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Miku Suride : Hey, wake up this instant! (0:00:54.61)
Miku Suride : You got your notice, right? What'd it say? (0:01:00.66)
Serufu Yua : Yup, it came. How about you, Purin? (0:01:04.62)
Miku Suride : Naturally, I was accepted into YuVoc! (0:01:09.92)
Serufu Yua : Wow! Congratulations, Purin! (0:01:13.34)
Miku Suride : And don't call me Purin. (0:01:17.43)
Miku Suride : My name is Miku. (0:01:19.68)
Miku Suride : So, what about your results, Serufu? (0:01:21.51)
Serufu Yua : I was accepted, too... (0:01:24.06)
Miku Suride : Really? Well, you did work hard for
it in your own way, didn't you?
Miku Suride : I suppose I should congratulate you. (0:01:30.48)
Miku Suride : Now we'll be going to the same— (0:01:33.15)
Serufu Yua : ...into Gata Girls'. (0:01:34.78)
Miku Suride : Gata Girls'? That was your safety school, right? (0:01:46.37)
Miku Suride : What about YuVoc? (0:01:49.12)
Serufu Yua : Oh, they rejected me. (0:01:51.13)
Serufu Yua : The walls of an elite high school
were just too high to scale.
Miku Suride : You started mindlessly daydreaming
in the middle of the exam, didn't you?
Serufu Yua : Why are you angry, Purin? (0:02:01.35)
Miku Suride : Stupid Serufu! (0:02:05.81)
Serufu Yua : The weather sure is nice. (0:02:13.48)
Kitoma : What's in a name? (0:02:20.03)
Kitoma : That which we call a rose (0:02:22.16)
Kitoma : by any other word (0:02:26.00)
Kitoma : would smell as sweet. (0:02:28.00)
Kitoma : So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called. (0:02:30.54)
Kitoma : Retain that clear perfection... (0:02:35.84)
Serufu Yua : That cloud... (0:02:38.01)
Serufu Yua : I bet taking a nap on it would be the best. (0:02:39.76)
Kitoma : That's all for today. (0:02:48.73)
Kitoma : Be sure to review
and prepare for the next lesson
Kitoma : so that you don't suddenly find yourselves
unable to keep up in class.
EXTRA : See you tomorrow! (0:02:58.61)
EXTRA : Man, I'm exhausted. (0:02:59.07)
Takumi Hikage : E-Excuse me... (0:03:03.66)
Serufu Yua : Huh? (0:03:05.66)
Takumi Hikage : Class is over now... (0:03:07.12)
EXTRA : Bye-bye! (0:03:10.91)
EXTRA : See you tomorrow. (0:03:12.67)
Serufu Yua : Takumin, have you decided on a club? (0:03:16.09)
Takumi Hikage : "Takumin"? (0:03:19.01)
Serufu Yua : Hmm? (0:03:20.55)
Takumi Hikage : N-No, not yet. (0:03:21.26)
Takumi Hikage : Have you, Yua-san? (0:03:23.97)
Serufu Yua : Not yet. (0:03:25.18)
Serufu Yua : What should I pick? (0:03:27.18)
Serufu Yua : Call me Serufu, Takumin. (0:03:29.56)
Takumi Hikage : Takumin... (0:03:32.52)
Takumi Hikage : Um, my name is Takumi. (0:03:33.94)
Serufu Yua : I know. That makes you "Takumin." (0:03:37.78)
Takumi Hikage : Takumin? This is the first time
anyone has called me anything like—
Serufu Yua : The wind sure is strong, isn't it? (0:03:46.70)
Takumi Hikage : The buildings funnel it. (0:03:50.33)
Takumi Hikage : I wonder why they built things this way. (0:04:08.76)
Serufu Yua : Beats me. (0:04:11.73)
Serufu Yua : Well, see you tomorrow, Takumin. (0:04:13.94)
Takumi Hikage : G-Goodbye, Serufu-san. (0:04:16.73)
Takumi Hikage : Takumin, huh? (0:04:21.57)
Serufu Yua : Going is fine... (0:04:29.49)
Serufu Yua : but coming back is rough. (0:04:31.58)
Serufu Yua : Must be nice to ride a school bus. (0:04:34.04)
Serufu Yua : Oh, Purin! Welcome back. (0:04:45.01)
Serufu Yua : I've already mastered using a 3D printer. (0:04:48.39)
Miku Suride : Today, I made a blood vessel which
could be used in an actual surgery.
