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Diplomat : How much longer to the embassy? (0:00:03.28)
Chauffeur : I believe it'll be around 20 minutes, sir. (0:00:06.68)
Chauffeur : Huh? (0:00:09.63)
Chauffeur : The brake's not working. (0:00:10.69)
Diplomat : Hey, you! Up front! Look up front! (0:00:11.97)
WISE Office Chief : One of our diplomats perished
in a car accident in Ostania.
WISE Office Chief : But we believe it to be an assassination
by the East's far-right political party.
WISE Office Chief : They are plotting a war against
our nation of Westalis.
WISE Office Chief : We must do everything we can
to figure out their plan.
EXTRA : Let's let him take care of it. (0:00:38.10)
EXTRA : The best agent we have. (0:00:39.81)
EXTRA : "Twilight." (0:00:42.65)
EXTRA : Here's the goods I promised. (0:00:45.39)
EXTRA : Proof that the foreign
minister wears a toupee.
EXTRA : I even have the negatives. (0:00:50.00)
Edgar : Well done. (0:00:52.65)
Edgar : Now we can force him to resign. (0:00:54.28)
Edgar : I look forward to doing
business with you again.
Edgar : Hey. (0:01:00.77)
Edgar : How about you hand over the goods now? (0:01:02.92)
EXTRA : Huh? Wha—But you just— (0:01:06.03)
EXTRA : He got me! (0:01:11.17)
EXTRA : Code name: Twilight. (0:01:12.67)
EXTRA : A spy. (0:01:15.49)
EXTRA : In an era in which the nations of
the world were waging a fierce war
EXTRA : of information just out of sight, (0:01:23.31)
EXTRA : this man survived that battlefield by being (0:01:25.11)
EXTRA : a master of disguise,
a man with a hundred faces.
Karen : So Daddy's been in such a bad
mood lately because someone
Karen : stole his toupee pictures, or something. (0:01:34.97)
Karen : What even? Ugh, I'm so mad. (0:01:36.94)
Karen : Hello? Are you even listening, Robert? (0:01:39.25)
Loid Forger : Hm? Yes, that's rather unfortunate. (0:01:41.23)
Karen : So, Robert... Do you think
one day we'll also—
Loid Forger : Karen, let's break up. (0:01:49.52)
Karen : What?! (0:01:51.26)
Loid Forger : I'm afraid I can't sense any intelligence
in your conversations.
Loid Forger : Farewell. May you find happiness. (0:01:55.00)
Karen : Hey, Robert! Wait!
You can't just do that to me!
Karen : Robert! (0:02:00.14)
Loid Forger : Sorry, Karen, but I have no
further use for your family.
Loid Forger : As of tonight, I'm also done with
the mask known as Robert.
Loid Forger : Marriage? Conventional happiness? (0:02:09.36)
Loid Forger : I got rid of those aspirations, as well
as my identity, the day I became a spy.
EXTRA : Meow. (0:02:28.11)
Loid Forger : Must be Cipher C. (0:02:29.17)
EXTRA : The train bound for Berlint is
now departing from track 5.
WISE Office Chief : Good day, or perhaps,
good evening, Twilight.
WISE Office Chief : Well done on your last mission. (0:02:40.91)
WISE Office Chief : Thanks to you, the minister lived another day,
to the great benefit of our country.
WISE Office Chief : Now, then, I have your next mission. (0:02:48.01)
WISE Office Chief : Your target is the leader of the
National Unity Party, Donovan Desmond.
WISE Office Chief : He is a great threat to the truce
between the East and the West.
WISE Office Chief : Your mission is to get close to him
and probe any seditious activities.
WISE Office Chief : In order to achieve this, (0:03:02.44)
WISE Office Chief : you will get married and have a child. (0:03:03.65)
Loid Forger : Sorry, what?! (0:03:06.89)
WISE Office Chief : Desmond is an extremely cautious
man who rarely appears in public.
WISE Office Chief : He only appears at social gatherings held
at the elite private school his son attends.
