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Gaius : It's simply no use. (0:00:38.44)
Gaius : My crest has no room left to grow. (0:00:40.55)
Gaius : The first crest, my crest,
specializes in creation.
Gaius : The second specializes in power. (0:00:50.48)
Gaius : The third specializes in rapid firing. (0:00:53.65)
Gaius : If I want to grow stronger, (0:00:57.78)
Gaius : I must acquire the fourth crest,
the one best suited to combat.
Gaius : One's crest appears at birth
and cannot be changed.
Gaius : Which means... (0:01:09.26)
EXTRA : We'll be reaching the capital soon. (0:01:37.85)
EXTRA : Impressive that you're leaving home
and taking exams at age twelve.
Matthias Hildesheimer : I'm determined to enter the academy
and become strong.
EXTRA : It's not safe to go too quickly. (0:01:49.56)
EXTRA : You might have been a big fish
where you came from,
EXTRA : but that crest of yours... (0:01:53.91)
Matthias Hildesheimer : There's a monster nearby. (0:01:57.57)
Matthias Hildesheimer : It's heading our way. (0:01:59.28)
EXTRA : Eh? (0:02:00.68)
Matthias Hildesheimer : It might be a rather large monster. (0:02:01.73)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Many times bigger than your wagon. (0:02:04.15)
EXTRA : You say the strangest things. (0:02:06.98)
EXTRA : That would make it
a calamity-grade monster.
Matthias Hildesheimer : Dispatch successful. (0:02:22.44)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Easily handled with just Enhance Physique
and Sunder Steel.
Matthias Hildesheimer : That's the capital for you... (0:02:50.79)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Completely unlike my homeland. (0:02:52.87)
Alma Lepucius : My friend's sword broke! (0:02:54.75)
Alma Lepucius : Can you make me one just like it? (0:02:56.86)
EXTRA : Stop shouting! I hear you just fine! (0:02:59.80)
Alma Lepucius : I'm sorry. (0:03:02.54)
Alma Lepucius : But see... She broke her magic sword
while protecting me from a monster.
EXTRA : Magic sword? (0:03:09.16)
EXTRA : And you want me to remake a magic sword? (0:03:10.60)
EXTRA : You can't possibly be serious! (0:03:12.91)
Alma Lepucius : Isn't there anything you can do? (0:03:15.17)
EXTRA : I'm afraid you're out of luck. (0:03:18.00)
Matthias Hildesheimer : These weapons are well made... (0:03:20.15)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Though the enchantments are poorly applied. (0:03:22.37)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Are there any other swords? (0:03:25.03)
EXTRA : It simply can't be done. (0:03:26.49)
Alma Lepucius : I'm begging you! (0:03:28.61)
Alma Lepucius : The entrance exams are tomorrow! (0:03:30.07)
Alma Lepucius : If I don't get her a sword, she'll— (0:03:32.07)
EXTRA : If you need it that fast,
you might have better luck elsewhere.
EXTRA : It's not as if I can forge
a magic sword by myself.
Alma Lepucius : We've tried everyone else already! (0:03:41.17)
EXTRA : Would one of our ready-made swords do? (0:03:43.38)
Alma Lepucius : Hmm... (0:03:45.50)
Alma Lepucius : It should be about this long, (0:03:47.08)
Alma Lepucius : and light enough that a girl can swing it
around like this with one hand!
EXTRA : A sword like that
certainly would have to be enchanted...
EXTRA : But it won't be easy to make. (0:03:58.77)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I can handle the enchantment. (0:04:01.07)
Alma Lepucius : You can? (0:04:03.60)
EXTRA : Look, kid...
I get that you want to show off...
EXTRA : But it can't be done,
and she needs to accept that.
Matthias Hildesheimer : It's true that my fourth crest
isn't well suited to enchantments.
Matthias Hildesheimer : But I think I can handle
a basic magic sword.
EXTRA : Isn't that the Crest of Failure? (0:04:19.88)
EXTRA : All the more impossible, then. (0:04:22.68)
Alma Lepucius : Make me a sword! (0:04:24.78)
Alma Lepucius : One with a setting for a magistone. (0:04:28.08)
EXTRA : Wait, you mean— (0:04:30.80)
Alma Lepucius : I'm going to put my faith in him. (0:04:33.44)
EXTRA : A-Are you sure? (0:04:35.94)
EXTRA : If he fails, the sword will be fine, (0:04:37.48)
EXTRA : but you'll have wasted a magistone. (0:04:39.71)
Alma Lepucius : I still think he can do it. (0:04:41.45)
Alma Lepucius : I've got good instincts
about these things!
