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Kana Fujii : Let my voice become one with your feelings (0:00:03.42)
Kana Fujii : Let them twine together... (0:00:10.65)
Kana Fujii : And resonate! (0:00:16.76)
Kana Fujii : As I sing, the pain just flies away (0:00:20.37)
Kana Fujii : Riding on a melody that feels like a touch (0:00:28.35)
Kana Fujii : And you're all better now! (0:00:35.40)
EXTRA : It's all better! (0:00:36.56)
EXTRA : It's like magic! (0:00:37.39)
EXTRA : It's not magic! It's called "healing"! (0:00:38.72)
EXTRA : That was amazing! (0:00:45.27)
EXTRA : You really are a healer, then? (0:00:46.78)
Kana Fujii : Actually, I'm just an apprentice. (0:00:48.80)
Kana Fujii : Could we keep this between us, actually? (0:00:51.80)
EXTRA : Bye-bye! (0:00:54.96)
EXTRA : Thanks, lady! (0:00:56.78)
Kana Fujii : Watch your step in the future, okay? (0:00:59.44)
Kana Fujii : I'm Kana Fujii, first-year in high school. (0:01:02.91)
Kana Fujii : I'm currently training to become a healer... (0:01:06.46)
Kana Fujii : That's someone who uses songs
to cure illness and injury!
Kana Fujii : Reimi-chan! Hibiki-chan! (0:01:11.46)
Reimi Itsushiro : Do I know you? (0:01:14.47)
Kana Fujii : Doppelgangers?! (0:01:15.36)
Kana Fujii : I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else. (0:01:16.96)
Hibiki Morishima : You got it right, actually! (0:01:19.47)
Kana Fujii : Darn it! I thought you were lookalikes! (0:01:21.22)
Reimi Itsushiro : For heaven's sake. (0:01:23.97)
Reimi Itsushiro : Being late to a meet-up shows a true
lack of respect for one's seniors.
Reimi Itsushiro : And lateness can be fatal
in a medical setting.
Hibiki Morishima : I'm sure Kana-chan had her reasons. (0:01:34.74)
Hibiki Morishima : She stumbled upon an injured
child, for instance.
Reimi Itsushiro : You're too soft on her, Hibiki. (0:01:40.74)
Reimi Itsushiro : She should be punctual, even with her peers. (0:01:42.84)
Hibiki Morishima : We're a little bit more senior
than her, after all.
Reimi Itsushiro : That's right! We started training first! (0:01:46.68)
Reimi Itsushiro : Now, let's have another hard-working
day as healer apprentices!
Reimi Itsushiro : Apprentices... (0:01:54.25)
Hibiki Morishima : Apprentices... (0:01:54.25)
Kana Fujii : Apprentices... (0:01:54.25)
Reimi Itsushiro : Go! (0:01:55.51)
Hibiki Morishima : Go! (0:01:55.51)
Kana Fujii : Go! (0:01:55.51)
Kana Fujii : "Healing" is a type of voice-based medicine,
which uses songs to treat the sick and wounded.
Ria Karasuma : Let's make a wish with all our hearts (0:03:36.24)
Kana Fujii : It's a third branch of medicine, separate
from Eastern and Western medicine,
Kana Fujii : and these days it's just as well-known
as they are!
Ria Karasuma : Twined with a melody, it will come true (0:03:42.04)
Ria Karasuma : You're returning to the way you were (0:03:53.66)
Ria Karasuma : Like a sudden memory (0:03:56.38)
Ria Karasuma : To your old smile (0:04:00.67)
Kana Fujii : Take care! (0:04:07.75)
Reimi Itsushiro : She was our last before break time, right? (0:04:10.00)
Hibiki Morishima : There's one more patient
in the examination room.
Reimi Itsushiro : Shoko-san! (0:04:15.10)
Reimi Itsushiro : Just one more patient! (0:04:17.43)
Shouko Nagisa : Understood. (0:04:20.05)
Shouko Nagisa : I just got some great rice crackers in. (0:04:21.34)
Shouko Nagisa : Want to eat them during lunchtime? (0:04:22.99)
Kana Fujii : I'd love to! (0:04:25.06)
Reimi Itsushiro : Would you like to join us, Hibiki? (0:04:26.46)
Hibiki Morishima : Yes! (0:04:28.10)
Shouko Nagisa : Plus, I have this three-year-old
pit viper drink!