WISE Office Chief : These events are informal get-togethers for the
upper echelon of industrial and political leaders.
WISE Office Chief : You will have your child
enroll in this school
WISE Office Chief : and infiltrate one of the social gatherings. (0:03:25.19)
WISE Office Chief : The enrollment deadline is drawing near,
meaning you have one week to pull this off.
Loid Forger : You expect me to produce a
child within seven days?!
Loid Forger : Please excuse me. (0:03:37.35)
WISE Office Chief : Operation Strix. (0:03:39.07)
WISE Office Chief : This operation is the key to maintaining
peace between East and West...
WISE Office Chief : and perhaps, the world. (0:03:43.90)
WISE Office Chief : Hero who casts no shadow, (0:03:46.05)
WISE Office Chief : the great deeds you and your fellow
agents do shall never see the light of day.
WISE Office Chief : You will never earn any medals
nor make it into the papers.
WISE Office Chief : Even so... (0:03:54.53)
WISE Office Chief : Never forget that everyone else's
day-to-day lives are possible
WISE Office Chief : because of your blood, sweat, and tears. (0:03:58.32)
Loid Forger : Very well. (0:04:01.45)
Loid Forger : I abandoned my identity
when I became Twilight.
Loid Forger : I will play the part of a
father with a child if I must,
Loid Forger : for the sake of a better world. (0:04:08.71)
EXTRA : This is one of our single-family apartments. (0:04:15.85)
EXTRA : The unit comes furnished, includes central
air conditioning and heating, and...
EXTRA : Um... Sir? (0:04:21.41)
Loid Forger : No wiretaps detected, and there
are securable escape routes.
Loid Forger : I'll take it. (0:04:26.52)
EXTRA : Excellent, Mr. Forger. Now,
if you'd sign these documents...
Loid Forger : Loid Forger. Occupation: psychiatrist. (0:04:30.91)
Loid Forger : That's my new life. (0:04:34.29)
Loid Forger : With a family I love and
a happy home life...
EXTRA : How nice that you and your family
are moving into a new home.
EXTRA : Do you have a boy or a girl? (0:04:42.33)
Loid Forger : Ah, well... (0:04:44.72)
Loid Forger : I'll be deciding on that soon. (0:04:46.34)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:04:47.60)
Loid Forger : What an absolute burden for a spy. (0:04:48.48)
Orphanage Director : Huh? You wanna adopt? (0:04:53.86)
Loid Forger : Indeed. I heard that your orphanage
was looking for candidates.
Loid Forger : You see, my wife and I— (0:05:01.49)
Orphanage Director : Yeah, sure. Take whichever one you want. (0:05:02.30)
Orphanage Director : Come on in. (0:05:05.76)
Loid Forger : What a terrible environment. (0:05:07.65)
Loid Forger : But the shadier the establishment, (0:05:09.72)
Loid Forger : the more likely these children
have complicated pasts,
Loid Forger : so it'll be easier to alter their stories. (0:05:14.20)
Loid Forger : I can make this mission
work if I have a child.
Loid Forger : I would've preferred to
handle it all on my own,
Loid Forger : but I can't exactly disguise myself as a child, (0:05:22.36)
Loid Forger : no matter how skilled a spy I am. (0:05:25.15)
Loid Forger : Pardon me. If possible, I'd like
a child who can read and write.
Orphanage Director : Well, in that case... (0:05:31.40)
Orphanage Director : Hey, Anya. (0:05:32.89)
Orphanage Director : She's the smartest one we've got. (0:05:34.54)
Orphanage Director : She don't talk much, but she's a good kid. (0:05:36.26)
Orphanage Director : She's a creepy, disgusting little brat. (0:05:38.62)
Orphanage Director : I'd be thrilled to get her outta my hair. (0:05:40.81)
Orphanage Director : Go on. Say hello. (0:05:43.26)
Loid Forger : Er... Pardon me. (0:05:45.45)
Loid Forger : If I recall, the earliest age students
can enter Eden College is six.
Loid Forger : She definitely looks no
older than four or five.
