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Takuma Shinozaki : That ought to do it. (0:00:42.92)
Shiori Katase : Very good, Shinozaki-san! (0:00:44.93)
Takuma Shinozaki : S-Senpai... (0:00:46.40)
Takuma Shinozaki : Is your meeting over already? (0:00:49.11)
Shiori Katase : Yep. It didn't take as long as I thought. (0:00:50.96)
Shiori Katase : And it looks like you finished
everything I asked you to do, too.
Shiori Katase : Excellent work! (0:00:58.76)
Takuma Shinozaki : Aw, no... (0:01:00.62)
Takuma Shinozaki : It was just regular work.
Nothing worth that kind of praise.
Shiori Katase : Is there something wrong
with praising regular work?
Takuma Shinozaki : I actually appreciate it a lot. (0:01:10.88)
Shiori Katase : Very good! (0:01:13.22)
Shiori Katase : You know, I really am proud
of you, Shinozaki-san!
Takuma Shinozaki : There's a Senpai where I work...
who is tiny, and cute.
Takuma Shinozaki : What're you doing, Senpai? (0:03:15.34)
Shiori Katase : Sh-Shinozaki-san! Good morning. (0:03:18.84)
Takuma Shinozaki : Good morning. (0:03:22.57)
Shiori Katase : It's just, well...
I saw a cat go into those bushes.
Shiori Katase : I thought it might
come back out if I called to it...
Shiori Katase : It was the cutest thing you ever saw! (0:03:33.56)
Shiori Katase : A tiny brown kitty, about this big... (0:03:36.30)
Shiori Katase : Really fluffy and soft! (0:03:39.19)
Takuma Shinozaki : I already know you are, though. (0:03:44.69)
Shiori Katase : I was talking about the cat. (0:03:46.80)
Takuma Shinozaki : Right! Of course! The cat! (0:03:48.58)
Shiori Katase : Oh, look at the time! (0:03:52.92)
Shiori Katase : Let's get moving, Shinozaki-san! (0:03:55.16)
Takuma Shinozaki : R-Right! (0:03:58.80)
Shiori Katase : Manager. (0:04:09.86)
Shiori Katase : I sent the plan for our entry
into the project competition,
Shiori Katase : so please check it, when you get a chance. (0:04:14.91)
Chihiro Akina : Wait, already? There's still
a while until the deadline.
Shiori Katase : I know! But since we'll need to
incorporate input from the client,
Shiori Katase : the sooner we get it checked,
the sooner I can make those adjustments.
Shiori Katase : Makes sense. Well done, Katase-san.
I appreciate how timely you are.
Takuma Shinozaki : Nice one, Senpai. (0:04:31.63)
Shiori Katase : This is all normal stuff.
I'm a grown-up, after all!
Shiori Katase : I have to say, desk work really does
a number on the back and shoulders...
Shiori Katase : My whole body feels creaky. (0:04:44.97)
Takuma Shinozaki : It's even worse when you're
on the computer all the time.
Shiori Katase : Definitely... (0:04:50.43)
Shiori Katase : My shoulders can really seize up on me, too. (0:04:51.72)
Takuma Shinozaki : I think there might be more to it
than just work, in that regard...
Takuma Shinozaki : It's the kind of thing that
makes you want a massage, huh?
Shiori Katase : Oh, what a great idea! I'd love that! (0:05:01.86)
Shiori Katase : Wait... did I just stumble into a mildly
erotic situation involving a massage?
Takuma Shinozaki : Want me to rub them? (0:05:11.58)
Shiori Katase : Would you? (0:05:13.15)
Shiori Katase : Right there... It feels... so good...! (0:05:18.47)
Shiori Katase : If you keep that up... I'll... (0:05:26.28)
Shiori Katase : Something wrong? (0:05:31.01)
Takuma Shinozaki : N-No, nothing at all! (0:05:32.14)
Takuma Shinozaki : I get stiff shoulders, too, so I was thinking
about maybe getting a massage myself.
Shiori Katase : Sounds like a case where a hardworking
kohai needs some senpai encouragement!
Takuma Shinozaki : Aw, come on, I couldn't ask you to do that... (0:05:46.16)
Shiori Katase : Don't you worry about it. (0:05:50.09)
Shiori Katase : Just don't fall asleep
from being too comfy, okay?
Shiori Katase : Squeezey, squeezey, squeezey, squeezey... (0:05:59.42)
Takuma Shinozaki : Senpai's tiny hands are all over my shoulders! (0:06:03.84)
Takuma Shinozaki : I'm getting squeezed!
She's kneading me like dough!
