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Tsukasa Jinguuji : S-Sorry. (0:00:12.49)
Hinata Tachibana : No... I'm the one who should apologize. (0:00:14.33)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Don't be fooled by appearances. (0:00:17.32)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Inside, that's an old guy
who's over thirty.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : If we just interact normally, it'll be fine. (0:00:21.40)
Hinata Tachibana : Stay calm. Just stay calm. (0:00:23.62)
Hinata Tachibana : My body may have become female,
but I'm a man who's into women.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I do not ever want to be in a
romantic relationship with this guy!
Hinata Tachibana : I could never fall in love with a guy! (0:00:34.13)
EXTRA : This story is... (0:00:37.43)
EXTRA : Well, you may have already
guessed from their reactions.
EXTRA : It's a romantic comedy between an old guy
and someone who used to be an old guy.
Hinata Tachibana : Oh, man... (0:02:17.78)
Hinata Tachibana : There's so many cute girls,
it's got me nervous.
Hinata Tachibana : Flight attendants really
are on a different level!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Are they? (0:02:24.95)
Hinata Tachibana : Huh? (0:02:26.07)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I don't find them interesting at all. (0:02:27.13)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I'm more interested in the
fish tank. Did you see it?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Fish are wonderful. I get really excited. (0:02:31.40)
Hinata Tachibana : Why did you come to this mixer anyway? (0:02:34.24)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Caring even a little about your
appearance makes you attractive.
Hinata Tachibana : Ugh... (0:02:39.80)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Get to know the women first, so that
you're not deceived by a stranger.
Hinata Tachibana : Are you my mom or something? (0:02:43.52)
EXTRA : These two childhood friends have known
each other since elementary school,
EXTRA : but they are not alike at all. (0:02:49.40)
EXTRA : Jinguuji Tsukasa (32) (0:02:51.23)
EXTRA : Jinguuji Tsukasa. (0:02:51.67)
EXTRA : . (0:02:53.06)
EXTRA : He's tall with handsome features. (0:02:53.56)
EXTRA : Handsome features (0:02:54.11)
EXTRA : No matter what he does, he does it well. (0:02:55.48)
EXTRA : Excels in both athletics
and academics .
EXTRA : He excels in both athletics and academics,
and is clever and confident.
EXTRA : . .
Roughly 20 Years Ago
. .
EXTRA : And because of that... (0:03:00.39)
EXTRA : he's been incredibly popular
ever since his school days.
EXTRA : Women have fallen for him continuously
for the last 20 years now.
EXTRA : He's never been particularly
interested in women...
EXTRA : But as their dark sides have stood
out to him more than anything else,
EXTRA : he's developed a complete distrust of women. (0:03:15.05)
EXTRA : And that is why... (0:03:17.95)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I will only allow you to date
a woman I've approved of.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Though I doubt that such a woman exists. (0:03:24.45)
EXTRA : That's the excuse he gives, but... (0:03:26.71)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I really do feel more comfortable around men. (0:03:29.74)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : The oasis of my heart is, and
will always be, you alone.
EXTRA : He really just doesn't want a woman
to take his best friend from him.
Hinata Tachibana : If you don't see a girl you like,
I wish you'd at least not get in my way.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Then why do you always invite me? (0:03:42.47)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : It's because you know
this will happen, right?
Hinata Tachibana : I-I get nervous coming to these mixers alone. (0:03:48.42)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : You feel lonesome so easily. (0:03:51.36)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Why don't you have a little
more confidence in yourself?
Hinata Tachibana : Confidence, huh? (0:03:55.35)
Hinata Tachibana : That's impossible with you around! (0:03:57.66)
EXTRA : Tachibana Hinata. (0:04:01.23)
EXTRA : Height, weight, etc. all average. (0:04:02.64)
EXTRA : Neither good nor bad at anything. (0:04:04.71)
EXTRA : This man walks a finely balanced line. (0:04:06.16)
Hinata Tachibana : Oh! Um, excuse me! (0:04:08.26)
EXTRA : Every woman he has ever fallen
for has been taken by Jinguuji.
Hinata Tachibana : I never imagined it would continue
even after we left school!
Hinata Tachibana : As long as I'm with him,
I'll never get a girlfriend! Ever!
EXTRA : The reason he brought Jinguuji to mixers was
to get him married off as quickly as possible.