Alma Lepucius : Let's get on that enchantment, kid! (0:04:48.29)
Alma Lepucius : Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. (0:04:55.51)
Alma Lepucius : I'm Alma. Alma Lepucius. (0:04:58.66)
Alma Lepucius : I didn't want my parents
marrying me off to some weirdo,
Alma Lepucius : so I set off on my own! (0:05:04.52)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I'm Matthias. Matthias Hildesheimer. (0:05:06.74)
Matthias Hildesheimer : You can call me "Matty." (0:05:10.65)
Alma Lepucius : Sure! It's a pleasure, Matty! (0:05:12.59)
Alma Lepucius : Oh, right! I've got a friend! (0:05:16.70)
Alma Lepucius : The sword is hers.
We left home together!
Lurie Abendroth : Alma? (0:05:22.47)
Alma Lepucius : Speak of the devil! (0:05:24.40)
Alma Lepucius : Lurie! (0:05:26.06)
Lurie Abendroth : Alma. Did you have any luck
at this shop?
Matthias Hildesheimer : Sh-She's beautiful! (0:05:32.26)
Lurie Abendroth : I'm afraid every shop I tried
turned me down...
Lurie Abendroth : It simply might not be possible
to make a magic sword by tomo—
Alma Lepucius : Oh, this guy? He's Matty! (0:05:39.54)
Alma Lepucius : He said he'd enchant a sword for us! (0:05:41.83)
Matthias Hildesheimer : A-Allow me to introduce myself! (0:05:45.87)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I am humbly referred to
as Matthias Hildesheimer!
Alma Lepucius : Where'd the formality come from? (0:05:49.71)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Was my introduction that off-putting? (0:05:54.04)
Matthias Hildesheimer : This is what I get
for never having friends!
Alma Lepucius : What's wrong, Lurie? (0:06:00.48)
Lurie Abendroth : I-I'm Lurie Abendroth! (0:06:03.08)
Lurie Abendroth : I'm neither engaged
nor romantically involved.
Lurie Abendroth : You may call me "Lurie," if you wish... (0:06:08.46)
Matthias Hildesheimer : "Romantically involved"? (0:06:12.76)
Lurie Abendroth : Um... well... (0:06:13.76)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I had no idea it was customary here
to reveal your relationship status.
EXTRA : It's all done! (0:06:22.71)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I'll begin the enchantment. (0:06:25.77)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Could you hand me the magistone? (0:06:28.36)
Alma Lepucius : You can do it here? (0:06:30.52)
Matthias Hildesheimer : It won't take that long. (0:06:31.64)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I'm going to begin. (0:06:35.76)
Lurie Abendroth : P-Please do... (0:06:36.57)
Matthias Hildesheimer : The only way to make something this long
and light sturdy enough for live combat
Matthias Hildesheimer : is to add Enhance Fortitude
and Sunder Steel.
Matthias Hildesheimer : That should do it. (0:06:49.84)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Here, try it. (0:06:51.51)
Alma Lepucius : That was fast!
Is it really enchanted?
EXTRA : There's no way he could do it that fast. (0:06:54.64)
Alma Lepucius : Yeah, isn't it supposed to take way longer? (0:06:57.47)
EXTRA : And he didn't even recite an incantation! (0:07:00.74)
Lurie Abendroth : Let me try it. (0:07:04.16)
Lurie Abendroth : It's easy enough to tell if an enchantment— (0:07:06.00)
Lurie Abendroth : The enchantment worked! (0:07:14.50)
Alma Lepucius : That's crazy sharp! (0:07:16.72)
EXTRA : And it took him just moments... (0:07:18.45)
EXTRA : What trickery is this? (0:07:20.27)
Matthias Hildesheimer : It's just a standard enchantment. (0:07:22.13)
Alma Lepucius : That's anything but "standard"! (0:07:24.08)
Alma Lepucius : Who in the world are you, Matty? (0:07:26.54)
EXTRA : It shouldn't be possible
to enchant a sword that quickly.
EXTRA : But the sword has clearly been enchanted, (0:07:32.93)
EXTRA : and you didn't recite an incantation. (0:07:36.77)
EXTRA : As I forged that sword myself, (0:07:38.44)
EXTRA : I'd know whether you swapped it out
with sleight-of-hand.
