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Mahiro Oyama : It's midday already? (0:00:30.32)
Mahiro Oyama : Did I catch a cold or something? (0:00:36.10)
Mahiro Oyama : My body does feel kinda sluggish. (0:00:38.90)
Mahiro Oyama : Were my hands always this small? (0:00:52.63)
Mahiro Oyama : Something's definitely off. (0:01:06.02)
Mahiro Oyama : My head feels kinda funny, too. (0:01:08.55)
Mahiro Oyama : Huh?! (0:01:23.76)
Mahiro Oyama : Hang on, hang on. Pull it together. (0:01:39.15)
Mahiro Oyama : I'm Mahiro Oyama, (0:01:40.99)
Mahiro Oyama : an avid eroge gamer and self-sufficient
home security officer.
Mahiro Oyama : I'm supposed to be a young man in his prime. (0:01:45.33)
Mahiro Oyama : Th-This is crazy, but... (0:01:48.31)
Mahiro Oyama : I think I've turned into a girl! (0:01:50.87)
Mahiro Oyama : B-Better check. (0:02:03.16)
Mahiro Oyama : You know? For science. (0:02:05.03)
Mihari Oyama : Morning, Onii-chan! (0:02:08.24)
Mihari Oyama : W-Wait, I swear I wasn't— (0:02:20.49)
Mihari Oyama : I mean— Uh— I... (0:02:22.21)
Mihari Oyama : Yup. Looks like that did the trick. (0:02:39.28)
Mihari Oyama : I gotta say though, Onii-chan... (0:02:42.22)
Mihari Oyama : I didn’t expect you to
turn out looking so cute.
Mihari Oyama : Around the same age as a
middle-schooler, perhaps?
Mahiro Oyama : M-Mihari... (0:02:57.17)
Mahiro Oyama : You didn't drug me, did you?! (0:02:59.21)
Mihari Oyama : Just a little drop in your drink. (0:03:01.97)
Mahiro Oyama : Y-You can't just treat people like guinea pigs! (0:03:04.20)
Mahiro Oyama : What do you take your big
brother for, anyway?
Mihari Oyama : An unemployed, good-for-nothing shut-in. (0:03:13.55)
Mihari Oyama : A nocturnal deadweight who hasn't
left the house in two years.
Mihari Oyama : Not to mention, you're addicted
to those gross video games.
Mihari Oyama : I think it's about time you got a job. (0:03:25.83)
Mahiro Oyama : But how can I find work looking like this? (0:03:31.30)
Mahiro Oyama : You want me to sell my body? (0:03:36.51)
Mihari Oyama : Absolutely not! (0:03:38.32)
Mihari Oyama : I just need you to let me monitor you. (0:03:40.69)
Mihari Oyama : Think of it like a clinical trial. (0:03:43.18)
Mihari Oyama : And don't worry. (0:03:45.46)
Mihari Oyama : You should go back to normal once
you stop taking the medicine.
Mihari Oyama : ...I think. (0:03:50.44)
Mahiro Oyama : Y-You think?! (0:03:51.31)
Mihari Oyama : Well, what's done is done. (0:03:52.83)
Mihari Oyama : Why don't you try enjoying
life as a girl for a bit?
Mahiro Oyama : As a girl? (0:03:57.20)
Mihari Oyama : That being said, though, (0:03:58.73)
Mihari Oyama : you could start by getting up a little earlier
and adopting a healthier lifestyle.
Mahiro Oyama : All right, you want me to enjoy myself? (0:04:10.95)
Mahiro Oyama : Then I'll indulge in the greatest
pleasure life has to offer!
Mahiro Oyama : Girl edition! (0:04:16.75)
Mahiro Oyama : Well, you know where the door is. Scram! (0:04:19.99)
Mahiro Oyama : You shouldn't even be barging
into my room in the first place.
Mihari Oyama : Ew... (0:04:28.04)
Mihari Oyama : Oh, Onii-chan. (0:04:32.49)
Mihari Oyama : Let me let you in on a little secret. (0:04:36.43)
Mahiro Oyama : Hmm? (0:04:38.94)
Mihari Oyama : Apparently, the female orgasm, right? (0:04:39.62)
Mihari Oyama : It's 100 times more
intense than the male's.
Mahiro Oyama : Huh? (0:04:43.79)
Mihari Oyama : I'm just saying, if you rush into
this before you're ready...
