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EXTRA : This is the Magic Realm. (0:00:01.93)
EXTRA : It is called the Magic Realm
because it is a world that has magic.
EXTRA : Flying through the sky with a broom,
levitating heavy objects,
EXTRA : creating something out of nothing... (0:00:12.44)
EXTRA : Everyone can use magic at their will, (0:00:16.32)
EXTRA : and in this world,
magic is a natural part of everyday life.
EXTRA : Magic is believed to be a gift
bestowed by God,
EXTRA : and mastery of magic determines
one's social status in this world.
EXTRA : In a corner of this world,
where dragons flying about is ordinary...
EXTRA : Within that deep, deep forest, (0:00:38.43)
EXTRA : there is one whose existence
defies the natural order.
Mash Burnedead : Nothing like a cream puff
after pumping iron.
Regro Burnedead : My name is Regro Burnedead. (0:02:31.13)
Regro Burnedead : I'm a chic and elegant 75-year-old (0:02:34.21)
Regro Burnedead : living with my son in a forest
far from other humans.
Regro Burnedead : I was quite reckless
in all sorts of ways in my youth,
Regro Burnedead : but when you get as old as I,
very little bothers you.
Regro Burnedead : And that’s because, (0:02:54.77)
Regro Burnedead : through my experiences,
I have acquired ways to combat stress.
Regro Burnedead : How to combat stress... (0:03:02.87)
Mash Burnedead : Oh, Pops. I'm home. (0:03:07.49)
Regro Burnedead : Why!? (0:03:11.96)
Regro Burnedead : Why did you rip the door off
its hinges to come in, Mash!?
Mash Burnedead : I couldn't remember
if I was supposed to push or pull.
Regro Burnedead : How many years have you lived here!? (0:03:17.88)
Mash Burnedead : So I just kind of forced— (0:03:20.38)
Regro Burnedead : And you ended up breaking it! (0:03:21.80)
Mash Burnedead : Sorry, Pops. I'll fix it. (0:03:24.89)
Regro Burnedead : Oh, well... If you're repenting, then... (0:03:28.18)
Regro Burnedead : He's always so amenable
after each screwup.
Regro Burnedead : RRRAAWR (0:03:35.98)
Regro Burnedead : Turn! Turn it! Turn it!
You need to turn it!
Mash Burnedead : - Weird. It won't fit back in.
- That's the wrong position!
Regro Burnedead : - Weird. It won't fit back in.
- That's the wrong position!
Mash Burnedead : Huh? What'd you say? (0:03:43.11)
Regro Burnedead : Quit with the pounding, would you!? (0:03:44.66)
Mash Burnedead : Spit on the foundling? (0:03:46.37)
Regro Burnedead : No! (0:03:47.54)
Mash Burnedead : Sorry, Pops. (0:03:52.46)
Mash Burnedead : I'll fix it. (0:03:54.33)
Regro Burnedead : W-Well... Yeah, um... (0:03:55.46)
Regro Burnedead : Mash, did you finish
today's training routine?
Mash Burnedead : Of course. (0:04:03.09)
Mash Burnedead : Hey, Pops. (0:04:06.55)
Mash Burnedead : I've been meaning to ask... (0:04:08.18)
Mash Burnedead : Why are all of my workouts physical? (0:04:09.93)
Regro Burnedead : Because you... (0:04:12.56)
Regro Burnedead : You're not like ordinary people. (0:04:14.52)
Regro Burnedead : You can't use magic at all
because you're different.
Regro Burnedead : So the least I can do is... (0:04:21.90)
Regro Burnedead : Never mind. A story for another time. (0:04:24.86)
Regro Burnedead : Anyway, I'm heading out for a bit. (0:04:27.62)
Regro Burnedead : I'm trusting you to housesit. (0:04:30.66)
Regro Burnedead : - Okay.
- Don't break the door.
Mash Burnedead : - Okay.
- Don't break the door.
Mash Burnedead : Don’t worry,
I learned how to fix it.
Regro Burnedead : Learn how to open and close
the door instead!
Mash Burnedead : Push in, or pull out... (0:04:40.21)
Regro Burnedead : Pull out! Pull out to open the door! (0:04:41.55)
Regro Burnedead : Anyways, I'm heading out. (0:04:44.26)
Regro Burnedead : I've told you countless times before, (0:04:47.85)
Regro Burnedead : but while I'm out, you must never
venture into the city.
Mash Burnedead : Yeah, I won't. (0:04:53.64)
Regro Burnedead : Right. Mash, you’re such a good,
amenable son.
