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Tamahiko Shima : Pessimist: (0:00:08.09)
Tamahiko Shima : One who is distressed about the world,
despondent about one's life,
Tamahiko Shima : and single-mindedly
discouraged about the future.
Tamahiko Shima : That describes people like me to a T. (0:00:17.14)
Tamahiko Shima : Though born into a family of means, (0:00:22.52)
Tamahiko Shima : I grew up without a single
drop of love from my family.
Tamahiko Shima : The coup de grâce? (0:00:31.32)
Tamahiko Shima : I was in an accident--and lost everything. (0:00:34.15)
Tamahiko Shima : My mother, (0:00:38.16)
Tamahiko Shima : the use of my right hand, (0:00:39.87)
Tamahiko Shima : and (0:00:41.62)
Tamahiko Shima : my father's expectations. (0:00:43.41)
Tamayoshi Shima : You would have to ruin your dominant hand. (0:00:45.75)
Tamayoshi Shima : A good-for-nothing has
no place in the Shima family.
Tamayoshi Shima : Get out of my sight. (0:00:51.71)
Tamahiko Shima : I was sent off to our villa
in the mountains of Chiba.
Tamahiko Shima : As though I were a
nuisance just being alive,
Tamahiko Shima : and I should die, alone. (0:01:06.48)
Tamahiko Shima : Yes: this is my final dwelling. (0:01:09.77)
Yuzuki Tachibana : ♬ In the moonless sky I see them ♬ (0:01:24.41)
Yuzuki Tachibana : ♬ Tiny lights that twinkle so ♬ (0:01:30.59)
Yuzuki Tachibana : ♬ There, in those starry shadows ♬ (0:01:36.72)
Yuzuki Tachibana : ♬ See the shape of hope aglow ♬ (0:01:45.06)
Tamahiko Shima : My life has ended after 17 years. (0:01:52.69)
Tamahiko Shima : I see nothing--no light to
illuminate my way forward.
Tamahiko Shima : There's nothing... nothing. (0:02:02.53)
Tamahiko Shima : How much easier it would be
if I simply never woke up...
Yuzuki Tachibana : Begging your pardon! (0:02:13.80)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Good evening! (0:02:17.09)
Tamahiko Shima : Who could it be, deep in these
mountains on a snowy night?
Tamahiko Shima : And you are? (0:02:33.15)
Yuzuki Tachibana : A pleasure to meet you, Tamahiko-sama. (0:02:35.82)
Yuzuki Tachibana : My name is Yuzuki. (0:02:38.74)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I've come here to be your bride,
Tamahiko Shima : Come to think of it, my father
did mention something that day...
Tamayoshi Shima : There's no one in the Shima family
able to care for you now.
Tamayoshi Shima : I suppose I have no choice. (0:04:40.32)
Tamayoshi Shima : I'll buy you a bride or
something to look after you.
Tamahiko Shima : That's my father. (0:04:46.91)
Tamahiko Shima : Most likely this girl was
being sold to cover a debt.
Tamahiko Shima : Don't want to catch a cold. (0:04:58.84)
Tamahiko Shima : But why send a bride
to a dead man walking?
Yuzuki Tachibana : Um... (0:05:08.76)
Tamahiko Shima : You may use this room as you wish. (0:05:12.10)
Tamahiko Shima : It's entirely pointless. (0:05:17.56)
Tamahiko Shima : Another day begins
without a wink of sleep.
Tamahiko Shima : Wh-What are you doing?! (0:05:37.29)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Oh! Good morning, Tamahiko-sama! (0:05:39.38)
Yuzuki Tachibana : And what a lovely morning it is! (0:05:42.42)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Look: last night's snow
has already begun to melt.
Yuzuki Tachibana : Will you wash your face? (0:05:52.64)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I'll help! (0:05:55.73)
Tamahiko Shima : I can do it myself. (0:05:56.94)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I want to be helpful!
Please let me take care of you.
