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Liza Luna : Look, we might as well destroy the planet. (0:00:07.58)
Liza Luna : Their civilization is far too primitive. (0:00:11.00)
Liza Luna : Deploy the ToxiCloud and purge all lifeforms. (0:00:13.50)
Liza Luna : Minerals and water, nothing more. (0:00:16.63)
Amato Roy : Slow down, Liza. Every planet is unique. (0:00:17.96)
Amato Roy : Cultures, ideologies, nature, history... (0:00:21.83)
Amato Roy : It may be hiding something
useful to us, the Azatoth Empire.
Amato Roy : And out of all of Azatoth's researchers,
you're the most brilliant.
Amato Roy : It seems unremarkable from the outside, yes.
But that's why we need your expertise.
EXTRA : The Azatoth Empire's reign spans
a myriad of stars and planets.
EXTRA : And now, they've set their sights on Planet Earth... (0:00:43.29)
Liza Luna : Something useful? Oh please, I doubt it. (0:00:51.38)
Liza Luna : This place is a glorified dump. (0:00:54.25)
Liza Luna : The planet's lifeforms are lacking in intelligence,
indicative of an ignorant and uncultured civilization.
Liza Luna : I can already tell it's the most
primitive planet I've ever studied.
Liza Luna : These people possess knowledge
that eludes my understanding?
Liza Luna : Yeah right. (0:01:12.17)
Liza Luna : Ugh, this blows... (0:01:14.00)
Liza Luna : I say we just activate the Supergravitron
and flatten the whole thing.
Amato Roy : We want to know what their cuisine is like. (0:01:20.92)
Amato Roy : Can you locate a suitable establishment? (0:01:23.00)
Liza Luna : Sure, whatever. (0:01:25.21)
Liza Luna : A café? They ought to serve snacks. (0:01:28.38)
Liza Luna : Works for me. (0:01:30.63)
Seiji Mukai : Hello, there! Welcome to the Nyanday Cat Café. (0:01:34.58)
Liza Luna : "Cat café"? (0:01:37.96)
Liza Luna : Cat... café. Cat...? (0:01:39.63)
Seiji Mukai : It's 500 yen for 30 minutes,
and extension prices are listed right over here.
Liza Luna : Cat... Cat? (0:01:43.29)
Liza Luna : Sure, no problem. (0:01:46.46)
Seiji Mukai : Okay then, follow me. (0:01:48.13)
Liza Luna : Cat. (0:01:48.58)
Liza Luna : Cat...? Cat... (0:01:49.96)
Liza Luna : What in the world is a cat? (0:01:53.08)
Seiji Mukai : Be careful when you enter the room.
They have a tendency to bolt.
Seiji Mukai : ...iss? (0:02:10.58)
Seiji Mukai : Miss...? (0:02:12.63)
Seiji Mukai : Miss! (0:02:14.54)
Seiji Mukai : Um, I need to close the door
so that the kitties don't escape...
Seiji Mukai : Is something the matter? (0:02:20.17)
Liza Luna : I-I... (0:02:21.46)
Liza Luna : Wh-what are these... creatures? (0:02:24.42)
Seiji Mukai : Huh? Well, uh... Oh. (0:02:28.21)
Seiji Mukai : This little guy is an American Shorthair named Hajime. (0:02:30.63)
Liza Luna : A-and that's a type of cat? (0:02:33.96)
Seiji Mukai : Y-yes, it is... (0:02:35.96)
Seiji Mukai : Oh! Miss, did you perhaps mistake us for
an ordinary café when you walked in?
Liza Luna : What in the hell ARE these creatures? These cats... (0:02:44.96)
Liza Luna : Impossible... Impossible! (0:02:48.42)
Liza Luna : These creatures, they're so... (0:02:50.00)
Liza Luna : Oh, my god! They're WAY too cute! (0:02:57.96)
Liza Luna : Impossible! They're the most
spectacular organisms I've ever seen!
