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Alvin : Behold, the vast world in which we live! (0:00:01.79)
Alvin : It is rampant with monsters
that threaten human life.
Alvin : This threat is opposed by
countless adventurers! Heroes!
Alvin : Every day, they face these
dangerous battles...
Alvin : To protect the people! To protect the world! (0:00:21.90)
Alvin : And I, Alvin, am one of them! (0:00:27.24)
Alvin : Wow, an encounter already! (0:00:32.09)
Alvin : All right! (0:00:35.02)
Alvin : Here we go! (0:00:36.77)
Mostly Bear : Kuma! (0:00:41.89)
Alvin : Curse you... (0:00:48.96)
Alvin : Stronger than I expected,
given those cute button eyes...
Mostly Bear : Kuma! (0:00:53.49)
Alvin : No! (0:00:56.30)
Alvin : This is... not good! (0:01:12.07)
Carla : Excuse me... (0:01:14.58)
Carla : Are you having trouble? (0:01:15.86)
Carla : It's a pleasure to meet you. (0:01:18.76)
Carla : I'm a healer.
My name is Carla, the dark elf.
Alvin : The pleasure is all mine! (0:01:25.00)
Alvin : I'm Alvin, the human... (0:01:27.20)
Alvin : I'm working as a warrior... (0:01:29.37)
Alvin : But this is no time for niceties! (0:01:31.63)
Carla : Are you all right? (0:01:34.98)
Alvin : Does it look like I'm all right?! (0:01:36.57)
Alvin : Quit standing there and help me already! (0:01:38.97)
Carla : If you want to ask for someone's help, (0:01:44.34)
Carla : shouldn't you kneel down in front of them
and press your forehead to the ground?!
Alvin : A moment, if you please? (0:01:55.15)
Mostly Bear : Gao. (0:01:57.58)
Carla : Oh? Is something the matter? (0:01:58.55)
Alvin : That was supposed to be the
part where you help me.
Alvin : Why the hell are you asking me to grovel?! (0:02:04.34)
Carla : Why are you yelling at me all of a sudden? (0:02:07.35)
Carla : Are you overly stressed, perhaps? (0:02:09.84)
Alvin : I'm only stressed because of this situation! (0:02:12.10)
Carla : You're angry that the magibeast
was about to beat you,
Carla : so you're taking it out on me? (0:02:16.65)
Carla : You should really take responsibility
for your own failings...
Alvin : Would you shut up?! (0:02:20.74)
Carla : You yelled at me again! (0:02:22.56)
Carla : Humans are scary! I hate you! (0:02:24.10)
Alvin : H-Hang on!
It's really not worth crying over!
Alvin : I'm sorry for yelling, okay?! (0:02:29.44)
Carla : Sorry? (0:02:34.27)
Carla : Not painfully remorseful? (0:02:35.63)
Alvin : You little... (0:02:38.59)
Alvin : No, stop it.
Don't let her take control.
Alvin : Just engage her calmly,
like a mature adult...
Carla : Stare... (0:02:48.80)
Carla : Well? Where's that "painfully remorseful"? (0:02:52.74)
Alvin : I can't do it... I'm gonna blow! (0:02:56.39)
Mostly Bear : Gao? (0:02:58.77)
Alvin : Oh, crap! I totally forgot! (0:03:00.06)
Alvin : H-Hang on a little longer, would you? (0:03:02.22)
Alvin : All right, here's what we'll do. (0:03:06.07)
Alvin : Carla, was it? (0:03:08.13)
Alvin : If you help me, I'll do one thing you ask! (0:03:09.43)
Carla : Anything you ask?! (0:03:13.07)
Alvin : Within reason, of course! (0:03:14.18)
Carla : Grovel, then! (0:03:16.06)
Alvin : Is that your kink or something?! (0:03:17.08)
Carla : Actually, forget about that. (0:03:18.71)
Carla : Instead, Alvin-san... (0:03:21.34)
Carla : I'd like you to form a party with me! (0:03:23.56)
Alvin : Party? (0:03:26.54)
Carla : The truth is, I've never
been in a party before.
Alvin : Understandable, given the
whole personality thing.
