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EXTRA : Now that July has started,
the weather in China has been hot,
EXTRA : and the distribution of air pressure
has been bringing in warmth,
EXTRA : making the overall temperature higher
than last year all across Japan.
EXTRA : The Kantou Koushin'etsu area
as well as the Tokai region
EXTRA : will have clear, sunny, summery skies ahead. (0:00:16.44)
EXTRA : The temperatures will be hotter inland, (0:00:19.38)
EXTRA : so please beware of unexpected rainstorms
in areas near the mountains.
EXTRA : Tragedy Unfolds
as Large Truck DriShopping District During Festival
EXTRA : And now for our next story. (0:00:27.50)
EXTRA : The escalating dispute
between the Tokyo Manji Gang
EXTRA : has now claimed innocent victims. (0:00:31.85)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Wait, seriously? That's insane... (0:00:35.13)
EXTRA : Six were injured in this incident.
One was sent to the hospital,
EXTRA : but is in cardiopulmonary arrest. (0:00:40.78)
EXTRA : The ones who died at the scene (0:00:42.60)
EXTRA : have been identified as Tachibana Naoto-san,
25, from Shibuya, Tokyo...
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Tachibana Naoto? (0:00:48.14)
EXTRA : and another victim from Shibuya, Tokyo, (0:00:49.07)
EXTRA : Tachibana-san's older sister,
Tachibana Hinata-san, 26.
EXTRA : The MPD is on high alert. (0:00:56.39)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Tachibana... Hinata? (0:00:59.23)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Apparently, my one and only girlfriend,
who I dated in middle school,
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Tachibana Hinata, is dead. (0:01:12.97)
EXTRA : Hey! I know you're in there! (0:01:16.34)
EXTRA : Yes? (0:01:20.28)
EXTRA : How many times do I have to tell
you that your TV is too damn loud?
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Sorry about that. (0:01:25.44)
EXTRA : Honestly, kids these days... (0:01:26.72)
EXTRA : Seriously, how many times do I have to tell
you the same thing, Hanamichi Takemichi-kun?
EXTRA : DVDs need to go back on the shelves
as soon as they're returned.
EXTRA : Hanagaki (0:01:43.41)
EXTRA : I've told you this before, right? (0:01:43.74)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : I'm sor— (0:01:45.36)
EXTRA : Yeah, I know. All you ever are is sorry. (0:01:45.85)
EXTRA : Wow, that's lame! (0:01:53.92)
EXTRA : Hey, old guy. (0:01:56.34)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Huh? (0:01:57.88)
EXTRA : You got a problem? (0:01:58.84)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Uh, no... Uh, I'm sorry... (0:02:00.80)
EXTRA : Dumbass! (0:02:10.32)
EXTRA : Hey! What do you think you're doing?! (0:02:12.42)
EXTRA : Shinjuku Station (0:02:18.65)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : I never thought that my life would (0:02:19.84)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : turn out like this. (0:02:22.52)
EXTRA : The train bound for Shibuya and Shinagawa
will be arriving on track 14.
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Living in a crappy apartment
with paper-thin walls.
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Treated like an absolute moron by
my manager, who's younger than me.
EXTRA : Please stand behind the yellow line. (0:02:28.74)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Then those punks picked a fight with me,
and I somehow ended up apologizing.
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : I've only had one girlfriend in my
entire life, and that was in middle school.
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : To top it off, I'm still a damn virgin. (0:02:40.48)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Where the hell did I go wrong? (0:02:43.76)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Huh? (0:02:55.70)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : You're kidding. (0:03:02.57)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : The moment I thought I was going to die, (0:03:06.07)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : I didn't remember my parents or friends. (0:03:08.71)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : I remembered Tachibana Hinata. (0:03:12.12)
EXTRA : Apparently, Tachibana-san
from Class 2 likes Hanagaki.
Kazushi Yamagishi : Seriously? Why you, though? (0:03:23.76)
EXTRA : What are you going to do? Some boys from
another class came looking for you yesterday.
EXTRA : Don't give me that.