Takuma Shinozaki : It's like I'm in the world's
comfiest theme park!
Shiori Katase : Shinozaki-san, you're so... hard, and big... (0:06:12.34)
Shiori Katase : I don't know if my hands
can make you feel good.
Takuma Shinozaki : Senpai, uh, I think that's enough! (0:06:24.85)
Shiori Katase : Did it feel good? (0:06:28.70)
Takuma Shinozaki : Yes! Maybe a little too good. (0:06:30.70)
Takuma Shinozaki : Er, forget I said anything! Really! (0:06:34.16)
Takuma Shinozaki : "And that is my proposal." (0:06:40.50)
Takuma Shinozaki : Okay, hopefully that should work. (0:06:45.09)
Takuma Shinozaki : Maybe I should run through it again... (0:06:47.68)
Takuma Shinozaki : "I'm Shinozaki Takuma
with Dev Group 2's Team A."
Takuma Shinozaki : "My proposal involves the upcoming anniversary (0:06:53.40)
Takuma Shinozaki : of our company's main mascot
character, Meowtaro, which—"
Shiori Katase : What's that you've got there? (0:06:58.47)
Takuma Shinozaki : S-Senpai! (0:07:01.02)
Shiori Katase : Did I scare you? (0:07:02.43)
Takuma Shinozaki : The new employee project
presentations are tomorrow,
Takuma Shinozaki : so I was practicing during my free time. (0:07:09.21)
Shiori Katase : That takes me back!
I remember what it was like.
Shiori Katase : And so, by arranging a collaboration
between popular sweets brands
Shiori Katase : and our company's mascot character, Meowtaro, (0:07:18.67)
Shiori Katase : I believe we could cultivate customers
in a new demographic.
Shiori Katase : Er, uh, pardon me...! (0:07:26.69)
Shiori Katase : I made some goofs
with the materials for my proposal.
Shiori Katase : But as you can see, I'm still here,
so relax and give your best shot!
Takuma Shinozaki : What a random bit of encouragement! (0:07:38.56)
Takuma Shinozaki : Thank you, Senpai. (0:07:40.92)
Takuma Shinozaki : I just have this tendency to get
super nervous when it's showtime...
Takuma Shinozaki : They say writing the kanji for "person" in your
hand and pretending to swallow it helps.
Takuma Shinozaki : What do you think? (0:07:52.00)
Takuma Shinozaki : It's probably just a superstition... (0:07:53.49)
Takuma Shinozaki : Although one theory says the palm
has certain pressure points,
Takuma Shinozaki : and by tracing the kanji for "person"
you can press them for a relaxation effect—
Shiori Katase : Shinozaki-san! (0:08:00.70)
Shiori Katase : Something to relax you. (0:08:05.00)
Shiori Katase : Specially made by your Senpai,
it's the kanji for "person."
Shiori Katase : I hope you enjoy it! (0:08:10.30)
Takuma Shinozaki : S-So close! Senpai's tiny hand
is right in front of me!
Takuma Shinozaki : I-It almost seems like a waste to eat it! (0:08:17.41)
Shiori Katase : I can always make more. (0:08:22.07)
Shiori Katase : So, by all means, eat up! (0:08:24.94)
Takuma Shinozaki : She is so wifely, it's killing me! (0:08:26.76)
Takuma Shinozaki : Th-Then, in that case, don't mind if I do... (0:08:29.67)
Takuma Shinozaki : Uh, er, did my breath tickle? (0:08:39.49)
Shiori Katase : Oh, no, it's f-fine! (0:08:43.53)
Shiori Katase : H-How do you feel? (0:08:45.88)
Takuma Shinozaki : Better! I think I can do this. (0:08:47.77)
Takuma Shinozaki : Thank you so much, Senpai. (0:08:50.66)
Takuma Shinozaki : I'll be looking forward to another
tomorrow, before my presentation.
Shiori Katase : Not a problem! I'll be there. (0:08:55.79)
Takuma Shinozaki : Yamagishi-san. (0:09:02.27)
Takuma Shinozaki : Will you be coming to the
end-of-month drinking party?
Aiko Yamagishi : Oh, you bet! (0:09:06.01)
Takuma Shinozaki : That's plus one, then. (0:09:07.27)
Aiko Yamagishi : You're organizing, Shinozaki-kun? (0:09:09.21)
Takuma Shinozaki : Yeah, I drew the short stick. (0:09:11.21)
Takuma Shinozaki : Hey, Hayakawa, you coming to
the end of month drinking party?