Hinata Tachibana : But why does this guy have
so little interest in women?
Hinata Tachibana : We're already 32, you know? (0:04:32.19)
Hinata Tachibana : Could it be that he's in love with me? (0:04:34.78)
EXTRA : This situation appears very complicated. (0:04:37.75)
Hinata Tachibana : I want to be a woman. (0:04:43.01)
Hinata Tachibana : If I'm always going to feel this small and
miserable, I'd rather just become a woman.
Hinata Tachibana : I want to be a girl so beautiful
that I couldn't possibly exist
Hinata Tachibana : in this world, and have everyone fawn over me. (0:04:51.84)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : You drank too much, idiot. (0:04:54.06)
Hinata Tachibana : If possible, I'd want to look childlike,
but still be sharp.
Hinata Tachibana : A short loli-type with soft blonde hair...
That would be great!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Saying things like that is why
you can't get a woman.
Hinata Tachibana : Oh, shut up! Even I would do fine if
I didn't have someone like you close by!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I'm tired of hearing that. (0:05:08.31)
Hinata Tachibana : Out of curiosity... (0:05:10.11)
Hinata Tachibana : What kind of girl would you like? (0:05:11.91)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I've never given it any thought. (0:05:13.64)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Right now, all I'm thinking about
is seeing you back to your place.
Hinata Tachibana : Why? Why is it always you, Jinguuji? (0:05:19.24)
Hinata Tachibana : You're really despicable, you know that? (0:05:22.83)
Hinata Tachibana : You're popular and cool. It's no fair... (0:05:25.06)
Hinata Tachibana : Blast it. You moron... (0:05:28.01)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : And the only one who'd spend time with
someone as despicable as me is you.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Come on, wake up! (0:05:38.11)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Say... Is it dead? (0:05:40.21)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Wha—?! (0:05:44.82)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : A bizarre, half-naked, LED woman! (0:05:45.78)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : It's a halo! A halo! (0:05:47.83)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : You're a very rude human! (0:05:49.32)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Alive then, is he? (0:05:53.19)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Step aside, Four-Eyes. (0:05:55.10)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : If he lives, then I merely need to kill him. (0:05:58.54)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Tachibana! (0:06:02.04)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Tachibana! (0:06:06.92)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Where are you, Tachibana? (0:06:08.14)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : You're safe. I'm so glad. (0:06:11.29)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Huh? Safe? (0:06:13.68)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Safe from what? I can't remember. (0:06:15.51)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Hey, wake up, Tachiba— (0:06:19.47)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : What?! (0:06:22.31)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Your body's melted! (0:06:23.40)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : What is this? It's disgusting! (0:06:25.98)
Hinata Tachibana : Oh, keep it down. You're making my head ring. (0:06:28.59)
Hinata Tachibana : Is this a hangover? (0:06:32.17)
Hinata Tachibana : My head hurts and I feel
like my throat is weird...
Hinata Tachibana : Where are we anyway, Jinguuji? (0:06:37.58)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Wh— Wh— (0:06:40.19)
Hinata Tachibana : Huh? (0:06:41.93)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Who are you, you snake?! (0:06:42.88)
Hinata Tachibana : Huh? (0:06:45.12)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : What have you done with Tachibana?! (0:06:45.86)
Hinata Tachibana : What? Did you hit your head or something? (0:06:47.62)
Hinata Tachibana : Forgetting your best friend's
face is pretty harsh.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I only have one best friend!
And it isn't you!
Hinata Tachibana : Huh? Whoa! She's cute! (0:06:56.92)
Hinata Tachibana : Who is that? (0:06:58.96)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : You. (0:06:59.99)
Hinata Tachibana : What?! (0:07:02.14)
Hinata Tachibana : What is this? What's going on? (0:07:03.22)
Hinata Tachibana : I've got stuff I shouldn't up top! (0:07:04.93)
Hinata Tachibana : And I'm missing stuff
I should have down below!
Hinata Tachibana : Why am I in the body of the
perfect woman I dreamed up?!
Hinata Tachibana : Why are you barfing?! (0:07:15.24)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : It's like Tachibana turned into a girl
and is talking to me. It's sickening.
Hinata Tachibana : I have become a girl and I am talking to you! (0:07:20.56)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Do you like it? (0:07:24.31)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : How is it? What do you think of becoming
the embodiment of your desires?