Tachibana-san's super popular, you know.
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Thinking back, my second year in
middle school was when I peaked.
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : I was number two in a kickass
gang of second-years.
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : And that was the only
time I had a girlfriend.
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Is this, like... the thing where you see
your life flash before your eyes?
EXTRA : Shibuya. We have arrived in Shibuya. (0:03:58.96)
EXTRA : Please make sure you have
all of your belongings.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Oh, I'm sorry. (0:04:03.84)
Atsushi Sendou : Hey, Takemichi! (0:04:05.21)
Kazushi Yamagishi : Takemichi! (0:04:07.47)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:04:09.18)
Atsushi Sendou : What are you doing? Get off the train. (0:04:10.19)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Wh-Whoa! (0:04:12.74)
Atsushi Sendou : Hurry up. (0:04:17.19)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Whoa, t-talk about nostalgic! (0:04:18.95)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Makoto, who couldn't keep
his hands off his dick!
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : The fool Yamagishi, who thought
he'd be smart if he wore glasses!
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Our leader, Akkun! (0:04:27.45)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Takuya, who I knew since we were little! (0:04:29.24)
Makoto Suzuki : Yamagishi, did you see this week's issue? (0:04:31.16)
Kazushi Yamagishi : Hell yeah, I saw that pinup! It was insane! (0:04:33.69)
Atsushi Sendou : Yo, guys. We're in public, y'know. (0:04:36.00)
Takuya Yamamoto : I'm starving. Wanna get something to eat? (0:04:38.86)
Kazushi Yamagishi : I could go for a hamburger. (0:04:41.13)
Makoto Suzuki : I've got a coupon. (0:04:43.12)
Atsushi Sendou : Got enough for all of us? (0:04:44.76)
Makoto Suzuki : Nope. (0:04:45.82)
Takuya Yamamoto : The hell, man? (0:04:46.40)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:04:51.54)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : An open collar and baggy pants? (0:04:52.52)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Who the hell is this lame-looking punk?! (0:04:55.15)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : It's me! It's me from middle school! (0:04:57.97)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I was so lame! (0:05:00.81)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : But this was supposed to be when I peaked! (0:05:02.65)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What's in my pockets? (0:05:05.24)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : A single 500-yen coin and a cellphone! (0:05:07.12)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Yo, it's a flip phone! (0:05:09.79)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Talk about memories! (0:05:11.39)
EXTRA : 7/4/2005 (Mon) (0:05:13.75)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : July 4th, 2005? (0:05:14.45)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Uh, wait. Right now, it should be... (0:05:17.58)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : One, two, three... (0:05:20.64)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : This is exactly twelve years ago! (0:05:22.86)
Kazushi Yamagishi : Hey, Takemichi! (0:05:24.83)
Kazushi Yamagishi : The hell are you doing? (0:05:26.93)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Who knew seeing your life flash
before your eyes looked so realistic?
Makoto Suzuki : Seriously, Takemichi? Just fries? (0:05:39.24)
Kazushi Yamagishi : And you got a small! (0:05:42.36)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Well, I need change for the train ride home. (0:05:44.57)
Kazushi Yamagishi : It would've worked out. (0:05:46.96)
Atsushi Sendou : I'm glad your cousin's the leader of
Shibuya Third Middle School, Takemichi.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:05:53.43)
Kazushi Yamagishi : If any third-year tries to mess with us,
we just need to namedrop Masaru-kun.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Wha? (0:05:58.33)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : My cousin? (0:06:00.29)
EXTRA : Give it back~ (0:06:02.88)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Are they really talking about Masaru-kun? (0:06:03.03)
EXTRA : Give it back! (0:06:03.40)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Hang on a sec. What's so good
about having Masaru-kun around?
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I honestly have no idea
what you're talking about.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Wh-What? (0:06:13.11)
Takuya Yamamoto : Huh? (0:06:14.93)
Atsushi Sendou : What are you talking about? (0:06:14.93b)
Makoto Suzuki : We're gonna go pick a fight! (0:06:19.82)
EXTRA : Bring it. (0:06:22.82)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Come to think of it, (0:06:24.04)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Masaru-kun did mention that he was
the leader at Shibuya Third Middle School.