Serufu Yua : Wow, that's amazing. (0:04:56.44)
Serufu Yua : I learned about
Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.
Miku Suride : We learned about global
cutting-edge technology,
Miku Suride : while you studied moldy old history. (0:05:07.45)
Miku Suride : It suits you. (0:05:10.20)
Serufu Yua : D'aw, I'm not that impressive. (0:05:11.54)
Miku Suride : That wasn't a compliment! (0:05:13.70)
Miku Suride : You could at least wear your shirt neatly! (0:05:15.29)
Serufu Yua : Hey, Purin! (0:05:17.67)
Serufu Yua : Why don't you come have a snack? (0:05:18.71)
Miku Suride : I am allergic to cats, dogs,
pigs, and you, Serufu!
Miku Suride : Stupid Serufu! (0:05:32.10)
Serufu Yua : Well, I guess it's fine. (0:05:34.73)
Miku Suride : Honestly! (0:05:37.27)
Mr. Jellyfish : Welcome home, Miku-san. (0:05:39.23)
Mr. Jellyfish : Welcome home, Miku-san. (0:05:41.07)
Miku Suride : Yes, yes. (0:05:42.02)
Miku Suride : I'm back. (0:05:43.73)
Mr. Jellyfish : Very good. I will heat up the bath. (0:05:45.74)
Mr. Jellyfish : Bath! Bath! Bath! (0:05:48.70)
Mr. Jellyfish : Bath! Bath! (0:05:50.62)
Miku Suride : Why...? (0:05:52.16)
Serufu Yua : I'm home! (0:05:55.29)
Serufu Yua : Okay, bring it! (0:05:59.71)
Serufu Yua : I'm home, Pochi, Tama, Meat! (0:06:07.80)
Serufu's Mother : Welcome home, Serufu.
I was just getting dinner ready.
Serufu's Mother : Go on and take your bath now. (0:06:15.06)
Serufu Yua : This really brings me back to life. (0:06:20.77)
Serufu Yua : S'that feel good, Meat? (0:06:23.36)
Serufu Yua : Hey, Pochi. It'd be great
if steam was edible, wouldn't it?
Serufu Yua : But do you think it would taste good? (0:06:33.28)
Serufu Yua : I'd put sugar on it. (0:06:36.62)
Serufu Yua : Or maybe soy sauce... (0:06:38.50)
Serufu's Mother : I'm sure steam tastes best with ponzu sauce! (0:06:41.63)
Serufu Yua : I like it! You're smart, mom! (0:06:43.92)
Serufu's Mother : Right? (0:06:46.46)
Serufu Yua : Ponzu, huh? Yeah, ponzu for sure. (0:06:48.01)
Serufu Yua : Oh, this pork shabu shabu is yummy! (0:06:52.01)
Serufu Yua : I'm off! (0:07:10.74)
Serufu Yua : I wonder when someone will
start selling flying bicycles.
Serufu Yua : It'd be just a short flight to schoo— (0:07:18.83)
Serufu Yua : The chain slipped off,
and the handlebars are twisted....
Serufu Yua : There isn't even a bike shop around here. (0:07:30.84)
Serufu Yua : I'm probably gonna be late now... (0:07:34.47)
Serufu Yua : Welp, all good. (0:07:44.56)
Serufu Yua : Ow! (0:07:45.81)
Serufu Yua : Ooh, not good. Not good at all. (0:07:46.65)
Rei Yasaku : Got a flat? (0:07:49.53)
Serufu Yua : Huh? (0:07:50.57)
Serufu Yua : Oh, it's not a flat.
My chain and handlebars are...
