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Takafumi Takaoka : 2017, fall. (0:00:48.33)
Takafumi Takaoka : My uncle was struck by a truck
when he was 17.
Takafumi Takaoka : After 17 years of being in a coma… (0:01:03.89)
Takafumi Takaoka : he awoke. (0:01:09.27)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Irellars Granbahamal tona galtoeba rilex. (0:01:21.62)
Takafumi Takaoka : He had gone insane. (0:01:28.33)
Takafumi Takaoka : Yes, well… (0:01:33.21)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Japanese? (0:01:37.13)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Sorry about that. (0:01:40.89)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I just came back from spending
17 years in Granbahamal.
Nurse : Let's check your temperature. (0:01:51.44)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Zalbe madira kolstonam kolstonam. (0:01:52.98)
Nurse : Isn't that right? (0:01:57.49)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Del storba tona rabelt gal. (0:02:02.49)
Nurse : All right, see you during the next round. (0:02:05.37)
Yousuke Shibazaki : You must be Takafumi, my sister's kid. (0:02:16.26)
Yousuke Shibazaki : You've grown up. (0:02:19.63)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Where is everyone? (0:02:22.14)
Takafumi Takaoka : After you fell into a coma, (0:02:26.02)
Takafumi Takaoka : the family fought bitterly over
what to do with you until it fell apart.
Takafumi Takaoka : Honestly speaking,
my mom would rather not see you.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Icuras cuora. (0:02:42.87)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Well then, (0:02:47.87)
Yousuke Shibazaki : let me prove to you that
I lived in another world.
Takafumi Takaoka : What? No, thanks. (0:02:52.17)
Yousuke Shibazaki : War-grent seld. (0:02:55.30)
Yousuke Shibazaki : What? (0:03:00.72)
Yousuke Shibazaki : War-grent magna! (0:03:02.22)
Yousuke Shibazaki : War-grent rald! (0:03:07.18)
Takafumi Takaoka : -This is hard to watch…
-War-grent neld!
Yousuke Shibazaki : -This is hard to watch…
-War-grent neld!
Yousuke Shibazaki : War-grent gad! (0:03:11.31)
Yousuke Shibazaki : War-grent pad! (0:03:12.90)
Takafumi Takaoka : -You know…
-War-grent larch!
Yousuke Shibazaki : -You know…
-War-grent larch!
Takafumi Takaoka : …the economic decline
has been hard on me, too.
Takafumi Takaoka : I work part-time to support myself. (0:03:18.94)
Takafumi Takaoka : I brought papers for you to apply
for self-reliance support and whatnot.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Wind, lift! (0:03:25.03)
Takafumi Takaoka : No way! (0:03:35.96)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Wind, return. (0:03:37.59)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Japanese works in this world. (0:03:41.05)
Takafumi Takaoka : It's true. (0:03:58.36)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Anyway, were you about to hit me
with harsh reality just now?
Takafumi Takaoka : -Nope.
-You sure?
Yousuke Shibazaki : -Nope.
-You sure?
Takafumi Takaoka : What did you do just now? (0:04:08.58)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Magic. (0:04:11.20)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Fire. (0:04:13.04)
Takafumi Takaoka : That's amazing! How do you do that? (0:04:14.87)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Never mind it. (0:04:17.71)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Who's winning the Console War? Is it SEGA? (0:04:19.05)
Takafumi Takaoka : What? (0:04:21.71)
Takafumi Takaoka : SEGA? Nowadays? (0:04:22.84)
Takafumi Takaoka : In Japan, Sony and Nintendo
dominate the industry.
Yousuke Shibazaki : What? What about SEGA? (0:04:30.68)
Yousuke Shibazaki : -Is that something you need to know--
-What about SEGA?
Takafumi Takaoka : -Is that something you need to know--
-What about SEGA?
Yousuke Shibazaki : Well… it gave up making consoles
a good while ago.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Icuras cuora. (0:04:43.15)
Takafumi Takaoka : What does "icuras cuora" do? (0:04:46.28)
Yousuke Shibazaki : This spell erases memories. (0:04:50.95)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I use it when things get unbearable. (0:04:53.25)
Takafumi Takaoka : Is SEGA's decline such a big shock to him? (0:04:56.25)
Yousuke Shibazaki : The other world was fraught
with difficulties.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Want to take a look? (0:05:01.34)
Takafumi Takaoka : Oh, sure. (0:05:02.80)
Takafumi Takaoka : Make me forget everything I read just now. (0:05:14.93)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I told you. (0:05:19.06)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Spirits of memory, deliver unto oblivion. (0:05:21.44)
Takafumi Takaoka : SEGA's decline
truly was heart-wrenching to him.