Makoto Suzuki : We're gonna have us a little war with
the second-years at that school!
Kazushi Yamagishi : Yeah! (0:06:33.37)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:06:34.25)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : We're gonna go over to their
school and fight them right now?
Kazushi Yamagishi : Hey, someone say something. (0:06:39.62)
Takuya Yamamoto : Takemichi, they think we're wusses,
so we gotta fight.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : They think we're wusses?
And that's why we're fighting?
Kazushi Yamagishi : You don't need to act like you're scared! (0:06:49.55)
Kazushi Yamagishi : Aren't you gonna greet them with a backfist as soon as we see them, just like always? (0:06:52.51)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Backfist? (0:06:56.27)
Atsushi Sendou : Yeah, Takemichi's always all fired up. (0:06:57.21)
Makoto Suzuki : Lead the way, Charge Commander! (0:06:59.42)
Kazushi Yamagishi : Yeah! (0:07:01.42)
Atsushi Sendou : Hey, you're spilling things! (0:07:02.06)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Wait... Wait, wait. (0:07:08.44)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Shit is moving way too fast! (0:07:10.65)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I do recall something like this happening. (0:07:12.71)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I guess we did go talk to my cousin Masaru-kun
about picking a fight at that school in Shibuya.
Makoto Suzuki : Hey! (0:07:19.37)
Makoto Suzuki : You guys from Shibuya Third? (0:07:21.04)
EXTRA : Y-Yes... (0:07:22.64)
Atsushi Sendou : What grade you in, huh?! (0:07:23.36)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Fighting, huh? (0:07:26.45)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Fighting? (0:07:28.79)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I haven't fought in, like, ten years! (0:07:30.22)
EXTRA : They're gonna yell at us!
Are we gonna get punched?
We're gonna bleed!
I'm scared! It's gonna hurt!
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Shit! I might just piss myself! (0:07:32.46)
EXTRA : I don't wanna!
Depending on where they hit us, we could die!
EXTRA : W-We're just first-years, so we
don't know about the second-years.
Kazushi Yamagishi : What? You're just first-year brats? (0:07:38.75)
Makoto Suzuki : You even got any pubes yet? (0:07:40.49)
EXTRA : Uh, no... yes. (0:07:42.19)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Were the guys I hung out
with always so gung-ho?
Kazushi Yamagishi : Since when? (0:07:43.93)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Shit! I can't keep up! (0:07:45.79)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : C-Calm down! This is still just
my life flashing before my eyes!
Kazushi Yamagishi : Well, that's weird. (0:07:53.39)
Makoto Suzuki : We can't seem to find those
second-years anywhere.
Atsushi Sendou : Everyone we talked to are
either first- or third-years.
Atsushi Sendou : The hell's goin' on? (0:08:00.83)
Takuya Yamamoto : Are they all avoiding us? (0:08:02.08)
Kazushi Yamagishi : Hey! Maybe they heard we were
comin' for them and freaked out!
Makoto Suzuki : For sure! (0:08:07.84)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Wait... I remember this park. (0:08:10.98)
Atsushi Sendou : Well, delinquents from Shibuya are nothin'
but wannabe fancy little city boys anyway.
Kazushi Yamagishi : Takemichi? (0:08:21.94)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Fancy little city boys? (0:08:23.45)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : They're not! (0:08:29.53)
Masataka Kiyomizu : Hey! (0:08:31.12)
Masataka Kiyomizu : Are you the little shits
lookin' for our second-years?
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : These guys are... third-years! (0:08:41.36)
Masataka Kiyomizu : Our second-years... are on a school trip. (0:08:47.03)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : They're third-years in a biker gang. (0:08:50.86)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : They're the real deal... (0:08:53.32)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Real delinquents! (0:08:56.24)
EXTRA : We're gonna bash your faces
in one by one, so line up.