Liza Luna : This can't be happening... Just look at that form! (0:03:04.71)
Liza Luna : Their soft tufts of fur, their physique! (0:03:07.25)
Liza Luna : They even make cute noises! (0:03:11.17)
Liza Luna : MY BRAIN'S GONNA EXPLODE! (0:03:14.21)
Liza Luna : I've studied over 66 trillion species of intergalactic
lifeforms, but these things blow them all out of the water!
Liza Luna : They make the top three universally adored creatures
look like the scrawlings of a kindergartener!
Seiji Mukai : Here's the drink you ordered. (0:03:27.17)
Liza Luna : Th-thanks. (0:03:29.58)
Liza Luna : The drink is average... (0:03:33.13)
Liza Luna : I suspect the cuisine isn't
the primary appeal of this establishment.
Liza Luna : The customers come here
for these creatures. These cats.
Liza Luna : If cats are this adorable,
then the humans must revere or even worship them.
Liza Luna : I need to know more! (0:03:46.79)
Seiji Mukai : Um, you seem really nervous, Miss.
Are you afraid of cats?
Liza Luna : No, it's just... This is my first time. (0:03:53.67)
Seiji Mukai : Ah, visiting a cat café? (0:03:56.58)
Liza Luna : No. Meeting a cat. (0:03:58.00)
Seiji Mukai : What? (0:03:59.67)
Liza Luna : I don't know anything about them.
Y'see, I'm from another planet.
Seiji Mukai : O-oh really...? (0:04:04.71)
Seiji Mukai : Th-then that would make you an alien, right? (0:04:06.58)
Seiji Mukai : Wow! I've never met an alien in person before! (0:04:10.54)
Liza Luna : He's playing along 'cause he thinks
I'm a delusional customer...
Liza Luna : Perhaps he dislikes confrontation...
Well, I can work with that.
Liza Luna : Approximately how many cats live on Planet Earth? (0:04:22.08)
Liza Luna : They must be pretty rare. (0:04:25.08)
Liza Luna : Around 100? Closer to 200? (0:04:26.79)
Seiji Mukai : If I recall correctly, there are
over ten million cats in Japan alone.
Liza Luna : TEN MILLION?! (0:04:33.46)
Seiji Mukai : And the number of domestic cats goes up every year. (0:04:34.63)
Seiji Mukai : I've got one myself. (0:04:36.96)
Liza Luna : DOMESTIC?! (0:04:38.13)
Liza Luna : Y-you can... keep them as pets?! (0:04:39.88)
Liza Luna : No, he can't be serious... (0:04:42.83)
Liza Luna : Coming home to a cat in your house? (0:04:44.46)
Liza Luna : What is this, some sort of fairyland?! (0:04:46.71)
Liza Luna : And they're all over the country?! (0:04:48.58)
Liza Luna : I wanna quit my job, blow off all my responsibilities,
and hang out with cats all day long!
Liza Luna : How am I supposed to resist that kind of temptation?! (0:04:56.17)
Liza Luna : What the hell's wrong with these Earthlings?! (0:04:58.21)
Seiji Mukai : They're very sweet. (0:05:00.58)
Seiji Mukai : They saunter on over when they want attention
and then turn into big babies when you pet them.
Seiji Mukai : Spoiled, aren't they? (0:05:06.88)
Liza Luna : You've gotta be kitten me... (0:05:08.17)
Seiji Mukai : They usually keep to themselves,
but they like to act silly sometimes.
Seiji Mukai : Isn't that just the cutest thing? (0:05:14.08)
Liza Luna : But how? How can something so loveable exist?! (0:05:16.63)
Liza Luna : How cute! (0:05:19.96)
Liza Luna : When I was growing up...
All the things I was obsessed with...
Liza Luna : Cute! (0:05:21.21)
Liza Luna : It's adorable! (0:05:22.38)
Seiji Mukai : M-Miss...? (0:05:24.92)
Liza Luna : Everything I've ever loved
is practically garbage in comparison...
Liza Luna : The creatures on this planet... These cats... (0:05:31.13)
Liza Luna : From an evolutionary standpoint,
they're the ultimate lifeform!