Shouko Nagisa : Care to join me? (0:04:33.02)
Shouko Nagisa : It really hits the spot! (0:04:34.16)
Ria Karasuma : I'll see you next week. (0:04:36.43)
Ria Karasuma : Come by right away if
it starts hurting again.
EXTRA : Of course. (0:04:41.04)
Reimi Itsushiro : Thank you for coming! (0:04:42.84)
Reimi Itsushiro : Mistress! (0:04:45.68)
Reimi Itsushiro : What kind of training will we have today? (0:04:46.73)
Ria Karasuma : None today. (0:04:48.94)
Reimi Itsushiro : What?! (0:04:50.06)
Ria Karasuma : I promised I'd go drinking with Shoko. (0:04:50.91)
Shouko Nagisa : Here's your poultice for today. (0:04:54.44)
Shouko Nagisa : Take care, now. (0:04:56.92)
EXTRA : Thank you. (0:04:58.04)
Shouko Nagisa : Tee-hee! (0:04:59.36)
Ria Karasuma : We went drinking just yesterday... honestly. (0:05:00.95)
Reimi Itsushiro : I want to train hard and become a
professional healer as soon as I can!
Ria Karasuma : I'm sure you do. (0:05:08.38)
Ria Karasuma : You're still apprentices who
don't even have provisional licenses.
Ria Karasuma : You are forbidden to treat anyone! (0:05:13.24)
Ria Karasuma : And I mean forbidden. (0:05:15.61)
Ria Karasuma : Even if, hypothetically, a little
boy was crying with a skinned knee,
Ria Karasuma : you would not be allowed to treat him. (0:05:23.13)
Ria Karasuma : My network of informants is quite extensive. (0:05:26.82)
Kana Fujii : I'm sorry! (0:05:29.90)
Ria Karasuma : Never do that again. (0:05:32.88)
Kana Fujii : Yes, ma'am... (0:05:36.13)
Ria Karasuma : I'm going to rest a while. (0:05:37.96)
Ria Karasuma : Get the sheet music ready for
the afternoon appointments.
Reimi Itsushiro : Yes, ma'am! (0:05:43.87)
Kana Fujii : Yes, ma'am... (0:05:46.07)
Reimi Itsushiro : Trying harmonic amplitude change
treatment, of all things!
Reimi Itsushiro : You could have been expelled, you know! (0:05:51.23)
Kana Fujii : But I couldn't just let the poor kid suffer! (0:05:52.87)
Kana Fujii : What would you two have done? (0:05:55.37)
Reimi Itsushiro : Bind the wound with a handkerchief. (0:05:56.87)
Hibiki Morishima : Put an adhesive bandage on it! (0:05:58.68)
Kana Fujii : Yeah... good answers. (0:06:00.38)
Kana Fujii : You think Mistress just hates me? (0:06:03.95)
Kana Fujii : All she's taught me so
far is breath control.
Reimi Itsushiro : What are you talking about? (0:06:10.14)
Reimi Itsushiro : Breath control is the absolute
cornerstone of healing!
Reimi Itsushiro : People wash out over an
inability to master it.
Hibiki Morishima : And you have to do it all the time! (0:06:17.93)
Hibiki Morishima : I've heard there are professionals who even
practice breath control in their sleep!
Kana Fujii : Wonder if I'll ever get it down like that. (0:06:24.51)
Reimi Itsushiro : That song... (0:06:33.27)
Hibiki Morishima : Kana-chan's feeling blue, (0:06:34.44)
Hibiki Morishima : so I thought this might cheer her up! (0:06:36.75)
Kana Fujii : I think it worked! (0:06:39.73)
Reimi Itsushiro : Surely it isn't that fast-acting! (0:06:41.04)
Kana Fujii : But healing really is incredible, isn't it? (0:06:45.31)
Kana Fujii : Even recordings of it work! (0:06:48.48)
Reimi Itsushiro : Only as well as over-the-counter
drugs do, though.
