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EXTRA : Come over now if you
wanna play hide-and-seek!
EXTRA : Me! I'll play! (0:00:03.94)
Hitori Gotoh : The girl who wonders,
"Would it be okay for me to join in?"
EXTRA : Me! I'll play! (0:00:06.44)
Hitori Gotoh : and so misses her chance,
ending up all alone.
EXTRA : Hitori-chan, what's wrong? (0:00:11.06)
Hitori Gotoh : The girl who ends up all alone at a picnic, (0:00:17.78)
EXTRA : Here you go. (0:00:19.10)
Hitori Gotoh : swapping parts of her lunch with the teacher. (0:00:21.04)
Hitori Gotoh : I'm home. (0:00:28.08)
Hitori Gotoh : The girl who doesn't join any clubs, (0:00:30.31)
Hitori Gotoh : comes home right after school, (0:00:31.84)
EXTRA : And here, we'll stir-fry it a bit. (0:00:33.72)
Hitori Gotoh : and finds her smartphone full of
nothing but messages from her parents
EXTRA : There's a lot of vegetables, (0:00:36.84)
Hitori Gotoh : and coupon offers. (0:00:39.02)
Hitori Gotoh : That's me. (0:00:41.59)
EXTRA : You can probably do that
in the morning, yeah.
Hitori Gotoh : Hitori Goto, first-year in middle school. (0:00:43.70)
EXTRA : Lately I've gotten good at making
so many dishes so quickly
EXTRA : I thought I didn't need to know any more, (0:00:46.98)
Hitori Gotoh : Sometimes I think (0:00:47.48)
Hitori Gotoh : I should really change the way I am... (0:00:49.45)
Hitori Gotoh : But I always stammer when I try to speak, (0:00:52.75)
Hitori Gotoh : and I'm really bad at keeping eye contact... (0:00:56.78)
Hitori Gotoh : A life as the archetypal introvert
just seems to fit me best.
EXTRA : Personally I like a lot of options with rice. (0:01:00.66)
EXTRA : Oh, of course. But you— (0:01:02.25)
Naoki Gotoh : You watching this? (0:01:02.78)
Hitori Gotoh : Nah. (0:01:04.03)
EXTRA : Back in school, I was the guy who sat in the
back of the classroom pretending to read.
EXTRA : No friends. (0:01:11.71)
EXTRA : And now you're part of a band that's
extremely popular with young people!
EXTRA : Yeah. A band is a place where
even introverts can shine.
EXTRA : I see! (0:01:21.84)
EXTRA : Now, here's "Trigger" by Instorms! (0:01:24.31)
Naoki Gotoh : What is it? (0:01:35.13)
Hitori Gotoh : D-Dad, can I use your guitar? (0:01:36.03)
Naoki Gotoh : Sure! (0:01:39.04)
Hitori Gotoh : Th-Thanks! (0:01:39.82)
Naoki Gotoh : Aha! (0:01:43.04)
Naoki Gotoh : At last, Hitori's getting into guitar too! (0:01:44.34)
Hitori Gotoh : Maybe even someone like me can shine (0:01:49.46)
Hitori Gotoh : if I'm in a band! (0:01:52.82)
Hitori Gotoh : I've made up my mind. (0:02:08.90)
Hitori Gotoh : I'm gonna learn to play guitar! (0:02:10.00)
Hitori Gotoh : Then I'll form a band at school, and... (0:02:11.84)
Hitori Gotoh : E, A, G... (0:02:14.77)
Hitori Gotoh : What's with all the English? (0:02:17.24)
Hitori Gotoh : Then I'll play at the culture festival (0:02:23.59)
Hitori Gotoh : and have everyone go crazy for me! (0:02:26.45)
Hitori Gotoh : Crazy... for me? (0:02:51.95)
Hitori Gotoh : I practiced six hours every day, so I could
learn how to play in front of people...
Hitori Gotoh : The result? (0:04:33.64)
Hitori Gotoh : Middle school ended, and I
never played a single note for them!