Anya Forger : Six. (0:05:54.08)
Anya Forger : I'm six! (0:05:55.47)
Orphanage Director : You're six years old? (0:05:56.51)
Loid Forger : But she's so small... (0:05:59.11)
Loid Forger : Hm? The paper? (0:06:04.60)
Loid Forger : A crossword puzzle? (0:06:07.19)
Loid Forger : That's probably too difficult for a child. (0:06:08.68)
Loid Forger : Of course, for myself,
it's mere child's play.
Loid Forger : One down is "homeostasis." (0:06:14.78)
Loid Forger : One across is "causal closure." (0:06:16.70)
Loid Forger : The one below that is "symplectomorphism." (0:06:18.73)
Loid Forger : She completed it? Seriously? (0:06:25.61)
Loid Forger : Such unbelievable intellect. (0:06:27.53)
Loid Forger : She should have no problem
passing the entrance exam.
Loid Forger : I'll take her. (0:06:32.65)
Loid Forger : As for the paperwork... (0:06:34.02)
Orphanage Director : Don't worry about that.
Just take her already.
Loid Forger : My mission to end up with
a child is a success.
Loid Forger : Everything's going so well
that it's making me nervous.
Loid Forger : Are you okay with this? (0:06:42.14)
Anya Forger : A spy... mission... (0:06:44.00)
Anya Forger : So exciting! (0:06:46.24)
EXTRA : This little girl happened to be a telepath. (0:06:47.48)
EXTRA : Test Subject 007. (0:06:50.13)
EXTRA : She possessed the ability
to read people's minds.
EXTRA : She was unintentionally created in an
experiment by a certain organization,
EXTRA : and she later fled their facility. (0:06:58.53)
EXTRA : She has been wandering around looking
for someone to take care of her.
Loid Forger : Now, listen, little girl. (0:07:03.53)
Anya Forger : Anya. (0:07:04.72)
Loid Forger : Now, listen, Anya. (0:07:05.52)
Loid Forger : Starting today, you will be my daughter, (0:07:06.97)
Loid Forger : but if anyone asks,
you've always been my daughter.
Loid Forger : Got it? (0:07:12.18)
Anya Forger : Yep. (0:07:12.95)
Loid Forger : Make sure you address me as "Father." (0:07:14.66)
Anya Forger : Papa! (0:07:17.39)
Loid Forger : Very well. (0:07:18.24)
EXTRA : Well, aren't you a cute
little girl? Hello there.
Loid Forger : We're the Forgers. We just moved in today. (0:07:22.76)
Anya Forger : I am Anya. I have been Papa's
child for a very long time.
Loid Forger : That wasn't necessary. (0:07:28.17)
Loid Forger : Come on, let's go inside. (0:07:29.62)
Anya Forger : This is Anya's house? (0:07:32.57)
Loid Forger : Yes. (0:07:33.86)
Anya Forger : A TV! (0:07:34.73)
Loid Forger : Go ahead and turn it on. (0:07:36.67)
EXTRA : Spy Wars , an adventure cartoon! (0:07:39.61)
Anya Forger : I like this show. (0:07:41.14)
Loid Forger : Of all things... (0:07:44.30)
Bondman : A gun with a silencer? (0:07:45.70)
Anya Forger : So exciting. (0:07:48.08)
Bondman : You're a professional! (0:07:48.32)
Loid Forger : First, I'll have to gather
everything we'll need.
Bondman : I will be taking back that bomb. (0:07:50.49)
Loid Forger : And I'll have to forge an ID for her. (0:07:52.10)
Bondman : Anyone who gets in my way will regret it. (0:07:52.61)
Loid Forger : I'm going out for a bit. (0:07:54.58)
Loid Forger : Just sit there and watch your show. (0:07:56.16)
Bondman : Out of my way! (0:07:56.79)
Anya Forger : An adventure! (0:07:58.83)
Loid Forger : I'm not going on an adventure.
I'm just going shopping.