Kazushi Yamagishi : Y-You guys are third-years, right? (0:09:03.95)
Kazushi Yamagishi : We've already talked with
your boss, Masaru-kun.
Masataka Kiyomizu : Masaru? (0:09:14.37)
EXTRA : Hey, Masaru! (0:09:19.70)
EXTRA : Yeah? You don't need to yell.
I can hear you.
EXTRA : Go buy us all drinks, Masaru! (0:09:24.75)
EXTRA : Uh, sure... (0:09:27.98)
EXTRA : Um, who's paying, though? (0:09:29.71)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:09:32.19)
EXTRA : Let's say every time my fist meets
your face, it's worth a hundred yen.
EXTRA : Let's see, one, two... (0:09:37.07)
EXTRA : Oh, I'll pay. (0:09:40.16)
Makoto Suzuki : Hey, Takemichi... (0:09:46.85)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Right. Masaru-kun was their errand boy. (0:09:50.13)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : He was just showing off to me
because I was a year younger.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I just remembered what happened after this. (0:09:59.89)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Not only were we scared shitless, but we
lost our only chance out of it, and then...
EXTRA : Hey, stand up! (0:10:19.33)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : We got the shit kicked out of us. (0:10:21.40)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : We're sorry! (0:10:28.02)
Atsushi Sendou : We're sorry! (0:10:28.02)
Masataka Kiyomizu : You spineless little dweebs. (0:10:30.40)
Masataka Kiyomizu : You've got some nerve,
callin' yourselves delinquents.
EXTRA : You guys get to be little soldiers for
the Tokyo Manji Gang, startin' today.
EXTRA : Better work your asses off. (0:10:40.36)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Ow... (0:10:46.82)
Atsushi Sendou : You okay? (0:10:55.94)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : The Tokyo Manji Gang... (0:11:00.05)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : That's right. This is where it all started. (0:11:02.39)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Our hellish days spent doing their bidding. (0:11:06.90)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : All of us. (0:11:10.93)
EXTRA : Graduation
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I started living on my own and working. (0:11:18.69)
EXTRA : Quit slackin' off! (0:11:18.87)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Sorry! (0:11:21.12)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : But nothing went right. (0:11:22.07)
EXTRA : You can't even manage that? (0:11:23.01)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Sorry! (0:11:25.48)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'd just apologize. (0:11:26.78)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'm very sorry! (0:11:27.87)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Again... and again. (0:11:29.28)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I just spent my life apologizing. (0:11:33.04)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Damn it. (0:11:39.89)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : This sucks. (0:11:42.91)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : My life's ending, and I'm reliving
the worst part of it.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I hear you loud and clear, God! (0:11:48.38)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : You wanna say that my life was utter shit! (0:11:50.51)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : I'm sure you'll succeed, Hanagaki-kun. (0:11:57.60)
EXTRA : The escalating dispute between the Tokyo
Manji Gang has now claimed innocent victims.
EXTRA : {\pos(315,210)\3c&HF2DEDF&\c&H363737&\fs8\fad(780,1)}Tragedy Unfolds
as Large Truck Drives Into
Shopping District During Festival
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Tachibana... (0:12:03.65)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : The Tokyo Manji Gang... (0:12:05.38)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : That's right. The reason Tachibana
dies twelve years in the future...
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : It's all because of them! (0:12:11.75)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : But I guess that has nothing to do with me. (0:12:16.90)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Wait. Tachibana's... (0:12:24.09)
Takuya Yamamoto : Ow... (0:12:29.06)
Makoto Suzuki : You okay, Takuya? (0:12:30.36)
Kazushi Yamagishi : You better not tell anyone that I cried. (0:12:32.55)
Atsushi Sendou : God damn it. (0:12:35.73)
Makoto Suzuki : Man, I'm starving. (0:12:42.25)
Kazushi Yamagishi : I want some katsudon. (0:12:43.71)
Takuya Yamamoto : I can't eat. My mouth's all busted up. (0:12:45.63)
Takuya Yamamoto : Takemichi? (0:12:52.71)
Atsushi Sendou : What's wrong, Takemichi? (0:12:54.12)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Sorry, I've gotta go. (0:12:59.17)
Atsushi Sendou : Huh? Go where? (0:13:01.90)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I forgot... (0:13:12.60)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What did Tachibana look like? (0:13:15.08)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : This is it. (0:13:25.32)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Tachibana... Tachibana... (0:13:27.57)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Here it is! (0:13:31.35)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Yes? (0:13:45.89)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Wait, Hanagaki-kun? (0:13:47.40)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Y-Yeah. (0:13:49.24)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Her voice... I remember it. (0:13:51.18)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Hanagaki-kun! (0:13:55.89)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Were you fighting again? (0:13:58.37)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : You can't keep getting
into fights like that!