Reimi Itsushiro : Since the treatment isn't
tailored to the person.
Reimi Itsushiro : It's always best to sing live, with the
needs of the particular patient in mind.
Kana Fujii : Hey, what made you two decide... (0:07:00.18)
Kana Fujii : become healers? (0:07:06.57)
Reimi Itsushiro : Where's this coming from? (0:07:08.16)
Kana Fujii : I was just thinking,
you're my age, but you're so good.
Hibiki Morishima : I love singing more than anything! (0:07:13.48)
Hibiki Morishima : Healers can heal people
just with their songs!
Hibiki Morishima : Isn't that amazing? (0:07:27.74)
Hibiki Morishima : That was my thought. (0:07:33.71)
Kana Fujii : And that's why you're doing
live-in training, right?
Hibiki Morishima : It was Ria-san's idea. (0:07:37.10)
Kana Fujii : Don't you feel lonely without your family? (0:07:39.35)
Hibiki Morishima : Of course I do... (0:07:43.05)
Hibiki Morishima : But I get to be with Mistress, (0:07:46.33)
Hibiki Morishima : and she sometimes comes
to my room to hang out!
Reimi Itsushiro : Hey, hey, Hibiki! (0:07:53.12)
Reimi Itsushiro : Can I stay with you some time? (0:07:54.24)
Hibiki Morishima : Of course! (0:07:57.24)
Reimi Itsushiro : Can I stay with you every day?! (0:07:57.92)
Hibiki Morishima : That's just freeloading! (0:08:00.96)
Kana Fujii : And I wonder why you want to... (0:08:03.10)
Kana Fujii : No, I think I know. (0:08:04.99)
Kana Fujii : Forget I asked! (0:08:07.37)
Reimi Itsushiro : I want to be close to Mistress Karasuma! (0:08:09.64)
Reimi Itsushiro : She's my idol! The person
I respect more than anyone!
Kana Fujii : I said, forget I asked... (0:08:17.52)
Hibiki Morishima : She's very single-minded. (0:08:18.92)
Reimi Itsushiro : On that day long ago, when
I decided to be a vocalist
Reimi Itsushiro : I watched videos for reference
and found my destiny!
Reimi Itsushiro : Watching Mistress singing
that day, I thought...
Kana Fujii : Seriously, can we cut this short?! (0:08:31.55)
Reimi Itsushiro : Is she an angel beloved by the god of music? (0:08:35.64)
Reimi Itsushiro : No, no! She is the god! (0:08:40.16)
Kana Fujii : She won't be stopped... (0:08:42.84)
Hibiki Morishima : What about you, Kana-san? (0:08:44.77)
Reimi Itsushiro : Ah, Mistress! Treasure to the world! (0:08:45.12)
Kana Fujii : Me? (0:08:47.25)
Reimi Itsushiro : Muse to all healers! (0:08:48.42)
Shouko Nagisa : Are we making progress? (0:08:50.42)
Hibiki Morishima : S-Sorry! (0:08:52.06)
Kana Fujii : S-Sorry! (0:08:52.06)
Reimi Itsushiro : S-Sorry! (0:08:52.06)
Shouko Nagisa : Come by the break room when you're done. (0:08:53.37)
Shouko Nagisa : We'll have tea. (0:08:55.37)
Kana Fujii : So tired! (0:08:56.76)
Reimi Itsushiro : But Hibiki and I handled the
lion's share of the work.
Kana Fujii : Well, yeah... I haven't learned
where everything is yet.