EXTRA : The only possible conclusion is... (0:07:43.23)
Alma Lepucius : Gulp! (0:07:45.87)
Lurie Abendroth : Is...? (0:07:47.16)
EXTRA : You wanna become an enchanter, kid? (0:07:52.19)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Nope. (0:07:54.88)
EXTRA : The practical skills exam will now begin. (0:07:58.44)
EXTRA : Fields tested will include
swordsmanship and casting.
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:08:03.16)
Lurie Abendroth : Matty! (0:08:05.60)
Lurie Abendroth : You're taking entrance exams, too? (0:08:09.23)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Y-Yes... (0:08:12.10)
Alma Lepucius : The tactics portion was way too hard! (0:08:13.54)
Alma Lepucius : I did just fine in every other subject... (0:08:16.74)
Lurie Abendroth : Alma, Matty! (0:08:21.52)
Lurie Abendroth : Let's work together to pass the test! (0:08:23.66)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Sure. (0:08:26.10)
Alma Lepucius : 'Kay... (0:08:27.46)
Lukas : You're wide open! (0:08:30.99)
Lukas : You're doing quite well. (0:08:36.34)
Lukas : But can you dodge this next one? (0:08:38.46)
Lukas : S-S-Say what?! (0:08:42.02)
Lukas : I surrender! (0:08:44.94)
Lukas : Where did you get that sword? (0:08:46.77)
Lurie Abendroth : I did it, Matty! (0:08:51.72)
Alma Lepucius : Congratulations, Lurie! (0:08:53.84)
Lurie Abendroth : I couldn't have done it
without that magic sword you made me!
Matthias Hildesheimer : I-It's nothing, really... (0:08:57.97)
EXTRA : Next up, Matthias Hildesheimer! (0:08:59.38)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Seems to be my turn. (0:09:02.39)
Lurie Abendroth : Give it your best, Matty! (0:09:04.38)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I will. (0:09:06.35)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Wait, where's the examiner? (0:09:07.73)
Guile : Matthias Hildesheimer... (0:09:10.54)
Guile : I hear you're the one
who enchanted Lurie Abendroth's sword.
Matthias Hildesheimer : And? Who are you? (0:09:17.12)
Guile : You'll need more than an examiner, then... (0:09:19.75)
Guile : I'll fight you myself. (0:09:21.69)
Guile : I'd like to see
what your father Castor taught you, as well.
Matthias Hildesheimer : You know my father? (0:09:28.99)
Guile : Yes. (0:09:30.38)
Guile : If you handle yourself
well enough against me,
Guile : I'll vouch for you to pass,
regardless of your other test scores.
Matthias Hildesheimer : Very well. (0:09:36.89)
Matthias Hildesheimer : His stance leaves him wide open. (0:09:42.10)
Matthias Hildesheimer : He thinks he's taking it easy on me. (0:09:44.35)
Matthias Hildesheimer : That's also why he said,
"If you handle yourself well enough."
Matthias Hildesheimer : I feel a bit insulted... (0:09:50.86)
Matthias Hildesheimer : This is a test! (0:09:53.65)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Its purpose is to show them
what I can do!
Guile : What? (0:10:00.95)
Guile : A boy your age, parrying my strike... (0:10:01.97)
Guile : I surrender. (0:10:13.77)
EXTRA : Captain of the Knights' Order, Guile, lost... (0:10:15.16)
Alma Lepucius : Wow! Isn't he great, Lurie? (0:10:17.94)
Lurie Abendroth : Yes! (0:10:20.22)
Lurie Abendroth : Although it happened so quickly
I couldn't quite follow!
EXTRA : Next, we'll conduct the casting exam. (0:10:25.55)
EXTRA : Lurie Abendroth. Step forward! (0:10:28.10)
Lurie Abendroth : Yes, sir! (0:10:30.19)
EXTRA : Please attack all five targets
with Fire Arrow!
Lurie Abendroth : Magic of flame that dwells within me... (0:10:39.09)
Lurie Abendroth : Pierce my foe in the form of an arrow! (0:10:41.55)
Alma Lepucius : Lurie! Keep it up! (0:10:47.16)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Incanted casting? (0:10:49.42)
Matthias Hildesheimer : As the name suggests,
it's a method for casting spells
Matthias Hildesheimer : through the recitation of particular words. (0:10:55.06)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Anyone can use it regardless of ability, (0:10:56.83)
Matthias Hildesheimer : but it offers a poor conversion rate
on the user's magic power,
Matthias Hildesheimer : and you're vulnerable
to attacks mid-chant.
