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Amane Fujimiya : What are you doing out here? (0:00:58.86)
Mahiru Shiina : Fujimiya-san. (0:01:07.69)
Mahiru Shiina : Can I help you with something? (0:01:09.61)
Amane Fujimiya : That was the first time. (0:01:14.33)
Amane Fujimiya : That was the first time
I talked to Mahiru Shiina.
Amane Fujimiya : No, I don't need anything. (0:01:26.85)
Amane Fujimiya : It's just, if you sit out here in the rain
like this, people are gonna worry.
Mahiru Shiina : Is that right?
Well, I appreciate your concern,
Mahiru Shiina : but I'm here by choice,
so please don't trouble yourself over me.
Amane Fujimiya : You'll catch a cold. Go home with this. (0:01:41.78)
Amane Fujimiya : I don't need it back. (0:01:44.05)
Mahiru Shiina : Thank you. Very... much. (0:01:56.46)
Itsuki Akazawa : Amane, keep it down. (0:02:15.86)
Itsuki Akazawa : Weren't you fine yesterday, man? (0:02:18.97)
Amane Fujimiya : I got caught in the rain. (0:02:22.42)
Itsuki Akazawa : That's not so bad. (0:02:23.84)
Itsuki Akazawa : But wait, didn't you have an umbrella? (0:02:25.34)
Amane Fujimiya : I gave it to someone. (0:02:28.50)
Itsuki Akazawa : You lent your umbrella
to someone when it was pouring?
Itsuki Akazawa : When did you become such a softie? (0:02:33.01)
Itsuki Akazawa : Who'd you lend it to? (0:02:35.01)
Amane Fujimiya : A lost girl I passed on the way. (0:02:39.27)
Itsuki Akazawa : Well, aren't you nice. (0:02:44.57)
Amane Fujimiya : That's right. (0:02:47.63)
Amane Fujimiya : She looked like she was lost. (0:02:48.97)
Mahiru Shiina : Good morning. (0:02:53.66)
Mahiru Shiina : Sure. What is it? (0:02:57.36)
Amane Fujimiya : An angel. (0:03:05.01)
Amane Fujimiya : That's what everyone at school
calls Mahiru Shiina.
Amane Fujimiya : She's attractive and graceful, (0:03:12.62)
Amane Fujimiya : gets excellent grades, (0:03:14.30)
Amane Fujimiya : and her test scores are top of the class. (0:03:16.62)
Amane Fujimiya : And she's even good at sports. (0:03:19.28)
Amane Fujimiya : But she's still humble and modest. (0:03:22.21)
Amane Fujimiya : She's that kind of angel,
so of course she's popular.
Amane Fujimiya : I'm sure most of the guys
in class want to date her.
Amane Fujimiya : But that's a world I'm not part of. (0:03:35.85)
Itsuki Akazawa : Don't you wish you had
a girlfriend to take care of you?
Amane Fujimiya : Shut up. (0:03:46.19)
Amane Fujimiya : Quit bragging about having one. (0:03:47.57)
Amane Fujimiya : This isn't good at all. (0:03:56.23)
Amane Fujimiya : You didn't need to bring it back. (0:04:17.77)
Mahiru Shiina : Of course I'm going to
return what I borrowed.
Mahiru Shiina : Um, you look like you have a fever. (0:04:23.49)
Amane Fujimiya : That's none of your business. (0:04:27.13)
Mahiru Shiina : But you lent me your umbrella... (0:04:29.13)
Amane Fujimiya : You didn't ask me to. It doesn't matter. (0:04:32.08)
Mahiru Shiina : Yes, it does! (0:04:35.12)
Mahiru Shiina : You caught a cold
because I was sitting there.
Amane Fujimiya : Forget about it already. (0:04:41.09)
Amane Fujimiya : You don't need to worry about me. (0:04:43.45)
Mahiru Shiina : B-But I... (0:04:45.28)
Amane Fujimiya : Just drop it. See yo— (0:04:47.29)
Mahiru Shiina : I can't leave you alone like this. (0:04:51.84)
Mahiru Shiina : I'm going to repay the favor. (0:04:55.74)
Mahiru Shiina : I'm coming in. (0:04:57.86)
Mahiru Shiina : I hope you'll excuse me,
but there's no other way.
Mahiru Shiina : I can't bear to look at this. (0:05:11.57)
Mahiru Shiina : I'm going to step out for a moment,
so why don't you get changed before I return.