Takafumi Takaoka : One week later… (0:05:30.12)
Takafumi Takaoka : I decided to make a living
by making money off of my uncle's powers.
Takafumi Takaoka : I uploaded videos on YouTube (0:05:39.25)
Takafumi Takaoka : and earned about 60,000 yen from ads. (0:05:41.50)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I shouldn't say this, since I'm crashing,
but isn't this unit too big for just you?
Takafumi Takaoka : Yeah, I used to share this room
with someone else,
Takafumi Takaoka : but I had troubles with them. (0:07:39.79)
Yousuke Shibazaki : A roommate? Was it a girlfriend? (0:07:41.58)
Takafumi Takaoka : Well, no… (0:07:43.58)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Wow… (0:07:45.00)
Takafumi Takaoka : No, it's called a room share!
Haven't you heard of it?
Yousuke Shibazaki : No. (0:07:50.17)
Takafumi Takaoka : There was no such thing 17 years ago? (0:07:53.09)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Wow, you looked that up in seconds. (0:07:55.47)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Electronic dictionaries sure have evolved. (0:07:58.64)
Takafumi Takaoka : Yep… Wait, what? (0:08:00.89)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Little Takafumi… (0:08:05.44)
Yousuke Shibazaki : is old enough to recruit friends
and live with them.
Takafumi Takaoka : What were your friends like
in the other world?
Yousuke Shibazaki : I basically played solo for 17 years. (0:08:22.33)
Takafumi Takaoka : Is that right… (0:08:33.67)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Everyone over there is good-looking. (0:08:42.60)
Yousuke Shibazaki : They're all handsome men
and beautiful women.
Takafumi Takaoka : That's great. (0:08:47.98)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I must have looked ugly… (0:08:50.44)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I was hunted down as an orc variant. (0:09:01.87)
Takafumi Takaoka : Uncle, hold on. (0:09:04.83)
Yousuke Shibazaki : -Then--
-It's too heavy!
Takafumi Takaoka : -Then--
-It's too heavy!
Takafumi Takaoka : I don't want to hear this
while washing the dishes.
Yousuke Shibazaki : That's how it usually went,
but some were particularly aggressive.
Takafumi Takaoka : I told you to wait! (0:09:18.18)
Yousuke Shibazaki : They followed me around every day
and pestered and harassed me.
Yousuke Shibazaki : No matter what I did, they made fun of me
and wouldn't let me be who I am.
Takafumi Takaoka : How horrible… (0:09:29.73)
Takafumi Takaoka : So that's the reality
of a parallel world fantasy life.
Yousuke Shibazaki : I saved her life when I met her.
She didn't even thank me.
Takafumi Takaoka : She sounds like the worst. (0:09:40.16)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Right? (0:09:41.58)
Yousuke Shibazaki : She said, "No one asked for your help.
Don't touch me!
Yousuke Shibazaki : Don't misinterpret it.
I didn't save you for your sake.
Yousuke Shibazaki : I must be the only one who can stand
being with an orc face like you!"
Yousuke Shibazaki : She berated me to no end. (0:09:58.09)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I got rid of her in some city
and took off.
Tsundere Elf : Don't touch me! (0:10:09.85)
Tsundere Elf : Don't misinterpret me! (0:10:12.36)
Tsundere Elf : I must be the only one who can stand
being with an orc face like you.
Takafumi Takaoka : The concept of tsundere
became popular around 2004.
Takafumi Takaoka : Four years after my uncle left
for the other world.
Takafumi Takaoka : What happened to her afterwards? (0:10:34.50)
Yousuke Shibazaki : What? Who knows? (0:10:36.30)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Anyway, my life didn't go well
in the other world, either.
Yousuke Shibazaki : But now I've come back, (0:10:46.97)
Yousuke Shibazaki : there's the Internet, optical fiber,
and even "wii-fii"!
Yousuke Shibazaki : This is great! (0:10:52.40)
Yousuke Shibazaki : With videos, even I can connect
with people from around the world.
Yousuke Shibazaki : What? (0:10:58.99)
Takafumi Takaoka : My uncle,
who returned from the other world…
Takafumi Takaoka : …stepped into a brand-new world,
the Internet.
Yousuke Shibazaki : What? How can they see my face? (0:11:11.21)
Takafumi Takaoka : -Maybe through this tiny lens?
-It's what people say on the Internet.
Yousuke Shibazaki : -Maybe through this tiny lens?
-It's what people say on the Internet.