Regro Burnedead : Now, I'll be on my way. (0:04:59.61)
Mash Burnedead : Be safe. (0:05:01.36)
Mash Burnedead : Sorry, Pops. (0:05:12.29)
Mash Burnedead : But I can't ignore
the call of an empty stomach.
Mash Burnedead : Magic. (0:05:26.68)
Mash Burnedead : Magic. (0:05:28.68)
Mash Burnedead : Magic. (0:05:30.55)
Mash Burnedead : They're still just doing stuff
you can do with your hands.
Mash Burnedead : Seven limited cream puffs, please. (0:05:43.32)
Cream Puff Shop Clerk : Sure thing. (0:05:45.44)
Mash Burnedead : Oops. I got too excited
and couldn't hold back.
Cream Puff Shop Clerk : But these don't usually bend
just by squeezing your hand.
Mash Burnedead : Sorry. Let me fix them. (0:05:57.92)
Cream Puff Shop Clerk : Did you say, "fix"? (0:06:00.46)
Mash Burnedead : This should work. (0:06:03.96)
Cream Puff Shop Clerk : Huh? Hold on... (0:06:05.71)
Cream Puff Shop Clerk : Freaky? Huh? No, wait... Um... (0:06:09.05)
Cream Puff Shop Clerk : Here. Thanks for waiting. (0:06:14.72)
Mash Burnedead : Thank you very much. (0:06:16.23)
EXTRA : Hey, did you see it? (0:06:21.31)
EXTRA : I don't see it anywhere on his face. (0:06:22.69)
EXTRA : - No way.
- You're right. Nothing.
EXTRA : Unbelievable. (0:06:25.69)
Cream Puff Shop Clerk : Sir, are you actually a... (0:06:27.74)
Cream Puff Shop Clerk : No, never mind.
Thanks for your patronage.
EXTRA : This year's "Divine Visionary"
has been determined.
EXTRA : The one chosen as "Divine Visionary" is Rayne Ames,
a second-year at Easton Magic Academy,
EXTRA : a prestigious school in the Magic Realm. (0:06:44.21)
EXTRA : This title is awarded (0:06:47.46)
EXTRA : to the student demonstrating the highest degree
of excellence over the school year.
EXTRA : In addition to promotion to nobility, (0:06:52.64)
Brad Coleman : Yeah, yeah.
Must feel good with all that talent.
EXTRA : recipients are gifted a grant
of one billion lond and are further awarded
EXTRA : provisional employment at the Bureau of Magic,
the highest legal organization.
Brad Coleman : Then you have me here,
living a dull life in a dull place.
EXTRA : He is expected to contribute greatly
for the prosperity of this country.
Criminal : P-Please forgive me.
I only stole a little something.
Brad Coleman : Huh? Are you kidding me? (0:07:13.07)
Brad Coleman : You gave me more work
with your petty crime.
Brad Coleman : I gotta make you regret it
so you’ll never trouble me again.
Criminal : S-Stop it! Please! (0:07:27.13)
Brad Coleman : What is it? I'm busy. (0:07:34.14)
Brad Coleman : What? There's an unmarked brat
in the city?
Mash Burnedead : Wonder what everyone
was all riled up about back there.
Regro Burnedead : While I'm out, you must never
venture out into the city.
Mash Burnedead : Sorry, Pops. (0:07:51.32)
Mash Burnedead : But it was worth coming here. (0:07:53.49)
Mash Burnedead : I got to eat Goblin Cream Puffs. (0:07:56.12)
Mash Burnedead : Yummy, yummy, yum... (0:08:00.08)
Mash Burnedead : Oh, sorry. (0:08:06.13)
Policeman : Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! (0:08:07.09)
Policeman : What do you think you’re doing?
I'm workin' over here!
Policeman : I'm a proud member of the magic police,
protecting ordinary folks like you!
Policeman : And do I get any thanks? No! (0:08:17.72)
Policeman : The only thing I get is bottom-barrel pay! (0:08:20.18)
Policeman : Wanna have me
take out my stress on ya?
Mash Burnedead : Would you like a cream puff?
I somehow feel sorry for you.
Policeman : He's pitying me! (0:08:31.94)
Policeman : And it's half eaten! (0:08:33.53)
Policeman : Why would you give me
a half-eaten cream puff?
Policeman : Ya aimin' for an indirect kiss or something?
Ya love me?
Policeman : Are ya pickin' a fight? (0:08:42.58)
Policeman : That's basically pickin'
a fight with this country!
Policeman : And whatcha gonna do
about my uniform? Huh?