Anya Forger : I want a pistol with a silencer! (0:08:07.07)
Loid Forger : Sure. Maybe if we can find one on sale. (0:08:09.81)
Loid Forger : To be a master spy, (0:08:11.94)
Loid Forger : one must act normal and never
draw attention to themselves.
Loid Forger : We must do everything we can
to look like an ordinary family.
Anya Forger : Papa! Save me! (0:08:18.86)
Loid Forger : Must you draw attention to yourself? (0:08:20.06)
EXTRA : Now, now. You need to make sure
you hold the little one's hand.
EXTRA : Here. (0:08:24.70)
Loid Forger : Having one hand tied up will make it difficult
to prepare for an enemy ambush,
Loid Forger : but no matter. (0:08:33.53)
Anya Forger : An enemy?! (0:08:34.42)
Loid Forger : What are you doing? (0:08:41.88)
Anya Forger : Hiding! (0:08:43.10)
Loid Forger : Did I do anything to make
her want to hide from me?
Loid Forger : Perhaps I held her hand too
early. Does she hate me?
Loid Forger : This isn't good. (0:08:48.92)
Loid Forger : I need to maintain a good relationship
with her until the end of this mission.
Loid Forger : I must know more about this creature. (0:08:53.69)
Loid Forger : It's basic diplomacy. Understanding the other
party is the first step toward peace.
Anya Forger : Understanding me will lead to world peace?! (0:08:59.71)
Anya Forger : I like peanuts. (0:09:04.11)
Anya Forger : And I don't like carrots. (0:09:06.27)
Loid Forger : Uh-huh... (0:09:07.38)
Anya Forger : But I really like crispy
bacon from bakenries!
Loid Forger : That's a "bakery." They do not sell bacon. (0:09:11.39)
Anya Forger : I'd like this, please. (0:09:15.83)
Loid Forger : That costs one dalc. You can't
buy it with a ten-pent coin.
Loid Forger : Is this girl actually stupid? (0:09:24.49)
Loid Forger : Was the crossword puzzle a fluke? (0:09:27.19)
Loid Forger : Maybe I can still go back
and get another child—
Anya Forger : Pwease don't get rid of me! (0:09:32.25)
Loid Forger : What's gotten into you?! (0:09:33.67)
EXTRA : What a terrible parent. (0:09:34.85)
Anya Forger : Pwease! I'm a good bargain! (0:09:35.59)
Loid Forger : What do I do? (0:09:39.64)
Loid Forger : I'll buy you some peanuts! Just stop crying! (0:09:41.44)
Anya Forger : Peanuts! (0:09:43.78)
Anya Forger : Papa, I'm tired. (0:09:48.44)
Anya Forger : Can't walk anymore... (0:09:51.19)
Loid Forger : What? (0:09:52.64)
Loid Forger : This isn't working...
I just don't understand
Loid Forger : this irrational behavior. (0:09:57.67)
Loid Forger : I need some manuals to
help me understand it.
Loid Forger : "The key to raising a child is trust." (0:10:05.66)
Loid Forger : "Rather than scolding them, try to
understand things from their perspective."
Loid Forger : "Children are not very good at putting
how they're feeling into words,
Loid Forger : so try to understand them more."
So no interrogating them, then?
Loid Forger : Do the parents of the world (0:10:19.39)
Loid Forger : normally carry out such difficult
missions all the time?
Loid Forger : "Nurture their self-esteem
to give them a better future."
Loid Forger : "By giving them the ability to think
for themselves, their future..."
Loid Forger : As soon as I'm done with this mission,
I'm sending her back to the orphanage.
Loid Forger : That's the extent of our relationship. (0:10:37.32)
Anya Forger : Don't wanna! (0:10:43.58)
Anya Forger : I don't wanna study! (0:10:45.64)
Loid Forger : I need to know how smart
you are for this exam.