Seiji Mukai : I-I mean, all animals are cute in their own way... (0:05:36.58)
Liza Luna : YOU IDIOT! (0:05:39.75)
Seiji Mukai : M-Miss... I'll have to ask you to lower your voice. (0:05:45.04)
Seiji Mukai : You're going to scare the poor kitties... (0:05:49.29)
Liza Luna : Huh?! (0:05:51.25)
Liza Luna : S-sorry! It was an accident... (0:05:52.21)
Liza Luna : I didn't realize they were such delicate creatures... (0:05:55.13)
Liza Luna : Had I known they feel stress...
I wish you would've told me!
Seiji Mukai : My apologies. (0:06:01.04)
Liza Luna : No, no... It's my fault. I'm sorry... (0:06:02.58)
Amato Roy : How's it going, Liza? (0:06:07.13)
Fianna Tierley : Didja find anything interesting? (0:06:09.25)
Liza Luna : N-not really! (0:06:11.63)
Liza Luna : Should I tell them about my discovery...? (0:06:13.58)
Liza Luna : No, not yet... It's too dangerous. (0:06:16.58)
Liza Luna : Cats take cuteness to a whole 'nother level! (0:06:18.96)
Liza Luna : And the captain... He goes nuts over animals! (0:06:21.21)
Mikiti Furupururin : Are there any cute animals to speak of, my dear Liza? (0:06:25.50)
Liza Luna : N-n-nope, not a single one! Trust me! None whatsoever. (0:06:28.75)
Mikiti Furupururin : Then shall we deploy the ToxiCloud
and purge the planet?
Liza Luna : Wait a minute! Let's not be hasty! (0:06:39.21)
Seiji Mukai : What kind of tech is that? Could she really be an alien...? (0:06:39.79)
Mikiti Furupururin : But you just said- (0:06:41.04)
Liza Luna : I mean, I only just started my investigation! (0:06:42.71)
Liza Luna : Be patient, okay? I'm sure I'll find
something useful around here!
Liza Luna : Bye for now! (0:06:48.67)
Liza Luna : Sorry for raising my voice again... Are the cats alright? (0:06:51.83)
Seiji Mukai : Th-they're fine. (0:06:54.75)
Liza Luna : Wh-why's it staring at me...? What do I do...?! (0:06:58.54)
Seiji Mukai : I think he wants your attention. (0:07:02.54)
Seiji Mukai : You're welcome to pet him. He loves scritches. (0:07:05.04)
Seiji Mukai : See? Just like this. (0:07:08.00)
Liza Luna : Give... (0:07:09.75)
Liza Luna : Give...? (0:07:10.50)
Liza Luna : Give me a break! (0:07:11.50)
Liza Luna : Just looking at it makes my blood pressure skyrocket!
If my heart beats any faster, it's gonna pop like a balloon!
Liza Luna : It's touching me... It put its foot on me... (0:07:21.50)
Liza Luna : Oh, this is bad... I've been backed into a corner... (0:07:24.13)
Liza Luna : This softness, this pleasant sensation... (0:07:27.67)
Liza Luna : I've never felt anything like it! (0:07:30.63)
Liza Luna : This is it... This is how I die! (0:07:32.58)
Seiji Mukai : C'mon, Hajime. No murdering the customers. (0:07:34.58)
Liza Luna : Without its weight on my body, I feel empty inside... (0:07:37.21)
Seiji Mukai : Make up your mind... (0:07:39.92)
Liza Luna : Is there something stuck to the bottom of its foot? (0:07:42.58)
Liza Luna : It had a weird texture- (0:07:44.63)
Seiji Mukai : The bottom of his foot? You mean his paw pad? (0:07:46.63)
Liza Luna : ITS LITTLE FEETS ARE SO PRECIOUS! (0:07:49.50)
Seiji Mukai : M-Miss?! (0:07:51.92)
Liza Luna : I... can't take it... (0:07:54.38)
Liza Luna : It's just... too damn cute...! (0:07:56.21)
Seiji Mukai : Speaking of which, an alien came
into the café yesterday.