Matthias Hildesheimer : They're not ideal for combat. (0:11:06.08)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I'd thought the practice
was long dead, but...
Alma Lepucius : Yes! (0:11:09.66)
EXTRA : That's the Crest of Glory!
What an elite!
EXTRA : Wish I'd been born
with the Crest of Glory, too...
Matthias Hildesheimer : But in this day and age, (0:11:18.04)
Matthias Hildesheimer : the first crest, which is highly compatible
with incanted casting,
Matthias Hildesheimer : is labeled the "Crest of Glory" (0:11:22.95)
Matthias Hildesheimer : and considered the best crest
for magical combat.
Matthias Hildesheimer : Meanwhile... (0:11:28.97)
Matthias Hildesheimer : My fourth crest is... (0:11:30.40)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Excuse me.
Is Fire Arrow the only spell allowed?
EXTRA : Not necessarily,
but it's the most basic spell, so...
EXTRA : You've got the Crest of Failure, (0:11:43.34)
EXTRA : but if you do well in the other subjects,
you might still pass.
Matthias Hildesheimer : As long as I destroy the targets, correct? (0:11:47.88)
EXTRA : Well, yes... (0:11:50.23)
Matthias Hildesheimer : "Crest of Failure" casting
has extremely limited range.
Matthias Hildesheimer : I don't think I could even reach a third
of the way to the target.
Matthias Hildesheimer : You might want to stand
a bit farther away, sir.
EXTRA : What? (0:12:03.36)
EXTRA : What's he doing? (0:12:05.32)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I can assign it limited directionality, (0:12:06.16)
Matthias Hildesheimer : but it won't be free of collateral damage. (0:12:08.37)
Alma Lepucius : H-How is he casting?
He didn't recite an incantation!
Lurie Abendroth : Could it be... a wordless spell? (0:12:14.08)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Wordless casting is in decline, (0:12:16.24)
Matthias Hildesheimer : and the fourth crest is scorned
as the Crest of Failure.
Matthias Hildesheimer : That's the status quo in this day and age! (0:12:21.47)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Oh... (0:12:35.50)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I might have overdone it. (0:12:37.44)
Matthias Hildesheimer : It fits perfectly. (0:12:44.99)
Alma Lepucius : Hey, Matty! (0:12:49.82)
Matthias Hildesheimer : She looks beautiful
in her uniform, too!
Alma Lepucius : What's up, you two? (0:13:04.95)
Lurie Abendroth : Oh, I just— (0:13:06.56)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Uh, we'd better hurry if we want
to make the opening ceremony!
EXTRA : The headmaster will now say a few words. (0:13:13.42)
Edwart : I'm Eduard, the headmaster here. (0:13:18.23)
Edwart : I despise long speeches. (0:13:21.11)
Alma Lepucius : He's the headmaster? (0:13:23.51)
Edwart : Here at my Second Academy,
ability is everything!
Edwart : We don't care about lineage or crest
the way First Academy does!
Edwart : Work on those skills, rookies! (0:13:35.26)
Edwart : That is all! (0:13:38.71)
Lurie Abendroth : That certainly was short! (0:13:40.03)
Edwart : I almost forgot... (0:13:43.60)
Edwart : Matthias Hildesheimer. (0:13:45.25)
Edwart : Drop by my office when this is over. (0:13:47.63)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Why would the headmaster be calling for me? (0:13:53.76)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Because I destroyed the grounds
during the exam?
Matthias Hildesheimer : Is he going to expel me
on my first day?!
Matthias Hildesheimer : But I did use a spell
to repair the damage...
Edwart : Come in already, Matthias. (0:14:02.75)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Yes, sir. (0:14:08.19)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I knew it...
Edwart : Matthias Hildesheimer. (0:14:16.72)
Edwart : You defeated the Captain of the Knights' Order
during your swordsmanship exam,
Edwart : and effortlessly used wordless spells
during your casting exam.
Edwart : Castor being your father
explains it somewhat,
Edwart : but I'm sure there's a deeper reason
why someone your age is so powerful.
