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EXTRA : An Inn, a Tower, a Bear, and a Banquet (0:01:45.29)
Lytt : Miss! Miss! (0:01:51.03)
Lytt : Miss, it's already morning. (0:01:56.85)
Cayna : Huh? (0:02:06.88)
Lytt : Good morning! (0:02:08.82)
Cayna : Oh... good morning. (0:02:11.19)
Cayna : My body is... (0:02:20.40)
Cayna : moving?! (0:02:22.56)
Lytt : Are you all right, miss? (0:02:24.21)
Cayna : Y-Yeah, I'm fine. (0:02:27.00)
Lytt : Are you sure? (0:02:29.43)
Cayna : Yup. Positive. (0:02:30.52)
Cayna : Here. (0:02:32.59)
Lytt : I can have it? (0:02:33.43)
Lytt : Thank you! (0:02:35.24)
Cayna : You're very welcome. (0:02:36.84)
Lytt : It's time for breakfast, so hurry down! (0:02:39.07)
Cayna : Huh? An item box? (0:02:43.30)
Cayna : Could this mean... (0:02:46.27)
Cayna : Ow! (0:02:49.97)
Cayna : This is... the high elf... (0:02:57.78)
Cayna : It's the avatar I created in Leadale. (0:03:00.92)
Cayna : Does that mean I'm inside the ga— (0:03:03.57)
Cayna : Guess you can't fight on an empty stomach. (0:03:09.85)
Marelle : Come on, now. Have a seat, missy. (0:03:18.02)
Marelle : Your soup's going to get cold. (0:03:21.43)
Cayna : Y-Yes, ma'am. (0:03:23.08)
Lytt : Here you go, miss. (0:03:27.49)
Cayna : Thanks. (0:03:30.04)
Cayna : It smells so good. (0:03:35.13)
Cayna : I can't remember the last time
I actually ate food with my mouth.
Cayna : It's so good! (0:03:50.39)
Marelle : Well, you sure know how to
make someone smile.
Marelle : What kind of food have you
been eating up until now?
Cayna : Well... (0:03:58.60)
Cayna : Pills, liquids, and IV drips... so, yeah. (0:03:59.84)
Marelle : Huh? (0:04:05.27)
Cayna : Oh, nothing! (0:04:06.08)
Marelle : You're wasting half your life
if you're not eating well.
Marelle : Here! (0:04:11.74)
Marelle : It's on the house!
Eat as much as you'd like!
Cayna : Th-Thank you very much. (0:04:15.78)
Cayna : I wonder if I can eat all of this. (0:04:19.20)
Cayna : But it looks so good! (0:04:21.27)
Cayna : Thank you for the food. (0:04:25.20)
Lytt : You're very welcome. (0:04:26.77)
Cayna : This place seems familiar. (0:04:32.13)
Cayna : Let's see... (0:04:35.18)
Cayna : This is the inn in the village
that's on the border
Cayna : of the White Kingdom of Felstes and
the Green Kingdom of Gruskeilo, right?
Cayna : Wait, but this village is
supposed to be prosperous,
Cayna : since it's along a trading route. (0:04:47.28)
Cayna : And yet... (0:04:49.07)
Marelle : Is something the matter? (0:04:54.00)
Cayna : I remember this place being far
livelier the last time I was here.
Marelle : Livelier? That'd have to
be about 200 years ago.
Cayna : Two hundred years? (0:05:04.45)
Marelle : Things have gone downhill since (0:05:05.59)
Marelle : the Kingdom of Felskeilo was established. (0:05:08.00)
Cayna : Felskeilo? (0:05:10.58)
Cayna : What's with that name?
It sounds like someone merged
Cayna : the White Kingdom and the
Green Kingdom together!
Cayna : I'm not inside the Leadale
that I actually played in?
Marelle : Oh? You don't know about Felskeilo? (0:05:20.76)
Cayna : N-No... I was away for a while. (0:05:23.92)
Marelle : Long ago, the seven nations
were constantly fighting,
Marelle : and everywhere was in shambles. (0:05:32.32)
Marelle : Then, because the fighting got so bad, (0:05:34.88)
Marelle : God chose leaders among the people. (0:05:38.46)
Marelle : Those leaders worked hard to scale the
number of kingdoms down to three,
Marelle : and that brings us to today. (0:05:44.94)
Cayna : I had no idea. (0:05:47.52)
Cayna : The seven kingdoms were how
the world was laid out in Leadale.