Tamahiko Shima : Well, yes, but... (0:06:03.48)
Tamahiko Shima : Y-You don't have to dry me off! (0:06:09.45)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Oh, Tamahiko-sama! (0:06:10.95)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Such dark circles.
Are you having trouble sleeping at night?
Tamahiko Shima : Not... (0:06:18.71)
Tamahiko Shima : Not particularly.
And it's no concern of yours.
Tamahiko Shima : Please, let me be. (0:06:24.00)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I've made breakfast... (0:06:27.51)
Tamahiko Shima : I'm not hungry. (0:06:30.05)
Tamahiko Shima : And every day'll be like this? (0:06:33.51)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Pardon me! (0:06:37.06)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I'll just do some cleaning. (0:06:38.18)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I've been shopping in town! (0:06:53.12)
Tamahiko Shima : You certainly are strong... (0:06:55.83)
Yuzuki Tachibana : A nice big serving! Eat up! (0:06:59.83)
Tamahiko Shima : Impossible. (0:07:01.92)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Tamahiko-sama! (0:07:04.42)
Yuzuki Tachibana : There was a hole,
but I patched it for you!
Tamahiko Shima : My long johns! (0:07:11.05)
Tamahiko Shima : You just go around
mending men's underwear?
Yuzuki Tachibana : Underwear?! (0:07:18.43)
Tamahiko Shima : It's a little late to be so scandalized. (0:07:20.31)
Tamahiko Shima : I've been all out of sorts
ever since that girl showed up.
Tamahiko Shima : Here I thought I'd slowly
rot away in obscurity.
Tamahiko Shima : How irritating. (0:07:32.49)
Tamahiko Shima : Don't even have time...
to get lost... in thought.
Yuzuki Tachibana : I'm coming in! (0:07:39.00)
Tamahiko Shima : What?! (0:07:40.75)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I'll rinse your back! (0:07:41.87)
Tamahiko Shima : Pl-Please don't trouble yourself! (0:07:45.46)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Oh, I will. (0:07:47.50)
Yuzuki Tachibana : It must be hard to do one-handed. (0:07:48.71)
Tamahiko Shima : What gives? (0:07:56.30)
Tamahiko Shima : What is this girl thinking? (0:07:58.14)
Tamahiko Shima : Given her speech and mannerisms, (0:08:01.52)
Tamahiko Shima : she was likely a pampered-princess type. (0:08:05.06)
Tamahiko Shima : An innocent girl who
knows little of the world.
Tamahiko Shima : I bet you haven't a
single worry to speak of.
Yuzuki Tachibana : --Why, that's awful!
Tamahiko Shima : --Why, that's awful!
Yuzuki Tachibana : I certainly do have a worry. (0:08:18.49)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Two of them, in fact! (0:08:20.37)
Tamahiko Shima : Is that all? (0:08:24.87)
Yuzuki Tachibana : But to me, both of them are big worries. (0:08:26.63)
Tamahiko Shima : That's right--she was sold
to pay off a debt.
Tamahiko Shima : The unspeakable agony
of coming into the world...
Yuzuki Tachibana : One of them... (0:08:41.52)
Yuzuki Tachibana : my hair--I have so much,
and it's so wavy!
Tamahiko Shima : Huh? (0:08:52.24)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I know--it's weird!
And it's way too fluffy!
Yuzuki Tachibana : I'd love to have shiny,
straight hair, but nothing works!
Yuzuki Tachibana : All I can do is braid it! (0:09:00.04)
Tamahiko Shima : That's... your worry? (0:09:02.41)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I can't believe I showed you! (0:09:06.42)
Tamahiko Shima : Sorry. (0:09:19.39)
Yuzuki Tachibana : So that's what you look
like when you laugh.
Tamahiko Shima : Huh? (0:09:24.27)
Yuzuki Tachibana : If it made you smile, Tamahiko-sama... (0:09:26.02)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I think I'm starting to
warm up to this hair.