Edwart : I won't pry as to why that is. (0:14:33.65)
Edwart : But I do want to ask for your aid. (0:14:35.88)
Matthias Hildesheimer : My... aid? (0:14:38.64)
Edwart : Yes. (0:14:40.24)
Edwart : You saw the other students cast
incanted spells, didn't you?
Matthias Hildesheimer : Yes... (0:14:45.02)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Why do they use
such an inefficient technique?
Matthias Hildesheimer : Wouldn't wordless spells be better? (0:14:48.13)
Edwart : "Inefficient," eh? (0:14:51.62)
Edwart : Unfortunately, Matthias, (0:14:53.88)
Edwart : wordless spells are a lost casting style. (0:14:55.72)
Matthias Hildesheimer : As I suspected... (0:15:00.62)
Edwart : I don't know that a single other person
in this kingdom can still use them.
Edwart : I've been hoping to revive wordless spell
techniques here at Second Academy
Edwart : and teach them to the students... (0:15:11.76)
Matthias Hildesheimer : That sounds like a great idea! (0:15:14.89)
Edwart : But there's one thing stopping me! (0:15:16.44)
Matthias Hildesheimer : There is? (0:15:18.37)
Edwart : Yes. (0:15:19.25)
Edwart : Our sister academy here in the capital, (0:15:20.30)
Edwart : the First Royal Academy. (0:15:22.86)
Edwart : The nobility endorses First Academy's teachings, (0:15:26.03)
Edwart : which have a proven track record. (0:15:28.36)
Edwart : We've had no choice
but to follow their curriculum.
Matthias Hildesheimer : What kind of track record? (0:15:35.34)
EXTRA : First Academy's published research. (0:15:37.33)
Matthias Hildesheimer : This is their "track record"? (0:15:42.31)
Matthias Hildesheimer : But it talks only about incanted spells... (0:15:44.00)
Edwart : Incanted spells are the only form
of casting accepted in academia.
Edwart : Wordless spells are rejected. (0:15:51.30)
Matthias Hildesheimer : How do we get them accepted? (0:15:54.26)
Edwart : We'll have to prove the power
of wordless casting
Edwart : at the next inter-school competition. (0:15:59.79)
Matthias Hildesheimer : And that's the "aid"
you're asking me for?
Edwart : Yes. (0:16:07.48)
Edwart : I want you to instruct us
in wordless casting!
Edwart : Matthias. (0:16:14.38)
Edwart : Can I count on you? (0:16:16.05)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Very well. (0:16:21.84)
EXTRA : We will now begin the class. (0:16:25.83)
EXTRA : Today, we'll be learning wordless spells! (0:16:28.14)
EXTRA : "Wordless spells"?! (0:16:31.00)
EXTRA : Wordless... (0:16:32.09)
EXTRA : I didn't know there was such a thing. (0:16:32.46)
EXTRA : Never heard of it... (0:16:33.58)
EXTRA : Your doubts are understandable. (0:16:34.71)
EXTRA : That's why we have
a special guest instructor.
EXTRA : He'll be teaching you how they work. (0:16:39.45)
EXTRA : Isn't he the one who passed the
entrance exams at the top of the class?
Alma Lepucius : Yes, that's our Matty! (0:16:45.75)
Lurie Abendroth : You can't take credit for him, Alma. (0:16:47.76)
EXTRA : Matthias, could you demonstrate
how wordless casting works?
Matthias Hildesheimer : Very well. (0:16:55.00)
EXTRA : Was that wordless casting? (0:17:04.40)
EXTRA : Yeah, I didn't hear an incantation. (0:17:06.31)
EXTRA : He's a Crest of Failure, right? (0:17:08.70)
EXTRA : You don't think
he's really a demon, do you?
EXTRA : Matthias is not the only one
who can use wordless spells!
EXTRA : Mr. Gaizal? (0:17:16.77)
Gaizal : Right! (0:17:17.83)
Gaizal : I'm not particularly good at casting myself, (0:17:23.44)
Gaizal : but Matthias's teachings have gotten me
this far in just one day!
EXTRA : Well, let's get to it! (0:17:30.69)
EXTRA : Right! (0:17:33.12)
Alma Lepucius : Matty, I can do it now, too! (0:17:34.52)
Matthias Hildesheimer : You can? (0:17:36.86)
Alma Lepucius : Yeah, let me show you! (0:17:38.18)
Alma Lepucius : How do you like my casting? (0:17:44.42)
Matthias Hildesheimer : You don't have to imitate
the way he grunts, too...