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : You just got into a fight over
the dumbest thing last week!
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Are you okay? That looks
like it hurts real bad.
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Did you at least disinfect it? (0:14:10.30)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : You're all swollen up. (0:14:12.11)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Want me to get you some bandages? (0:14:13.93)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Tachibana... Hinata. (0:14:16.16)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:14:28.55)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Why the hell am I crying? (0:14:32.17)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Sorry, it's nothing. I'll go home now. (0:14:36.14)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Hanagaki-kun! (0:14:39.48)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I just... wanted to see you. (0:14:41.23)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : You're lying! Something happened. (0:14:45.29)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : You're not acting like yourself. (0:14:47.56)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:14:55.72)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Just tell me! (0:14:56.92)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : I want to know everything about you! (0:14:58.49)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : I'm your girlfriend, you know. (0:15:03.85)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : You dummy. (0:15:06.00)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Sorry... (0:15:07.83)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : That's right. (0:15:09.75)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : She was always getting mad at me. (0:15:11.40)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : She was small, but so strong-willed. (0:15:14.02)
Hinata Tachibana (teen) : Bye-bye. I'll see you tomorrow at school. (0:15:17.64)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I always loved the cheerful way
she'd say, "Bye-bye."
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : And yet, I... (0:15:25.44)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Damn it! (0:15:31.54)
EXTRA : This isn't all of it, is it? (0:15:37.11)
EXTRA : Don't lie to us! (0:15:39.32)
EXTRA : Jump, damn it! (0:15:41.00)
EXTRA : See? You did have more! (0:15:45.30)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Shut up! I'm trying to have a moment here! (0:15:47.46)
EXTRA : Hurry the hell up! (0:15:51.88)
EXTRA : Quit wastin' our time. (0:15:53.29)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Hey. (0:15:55.12)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:15:55.98)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Shut the hell up, you dumbasses! (0:15:56.60)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : You just keep running your mouths!
Yapping and yapping and yapping ...
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'm seriously in the
shittiest mood right now.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Piss off, or I'll kill you. (0:16:13.61)
EXTRA : S-S-Sorry! (0:16:16.74)
EXTRA : P-Please excuse us! (0:16:18.73)
EXTRA : U-Um... (0:16:26.61)
EXTRA : It's really d-dangerous to leave that there. (0:16:28.91)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Oh, my bad. (0:16:33.44)
EXTRA : Um, thank you for helping me. (0:16:37.59)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Listen up. When guys like that bother you, (0:16:47.11)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : show a little more confidence. (0:16:50.48)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Be prepared to get hit, but don't back down. (0:16:52.17)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : You don't need to take notes! (0:16:57.40)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Anyway, just face them head-on! (0:16:59.78)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : That'll be enough to scare off half-assed punks. (0:17:02.60)
EXTRA : Right! (0:17:06.45)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Confidence and resolve...
All shit I never had.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : So, hey... what's your name? (0:17:13.80)
EXTRA : Tachibana. (0:17:17.21)
EXTRA : I'm Tachibana Naoto. (0:17:18.98)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh?! Wait, are you
Tachibana's little brother?