Carla : No one will actually talk to me. (0:03:34.02)
Carla : I guess they all think
I'm out of their league.
Alvin : More like leagues beneath a noxious swamp... (0:03:41.20)
Alvin : And that's the worst wink I've ever seen. (0:03:43.17)
Alvin : Anyway, I guess that's fine. (0:03:45.52)
Carla : Th-Thank you, Alvin-san! (0:03:48.49)
Alvin : I can just ditch her later, after all. (0:03:51.54)
Alvin : Just so you know,
my adventurer rank isn't very high.
Alvin : So don't get your hopes up! (0:03:57.73)
Carla : Don't worry!
My hopes were low from the start!
Alvin : That's not the part where you agree! (0:04:01.89)
Alvin : And knock off the thumbs up! (0:04:04.13)
Alvin : Anyway, could you make with the healing? (0:04:06.21)
Carla : Of the nation? (0:04:08.50)
Alvin : No, of me! (0:04:09.50)
Carla : Of you? (0:04:10.73)
Carla : But you seemed in pretty good shape with
all the yapping you've been doing...
Alvin : Phrasing, please! (0:04:15.11)
Carla : Oh, I know. (0:04:16.16)
Carla : I think someone wants to be coddled! (0:04:18.13)
Alvin : Could just you get to it? (0:04:20.23)
Carla : I was just trying to lighten the mood. (0:04:21.53)
Alvin : Well, please don't. You stink at it. (0:04:24.37)
Carla : All right. Here I go! (0:04:27.39)
Alvin : This is so annoying. (0:04:31.02)
Alvin : I'm ditching her the minute the battle— (0:04:33.51)
Carla : Hold still! (0:04:36.12)
Carla : Your heart is still moving. (0:04:38.00)
Alvin : I'd be dead if it wasn't! (0:04:40.30)
Carla : Don't shout at me like that! (0:04:44.83)
Carla : You made me curse you accidentally! (0:04:47.55)
Alvin : You're the one who— (0:04:50.47)
Alvin : Wait, what did you say? (0:04:52.77)
Carla : I placed a curse on you accidentally. (0:04:53.98)
Carla : Tee-hee! (0:04:56.49)
Alvin : A healer who curses people is a little
avant-garde, don't you think?!
Carla : Please remain calm. (0:05:00.50)
Carla : It's not much of a curse, really. (0:05:01.99)
Alvin : R-Really? (0:05:04.00)
Carla : It'll just kill you if
we get 300 meters apart.
Alvin : K-Kill me... (0:05:09.25)
Carla : G-Gosh... I know you're grateful,
but you don't have to grovel.
Carla : It's a little off-putting, really. (0:05:19.66)
Alvin : I'm not grateful, I'm despondent! (0:05:21.60)
Alvin : What am I supposed to do?! (0:05:24.01)
Alvin : I can't ditch you like this! (0:05:25.25)
Carla : Th-That's awful! (0:05:27.72)
Carla : You were just having your fun with me?! (0:05:28.84)
Alvin : I assure you, none of this is fun for me! (0:05:30.32)
Mostly Bear : Would you two please calm down, gao? (0:05:32.90)
Alvin : Who's that? (0:05:35.51)
Mostly Bear : It's not good to fight, kuma. (0:05:36.65)
Mostly Bear : Alvin-san. (0:05:38.88)
Mostly Bear : It's really not nice to yell
at a young lady, bear.
Mostly Bear : And, Carla-chan, you could be a bit
more considerate of his feelings, gao.
Mostly Bear : It's important for a
party to be civil, kuma.
Mostly Bear : Let's talk it out, bear. (0:05:50.84)
Mostly Bear : Okay, gao? (0:05:52.85)
Alvin : Where'd this articulate
commentary come from?!
Alvin : And get your speech tic consistent already! (0:05:56.14)
Carla : Ahem! (0:06:03.05)
Carla : This cycle of abuse won't get us anywhere. (0:06:04.66)
Carla : I'm willing to open a dialogue. (0:06:06.78)
Carla : The topic is... (0:06:08.20)
Carla : The tendency of warriors
to look down on healers!