Rei Yasaku : Hang on a sec. (0:07:58.41)
Serufu Yua : Huh? (0:08:00.41)
Serufu Yua : Wow. (0:08:10.34)
Serufu Yua : Huh? (0:08:12.88)
Rei Yasaku : There. Fixed. (0:08:22.43)
Rei Yasaku : Test it out. (0:08:25.35)
Serufu Yua : Oh, okay. (0:08:26.73)
Serufu Yua : Wow! (0:08:28.77)
Serufu Yua : Whoa, what a smooth spin. (0:08:32.32)
Serufu Yua : Thank you so... (0:08:35.74)
Serufu Yua : I... didn't get a chance to say thanks. (0:08:39.62)
Serufu Yua : Ow! (0:08:45.37)
Haruko Hoketsu : You can take it. (0:08:46.54)
Haruko Hoketsu : Since the entrance ceremony,
you've had perfect attendance.
Haruko Hoketsu : You set a record for yourself, Serufu-san. (0:08:51.13)
Serufu Yua : Yay! (0:08:53.97)
Haruko Hoketsu : What're you so happy about? (0:08:55.26)
Serufu Yua : I was spacing out. (0:08:57.26)
Serufu Yua : The girl who fixed my bicycle... (0:09:01.02)
Serufu Yua : I think she was probably an upperclassman. (0:09:03.39)
Serufu Yua : She was wearing shoes with
wheels and a doggy sticker.
Haruko Hoketsu : Oh, that would be Yasaku-san in third year. (0:09:10.90)
Serufu Yua : Yasaku-san? (0:09:14.74)
Haruko Hoketsu : You know that home improvement center
on the corner of East Block 3?
Haruko Hoketsu : Waku Waku Wan Wan? (0:09:20.37)
Serufu Yua : Oh, I know that store. (0:09:22.04)
Haruko Hoketsu : Her family runs the place. (0:09:25.16)
Serufu Yua : Wow. (0:09:27.29)
Takumi Hikage : Um, Serufu-san? (0:09:30.84)
Takumi Hikage : How did you get injured like that? (0:09:33.59)
Serufu Yua : Huh? Which injury? (0:09:35.76)
Serufu Yua : This one? Or maybe this one? (0:09:37.76)
Takumi Hikage : Um, on your legs. (0:09:40.30)
Serufu Yua : Oh, these? (0:09:42.31)
Serufu Yua : I ran into a streetlight on my bike. (0:09:43.85)
Takumi Hikage : What?! (0:09:46.52)
Serufu Yua : Then this upperclassman who was passing by (0:09:47.94)
Serufu Yua : went swish, tap, tap, tap! (0:09:50.65)
Serufu Yua : She fixed up my bike in a flash. (0:09:53.28)
Serufu Yua : But I didn't get a chance to thank her. (0:09:57.70)
Takumi Hikage : That upperclassman... (0:10:01.33)
Takumi Hikage : I've heard rumors about Yasaku Rei. (0:10:05.29)
EXTRA : I'm scared! Run away! No! (0:10:13.30)
Takumi Hikage : Like she'll come after you
with a hammer out of nowhere.
Serufu Yua : Sh-She's that scary? (0:10:18.30)
Serufu Yua : It might be best to convey
your gratitude properly.
Serufu Yua : I promise I'll come back alive,
okay, Takumin?
Takumi Hikage : O-Okay. (0:10:33.19)
EXTRA : Yeah, I saw it! It was insane, right? (0:10:35.61)
EXTRA : Totally insane. It was hilarious, right? (0:10:38.82)
Serufu Yua : Um, excuse me. (0:10:40.49)
EXTRA : Huh? What is it? (0:10:43.41)
Serufu Yua : I'm looking for Yasaku-san, but... (0:10:45.29)
EXTRA : She's probably out behind the main building. (0:10:48.66)
Serufu Yua : Behind the main building? (0:10:51.21)
EXTRA : She's always hanging around the shed out back. (0:10:53.67)
Serufu Yua : Behind the main building... (0:10:56.84)
Serufu Yua : in a shed? (0:10:59.22)
Serufu Yua : Is this the place? (0:11:01.51)
Serufu Yua : I wonder what this place is. (0:11:07.93)
Serufu Yua : It says... (0:11:10.02)
Serufu Yua : Does that say "ro"? Or maybe "mouth"? (0:11:11.98)
Serufu Yua : Wh-What's that? (0:11:17.82)
Serufu Yua : Hmm... (0:11:22.20)
Serufu Yua : The window panes are dirty. (0:11:26.37)
Serufu Yua : I have to thank her properly. (0:11:30.54)
Serufu Yua : Um, hello... (0:11:35.29)
Takumi Hikage : She'll come after you
with a hammer out of nowhere.