Hitori Gotoh : I never performed once... (0:04:39.00)
EXTRA : At the culture festival! (0:04:40.86)
Hitori Gotoh : I never put together... (0:04:41.88)
EXTRA : The members for a band! (0:04:43.37)
Hitori Gotoh : And I never made a single friend... (0:04:44.63)
EXTRA : In three whole years! (0:04:47.24)
Hitori Gotoh : Now, in high school... (0:04:48.48)
Hitori Gotoh : I gotta form a band or die trying! (0:04:50.85)
Hitori Gotoh : But despite my vow, it's been a whole month
since high school started,
Hitori Gotoh : and yet my heart remains
grounded in the guitar,
Hitori Gotoh : little better than a shut-in... (0:05:02.73)
Hitori Gotoh : Lyrics and music by me. (0:05:08.84)
Hitori Gotoh : From the closet with love. (0:05:11.04)
Hitori Gotoh : But before I cause neighborhood problems
playing my crummy original song late at night,
Hitori Gotoh : I've gotta upload a cover
I did of a popular band.
Hitori Gotoh : It's been a pretty long time
since I started uploading myself
Hitori Gotoh : playing under the name "guitarhero"
on my dad's advice, but...
Hitori Gotoh : Wow, my latest video already
has so many comments.
Hitori Gotoh : I've been racking up the views lately, too, (0:05:35.48)
Hitori Gotoh : and people are telling me I'm good... (0:05:38.27)
Hitori Gotoh : Yeah, maybe it's okay
if I can't handle real life!
Hitori Gotoh : There are tons of people
cheering for me online!
Hitori Gotoh : The internet is filled with socially
anxious introverts just like me!
Hitori Gotoh : I put the effort in, okay? (0:05:56.00)
Hitori Gotoh : I brought CDs to school
and set them on my desk.
Hitori Gotoh : Talk to me! (0:06:01.77)
Hitori Gotoh : I bought band merch and showed it off. (0:06:03.09)
Hitori Gotoh : Talk to me! (0:06:05.58)
Hitori Gotoh : I put in song requests at lunch... (0:06:06.97)
Hitori Gotoh : ...for the death metal song
I'd been obsessed with lately.
Hitori Gotoh : Not the flashbacks! (0:06:21.98)
Hitori Gotoh : Begone! Begone, filthy memories! (0:06:24.10)
Hitori Gotoh : I wish I could perform live... (0:06:33.48)
Hitori Gotoh : That... (0:06:44.07)
Hitori Gotoh : That could work! (0:06:45.35)
Hitori Gotoh : I look... I look so cool! (0:06:59.78)
Hitori Gotoh : I'm already a total rocker chick! (0:07:02.60)
Hitori Gotoh : I look like a real somebody ! (0:07:04.47)
Hitori Gotoh : The people can't look away! (0:07:06.59)
Hitori Gotoh : Someone's just gotta talk to me now! (0:07:09.96)
Hitori Gotoh : I'm gonna be all over this
year's culture festival!
EXTRA : So you could see the corgi's butt... (0:07:33.40)
EXTRA : Do we move rooms next period? (0:07:35.30)
EXTRA : Science Room B. (0:07:36.52)
EXTRA : Hey, wanna karaoke after this? (0:07:37.43)
EXTRA : Great idea! (0:07:39.56)
EXTRA : You sure? (0:07:40.61)
EXTRA : Wonder what I should sing... (0:07:41.60)
Hitori Gotoh : Huh? (0:07:46.88)
Hitori Gotoh : Did I go overboard
hyping myself up last night?
Hitori Gotoh : But I'm putting out such
powerful rocker chick vibes...