Policeman : What? (0:08:53.51)
Mash Burnedead : I'm sorry. I will wash
and return these clothes to you.
Policeman : Now it ain't clothes!
Not as of this moment! Thanks to you!
Policeman : What exactly did ya do, huh? (0:09:05.69)
Brad Coleman : What's the matter, Terry? (0:09:07.98)
Policeman : Brad, this kid... (0:09:09.69)
Brad Coleman : Don't make a riot over nothing. (0:09:11.73)
Brad Coleman : More like, why the hell are you naked? (0:09:14.70)
Policeman : Well, that's because this kid... (0:09:20.12)
Brad Coleman : Must be him. (0:09:23.37)
Brad Coleman : The unmarked brat from that report. (0:09:24.75)
Brad Coleman : Wait. (0:09:28.58)
Brad Coleman : Would anyone be eating cream puffs
in this kind of situation?
Brad Coleman : Hey, you over there. (0:09:34.17)
Regro Burnedead : Please excuse my son! (0:09:37.84)
Brad Coleman : This will be a bit of a hassle, (0:09:47.98)
Brad Coleman : but this may be my chance
for a promotion.
Brad Coleman : After them! (0:09:56.99)
Regro Burnedead : You idiot! (0:10:07.25)
Regro Burnedead : How may times have I told you?
Don't go to the city on your own!
Mash Burnedead : I'm really sorry. I'll never go again. (0:10:12.71)
Regro Burnedead : He's really broken up about it.
It's clear he regrets his actions.
Regro Burnedead : I can't stay mad at him. (0:10:21.80)
Regro Burnedead : Well, if that's the case, yeah. (0:10:24.27)
Regro Burnedead : But as punishment, you'll repeat
this morning's training routine.
Mash Burnedead : Okay. And these cream puffs
are for you.
Regro Burnedead : Oh, thank you. (0:10:36.86)
Regro Burnedead : Here. (0:10:44.74)
Mash Burnedead : Thanks, Pops. (0:10:45.58)
Regro Burnedead : He's such a good boy. (0:10:49.08)
Regro Burnedead : I thought a teenage son
would be really passionate,
Regro Burnedead : rife with arguments
and rebellious streaks,
Regro Burnedead : as you deepen your bonds
with each other.
Regro Burnedead : But he's so amenable,
though a bit informal.
Regro Burnedead : Well, I guess he's at an age
where he wants to get out.
Regro Burnedead : We've lived here in hiding until now,
away from the city in this forest, for his sake.
Regro Burnedead : But now the magic police
have caught wind of him.
Regro Burnedead : I must act quickly. (0:11:21.57)
Regro Burnedead : What is that? (0:11:29.16)
Brad Coleman : Hey, old geezer. (0:11:42.84)
Brad Coleman : Where's the brat I saw earlier? (0:11:44.68)
Regro Burnedead : This is bad. (0:11:48.14)
Mash Burnedead : Five minutes is all I need
when I put my mind to it.
Mash Burnedead : Time to head home and eat cream puffs. (0:12:06.78)
Mash Burnedead : "Crea" a puff, a creamy puff. (0:12:10.50)
Mash Burnedead : "Mp" a creamy, creamy puff. (0:12:14.38)
Mash Burnedead : "uff" a puff, a creamy puff. (0:12:18.00)
Mash Burnedead : Was I supposed to push or pull? (0:12:22.42)
Mash Burnedead : Guess it doesn't matter. (0:12:25.80)
Brad Coleman : You knew and that's why
you hid that brat, right?
Brad Coleman : You know why magic has flourished
since the dawn of recorded history?
Brad Coleman : It's because we aggressively rid ourselves
of inferior blood unable to use magic.
Brad Coleman : It's a necessary sacrifice
for the world to go round.
Brad Coleman : Simply put, those who can't use magic
have no privileges.
Brad Coleman : Privilege to live, that is. (0:12:52.45)
Brad Coleman : Or should I say,
they aren't supposed to live at all?
Brad Coleman : Spill it. Where’s the brat? (0:12:59.84)
Regro Burnedead : I-I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Brad Coleman : Sheltering the unmarked
is a serious offense, old man.
Brad Coleman : Hurry up and hand over the brat. (0:13:14.77)
Regro Burnedead : I refuse! (0:13:19.15)
Brad Coleman : Fess up. (0:13:23.07)
Brad Coleman : If you play nice and give us the brat,
I'll have my bosses spare you.