Kasumi Yanagi : Seriously? That's surprising. (0:09:36.58)
Kasumi Yanagi : Never thought I'd hear good
ol' Stone-faced Mukai tell a joke.
Seiji Mukai : Look, I didn't believe it at first either. (0:09:42.96)
Seiji Mukai : But she was using some sort
of strange communication device,
Seiji Mukai : and she passed out when she saw Hajime's paw pad. (0:09:48.08)
Kasumi Yanagi : How come? (0:09:51.46)
Seiji Mukai : It was "too cute," apparently. (0:09:52.50)
Seiji Mukai : Oh, that's her right there. (0:10:00.38)
Kasumi Yanagi : What? (0:10:02.00)
Liza Luna : Wh-what the hell's wrong with this creature?! (0:10:04.79)
Liza Luna : Why's it chasing me?! (0:10:07.13)
Liza Luna : Because of the ball...? Is this what it wants?! (0:10:09.08)
EXTRA : C-come back, Mamehiko! (0:10:14.75)
Liza Luna : A creature that wags its fluffy tail and runs after a toy?! (0:10:16.96)
Liza Luna : Oh, my god... It's... (0:10:20.13)
Liza Luna : ...SO FRICKIN' CUTE! (0:10:24.04)
EXTRA : I-I'm so sorry! The leash slipped out of my hand! (0:10:31.08)
EXTRA : Jeez, I can't believe you took off like that... (0:10:34.38)
Kasumi Yanagi : He must've thought you were playing
since you picked up the ball.
Liza Luna : What is that thing...? (0:10:40.63)
Seiji Mukai : It's, uh... called a "dog." (0:10:42.04)
Liza Luna : A dog! (0:10:45.08)
Liza Luna : Oh, not again... My heart can't
handle this much excitement...
Liza Luna : I need to sit down for a minute. (0:10:50.67)
Seiji Mukai : Sure, no problem... (0:10:52.33)
Liza Luna : Surrounded by cats on one side and dogs on the other! (0:11:05.42)
Seiji Mukai : It's a nice problem to have, isn't it? (0:11:08.75)
Kasumi Yanagi : Wow, she might actually be an alien. (0:11:13.42)
Kasumi Yanagi : Her reaction is certainly out of this world! (0:11:15.92)
Seiji Mukai : Miss Alien, was that your first time meeting a dog? (0:11:22.04)
Liza Luna : Yeah... (0:11:25.75)
Liza Luna : And their cuteness could destroy
the space-time continuum...
Kasumi Yanagi : Dogs are adorable, aren't they? (0:11:30.08)
Kasumi Yanagi : Up until recently, they outranked cats as
the number one most popular household pet.
Liza Luna : Number one?! Over cats? (0:11:37.04)
Kasumi Yanagi : It's the age-old argument of cats versus dogs. (0:11:39.92)
Kasumi Yanagi : Some people feel very strongly about
which one makes the better companion.
Liza Luna : That makes sense... (0:11:47.33)
Liza Luna : Their furry little bodies are
instantly recognizable from afar...
Liza Luna : And they're always full of energy! (0:11:52.04)
Liza Luna : Just looking at them puts a smile on my face! (0:11:53.71)
EXTRA : Mamehiko! (0:11:54.04)
Liza Luna : And when they swish their tails? Don't get me started! (0:11:55.92)
Liza Luna : Dogs are a totally different flavor of cute! (0:11:58.29)
Kasumi Yanagi : When dogs wag their tails,
it's usually a sign that they're happy!
Liza Luna : What?! (0:12:05.00)
Liza Luna : Preposterous... They wag their tails when they're happy? (0:12:07.04)
Liza Luna : Omigosh, they're too precious...! (0:12:10.00)
Seiji Mukai : And they tend to bounce off the walls
when they're in the mood to play.
