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Saltorine Aldike : Is it a rabbit? Yeah, not likely... (0:00:05.62)
Saltorine Aldike : I've never seen anything quite like it. (0:00:08.36)
Saltorine Aldike : Well, best to stay away from
things you don't understand.
Saltorine Aldike : I'll just leave it there. (0:00:14.10)
Saltorine Aldike : Fine, I get it! I get it! (0:00:21.99)
Saltorine Aldike : Will a carrot do? (0:00:24.43)
Saltorine Aldike : My name is Saltherine. (0:00:30.20)
Saltorine Aldike : Just call me Sally. (0:00:32.35)
Saltorine Aldike : I have a princess's order for you! (0:00:34.48)
Saltorine Aldike : Well, technically,
I'm not a princess anymore...
Saltorine Aldike : Do you speak human? (0:00:40.16)
Frau : Some. (0:00:42.99)
Saltorine Aldike : I'm going to ask you a few questions. (0:00:44.30)
Saltorine Aldike : What's your name? (0:00:46.39)
Frau : Frau! (0:00:48.23)
Saltorine Aldike : Frau? Okay. (0:00:49.30)
Saltorine Aldike : Are you a monster, Frau? (0:00:50.86)
Frau : Not monster. Harefolk. (0:00:54.02)
Saltorine Aldike : Harefolk? (0:00:56.63)
Saltorine Aldike : Ah... So this is a demihuman. (0:00:59.00)
Saltorine Aldike : I'd heard there were non-human
beings on the outside...
Saltorine Aldike : That's an interesting outfit you're wearing. (0:01:06.08)
Frau : Style! (0:01:08.54)
Saltorine Aldike : Now, one last thing. (0:01:10.88)
Saltorine Aldike : Have you seen this person? (0:01:18.53)
Frau : No. (0:01:26.89)
Saltorine Aldike : I see. (0:01:27.89)
Frau : Carrot was delicious! (0:01:30.43)
Saltorine Aldike : S-Sure... (0:01:33.13)
Frau : Delicious carrot. Thanks. (0:01:35.16)
Saltorine Aldike : Sure thing! (0:01:39.10)
Saltorine Aldike : Well, Frau, I've got to be going! (0:01:41.51)
Saltorine Aldike : Take care of yourself this time, okay? (0:01:43.38)
Frau : Follow! (0:01:50.87)
Frau : Frau follows Sally! (0:01:52.44)
Saltorine Aldike : Where did that come from? (0:01:55.68)
Frau : Carrot debt! (0:01:57.05)
Saltorine Aldike : Honestly, it's no big deal! (0:01:58.38)
EXTRA : The Ex-Princess and the Harefolk (0:02:02.97)
Saltorine Aldike : It really followed me... (0:02:05.59)
Saltorine Aldike : Don't you have somewhere else to be? (0:02:07.90)
Frau : No! (0:02:09.86)
Saltorine Aldike : That's no reason to follow me , though... (0:02:10.62)
Saltorine Aldike : I wasn't trying to tame the strange thing... (0:02:14.01)
Frau : Travel alone is dangerous! (0:02:16.89)
Saltorine Aldike : Of course it is... (0:02:18.49)
Saltorine Aldike : But travel with a demihuman
might not be much better.
Saltorine Aldike : Well, all right. (0:02:25.11)
Saltorine Aldike : You can stick with me as far as the village. (0:02:26.64)
EXTRA : Haven't seen you around! (0:02:38.41)
EXTRA : Are you a traveler, by chance? (0:02:39.83)
Saltorine Aldike : Yes. (0:02:41.09)
EXTRA : I see. Welcome to— (0:02:41.88)
EXTRA : A demihuman! (0:02:49.65)
Saltorine Aldike : I thought it might be conspicuous. (0:02:53.44)
EXTRA : Get out! (0:02:55.31)
EXTRA : We can't let a demihuman into the village! (0:02:57.46)
Saltorine Aldike : H-Hang on, now! (0:03:02.84)
Saltorine Aldike : It may look weird, but it's
not hostile or anything!