Hitori Gotoh : D-Did I end up making myself unapproachable?! (0:07:57.75)
Hitori Gotoh : No, no, no! (0:08:00.83)
Hitori Gotoh : I'm having a mental breakdown! (0:08:01.72)
EXTRA : Wow, look at that! (0:08:03.21)
Hitori Gotoh : I-If they're laughing at me now,
it won't just be a mental breakdown,
Hitori Gotoh : it'll be mental annihilation! (0:08:08.04)
EXTRA : Aw, it's so cute, I've gotta laugh! (0:08:10.04)
Ikuyo Kita : Guitar? (0:08:12.92)
EXTRA : Right, Kita-chan? (0:08:15.40)
EXTRA : Kita-chan? (0:08:17.08)
Ikuyo Kita : Sorry, sorry! What was it? (0:08:19.18)
Hitori Gotoh : Look, I know. (0:08:25.22)
Hitori Gotoh : You can't put the onus on others
and expect perfect results.
Hitori Gotoh : This is a gathering place for
people just as lonely as me.
Hitori Gotoh : I bet that guy's separated from— (0:08:37.76)
EXTRA : Papa! (0:08:39.03)
EXTRA : Sorry we're late! (0:08:41.91)
EXTRA : Hey, no problem. (0:08:43.71)
EXTRA : Now, let's grab dinner! (0:08:44.87)
Hitori Gotoh : They're the perfect freakin' family! (0:08:45.80)
Hitori Gotoh : Please forgive my presumptuous empathizing... (0:08:48.14)
Hitori Gotoh : Ah. I broke 30,000 subscribers. (0:08:53.49)
Hitori Gotoh : Hey, that's right. (0:08:57.36)
Hitori Gotoh : The online world is where I belong. (0:08:59.44)
Hitori Gotoh : Sorta makes me not wanna go back to school... (0:09:02.70)
Nijika Ijichi : Guitar! (0:09:07.49)
Nijika Ijichi : That's a guitar, right? (0:09:12.23)
Nijika Ijichi : Do you play?! (0:09:13.71)
Nijika Ijichi : Hello? (0:09:17.01)
Hitori Gotoh : I-I haven't talked to anyone
in so long... my voice!
Nijika Ijichi : Hey, sorry to ambush you. (0:09:21.61)
Nijika Ijichi : I'm Nijika Ijichi, second-year
at Shimo-Kitazawa High.
Hitori Gotoh : Hitori Goto. Shuka High. First-year. (0:09:27.76)
Nijika Ijichi : So tell me, Hitori-chan... (0:09:30.45)
Hitori Gotoh : Right to first names, are we?! (0:09:31.83)
Nijika Ijichi : How good are you at guitar? (0:09:33.17)
Hitori Gotoh : Pretty decent, I guess... (0:09:35.73)
Nijika Ijichi : Really?! (0:09:37.22)
Nijika Ijichi : Say, I'm in kind of a fix here... (0:09:38.59)
Nijika Ijichi : If you can't do it, that's okay, but... (0:09:41.29)
Nijika Ijichi : It's really okay, but I'm in a real fix... (0:09:43.18)
Hitori Gotoh : There's nothing okay about her! (0:09:45.25)
Nijika Ijichi : Okay, I'll come right out with it! (0:09:47.40)
Nijika Ijichi : Please, will you play second
guitar for my band for today?!
Hitori Gotoh : Band? (0:09:56.36)
Nijika Ijichi : We've got a concert coming up,
and our guitarist just split!
Nijika Ijichi : The song's not too hard!
You'll pick it up right away!
Hitori Gotoh : A concert?! Right now?! (0:10:01.70)
Nijika Ijichi : Please! Please! (0:10:04.11)
Hitori Gotoh : Um, err... (0:10:06.07)
Nijika Ijichi : Thanks! Let's head to the club! (0:10:10.50)
Hitori Gotoh : I haven't even said anything yet! (0:10:13.27)
Hitori Gotoh : I got dragged along. (0:10:17.92)
Nijika Ijichi : Do you come to Shimo-Kita a lot, Hitori-chan? (0:10:19.84)
Hitori Gotoh : Oh, well... (0:10:22.44)
Hitori Gotoh : Right, like I've got the courage to visit
a fashion town for trendy people...