Anya Forger : I don't need to study to do any tests. (0:10:51.62)
Anya Forger : If I just read other people's... (0:10:54.73)
Anya Forger : ...people's minds... (0:10:56.12)
Loid Forger : Are you planning on cheating? Listen. (0:10:57.47)
Loid Forger : If you don't get into this school... (0:11:00.23)
Loid Forger : mission fails. (0:11:01.81)
Loid Forger : Fine, then. (0:11:06.36)
Loid Forger : I'm heading out. (0:11:09.29)
Loid Forger : You're not coming with me today. (0:11:11.72)
Loid Forger : No matter what. (0:11:13.81)
Loid Forger : You're staying home. (0:11:15.09)
Loid Forger : Hey! (0:11:22.05)
Loid Forger : I told you, you're not coming! (0:11:23.41)
Loid Forger : You there! Do you really
think I don't see you?
Loid Forger : There! (0:11:29.12)
Loid Forger : There! (0:11:30.34)
Anya Forger : Papa is so good at finding me. (0:11:31.60)
Anya Forger : It's so much fun! (0:11:33.82)
Loid Forger : Try and get out of that! (0:11:36.34)
Franky Franklin : So that's why you're late? (0:11:38.12)
Loid Forger : In the end, I put up a barricade in front
of the door and trapped her inside.
Franky Franklin : I'm praying that you don't get
reported for child abuse.
Loid Forger : Who knows what children are thinking? (0:11:46.56)
Loid Forger : Their method of always crying to
get their way is truly annoying.
Franky Franklin : Hate to tell you this, Twilight,
but crying is their job.
Franky Franklin : More importantly, here's what you asked for. (0:11:55.72)
Franky Franklin : An application, ticket for the exam,
and exam questions.
Franky Franklin : I went through hell getting these for you. (0:12:01.13)
Loid Forger : Thanks, Franky. (0:12:03.14)
Loid Forger : I think we can make things work if
we have her memorize everything.
Franky Franklin : Oh, yeah. About your daughter... (0:12:07.37)
Franky Franklin : I dug up some records on her past
that the orphanage didn't have.
Franky Franklin : I couldn't find anything about her birth. (0:12:12.30)
Franky Franklin : No info on her age or parents, either. (0:12:14.34)
Franky Franklin : I could only find information
from the last year,
Franky Franklin : but she's been adopted four
times and returned each time.
Franky Franklin : She's also been to two other orphanages. (0:12:21.61)
Loid Forger : "Anya Williams, Anya Levski, Anya Roche"... (0:12:23.67)
Franky Franklin : She changes names as much as you do. (0:12:27.34)
Franky Franklin : You guys are perfect for each other. (0:12:29.13)
Franky Franklin : Hey, I'm kidding. This is
for your mission, right?
Franky Franklin : She may be a kid, but no good's gonna
come out of getting too attached.
Loid Forger : Thanks for the concern. (0:12:39.17)
Franky Franklin : Hello? Where's my money?! (0:12:40.56)
Franky Franklin : Damn it... Who knows what
spies are thinking, either?
Anya Forger : I'm so bored. Spies aren't
like what I thought.
Anya Forger : I just want to get the bomb back. (0:12:56.97)
Loid Forger : I can't have her messing with my
spy equipment, so I'll lock it up.
Loid Forger : The code is 6, 1... (0:13:03.85)
Anya Forger : ...1, 0. (0:13:06.10)
Anya Forger : Bomby-bombs! Bomby-bombs! (0:13:07.02)
Anya Forger : Bomby-bombs! Bomby-bombs! (0:13:14.82)
Anya Forger : Ooh! (0:13:17.47)
Anya Forger : Secret messages! (0:13:19.18)
Anya Forger : Secrets, secrets... (0:13:21.52)
Edgar's Subordinate : Boss! We've intercepted a new message. (0:13:25.40)
Edgar : Is it using the West's cipher? (0:13:28.79)
Edgar's Subordinate : No, it's just plain text. (0:13:30.51)
Edgar's Subordinate : It says... "Twilight here"... (0:13:32.42)
Edgar's Subordinate : Twilight here! (0:13:35.84)
Edgar's Subordinate : This is the frequency used
by Western intelligence.