Hinata Tachibana : What's this? An exhibitionist
woman has suddenly appeared.
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Both of you are really rude! (0:07:32.41)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Desires embodied? (0:07:35.73)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : What do you mean? (0:07:37.38)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : When I summoned you here,
I granted you your wish.
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Welcome to another world, O brave heroes! (0:07:43.44)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : This world is on the brink of danger, and
the only ones who can save it are heroes!
Goddess of Love and Beauty : When you have magnificently
defeated the Demon Lord,
Goddess of Love and Beauty : I shall grant you any wish you like! (0:07:54.25)
Hinata Tachibana : Did you hear that, Jinguuji?
Apparently, we're heroes!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Do not be fooled, Tachibana-like woman. (0:08:01.53)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : This is bound to be some kind of scam. (0:08:03.92)
Hinata Tachibana : You say some really crazy things. (0:08:05.67)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I get a very unpleasant feel from this woman. (0:08:07.88)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : We shouldn't get involved with her. (0:08:10.32)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : His memories should have been erased. (0:08:12.16)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : His sharp intuition is a problem. (0:08:14.55)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : And most importantly... (0:08:16.91)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : turning you into a woman
was probably her doing.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : She stole my oasis from me! (0:08:21.60)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Humans die without water! (0:08:25.90)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : How am I supposed to live now?! (0:08:28.82)
Hinata Tachibana : You're upset enough to cry? (0:08:31.46)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : So until you turn Tachibana back,
I will not listen to you!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Understand? (0:08:36.11)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : You dare to give me orders? (0:08:39.25)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : That stance shows no sign of cooperating... (0:08:41.40)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Calling me an LED display, a con artist... (0:08:43.20)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Quit pushing your luck, Four-Eyes... (0:08:45.18)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : I am a goddess of love and beauty! (0:08:47.31)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : You lower life-forms need
to learn your place.
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Fine. You're only here to
make up the numbers anyway.
Goddess of Love and Beauty : I'll go ahead and make use
of you for some amusement.
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Rejoice! (0:08:59.26)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : For good or ill, I cast this curse which
shall make you want to save this world!
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Breaking the curse, returning
everything to normal...
Goddess of Love and Beauty : All of it is possible if
you defeat Demon Lord!
Goddess of Love and Beauty : So go ahead and try your best! (0:09:13.66)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : Bye-bye! (0:09:15.48)
Hinata Tachibana : What was all that? (0:09:19.45)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Let's be logical for a moment. (0:09:21.26)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I've been trying to make sense of the
situation we've found ourselves in...
Hinata Tachibana : Yeah. It's been so chaotic, I've got no idea. (0:09:26.62)
Hinata Tachibana : And I'm starting to get hungry. (0:09:30.90)
Hinata Tachibana : What are we supposed to
do about food and water?
Hinata Tachibana : Jinguuji? (0:09:35.67)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Y-You're cute... (0:09:37.31)
Hinata Tachibana : What? (0:09:40.01)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : What? (0:09:40.52)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : What am I saying? (0:09:41.69)
Hinata Tachibana : Were you just staring at me in fascination? (0:09:44.00)
Hinata Tachibana : I am ridiculously cute right now... (0:09:46.33)
Hinata Tachibana : But we need to think seriously right now. (0:09:49.40)
Hinata Tachibana : Depending on what we do,
we might have to camp—
Tsukasa Jinguuji : S-Sorry. (0:09:54.00)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I don't know what's going on myself. (0:09:55.53)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : It's just that this strange
feeling welled up inside me,
Tsukasa Jinguuji : and I couldn't withstand it... (0:10:00.99)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Blast it. My heart rate is
strangely fast. What is this?
Hinata Tachibana : He's so cool... Jinguuji seems so cool! (0:10:10.45)
Hinata Tachibana : Those piercing eyes and
that always perfect hair!
Hinata Tachibana : His build is slender, but strong! (0:10:16.87)
Hinata Tachibana : And now that I'm this short, I understand
how reliable 180 cm can seem!
Hinata Tachibana : Even as another man,
I've thought he was cool, but...