Yousuke Shibazaki : A "sock puppet"? I'm not a hoax! (0:11:17.30)
Takafumi Takaoka : Those are commonly used phrases.
Nothing more.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Hey, why is "LOL" everywhere? (0:11:23.51)
Takafumi Takaoka : He doesn't know how to deal with
haters yet.
Yousuke Shibazaki : I want this cell phone. (0:11:35.11)
Yousuke Shibazaki : It doesn't open up but slides around. (0:11:36.23)
Takafumi Takaoka : Uncle, that one's a 2G. (0:11:38.98)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Can I buy it through this online auction? (0:11:41.74)
Takafumi Takaoka : You can't make calls on it
since it uses an outdated radio wave.
Yousuke Shibazaki : That's fine. I don't care about calls. (0:11:48.41)
Takafumi Takaoka : What about your junior high
and high school friends?
Yousuke Shibazaki : Takafumi, (0:11:54.42)
Yousuke Shibazaki : a man who chooses SEGA console
cannot live an ordinary life.
Takafumi Takaoka : Why do game consoles dictate
so much of his life?
Takafumi Takaoka : That one looks like the cheapest option. (0:12:13.81)
Yousuke Shibazaki : You already researched it. (0:12:15.90)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Those smartphones may be tiny,
but they sure are powerful.
Takafumi Takaoka : You'll soon get the hang of it. (0:12:20.73)
Yousuke Shibazaki : "Touch," "swipe," "pinch out"… (0:12:23.70)
Yousuke Shibazaki : For now,
I want a phone with lots of buttons.
Takafumi Takaoka : Yeah? (0:12:29.95)
Yousuke Shibazaki : But the cool ones that open up,
slide, or spin around are all gone.
Takafumi Takaoka : Technological innovation.
Everyone uses touch panel phones now.
Yousuke Shibazaki : That's 17 years of innovation. (0:12:40.50)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Actually, I made a technological
advancement in the other world.
Takafumi Takaoka : What did you invent? (0:12:47.60)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I created a vase that poured out water
in a drought-stricken village.
Takafumi Takaoka : Awesome! How did you do that? (0:12:53.81)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I used two spells to… (0:12:56.15)
Yousuke Shibazaki : It'll be easier to show you my memory. (0:12:58.61)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Icuras elran. (0:13:01.40)
Takafumi Takaoka : This image! (0:13:07.20)
Takafumi Takaoka : It's your memory from the other world! (0:13:09.87)
Yousuke Shibazaki : These magic-storing cards
are called talismans.
Yousuke Shibazaki : I'll forgo the details, but it worked by
reversing the water electrolysis process.
Takafumi Takaoka : Modern science is undefeated! (0:13:23.59)
Takafumi Takaoka : Uncle, you dominated the other world. (0:13:25.76)
Takafumi Takaoka : The people must have sung your praises
and revered you.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Not really. (0:13:31.60)
Yousuke Shibazaki : They tried to hang me. (0:13:36.77)
Yousuke Shibazaki : The vase, smashed to smithereens. (0:13:40.77)
Yousuke Shibazaki : It wasn't acceptable in their religion. (0:13:46.49)
Tsundere Elf : Hold it! (0:13:49.78)
Takafumi Takaoka : Someone came to rescue you. (0:13:52.16)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Yeah, that's the girl
bent on harassing me.
Takafumi Takaoka : This girl? (0:13:56.29)
Tsundere Elf : Yes, he has an evil countenance.
He is more like an orc than a man.
Tsundere Elf : I don't blame you for distrusting him,
Yousuke Shibazaki : War-grent grakka. (0:14:05.05)
Yousuke Shibazaki : That was rough… (0:14:09.89)
Yousuke Shibazaki : That's how it went. (0:14:12.72)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Sorry. (0:14:19.85)
Yousuke Shibazaki : It's hard to see
from the first-person view.
Takafumi Takaoka : That bothers you? (0:14:24.73)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Swipe it like this to turn the camera. (0:14:26.74)
Takafumi Takaoka : -Here we go.
-How is that possible?
Yousuke Shibazaki : -Here we go.
-How is that possible?
Yousuke Shibazaki : Pinch in to make it smaller. (0:14:32.66)
Takafumi Takaoka : They almost hunted you down. (0:14:35.70)
Takafumi Takaoka : Can we see what happened to that girl? (0:14:38.79)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Sure. Let's pinch out to enlarge. (0:14:41.13)
Yousuke Shibazaki : There she is. (0:14:45.09)
Tsundere Elf : That coward… (0:14:48.51)
Tsundere Elf : He ran away. (0:14:51.26)
Tsundere Elf : Goodness… (0:14:57.43)
Takafumi Takaoka : What a kind girl!