Nijika Ijichi : We're almost to the club. (0:10:27.81)
Hitori Gotoh : Nijika-chan's fashionable, too. (0:10:31.44)
Hitori Gotoh : She's got the real rocker-chick vibe. (0:10:33.87)
Hitori Gotoh : Meanwhile, I'm in a potato-quality tracksuit (0:10:36.40)
Hitori Gotoh : with a real bear of a set of bags under my
eyes, and a back as arched as a cat...
Hitori Gotoh : Wait, do I also smell like mold? (0:10:41.23)
Hitori Gotoh : I spend so much time in the closet... (0:10:43.78)
Hitori Gotoh : No, I smell like mothballs. (0:10:45.70)
Hitori Gotoh : Meanwhile, Nijika-chan smells great! (0:10:48.36)
Hitori Gotoh : She smells just the way
a high school girl should!
Nijika Ijichi : Oh, am I walking too fast? (0:10:55.38)
Hitori Gotoh : N-No... (0:10:56.98)
Nijika Ijichi : The club we're gonna play at
is called Starry.
Nijika Ijichi : My big sister's the manager there. (0:11:02.04)
Hitori Gotoh : That sounds weirdly legit. (0:11:04.97)
Hitori Gotoh : Wait, what's my heart doing? (0:11:07.18)
Nijika Ijichi : And so... (0:11:09.35)
Nijika Ijichi : I've been working there part-time... (0:11:11.45)
Nijika Ijichi : Hitori-chan, are you
actually pretty athletic?
Hitori Gotoh : N-No, but I'm always the last one standing
in dodgeball for some reason.
Nijika Ijichi : I... I see. (0:11:24.17)
Hitori Gotoh : Me? Playing in a club? (0:11:26.19)
Hitori Gotoh : No, don't back down now! (0:11:29.89)
Hitori Gotoh : Remember your daydreams of
performing at the culture festival!
Hitori Gotoh : And your first solo show at Zepp Super Arena! (0:11:36.16)
EXTRA : Hitori! Hitori! Hitori! (0:11:40.32)
Hitori Gotoh : I'm the girl who sold out the Budokan... (0:11:44.15)
Nijika Ijichi : What? (0:11:46.71)
Hitori Gotoh : Oh, nothing! (0:11:47.60)
Hitori Gotoh : Please, don't let her think she
made a mistake choosing me!
Nijika Ijichi : I might've made a mistake choosing her... (0:11:53.51)
Nijika Ijichi : We're here! (0:11:56.29)
Nijika Ijichi : This is the place! (0:11:57.24)
Hitori Gotoh : Th-The dark lands? (0:12:00.52)
Nijika Ijichi : Good morning! (0:12:03.30)
Hitori Gotoh : My first club... (0:12:08.21)
Hitori Gotoh : It's so dark... So stuffy... (0:12:10.52)
Hitori Gotoh : I-It's so soothing! (0:12:13.87)
Nijika Ijichi : You okay, Hitori-chan? (0:12:15.96)
Hitori Gotoh : I'm home! (0:12:17.50)
Nijika Ijichi : It is not! (0:12:19.02)
EXTRA : Could we ask the PA to record again? (0:12:19.88)
Nijika Ijichi : That's the band that's playing today. (0:12:21.20)
Hitori Gotoh : I thought bands would be intimidating, (0:12:22.13)
Nijika Ijichi : They might be a little older than us? (0:12:23.51)
Hitori Gotoh : but they're all indoorsy, shy introverts! (0:12:25.25)
Nijika Ijichi : After they're done, we'll rehearse too. (0:12:25.27)
Hitori Gotoh : They're just like me! (0:12:28.85)
Nijika Ijichi : That there's the PA. (0:12:30.15)
PA-san : Good morning. (0:12:33.14)
Hitori Gotoh : Please forgive my arrogance! (0:12:34.92)
Nijika Ijichi : What's wrong now?! (0:12:36.62)
Ryo Yamada : You're finally back. (0:12:38.24)
Nijika Ijichi : Ryo! (0:12:39.74)
Nijika Ijichi : This is Hitori Goto. Hitori-chan! (0:12:41.44)
Nijika Ijichi : I met her in the park by miraculous
happenstance! She's a guitarist!