Mihari Oyama : The experience might quite
literally blow your mind.
Mahiro Oyama : Huh? (0:04:54.73)
Mahiro Oyama : You're a scoundrel! (0:05:07.58)
Mahiro Oyama : Onimai. (0:06:42.75)
Mahiro Oyama : Girl, boy. It doesn’t matter. (0:06:54.71)
Mahiro Oyama : I'm still a machine! (0:06:56.83)
Mahiro Oyama : A monster-slaying machine! (0:06:58.94)
Mahiro Oyama : Ugh, but the boss is gonna
spawn any moment now.
Mahiro Oyama : I gotta do it. For the game. (0:07:19.65)
Mahiro Oyama : Nope, not happening! (0:07:24.12)
Mahiro Oyama : Oh, whoops. Um... (0:07:34.54)
Mahiro Oyama : Oh, right! (0:07:36.80)
Mihari Oyama : All right, Onii-chan. (0:08:29.64)
Mihari Oyama : Show me your tummy. (0:08:31.62)
Mahiro Oyama : I'd rather not do that sort of
roleplaying with my little sister...
Mihari Oyama : I'm doing a check-up! (0:08:37.95)
Mihari Oyama : Now, breathe in. (0:08:43.67)
Mihari Oyama : And out. (0:08:46.40)
Mahiro Oyama : Do we have to do this every day? (0:08:47.85)
Mihari Oyama : For the time being. (0:08:49.73)
Mihari Oyama : Okay, now turn around. (0:08:50.91)
Mihari Oyama : Onii-chan... (0:08:58.00)
Mahiro Oyama : Hmm? (0:08:59.53)
Mihari Oyama : It smells like wet dog in here. (0:09:00.86)
Mahiro Oyama : Uh... (0:09:03.26)
Mihari Oyama : When was the last time you bathed? (0:09:06.53)
Mahiro Oyama : U-Um... (0:09:08.86)
Mahiro Oyama : Like five days ago? (0:09:11.98)
Mahiro Oyama : So the time has finally come... (0:09:22.59)
Mahiro Oyama : I'm sorry! (0:09:28.73)
Mahiro Oyama : Wait— Who am I apologizing to?!
Have I lost it?!
Mahiro Oyama : All right. (0:09:34.05)
Mahiro Oyama : Gotta make sure I don't overstimulate myself. (0:09:35.07)
Mahiro Oyama : It's actually... more lewd this way. (0:09:44.03)
Mihari Oyama : Onii-chan, I'm leaving a change
of clothes out here, okay?
Mihari Oyama : Wh-What was that?! (0:09:58.65)
Mihari Oyama : Are you okay?! (0:10:00.69)
Mahiro Oyama : I-I'm fine! (0:10:01.95)
Mahiro Oyama : What's gotten into me today? (0:10:07.45)
Mahiro Oyama : There's nothing much to
speak of there, anyway.
Mahiro Oyama : I guess taking a bath doesn't
hurt every once in a while.
Mahiro Oyama : Now, where did she put my clothes? (0:10:30.20)
Mahiro Oyama : Ugh, Mihari must have left her own
clothes here instead of mine.
Mahiro Oyama : Hey! What about my clothes?! (0:10:41.59)
Mihari Oyama : I told you! I left them right there! (0:10:44.25)
Mahiro Oyama : You serious...? (0:10:54.94)
Mihari Oyama : Onimai. (0:10:59.26)
Mahiro Oyama : Onimai. (0:11:03.70)
Mihari Oyama : So incredibly cuteeeee! (0:11:12.43)
Mihari Oyama : I've always wanted a little
sister to play dress-up with!
Mahiro Oyama : I'm not your little sister! (0:11:20.33)
Mihari Oyama : Oh, good! You didn't skip the underwear. (0:11:25.26)
Mahiro Oyama : Um, is this going to be a regular thing? (0:11:28.13)
Mahiro Oyama : I don't feel right wearing
such revealing clothes.
Mahiro Oyama : I'm getting changed right
after this, you hear?
Mahiro Oyama : Oh yeah, that reminds me. (0:11:39.07)
Mahiro Oyama : I went ahead and put away all
your old clothes for you.
Mahiro Oyama : I'll be arranging all your
outfits from now on, okay?