Kasumi Yanagi : Y'know, I have a dog of my own. (0:12:15.50)
Kasumi Yanagi : Maybe it's my imagination, but I really
feel like we understand one another!
Kasumi Yanagi : It's the whole "man's best friend" thing, I guess? (0:12:21.58)
Seiji Mukai : I find that having a cat in the house relaxes me. (0:12:25.46)
Seiji Mukai : Their independent nature is a refreshing change of pace! (0:12:28.21)
Kasumi Yanagi : My dog comes running to the door when I get home. (0:12:30.75)
Liza Luna : Th-the Great Cats vs. Dogs Debate! (0:12:31.25)
Kasumi Yanagi : It's just the cutest thing! (0:12:33.42)
Seiji Mukai : My cat greets me at the door sometimes. (0:12:35.63)
Liza Luna : A multidimensional feud if ever there was one! (0:12:35.79)
Seiji Mukai : But the "sometimes" is key! That's what makes it special! (0:12:37.96)
Kasumi Yanagi : Hey, Miss Alien. What's your name? (0:12:42.08)
Kasumi Yanagi : I'm Kasumi Yanagi. (0:12:44.67)
Liza Luna : It's Liza. Liza Luna. (0:12:47.00)
Kasumi Yanagi : Well then, Liza... You want
to know more about dogs, right?
Kasumi Yanagi : If so, you oughtta drop by my place! (0:12:52.75)
Kasumi Yanagi : I'll introduce you to my darling doggo! (0:12:54.83)
Liza Luna : Huh? (0:12:57.04)
Kasumi Yanagi : Unless you get up close and personal,
you'll never truly appreciate how great dogs are!
Kasumi Yanagi : You have to pet them and play with them! (0:13:03.13)
Liza Luna : A tempting offer, but I don't know
if my heart can take it...!
Seiji Mukai : Dogs are great and everything... But cats are just as cute! (0:13:09.83)
Liza Luna : Bah! What am I so afraid of anyway? (0:13:10.25)
Liza Luna : It's the perfect opportunity to study how these
organisms live and get along with the Earthlings!
Seiji Mukai : We haven't even scratched the surface yet! (0:13:13.54)
Kasumi Yanagi : Somebody's a sore loser... (0:13:15.67)
Liza Luna : You've got a point... (0:13:18.25)
Liza Luna : Alright then, I'll take you up on your offer. (0:13:19.25)
Kasumi Yanagi : Well, here we are! (0:13:25.67)
Liza Luna : Stay calm. There's no need to panic. (0:13:28.33)
Liza Luna : At this point, there's nothing that can surprise me- (0:13:30.54)
Kasumi Yanagi : Masamune! (0:13:32.71)
Kasumi Yanagi : Were you waiting for me to get home? What a sweet boy! (0:13:34.63)
Liza Luna : IT'S HUGE! (0:13:38.79)
Kasumi Yanagi : Jeez, you scared me! (0:13:40.71)
Liza Luna : Wait... Hold on a minute! (0:13:42.42)
Liza Luna : Why's it so big?! No one told me they could be that big! (0:13:43.46)
Liza Luna : And it's a completely different shape!
Are you sure it's a dog?!
Kasumi Yanagi : He's a large breed known as a "golden retriever"! (0:13:48.50)
Liza Luna : G-golden what...? (0:13:51.71)
EXTRA : Now, now... Don't be rude, Chiffon. (0:13:54.21)
Liza Luna : IT'S TINY! (0:13:57.38)
Kasumi Yanagi : And she's a small breed known as a "toy poodle"! (0:13:59.13)
Liza Luna : Why are there a million different varieties?! (0:14:01.83)
Amato Roy : It's been several days since
you began your investigation...
Amato Roy : I was told you had nothing to report yesterday either. (0:14:11.29)
Amato Roy : You're going to say,
"Earth is an inferior planet!" again, aren't you?
Amato Roy : And then, despite your insistence,
you're going to find some sort of merit to it.