Mahiru Shiina : Will you do that? (0:05:20.19)
Amane Fujimiya : You're seriously coming back? (0:05:21.18)
Mahiru Shiina : If I leave you alone to doze off like this,
you won't sleep well.
Amane Fujimiya : I'd rather bite off my tongue
than tell anyone at school this,
Amane Fujimiya : but I started living alone in high school,
and in the same apartment complex,
Amane Fujimiya : literally next door, lives the angel herself. (0:05:38.22)
Amane Fujimiya : What time is it? (0:05:57.73)
Mahiru Shiina : It's 7 p.m. (0:06:00.01)
Mahiru Shiina : You slept for about two hours. (0:06:01.96)
Mahiru Shiina : I brought it from home. (0:06:07.37)
Amane Fujimiya : Thanks for that. (0:06:09.54)
Mahiru Shiina : It's okay. (0:06:11.24)
Mahiru Shiina : Do you have an appetite? (0:06:16.57)
Amane Fujimiya : Hmm... (0:06:18.37)
Amane Fujimiya : Yeah, a little bit. (0:06:20.65)
Mahiru Shiina : You do? (0:06:23.02)
Mahiru Shiina : I've made some rice porridge,
so you should have some.
Amane Fujimiya : Huh? Your home cooking, Shiina? (0:06:29.94)
Mahiru Shiina : If you don't want it, I'll eat it myself. (0:06:32.41)
Amane Fujimiya : Uh, no, I mean, I'll eat it! Please let me! (0:06:34.26)
Mahiru Shiina : I'll bring it over,
so please take your temperature.
Mahiru Shiina : Would you please at least wait
until I leave the room?!
Amane Fujimiya : Yeah. (0:06:50.87)
Amane Fujimiya : I never knew why the other guys
kept saying she's so cute,
Amane Fujimiya : but I think I'm starting to get it. (0:06:56.70)
Mahiru Shiina : What was your temperature? (0:07:01.06)
Amane Fujimiya : 38.3 degrees. (0:07:02.44)
Amane Fujimiya : I'll be fine with medicine and some sleep. (0:07:04.38)
Mahiru Shiina : Over-the-counter medicine
only treats the symptoms.
Mahiru Shiina : You need to get some proper rest (0:07:11.16)
Mahiru Shiina : and let your immune system do its job, okay? (0:07:13.21)
Mahiru Shiina : Here you go. It shouldn't be too hot. (0:07:20.10)
Amane Fujimiya : Thank you. (0:07:23.75)
Mahiru Shiina : What is it now? (0:07:31.22)
Mahiru Shiina : Do you expect me to feed you? (0:07:32.89)
Amane Fujimiya : Huh? (0:07:34.54)
Mahiru Shiina : I regret to inform you
that is not a service I provide.
Amane Fujimiya : Nobody even asked for that. (0:07:38.42)
Amane Fujimiya : But... (0:07:41.82)
Amane Fujimiya : I'm just impressed that you can cook. (0:07:43.27)
Mahiru Shiina : I live alone, so of course I can. (0:07:48.21)
Mahiru Shiina : But for you, Fujimiya-san,
before learning to cook,
Mahiru Shiina : you really should try cleaning your room. (0:07:55.88)
Amane Fujimiya : You are quite right. (0:07:58.74)
Amane Fujimiya : It's good! (0:08:04.42)
Mahiru Shiina : Well, you're welcome. (0:08:09.67)
Mahiru Shiina : But rice porridge is basically
the same no matter who makes it.
Mahiru Shiina : Fujimiya-san? (0:08:19.79)
Amane Fujimiya : Uh... (0:08:20.77)
Amane Fujimiya : Yeah, never mind. (0:08:22.35)
Amane Fujimiya : Hey, can I ask you something? (0:08:28.62)
Mahiru Shiina : What is it? (0:08:31.43)
Amane Fujimiya : Why were you sitting
on that swing in the rain?
Amane Fujimiya : Fight with your boyfriend or something? (0:08:36.28)
Mahiru Shiina : Huh? (0:08:38.01)
Mahiru Shiina : I hate to disappoint you,
but I have no boyfriend
Mahiru Shiina : and no plans to get one either. (0:08:42.38)
Amane Fujimiya : Huh? Why? (0:08:44.10)
Mahiru Shiina : I should be asking you. (0:08:45.96)
Mahiru Shiina : Why are you assuming
that I'm in a relationship?