Chinatsu Hayakawa : I'll pass. (0:09:20.05)
Takuma Shinozaki : Again? Sociable as ever, I see. (0:09:20.78)
Chinatsu Hayakawa : Quit whining. I attended once, remember? (0:09:23.80)
Takuma Shinozaki : Yeah, once. The first time. (0:09:26.62)
Aiko Yamagishi : Stare... (0:09:27.60)
Chinatsu Hayakawa : Once is plenty, isn't it? (0:09:28.76)
Aiko Yamagishi : Staaare... (0:09:31.55)
Aiko Yamagishi : Are you two going out? (0:09:35.88)
Aiko Yamagishi : It's just, Shinozaki-kun seems
weirdly frank with you, Hayakawa-san.
Takuma Shinozaki : Th-That's not it! Hayakawa...san
here is just a childhood friend!
Takuma Shinozaki : Dating her? Is that really how it looks? (0:09:51.32)
Shiori Katase : Shinozaki-san. (0:09:54.78)
Shiori Katase : Do you and Hayakawa-san get along? (0:09:56.70)
Takuma Shinozaki : You, too, Senpai?! (0:09:59.40)
Takuma Shinozaki : It's less that and more... (0:10:01.05)
Takuma Shinozaki : We were neighbors, (0:10:04.37)
Takuma Shinozaki : and we attended preschool,
elementary, and middle school together.
Takuma Shinozaki : Then we just happened to end up
working at the same company.
Takuma Shinozaki : It's kinda like we're cursed. (0:10:13.15)
Shiori Katase : You seemed to be pretty friendly, though. (0:10:17.03)
Takuma Shinozaki : Wait, what? Is she jealous? (0:10:20.30)
Takuma Shinozaki : No, come on, Senpai would never... (0:10:23.50)
Takuma Shinozaki : It's really nothing special.
Sure, we chat casually...
Shiori Katase : I'm jealous. (0:10:31.11)
Takuma Shinozaki : S-S-Senpai?! She just said she was jealous!
I did hear that, didn't I?!
Takuma Shinozaki : And she does seem to be kind of sulky... (0:10:40.48)
Takuma Shinozaki : Senpai's... jealous? (0:10:44.76)
Takuma Shinozaki : That'd mean she... about me... for real? (0:10:47.99)
Shiori Katase : Shinozaki-san. (0:10:53.43)
Shiori Katase : I... (0:10:56.63)
Shiori Katase : I... well... (0:11:02.15)
Shiori Katase : I want to be friends with Hayakawa-san, too. (0:11:09.28)
Shiori Katase : I've always thought she seems rather neat, (0:11:16.57)
Shiori Katase : but we've never really had
a chance to connect outside of work.
Shiori Katase : If you wouldn't mind,
could you maybe introduce me...?
Takuma Shinozaki : That's what she meant?! (0:11:25.77)
Shiori Katase : What's wrong? (0:11:27.65)
Takuma Shinozaki : Just regretting my arrogance, that's all. (0:11:30.56)
Chinatsu Hayakawa : Y'know, I tend to attract cats for some reason. (0:11:47.56)
Takuma Shinozaki : I can tell. (0:11:50.25)
Shiori Katase : This cardboard box is actually pretty heavy. (0:11:58.47)
Takuma Shinozaki : Let me get that for you, Senpai! (0:12:02.16)
Shiori Katase : No, no, don't let it bother you. (0:12:06.74)
Shiori Katase : These kinds of things happen. (0:12:09.66)
Shiori Katase : Just let me know if you need any more help. (0:12:11.96)
Shiori Katase : Shinozaki-san. (0:12:16.36)
Takuma Shinozaki : Did something happen? (0:12:18.31)
Shiori Katase : There was a bit of a mix up with some data... (0:12:20.26)
Shiori Katase : But it should be fine, now. (0:12:23.78)
Takuma Shinozaki : You never seem to get mad at people, Senpai. (0:12:33.83)
Shiori Katase : You think so? (0:12:37.23)
Takuma Shinozaki : I mean, just now... (0:12:38.56)
Shiori Katase : If someone's already upset
about their mistakes,
Shiori Katase : I'm not going to make it worse for them. (0:12:44.62)
Shiori Katase : Besides, you can scold someone
without getting mad at them.
Shiori Katase : More importantly, Shinozaki-san! (0:12:52.04)
Takuma Shinozaki : Yes?! (0:12:54.11)
Shiori Katase : You haven't been reporting in enough, lately! (0:12:54.96)
Takuma Shinozaki : I haven't?! (0:12:58.44)
Takuma Shinozaki : Did I... screw up with work somehow? (0:12:59.96)
Takuma Shinozaki : And wait... (0:13:03.09)
Takuma Shinozaki : Am I getting scolded, right now? (0:13:04.74)
Takuma Shinozaki : Uh, well... I... (0:13:07.59)
Shiori Katase : When you work hard,
I expect you to tell me about it.