Liza Luna : Whoa, slow down... (0:14:22.96)
Liza Luna : I appreciate how nauseatingly well you know me... (0:14:24.50)
Liza Luna : But we can't rush these things.
It's a very delicate process...
Amato Roy : Ah. Well, the Azatoth army has faith in you, as do I. (0:14:30.75)
Amato Roy : Good luck. (0:14:34.63)
Liza Luna : I'm not goofing off... (0:14:37.29)
Liza Luna : He probably thinks that since I spend most of my time
here. But it's for research purposes, I swear...
Seiji Mukai : Right... (0:14:45.17)
Liza Luna : I'm supposed to be working, yet I always
end up here instead... dying to see the cats...
Liza Luna : WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?! (0:14:51.46)
Liza Luna : Move, stupid legs! Get me out
of this café and get to work!
Liza Luna : Quit slacking on the job! I need to earn money! (0:14:56.75)
Liza Luna : Wooooork! (0:14:58.88)
Kasumi Yanagi : I know you're having a moment,
but can you do it quietly?
Liza Luna : Oh, my god... If I don't stop thinking about cats,
I'm going to lose interest in everything else...
Liza Luna : Every last brain cell, taken over by cats... (0:15:08.17)
Liza Luna : Cats... and dogs, too... (0:15:10.58)
Kasumi Yanagi : You were like a kid in a candy store
at my place yesterday!
Liza Luna : Stop! Please, I'm begging you! (0:15:18.46)
Kasumi Yanagi : Don't be shy... Let your body do the talking... (0:15:19.92)
Kasumi Yanagi : If you hold out your hand and say, "Shake!"
he'll put his little paw right on top of it.
Liza Luna : Y-you're lying! No animal could be that smart! (0:15:28.50)
Kasumi Yanagi : See? Masamune's waiting for you! (0:15:32.25)
Liza Luna : Sh-shake...! (0:15:35.58)
Kasumi Yanagi : Aww, what a good boy! (0:15:38.33)
Liza Luna : HE'S THE BESTEST BOY! (0:15:40.88)
Liza Luna : You guys are used to it,
so it probably seems like an overreaction...
Liza Luna : But from my perspective, Earthlings are the weird ones! (0:15:47.58)
Liza Luna : How do you stay calm around
something so cute and cuddly?!
Liza Luna : Wait... Does this planet have other animals
on the same level as cats and dogs?
Seiji Mukai : Hmm, let's see here...
We've got plenty of different species...
Kasumi Yanagi : But in terms of pets, cats and dogs
are definitely the top two.
Kasumi Yanagi : There aren't many others on the same level... (0:16:05.54)
Liza Luna : Ah... (0:16:08.33)
Seiji Mukai : I mean, rabbits are pretty cute. (0:16:09.71)
Kasumi Yanagi : Oh, and hamsters. They're small and adorable!
Ferrets also make great pets, don'tcha think?
Liza Luna : Fer-? (0:16:15.88)
Seiji Mukai : I think hedgehogs are neat. (0:16:17.04)
Liza Luna : Hedge-? (0:16:18.38)
Kasumi Yanagi : Y'know, I'm kinda interested in degus... (0:16:18.75)
Liza Luna : Deg-? (0:16:20.33)
Seiji Mukai : What about birds? Like parakeets and cockatoos. (0:16:21.08)
Liza Luna : Bird-? (0:16:21.50)
Seiji Mukai : Oh, and owls. (0:16:23.46)
Kasumi Yanagi : Some people keep goldfish or tropical fish. (0:16:24.46)
Liza Luna : Gold-? (0:16:26.71)
Seiji Mukai : Reptiles are cool, too! (0:16:27.17)
Liza Luna : Rep-? (0:16:28.50)
Kasumi Yanagi : There are cute wild animals, too! Koalas,
capybaras, sea otters, penguins, red pandas, and...
Liza Luna : Holy crap, that's a lot... (0:16:31.71)
Liza Luna : This frickin' planet, man. It's terrifying! (0:16:33.42)
Kasumi Yanagi : Let's take a trip to the zoo, Liza! (0:16:35.88)
Liza Luna : Are you trying to kill me?! (0:16:38.29)
Kasumi Yanagi : But researching Earth's animals
is a part of your job, right?