EXTRA : Oh, I do have an older sister. (0:17:24.19)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : The hell, man? Shoulda told me that sooner. (0:17:25.85)
EXTRA : Wait, are you one of my sister's friends? (0:17:28.38)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Tachibana Naoto... (0:17:33.48)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : That's right. In twelve years,
he's going to die, too.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'm Hanagaki Takemichi. (0:17:40.12)
EXTRA : You can call me Takemichi. (0:17:42.80)
EXTRA : Uh, I won't, but okay. (0:17:44.12)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : You like your sister? (0:17:47.86)
EXTRA : Huh?! Where'd that come from? No, I don't! (0:17:49.04)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Really? Why not? (0:17:52.09)
EXTRA : Because... she's always bossing me
around and telling me what to do.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I see. (0:18:00.37)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Still, though... (0:18:02.77)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Take good care of your sister. (0:18:04.18)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I love your sister. (0:18:07.56)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I love her so much that I don't
know what to do with myself.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I just remembered that today. (0:18:17.72)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'm sure you don't understand, huh? (0:18:23.22)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : This is gonna sound crazy, (0:18:28.77)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : but on this day in 2017, I fell off
a platform onto the train tracks.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I thought I was dead,
but suddenly I was in middle school.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I was me from twelve years ago again. (0:18:39.31)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What do you call that? (0:18:41.97)
EXTRA : Time travel! (0:18:43.69)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Yeah, that! (0:18:44.80)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I might just be having a long-ass dream. (0:18:47.75)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : But you know... (0:18:51.08)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I think God just let me see
Tachibana one last time.
EXTRA : Huh? What do you mean? (0:18:58.07)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : On July 1st, twelve years from now... (0:19:01.88)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Your sister's... going to die. (0:19:04.63)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : And that's also when... you're going to die. (0:19:09.79)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : July 1st, 2017. (0:19:15.46)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Make sure you remember this date, Naoto. (0:19:18.60)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : And protect your sister. (0:19:21.19)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : But yeah, I'm sure this
is all hard to believe.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : If this is real, then I want
to change the future.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I fell so far that I forgot about
her until I heard she'd died.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Feeling pathetic...
Feeling grim and frustrated...
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I want to do all of this over. (0:19:45.55)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'm counting on you. (0:19:49.99)
EXTRA : Okay, I will. (0:19:57.52)
EXTRA : He's awake! (0:20:14.23)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Um... Where am I? (0:20:16.05)
EXTRA : The infirmary at the station. (0:20:18.62)
EXTRA : You fell from the platform onto the tracks. (0:20:20.40)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : July 4th, 2017? (0:20:25.76)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Was that all a dream, then? (0:20:29.03)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Wait... (0:20:31.64)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : I actually survived that?! (0:20:33.25)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : I don't have a scratch on me! (0:20:36.92)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : Could I have some time
alone to speak with him?
EXTRA : Sure. (0:20:42.12)
EXTRA : This man saved your life. (0:20:43.26)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Huh? (0:20:45.84)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : It's been a while. (0:20:48.12)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Who are you? (0:20:52.63)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : I'm Tachibana Naoto. (0:20:54.17)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Huh? (0:20:55.73)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : That day, you changed my fate. (0:20:57.40)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Huh? That day? But... wait, you died... (0:21:01.16)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : You traveled through time! (0:21:05.71)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : That's how I survived and saved you. (0:21:09.44)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : You changed the present
by traveling through time.
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : Takemichi-kun, twelve years ago today, (0:21:21.99)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : this is what you told me. (0:21:25.48)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Make sure you remember this date, Naoto. (0:21:27.89)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : And protect your sister. (0:21:30.52)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : I studied really hard and
became a police officer...
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : so that I could protect my sister. (0:21:38.34)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Th-Then Tachibana is... (0:21:40.19)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : I'm truly sorry, Takemichi-kun. (0:21:44.53)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : My sister... (0:21:46.96)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : has died. (0:21:49.04)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : I did everything that
I could possibly think of!
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : But... But... (0:21:54.82)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : Please help me. (0:21:58.29)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : I know you'll be able to save my sister. (0:22:00.70)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Me? Save Tachibana? (0:22:05.36)

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