Ryo Yamada : Oh? (0:12:46.24)
Hitori Gotoh : Scary! Is she glaring at me? (0:12:47.39)
Nijika Ijichi : This is Ryo Yamada. She plays bass. (0:12:49.84)
Hitori Gotoh : I-I'm Hitori Goto! I'm so very sorry! (0:12:51.87)
Nijika Ijichi : Hang on! (0:12:54.90)
Nijika Ijichi : Y-You're okay! (0:12:56.17)
Nijika Ijichi : Ryo's just not the expressive type. (0:12:57.59)
Nijika Ijichi : Feel free to call her weird! She likes it! (0:12:59.76)
Ryo Yamada : I don't, actually. (0:13:01.67)
Hitori Gotoh : Seemed like she did... (0:13:03.28)
Ryo Yamada : By the way, about the manager... (0:13:04.67)
Ryo Yamada : She told you to practice until it was time, (0:13:06.74)
Ryo Yamada : but instead you snuck out of the club, (0:13:08.98)
Ryo Yamada : so she got so mad she went out shopping. (0:13:11.82)
Nijika Ijichi : N-No way! (0:13:13.36)
Nijika Ijichi : Let's be in the studio before she comes back! (0:13:14.59)
Nijika Ijichi : You too, Hitori-chan! (0:13:17.09)
Nijika Ijichi : C'mon! (0:13:18.58)
Hitori Gotoh : R-Right! (0:13:20.65)
Hitori Gotoh : Real life is scary. (0:13:22.32)
Hitori Gotoh : But I feel like there's
some fun stuff coming up!
Nijika Ijichi : Here's today's set list and score. (0:13:30.80)
Hitori Gotoh : Wh-Where are the other band members? (0:13:33.48)
Nijika Ijichi : This is everyone! (0:13:36.16)
Nijika Ijichi : We'll be doing all instrumentals this time. (0:13:37.82)
Hitori Gotoh : Right. I can handle this song. (0:13:40.60)
Hitori Gotoh : Though without any vocals, the playing's
gotta be all that much better...
Hitori Gotoh : But I'm supposedly good at guitar. I can do this. (0:13:47.28)
Hitori Gotoh : I think I can do this! (0:13:49.40)
Ryo Yamada : Gorilla? (0:13:53.40)
Hitori Gotoh : Maybe they'll be blown away by my playing! (0:13:57.23)
Hitori Gotoh : I mean, I get pretty good...
pretty decent reactions online.
Nijika Ijichi : Let's take it right from the top. (0:14:01.62)
Nijika Ijichi : It's your first time,
so we'll run through slow,
Hitori Gotoh : I even have 30,000 subscribers! (0:14:05.05)
Nijika Ijichi : then we can speed it up
as you get used to it.
Hitori Gotoh : Yeah, let's do this! (0:14:07.73)
Nijika Ijichi : Okay, let's go! (0:14:09.84)
Nijika Ijichi : You suck! (0:14:26.63)
Hitori Gotoh : H-How can I suck? (0:14:29.09)
Nijika Ijichi : Ah, I'm kidding! (0:14:29.54)
Hitori Gotoh : I'm guitarhero! (0:14:30.65)
Nijika Ijichi : Well, not totally kidding, but...
Ah, I'm sorry!
Hitori Gotoh : I've got 30,000 subscribers! (0:14:32.73)
EXTRA : Allow me to explain! (0:14:34.89)
EXTRA : Guitar Man's
Hitori Classes
EXTRA : In a band, it's super important to be in
sync with your fellow live performers!
EXTRA : But Hitori has social anxiety
and can't make eye contact,
EXTRA : and she'll be inclined to
rush ahead of the others!