Reimi Itsushiro : You like those, do you? (0:09:06.69)
Kana Fujii : Well, yeah! They're super delicious! (0:09:08.81)
Kana Fujii : Besides... (0:09:10.86)
Hibiki Morishima : Pickling carrots produces lactobacillales, (0:09:11.80)
Hibiki Morishima : which promote gut and skin health. (0:09:13.87)
Kana Fujii : See? (0:09:17.10)
Reimi Itsushiro : Yeah, yeah. (0:09:18.28)
Shouko Nagisa : You really know your vegetables! (0:09:19.20)
Kana Fujii : We all have our favorite foods, right? (0:09:21.90)
Reimi Itsushiro : I don't particularly... (0:09:24.84)
Kana Fujii : What about you, Shoko-san? (0:09:28.71)
Shouko Nagisa : Money? (0:09:30.38)
Kana Fujii : I feel you, but that's not a food. (0:09:31.12)
Kana Fujii : Hibiki-chan? (0:09:33.53)
Kana Fujii : You don't seem particularly picky to me. (0:09:34.52)
Hibiki Morishima : I try to avoid manju, myself. (0:09:36.68)
Kana Fujii : Manju are scary. (0:09:38.68)
Hibiki Morishima : Piping hot white rice is scary, too! (0:09:40.17)
Kana Fujii : Yeah, it's so easy to overeat! (0:09:43.26)
Shouko Nagisa : Oh, look at the time! (0:09:44.98)
Shouko Nagisa : Let's get things ready
for today's appointments.
Reimi Itsushiro : Yes, ma'am! (0:09:49.44)
Hibiki Morishima : Yes, ma'am! (0:09:49.44)
Kana Fujii : Yes, ma'am! (0:09:49.44)
Yui : Kana-chan! (0:10:06.50)
Kana Fujii : Yui-chan! (0:10:07.66)
Kana Fujii : Here to get your grandma? (0:10:09.23)
Yui : Yeah! (0:10:10.03)
Kana Fujii : She's in the exam room right now. (0:10:10.63)
Kana Fujii : Wait just a little while, okay? (0:10:12.52)
Yui : Okay! (0:10:14.04)
Yui : Boy, that uniform of yours
still looks pretty silly!
Kana Fujii : Y-You think? (0:10:20.14)
Kana Fujii : I think it looks cute, personally. (0:10:21.68)
Yui : Here! For you! (0:10:23.98)
Kana Fujii : So cute! (0:10:26.23)
Yui : We made them in class. (0:10:28.20)
Yui : There's one for Reimi-chan
and Hibiki-chan, too.
Hibiki Morishima : Thank you! (0:10:32.88)
Reimi Itsushiro : This is very intricate! (0:10:34.41)
Yui : Right?! (0:10:36.68)
Kana Fujii : But we're not allowed to wear
accessories on the job...
Shouko Nagisa : I think it's fine. (0:10:41.79)
Shouko Nagisa : We've had our last patient
of the day, after all.
Shouko Nagisa : Try them on. (0:10:44.91)
Shouko Nagisa : You look darling! (0:10:51.67)
Kana Fujii : Thank you, Yui-chan. (0:10:53.95)
Ria Karasuma : Come right back if you have any more trouble. (0:10:57.52)
Ria Karasuma : Take care, now. (0:10:59.93)
EXTRA : I will. (0:11:00.80)
Hibiki Morishima : Isn't she brave? Living all
alone with her grandmother.
Reimi Itsushiro : She truly is. (0:11:10.40)
Ria Karasuma : Now, let's clean up and be done with the day. (0:11:11.55)
Hibiki Morishima : Yes, ma'am! (0:11:14.62)
Kana Fujii : Yes, ma'am! (0:11:14.62)
Reimi Itsushiro : Yes, ma'am! (0:11:14.62)
Reimi Itsushiro : Mistress's kitty! (0:11:39.68)
Kana Fujii : You really like cats, huh, Reimi-chan? (0:11:41.45)
Hibiki Morishima : I think it might be more than that. (0:11:44.46)
Reimi Itsushiro : Mistress's kitty! (0:11:47.10)
Ria Karasuma : In accordance with your requests,
I'll be training you today.
Reimi Itsushiro : She's so impressive! (0:11:57.32)
Ria Karasuma : The diaphragm is the key
to proper vocalization.
Ria Karasuma : Breathe from your abdominal
obliques, not your chest.
Ria Karasuma : Control your face and nasal cavity. (0:12:04.38)
Ria Karasuma : You want to maintain proper
breath control at all times,
Ria Karasuma : whether walking around,
sitting in class, or eating.