Amane Fujimiya : You're so popular,
I was sure you'd have a boyfriend or two.
Mahiru Shiina : Well, I don't. (0:08:56.03)
Mahiru Shiina : I also don't recall
ever having such loose morals
Mahiru Shiina : that I'd go out with multiple boys at once. (0:08:59.88)
Mahiru Shiina : That would absolutely never happen. (0:09:02.16)
Amane Fujimiya : Sorry. (0:09:07.38)
Amane Fujimiya : I didn't mean it that way. (0:09:08.38)
Amane Fujimiya : I apologize. (0:09:10.46)
Mahiru Shiina : No, I'm sorry I got that upset about it. (0:09:11.34)
Mahiru Shiina : Anyway, I was just trying
to cool my head then.
Mahiru Shiina : But I am truly sorry
that it resulted in you catching a cold.
Amane Fujimiya : Nah, it's fine. (0:09:23.13)
Amane Fujimiya : I didn't even ask you first. (0:09:24.62)
Amane Fujimiya : You really shouldn't feel guilty about it. (0:09:26.97)
Amane Fujimiya : I mean, we're done after this anyway, Shiina. (0:09:29.63)
Mahiru Shiina : Huh? (0:09:32.12)
Amane Fujimiya : Huh? (0:09:33.30)
Amane Fujimiya : Don't tell me you thought I was
guilt-tripping you to try to get lucky.
Mahiru Shiina : O-Oh. (0:09:43.33)
Amane Fujimiya : I bet that's annoying even for you. (0:09:45.73)
Amane Fujimiya : If guys you don't even like
keep coming on to you.
Mahiru Shiina : Well, it is, to be honest. (0:09:50.50)
Amane Fujimiya : I knew it. (0:09:52.93)
Amane Fujimiya : I don't really care, though. (0:09:56.32)
Amane Fujimiya : Actually, it's kind of a relief. (0:09:58.34)
Amane Fujimiya : Angels get annoyed by that
just like anyone else.
Mahiru Shiina : Please stop calling me that! (0:10:04.13)
Amane Fujimiya : Well, like I said, I won't be trying
to hang around you for no reason.
Amane Fujimiya : Starting tomorrow,
we're basically strangers again.
Itsuki Akazawa : Oh, Amane! (0:10:40.50)
Itsuki Akazawa : Are you feeling better? (0:10:42.62)
Amane Fujimiya : Yeah, thanks a lot. (0:10:44.06)
Itsuki Akazawa : Yeah, I mean, you looked like a mess.
I was getting worried.
Itsuki Akazawa : I'm glad you're better, though.
Just try to get your life together, okay?
Itsuki Akazawa : Cleaning house, for starters. (0:10:55.07)
Amane Fujimiya : You sound just like someone I know. (0:10:58.66)
Itsuki Akazawa : Huh? (0:11:00.84)
Amane Fujimiya : Never mind. (0:11:01.68)
Itsuki Akazawa : Hey! (0:11:03.22)
Mahiru Shiina : Of course. To solve this one,
just go like this.
Itsuki Akazawa : Ah, Shiina-san, I see? (0:11:15.49)
Itsuki Akazawa : Popular as usual, I guess. (0:11:18.41)
Mahiru Shiina : You're very welcome. (0:11:18.97)
Amane Fujimiya : She is an angel, after all. (0:11:20.98)
Itsuki Akazawa : A perfectly neutral observation. (0:11:24.89)
Amane Fujimiya : For us, she's completely out of reach,
like a far-away dream.
Amane Fujimiya : I've got no reason to talk to her.
Seeing her around is enough.
Mahiru Shiina : What are you eating there? (0:11:42.46)
Amane Fujimiya : A jelly drink that replenishes
energy in a few seconds.
Mahiru Shiina : That can't possibly be your dinner, is it? (0:11:49.48)
Amane Fujimiya : What else would it be? (0:11:52.37)
Mahiru Shiina : You've got the appetite of a high school boy
and that's all you're eating?