EXTRA : She might be an awesome solo player, (0:14:46.32)
EXTRA : but when in a band, she's sub-water-flea
level, the worst there is!
Nijika Ijichi : She sounds like an unfunny comedian! (0:14:54.28)
Hitori Gotoh : And thus, Hitori Goto turned to dust, (0:14:57.32)
Hitori Gotoh : and never picked up a guitar again. (0:14:59.71)
Nijika Ijichi : Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! (0:15:09.41)
Nijika Ijichi : Come out, please! (0:15:11.45)
Nijika Ijichi : The show's about to start! (0:15:13.00)
Hitori Gotoh : I c-c-can't do it! (0:15:14.60)
Nijika Ijichi : It's not your fault!
We just came together today!
Nijika Ijichi : It's not like I'm very good either. (0:15:19.18)
Ryo Yamada : I'm very good. (0:15:21.44)
Nijika Ijichi : Just look at me, okay! (0:15:24.23)
Nijika Ijichi : Stay here in reality! (0:15:26.36)
Hitori Gotoh : It isn't like I could
do the intro or anything...
Hitori Gotoh : I-I could offer up my life
to put on a harakiri show!
Hitori Gotoh : Th-They'll at least remember
the name of the band, right?
Hitori Gotoh : Sorry I sucked! (0:15:39.49)
Nijika Ijichi : That's a little too rock! (0:15:40.88)
Ryo Yamada : It's okay. (0:15:42.30)
Ryo Yamada : If they boo you, I'll give
them a bonk with my bass.
Hitori Gotoh : Does a bass make such a fancy noise? (0:15:47.13)
Nijika Ijichi : I mean, bloodshed is pretty rock. (0:15:50.68)
Ryo Yamada : It's rock. (0:15:52.72)
Hitori Gotoh : You can't justify everything with "rock"! (0:15:53.63)
Nijika Ijichi : Besides, it'll probably just be my
friends who come to watch us play!
Ryo Yamada : And Nijika is my only friend, so... (0:16:00.99)
Nijika Ijichi : Normal high school girls
don't know good music from bad.
Hitori Gotoh : That kind of take could get you
in trouble on the internet.
Nijika Ijichi : Okay? So just chill! (0:16:10.60)
Hitori Gotoh : I d-dunno... (0:16:13.15)
Ryo Yamada : I know good music from bad. (0:16:14.76)
Nijika Ijichi : Well, you're not normal. (0:16:16.55)
Nijika Ijichi : Hey, that wasn't a compliment. (0:16:19.61)
Hitori Gotoh : Sorry. (0:16:21.76)
Nijika Ijichi : But... (0:16:23.59)
Ryo Yamada : We can't force her. (0:16:24.72)
Nijika Ijichi : You're right. (0:16:27.76)
Nijika Ijichi : Sorry to push you so hard. (0:16:29.06)
Hitori Gotoh : No, actually... (0:16:30.70)
Hitori Gotoh : I r-really was happy you reached out to me. (0:16:32.97)
Hitori Gotoh : I've wanted to be in a band for so long... (0:16:37.70)
Hitori Gotoh : B-But I couldn't get the people together... (0:16:40.60)
Hitori Gotoh : So I just upload covers
to the internet instead.
Ryo Yamada : What do you usually play? (0:16:46.52)
Hitori Gotoh : M-Mostly songs by popular bands
from the last few years,
Hitori Gotoh : so I could play them right away
once the band got together...
Nijika Ijichi : That's awesome! (0:16:54.26)
Hitori Gotoh : It's not. (0:16:55.28)
Hitori Gotoh : It's the reason I'm the way I am now. (0:16:56.80)
Hitori Gotoh : Being in a band with other people
was a pipe dream after all.