Liza Luna : Well, I should probably familiarize myself with them... (0:16:43.38)
Seiji Mukai : She's enjoying this, isn't she? (0:16:46.67)
Liza Luna : Okay, fine! Then show me some ugly animals first! (0:16:49.17)
Seiji Mukai : Wh-what...? (0:16:52.08)
Seiji Mukai : That might be easier said than done... (0:16:53.71)
Seiji Mukai : Let's see... (0:16:56.29)
Kasumi Yanagi : Nope, gorillas fall into the "cute" category... (0:16:57.17)
Liza Luna : OH GOD, THE ONE ON THE COVER! (0:17:00.08)
Seiji Mukai : She passed out again. (0:17:03.92)
Liza Luna : No way... There's just no way... (0:17:05.42)
Liza Luna : How can something so monochrome be so adorable...? (0:17:07.63)
Liza Luna : It doesn't exist, right? Tell me it's a mythical creature... (0:17:10.96)
Seiji Mukai : It's called a "panda." (0:17:14.00)
Kasumi Yanagi : Endangered, yes. Mythical, no. (0:17:15.00)
Liza Luna : Sorry for making you drag me out of the café... (0:17:21.13)
Kasumi Yanagi : Well, we can't exactly let you live there... (0:17:24.25)
Liza Luna : Wow... I didn't do a single ounce of work today... (0:17:26.63)
Kasumi Yanagi : Y'see? That's why we oughtta go to the zoo! (0:17:29.50)
Kasumi Yanagi : You can see pandas in real life! (0:17:32.04)
Liza Luna : Er, I don't think I'm ready for that just- (0:17:33.88)
Liza Luna : Look. (0:17:38.33)
Seiji Mukai : There's a cat inside this box! (0:17:44.75)
Kasumi Yanagi : Someone must've dumped him.
What a horrible thing to do...
Seiji Mukai : Is he alive? (0:17:50.83)
Kasumi Yanagi : Yeah... But he's in pretty rough shape. (0:17:51.67)
Liza Luna : "Dumped"...? Some people abandon their animals? (0:17:54.42)
Kasumi Yanagi : Unfortunately... (0:17:57.29)
Kasumi Yanagi : I just don't understand how someone could be so cruel! (0:17:58.67)
Seiji Mukai : Given his condition, I wouldn't be surprised if they never
took care of him in the first place.
Seiji Mukai : Irresponsible pet owners are the- (0:18:05.92)
Yozora : Is that so? (0:18:08.25)
Liza Luna : Stand back for a moment. (0:18:12.25)
EXTRA : Scanning for organic lifeforms. (0:18:17.71)
EXTRA : Diagnosis: severe malnutrition. Lifeform is unclassified.
Rehabilitation method is unknown.
EXTRA : How will you proceed? (0:18:25.13)
Liza Luna : Freeze time in the surrounding area
to preserve the lifeform.
Liza Luna : Supply as much nourishment
from epithelial cells as possible.
Liza Luna : Search brain waves, retinal afterimages,
and residual tissues for the original owner.
EXTRA : Data found. (0:18:42.79)
EXTRA : Shut yer freakin' trap, wouldja? I ain't got any food for ya! (0:18:45.88)
EXTRA : It's yours, isn't it? The cat. (0:18:50.50)
EXTRA : I don't care. It doesn't listen to a word I say! (0:18:52.75)
EXTRA : Then dump it somewhere. Black cats are fugly anyway. (0:18:55.67)
EXTRA : Good point. (0:18:59.54)
EXTRA : I have pinpointed the location
of the individuals in question.