Mahiru Shiina : Please wait right there. (0:11:58.66)
Amane Fujimiya : Huh? (0:12:00.56)
Amane Fujimiya : What? (0:12:02.58)
Amane Fujimiya : It's cold. (0:12:05.01)
Amane Fujimiya : Wait? For how long? (0:12:07.27)
Amane Fujimiya : Huh? (0:12:12.62)
Mahiru Shiina : It's only leftovers, but here. (0:12:20.67)
Amane Fujimiya : It's so good! (0:12:38.29)
Amane Fujimiya : This is amazing, Angel! (0:12:41.01)
Mahiru Shiina : I may be doing this for
my own personal satisfaction,
Mahiru Shiina : but I saw you living
such a pathetic lifestyle,
Mahiru Shiina : and I couldn't ignore it. (0:12:50.50)
Amane Fujimiya : Quite so. (0:12:52.20)
Amane Fujimiya : I'll happily accept it. (0:12:54.24)
Amane Fujimiya : It isn't every day that I get
to eat an angel's home cooking.
Mahiru Shiina : Would you please stop calling me that? (0:13:00.74)
Mahiru Shiina : Seriously. (0:13:03.24)
Amane Fujimiya : Yeah, sorry. (0:13:08.03)
Amane Fujimiya : I won't say it anymore. (0:13:11.07)
Mahiru Shiina : You're going to start eating well
and living properly.
Amane Fujimiya : Sure, mom. (0:13:20.36)
Amane Fujimiya : So good... (0:13:26.83)
Amane Fujimiya : Just returning this. (0:13:32.93)
Amane Fujimiya : It was really good. (0:13:34.48)
Mahiru Shiina : Thanks for going out of your way. (0:13:35.69)
Mahiru Shiina : You even washed it for me. (0:13:37.82)
Mahiru Shiina : Well done. So... (0:13:39.80)
Mahiru Shiina : Here you go. (0:13:42.55)
Amane Fujimiya : Huh? Yeah, no... (0:13:43.29)
Amane Fujimiya : I just came to return the container. (0:13:46.17)
Mahiru Shiina : It's tonight's dinner. (0:13:48.86)
Amane Fujimiya : Yeah, I can see that, but... (0:13:50.26)
Mahiru Shiina : I do need to ask,
do you have any food allergies?
Mahiru Shiina : I don't accept simple substitutions, though. (0:13:55.88)
Amane Fujimiya : I don't, but... (0:13:57.73)
Amane Fujimiya : I mean, I can't accept another... (0:13:59.54)
Mahiru Shiina : I make too much to eat by myself. (0:14:01.54)
Mahiru Shiina : I'd appreciate it if you would accept this. (0:14:03.81)
Amane Fujimiya : If that's it, then I'm happy to help. (0:14:08.89)
Amane Fujimiya : But normally, if you do this for someone,
they might think you have feelings for them.
Mahiru Shiina : You think I do? (0:14:17.66)
Amane Fujimiya : No, not a chance. (0:14:20.23)
Mahiru Shiina : Then it shouldn't be a problem. (0:14:22.97)
Mahiru Shiina : In that case, please excuse me. (0:14:24.98)
Amane Fujimiya : After that, the next day,
and the day after that,
Amane Fujimiya : Shiina kept handing me
containers full of food.
Amane Fujimiya : Life was starting to get weird. (0:14:40.96)
Amane Fujimiya : So good... (0:14:45.29)
Amane Fujimiya : Hey, Itsuki. (0:14:50.14)
Amane Fujimiya : Do I really look that unhealthy? (0:14:52.57)
Itsuki Akazawa : Oh, yes! Pasty white and thin as a rail, (0:14:55.54)
Itsuki Akazawa : you always look like you're not into it. (0:14:58.29)
Itsuki Akazawa : Your expression just screams "unhealthy." (0:15:00.60)
Amane Fujimiya : I was born with this face. (0:15:03.65)
Itsuki Akazawa : Oh, I know. (0:15:04.92)
Itsuki Akazawa : But why don't you try
to look a little more alive?
Amane Fujimiya : So that's it. (0:15:09.47)
Amane Fujimiya : I've got a dead look on my face. (0:15:11.13)
Itsuki Akazawa : Yeah, but there is a little more color
in your cheeks recently.
Itsuki Akazawa : Did you change your diet or something? (0:15:17.16)
Amane Fujimiya : Itsuki... (0:15:20.25)
Amane Fujimiya : You're scaring me right now. (0:15:21.94)
Itsuki Akazawa : Why, dude? (0:15:23.29)
Itsuki Akazawa : Wait, did I nail it? (0:15:25.91)
Amane Fujimiya : No, well... (0:15:27.92)
Amane Fujimiya : I was kind of forced
to mix things up, I guess.