Regro Burnedead : I won’t. (0:13:30.28)
Regro Burnedead : Never. I will never tell him. (0:13:31.54)
EXTRA : Why can't you do something so simple!? (0:13:35.46)
Regro Burnedead : I'm sorry. (0:13:38.67)
EXTRA : Your magic is weak.
You can't do anything properly!
EXTRA : Our bloodline has no need
for failures like you!
Regro Burnedead : I'm sorry. (0:13:47.84)
EXTRA : Hey! You can't even do something
as simple as this?
EXTRA : You're useless! (0:13:52.35)
Regro Burnedead : I-I apologize. (0:13:53.60)
EXTRA : There are plenty of others
who can replace you!
Regro Burnedead : I have always been a failure of a human. (0:13:56.48)
Regro Burnedead : I apologize. (0:13:56.94)
EXTRA : - You failed again!
- I’m really sorry!
Regro Burnedead : I kept failing
even after I became an adult.
EXTRA : You messed up again! (0:14:03.94)
EXTRA : You're fired! (0:14:05.57)
EXTRA : How can you keep living like that? (0:14:06.90)
EXTRA : I'd already be dead
from embarrassment.
Regro Burnedead : Completely unwanted. (0:14:19.21)
Regro Burnedead : I thought that's how my life would end. (0:14:22.29)
Regro Burnedead : If that's the case, then I should just... (0:14:30.55)
Regro Burnedead : This baby... (0:14:42.94)
Regro Burnedead : has no mark. (0:14:44.44)
Regro Burnedead : You were abandoned
because you were unmarked.
Regro Burnedead : You're just like me. (0:14:52.70)
Regro Burnedead : In this moment, for the first time
in my life, I felt like someone needed me.
Regro Burnedead : I swore on that day... (0:15:07.42)
Regro Burnedead : Even if we're not related by blood,
even if the entire world denied his existence,
Regro Burnedead : I would always be a father to that boy! (0:15:18.93)
Brad Coleman : Tell us where he is already, old man. (0:15:22.56)
Regro Burnedead : Run, Mash! (0:15:25.23)
Brad Coleman : You old geezer! (0:15:27.94)
Brad Coleman : Hey! This means
he's still close by! Find him!
EXTRA : Yessir! (0:15:32.74)
Regro Burnedead : Run for it, Mash! (0:15:34.12)
Brad Coleman : Damn you, old geezer! (0:15:35.74)
Brad Coleman : - L-Let go of me!
- Run! Run!
Regro Burnedead : - L-Let go of me!
- Run! Run!
Regro Burnedead : Please let my words reach him. (0:15:40.00)
Brad Coleman : Pipe it down, old geezer! (0:15:41.79)
Regro Burnedead : All that matters
is that you're safe! Please!
Brad Coleman : - Old man, hurry up and...
- Run away!
Regro Burnedead : - Old man, hurry up and...
- Run away!
Regro Burnedead : You are my one and only... (0:15:49.76)
Regro Burnedead : Run! Run away, Mash! (0:15:53.01)
Brad Coleman : That's enough, old man. (0:15:56.68)
Brad Coleman : I'll make you regret this. (0:15:59.73)
Policeman : Hey you! You had some nerve
earlier today when...
Policeman : My second shirt today... (0:16:31.01)
Regro Burnedead : Why... (0:16:40.60)
Regro Burnedead : Why didn't you run, Mash? (0:16:41.85)
Mash Burnedead : Because we're family. (0:16:45.02)
Mash Burnedead : You're all I've got. (0:16:47.06)
Mash Burnedead : Sorry for being selfish, Pops. (0:16:50.82)
Mash Burnedead : But since I'm here... (0:16:53.99)
Mash Burnedead : I might as well send you guys to hell. (0:16:57.20)
Brad Coleman : What a joke. (0:17:03.25)
Brad Coleman : You can't even use magic.
How are you going to take me down?
Policeman : What an idiot. Brad used to be
on the Bureau of Magic's Security Force.
Policeman : Regular mages around here
don't hold a candle to him.
Policeman : And a magic-less chump
wants to take him on?
Policeman : He won't stand a chance! (0:17:23.06)
Brad Coleman : It'll be over in three seconds. (0:17:24.94)
Policeman : That’s the spell that drove away a dragon
in his Bureau of Magic's Security Force days!
Policeman : I didn't think I would get to see it here! (0:17:35.36)
Brad Coleman : Eat this. (0:17:40.49)
Brad Coleman : Nalcom Pas! (0:17:42.70)
Regro Burnedead : Mash! (0:17:44.25)
Regro Burnedead : Mash! (0:17:59.64)
Brad Coleman : Huh? Did he... (0:18:01.31)
Brad Coleman : My Nalcom Pas... He just... (0:18:03.18)
Brad Coleman : He slapped it down? Like, “paff”? (0:18:06.89)
Brad Coleman : Can magic be paff'ed just like that? (0:18:09.56)
Brad Coleman : I drove a dragon away
with that spell, you know?