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Those features which retain
a hint of childlike youth!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Those dignified, intelligent blue eyes! (0:10:27.88)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : That translucent skin and
glorious blonde hair!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I've never felt this sense of
impatience before. What is it?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Why is it that I can't look away? (0:10:35.60)
Hinata Tachibana : What is this?! (0:10:39.45)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : What is this?! (0:10:39.45)
Goddess of Love and Beauty : For good or ill, I cast this curse which
shall make you want to save this world!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Th-The curse! (0:10:47.20)
Hinata Tachibana : Th-The curse! (0:10:47.20)
Hinata Tachibana : That blasted goddess! (0:10:49.61)
Hinata Tachibana : She wasn't satisfied with
turning me into a woman.
Hinata Tachibana : She cast the worst, nastiest curse
she could as a goddess of love!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Which means that I must withstand this (0:10:55.96)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : to protect our friendship! (0:10:58.86)
Hinata Tachibana : This is bad! Insanely bad! (0:11:01.09)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : We must break this curse
as quickly as possible!
EXTRA : In this moment, their two hearts were as one. (0:11:06.60)
Hinata Tachibana : Let's do this, Jinguuji. (0:11:11.68)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Yes. We shall defeat this Demon Lord. (0:11:13.36)
Hinata Tachibana : Before I fall in love with this guy! (0:11:17.86)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Before I fall in love with this guy! (0:11:17.86)
EXTRA : This tale is a romantic comedy between an
old guy and someone who used to be an old guy.
Hinata Tachibana : I hate this. (0:11:33.26)
Hinata Tachibana : I'm tired! I hate this! My feet hurt! (0:11:34.59)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : We haven't been hiking for even an hour. (0:11:37.03)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Come on, try a little harder. (0:11:39.41)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : You're going to defeat the Demon Lord, right? (0:11:40.75)
Hinata Tachibana : I don't feel like I can... (0:11:42.80)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : That part of your personality is
the reason you're not popular.
Hinata Tachibana : Look at these skinny legs! (0:11:47.56)
Hinata Tachibana : This body is way too weak physically! (0:11:49.52)
Hinata Tachibana : And these shoes don't fit!
They're way too big!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Don't go thoughtlessly showing
your legs. It's indecent.
Hinata Tachibana : Hey, don't you think it'd be better
to go down the mountain than up?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : No. (0:12:01.48)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Climbing to the top while we can and
checking our surroundings is the soundest choice.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Besides... (0:12:06.55)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : The fact that this isn't our world
has started to set in, right?
Hinata Tachibana : What is that stupidly huge thing anyway? (0:12:11.89)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : The plants are all things
we've never seen before, too.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : And it's much too quiet for a mountain. (0:12:17.48)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Though there aren't any insects,
there are flowers blooming. It's unsettling.
Hinata Tachibana : You really noticed a lot. (0:12:22.72)
Hinata Tachibana : Then, do you think it'd be
bad to drink the river water?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Let's hold off until our
situation becomes critical.
Hinata Tachibana : This being in another world
thing is kinda scary.
Hinata Tachibana : I'm glad I'm with you. (0:12:33.88)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Right? Right? (0:12:36.17)
Hinata Tachibana : Still, just leaving us like this
when we don't know anything...
Hinata Tachibana : How savage is that goddess? (0:12:41.20)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Well, I bear responsibility in this, too. (0:12:43.19)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : There is something about this world
which I simply cannot forgive.
Hinata Tachibana : Is that so? (0:12:48.55)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : The fact that you've become a woman. (0:12:50.02)
Hinata Tachibana : Your dislike is way too focused! (0:12:52.28)
Hinata Tachibana : You already knew that
"unforgivable" thing before!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Yes, I did. (0:12:55.94)
Hinata Tachibana : Man...I want a bath. (0:12:57.25)
Hinata Tachibana : Don't you usually start in a
village for this kind of thing?
Hinata Tachibana : And she left us with this weird curse... (0:13:03.24)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Is something wrong? (0:13:08.40)
Hinata Tachibana : No! Nothing! (0:13:09.39)
Hinata Tachibana : Crap! This curse is really a problem! (0:13:11.52)
Hinata Tachibana : Jinguuji's the same as usual. (0:13:15.06)
Hinata Tachibana : It's like it's only me feeling weirdly
conscious of him. It's so frustrating.
Hinata Tachibana : Hang on. (0:13:21.70)
Hinata Tachibana : She did say she was using a curse,
but she didn't say what the curse was.