Alvin : Sorry to interrupt already, (0:06:12.67)
Alvin : but I have objections regarding this topic. (0:06:14.29)
Alvin : And I'm curious about one other thing... (0:06:16.06)
Carla : Does the accused have a statement? (0:06:18.50)
Alvin : Well, now I have another objection... (0:06:20.53)
Alvin : But setting that aside for now... (0:06:22.44)
Alvin : Why is the magibeast a part of this? (0:06:24.66)
Carla : Oh, how reprehensible! (0:06:27.73)
Carla : Just because you're a magibeast, (0:06:29.79)
Carla : he doesn't want to give you
a voice in the conversation!
Alvin : It's more the fact that we
were fighting a minute ago!
Carla : Truly reprehensible! (0:06:37.04)
Carla : Magibeasts are living things, just as we are! (0:06:38.70)
Carla : Different though our forms may be, if only
we would join hands in the spirit of kinship,
Carla : we could surely achieve understanding! (0:06:45.73)
Alvin : Seems a little late to pull
out the "holy woman" act!
Mostly Bear : May I, kuma? (0:06:53.05)
Alvin : He has a proposal? (0:06:55.06)
Carla : I'm told that the longest-lived magibeasts (0:06:56.79)
Carla : have high intelligence and
a wealth of experience.
Alvin : Well, maybe if we're talking
about dragons and stuff...
Alvin : Before you give your opinion,
could we have your name?
Mostly Bear : Oh, forgive my rudeness, gao. (0:07:10.56)
Mostly Bear : Hmm... Our species doesn't have what your
kind refer to as "names," kuma...
Alvin : Despite the high intelligence, he still
can't keep the speech tic consistent.
Mostly Bear : But your kind tends to call our
species the "Mostly Bear," bear.
Alvin : That's pretty darn lazy! (0:07:29.10)
Carla : What were you going to say, Mostly-san? (0:07:31.44)
Mostly Bear : Oh, yes, kuma. (0:07:33.72)
Mostly Bear : It occurred to me when I was watching
your conversation earlier...
Mostly Bear : First, Carla-chan. (0:07:38.95)
Mostly Bear : Your healer class is a very
vulnerable one, kuma.
Mostly Bear : The purpose of the warrior
class is to protect you.
Mostly Bear : So if he dies, that would
put you in danger, as well.
Mostly Bear : You seem like a very intelligent person, (0:07:53.65)
Mostly Bear : so I'm sure you know what that
indicates for your behavior, right?
Mostly Bear : And Alvin-san, the accused. (0:08:00.73)
Alvin : "Accused"... (0:08:03.11)
Mostly Bear : Even if you were engaged in combat, (0:08:04.38)
Mostly Bear : you used extremely abusive language
towards someone you'd just met.
Mostly Bear : The way you spoke seemed to suggest, (0:08:09.06)
Mostly Bear : "all healers are expected to heal all warriors,
even ones they've just met,"
Mostly Bear : which is a very arrogant attitude, kuma. (0:08:15.21)
Mostly Bear : Elves are very sensitive
to negative emotions, gao.
Mostly Bear : It's very possible she picked
up on that hostility, bear.
Mostly Bear : I'm sorry to subject you to
this awful lecture, gao.
Mostly Bear : But if you're going to be a party,
that means you'll need each other!
Mostly Bear : And it appears, Alvin-san,
that you'll have to remain
Mostly Bear : within 300 meters of Carla-chan
for the foreseeable future.
Mostly Bear : I think it's important to approach each day
with a spirit of respect and gratitude, kuma!
Alvin : A-A truly great speech, as expected of a
magibeast that can speak the human tongue.
Alvin : His long lifespan has afforded
him great wisdom indeed!
Alvin : Hey! (0:08:54.09)
Alvin : Were you sleeping through
that whole nice speech?!
Carla : Of course I wasn't! (0:08:58.91)
Alvin : You were so! (0:09:00.70)
Carla : Don't tell me... you've never
heard of "sleep learning"?
Alvin : So you were sleeping! (0:09:05.94)
Alvin : Sit down right now! (0:09:07.47)
Carla : But why— (0:09:08.75)
Alvin : Just sit down! (0:09:09.56)
Carla : Fine... (0:09:11.09)
Alvin : What exactly is your problem? (0:09:12.73)
Alvin : It's like you don't even
care that you cursed me!