Ria Karasuma : This conscientiousness is key. (0:12:11.87)
Ria Karasuma : Your daily life is part of your training. (0:12:13.21)
Ria Karasuma : Stamina-building is also important. (0:12:15.89)
Ria Karasuma : The slightest vocal fluctuation can make a
major difference in a healer's effectiveness.
Ria Karasuma : You need the stamina to
sing for long periods!
Ria Karasuma : Fujii-san, breath control! (0:12:23.71)
Kana Fujii : Y-Yes, ma'am! (0:12:25.81)
Kana Fujii : It's... It's over. I'm dead. (0:12:30.29)
Reimi Itsushiro : And we barely did anything. (0:12:34.00)
Reimi Itsushiro : It's pathetic. (0:12:35.26)
Hibiki Morishima : I've gotten used to it by now... somewhat. (0:12:36.54)
Shouko Nagisa : Don't push yourselves too hard. (0:12:39.36)
Shouko Nagisa : The important thing is
improving a little each day.
Kana Fujii : Totally! (0:12:43.95)
Reimi Itsushiro : Sounds like she's going to try to slack off. (0:12:45.44)
Shouko Nagisa : Here you are. (0:12:48.08)
Shouko Nagisa : A honey, lemon, and milk smoothie. (0:12:49.28)
Kana Fujii : Hooray! (0:12:52.00)
Reimi Itsushiro : Thank you so much! (0:12:53.45)
Shouko Nagisa : It has sugar to give you energy, (0:12:54.68)
Shouko Nagisa : and vitamin C to fight exhaustion. (0:12:56.78)
Hibiki Morishima : It sounds ideal for tired bodies! (0:12:58.89)
Shouko Nagisa : I've got something even better! (0:13:00.88)
Kana Fujii : That looks amazing, Reimi-chan! (0:13:02.63)
Reimi Itsushiro : No! (0:13:04.92)
Kana Fujii : I'm so curious! (0:13:06.97)
Reimi Itsushiro : Please don't be! (0:13:07.79)
Ria Karasuma : Okay, break over. (0:13:08.97)
Ria Karasuma : Let's get started. (0:13:10.54)
Reimi Itsushiro : Let's do it! (0:13:12.79)
Kana Fujii : it! (0:13:14.70)
Kana Fujii : Thank you for everything! (0:13:16.68)
Reimi Itsushiro : Thank you for everything! (0:13:16.68)
Hibiki Morishima : Thank you for everything! (0:13:16.68)
Ria Karasuma : Shoko and I will be heading
out to our conference.
Ria Karasuma : We'll be out late, so you
can head home without us.
Shouko Nagisa : Take care when locking up! (0:13:28.66)
Reimi Itsushiro : Have a good time! (0:13:33.20)
Hibiki Morishima : Have a good time! (0:13:33.20)
Kana Fujii : Have a good time! (0:13:33.20)
Hibiki Morishima : Kana-chan, you don't want to sleep there. (0:13:47.55)
Hibiki Morishima : You'll catch cold! (0:13:50.43)
Kana Fujii : Mom! (0:13:52.00)
Kana Fujii : Let's have curry for dinner tonight! (0:13:53.80)
Hibiki Morishima : Yeah, yeah. (0:13:56.80)
Reimi Itsushiro : What are you, in a growth spurt? (0:13:57.85)
Kana Fujii : I just love this room! (0:13:59.39)
Kana Fujii : It's so... soothing. (0:14:02.11)
Kana Fujii : Hibiki-chan, can I stay over tonight? (0:14:04.35)
Hibiki Morishima : Of course you can! (0:14:07.16)
Reimi Itsushiro : Th-Th-Then... c-could I
stay overnight as well?
Hibiki Morishima : Of course, my room... (0:14:12.48)
Hibiki Morishima : gets visitors. (0:14:15.39)
Reimi Itsushiro : The little black kind, or the pale floaty kind? (0:14:16.82)
Hibiki Morishima : The pale floaty kind! (0:14:19.44)
Hibiki Morishima : See? (0:14:21.78)
Hibiki Morishima : Look at the ceiling, right over there. (0:14:22.54)
Kana Fujii : Wow! I've never been in your room before! (0:14:24.09)
Reimi Itsushiro : I-I-Impressive, Hibiki! I-It's so tidy! (0:14:27.51)
Hibiki Morishima : Doesn't that wood grain pattern
look like a face to you?