Cayna : Am I actually in that world,
but 200 years after I played it?
Marelle : You really came here that long ago? (0:05:59.38)
Cayna : Y-Yes... Though it was only once. (0:06:02.90)
Marelle : I guess elves really do live long lives! (0:06:06.30)
Marelle : I'm Marelle. This little one is Lytt. (0:06:10.56)
Lytt : Hi, my name is Lytt. (0:06:13.76)
Cayna : My name is Cayna. (0:06:15.68)
Cayna : Oh, um... (0:06:17.82)
Cayna : I'd like to stay at this inn for a while. (0:06:19.32)
Cayna : Would this be enough? (0:06:23.07)
Marelle : Oh, my goodness! (0:06:24.86)
Marelle : Don't go flaunting all this money like that! (0:06:26.12)
Cayna : Huh? All this money? (0:06:30.41)
Marelle : Four coins is enough to
spend ten nights at this inn.
Cayna : Huh? R-Really? (0:06:35.91)
Cayna : I guess the value of money has
changed a lot in 200 years.
Cayna : W-Well, here you go, then. (0:06:41.92)
Cayna : I'll be in your care for a while. (0:06:45.56)
Marelle : Sure thing. Payment received. (0:06:47.45)
Marelle : Make yourself right at home. (0:06:49.43)
Marelle : No need to hold back. (0:06:52.74)
Lytt : Not at all. (0:06:54.99)
Cayna : Well, then... (0:06:59.49)
Cayna : Name: Cayna. Level 1100. (0:07:02.27)
Cayna : Race: high elf. (0:07:05.15)
Cayna : Title: Skill Master No. 03. (0:07:06.78)
Cayna : I guess nothing's changed. (0:07:09.89)
Cayna : And my status... Yeah, I'm strong. (0:07:11.38)
Cayna : I know I'm talking about myself here,
but I'm way too OP.
Cayna : As for items... (0:07:18.70)
Cayna : Oh, right. Kee, are you around? (0:07:21.13)
Key : Yes. I am right here. (0:07:24.63)
Key : My job is to support you, after all. (0:07:26.93)
Key : There are two urgent matters
that require your attention.
Cayna : Urgent? (0:07:31.59)
Key : First, you have been cut off
from the hospital's system.
Key : Second, you've been disconnected
from Leadale's master system.
Cayna : I've been cut off from the hospital's system? (0:07:41.30)
Cayna : What happened? (0:07:44.62)
Key : I speculate that a power outage
happened after you went to bed.
Cayna : A power outage... (0:07:50.15)
Cayna : And probably due to
that power outage, I'm...
Cayna : My mind somehow escaped into the game,
but my physical body is...
Cayna : Crap... (0:08:14.34)
Cayna : Wait, it's nighttime?! (0:08:20.59)
Cayna : There should be other players
besides me on this continent, right?
Cayna : I wonder how they're all doing. (0:08:27.61)
Cayna : First, I'll have to find my tower
and gather some information.
Cayna : I wonder if I can still do it. (0:08:36.95)
Cayna : Magic Skill: Light. (0:08:39.12)
Cayna : Level 1: Ready Set. (0:08:41.32)
Cayna : Lytt? What's the matter? (0:08:49.26)
Lytt : U-Um... Is that hurting you? (0:08:52.07)
Cayna : I'm fine. It's just a harmless light. (0:08:54.20)
Cayna : Is this the first time
you've seen magic, Lytt?
Cayna : I guess it might be rare for normal
villagers to even see magic.
Cayna : I see. You were coming up
here to bring me a light.
Lytt : No, it's okay. This is much brighter. (0:09:10.93)
Lytt : You're amazing, miss. (0:09:14.20)
Lytt : Oh, hey. (0:09:20.92)
Lytt : It's time for dinner. (0:09:21.87)
Cayna : Oh... H-Hello. (0:09:31.01)
Marelle : Sorry it's so noisy in here. (0:09:39.86)
Marelle : They're all basically harmless,
though, so don't you worry.