Matthias Hildesheimer : How is it going, Lurie? (0:17:50.32)
Lurie Abendroth : I seem to have the feel for it, (0:17:52.62)
Lurie Abendroth : but I can't shake my
incanted casting habits...
Lurie Abendroth : I may have drained the last
of my magic!
Lurie Abendroth : They're all doing so well. (0:18:03.38)
Lurie Abendroth : When I see how impressive
wordless spells are,
Lurie Abendroth : I'm forced to wonder
why we ever stopped using them.
Matthias Hildesheimer : She's right. (0:18:12.57)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Why has wordless casting
gone into decline?
Lurie Abendroth : Matty? (0:18:17.88)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Oh, I know. (0:18:19.68)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Hold out your hand, would you? (0:18:20.80)
Lurie Abendroth : All right... (0:18:22.56)
Lurie Abendroth : M-Matty?! (0:18:26.36)
Matthias Hildesheimer : W-Well, I have to do this
to transfer my magic to you!
Lurie Abendroth : Y-You can transfer magic?! (0:18:32.90)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Yes. (0:18:35.50)
Matthias Hildesheimer : I'm using a spell
that attunes my magic to a target.
Matthias Hildesheimer : It's typically used
for enchantments, of course.
Lurie Abendroth : Enchantments... (0:18:43.50)
Lurie Abendroth : I did it! (0:18:46.60)
Lurie Abendroth : I finally did it, Matty! (0:18:47.86)
Matthias Hildesheimer : That's the way! (0:18:49.78)
Matthias Hildesheimer : And so I taught wordless casting
to all the students.
EXTRA : Let's show 'em
what Second Academy can do!
Matthias Hildesheimer : A month passed... (0:18:56.12)
Alma Lepucius : It's finally time! (0:18:58.40)
Lurie Abendroth : I hope there are
no magical chosen ones this year...
Matthias Hildesheimer : "Magical chosen ones"? (0:19:03.21)
Lurie Abendroth : That's what they call leaders
at First Academy
Lurie Abendroth : with extremely strong casting ability. (0:19:07.77)
Lurie Abendroth : Any year it seems
Second Academy might win,
Lurie Abendroth : one of these "magical chosen ones" appears. (0:19:11.95)
Alma Lepucius : I believe the last Captain of the
Mages' Order was one of them!
Matthias Hildesheimer : It seems there is one here... (0:19:19.29)
Matthias Hildesheimer : With roughly ten times my own magic power. (0:19:21.84)
Lurie Abendroth : Ten times your power, Matty? (0:19:24.80)
Alma Lepucius : That's demon-level power! (0:19:27.04)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Demon... (0:19:29.62)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Demons and humans are
natural enemies, aren't they?
Lurie Abendroth : They certainly are! (0:19:34.74)
Lurie Abendroth : Demons are the greatest threat
to humanity there is!
Alma Lepucius : Even the court magicians working together
probably couldn't beat one.
Lurie Abendroth : But why would you ask that? (0:19:43.20)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Oh, just curious... (0:19:45.30)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Demons, eh? (0:19:49.32)
Matthias Hildesheimer : So they've survived into this era... (0:19:51.68)
Devilis : Well, looky here!
A Crest of Failure!
EXTRA : A Crest of Failure, all by his lonesome! (0:19:59.47)
EXTRA : Hey, no buddies with you? (0:20:01.93)
EXTRA : Did they all run away scared? (0:20:04.37)
EXTRA : Hey, Crest of Failure! (0:20:07.05)
EXTRA : Cower before the might of Devilis,
magical chosen one!
EXTRA : Headmaster, I believe Second Academy
has given up on victory entirely.
Feikus : That'll be sixty-five wins in a row for us. (0:20:16.06)
EXTRA : Please, Matthias! (0:20:18.70)
Devilis : What, no witty rejoinder? (0:20:21.57)
Devilis : Has my chosen one Crest of Glory
frightened you into submission?
Matthias Hildesheimer : I knew it... (0:20:29.43)
Matthias Hildesheimer : He's not human at all. (0:20:30.79)
Matthias Hildesheimer : He's a demon! (0:20:32.90)
Matthias Hildesheimer : He's just using a disguise spell
to hide his true form.
Matthias Hildesheimer : He even has a fake crest
to let him walk among humans.
EXTRA : The 65th Inter-Academy Competition
will now commence!