EXTRA : Don't let it deceive you, miss. (0:03:06.61)
EXTRA : Demihumans are our mortal enemies. (0:03:09.29)
EXTRA : Association with one is out of the question! (0:03:11.61)
EXTRA : Now, come with me. (0:03:14.59)
Saltorine Aldike : We're leaving, Frau. (0:03:40.33)
EXTRA : No! Come with me! (0:03:42.04)
Frau : Sally! Village is that way. (0:03:44.05)
Saltorine Aldike : Just come along. (0:03:45.99)
Saltorine Aldike : Princess's orders! (0:03:47.49)
Saltorine Aldike : Okay. (0:03:53.57)
Saltorine Aldike : There's nobody at the entrance. (0:03:54.80)
Saltorine Aldike : Let's sneak inside quick! (0:03:57.97)
Frau : Agreed. (0:03:59.99)
Saltorine Aldike : See? We made it! (0:04:08.65)
Saltorine Aldike : And once we reach the inn— (0:04:10.27)
Local Lord : Oh? (0:04:11.90)
Local Lord : Haven't seen you around. (0:04:13.44)
Local Lord : Are you a traveler, by chance? (0:04:17.39)
Saltorine Aldike : Y-Yes. (0:04:19.09)
Saltorine Aldike : I just got here, actually! (0:04:20.12)
Local Lord : I see. (0:04:22.47)
Local Lord : This may be a simple village... (0:04:24.25)
Local Lord : but I hope you enjoy your stay. (0:04:27.15)
Frau : Carrots! (0:04:29.15)
Saltorine Aldike : Wai— Frau! (0:04:31.56)
Frau : Carrots! (0:04:32.60)
Saltorine Aldike : Control yourself! (0:04:33.63)
Local Lord : If you don't mind my saying, (0:04:36.14)
Local Lord : you do appear hungry... (0:04:38.18)
Frau : Hungry! (0:04:39.78)
Local Lord : You're welcome to stop by
my mansion, if you wish.
Local Lord : I'll treat you to dinner. (0:04:45.26)
Saltorine Aldike : You're the local lord, then? (0:04:51.15)
Local Lord : Making travelers feel welcome
is one of my duties.
Local Lord : Anything I can provide, just say the word. (0:04:57.82)
Local Lord : Might I inquire as to your
companion's whereabouts?
Saltorine Aldike : They were rather tired, I think... (0:05:02.60)
Saltorine Aldike : They're resting in the room you prepared. (0:05:05.71)
Local Lord : That's a shame. (0:05:10.13)
Local Lord : I was hoping they'd join us for dinner. (0:05:11.88)
Saltorine Aldike : I'm so sorry! (0:05:15.14)
Local Lord : Well, I only wish I could provide
more than this peasant's feast.
Local Lord : You must be tired from your journey. (0:05:19.51)
Local Lord : You can stay here as long as you like. (0:05:26.23)
Saltorine Aldike : You've done so much already. (0:05:30.29)
Saltorine Aldike : I don't know how to thank you. (0:05:31.91)
Local Lord : It's nothing, really. (0:05:34.22)
Local Lord : It wasn't until recently that we had
the means to welcome travelers at all.
Local Lord : Our region became overrun by monsters. (0:05:39.79)
Local Lord : They killed many of my people. (0:05:45.60)
Local Lord : It was a deeply trying time. (0:05:48.91)
Local Lord : But one day, a young traveler happened by (0:05:53.68)
Local Lord : who slew the monsters single-handedly. (0:05:56.84)
Saltorine Aldike : Did that traveler have long
black hair, by chance?
Local Lord : Yes. A friend of yours, by chance? (0:06:04.32)
Saltorine Aldike : It's Mikoto! It has to be! (0:06:08.90)
Saltorine Aldike : Which way did the traveler go? (0:06:13.27)
Local Lord : I wish I knew, but I'm afraid I don't. (0:06:15.56)
Saltorine Aldike : I see. (0:06:20.07)
Local Lord : Regardless... (0:06:21.86)
Local Lord : In our gratitude for that
traveler's generous act,
Local Lord : I think we'll welcome all
travelers from now on.
EXTRA : Get out! (0:06:33.88)
EXTRA : We can't let a demihuman into the village! (0:06:36.80)
Saltorine Aldike : Demihumans... (0:06:42.23)
Saltorine Aldike : You don't welcome demihumans, do you? (0:06:44.57)
Saltorine Aldike : Even if they're travelers... (0:06:45.87)
Local Lord : No village could ever welcome demihumans. (0:06:51.08)
Local Lord : But it's an intriguing idea...
a demihuman traveler!