Amane Fujimiya : Oh... (0:15:37.18)
Mahiru Shiina : Oh? (0:15:39.18)
Amane Fujimiya : Just so you know, this wasn't intentional. (0:15:40.69)
Amane Fujimiya : It's not like I'm following you. (0:15:43.00)
Mahiru Shiina : Of course I know that. (0:15:44.79)
Mahiru Shiina : This is obviously the closest
supermarket for both of us.
Mahiru Shiina : Limited to one per customer? (0:15:52.64)
Amane Fujimiya : So I'm buying one too? (0:15:57.12)
Mahiru Shiina : I'm glad you're such an understanding person. (0:15:58.93)
Amane Fujimiya : I didn't know you were
such a careful shopper.
Mahiru Shiina : There's no better way to keep costs down. (0:16:06.40)
Amane Fujimiya : Well, if you're living on an allowance
from your parents, that's probably smart.
Mahiru Shiina : I guess so. (0:16:15.97)
Mahiru Shiina : They do support me,
so it's important that I watch my budget.
Amane Fujimiya : I'm not trying to steal it. (0:16:29.63)
Mahiru Shiina : I didn't think you were. (0:16:32.53)
Mahiru Shiina : But I can carry that much. (0:16:35.30)
Amane Fujimiya : In a situation like this, you'd seem a lot
more charming if you just accept the help.
Mahiru Shiina : You make it sound like
I have no charm at all.
Amane Fujimiya : I'll go ahead. (0:16:47.29)
Amane Fujimiya : I know you don't want anyone
seeing us together.
Mahiru Shiina : Thank you very much. (0:16:56.55)
Mahiru Shiina : Huh?! (0:17:06.93)
Mahiru Shiina : Excuse me, but yesterday's container... (0:17:10.18)
Mahiru Shiina : What in the world are you doing? (0:17:14.53)
Amane Fujimiya : I was trying to clean. (0:17:16.56)
Mahiru Shiina : I just heard a really loud noise. (0:17:18.72)
Amane Fujimiya : I almost tripped. (0:17:21.54)
Mahiru Shiina : I'm not surprised. (0:17:24.77)
Mahiru Shiina : It doesn't look like
you've even started cleaning.
Amane Fujimiya : Honestly, I don't know where to begin. (0:17:28.62)
Mahiru Shiina : Your room— (0:17:31.69)
Mahiru Shiina : please let me clean it. (0:17:32.77)
Amane Fujimiya : Huh? (0:17:34.29)
Mahiru Shiina : I can't stand the thought
of my neighbor living in filth.
Mahiru Shiina : Living alone and yet you do no chores... (0:17:38.61)
Mahiru Shiina : Do you think this is some kind of a joke? (0:17:41.40)
Mahiru Shiina : You know, if you had just cleaned regularly,
it never would have come to this.
Amane Fujimiya : 'Tis as you say. (0:17:50.65)
Mahiru Shiina : Just to warn you,
I'm going to do a very thorough job.
Amane Fujimiya : I understand. (0:17:58.60)
Mahiru Shiina : As long as you do, shall we get started? (0:18:00.02)
Mahiru Shiina : I'm not as soft as you might think. (0:18:02.56)
Mahiru Shiina : We're not making any compromises. (0:18:04.27)
Mahiru Shiina : Tie all the old magazines together. (0:18:08.61)
Mahiru Shiina : Break down the cardboard and pile it up. (0:18:11.36)
Mahiru Shiina : Separate the lids from the plastic bottles. (0:18:13.78)
Mahiru Shiina : Cleaning starts from the top. (0:18:17.40)
Mahiru Shiina : Put all of your dirty laundry
in the basket for now.
Mahiru Shiina : Next, the top of the air conditioner. (0:18:25.29)
Amane Fujimiya : Oh! (0:18:35.21)
Mahiru Shiina : Fujimiya-san. (0:18:37.01)
Mahiru Shiina : The reason you clean is to
keep things like this from happening.
Amane Fujimiya : Please accept my deepest apologies. (0:18:43.98)
Amane Fujimiya : Should we keep going? (0:18:47.09)
Mahiru Shiina : I guess so. (0:18:48.49)
Mahiru Shiina : That surprised me! (0:18:54.37)
Mahiru Shiina : All cleaned up. (0:18:59.41)
Mahiru Shiina : It took a whole day to get this much done. (0:19:01.61)
Amane Fujimiya : Yeah, the place was trashed. (0:19:04.17)
Mahiru Shiina : You're the one who trashed it, you know. (0:19:06.80)
Amane Fujimiya : 'Tis as you say. (0:19:08.90)
Mahiru Shiina : Oh boy... (0:19:10.28)
Amane Fujimiya : I don't feel like going shopping now.