Hinata Tachibana : Is it possible that I'm attracted
to him regardless of the curse?
Hinata Tachibana : Huh? What? That's bad, right? (0:13:34.64)
Hinata Tachibana : Say, doesn't it seem like we've been
cursed to fall in love with each other?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : What? (0:13:40.21)
Hinata Tachibana : If I asked that, it's basically
the same as if I said I love him.
Hinata Tachibana : And if the curse isn't what
I think it is, then...
Hinata Tachibana : The steadfast 25 years he
and I have spent together...
Hinata Tachibana : No! That is the one thing
that must not ever happen!
Hinata Tachibana : And the fact that he seems like
he might accept it is terrifying!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Well, sometimes things like this happen. (0:13:56.69)
Hinata Tachibana : And the fact that right now I might
see that as good is also terrifying!
Hinata Tachibana : This situation only holds terror! (0:14:03.56)
Hinata Tachibana : First, I have to determine whether
Jinguuji feels attracted to me or not.
Hinata Tachibana : Hey, Jinguuji... (0:14:10.87)
Hinata Tachibana : You said I was cute earlier, right? (0:14:13.41)
Hinata Tachibana : So this is the kind of
thing you're into, huh?
Hinata Tachibana : No wonder you weren't interested
in any of the women around us.
Hinata Tachibana : I mean, there weren't any beautiful
blonde girls like this around, right?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I was wondering what you were going to say. (0:14:26.37)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Do you really think I'd ever
praise a woman's appearance?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : We've been together 25 years,
and it's never happened once, has it?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : You are as bird-brained and
uncomprehending as ever.
Hinata Tachibana : H-Huh? Didn't you say something
like that? How weird...
Hinata Tachibana : Crap! I'm not confident I can
trust my memory. Is it my age?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Honestly. At a time like this... (0:14:47.14)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : But I do like that part of you. (0:14:49.81)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Are you asking if you're cute? (0:14:53.37)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : If that is what this throbbing
in my chest says, then...
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I must think you're cute! (0:14:57.16)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : In this state you're in, Tachibana! (0:14:58.92)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Blast it! I feel like I'll go crazy
if I look directly at her face!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : But... (0:15:04.61)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I have my pride. (0:15:06.74)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Just you watch, Tachibana. (0:15:08.60)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : No matter how cute you are,
I will never fall in love with you!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Not even if that is the type
of curse which has been cast!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Not even though you've turned into a woman! (0:15:17.61)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I will prove to that blasted goddess
that our friendship is immutable!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Ya-y! (0:15:22.25)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I will return you to being a man with
our relationship just as it was!
Hinata Tachibana : This guy's expressions don't change
much, so I can't really tell.
Hinata Tachibana : But without evidence, I can't do much more... (0:15:33.16)
Hinata Tachibana : Then shouldn't I just get
him to call me cute again?
Hinata Tachibana : Oh, dear! (0:15:41.26)
Hinata Tachibana : Oh, no! I've fallen down! (0:15:43.12)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Are you all right, Tachibana? (0:15:45.95)
Hinata Tachibana : Sorry, Jinguuji. (0:15:47.25)
Hinata Tachibana : I don't think I can walk anymore... (0:15:49.92)
Hinata Tachibana : How's that? If I were a guy, I'd find
this feminine gesture adorable...
Hinata Tachibana : the upward glance! (0:15:57.96)
Hinata Tachibana : The only problem with it would be
that I, at 32, am the one doing it.
Hinata Tachibana : This is rough! To be honest,
it's really rough!
Hinata Tachibana : But! (0:16:06.37)
Hinata Tachibana : The shock of seeing this cute move
when I'm already so cute
Hinata Tachibana : should overwhelm a cerebral, four-eyed virgin! (0:16:10.61)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I see. (0:16:14.00)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Then... (0:16:15.32)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I'll lend you a hand. (0:16:17.14)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : You're probably lighter than you were. (0:16:20.65)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Shall I carry you in a princess hold? (0:16:22.47)
Hinata Tachibana : H-He countered it? (0:16:24.20)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : That was close! (0:16:26.58)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : The overwhelming cuteness made me
nearly black out for a second!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : But, though it was spur of the moment,
my reaction was good.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : After rationally determining the
advantages of the gender change,
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I've thrown in some jokes to emphasize
the fact that I'm not bothered.