Takuma Shinozaki : J-Just when I work hard? (0:13:16.32)
Shiori Katase : Exactly! (0:13:19.00)
Shiori Katase : I don't want to miss your efforts,
especially when you put your heart into them.
Takuma Shinozaki : If this is supposed to be discipline,
then sign me up!
Shiori Katase : It's a senpai's duty... (0:13:32.96)
Shiori Katase : to praise a job well done. (0:13:37.48)
Takuma Shinozaki : Okay, next time I work hard on something... (0:13:46.47)
Shiori Katase : I'll try to make sure and notice, too. (0:13:50.10)
Takuma Shinozaki : I appreciate that. (0:13:53.67)
Shiori Katase : Come on, we're back
to the office and back to work!
Takuma Shinozaki : Right! Wait up, Senpai! (0:14:03.25)
Takuma Shinozaki : It's getting late,
but I wanna keep going a bit longer...
Takuma Shinozaki : Let's finish this up, at least. (0:14:16.82)
Shiori Katase : I bought two by mistake.
You're welcome to one.
Takuma Shinozaki : Thanks so much! (0:14:28.90)
Takuma Shinozaki : Oh, I should pay you... (0:14:30.51)
Shiori Katase : No, it's fine, don't worry. (0:14:32.71)
Shiori Katase : I'm forcing something off onto my subordinate. (0:14:35.91)
Shiori Katase : Think of it as an abuse of authority! (0:14:38.44)
Takuma Shinozaki : Best abuse of authority ever! (0:14:41.63)
Shiori Katase : Are you still not finished for today? (0:14:44.28)
Takuma Shinozaki : Well, I was just trying to
get to a good place to stop...
Shiori Katase : I'll help you out! (0:14:52.40)
Takuma Shinozaki : But, I couldn't ask you to
trouble yourself, Senpai...
Shiori Katase : It's a senpai's duty to help a kohai in need! (0:14:58.04)
Shiori Katase : Besides, (0:15:01.47)
Shiori Katase : once we're done, I'm going to abuse
my authority and treat you to dinner!
Takuma Shinozaki : They made a sequel to
the best abuse of authority ever!
Takuma Shinozaki : Th-then I'd appreciate the help. (0:15:08.80)
Shiori Katase : Sure! (0:15:12.17)
Shiori Katase : That was faster than I thought! (0:15:14.98)
Takuma Shinozaki : Only because of you. Thanks again, Senpai. (0:15:18.17)
Takuma Shinozaki : I'll pay for dinner! (0:15:21.72)
Shiori Katase : No, not happening. I'm paying. (0:15:23.81)
Takuma Shinozaki : No, me! (0:15:26.32)
Shiori Katase : It'll be me. (0:15:27.56)
Takuma Shinozaki : Me! (0:15:28.33)
Shiori Katase : Me! (0:15:29.05)
Shiori Katase : It's still a bit cold at night. (0:15:31.57)
Shiori Katase : Come on, let's hurry to the restaurant. (0:15:34.73)
Shiori Katase : Sh-Shinozaki-san?! (0:15:39.83)
Takuma Shinozaki : Please, just wear it. (0:15:41.53)
Shiori Katase : B-But... (0:15:42.58)
Takuma Shinozaki : Put your arms through the sleeves, please. (0:15:44.54)
Shiori Katase : But I... I'll be fine... (0:15:46.32)
Takuma Shinozaki : No, you won't. (0:15:48.27)
Takuma Shinozaki : Y'know, you don't need to have
authority to abuse your power...
Shiori Katase : I-I'll keep that in mind. (0:15:56.24)
Takuma Shinozaki : There should be plenty of places open still. (0:16:03.48)
Shiori Katase : Okay. (0:16:07.50)
Shiori Katase : Um, aren't you cold, Shinozaki-san? (0:16:09.00)
Takuma Shinozaki : Nope. I'm okay. (0:16:12.64)
Shiori Katase : This jacket he lent me is really warm... (0:16:16.41)
Shiori Katase : I guess because he was
just wearing it, but still...
Shiori Katase : Something about the size and the warmth... (0:16:25.77)
Shiori Katase : makes it feel like he's hugging me. (0:16:29.31)
Shiori Katase : Wh-What in the world am I thinking?! (0:16:33.52)
Shiori Katase : U-um... (0:16:36.71)
Shiori Katase : I-I don't know...
if I can continue wearing this...