Tamahiko Shima : Enough. Leave me in peace! (0:09:35.95)
Tamahiko Shima : She's on my last nerve. (0:09:41.99)
Yuzuki Tachibana : This monaka sweet is delicious! (0:09:54.55)
Machiko : Try these, too. (0:09:57.05)
Keiko : And these--they're tasty! (0:09:58.59)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Are you sure? I'm always
eating everyone else's treats...
Midori : It's perfectly fine. (0:10:06.31)
Midori : After all, Yuzuki,
when you're on meal duty,
Midori : we always eat more than usual! (0:10:10.31)
Keiko : It's a sin to make a maiden
eat even one bite more!
Yuzuki Tachibana : Th-Then I'll just have
to atone for my sins!
Midori : Very good. (0:10:21.66)
Akiko : Yuzuki! I fell! (0:10:23.70)
Akiko : And see this here? It's all torn! (0:10:26.00)
Yuzuki Tachibana : All right. (0:10:28.87)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Let's sew that right up. (0:10:30.38)
Midori : She's such a mom. (0:10:40.64)
Machiko : She really is. (0:10:42.64)
Akiko : Thanks, Yuzuki! (0:10:45.47)
Akiko : You really will make a
wonderful bride someday!
Yuzuki Tachibana : A bride... (0:10:50.48)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Actually, there's something
I need to tell you all...
Yuzuki Tachibana : I... I'm leaving the girls' school. (0:11:00.20)
Midori : But why? This is all so sudden! (0:11:05.45)
Yuzuki Tachibana : It's embarrassing to talk about... (0:11:08.00)
Yuzuki Tachibana : but my parents are deep in debt, (0:11:10.71)
Yuzuki Tachibana : so I'm to be married
to their lender's son.
Machiko : No! (0:11:17.84)
Keiko : B-But women can't marry until they're 15! (0:11:19.88)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Right. (0:11:25.18)
Yuzuki Tachibana : But certain circumstances mean
I'll be leaving to take care of him.
Midori : Yuzuki... (0:11:32.31)
Yuzuki Tachibana : No matter what he's like,
no matter what his circumstances,
Yuzuki Tachibana : I'll just do my best and
be with him for always.
Yuzuki Tachibana : After all, he's my dearest husband. (0:11:43.53)
Midori : It's all right. (0:11:50.50)
Midori : I know you can do it,
no matter who you'll be marrying.
Midori : I mean, you work twice
as hard as anyone else!
Yuzuki Tachibana : Midori... (0:12:01.72)
Midori : You must... you must... (0:12:05.39)
Midori : happy! (0:12:08.68)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I will! (0:12:10.48)
Tamahiko Shima : The New Year's Eve bell... (0:12:31.71)
Tamahiko Shima : So it's the dawn of another year. (0:12:34.00)
Tamahiko Shima : A new year, and my life
is the same as ever.
Tamahiko Shima : I can't sleep. (0:12:50.72)
Tamahiko Shima : All these thoughts
running through my head...
Tamayoshi Shima : Get out of my sight. (0:13:15.17)
Tamaki Shima : Your dominant hand?
You've failed as the second Shima son.
Tamayo Shima : Aren't you fancy,
retiring at such an early age.
Tamao Shima : You should have died instead of Mother! (0:13:26.13)
Tamako Shima : I couldn't care less if you went away. (0:13:30.47)
Tamako Shima : Farewell, useless good-for-nothing
brother of mine.
Yuzuki Tachibana : May I stay up with you? (0:14:10.10)
Tamahiko Shima : What's she thinking? (0:14:14.56)
Tamahiko Shima : As you like. (0:14:17.23)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Hooray! (0:14:19.19)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Oh--I know! (0:14:20.40)
Tamahiko Shima : The girl's a bother, too. (0:14:24.73)
Tamahiko Shima : If she were just a maid, I'd give
her the day off and send her out.