Saltorine Aldike : Why not? (0:07:00.99)
Local Lord : I see... (0:07:04.68)
Local Lord : Perhaps you're too young to know. (0:07:06.17)
Local Lord : Demihumans are savage and stupid by birth. (0:07:09.82)
Local Lord : They're as bad as monsters,
from a human perspective.
Local Lord : Put simply, demihumans
are our mortal enemies.
Saltorine Aldike : Frau doesn't seem so bad to me... (0:07:26.30)
Saltorine Aldike : Forget it. (0:07:36.93)
Saltorine Aldike : I said we'd stick together
as far as the village.
Saltorine Aldike : So when it's time to leave, (0:07:42.67)
Saltorine Aldike : I'll just... (0:07:45.69)
EXTRA : A monster! (0:07:54.56)
EXTRA : There's a monster in town! (0:07:55.57)
Saltorine Aldike : A monster?! (0:07:58.00)
EXTRA : Was there a survivor? (0:07:59.63)
EXTRA : It can't be! (0:08:01.14)
EXTRA : Look! It's got horns! (0:08:02.42)
EXTRA : That's no ordinary monster! (0:08:04.05)
EXTRA : That's an ogre! (0:08:05.80)
EXTRA : But it's alone, see? (0:08:09.24)
EXTRA : I'm sure someone can handle it... (0:08:10.93)
EXTRA : Are you stupid or something? (0:08:12.71)
EXTRA : That's not a monster! (0:08:14.97)
Saltorine Aldike : An ogre? (0:08:17.46)
Saltorine Aldike : That feeling... It's happening again. (0:08:25.22)
Saltorine Aldike : Just like before... (0:08:29.84)
Saltorine Aldike : I feel... (0:08:32.27)
Saltorine Aldike : hot all over! (0:08:34.04)
Local Lord : Stop it! Get back! (0:08:35.72)
Saltorine Aldike : What the... (0:08:44.60)
Saltorine Aldike : Why am I... (0:08:47.39)
Saltorine Aldike : I'm going to... die? (0:08:51.17)
Saltorine Aldike : Thanks so much, Frau! (0:09:17.79)
EXTRA : A demihuman! (0:09:20.06)
EXTRA : It slew a monster barehanded... (0:09:22.12)
EXTRA : It's terrifying! (0:09:24.55)
Saltorine Aldike : Hang on, now... (0:09:25.87)
Saltorine Aldike : Frau just saved this village! (0:09:28.39)
Saltorine Aldike : But just because they're a demihuman... (0:09:31.09)
Local Lord : The savagery sufficient to slay an ogre... (0:09:33.98)
Local Lord : Our fear of demihumans
is thoroughly justified!
Saltorine Aldike : Your Lordship... (0:09:39.94)
Local Lord : Leave our village at once! (0:09:43.69)
Saltorine Aldike : Frau? (0:09:47.33)
Local Lord : You're... (0:09:50.86)
Frau : Carrots were tasty. (0:09:56.58)
Frau : Thanks. (0:09:58.89)
Saltorine Aldike : Princess's orders. We're leaving, Frau. (0:10:04.80)
Frau : Agreed! (0:10:07.20)
EXTRA : Your Lordship! Are you just going
to let the demihuman escape?
EXTRA : It could come back and attack at any minute! (0:10:11.82)
Local Lord : It said... thank you. (0:10:17.27)
EXTRA : Your Lordship? (0:10:20.11)
Saltorine Aldike : I hope you changed a few minds back there. (0:10:24.09)
Hawthorn Grator : Hold it, you two! (0:10:28.04)
Hawthorn Grator : I'm with the Knights of Rimdarl. (0:10:32.38)
Hawthorn Grator : I have a few questions for you! (0:10:35.10)
Saltorine Aldike : How'd we end up in this mess? (0:10:54.66)
Hawthorn Grator : Sorry about that. (0:10:57.57)
Hawthorn Grator : I thought the cell and the
shackles were a bit much...