EXTRA : Hey, that's mean. (0:09:46.52)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:09:48.12)
Lottor : Be careful, missy. (0:09:49.67)
Lottor : She may not look it, but she
used to be this village's best figh—
Marelle : Keep your mouth shut. (0:09:54.82)
Luine : Go on. Eat up while it's still warm. (0:09:55.65)
Cayna : Oh, sure. Thank you. (0:09:58.09)
Cayna : Huh? (0:10:00.20)
Luine : I'm Luine, Marelle's oldest daughter. (0:10:01.86)
Luine : I come by at night to help out. (0:10:04.57)
Luine : You're Cayna, right? (0:10:06.54)
Cayna : Um... yes. (0:10:08.34)
Marelle : Come on, Luine. The food's getting cold. (0:10:09.78)
Marelle : If you've got time to chat,
start serving them drinks.
Luine : Yeah, yeah. Jeez, Mom... (0:10:18.15)
Cayna : So good. (0:10:25.87)
Luine : What are you doing in a remote
place like this anyway, Cayna?
Cayna : Um... well... (0:10:34.20)
Cayna : I'm looking for something. (0:10:37.72)
Marelle : Looking for something? (0:10:39.00)
Lytt : Like what? (0:10:40.17)
Cayna : My home tower... It's this silver tower. (0:10:41.64)
Marelle : Y-You're going somewhere that terrifying? (0:10:48.46)
Luine : D-Don't do it! (0:10:50.85)
Cayna : H-Huh? (0:10:52.52)
Cayna : You know about the tower? (0:10:53.75)
Luine : There's a legend saying the terrifying
Silver Ring Witch lives there!
Lytt : Are you okay, miss? (0:11:03.28)
Cayna : I'm fine! I'm perfectly healthy!
No problems at all!
Cayna : I'll be going to bed now! Goodnight! (0:11:07.74)
Lytt : I wonder what's wrong. (0:11:12.07)
Cayna : It's been 200 years, and yet... (0:11:16.66)
Cayna : My stupid "Silver Ring Witch"
nickname is still around!
Cayna : It's so insanely embarrassing. (0:11:25.37)
Cayna : My dark past where I stomped
on so many other players...
Cayna : Oh, wait. (0:11:31.14)
Cayna : If my dark past is still around,
that just proves there are other players.
Cayna : Okay, I'll try getting to the tower tomorrow. (0:11:37.45)
EXTRA : Widdle Cayna is 317 years owd! (0:11:41.72)
EXTRA : Shh! What if she wakes up? (0:11:59.07)
EXTRA : S-Sorry. (0:12:01.65)
EXTRA : Come on, hurry up.
A traveling elf should be loaded.
EXTRA : Right. (0:12:07.42)
Key : Pervert Blocker: Summoning Magic:
Lightning Spirit has been activated.
EXTRA : Bro, let go of me! (0:12:28.31)
EXTRA : Just shut up and run! (0:12:30.82)
Key : Report deemed unnecessary. (0:12:40.58)
Key : Deleted from log. (0:12:43.62)
Cayna : Wow, it's such a nice day! (0:12:50.35)
Cayna : Eagle Eyes. (0:12:54.92)
Cayna : There it is! (0:13:00.05)
Marelle : Are you really going to go so lightly dressed? (0:13:05.64)
Marelle : You're not thinking of going to the tower
where the Silver Ring Witch is, are you?
Cayna : Of course not. (0:13:12.96)
Cayna : I'm just going to search
for some medicinal herbs.
Marelle : I know you're an elf, but I'm still worried. (0:13:19.47)
Marelle : There are monsters in that forest, too. (0:13:22.48)
Cayna : I'm pretty strong, despite
how I look. Have no fear.
Marelle : You sure? (0:13:28.82)
Marelle : All right, well... Be careful. (0:13:30.20)
Lytt : Miss, at least take this with you. (0:13:33.24)
Cayna : Thank you, Lytt. (0:13:37.43)
Cayna : I'll try to find a little gift for you,
so look forward to it.