She's also super beautiful!
Yousuke Shibazaki : That's right, I'm a coward. (0:15:01.77)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Yes, the auction. (0:15:06.61)
Yousuke Shibazaki : It's about to end! (0:15:09.28)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I'm placing a bid! (0:15:13.70)
Takafumi Takaoka : What's the shipping cost? (0:15:15.16)
Yousuke Shibazaki : What? (0:15:16.66)
Yousuke Shibazaki : The shipping is 2,000 yen. (0:15:25.09)
Takafumi Takaoka : It's shipped from a remote island
I've never heard of.
Takafumi Takaoka : We don't have to pay for shipping
if we pick it up in person.
Takafumi Takaoka : What? (0:15:48.57)
Takafumi Takaoka : Uncle! (0:15:52.11)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I'll be back soon. (0:15:57.70)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I'm back. (0:16:07.34)
Takafumi Takaoka : Uncle… (0:16:13.26)
Yousuke Shibazaki : How do you like this headphone? (0:16:17.14)
Yousuke Shibazaki : -Where is it auctioned from?
Takafumi Takaoka : -Where is it auctioned from?
Yousuke Shibazaki : Five minutes tops. (0:16:22.35)
Takafumi Takaoka : How about this couch? (0:16:25.81)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Too heavy to haul around. (0:16:26.98)
Takafumi Takaoka : I'll give you a shoulder massage
Yousuke Shibazaki : Well, okay then. (0:16:30.61)
Takafumi Takaoka : My uncle learned how to buy online
with free shipping.
EXTRA : Thank you. (0:16:39.49)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I could have gone to get it. (0:16:41.95)
Takafumi Takaoka : This rice was on a special discount
on Amazon.
Takafumi Takaoka : Can you grab me a knife? (0:16:47.08)
Yousuke Shibazaki : -Here you go.
Takafumi Takaoka : -Here you go.
Takafumi Takaoka : What's this? Where'd you get it? (0:16:55.26)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Dimensional storage. (0:16:56.89)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Also, this. It's for slaying dragons,
so handle with caution.
Takafumi Takaoka : You had that at the hospital. (0:17:02.22)
Takafumi Takaoka : Do you have anything else
from the other world?
Yousuke Shibazaki : Certainly. (0:17:07.06)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I have this magic sword. (0:17:10.07)
Takafumi Takaoka : My deposit… (0:17:14.15)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I have precious metals, too. (0:17:15.24)
Yousuke Shibazaki : This crystallization of mermaid's tears
was crafted with magic.
Yousuke Shibazaki : This ring is sculpted from rainbow coral. (0:17:21.49)
Yousuke Shibazaki : This gem alone can pay to build a castle
in the other world.
Takafumi Takaoka : Let's sell it! (0:17:26.87)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Fifty yen. (0:17:29.33)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I took it to a pawn shop. (0:17:32.05)
Yousuke Shibazaki : It was appraised for 50 yen. (0:17:33.88)
Takafumi Takaoka : It's a bit too rare. (0:17:35.51)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Our views aren't growing. (0:17:38.80)
Yousuke Shibazaki : We need a breakthrough. (0:17:41.64)
Takafumi Takaoka : Uncle, (0:17:43.60)
Takafumi Takaoka : did you have this ring because
you meant to gift it to someone?
Yousuke Shibazaki : Not really.
Gems are more like memorabilia.
Yousuke Shibazaki : They can only be obtained
after beating challenging dungeons.
Takafumi Takaoka : Is that so? (0:17:56.70)
Yousuke Shibazaki : You want to talk about relationships? (0:18:07.12)
Takafumi Takaoka : Not really. You don't seem interested in
that kind of thing. So, no thanks.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Cut the nonsense.
I've lived for over 30 years.
Yousuke Shibazaki : That comes with experience. (0:18:16.59)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I met my first love in grade school. (0:18:20.30)
Takafumi Takaoka : What were they like? (0:18:23.18)
Yousuke Shibazaki : They were Sonic and Tails. (0:18:24.47)
Takafumi Takaoka : What? (0:18:26.98)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I stopped by the toy shop's display window
every day and spent hours watching the TV.
Yousuke Shibazaki : The title scene was so cute,
I never got tired of it.
Takafumi Takaoka : Do you have any experience
involving people?