Mostly Bear : Calm down, kuma! (0:09:17.36)
Alvin : No way! There are some kinds of people
where you need to take a firm hand!
Mostly Bear : Now, now, gao... (0:09:23.11)
Alvin : And what kind of thoughtless jerk falls
asleep when someone's talking to them?!
Mostly Bear : Now, now, kuma... (0:09:28.50)
Alvin : That's only allowed when
it's the school principal!
Mostly Bear : Now, now! That's not good either, bear! (0:09:33.20)
Carla : What about your local representative?! (0:09:35.75)
Alvin : Napping in front of government
officials is strictly forbidden!
Mostly Bear : Napping in front of your principal
should be strictly forbidden, too, kuma!
Mostly Bear : And what are you even talking about, bear? (0:09:44.23)
Alvin : This magibeast has lived a
very long time, you know!
Mostly Bear : Er... (0:09:49.75)
Alvin : Which means he's your elder! (0:09:50.59)
Alvin : You should show him some respect! (0:09:52.53)
Alvin : Am I right here?! (0:09:54.01)
Alvin : It's important to be kind to your elders! (0:09:55.11)
Alvin : Honor thy grandmother and grandfather! (0:09:58.60)
Mostly Bear : Never discuss a lady's age, gao! (0:10:02.79)
Carla : My legs! (0:10:17.38)
Carla : Paralyze! (0:10:20.98)
Carla : Paralyze is not paradise! (0:10:22.24)
Mostly Bear : Oh, dear, kuma! (0:10:24.64)
Mostly Bear : What do I do, gao? (0:10:27.64)
Mostly Bear : What to do... What to do, gao?! (0:10:30.77)
Mostly Bear : Kuma! (0:10:35.77)
Mostly Bear : Behold the fearsome power
of the magibeast, bear!
Carla : J-Just kill me... (0:10:41.04)
Alvin : I feel like I've been through
a serious ordeal...
Mostly Bear : Oh, thank goodness! (0:11:07.19)
Mostly Bear : You're awake, bear? (0:11:08.74)
Mostly Bear : I just picked you some aurange fruits. (0:11:10.62)
Mostly Bear : Try one. It'll perk you right up, gao. (0:11:13.89)
Alvin : Thanks... (0:11:17.02)
Alvin : This is great! (0:11:19.99)
Alvin : Is this your house? (0:11:22.02)
Mostly Bear : Yes, it's my burrow. (0:11:24.04)
Alvin : Burrow? (0:11:26.66)
Mostly Bear : I'm just so glad you're alive, bear! (0:11:27.80)
Mostly Bear : A hit like that really could
have killed you, kuma.
Mostly Bear : Of course, I'm the one
that inflicted it, gao...
Alvin : I didn't realize you were actually a woman. (0:11:37.95)
Alvin : I'm sorry for speaking so rudely. (0:11:40.51)
Mostly Bear : I'm sorry, too, bear. (0:11:44.18)
Alvin : So, are you the one who
nursed me back to health?
Mostly Bear : It wasn't me, kuma. (0:11:48.64)
Mostly Bear : She seems to have her own
feelings on the subject.
Mostly Bear : Carla-chan spent the entire time treating
you with healing spells, bear.
Alvin : Healing spells? (0:11:59.54)
Carla : Is it morning already? (0:12:02.65)
Carla : I'd like bread for breakfast. (0:12:04.15)
Carla : And I like my coffee with
lots of milk and sugar,
Carla : and honey on my yogurt. (0:12:09.39)
Alvin : You're a picky one, huh? (0:12:12.15)
Alvin : And that outfit... I know what that's for! (0:12:14.50)
Carla : Harattama! Kiyottama! (0:12:17.10)
Alvin : It's for pounding nails into
an effigy to curse someone!
Carla : Let this curse never be lifted! (0:12:19.16)
Mostly Bear : You were in such awful shape, bear. (0:12:25.30)
Mostly Bear : The first healing spell didn't suffice, (0:12:27.63)
Mostly Bear : so she had to keep doing it, gao. (0:12:29.78)
Alvin : That's a scary number of pins! (0:12:32.11)
Mostly Bear : She called it a kind of
magical acupuncture, gao.