Hinata Tachibana : Crap. I never thought he'd
manage to evade like this!
Hinata Tachibana : But I've put myself through something
really embarrassing here...
Hinata Tachibana : I can't retreat now! (0:16:46.61)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Huh? No. Wait, wait, wait! (0:16:49.29)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Are Tachibana and I about to come into
close contact? Pressed together?!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Close contact... Piggyback would mean
her chest pressed against my back!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : A princess hold would mean our
faces would be close together!
Hinata Tachibana : Fine, I'll take your challenge, Jinguuji. (0:17:01.72)
Hinata Tachibana : Now I've come this far, pressing my chest
against you or whatever is all the same to me!
Hinata Tachibana : Huh? (0:17:15.92)
Hinata Tachibana : What's with that thing? (0:17:20.08)
Hinata Tachibana : It's a wild... (0:17:21.35)
Hinata Tachibana : A wild... what? (0:17:22.56)
Hinata Tachibana : Is it some kind of monster? (0:17:23.35)
Hinata Tachibana : It's kind of cute. (0:17:25.84)
Hinata Tachibana : It's creepy! I take it back! (0:17:28.90)
Hinata Tachibana : What was that? (0:17:36.45)
Hinata Tachibana : Jinguuji, dodge! (0:17:38.13)
Hinata Tachibana : Are you okay? Did it graze you? (0:17:41.72)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : You're holding on too tight.
Can you give me a little more slack?
Hinata Tachibana : Is this really the time?! (0:17:47.24)
Hinata Tachibana : I know it's gross, but
just bear with it for now!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : No, well... Yes. (0:17:51.32)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : It will be harder to run
if you loosen your grip.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : So hold on tight. (0:17:56.36)
Hinata Tachibana : R-Right... (0:17:57.74)
Hinata Tachibana : I'm sorry. If you were alone, you'd
have been able to get away easily.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : It's not a problem. (0:18:03.60)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I feel as though I've got wings. (0:18:04.59)
Hinata Tachibana : That was a little creepy, you know... (0:18:06.73)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : C-Creepy? (0:18:08.92)
Hinata Tachibana : I m-mean, as long as I'm not heavy,
I guess it doesn't matter.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Well... More than your weight,
for me it's, how shall I put it...
Tsukasa Jinguuji : You're so soft! (0:18:17.90)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : And your face is so close! (0:18:19.58)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : No! This is no time to be
noticing things like that!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I need to focus! (0:18:24.20)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : But... (0:18:25.84)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Whether I'm conscious of it or not,
this softness is attacking my reason...
Tsukasa Jinguuji : She's so warm! She smells so nice! (0:18:29.79)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Oh, no! (0:18:33.06)
Hinata Tachibana : Jinguuji! (0:18:38.67)
Hinata Tachibana : I-I-I-It's coming! It's coming for real! (0:18:42.89)
Hinata Tachibana : Please get up, Jinguuji!
If we don't hurry up and run away...
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Run? Me? (0:18:48.48)
Hinata Tachibana : Jinguuji... (0:18:50.89)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : That's right. (0:18:51.66)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Why am I running in the first place? (0:18:52.73)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I have never turned my
back on an enemy and run.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I am undefeated, unbeaten.
I have always found a way.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Is there any need for me to run? (0:19:01.23)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Right. I'll do this. I'll do it.
I'll do it! I will do this!
Hinata Tachibana : Hey! You idiot! Stop! (0:19:08.24)
Hinata Tachibana : That thing's too dangerous, even for you! (0:19:09.66)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : It's all right. (0:19:11.76)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I'll find a way. (0:19:13.44)
Hinata Tachibana : Don't give me "pitter pat"! (0:19:16.57)
Hinata Tachibana : This is seriously dangerous! (0:19:18.57)
Hinata Tachibana : That thing shoots beams! (0:19:19.83)
Hinata Tachibana : It's a wild exploding-type animal! (0:19:21.05)
Hinata Tachibana : Come back here! You'll die! (0:19:24.88)
Hinata Tachibana : Jinguuji! (0:19:27.56)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Take that. (0:19:29.56)
Hinata Tachibana : Is it... dead? (0:19:38.36)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Probably. (0:19:39.98)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Going to the gym has paid off! (0:19:42.67)
Hinata Tachibana : That was beyond what you can
do by training at the gym.