Mahiro Oyama : Huh?! (0:11:47.62)
Mihari Oyama : I mean, come on. (0:11:48.57)
Mihari Oyama : If I left you to your own devices,
you'd never get changed.
Mihari Oyama : Getting up and getting
dressed in the morning...
Mihari Oyama : Remembering to wash your
face and eat breakfast...
Mihari Oyama : Taking a bath every day and
brushing your teeth before bed...
Mihari Oyama : It's important in life to maintain
a well-balanced routine.
Mihari Oyama : Besides, (0:12:07.03)
Mihari Oyama : your old clothes probably don't
fit you anymore anyway, right?
Mihari Oyama : And plus... (0:12:15.66)
Mihari Oyama : Look at you. (0:12:17.05)
Mihari Oyama : You're so much cuter now. (0:12:27.10)
Mihari Oyama : Might as well dress up
and show off a little.
Mahiro Oyama : Y-Yeah... (0:12:32.28)
Mahiro Oyama : Teehee. (0:12:41.18)
Mahiro Oyama : Nope! No, no, no! (0:12:41.84)
Mahiro Oyama : I'm not into that stuff! (0:12:43.62)
Mahiro Oyama : Wearing dainty clothes like
this just weirds me out.
Mihari Oyama : All right, then. (0:12:50.55)
Mihari Oyama : You wanna try something a
little more conservative?
Mahiro Oyama : W-Well, maybe just this once... (0:12:56.73)
Mahiro Oyama : I think I can put up with it. (0:13:00.92)
Mahiro Oyama : Hmm... (0:13:29.84)
Mahiro Oyama : Onimai. (0:14:06.85)
Mihari Oyama : What's the matter, Onii-chan? (0:14:20.00)
Mihari Oyama : What's gotten you down this time? (0:14:22.76)
Mahiro Oyama : I've reached my breaking point, Mihari. (0:14:24.64)
Mahiro Oyama : I don't think I can stand the
no-fap life much longer.
Mahiro Oyama : I was desperate to suppress the urge, (0:14:30.02)
Mahiro Oyama : so I tried playing the BL game
I accidentally bought once, but...
Mahiro Oyama : I got a little turned on. (0:14:55.56)
Mahiro Oyama : I never thought this day would come... (0:14:59.29)
Mihari Oyama : I-It's okay. (0:15:03.30)
Mihari Oyama : You're a girl now, after all. (0:15:05.55)
Mihari Oyama : It might just come with
the territory, you know?
Mahiro Oyama : I refuse to accept this! (0:15:10.91)
Mihari Oyama : Honestly... (0:15:16.33)
Mihari Oyama : I wonder if the treatment has
begun to alter his tastes.
Mihari Oyama : I'm pretty sure he likes the girly
outfits more than he lets on as well.
Mihari Oyama : Hey, Onii-chan. (0:15:39.80)
Mahiro Oyama : Hmm? (0:15:41.54)
Mihari Oyama : If you're up for it, (0:15:42.83)
Mihari Oyama : I know just the thing that'll
help clear your head.
Mahiro Oyama : Noooo way! (0:15:50.35)
Mahiro Oyama : Not in a million years! (0:15:52.99)
Mahiro Oyama : You know I hate exercising! (0:15:56.04)
Mahiro Oyama : Do you even understand what it means
to be a home security officer?!
Mihari Oyama : Stop saying that like it's a badge of honor! (0:16:00.79)
Mahiro Oyama : I said I don't want to...! (0:16:08.39)
Mihari Oyama : Stop wriggling. (0:16:10.46)
Mihari Oyama : It'll help clear your head, won't it? (0:16:11.36)
Mahiro Oyama : You can't make me! I'm not ready to die! (0:16:12.51)
Mihari Oyama : Then you'd rather fall
further into that BL rabbit hole?
Mahiro Oyama : I can't believe I'm stepping outside for the
first time in two years because of this .
Mihari Oyama : All right, Onii-chan. (0:16:34.10)
Mihari Oyama : You'll feel much better once
you get your body moving.
Mihari Oyama : Onii-chan? (0:16:45.01)
Mihari Oyama : W-Will you at least... stick beside me? (0:16:47.28)
Mihari Oyama : Of course. I planned on doing
so from the get-go, okay?
Mahiro Oyama : Okay. (0:17:02.42)
Mihari Oyama : I'm starting to wonder who's
really the younger sister here.