Want to order a pizza for dinner?
Mahiru Shiina : Huh? (0:19:17.68)
Mahiru Shiina : So this is a delivery pizza. (0:19:20.62)
Amane Fujimiya : You've never ordered delivery before? (0:19:23.40)
Amane Fujimiya : Are your parents really strict about food? (0:19:25.73)
Mahiru Shiina : At home, we had a housekeeper cook for us. (0:19:30.52)
Amane Fujimiya : A housekeeper? (0:19:34.40)
Amane Fujimiya : You must be pretty rich then. (0:19:36.28)
Mahiru Shiina : I suppose you could say
we're somewhat well-off.
Amane Fujimiya : Well, I don't know if this is up to
your standards, but help yourself.
Mahiru Shiina : Thank you for the food. (0:19:50.41)
Mahiru Shiina : What is it? (0:20:04.09)
Amane Fujimiya : Nothing. (0:20:05.14)
Amane Fujimiya : You're just making it look delicious. (0:20:06.09)
Mahiru Shiina : Please don't stare at me so much. (0:20:08.17)
Amane Fujimiya : How do I put this...
you really have zero charm.
Mahiru Shiina : That is fine with me. (0:20:14.48)
Amane Fujimiya : Yeah, I guess that's okay. (0:20:16.90)
Amane Fujimiya : I think I'm more used to
you here than at school.
Amane Fujimiya : I like this you more though,
because she's easier to get along with.
Mahiru Shiina : The one without charm, you mean? (0:20:25.45)
Amane Fujimiya : You don't let things go, do you? (0:20:27.61)
Amane Fujimiya : What I mean is,
even if you seem a little unfriendly,
Amane Fujimiya : you're a lot more approachable
when you're honest about your feelings.
Mahiru Shiina : Is my behavior at school really that awful? (0:20:37.69)
Amane Fujimiya : Well, no. (0:20:40.51)
Amane Fujimiya : But don't you get worn out
always acting like that?
Mahiru Shiina : Not really. (0:20:45.30)
Mahiru Shiina : I've been like this since I was little. (0:20:46.86)
Amane Fujimiya : That's pretty hard-core. (0:20:49.50)
Amane Fujimiya : Well, at least you have a place
where you can catch your breath a little.
Mahiru Shiina : I can't catch my breath with your
staring always putting me on edge.
Amane Fujimiya : So sorry about that. (0:21:01.14)
Mahiru Shiina : Thank you for dinner. (0:21:05.06)
Amane Fujimiya : Can I ask you one thing? (0:21:07.47)
Mahiru Shiina : What is it? (0:21:09.14)
Amane Fujimiya : What do you get out of sharing
your dinner with me every day?
Mahiru Shiina : My own satisfaction. (0:21:14.65)
Mahiru Shiina : It's really not a big deal. (0:21:17.50)
Mahiru Shiina : Simply put, I think I just like
preparing meals for people.
Mahiru Shiina : And you don't take that the wrong way,
you just tell me it's good, so it's easy.
Mahiru Shiina : I'm not comfortable with the way you eat
anyway, so I guess it's my own satisfaction.
Amane Fujimiya : Is that what this is? (0:21:36.38)
Mahiru Shiina : That's what it is. (0:21:38.81)
Mahiru Shiina : So just think of it as an unexpected
splash of good luck for you.
Amane Fujimiya : Well, well. (0:21:44.70)
Mahiru Shiina : All right then, please excuse me. (0:21:45.86)
Amane Fujimiya : I guess that's really all this is. (0:21:52.19)
Amane Fujimiya : This is how the angel and I began
our unusual next-door relationship.

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Takemichi Hanagaki (teen)

He often is seen as a crybaby but he is one of the bravest character in Tokyo Revengers. Also, he never gives up no matter how many times he gets beaten up. Takemitchy does everything for his friends, especially his girlfriend Hina~ I absolutely love that cool guy Takemitchy :) - NatsumiSawada


But... - Susamaru

The same goes for you! - Susamaru

No matter how well
you might conceal yourself,
- Susamaru

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