EXTRA : Begin! (0:20:47.84)
EXTRA : Magic of flame that dwells within me— (0:20:48.85)
EXTRA : L-Leisis and Giaas are both out! (0:20:58.47)
Devilis : Brat! (0:21:02.97)
Devilis : Magic of flame that dwells— (0:21:04.92)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Got him. (0:21:06.03)
Matthias Hildesheimer : He activated the spell
before he started his chant!
EXTRA : What? Did he just cast before he— (0:21:09.95)
EXTRA : Get him, Devilis! (0:21:10.60)
EXTRA : He did the same with his guard spell... (0:21:13.21)
EXTRA : What in the world... (0:21:15.23)
Matthias Hildesheimer : In other words,
he's just been pretending to chant.
Devilis : ...arrow! (0:21:20.34)
Matthias Hildesheimer : The demon's head is its weak point! (0:21:21.30)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Forget your incantation again? (0:21:25.14)
Devilis : Come, flame! (0:21:28.06)
Matthias Hildesheimer : That proves it. (0:21:29.55)
Matthias Hildesheimer : A spell-casting demon,
pretending to use incantations...
Matthias Hildesheimer : The demons are the ones
that brought wordless casting into decline!
Matthias Hildesheimer : The demons want humans' spells
as weak as possible.
Matthias Hildesheimer : They must have infiltrated
First Academy long ago
Matthias Hildesheimer : and arranged to have the fourth crest
declared the Crest of Failure!
Devilis : Come, flame! (0:21:55.27)
Devilis : How? (0:21:57.53)
Devilis : How can you be so strong?! (0:21:58.46)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Maybe you're just lousy at fighting! (0:22:00.29)
Lurie Abendroth : What's going on? (0:22:09.11)
Devilis : D-Did you just use a Spell Shatter? (0:22:12.82)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Yes. (0:22:16.19)
Matthias Hildesheimer : And I tacked on a Magic Veil,
so you wouldn't notice.
EXTRA : Hey, is that— (0:22:22.08)
EXTRA : Is Devilis... (0:22:24.36)
EXTRA : What? What's going on? (0:22:26.01)
EXTRA : Does that mean... (0:22:26.82)
Feikus : A-Are you telling me...
Devilis is a demon?!
Edwart : Contact the palace! (0:22:31.51)
Edwart : Evacuate the students at once! (0:22:32.95)
EXTRA : H-Help! (0:22:34.66)
EXTRA : Calm down! (0:22:35.38)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Well, what's your next move? (0:22:35.99)
Devilis : Damn you! (0:22:38.96)
Matthias Hildesheimer : A retreating demon will use
a Full Flight spell...
Matthias Hildesheimer : It will take him about 1.5 seconds
from spreading his wings to takeoff.
Matthias Hildesheimer : 0.8 seconds for my enchantment... (0:22:51.93)
Matthias Hildesheimer : 0.7 seconds remain. (0:22:53.76)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Easily done! (0:22:55.65)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Now it's over. (0:22:58.76)
Edwart : Did he defeat that demon...
all by himself?
Matthias Hildesheimer : I can't believe there are demons
infiltrating the academy.
Matthias Hildesheimer : I thought I drove them
to the brink of destruction
Matthias Hildesheimer : in my old life as Gaius the Sage... (0:23:15.55)
Matthias Hildesheimer : It seems there are serious problems
in this day and age.
Lurie Abendroth : Pop quiz, Alma! (0:23:25.89)
Lurie Abendroth : What's the best crest for enchantment? (0:23:26.95)
Alma Lepucius : Crest of Glory! (0:23:28.52)
Lurie Abendroth : And for power? (0:23:29.63)
Alma Lepucius : Crest of Standard! (0:23:30.63)
Lurie Abendroth : Now, Matty, say all the crests
three times fast!
Matthias Hildesheimer : Eh?! (0:23:33.86)
Matthias Hildesheimer : Crest of Glory, Crest of Standard,
Crest of Lesser, Crest of Failure!
Matthias Hildesheimer : Crest of Glory, Crest of Standard,
Crest of Lesser, Crest of Failure!
Matthias Hildesheimer : Crest of Glory, Crest of Standard,
Crest of Lesser... argh!

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I DIDNTT MEAN TOOOOOOO :'((((( - Anonymous


Seriously? - Silver Fang

He molted! - Silver Fang

We're just outside the city. - Silver Fang

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