Nijika Ijichi : Covering all popular songs? (0:17:03.13)
Nijika Ijichi : She sounds like guitarhero-san! (0:17:05.36)
Nijika Ijichi : Have you heard of her? (0:17:07.73)
Nijika Ijichi : She's probably about our age, I think... (0:17:08.92)
Hitori Gotoh : guitarhero... (0:17:09.21)
Hitori Gotoh : M-Me?! (0:17:11.63)
Nijika Ijichi : I'll send you a link if you haven't! (0:17:12.99)
Nijika Ijichi : She's super awesome! You should hear her! (0:17:15.56)
Hitori Gotoh : Awe... some? (0:17:18.16)
Ryo Yamada : She comes up in my recommendations
a lot, so I've seen her too.
Ryo Yamada : She really is excellent. (0:17:23.75)
Nijika Ijichi : Right?! (0:17:25.14)
Nijika Ijichi : Though her naming sense is a bit cringy... (0:17:26.04)
Hitori Gotoh : It is?! (0:17:28.69)
Nijika Ijichi : I follow her with notifications on! (0:17:29.65)
Nijika Ijichi : I'd love to play with her some day! (0:17:33.52)
Hitori Gotoh : You just did, actually... (0:17:35.78)
Nijika Ijichi : Look, what I'm getting at here (0:17:38.08)
Nijika Ijichi : is that even awesome, popular people
are out there playing guitar,
Nijika Ijichi : lots and lots of them,
in places we're not even watching.
Nijika Ijichi : You should watch her later! (0:17:49.40)
Nijika Ijichi :
I think you'll get what I mean
if you watch the videos.
Hitori Gotoh : I always figured real-life people
didn't care about me at all...
Nijika Ijichi : You can't give up on playing in a band
just because it didn't work out today!
Nijika Ijichi : It's possible it's our problem, anyway... (0:18:05.94)
Ryo Yamada : Our problem? (0:18:08.29)
Nijika Ijichi : Hitori-chan? (0:18:09.94)
Hitori Gotoh : But someone this nice has been
watching me all this time,
Hitori Gotoh : and actually spoke to me... (0:18:14.78)
Ryo Yamada : She stood up. (0:18:17.17)
Hitori Gotoh : It's the kind of miracle
most people never experience!
Hitori Gotoh : I can't let it go to waste! (0:18:22.87)
Hitori Gotoh : I... I'm... (0:18:25.61)
Nijika Ijichi : D-Do you want to perform after all? (0:18:27.96)
Nijika Ijichi : Hitori-chan? (0:18:33.33)
Hitori Gotoh : I know all that, rationally... (0:18:34.42)
Hitori Gotoh : But I'm still too scared... (0:18:36.32)
Hitori Gotoh : There's no way I can play
in front of an audience...
Ryo Yamada : If you're scared,
you could play from in here.
Hitori Gotoh : I-It's the same environment
that I play in all the time!
Nijika Ijichi : Where exactly do you live? (0:18:49.20)
Hitori Gotoh : How you feelin' tonight, Shimo-Kita?! (0:18:51.63)
Ryo Yamada : She's suddenly more outgoing. (0:18:54.64)
Nijika Ijichi : By the way, how do you
want us to introduce you?
Nijika Ijichi : "Hitori-chan"? Should we use your real name? (0:18:59.48)
Hitori Gotoh : I'd... I'd rather not... (0:19:02.17)
Nijika Ijichi : Any nicknames, then? (0:19:03.90)
Hitori Gotoh : In middle school, they called me
"Hey" and "You there"...
Nijika Ijichi : I don't think those are nicknames! (0:19:09.02)
Hitori Gotoh : I never knew anyone well enough
to get nicknames from them!