Tamahiko Shima : Don't you hate it? (0:14:37.12)
Yuzuki Tachibana : What's that? (0:14:38.75)
Tamahiko Shima : Being chased deep into the mountains here (0:14:40.38)
Tamahiko Shima : and given as a bride to a man like me. (0:14:42.67)
Tamahiko Shima : Of course you do. (0:14:46.88)
Tamahiko Shima : Of course you'd hate it. (0:14:48.88)
Tamahiko Shima : A pessimist recluse
like me with no future--
Tamahiko Shima : it must be torture simply
to live under the same roof!
Tamahiko Shima : You must be cursing your own misfortune! (0:14:57.27)
Tamahiko Shima : Come now, don't hold back--
tell me how you really feel!
Yuzuki Tachibana : Here. It's ready. (0:15:11.11)
Tamahiko Shima : What is it? (0:15:14.58)
Yuzuki Tachibana : It's delicious. (0:15:16.41)
Tamahiko Shima : It's sweet... and warm. (0:15:25.34)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I warmed up some milk and added sugar. (0:15:28.47)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Back in the dorms at the girls' school, (0:15:38.18)
Yuzuki Tachibana : we'd often stay up late drinking this. (0:15:40.73)
Tamahiko Shima : School? (0:15:44.94)
Yuzuki Tachibana : We'd chat about silly things,
sing songs...
Yuzuki Tachibana : ♬ In the moonless sky I see them ♬ (0:15:53.53)
Yuzuki Tachibana : ♬ Tiny lights that twinkle so ♬ (0:15:59.79)
Yuzuki Tachibana : --♬ There, in those starry shadows ♬ (0:16:05.50)
Tamahiko Shima : --This song...
--♬ There, in those starry shadows ♬
Yuzuki Tachibana : --This song...
--♬ There, in those starry shadows ♬
Yuzuki Tachibana : --♬ See the shape of hope aglow ♬ (0:16:11.09)
Tamahiko Shima : --My mother often sang that
to my little sister, long ago.
--♬ See the shape of hope aglow ♬
Touko Shima : --My mother often sang that
to my little sister, long ago.
--♬ Since our knowledge knows no limits ♬
Touko Shima : --♬ Since our knowledge knows no limits ♬ (0:16:18.47)
Touko Shima : ♬ On some far-off day to come ♬ (0:16:22.89)
Yuzuki Tachibana : What fun we had... (0:16:29.94)
Tamahiko Shima : I no longer think of going back to school. (0:16:34.86)
Tamahiko Shima : Think of all the hardships I'd encounter (0:16:38.45)
Tamahiko Shima : with this right hand of mine. (0:16:41.25)
Tamahiko Shima : I'm just... I'm fed up. (0:16:43.54)
Tamahiko Shima : Fed up with being unneeded... (0:16:47.09)
Tamahiko Shima : Fed up with being hurt... (0:16:49.67)
Tamahiko Shima : With every nightfall, I think: (0:16:53.59)
Tamahiko Shima : "I don't want to wake up." (0:16:56.47)
Tamahiko Shima : No one would even mourn my death. (0:16:59.01)
Tamahiko Shima : But... (0:17:04.64)
Tamahiko Shima : ...the more I think about it,
the less I can sleep.
Tamahiko Shima : Why are you so kind to me? (0:17:30.75)
Tamahiko Shima : Not even my own family...
not one of them...
Yuzuki Tachibana : When your father bought me
for 10,000 yen...
Yuzuki Tachibana : ...I said I wasn't afraid to be
the wife of a man I'd never met.
Yuzuki Tachibana : That was a lie. (0:17:53.86)
Yuzuki Tachibana : But the first time I met you... (0:17:56.82)
Tamahiko Shima : Your coat goes there. (0:18:00.49)
Yuzuki Tachibana : R-Right. (0:18:02.12)
Tamahiko Shima : You must have walked a long way. (0:18:03.70)
Yuzuki Tachibana : A-About 30 chō ... or so. (0:18:06.00)
Tamahiko Shima : Don't want to catch a cold. (0:18:13.09)
Yuzuki Tachibana : He's so kind, and has such integrity. (0:18:16.05)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I'm sure he'll cherish me. (0:18:20.10)
Yuzuki Tachibana : So, I thought, I'll cherish him ,
too, and be kind to him.