Hibiki Morishima : I hear a voice from that
spot from time to time.
Kana Fujii : I just remembered something I have to do! (0:14:40.52)
Reimi Itsushiro : See you tomorrow, Hibiki! (0:14:42.75)
Hibiki Morishima : Sorry, I was just kidding. (0:14:44.30)
Hibiki Morishima : Hey, did you hear something just now? (0:14:47.67)
Kana Fujii : K-Knock it off! (0:14:50.59)
Hibiki Morishima : Not like that! (0:14:51.28)
Kana Fujii : Yui-chan? (0:14:57.62)
Hibiki Morishima : What's wrong? (0:14:58.88)
Yui : My grandma... (0:15:00.04)
Yui : Help! (0:15:01.37)
Ria Karasuma : As you can see, by combining mixed
harmonies at a frequency of 432 Hz,
Ria Karasuma : I have achieved extremely high
levels of curative potency.
EXTRA : Very impressive. (0:15:12.20)
Ria Karasuma : Here's a chart of clinical data
for the past three years...
EXTRA : She's not known as "the
Witch of KMU" for nothing.
Reimi Itsushiro : This isn't good. Neither Mistress
nor Shoko-san are picking up.
Reimi Itsushiro : Any luck with the ambulance? (0:15:19.50)
Hibiki Morishima : I put in the call. (0:15:20.48)
Kana Fujii : I'll stay with her! (0:15:22.15)
Kana Fujii : You guys, keep calling Mistress! (0:15:24.32)
Kana Fujii : Let's go! (0:15:26.35)
Reimi Itsushiro : Kana! (0:15:28.03)
Reimi Itsushiro : Hibiki... (0:15:30.03)
Hibiki Morishima : Right! (0:15:31.26)
Hibiki Morishima : I'll find out where the
conference is being held.
Reimi Itsushiro : Please do. (0:15:34.35)
Reimi Itsushiro : I'll head her way and keep
calling all the while.
Reimi Itsushiro : The minute you find the
location, let me know!
Hibiki Morishima : Take care! (0:15:40.08)
Reimi Itsushiro : I'll reach the station in five minutes! (0:15:42.82)
Hibiki Morishima : I'll find it before you get there! (0:15:44.04)
Yui : Grandma! (0:15:50.57)
Yui : Grandma! Kana-chan's here! (0:15:54.28)
Yui : You'll be okay! (0:15:57.21)
Yui : Grandma! (0:16:00.14)
Yui : Kana-chan, please! (0:16:01.58)
Kana Fujii : What do I do? (0:16:03.53)
Kana Fujii : Hibiki-chan said she called
the ambulance, but...
Kana Fujii : What if something happens before it arrives? (0:16:10.65)
Kana Fujii : But... I'm still just an apprentice. (0:16:14.22)
Ria Karasuma : Even if they're family, (0:16:17.61)
Ria Karasuma : you would not be allowed to treat them. (0:16:19.10)
Ria Karasuma : Never do that again. (0:16:21.48)
Yui : Grandma! (0:16:24.79)
Kana Fujii : But... (0:16:26.71)
Kana Fujii : On that day, I made up my mind. (0:16:34.60)
Kana Fujii : I'd be like that person who saved me. (0:16:37.76)
Kana Fujii : I'd be a healer who can
save suffering people!
Kana Fujii : Help me, Yui-chan. (0:16:50.93)
Reimi Itsushiro : It's always best to sing live, with the
needs of the particular patient in mind.
Kana Fujii : I can't treat her. (0:17:02.35)
Kana Fujii : But I can hold her hand and rub her back. (0:17:05.92)
Kana Fujii : I can reassure my patient
and put her at ease!