Mostly Bear : But you can see your wounds
have healed, bear.
Mostly Bear : That's all thanks to Carla-chan, kuma! (0:12:40.09)
Alvin : I seem all right... for now... (0:12:42.04)
Alvin : But I'm not letting my guard down! (0:12:44.79)
Carla : Breakfast... (0:12:47.22)
Alvin : Hey. (0:12:50.23)
Mostly Bear : Gracious me... (0:13:00.16)
Mostly Bear : She's so relieved, she's crying, bear. (0:13:01.60)
Carla : I'morra bufeburoo... (0:13:04.32)
Alvin : You seem to be crying in
a very self-serving way.
Carla : I'm so sor— (0:13:09.87)
Carla : I'm so sowwy. (0:13:11.73)
Alvin : Why did you change it halfway?! (0:13:13.10)
Carla : I did the best I could to
cast healing spells on you.
Carla : But the damage was just so bad. (0:13:18.61)
Carla : I did manage to fix your body... (0:13:20.70)
Carla : but your face was so unsightly... (0:13:23.39)
Alvin : Phrasing, plea— (0:13:24.84)
Alvin : Wait, my face? (0:13:26.02)
Carla : The wounds on your face were so bad, (0:13:27.02)
Carla : and I, at least, wanted to get the
general layout back to normal...
Alvin : Did she have to reshape it? (0:13:31.61)
Carla : I got it as close as I could
to your original face...
Carla : But it just didn't work out, and... (0:13:36.23)
Carla : Now your face looks really stupid! (0:13:37.79)
Alvin : Complex burn? (0:13:41.54)
Mostly Bear : I'm afraid it's not even half-baked. (0:13:42.63)
Alvin : Huh? Was that supposed to be a joke? (0:13:45.87)
Alvin : You dropped your speech tic, too. (0:13:48.35)
Mostly Bear : Your face just looked so awful, kuma... (0:13:49.83)
Mostly Bear : There was just nothing we could do, gao. (0:13:52.22)
Alvin : Phrasing, please! (0:13:54.56)
Mostly Bear : Have a look, bear. (0:13:55.64)
Alvin : You have a hand mirror? (0:13:57.57)
Mostly Bear : A lady has to look her best! (0:13:59.51)
Alvin : Magibeasts care about that? (0:14:01.72)
Alvin : But, okay... (0:14:03.53)
Alvin : It sounds like the wounds on
my face haven't fully healed?
Carla : I'm so sowwy... (0:14:08.43)
Alvin : You like that phrasing, huh? (0:14:10.56)
Alvin : You said there was nothing you could do,
but it felt perfectly fine to me...
Alvin : What?! (0:14:18.19)
Mostly Bear : Please don't hold it
against Carla-chan, bear!
Mostly Bear : She worked so hard to
restore your face, kuma...
Mostly Bear : But she lacked the sheer magic power... (0:14:28.19)
Mostly Bear : And it turned out just
barely passable, bear...
Mostly Bear : Carla-chan, please don't cry! (0:14:34.81)
Carla : I mean, I'd never even seen what Alvin-san's
face looked like before this...
Mostly Bear : It's not your fault, bear. (0:14:43.15)
Mostly Bear : If you wish to hate someone, hate me! (0:14:45.59)
Mostly Bear : Hate me, a magibeast, kuma! (0:14:47.30)
Alvin : Actually, it looks exactly
like it always did...
Mostly Bear : I'm used to being hated by your kind, kuma! (0:14:54.07)
Mostly Bear : It's all my fault, gao! (0:14:57.08)
Carla : No, it's my fault! (0:14:58.75)
Carla : If only I had been stronger! (0:15:00.04)
Alvin : I'm telling you, it's back to normal! (0:15:03.22)
Alvin : And I look pretty healthy at that! (0:15:05.66)
Alvin : I'm telling you... (0:15:15.27)
Alvin : my face looks totally like it always did! (0:15:16.94)
Carla : Thank goodness! You're awake! (0:15:19.99)
Alvin : I've been awake! (0:15:22.44)
Alvin : Are you gonna pretend like
none of that ever happened?