Hawthorn Grator : But you're hanging with a demihuman, y'know? (0:11:02.82)
Saltorine Aldike : More demihuman hate... (0:11:04.80)
Hawthorn Grator : Sorry for all the unpleasantries. (0:11:08.39)
Hawthorn Grator : Come on out, now. (0:11:14.79)
Saltorine Aldike : So you're... (0:11:22.00)
Hawthorn Grator : Hawthorn Grattor, (0:11:23.86)
Hawthorn Grator : regimental commander of the royal knights. (0:11:25.95)
Saltorine Aldike : I'm Sally. (0:11:28.69)
Saltorine Aldike : That there's Frau. (0:11:30.53)
Hawthorn Grator : Still sore, are you? (0:11:32.14)
Saltorine Aldike : You bet I am! (0:11:34.40)
Saltorine Aldike : As if being a demihuman—or traveling with
one—is any excuse for this treatment...
Saltorine Aldike : Is that the only reason you arrested us? (0:11:40.60)
Hawthorn Grator : Not quite. (0:11:44.20)
Hawthorn Grator : It's because it's a demihuman savage enough (0:11:48.14)
Hawthorn Grator : to slay an ogre barehanded. (0:11:51.25)
Saltorine Aldike : You saw that? (0:11:56.26)
Hawthorn Grator : I was on the road. (0:11:57.51)
Hawthorn Grator : But a demihuman capable of fighting— (0:11:59.35)
Hawthorn Grator : rather, of easily slaying an ogre— (0:12:03.06)
Hawthorn Grator : was the last thing I expected to see. (0:12:04.60)
Saltorine Aldike : Everyone sees demihumans as monsters. (0:12:08.37)
Hawthorn Grator : You're not wrong about that. (0:12:12.32)
Hawthorn Grator : I used to be the same way. (0:12:14.01)
Saltorine Aldike : Used to? (0:12:16.00)
Hawthorn Grator : I told you, I saw it. (0:12:17.79)
Hawthorn Grator : I saw that thing fight to protect you, (0:12:21.75)
Hawthorn Grator : and then bow in respect
to the local big shot.
Hawthorn Grator : Fighting to protect another is
a sign of a chivalrous heart.
Hawthorn Grator : Am I right, demihuman? (0:12:34.95)
Hawthorn Grator : Or rather... Frau? (0:12:36.31)
Hawthorn Grator : Now, let's get you out of here. (0:12:47.12)
Saltorine Aldike : What? Already? (0:12:49.88)
Saltorine Aldike : As easy as that? (0:12:51.54)
Hawthorn Grator : Easy as that. (0:12:53.75)
Hawthorn Grator : It was an unjust arrest
of two innocent travelers.
Hawthorn Grator : The fault's entirely ours. (0:12:59.47)
Saltorine Aldike : Hawthorn! (0:13:01.57)
Hawthorn Grator : I'll take the heat if the hammer comes down. (0:13:03.46)
Hawthorn Grator : You two rest easy. (0:13:06.21)
Frau : Hungry. (0:13:12.88)
Hawthorn Grator : Relief gets the appetite raging, huh? (0:13:15.38)
Saltorine Aldike : I hear you, Frau! (0:13:17.49)
Saltorine Aldike : We've certainly been put through
the wringer, haven't we?
Saltorine Aldike : The unjust arrest of two
good-hearted, innocent travelers,
Saltorine Aldike : who are on the verge of starvation after
a brutal interrogation with no food or water!
Hawthorn Grator : Where'd you get this little improv routine? (0:13:33.06)
Saltorine Aldike : You force us (0:13:36.19)
Saltorine Aldike : to demand food-related restitution! (0:13:38.38)
Hawthorn Grator : H-Hang on! (0:13:43.91)
Hawthorn Grator : You can't start making demands
the minute you're safe!
Hawthorn Grator : Lunch only, you hear me? (0:13:52.34)
Hawthorn Grator : Don't try fishing for a free dinner. (0:13:54.81)
Saltorine Aldike : How come? (0:13:56.94)
Hawthorn Grator : Give me a dang break. (0:13:58.19)
Hawthorn Grator : You think us knights make
feed-other-people-multiple-times kind of money?