Rei Yasaku : What're you doing? (0:12:03.78)
Serufu Yua : Oh, I-I was just a little surprised. (0:12:05.49)
Serufu Yua : I thought you might split my head open. (0:12:08.91)
Rei Yasaku : Huh? (0:12:11.99)
Serufu Yua : No, I'm sorry! (0:12:12.91)
Serufu Yua : You fixed my bicycle this morning,
but I didn't get to say thanks.
Serufu Yua : You really saved me. I super appreciate it! (0:12:19.42)
Rei Yasaku : Sure. (0:12:23.05)
Rei Yasaku : That'll do it. (0:12:27.59)
Rei Yasaku : And now... (0:12:31.72)
Serufu Yua : Sorry for bothering you. (0:12:34.77)
Serufu Yua : We should be okay now. (0:12:37.48)
Serufu Yua : Um, Yasaku-senpai... (0:12:51.12)
Serufu Yua : What are you making? (0:12:54.91)
Rei Yasaku : A bookstand. (0:12:57.79)
Serufu Yua : A bookstand? (0:12:59.50)
Serufu Yua : Even though they sell them in stores? (0:13:01.50)
Rei Yasaku : Huh? (0:13:03.46)
Serufu Yua : S-Sorry... (0:13:04.80)
Rei Yasaku : There wasn't one the right size. (0:13:07.76)
Serufu Yua : Huh... And so she's making one herself? (0:13:11.80)
Serufu Yua : Could it be that she built
this shed herself, too?
Serufu Yua : That'd be cool. (0:13:23.52)
Serufu Yua : Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Hup! Hup! (0:13:27.28)
Serufu Yua : Cocoa is yummy. (0:13:39.87)
Serufu Yua : Cocoa... (0:13:43.13)
Rei Yasaku : Want to try it? (0:13:45.00)
Serufu Yua : Huh? (0:13:46.88)
Rei Yasaku : To make the screwing easier, (0:13:52.09)
Rei Yasaku : drill your holes first. (0:13:54.55)
Rei Yasaku : Once you've made the holes, (0:13:59.52)
Rei Yasaku : swap your drill bit... (0:14:01.06)
Rei Yasaku : for a Phillips attachment. (0:14:05.73)
Rei Yasaku : Then tighten those screws in. (0:14:10.53)
Rei Yasaku : Like this. (0:14:13.91)
Serufu Yua : Wow. (0:14:15.57)
Rei Yasaku : Here. (0:14:17.79)
Serufu Yua : Huh? (0:14:18.58)
Serufu Yua : Oh, okay. (0:14:19.75)
Serufu Yua : This is heavy. (0:14:21.91)
Rei Yasaku : When you pull the trigger, (0:14:23.67)
Rei Yasaku : the bit will rotate at high speed. (0:14:25.29)
Serufu Yua : The trigger? (0:14:27.71)
Serufu Yua : Whoa. (0:14:31.13)
Rei Yasaku : Try screwing this one in. (0:14:32.88)
Serufu Yua : This one? (0:14:35.39)
Rei Yasaku : Try pulling the trigger slowly
at first, little by little,
Rei Yasaku : or else it'll take your arm for a ride. (0:14:39.93)
Rei Yasaku : Be careful, okay? (0:14:42.14)
Serufu Yua : Huh? (0:14:43.39)
Serufu Yua : Hold it firm and straight... (0:14:45.31)
Serufu Yua : Pull the trigger little by little... (0:14:48.07)
Rei Yasaku : H-Hey! Are you okay? (0:15:00.62)
Serufu Yua : Y-Yeah. I'm great. (0:15:03.25)
Haruko Hoketsu : Okay, there we go. (0:15:08.75)
Haruko Hoketsu : I don't think you've broken anything, (0:15:10.88)
Haruko Hoketsu : but if the pain persists,
make sure you go to a hospital.