Tamahiko Shima : Wha--Wh-Wh-- (0:18:31.94)
Tamahiko Shima : What's your rationale for that?! (0:18:34.23)
Tamahiko Shima : Do you always take people at their word? (0:18:36.53)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Oh, Tamahiko-sama!
Might we sleep together?
Tamahiko Shima : Huh?! (0:18:41.87)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Just for tonight--
it's our first New Year holiday.
Yuzuki Tachibana : Let's greet the first morning
of the new year together!
Tamahiko Shima : Greet the morning--together? (0:18:50.25)
Tamahiko Shima : What--how--what--how is this happening?! (0:18:55.71)
Tamahiko Shima : Wh-Wh-What do I do? (0:19:01.64)
Tamahiko Shima : I-it's my first time--
what am I supposed to d-d-d-do?
Tamahiko Shima : I haven't the foggiest idea! (0:19:08.18)
Tamahiko Shima : Ah! That's right! (0:19:10.44)
Tamahiko Shima : I-It's around here somewhere... (0:19:12.44)
Tamahiko Shima : T-Terrifying! (0:19:18.95)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Pardon me! (0:19:21.32)
Tamahiko Shima : Huh? Separate futons? (0:19:23.41)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Good night! (0:19:26.66)
Tamahiko Shima : "Sleep together"... "sleep together"... (0:19:30.87)
Tamahiko Shima : She really did mean "sleep... together "! (0:19:35.55)
Tamahiko Shima : I-I knew that. (0:19:40.93)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Would you have preferred
we share one futon?
Yuzuki Tachibana : We mustn't! I'm still a virgin who's
never even been in love yet!
Yuzuki Tachibana : That will have to wait
until we're married.
Yuzuki Tachibana : But... (0:20:02.20)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I will save myself for you, Tamahiko-sama. (0:20:03.82)
Tamahiko Shima : You... (0:20:08.24)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Please, call me Yuzu. (0:20:09.70)
Tamahiko Shima : You would give your chastity
to a man you don't even love?
Yuzuki Tachibana : I... (0:20:19.59)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I want to be at your side to see
all the different Tamahiko-samas.
Yuzuki Tachibana : I want to love you. (0:20:27.22)
Yuzuki Tachibana : That's what I think. (0:20:29.35)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Good night. (0:20:33.23)
Tamahiko Shima : What on earth...? (0:20:38.78)
Tamahiko Shima : I... I can't sleep. (0:20:54.37)
Tamahiko Shima : Another entirely sleepless night. (0:20:57.09)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Good morning! (0:21:01.51)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Good morning, Tamahiko-sama. (0:21:05.93)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Happy New Year! (0:21:11.02)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I've made breakfast. (0:21:13.39)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I hope it's to your liking... (0:21:17.69)
Tamahiko Shima : What's this? (0:21:22.53)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Hittsumi dumpling soup. I thought you'd
get tired of New Year's dishes.
Yuzuki Tachibana : Is it good? (0:21:38.84)
Tamahiko Shima : She really is one annoying girl. (0:21:41.55)
Tamahiko Shima : Oh, she wants to love me, does she? (0:21:44.84)
Tamahiko Shima : Can... can I get seconds? (0:21:49.18)
Yuzuki Tachibana : Sure! (0:21:51.26)
Tamahiko Shima : I'm a pessimist who hates
all this world has to offer!
Tamahiko Shima : It's highly, highly unlikely. (0:21:57.02)
Tamahiko Shima : Me, love Yuzu? (0:22:01.94)
Yuzuki Tachibana : I want to take care of Tamahiko-sama (0:23:38.54)
Yuzuki Tachibana : wholeheartedly and with kindness. (0:23:41.42)
Yuzuki Tachibana : If I do, I'm sure Tamahiko-sama
will open his heart, too.

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