EXTRA : Come back and see us, Master Hawthorn! (0:14:04.93)
EXTRA : We just got a fresh catch in! (0:14:08.39)
Frau : Sally? (0:14:20.11)
Hawthorn Grator : I'll pass. (0:14:21.68)
Hawthorn Grator : I'm not alone today. (0:14:22.63)
EXTRA : It's Hawthorn! (0:14:24.19)
EXTRA : What're you doing here? (0:14:29.66)
EXTRA : Is this your sweetheart? (0:14:31.97)
EXTRA : Awesome! (0:14:34.25)
EXTRA : Check out the knockers on her! (0:14:35.52)
Saltorine Aldike : No way! (0:14:38.50)
Saltorine Aldike : He's not my type one bit! (0:14:39.59)
Hawthorn Grator : Hey. (0:14:41.89)
Frau : Carrots! (0:14:42.81)
EXTRA : Welcome! (0:14:46.86)
Saltorine Aldike : Mr. Hawthorn, if you please? (0:14:48.70)
Hawthorn Grator : Yeah, yeah. It's all on my tab, right? (0:14:50.30)
Carrot : An unsightly castle, don't you agree? (0:14:57.38)
Sett : A mere hut. I could topple it all by myself. (0:15:02.19)
Carrot : Don't forget, Sett, that it was
the Kishin who paired us up.
Sett : Don't remind me. (0:15:13.20)
Sett : Let's just get this done. (0:15:14.90)
Carrot : Indeed. (0:15:18.37)
Carrot : Let us make quick work of it! (0:15:19.87)
EXTRA : Wait up! (0:15:32.70)
Saltorine Aldike : What's that sound? (0:15:44.61)
Sett : Look at you, Meki! You look ridiculous! (0:16:09.37)
Carrot : The use of my cannon causes me to shrink! (0:16:11.60)
Carrot : I'll recover soon enough. (0:16:15.29)
Carrot : Proceed without me! (0:16:17.06)
Sett : Yeah, I hear you. (0:16:18.74)
EXTRA : Halt! (0:16:24.23)
EXTRA : You're no mere monster, are you? (0:16:28.65)
EXTRA : I see that horn! You're an ogre! (0:16:31.09)
EXTRA : We do not abide the ingress of ogres to— (0:16:33.65)
Sett : Don't waste time prattling with an
enemy in your midst, foolish humans!
Saltorine Aldike : Ogre. (0:17:01.51)
Hawthorn Grator : Sally! (0:17:08.23)
Hawthorn Grator : Hey, Sally! (0:17:09.08)
Hawthorn Grator : What are you doing? (0:17:10.41)
Hawthorn Grator : You have to go! (0:17:11.72)
Hawthorn Grator : Sally! (0:17:14.01)
Hawthorn Grator : Can't she hear me? (0:17:14.87)
Sett : Human. (0:17:16.83)
Sett : There's defiance in your eyes. (0:17:18.08)
Hawthorn Grator : Damn it! (0:17:20.82)
Sett : A demihuman? How surprising! (0:17:31.19)
Hawthorn Grator : That kick didn't even dent it! (0:17:34.88)
Frau : Sally! (0:17:37.90)
Saltorine Aldike : What? What am I... (0:17:39.97)
Hawthorn Grator : You're back with us at last! (0:17:42.56)
Frau : Sally! (0:17:45.50)
Frau : Run fast! (0:17:46.79)
Frau : Run far! (0:17:49.28)
Saltorine Aldike : I can't just leave you! (0:17:51.00)
Hawthorn Grator : Come on! We can't stay! (0:17:52.48)
Saltorine Aldike : Hey! Hawthorn! (0:17:54.09)
Sett : A demihuman in a human settlement... (0:17:57.52)
Sett : That's surprising enough on its own. (0:18:00.05)
Sett : But one this determined to assist them... (0:18:02.68)
Sett : It's unprecedented! (0:18:05.81)
Frau : Carrot debt. (0:18:08.44)
Frau : Sally was not afraid of Frau. (0:18:10.97)
Frau : Frau wants to remain with Sally. (0:18:13.52)
Frau : So Frau protects Sally. (0:18:16.68)
Frau : The end! (0:18:18.05)
Sett : And that's enough to spur
you to take me on, eh?