Hinata Tachibana : It's probably that thing... (0:19:49.14)
Hinata Tachibana : The thing that happens in reincarnation
stuff where physical abilities get boosted.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : But I do weight training every morning. (0:19:55.85)
Hinata Tachibana : You think that's how you killed
that with one punch?
Hinata Tachibana : The fact that you're 32 and not out of
breath after moving that much is weird!
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Don't lump me together with yourself. (0:20:04.66)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Honestly. (0:20:06.14)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Dodge! (0:20:08.68)
Hinata Tachibana : Huh? (0:20:10.40)
Hinata Tachibana : I thought I was gonna die... (0:20:18.47)
Hinata Tachibana : Jinguuji, are you okay? (0:20:20.78)
Hinata Tachibana : Are you hurt anywhere? (0:20:22.51)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I don't feel any pain in particular. (0:20:24.44)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : But there is definitely something to this. (0:20:26.52)
Hinata Tachibana : What are those numbers for? (0:20:30.99)
Hinata Tachibana : Experience points? (0:20:32.40)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Something has popped up. (0:20:33.78)
Hinata Tachibana : Jinguuji, your level's super high! (0:20:35.84)
Hinata Tachibana : And mine's super low! (0:20:37.92)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : It must be because of my training! (0:20:39.40)
Hinata Tachibana : Is it really thanks to that? (0:20:40.74)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : What is this "Skills" thing? (0:20:41.80)
Hinata Tachibana : The way this is going... (0:20:43.41)
Hinata Tachibana : I might have cheat-level skills! (0:20:44.87)
Hinata Tachibana : Unparalleled beauty... Troublemaker... (0:20:49.24)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Isn't it wonderful?
Your wishes have come true.
Hinata Tachibana : I never said I wanted to be a woman. (0:20:55.23)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Yes, you did. (0:20:59.04)
Hinata Tachibana : Huh? (0:21:00.29)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : After the mixer. When you were dead drunk. (0:21:00.98)
Hinata Tachibana : I want to be a girl so beautiful
that I couldn't possibly exist
Hinata Tachibana : in this world, and have everyone fawn over me. (0:21:06.47)
Hinata Tachibana : Who grants wishes from when a person's
so drunk they don't even remember it?
Hinata Tachibana : How careless can you be? (0:21:12.17)
Hinata Tachibana : Which means... (0:21:14.74)
Hinata Tachibana : Could turning me into a woman have
been a sign of that goddess's favor?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : It probably was a kindness. (0:21:20.37)
Hinata Tachibana : Didn't we complain and talk
really harshly to her?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Yes, we did. (0:21:25.22)
Hinata Tachibana : Next time we see her,
we should apologize together.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I refuse. (0:21:29.06)
Hinata Tachibana : We will apologize! (0:21:29.57)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Well, if you insist, Tachibana. (0:21:30.72)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : But why is it only you who
was given your ideal form?
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Did I get nothing? (0:21:36.08)
Hinata Tachibana : Do you have an ideal appearance? (0:21:38.16)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Me, as I am now. (0:21:40.62)
Hinata Tachibana : I see. (0:21:41.71)
Hinata Tachibana : Then maybe you have skills
or something instead?
Hinata Tachibana : You do! That's a suspicious looking one! (0:21:47.28)
Hinata Tachibana : Since you've got it, let's try it out! (0:21:49.33)
Hinata Tachibana : It might be a cheat-level skill, after all. (0:21:51.59)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : To activate it... (0:21:53.99)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : I do this. (0:21:55.63)
Hinata Tachibana : Huh? (0:22:00.12)
Hinata Tachibana : A door? (0:22:02.55)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : A door? (0:22:02.55)
Hinata Tachibana : You know... (0:23:35.63)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : What is it, Tachibana? (0:23:36.85)
Hinata Tachibana : Does being 32 make us old guys? (0:23:37.64)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : If we're not old guys, what are we? (0:23:39.60)
Hinata Tachibana : Well, that's true, but... (0:23:41.21)
Tsukasa Jinguuji : That worry only shows that you care too
much how others and society categorize you.
Tsukasa Jinguuji : Your reality is something you as a member of society— (0:23:47.55)
Hinata Tachibana : I get it! Sorry. (0:23:47.90)
Hinata Tachibana : I'm good... (0:23:49.16)

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