Edgar's Subordinate : Oh, there's more. "Catch me if you can"... (0:13:39.92)
Edgar : Hurry up and pinpoint
where it's coming from!
Anya Forger : Whew... (0:13:47.71)
Loid Forger : Now that you've found out I'm
a spy, you'll have to disappear.
Anya Forger : If he finds out I'm a telepath... (0:13:56.27)
Anya Forger : I'll have to leave. (0:13:59.69)
EXTRA : Anya, you mustn't tell
anyone about your power.
EXTRA : It's time to study now, Anya. (0:14:05.94)
Anya Forger : But I wanna draw... (0:14:08.43)
EXTRA : Don't bother with childish games. (0:14:10.56)
EXTRA : We must use your power for
the sake of world peace.
EXTRA : There's no time for tears, either. (0:14:16.72)
EXTRA : Now, enough playing. Back to studying. (0:14:18.46)
Loid Forger : She'd better not have messed
up the apartment.
Loid Forger : Oh, right. I need to move this. (0:14:28.62)
Loid Forger : Who the hell are these guys?! (0:14:53.61)
Loid Forger : Anya! (0:14:55.60)
Loid Forger : Anya! (0:14:57.76)
Loid Forger : She's been kidnapped? (0:15:00.87)
Loid Forger : By whoever sent these thugs? But why? (0:15:02.45)
Loid Forger : I need to find her immediately. Calm down. (0:15:05.84)
Loid Forger : From the looks of it,
I've been compromised.
Loid Forger : I need to get to safety immediately. (0:15:12.82)
Loid Forger : As for Anya... (0:15:15.18)
Loid Forger : There are plenty of other
children out there.
Loid Forger : I'll start things over
from square one and—
Edgar : So who the hell is this kid? (0:15:24.11)
Edgar : Could she be Twilight's? (0:15:26.88)
EXTRA : No idea. She was in the room
where the message came from,
EXTRA : so we snatched her just in case. (0:15:31.74)
Anya Forger : Because of the transmission? (0:15:32.94)
EXTRA : She was holed up inside the apartment
with a barricade out front.
Edgar : Why out front? (0:15:37.44)
EXTRA : Beats me. (0:15:38.56)
Edgar : Well, no matter. We might be
able to use her as a hostage
Edgar : in order to force Twilight
to steal the toupee
Edgar : off of the foreign minister's
head personally.
EXTRA : Boss, I think we should just
give up on the toupee.
Edgar : Transparency is essential in government. (0:15:51.80)
Edgar : Toupees are a no-go. (0:15:54.32)
Anya Forger : A pistol with a silencer... (0:15:55.69)
Edgar : Also, the minister's a traitor who's
been secretly backing the West.
Edgar : Anyone who advocates for
a traitor is also a traitor.
Anya Forger : A real bad guy... (0:16:05.14)
EXTRA : Boss! Nguyen and his guys
are back from the apartment!
Nguyen : We captured him. (0:16:13.64)
Edgar : Well done. (0:16:16.35)
Nguyen : Those weren't the moves of an
amateur. He's the real deal.
EXTRA : Go rest over there. (0:16:22.19)
Edgar : Now then, Twilight... (0:16:23.95)
Edgar : Let's have you return the
photographs you stole from me.
Edgar : Nguyen! (0:16:31.50)
EXTRA : What's going on?! He was just— (0:16:32.31)
EXTRA : The kid's gone! (0:16:33.75)
Edgar : He got me again! (0:16:35.04)
Loid Forger : This was a mistake. (0:16:36.99)
Loid Forger : I risked everything by waltzing
right into enemy territory.
Loid Forger : I'm a failure as a spy. (0:16:40.88)
Anya Forger : Papa... (0:16:42.02)
Anya Forger : Pabwaaaaaah! (0:16:42.92)
Nguyen : Look, you're okay. I won't do anything. (0:16:43.71)
Nguyen : You don't have to be scared. (0:16:46.53)
Anya Forger : Pabwaaaaaah! (0:16:47.22)
Loid Forger : This is exactly why kids suck. (0:16:49.27)
Loid Forger : I see. (0:16:51.63)
Loid Forger : I think I figured out why I hate
the sound of kids crying so much.
