54.50)
Emiliko : Ma'am? (0:20:55.54)
Kate Shadow : You are still in need of a name.
But it is so hard to decide.
Kate Shadow : One idea is "Emily,"
the heroine of this book.
Emiliko : Emily? How wonderful! (0:21:05.33)
Kate Shadow : She's positive and cheerful just like you. (0:21:07.45)
Emiliko : I'm so happy! (0:21:10.08)
Kate Shadow : But you are rather
strange and funny to watch.
Emiliko : I'm funny? (0:21:16.00)
Kate Shadow : How about Emily with
a twist? Maybe "Emilico"?
Emiliko : Emilico. (0:21:22.41)
Kate Shadow : You don't approve? (0:21:24.66)
Emiliko : No, it's a wonderful name! (0:21:25.79)
Emiliko : Emilico. Starting from today,
I'm Emilico. Hurray!
Kate Shadow : Make us proud, Emilico... (0:21:33.20)
Kate Shadow : in your own special way. (0:21:36.29)
Emiliko : I'll try my hardest to be of
service to you, Mistress Kate!
Emiliko : Thank you so very much! (0:21:41.79)
Kate Shadow : Emilico. (0:21:52.54)
Emiliko : Ma'am? (0:21:53.70)
Kate Shadow : Isn't that spot outside? (0:21:54.70)
Emiliko : Outside? (0:21:57.41)
Emiliko : I wonder if there are other members
of the Shadows family out there.
Kate Shadow : Next episode, "Outside the Room." (0:23:48.83)

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