Haruko Hoketsu : Have them do an X-ray, all right? (0:15:17.18)
Serufu Yua : All right. (0:15:20.60)
Serufu Yua : Purin! Welcome home. (0:15:34.90)
Miku Suride : You've always been clumsy, haven't you? (0:15:38.07)
Serufu Yua : Urk. (0:15:40.99)
Serufu's Mother : You really are clumsy. Always have been. (0:15:46.92)
Serufu's Mother : I can't even tell you how many
times you've hurt yourself.
Serufu Yua : Serufu-chan, shall I do that for you? (0:15:55.97)
Serufu Yua : It's fine! I got this! (0:15:58.76)
Miku Suride : Serufu-chan! (0:16:03.31)
Miku Suride : I can do that. (0:16:05.56)
Serufu Yua : This is a piece of cake! No prob! (0:16:07.35)
Miku Suride : But if you hurt yourself again... (0:16:08.90)
Serufu Yua : My hand! (0:16:12.27)
Miku Suride : Serufu-chan! (0:16:13.40)
Serufu's Mother : Crafts are now prohibited! (0:16:16.70)
Serufu Yua : What?! (0:16:18.86)
Serufu's Mother : Instead, use these to draw. (0:16:21.08)
Serufu Yua : Okay. (0:16:23.99)
Serufu's Mother : I'm glad I was extra-careful and gave
you crayons that were safe to eat.
Serufu's Mother : I have no idea how many you gobbled. (0:16:31.25)
Serufu Yua : What a problem child. (0:16:33.92)
Serufu's Mother : You ate those drawings you did of fruit, too. (0:16:37.47)
Serufu's Mother : Don't laugh me off like that. (0:16:42.10)
Serufu's Mother : Honestly. (0:16:45.18)
Serufu Yua : Open wide, Purin-chan! (0:16:58.07)
Miku Suride : Now it's your turn, Serufu-chan. (0:17:03.83)
Miku Suride : Here. Open wide. (0:17:06.00)
Miku Suride : Gosh. Serufu-chan, you silly... (0:17:11.92)
Serufu Yua : When we were little, together we'd... (0:17:28.27)
Serufu Yua : That's it. (0:17:46.16)
Serufu Yua : Maybe if that bench were there, (0:17:48.58)
Serufu Yua : then Purin and I might still... (0:17:50.58)
Kokoro Kouki : Hey, hey! (0:17:54.50)
Kokoro Kouki : Suridecchi, what're you
doing for your elective?
Miku Suride : "Suridecchi"? (0:17:59.76)
Kokoro Kouki : Meow? (0:18:02.13)
Kokoro Kouki : Meow? (0:18:06.64)
Serufu Yua : If I'm gonna make a bench, I wonder if I'll
be able to borrow materials and tools...
Serufu Yua : Excuse me! (0:18:17.19)
Serufu Yua : Haruko-sensei? (0:18:19.40)
Haruko Hoketsu : The only member now is you,
the club leader. Right, Yasaku-san?
Serufu Yua : Oh, they're in the middle of a conversation! (0:18:21.32)
Haruko Hoketsu : According to school rules, (0:18:27.03)
Haruko Hoketsu : if there aren't at least five members, (0:18:29.04)
Haruko Hoketsu : we can't officially recognize the club. (0:18:31.50)
Rei Yasaku : I see. (0:18:34.63)
Rei Yasaku : That's all right. (0:18:37.63)
Haruko Hoketsu : But, you see, if the school
doesn't recognize the club,
Haruko Hoketsu : then they won't provide funds either. (0:18:43.13)
Haruko Hoketsu : That would be a problem, wouldn't it? (0:18:45.76)
Haruko Hoketsu : I asked the principal about it. (0:18:47.93)
Haruko Hoketsu : If you have five members
by the end of the term,
Haruko Hoketsu : the principal says you can be an official club. (0:18:54.19)
Rei Yasaku : By the end of the term? (0:18:57.06)
Haruko Hoketsu : What do you think?
Can you make it to five members?