Liza Luna : I want them to feel the pain they caused. (0:19:03.92)
EXTRA : Rehabilitation status: complete. (0:19:15.88)
Kasumi Yanagi : So... is he going to be okay now? (0:19:21.00)
Liza Luna : I think so. (0:19:23.42)
Seiji Mukai : We should take him to an emergency vet just in case. (0:19:24.33)
Liza Luna : Huh? Wh-what...? (0:19:31.67)
Liza Luna : Wait, what's going on?! Wh-why's it doing that?! (0:19:34.17)
Seiji Mukai : I think he likes you. (0:19:36.88)
Liza Luna : What?! (0:19:38.88)
Kasumi Yanagi : He's probably grateful you saved his life. (0:19:39.46)
Liza Luna : I-I doubt it. (0:19:42.29)
Liza Luna : Even if it does like me,
that doesn't really change... anything...
Kasumi Yanagi : What do you think about keeping him, Liza? (0:19:50.08)
Liza Luna : Huh? Keep it? ME?! (0:19:52.63)
Liza Luna : Nope, nope, not a chance! (0:19:55.50)
Liza Luna : I can't be around something so adorable 24/7! (0:19:57.46)
Liza Luna : I'm losing my mind over the fact that it likes me,
and you want me to MOVE IN with it?!
Liza Luna : When you meow at me with that sad little voice... (0:20:07.00)
Liza Luna : HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY NO?! (0:20:09.63)
Amato Roy : How unusual... (0:20:14.96)
Amato Roy : You're not one to call for an artillery strike. (0:20:16.46)
Amato Roy : Did you get into a fight with an Earthling? (0:20:19.79)
Liza Luna : Not exactly... (0:20:21.79)
Amato Roy : Well, I made sure your request was authorized.
Is the Earthside outpost sufficient?
Liza Luna : Yeah... It's not bad. (0:20:26.79)
Amato Roy : Then why isn't your camera turned on? (0:20:28.50)
Liza Luna : Eh, no reason... (0:20:31.04)
Amato Roy : Did something happen? (0:20:33.21)
Liza Luna : O-of course not! Uh... I'm just getting changed! (0:20:34.96)
Amato Roy : Since when do you care about modesty? (0:20:38.63)
Liza Luna : My modesty is none of your business! (0:20:40.54)
Amato Roy : Hey, Liza? I'm hearing a weird noise in the background... (0:20:44.29)
Liza Luna : A noise? I don't hear anything on my end. (0:20:48.33)
Liza Luna : Uh-oh, you're breaking up! I'll call you back later! (0:20:50.96)
Fianna Tierley : What's wrong? You miss Liza? (0:20:55.88)
Amato Roy : Don't be ridiculous. (0:20:58.25)
Fianna Tierley : Everything will be fine!
She's an honest person deep down.
Fianna Tierley : At the end of the day, Liza always gets the job done. (0:21:02.71)
Amato Roy : Yes, but that's not what worries me... (0:21:05.33)
Amato Roy : Something doesn't seem right. Specifically... (0:21:08.54)
Amato Roy : ...this noise in her transmission audio. (0:21:12.25)
Amato Roy : As the Director of Telecommunications,
what's your opinion on this noise?
Fianna Tierley : It's not interference...
And it doesn't sound artificial either.
Fianna Tierley : An animal, perhaps? (0:21:26.04)
Amato Roy : You're saying it's a language of some sort? (0:21:27.54)
Fianna Tierley : I don't know... I've never heard it before. (0:21:29.96)
Fianna Tierley : But listening to it gives me this...
prickly feeling in my chest.
Amato Roy : Yes... (0:21:36.92)
Amato Roy : I feel strangely uneasy, and
I can't help but listen over and over.
Amato Roy : According to Liza's report, animals on Planet Earth
possess somewhat peculiar characteristics...
Amato Roy : Well... Let's hope nothing too
out of the ordinary happens...
Liza Luna : I might be trapped in this room forever...! (0:21:51.33)
Liza Luna : Liza, a researcher from outer space,
reluctantly decides to move in with a cat.
Liza Luna : But in doing so, she becomes the cat's lowly servant. (0:23:31.67)
Liza Luna : Next time, Episode 2: "Trapped." (0:23:36.13)

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