Yousuke Shibazaki : Of course I do. (0:18:49.83)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Kaede Nanase was a good friend of mine. (0:18:51.63)
Yousuke Shibazaki : The enemy group's leader murdered her. (0:18:55.50)
Yousuke Shibazaki : She was then revived as a living machine. (0:18:58.05)
Yousuke Shibazaki : They relentlessly attack her to obtain
the salvation weapon Seven Force.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Stage three's boss is the fifth form of… (0:19:04.47)
Takafumi Takaoka : Does he have any experience
outside of video games in his life?
Takafumi Takaoka : Did you meet any girls in the other world? (0:19:11.23)
Yousuke Shibazaki : -I did.
Takafumi Takaoka : -I did.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Icuras elran. (0:19:16.36)
EXTRA : Thank you very much. (0:19:39.34)
Yousuke Shibazaki : And that's how I saved her from a monster. (0:20:11.91)
Takafumi Takaoka : More like she offered her life
in exchange for her brothers'.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Wasn't that smooth? (0:20:19.67)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Immediately afterward, I was struck
from a blind spot by some goblins.
Yousuke Shibazaki : They threw me off a cliff,
and that was that.
Takafumi Takaoka : What a disaster. (0:20:28.85)
Takafumi Takaoka : The two brothers snuck behind him
with terrifying looks on their faces.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Let's check how that ambush occurred. (0:20:37.56)
Takafumi Takaoka : I'm sure they were goblins. (0:20:39.94)
Takafumi Takaoka : -Yeah?
-Yeah, absolutely!
Yousuke Shibazaki : -Yeah?
-Yeah, absolutely!
Yousuke Shibazaki : I was on the brink of death
when she stumbled into me.
Yousuke Shibazaki : I hate to say this, but she saved me. (0:20:49.99)
Yousuke Shibazaki : You… (0:21:04.34)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Why did you… (0:21:06.76)
Tsundere Elf : Don't you misunderstand. (0:21:07.97)
Tsundere Elf : You are indebted to me now. (0:21:09.26)
Tsundere Elf : Spend the rest of your life bowing to me. (0:21:11.14)
Yousuke Shibazaki : The rest of my life? (0:21:16.23)
Tsundere Elf : What? (0:21:17.31)
Tsundere Elf : That's not what I meant. (0:21:21.28)
Tsundere Elf : I didn't mean "together forever"
or anything.
Tsundere Elf : W-what? Stay away from me! (0:21:27.24)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I'd rather not owe you a huge favor. (0:21:30.20)
Yousuke Shibazaki : -Will this do?
Tsundere Elf : -Will this do?
Tsundere Elf : What? (0:21:36.62)
Yousuke Shibazaki : It's a cosmite ring, said to be
one of the only seven in existence.
Tsundere Elf : What are you doing? (0:21:41.92)
Yousuke Shibazaki : How does it fit? (0:21:49.76)
Tsundere Elf : Wait, hold on! (0:21:50.85)
Tsundere Elf : It's too sudden… (0:21:54.52)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Do you not want it? (0:21:56.23)
Tsundere Elf : I do… (0:22:04.36)
Takafumi Takaoka : My uncle is about to do
something outrageous!
Takafumi Takaoka : Was that okay to do? (0:22:15.54)
Takafumi Takaoka : Looks like it means the same in the other
world. Did you take responsibility?
Yousuke Shibazaki : Of course I did. (0:22:21.92)
Yousuke Shibazaki : I was responsible enough to have it
redeemed at the next town.
Takafumi Takaoka : Uncle! (0:22:28.72)
Takafumi Takaoka : You said you dodged her in some town.
So it was this one.
Yousuke Shibazaki : No. She kept following me around. (0:22:40.48)
Yousuke Shibazaki : Maybe she got a taste for money. (0:22:42.98)
Tsundere Elf : I deposited it at a bank.
Where are you going next?
Tsundere Elf : What? You'll stay here for now?
What a coincidence. Me, too!
Takafumi Takaoka : She's resilient. (0:22:52.07)
Yousuke Shibazaki : As you can see, (0:22:54.58)
Yousuke Shibazaki : these kinds of rare items
can be useful on many occasions.
Yousuke Shibazaki : Let's stash that knife in here. (0:23:00.37)
Takafumi Takaoka : Sure. (0:23:03.00)
Takafumi Takaoka : My uncle's new video
surpassed 2,000,000 views.
Takafumi Takaoka : 2017, fall. (0:23:37.62)
Takafumi Takaoka : My new life with my uncle (0:23:41.33)
Takafumi Takaoka : had just begun. (0:23:44.38)

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Cool - Anonymous


Now's not the time to panic. - Daichi Sawamura

I get it. He doesn't remember the number. - Daichi Sawamura

The number worn by the Tiny Giant when he played in the Nationals... - Daichi Sawamura

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