Loid Forger : Because I end up remembering
my own childhood.
Loid Forger : No one reached out their hand to save me. (0:17:01.00)
Loid Forger : I felt alone, in despair, and so
powerless that all I could do was cry.
Loid Forger : I thought I'd abandoned that past,
but on a subconscious level,
Loid Forger : she was reminding me of me. (0:17:10.96)
Loid Forger : No, actually... (0:17:12.60)
Nguyen : Listen up, little girl. (0:17:18.24)
Anya Forger : Anya. (0:17:19.73)
Nguyen : Listen up, Anya. (0:17:20.76)
Nguyen : Me and my friends are pro tag players. (0:17:22.46)
Nguyen : Whenever we spot someone with potential,
we immediately challenge them to a game.
Anya Forger : Oh. (0:17:30.44)
Anya Forger : Papa is a liar. (0:17:31.25)
Nguyen : Now, listen. (0:17:32.68)
Nguyen : If you go straight down
this street and turn right,
Nguyen : you'll find a police station. (0:17:36.91)
Nguyen : If you can get this to a
police officer, you win the game.
Nguyen : Got it? (0:17:41.65)
Loid Forger : If you show them this, they'll put
you in a better orphanage.
Loid Forger : I'm not going to involve
a kid in this mission.
Loid Forger : I'll figure something
out and rework the plan.
Anya Forger : Pa— (0:17:48.93)
Nguyen : All right, go! Hurry! (0:17:49.94)
Loid Forger : I'm a failure as a spy? No. (0:17:52.93)
Loid Forger : My mistake was putting that little
girl in danger to begin with.
Loid Forger : How could I forget? (0:17:59.12)
Loid Forger : To create a world where
children won't have to cry...
Loid Forger : That's why I became a spy. (0:18:05.13)
EXTRA : Don't let that bastard get away! (0:18:10.47)
EXTRA : We're gonna drag him out here
and expose his face to—
EXTRA : A trap? When did he— (0:18:16.02)
EXTRA : What is this? Flour? (0:18:18.99)
EXTRA : T-Twilight?! (0:18:21.33)
EXTRA : Don't shoot! This whole place will blow! (0:18:23.08)
Edgar : Wha— (0:18:32.85)
Edgar : You've gotta be shitting me. (0:18:34.72)
Loid Forger : Turn around, and I'll kill you. (0:18:38.88)
Edgar : Twilight... (0:18:40.78)
Loid Forger : Good day, or perhaps, good evening, Edgar. (0:18:42.66)
Loid Forger : How's Karen doing? (0:18:45.92)
Edgar : How do you know my daughter's name? (0:18:47.25)
Loid Forger : Of course I know. That's what spies do. (0:18:49.39)
Loid Forger : I know her height, weight, shoe size, (0:18:52.61)
Loid Forger : her favorite foods, even how
many moles are on her body.
Loid Forger : Though it's nothing compared to your record,
I know of her criminal activity, too.
Edgar : Absurd! My daughter would never— (0:19:01.98)
Loid Forger : Edgar. (0:19:03.66)
Loid Forger : I also know how much you
care about your daughter.
Loid Forger : So listen carefully. (0:19:07.42)
Loid Forger : If you wish for her to have any
semblance of a normal life,
Loid Forger : you'll leave me the hell alone. (0:19:11.48)
Loid Forger : If you understand, go home right now. (0:19:16.00)
Loid Forger : Anya! (0:19:33.52)
Anya Forger : Papa! (0:19:34.42)
Anya Forger : Papa! (0:19:36.32)
Loid Forger : What are you—I mean, (0:19:38.42)
Loid Forger : what are you doing outside the house? (0:19:40.28)
Loid Forger : I, uh, just happened to come here to shop, (0:19:42.53)
Loid Forger : but I guess they went out of business. (0:19:45.73)
Anya Forger : Papa is a huge liar. (0:19:47.21)
Anya Forger : I was playing tag with some old guys. (0:19:49.30)
Loid Forger : Oh, I see. Did you have fun? (0:19:52.05)
Anya Forger : It was a little scary. (0:19:55.20)
Anya Forger : I wanna go home. (0:19:57.74)
Anya Forger : To our home, Papa. (0:20:00.41)
Loid Forger : Are you sure? (0:20:03.27)
Anya Forger : If you leave me behind, I'm going to cry. (0:20:05.82)
Franky Franklin : She's been adopted four times
and returned each time.