Rei Yasaku : For now, I've got one. (0:19:07.12)
Rei Yasaku : Hey! Stop sneaking around and come in here! (0:19:09.54)
Haruko Hoketsu : Huh? (0:19:12.54)
Serufu Yua : H-Hello! (0:19:15.04)
Haruko Hoketsu : Oh, Serufu-san. (0:19:18.09)
Rei Yasaku : "Self"? (0:19:20.09)
Rei Yasaku : Yesterday, she joined on a trial basis. (0:19:21.38)
Haruko Hoketsu : My, really? (0:19:23.67)
Serufu Yua : Huh? (0:19:24.80)
Rei Yasaku : You did this screw, didn't you? (0:19:25.80)
Serufu Yua : Oh, that's amazing! (0:19:27.72)
Serufu Yua : It's finished. (0:19:32.31)
Serufu Yua : Huh? (0:19:34.27)
Serufu Yua : But this is a little crooked. (0:19:35.23)
Rei Yasaku : It's not like I'm selling it,
so that much isn't a problem.
Rei Yasaku : In fact, it gives it character! (0:19:42.40)
Serufu Yua : I see. This is the screw I did... (0:19:46.49)
Haruko Hoketsu : Will you be joining this club permanently? (0:19:52.12)
Serufu Yua : Yes! (0:19:54.00)
Serufu Yua : I am...? (0:19:55.21)
Rei Yasaku : You're going to join, right? (0:19:56.25)
Serufu Yua : Y-Yes! (0:19:57.67)
Serufu Yua : I am...? (0:19:59.67)
Rei Yasaku : You're joining, right? (0:20:01.92)
Serufu Yua : Making things yourself, huh? (0:20:15.48)
Serufu Yua : If I join, (0:20:19.02)
Serufu Yua : will I be able to make things myself one day? (0:20:21.23)
Miku Suride : Here. Open wide, Serufu-chan. (0:20:24.78)
Serufu Yua : Yes! I'll join the club. (0:20:30.28)
Rei Yasaku : Really? (0:20:32.79)
Haruko Hoketsu : Then we have President Yasaku Rei-san (0:20:36.87)
Haruko Hoketsu : and new student Serufu-san for members. (0:20:39.92)
Haruko Hoketsu : Now you only need three more. (0:20:42.54)
Haruko Hoketsu : By the way, I'm the advisor for
this club. We're glad to have you.
Serufu Yua : Thanks for looking after us. (0:20:49.01)
Rei Yasaku : Write down your name and class number. (0:20:54.64)
Rei Yasaku : How do you read that? (0:20:59.77)
Serufu Yua : It's Yua. Yua Serufu. (0:21:02.06)
Rei Yasaku : Yua Serufu? (0:21:05.07)
Rei Yasaku : She's a perfect fit for this club! (0:21:08.28)
Haruko Hoketsu : She is, isn't she? (0:21:10.07)
Serufu Yua : Um... (0:21:11.70)
Serufu Yua : This is a carpentry club, right? (0:21:12.99)
Haruko Hoketsu : It's a little different than a carpentry club. (0:21:16.50)
Rei Yasaku : This is the DIY club. (0:21:19.58)
Serufu Yua : What is "DIY"? (0:21:21.79)
Rei Yasaku : An abbreviation. (0:21:24.50)
Serufu Yua : For what? (0:21:25.75)
Rei Yasaku : Do it... (0:21:27.17)
Rei Yasaku : Yua Serufu. (0:21:30.34)
Serufu Yua : What? (0:21:32.14)
Rei Yasaku : Do it yourself. (0:21:33.55)
Serufu Yua : Duu eet yoor serufu? (0:21:37.47)
EXTRA : Here, furniture and friendships, (0:21:44.61)
EXTRA : and by extension people's lives,
are hammered out.
EXTRA : Through grueling labor and mistakes, (0:21:50.61)
EXTRA : these girls never give up. (0:21:52.99)
EXTRA : They finish what they start with their own hands. (0:21:54.53)
EXTRA : They're carving the paths to their futures, (0:21:56.62)
EXTRA : and this is the story of their very first steps. (0:22:00.37)

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Kou Minamoto

I love him!!! - Anonymous


That's the big guild that
runs the first floor.
- Klein

What are they doing up here? - Klein

I rushed out and bought the
hardware to play SAO.
- Klein

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