Sett : I like your spirit! (0:18:25.03)
Sett : My name is Sett! (0:18:28.90)
Sett : Speak your name, harefolk! (0:18:30.55)
Frau : Frau! (0:18:33.89)
EXTRA : Get the citizens to safety! (0:18:36.02)
EXTRA : Hurry! (0:18:37.48)
EXTRA : Captain, the monster's still out there! (0:18:38.89)
Hawthorn Grator : I know. (0:18:41.79)
Hawthorn Grator : But evacuations come first. (0:18:43.12)
Hawthorn Grator : We can slay the monster when that's done. (0:18:45.37)
EXTRA : Sir! (0:18:47.46)
Hawthorn Grator : Where'd Sally go? (0:18:51.00)
Sett : Good attack. (0:18:59.59)
Sett : But I didn't even feel it! (0:19:01.54)
Sett : You've got speed, but you lack impact... (0:19:04.35)
Sett : You hop around too willy-nilly. (0:19:14.88)
Sett : I've got you now! (0:19:18.39)
Sett : This 'fight' is over. (0:19:19.96)
Sett : I'm impressed. You're still defiant. (0:19:24.01)
Sett : I almost hate to kill you! (0:19:27.36)
Sett : How about this? (0:19:29.40)
Sett : Abandon those humans and head for the hills. (0:19:30.54)
Sett : I'll let you live. (0:19:33.26)
Frau : Frau protects Sally. (0:19:39.13)
Frau : No running. (0:19:43.13)
Sett : I respect that. (0:19:44.81)
Sett : In that case... (0:19:48.73)
Sett : As a show of my respect, (0:19:55.88)
Sett : I'll kill you with all I have! (0:19:57.68)
Frau : Sally... (0:20:05.29)
Frau : Goodbye. (0:20:07.39)
Saltorine Aldike : Don't give up, stupid! (0:20:11.31)
Sett : Farewell to you, harefolk warrior! (0:20:15.88)
Sett : How impressive... (0:20:31.22)
Sett : A suicide attack from that position. (0:20:33.35)
Sett : I did feel that one, lightly. (0:20:36.78)
Sett : But you're through now. (0:20:42.55)
Saltorine Aldike : Frau! (0:20:44.26)
Sett : I know you! (0:20:46.36)
Sett : You're the human the
harefolk wanted to protect.
Sett : What excellent timing! (0:20:52.52)
Sett : I can send you to the grave together! (0:20:54.22)
Frau : Sally. Run... fast. (0:20:57.81)
Frau : Sally? (0:21:03.11)
Saltorine Aldike : This feeling again. (0:21:05.26)
Saltorine Aldike : I feel hot all over. (0:21:08.00)
Saltorine Aldike : But I also... (0:21:10.98)
Mikoto Kibitsu : Once upon a time, in a far away land, (0:21:13.85)
Mikoto Kibitsu : lived an old man and an old lady. (0:21:17.01)
Sett : Harefolk warrior Frau! (0:21:21.54)
Mikoto Kibitsu : The old man went to the mountains to hunt. (0:21:22.22)
Sett : Human of appellation unknown! (0:21:24.14)
Mikoto Kibitsu : The old woman went to the
river to do the washing.
Mikoto Kibitsu : You know the story. (0:21:28.27)
Sett : Farewell! (0:21:29.45)
Mikoto Kibitsu : At last, he'd defeated the ogre, (0:21:33.32)
Mikoto Kibitsu : but upon hearing there
were ogres in other lands,
Mikoto Kibitsu : Peach Boy set out to cross the great sea... (0:21:40.89)
Sett : Wh-What?! (0:21:46.62)
Mikoto Kibitsu : Now, here's a what-if for you to ponder... (0:21:48.57)
Sett : What in the world?! (0:21:50.62)
Mikoto Kibitsu : What if more than one peach (0:21:52.45)
Mikoto Kibitsu : came down the river? (0:21:55.22)
Saltorine Aldike : ...feel so good. (0:21:57.54)
Mikoto Kibitsu : What if that peach, (0:22:04.88)
Mikoto Kibitsu : which came down the river, (0:22:07.34)
Mikoto Kibitsu : was just one of many? (0:22:10.02)

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she is so beuatiful - Anonymous


Here, your freshly-made ice coffee and apple pie. - Chiho Sasaki

Suzuno-san? - Chiho Sasaki

So you think you're closer to him than I am? - Chiho Sasaki

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