Carla : After injuries of such severity... (0:15:25.62)
Carla : This is truly a miracle of God! (0:15:27.76)
Alvin : What was all that about
me having a stupid face?
Carla : Go, go, God! Viva God! (0:15:31.99)
Alvin : What was that "barely passable" stuff? (0:15:34.41)
Carla : And go, me, too! Viva Carla! (0:15:36.69)
Mostly Bear : Gao! (0:15:39.42)
Mostly Bear : I'll leave your mantle here, gao. (0:15:44.10)
Alvin : Thanks. (0:15:46.26)
Alvin : You seem to have a lot of equipment here. (0:15:48.34)
Mostly Bear : Well, I was quite a wild one in my youth. (0:15:51.31)
Mostly Bear : I picked more than my share of fights
with adventurers back then, bear.
Mostly Bear : They're a bit like trophies from
that time in my life, gao.
Alvin : Oh? (0:16:02.85)
Alvin : I guess a person's personality
changes when they get ol—
Alvin : Ol... Ol... Ol... (0:16:09.02)
Alvin : Oleander, a type of tree! (0:16:11.43)
Mostly Bear : You're such a considerate person, kuma. (0:16:16.28)
Mostly Bear : I think you and Carla-chan
will get along well.
Alvin : I really wish I could agree with you there! (0:16:23.24)
Mostly Bear : Give it your best, bear. (0:16:26.04)
Carla : This feels really right. (0:16:31.89)
Carla : In the name of God, I'll punish you! (0:16:41.88)
Carla : Holy Beam! (0:16:44.70)
Mostly Bear : You're leaving already, bear? (0:16:57.04)
Alvin : Yeah. (0:16:59.73)
Mostly Bear : Y-You're sure you wouldn't
like to stay longer, kuma?
Mostly Bear : It feels like we were brought
together for a reason, gao...
Mostly Bear : You could always stay the night, bear. (0:17:07.13)
Alvin : You know I can't do that. (0:17:10.00)
Alvin : I'm a person. You're a magibeast. (0:17:12.14)
Alvin : We didn't belong together
in the first place!
Mostly Bear : I... I suppose, gao. (0:17:18.49)
Alvin : But I'll warn you—I'm quite a sore loser! (0:17:21.73)
Alvin : You took me by surprise this time. (0:17:24.77)
Alvin : But next time, you won't get me so easily! (0:17:26.01)
Mostly Bear : Bear? (0:17:28.23)
Alvin : I'll be back for a rematch very soon! (0:17:29.23)
Alvin : And you'd better be ready when I do! (0:17:32.52)
Alvin : You get it? (0:17:37.10)
Mostly Bear : G-Gao! (0:17:38.31)
Mostly Bear : Ha, ha, ha, ha! (0:17:42.61)
Mostly Bear : Kuma! Kuma, kuma! (0:17:44.61)
Mostly Bear : You are quite a spirited human, gao! (0:17:47.51)
Mostly Bear : Very well! (0:17:49.76)
Mostly Bear : When you come for me,
I'll give you quite a welcome, bear!
Alvin : I'll be counting on it. (0:17:53.60)
Alvin : In the meantime, get that
speech tic consistent!
Mostly Bear : Kuma, kuma, kuma! (0:17:58.15)
Carla : Stop this right now! (0:18:05.50)
Mostly Bear : You bear ed me, gao! (0:18:07.39)
Alvin : What is it? What's wrong? (0:18:09.04)
Carla : What do you think? (0:18:10.87)
Carla : Why... Why do you have to fight?! (0:18:13.06)
Carla : Why... after we'd finally become friends... (0:18:16.74)
Mostly Bear : Now, wait a minute, kuma... (0:18:19.45)
Carla : Why do you have to swear to fight again? (0:18:20.99)
Alvin : Seriously, read the mood... (0:18:24.00)
Carla : I thought we'd finally found proof that
magibeasts and humans could get along...
Alvin : But we do get along! (0:18:31.05)
Alvin : This is just kind of...
a face-saving thing...
Alvin : I really wish you'd just read the mood... (0:18:36.68)
Carla : Why can't you ever stop hating
and harming each other?!