Ryo Yamada : Hitori... (0:19:15.00)
Ryo Yamada : Hitoribocchi (all alone)... (0:19:16.22)
Ryo Yamada : How about Bocchi-chan? (0:19:17.94)
Nijika Ijichi : Another tactless comment! (0:19:19.12)
Hitori Gotoh : I'm B-B-Bocchi! (0:19:21.18)
Nijika Ijichi : She likes it? (0:19:23.29)
Hitori Gotoh : It's just my first ever nickname... (0:19:24.40)
Nijika Ijichi : This is making me teary-eyed. (0:19:26.72)
Hitori Gotoh : Oh, you haven't told me your band name yet. (0:19:28.36)
Ryo Yamada : It's Kessoku Band. (0:19:33.11)
Hitori Gotoh : Kessoku Band... (0:19:37.03)
Hitori Gotoh : Isn't that the word for "zip tie"? (0:19:39.02)
Ryo Yamada : It's brilliant. (0:19:41.75)
Nijika Ijichi : It's the worst pun!
We're totally changing it!
Ryo Yamada : Why? It's cute. (0:19:44.82)
Hitori Gotoh : Y-Yes. (0:19:46.60)
Nijika Ijichi : Band name aside, it's time to play! (0:19:48.91)
Nijika Ijichi : Don't worry. (0:19:53.19)
Nijika Ijichi : The key is to have fun, even if you suck! (0:19:54.84)
Nijika Ijichi : Your feelings really come
out in your playing, see?
Hitori Gotoh : R-Right... (0:20:01.98)
Nijika Ijichi : We can always work on the
skill part next time.
Ryo Yamada : Yeah. (0:20:07.04)
Hitori Gotoh : Next... time... (0:20:08.13)
Nijika Ijichi : Okay, let's go! (0:20:09.54)
Ryo Yamada : Right. (0:20:10.78)
Hitori Gotoh : They're okay with there being a next time! (0:20:12.72)
Nijika Ijichi : Nice to meet you! We're Kessoku Band! (0:20:19.28)
Nijika Ijichi : We'll play a bunch of
songs you probably know,
Nijika Ijichi : so please enjoy! (0:20:25.26)
Seika Ijichi : Who's that? (0:20:26.64)
Hitori Gotoh : I hate that I can't play as
well as I usually do, but...
Hitori Gotoh : playing in a band with other
people is so much fun!
Hitori Gotoh : I've never really shone before today... (0:20:48.60)
Hitori Gotoh : And I still don't! (0:20:52.60)
Hitori Gotoh : This might actually be a low point for me! (0:20:53.73)
Nijika Ijichi : Boy, I screwed up! (0:21:01.03)
Ryo Yamada : Your intro bombed, too. (0:21:02.88)
Hitori Gotoh : E-Excuse me! (0:21:04.80)
Hitori Gotoh : B-B-B... (0:21:06.54)
Nijika Ijichi : What? (0:21:07.53)
Hitori Gotoh : B-B-B-B-B... (0:21:08.39)
Nijika Ijichi : Okay, you're freaking me out! (0:21:10.11)
Hitori Gotoh : B-Before our next performance, I'm gonna get
brave enough to say hello to my classmates!
Nijika Ijichi : What a dramatic declaration. (0:21:17.01)
Ryo Yamada : Such growth... (0:21:18.48)
Nijika Ijichi : Okay, I get it. (0:21:20.25)
Nijika Ijichi : Sure! (0:21:21.60)
Nijika Ijichi : Then let's have a Bocchi-chan-welcome-party-
Hitori Gotoh : Actually, I'm pretty exhausted from
all this social interaction, so I'm gonna go.
Ryo Yamada : Sorry. I'm sleepy. (0:21:30.63)
Hitori Gotoh : P-Pardon me! (0:21:32.28)
Nijika Ijichi : There's no "ties" in this band at all! (0:21:38.90)
Hitori Gotoh : I'm gonna get over my social anxiety (0:21:49.37)
Hitori Gotoh : and bring out my full guitarhero powers! (0:21:51.30)
Hitori Gotoh : For Nijika-chan, (0:21:56.89)
Hitori Gotoh : Ryo-san, (0:21:57.99)
Hitori Gotoh : and Kessoku Band! (0:21:59.25)
Hitori Gotoh : S-Sorry! Sorry! (0:22:02.86)
Hitori Gotoh : Watch it! (0:23:38.50)

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