Lytt : Okay! (0:13:43.97)
Cayna : Okay, no one's around, so... (0:13:54.65)
Cayna : Guardian Ring. (0:13:58.43)
Cayna : Now I should be able to get to my tower base. (0:14:02.58)
Cayna : One who protects in times of trouble! (0:14:05.66)
Cayna : I beseech you to rescue this
depraved world from chaos!
Cayna : I swear, they went way too
overboard on these effects.
Cayna : Good grief! (0:14:32.37)
Cayna : Looks I made it in just fine. (0:14:33.64)
Cayna : Couldn't they have done something
about the dumb password, though?
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Hey, hey, hey! (0:14:52.94)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : It's been a while, Master! (0:14:55.37)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : You left me, the Guardian of the
Silver Tower, alone for 200 years!
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Where the hell have you been? (0:15:02.60)
Cayna : Did you always speak so rudely? (0:15:07.36)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Wha? (0:15:11.14)
Cayna : What, are you a delinquent now? (0:15:12.38)
Cayna : Has anyone passed the tower's
trials while I've been gone?
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Nope! (0:15:19.44)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : It's so damn peaceful, I could puke. (0:15:20.93)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Oh, yeah. (0:15:23.52)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Skargo came by about 60 years ago. (0:15:25.11)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : He was trying to get in touch with you. (0:15:29.16)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : And you had the nerve to ignore
my call then, didn't ya? Huh?!
Cayna : Well, my hands were kinda full. (0:15:37.99)
Cayna : Forget 60 years. (0:15:41.54)
Cayna : I'm not even sure I was in this
world for the last 200 years.
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Skargo came by. Didn't you hear me? (0:15:47.22)
Cayna : I heard you, but who's that? (0:15:51.14)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Guess you've finally
gone senile, you old hag.
Cayna : Oh? (0:15:58.13)
Cayna : Say that again? (0:16:03.65)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : I was wrong! (0:16:06.80)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Please forgive me, Master! (0:16:08.27)
Cayna : Well, whatever. (0:16:11.16)
Cayna : Anyway, who's Skargo again? (0:16:12.19)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : He's your son, remember? (0:16:14.95)
Cayna : What?! My son?! (0:16:18.08)
Cayna : A son? I couldn't possibly... (0:16:20.77)
Cayna : Hm? Skargo? (0:16:22.98)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Yeah, you've lost it. (0:16:25.07)
Cayna : Oh. (0:16:27.88)
Cayna : Oh, right! The Foster System! (0:16:30.32)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : The Foster System? The heck is that? (0:16:33.01)
Cayna : Oh, um... Simply put... (0:16:36.01)
Cayna : I could make NPCs by spending
real money in the game.
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Huh? (0:16:44.12)
Cayna : Talk about a convenient way
to make in-game money.
Cayna : Anyway, enough about that. (0:16:49.03)
Cayna : I see. Skargo... My son. (0:16:50.77)
Cayna : Not only do I have a son, (0:16:53.78)
Cayna : I even created a sister and
a little brother for him.
Cayna : I never got to date anyone,
so I never got married.
Cayna : And yet, I have three children,
all over 200 years old.
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Would you stop talking nonsense already? (0:17:08.34)
Cayna : I guess this part is the same as the game. (0:17:28.99)
Cayna : Let's see... What should I take with me? (0:17:32.04)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Say, Master. (0:17:34.41)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : You didn't just come here
to grab some items, did you?
Cayna : Actually, yeah. That's the
main reason I'm here.
Cayna : I'm also looking for some information.
Anything strange happen lately?
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Skargo said something about the seven
kingdoms uniting into three or something.
Cayna : Yeah, I heard about that. (0:17:51.46)
Cayna : I wonder what happened to the
other players besides me.
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Hell if I know. (0:17:57.38)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Half of your crew were humans,
so they're probably six feet under.
Cayna : Probably, yeah... (0:18:03.69)
Cayna : All right, that should do it. (0:18:05.86)
Cayna : And... (0:18:08.54)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Wh-What? (0:18:09.79)
Cayna : I'll give you some MP. (0:18:11.19)
Cayna : There we go. (0:18:18.07)
Cayna : You were running on empty, weren't you? (0:18:19.66)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Damn right I was. (0:18:21.90)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : You left me hanging for 200 years! (0:18:23.08)
Cayna : Right... (0:18:26.08)
Cayna : Now you'll be able to watch
over this tower for a while again.