Kana Fujii : I can sing to reduce a patient's anxiety. (0:17:17.28)
Kana Fujii : That's what I can do now! (0:17:20.94)
Kana Fujii : The sounds will slowly come together (0:17:27.94)
Kana Fujii : so try singing along (0:17:38.24)
Kana Fujii : It's like the melody is drawing close to you (0:17:48.40)
Kana Fujii : You're already singing with it (0:17:56.68)
Ria Karasuma : Kana! (0:18:05.48)
Kana Fujii : Count along as you think back (0:18:09.50)
Hibiki Morishima : Amazing... (0:18:20.24)
Reimi Itsushiro : Kana's image... (0:18:22.24)
Shouko Nagisa : Tell me what her image is later... (0:18:24.27)
Ria Karasuma : Impressive. With only a
few weeks' training...
Ria Karasuma : And what she's doing now is... (0:18:33.11)
Kana Fujii : If the breeze blows through the window again (0:18:36.12)
Kana Fujii : when its warmth wraps around you (0:18:46.59)
Ria Karasuma : This is... (0:18:46.81)
Ria Karasuma : The image is evolving! (0:18:51.70)
Kana Fujii : I'm certain that you'll smile (0:18:57.03)
Kana Fujii : surrounded by the tender sound (0:19:08.16)
Hibiki Morishima : Kana-chan! (0:19:25.39)
Reimi Itsushiro : Very impressive! (0:19:26.70)
Kana Fujii : Hibiki-chan! Reimi-chan! (0:19:27.89)
Yui : Kana-chan! Grandma is... (0:19:29.89)
Granny : Thank you, Kana-chan. (0:19:44.48)
Granny : You really helped me. (0:19:46.56)
Yui : Thank you, Kana-chan! (0:19:49.91)
Ria Karasuma : Fujii-san... (0:19:54.84)
Kana Fujii : M-Mistress! (0:19:56.67)
Kana Fujii : I wasn't treating her! I promise! (0:19:58.33)
Kana Fujii : I just thought, if I could
help her catch her breath...
Ria Karasuma : I know. I saw it. (0:20:04.36)
Ria Karasuma : You soothed the patient's fears. (0:20:07.18)
Ria Karasuma : You did well. (0:20:10.55)
Ria Karasuma : I'm Karasuma, her attending physician. (0:20:15.33)
Ria Karasuma : She has chronic bronchitis and
acute inflammation of the pharynx.
Ria Karasuma : Her pulse and blood pressure
are both within normal range.
Ria Karasuma : Please transfer her to Kanto
Medical University Hospital.
Ria Karasuma : I've filled them in on the situation. (0:20:27.12)
Reimi Itsushiro : Mistress... She's wonderful. (0:20:28.33)
Hibiki Morishima : So single-minded! (0:20:30.48)
Kana Fujii : Yui's grandmother was admitted
overnight for observation and tests.
Kana Fujii : But they said her condition
was stable, so she should be fine!
Granny : Thank you. (0:20:55.44)
Yui : Thank you, Kana-chan! (0:20:56.56)
Ria Karasuma : You did well. (0:20:58.15)
Kana Fujii : I never imagined that helping
people could feel so good!
Kana Fujii : Okay... (0:21:05.77)
Kana Fujii : I will... I will... (0:21:07.02)
Kana Fujii : I will become a healer! (0:21:08.83)
Reimi Itsushiro : Kana's image... (0:22:49.78)
EXTRA : Madam. (0:22:51.53)
EXTRA : Your chamomile tea is ready. (0:22:53.94)
Reimi Itsushiro : Thank you. (0:22:55.82)
Ria Karasuma : Shall I draw you as well, Kinnosuke? (0:23:06.68)
Hibiki Morishima : I've got to work hard to
keep up with Kana-chan!
Hibiki Morishima : Mommy! (0:23:19.28)
Sonia Yanagi : Rank C Healer with
Honosaka Clinic, Sonia Yanagi.
Kana Fujii : Rank C Healer?! (0:23:28.46)
Sonia Yanagi : Students of Karasuma are my enemies! (0:23:30.97)
Kana Fujii : How do you do that? Any tips? (0:23:33.02)
Reimi Itsushiro : You fall into it? (0:23:34.97)
Hibiki Morishima : Naturally? (0:23:35.85)
Kana Fujii : Oh no... (0:23:37.36)
Kana Fujii : The patient! (0:23:38.39)

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