Brad Coleman : What? There's no way. (0:18:15.82)
Brad Coleman : Not bad, brat! (0:18:20.20)
Brad Coleman : But how about this? (0:18:22.66)
Policeman : That magical energy output! (0:18:25.29)
Policeman : Is he trying to destroy
this entire area?
Policeman : Hold on, Brad! (0:18:29.12)
Policeman : You shouldn't do that! (0:18:30.67)
Brad Coleman : Nalcom Pas Diagorus! (0:18:32.17)
Brad Coleman : Damn it! (0:18:43.47)
Brad Coleman : This brat... (0:18:47.06)
Brad Coleman : He's killing the momentum
with his knees!
Brad Coleman : What a soft touch! (0:18:50.31)
Brad Coleman : All right, then how about this? (0:18:52.48)
Brad Coleman : And now he's juggling! (0:18:56.32)
Brad Coleman : Look at those dribbling moves! (0:19:00.07)
Brad Coleman : This brat is totally
making a fool of me.
Mash Burnedead : Pops, I'm gonna borrow your wand. (0:19:09.04)
Brad Coleman : What’s going on? (0:19:11.50)
Brad Coleman : He can use magic after all? (0:19:13.25)
Brad Coleman : Doesn't matter. (0:19:17.09)
Brad Coleman : Ordinary magic
won't even reach me anyway...
Brad Coleman : I've never seen anyone
use a magic wand like that before.
Mash Burnedead : Threaten my family again... (0:19:50.46)
Mash Burnedead : and I'll kill you. (0:19:53.33)
Regro Burnedead : His training was only meant
to teach him self-defense.
Regro Burnedead : How is this physically possible? (0:19:58.13)
Regro Burnedead : Either way, we're done for. (0:20:00.84)
Regro Burnedead : Even if we fend them off
for now, in due time...
Brad Coleman : Interesting. (0:20:08.89)
Brad Coleman : Let's make a deal, Mushroom Head. (0:20:10.23)
Brad Coleman : Do what I ask, and I'll let you
and the old geezer slide.
Mash Burnedead : A deal? (0:20:16.98)
Brad Coleman : Once a year in this country, (0:20:18.40)
Brad Coleman : one exceptional student
is revered as one of God's chosen.
Brad Coleman : It's called the "Divine Visionary." (0:20:24.24)
Brad Coleman : Enroll in a magic school
and be chosen as one.
Brad Coleman : Simply put, if you're selected,
it means God has accepted you.
Brad Coleman : Which means, society will accept you. (0:20:36.29)
Brad Coleman : I just want the fortune and prestige
that comes with it.
Brad Coleman : I'll back you up, of course. (0:20:43.30)
Regro Burnedead : Don't listen to him, Mash! (0:20:44.97)
Regro Burnedead : Those are the words of someone
who was an enemy until moments ago!
Brad Coleman : It's up to you
if you want to be skeptical or not.
Brad Coleman : But if you refuse, we’ll hunt you down
for the rest of your life.
Brad Coleman : If I'm after you,
the whole country will be, too.
Brad Coleman : You'll be okay because you're tough.
But what about the old man?
Brad Coleman : A life where you can never feel at ease,
and unable to set foot in a city.
Brad Coleman : Well, the choice is yours. (0:21:11.54)
Brad Coleman : Spend the rest of your life
being hunted down,
Brad Coleman : or brace yourself to die
and try turning the tables?
Mash Burnedead : - You got a deal.
- Are you sane? It's a magic school!
Regro Burnedead : - You got a deal.
- Are you sane? It's a magic school!
Mash Burnedead : I'll be fine, Pops. My motivation
is stronger than anyone else.
Regro Burnedead : This isn't about motivation! (0:21:31.64)
Mash Burnedead : Besides... (0:21:34.31)
Mash Burnedead : I want us to be able
to live in peace again.
Regro Burnedead : You're such a good boy. (0:21:38.36)
Regro Burnedead : My son! (0:21:40.36)
Mash Burnedead : Living in peace with Pops. (0:21:43.94)
Mash Burnedead : If it's a world that won't allow
something as natural as that...
Mash Burnedead : Then I've got no choice but to crush it. (0:21:57.79)
Mash Burnedead : With my fist. (0:22:01.21)

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