Mahiro Oyama : Wai— Hold up— Mihari! (0:17:17.55)
Mahiro Oyama : You're going too fast! (0:17:20.40)
Mihari Oyama : Oh, sorry! (0:17:22.22)
Mihari Oyama : You must have gotten a little out of shape. (0:17:27.76)
Mihari Oyama : In more ways than one. (0:17:29.62)
Mahiro Oyama : Even if I were in shape... (0:17:35.94)
Mahiro Oyama : I wouldn't be able to keep up with you. (0:17:37.50)
Mahiro Oyama : My little sister is a talented person. (0:17:46.43)
Mahiro Oyama : You might even say too talented. (0:17:49.06)
Mahiro Oyama : She's always been athletic. (0:17:54.20)
Mihari Oyama : She was even setting track
records back in middle school.
Mahiro Oyama : She was so good at school (0:18:10.94)
Mahiro Oyama : that she even got accepted to
college several years early.
Mahiro Oyama : I was nothing compared to such
a high-achieving little sister,
Mahiro Oyama : and people would judge me
relentlessly because of it.
Mahiro Oyama : Not that that was their
sole reason for doing so.
Mahiro Oyama : And look at me now, my own
little sister's guinea pig.
Mahiro Oyama : But, strangely enough,
I think I'm okay with it.
Mahiro Oyama : It feels like I've found a
role I can actually thrive in.
Mahiro Oyama : Maybe it's time I give up trying
to be the older brother,
Mahiro Oyama : and stay as I am now... (0:18:47.42)
Mihari Oyama : Onii-chan? (0:18:58.20)
Mihari Oyama : What's wrong? (0:19:19.47)
Mahiro Oyama : It hurts. (0:19:21.18)
Mihari Oyama : What does? (0:19:22.37)
Mahiro Oyama : My nipples. (0:19:24.80)
Mihari Oyama : Why aren't you wearing it?! (0:19:31.38)
Mihari Oyama : Didn't I give you one?! (0:19:33.13)
Mahiro Oyama : Well, uh... (0:19:34.82)
Mahiro Oyama : It was too much. I had to
draw the line somewhere.
Mahiro Oyama : You know? (0:19:39.41)
Mihari Oyama : Say no more. (0:19:42.83)
Mihari Oyama : You and I are going bra shopping. (0:19:44.29)
Mihari Oyama : Right now. (0:19:46.62)
Mahiro Oyama : What? (0:19:49.25)
Mahiro Oyama : H-Hey! I said I'm fine! (0:20:06.21)
Mihari Oyama : No complaining. (0:20:09.15)
Hiyori : Hi, welcome in! (0:20:11.93)
Mihari Oyama : Excuse me. This is her first time. (0:20:13.88)
Mihari Oyama : Would you mind showing her the ropes? (0:20:17.00)
Hiyori : Absolutely. Right this way. (0:20:18.84)
Hiyori : Okey-doke. (0:20:30.28)
Hiyori : I'm going to start measuring, all right? (0:20:31.47)
Hiyori : It'll only take a second. (0:20:34.97)
Mahiro Oyama : W-Wai—! (0:20:43.29)
Hiyori : No need to feel embarrassed. (0:20:44.86)
Hiyori : Every girl has to wear one eventually. (0:20:46.44)
Hiyori : Let's see... (0:20:52.43)
Hiyori : I think you're around this size. (0:20:53.76)
Hiyori : Which one would you like? (0:20:56.05)
Hiyori : How about we try this one on
and see how you feel?
Hiyori : You can always clasp it on
back-to-front and then swivel it around.
Mihari Oyama : Mhmm, mhmm. (0:21:17.74)
Mihari Oyama : Wow, so you went with the sports bra? (0:21:24.81)
Mihari Oyama : It really suits you. (0:21:27.11)
Mahiro Oyama : I think I'm having an identity crisis! (0:21:35.02)
Mihari Oyama : Hey. (0:21:44.41)
Mihari Oyama : Come on, what happened to exercising? (0:21:45.89)
Mahiro Oyama : I'm done. (0:21:49.68)
Mihari Oyama : Two steps forward, one step back, I suppose. (0:21:55.89)
Mihari Oyama : Now then, I wonder what's
in store for us next...
Mahiro Oyama : See you next time! (0:23:38.09)

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