Loid Forger : Anya Williams... Anya Levski... (0:20:12.22)
Loid Forger : Anya Roche. (0:20:15.79)
Loid Forger : I see. (0:20:17.64)
Loid Forger : Well, let's go home, then. (0:20:19.53)
Loid Forger : But that apartment is far
too dangerous, so let's move.
Loid Forger : I spotted a poisonous snake there yesterday. (0:20:28.01)
Anya Forger : I don't like snakes. (0:20:29.82)
Anya Forger : Papa is a huge liar... (0:20:31.05)
Anya Forger : But he's such a cool liar. (0:20:33.58)
Anya Forger : I wanna live in a castle. (0:20:35.99)
Loid Forger : We'll see if one's listed. (0:20:37.76)
Loid Forger : Once we get to our new home,
you've got to study.
Anya Forger : Gwak! (0:20:41.78)
Loid Forger : This time, you just have to
memorize all the answers.
Loid Forger : It'll be easy. (0:20:44.85)
EXTRA : All right, begin! (0:20:56.51)
Loid Forger : I'm counting on you, Anya. (0:21:01.04)
Loid Forger : You can do it. (0:21:04.00)
EXTRA : This is so hard! (0:21:06.31)
EXTRA : I don't know any of these answers! (0:21:07.08)
EXTRA : Um... eeny, meeny, miny, moe... (0:21:09.11)
EXTRA : Mommy... (0:21:11.20)
Loid Forger : K-212... (0:21:24.62)
Loid Forger : K-212... (0:21:26.47)
Loid Forger : It's there! You passed! (0:21:31.02)
Loid Forger : You did it! (0:21:33.26)
Anya Forger : Did I do a good job? (0:21:34.51)
Loid Forger : You bet you did! (0:21:35.70)
Loid Forger : You— (0:21:37.02)
Anya Forger : Papa! (0:21:38.69)
Loid Forger : I relaxed for a second and all my
pent-up exhaustion hit me at once.
Anya Forger : Papa! Don't leave me! (0:21:41.11)
Loid Forger : I... relaxed? (0:21:44.04)
Anya Forger : I promise to be a good girl!
Just come back to me!
Loid Forger : What the hell is going on with me? (0:21:47.99)
Anya Forger : Papa died. (0:22:50.21)
EXTRA : I've got some mail for you! (0:22:52.66)
EXTRA : Is this the Forger residence? (0:22:56.30)
Anya Forger : I'm Anya Forger. (0:22:57.77)
EXTRA : Could you give this to your mommy or daddy? (0:22:59.39)
Anya Forger : My mama doesn't exist. (0:23:02.20)
EXTRA : Oh, really? I'm sorry... (0:23:03.60)
Anya Forger : Papa! The mailman came. (0:23:05.74)
Loid Forger : What do you think you're doing?!
Are you trying to kill me?!
Loid Forger : I actually fell asleep in front of someone. (0:23:31.20)
Loid Forger : Unacceptable. I need to get a grip. (0:23:33.80)
Anya Forger : Mail! (0:23:36.34)
Loid Forger : It's a letter from Eden College. (0:23:39.77)
Anya Forger : What's the matter, Papa? (0:23:42.90)
Loid Forger : "The second phase of the admission
process is a family interview."
Loid Forger : "It is mandatory that the applicant
attend with both parents."
Loid Forger : "Absolutely no exceptions." (0:23:50.61)
Anya Forger : But Mama doesn't exist. (0:23:53.95)

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