Alvin : It's really not like that! (0:18:41.21)
Alvin : We really do get along! (0:18:42.66)
Alvin : We're just pretending to be enemies,
for appearances' sake...
Alvin : I'm pretty sure you're not
supposed to explain this stuff.
Alvin : It feels super embarrassing... (0:18:49.25)
Carla : You can't fool me! (0:18:51.22)
Carla : You were injured, and Mostly-san
brought you all this way...
Carla : She's your benefactor...
Your bear nefactor!
Carla : But you can't even be grateful! (0:19:04.75)
Carla : That said, I'm the one who
actually healed you...
Carla : So, in a way, I'm the one who
deserves most of the credit...
Carla : Not that it's all that big a deal... (0:19:16.09)
Carla : But I really feel like you should show (0:19:19.79)
Carla : a little gratitude and respect to
the person who helped you out...
Mostly Bear : Bear? (0:19:27.61)
Carla : Of course, it's not like I picked this
class to have people indebted to me...
Carla : But if you really wanted to
express your gratitude to me,
Carla : I suppose I wouldn't turn you down... (0:19:39.26)
Carla : So if you wanted to give this mace
to me, I wouldn't turn it down.
Carla : I certainly wouldn't turn it down! (0:19:49.62)
Carla : Thanks a bunch! (0:19:52.15)
Alvin : So you just took it, huh? (0:20:02.84)
Carla : As compensation for my services, of course. (0:20:05.11)
Alvin : It felt more like you fast-talked
your way into it, to me...
Alvin : Anyway, how long does this
"I die if we split up" curse last?
Alvin : Isn't there any way to lift it? (0:20:15.58)
Alvin : Everything you do ticks me off! (0:20:20.89)
Alvin : Every wave! Every step! (0:20:23.08)
Alvin : I guess we're stuck together
for a while, then!
Carla : Indeed. To my great displeasure. (0:20:29.44)
Alvin : The displeasure is all mine,
I can promise you that!
Alvin : But ah, well. (0:20:34.31)
Alvin : You remember how I promised I'd do one
thing you asked if you helped me?
Carla : Yes. (0:20:40.34)
Alvin : You saved me from my serious injuries. (0:20:41.09)
Alvin : So I'll do what you asked. (0:20:43.28)
Alvin : I'll form a party with you! (0:20:44.62)
Alvin : Look after me. (0:20:47.56)
Carla : S... Same to you. (0:20:49.24)
Alvin : That hurt! (0:20:53.63)
Carla : Oh, I didn't mean... (0:20:55.11)
Carla : I guess you're pretty sad you didn't
get to hold a girl's hand, though.
Alvin : What was that?! (0:21:01.11)
Carla : Yelling won't erase the
fact that I was right!
Alvin : Trying to prove my innocence
is annoying, too!
Carla : Tee-hee! (0:21:10.53)
Carla : By the way, Alvin-hyan... (0:22:27.88)
Alvin : What is it, Carla-hyan ? (0:22:29.83)
Carla : Where are we staying tonight? (0:22:31.96)
Carla : It'll be morning by the
time we reach a town.
Alvin : Not sure... (0:22:38.17)
Carla : Mostly-san offered to let us stay
the night and everything...
Alvin : You... (0:22:43.74)
Alvin : After all that posturing,
there's no way I could've stayed the night!
Alvin : And it would be way too
embarrassing to go back now...
Carla : Alvin-san? (0:22:51.93)
Alvin : What now? (0:22:54.09)
Carla : I'm suddenly getting a very
keen and powerful intuition...
Carla : You're actually extremely
incompetent, aren't you?
Carla : You can't even object? (0:23:02.94)
Carla : Bingo. (0:23:05.40)
Alvin : You're quite sure of yourself, huh? (0:23:06.15)
Carla : But don't worry, Alvin-san!
I'm with you!
Carla : Just leave everything to me! (0:23:12.85)
Alvin : Next episode's title is (0:23:25.44)
Alvin : "Forced to Travel
With Carla, a Healer,
Alvin : Alvin resumes his original quest
to gather antidote herbs,
Alvin : but on the way he ends up attacked
by ghosts in a graveyard
Alvin : which they manage to escape
unexpectedly, but then..."

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