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Uh, say, Master... (0:18:30.17)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : I've got a little request. (0:18:33.68)
Cayna : What? (0:18:36.21)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : I guess the other Guardian
Towers stopped functioning.
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Could you go check on them
if you get a chance?
Cayna : I guess they've been ignored, too. (0:18:44.14)
Cayna : All right. I'll go look for them. (0:18:46.81)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : I'm counting on you, Master. (0:18:49.82)
Cayna : Well, I guess I'll head back to the village. (0:18:55.60)
Cayna : Oh, shoot! (0:18:57.67)
Cayna : I should've left something in the village
so I could set it as my teleport destination.
Cayna : Damn it... Guess I'll have to run. (0:19:02.57)
Cayna : Travel Speed Up, Agility Up,
Movement Up... selected.
Cayna : Okay. (0:19:16.22)
Cayna : I can't remember the last time I exercised. (0:19:26.51)
Cayna : I know I used magic, but running at
full speed is... j-j-just rough.
Key : It came from the road. (0:19:37.31)
Cayna : Is someone being attacked? (0:19:39.56)
Cayna : A horned bear? (0:19:46.11)
Cayna : You okay? (0:19:56.91)
Lottor : Y-Yeah... (0:19:58.89)
Lottor : You're pretty amazing, missy. (0:20:00.35)
Cayna : Um, yeah... Just because
of my active skills.
Lottor : Huh? (0:20:06.05)
Cayna : Er, never mind. (0:20:06.61)
Cayna : Ten... no, even twenty bears
would be no match for me!
Lottor : Thanks. I hope I can repay you somehow. (0:20:14.42)
Cayna : No worries. (0:20:17.84)
Cayna : It's only natural to help someone
out when they're in trouble.
Lottor : But, missy... (0:20:22.61)
Cayna : If you really want to thank me... (0:20:24.01)
Cayna : My name is Cayna. (0:20:26.50)
Cayna : I'd appreciate it if you called me
that instead of "missy."
Lottor : My name's Lottor. (0:20:33.39)
Lottor : Thanks again, Cayna. (0:20:35.57)
Cayna : Sure. I'm glad you're okay. (0:20:38.09)
Lytt : You must be really strong, miss! (0:20:45.83)
Lytt : A horned bear sure is some gift! (0:20:47.85)
Marelle : Tell me about it. (0:20:50.65)
Marelle : You went into the woods
for medicinal herbs
Marelle : and came back with a whole horned bear. (0:20:54.00)
Marelle : Talk about a surprise. (0:20:56.41)
Luine : Well, because of that, (0:20:57.99)
Luine : we get to partake in the spoils. (0:20:59.86)
EXTRA : Thanks, Cayna! (0:21:03.38)
EXTRA : Thanks! (0:21:05.43)
Lottor : Here, Cayna. (0:21:07.89)
Cayna : What's this? (0:21:09.66)
Lottor : It's wine. (0:21:10.61)
Cayna : Wow... It smells sweet. (0:21:12.58)
Lottor : You've never had it before? (0:21:15.39)
Luine : Even though you've been
alive for over 200 years?
Cayna : I didn't really have many
opportunities to drink.
Cayna : In actuality, I haven't
been alive for centuries.
Cayna : And I was confined to a hospital bed, so... (0:21:25.06)
Marelle : Well, let's have a toast. (0:21:27.60)
Marelle : Cayna, you're the star tonight,
so you get to lead us in this toast.
Cayna : Right... (0:21:35.58)
Cayna : To new encounters! (0:21:39.01)
EXTRA : To new encounters! (0:21:40.20)
Cayna : It's so good. (0:21:43.53)
Lytt : Look at you go, miss. (0:21:47.23)
Cayna : Huh? (0:21:51.56)
Marelle : Oh, Cayna... (0:21:58.20)
Marelle : She may be tough against horned bears,
but she's no match for alcohol.
Lytt : Goodnight, miss. (0:22:03.59)
Lytt : Sweet dreams. (0:22:05.85)

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