Takuma Shinozaki : What happened?! (0:16:44.70)
Shiori Katase : You can have it back! (0:16:46.28)
Takuma Shinozaki : But... (0:16:47.80)
Shiori Katase : W-we're almost at the restaurant, so... (0:16:48.99)
Shiori Katase : And besides, (0:16:51.56)
Shiori Katase : we're close to the office...
What if someone saw?
Takuma Shinozaki : Good point. (0:16:58.07)
Takuma Shinozaki : I'm sorry. I should have considered that. (0:17:00.29)
Shiori Katase : No, no, I appreciate you letting me wear it! (0:17:03.58)
Shiori Katase : Come on, let's head in. (0:17:07.26)
Shiori Katase : I'm feeling hungry! (0:17:09.64)
Takuma Shinozaki : Right. (0:17:13.51)
Shiori Katase : Something wrong? (0:17:25.60)
Takuma Shinozaki : I-It's nothing! (0:17:27.29)
Takuma Shinozaki : S-Since it's nice and warm in here, (0:17:29.61)
Takuma Shinozaki : I think I'll take this off. (0:17:32.72)
Shiori Katase : What should I order...? (0:17:37.38)
Shiori Katase : There're so many options,
I don't know where to start.
Takuma Shinozaki : You can take your time to decide. (0:17:43.92)
Shiori Katase : Have you made up your mind, Shinozaki-san? (0:17:47.12)
Takuma Shinozaki : I think I have, yes. (0:17:49.98)
Shiori Katase : Then, I better decide, fast! (0:17:51.63)
Takuma Shinozaki : You can take your time, really! (0:17:53.76)
Takuma Shinozaki : Okay, I've got it! (0:17:59.35)
Shiori Katase : I'll take the miso-glazed beef tongue
and mixed vegetable stew dinner.
Shiori Katase : And a fluffy soy milk pudding for dessert. (0:18:10.57)
Takuma Shinozaki : I'll have the saikyo-yaki
cooked mackerel dinner.
Takuma Shinozaki : That'll be enough. (0:18:16.46)
Shiori Katase : What about dessert? (0:18:17.24)
Shiori Katase : Pudding is really good, y'know! (0:18:19.66)
Shiori Katase : I'm a big fan, it's so soft, and sweet,
and just plain makes you happy!
Takuma Shinozaki : I'll take one, too, then. (0:18:25.68)
Shiori Katase : Pudding, pudding, more pudding! (0:18:26.76)
Takuma Shinozaki : Senpai, I wanna thank you for your help. (0:18:31.72)
Takuma Shinozaki : And not just for today. (0:18:35.31)
Shiori Katase : What other day? (0:18:36.99)
Takuma Shinozaki : I managed to make it through my project
proposal without clamming up, thanks to you.
Shiori Katase : No, no... (0:18:46.00)
Shiori Katase : It went well because
you worked hard, Shinozaki-san.
Shiori Katase : I just helped out a tiny bit! (0:18:51.16)
Shiori Katase : Besides, I'm obviously going to help
a kohai who could use it.
Shiori Katase : Because I'm your senpai! (0:18:59.30)
Takuma Shinozaki : W-Well, I appreciate all that help! (0:19:01.92)
Shiori Katase : Certainly. (0:19:05.50)
Shiori Katase : Although... (0:19:06.79)
Shiori Katase : Don't try and push yourself
to work overtime like today, okay?
Shiori Katase : Working hard is good,
but overwork is not. Okay?
Takuma Shinozaki : Right! (0:19:17.96)
Shiori Katase : Come on, let's eat. (0:19:28.48)
Shiori Katase : We'll have a nutritious meal, (0:19:30.90)
Shiori Katase : and then give it our best at work tomorrow! (0:19:33.05)
Takuma Shinozaki : Right! (0:19:36.78)
Shiori Katase : Time to eat! (0:19:38.79)
Shiori Katase : Hot! (0:19:41.49)
Takuma Shinozaki : Are you okay? (0:19:42.48)
Shiori Katase : Y-Yeah... (0:19:43.93)
Takuma Shinozaki : Sensitive to hot food like a cat, too, huh? (0:19:45.37)
Shiori Katase : What do you mean, "too"? (0:19:47.32)
Takuma Shinozaki : Oh, never mind me! (0:19:48.09)
Takuma Shinozaki : Good morning, Senpai. (0:20:03.11)
Shiori Katase : Good morning, Shinozaki-san. (0:20:06.60)
Takuma Shinozaki : Calling out to another cat? (0:20:09.64)
Shiori Katase : Yes, indeed I was! (0:20:11.66)
Shiori Katase : I heard it meowing a second ago... (0:20:14.84)
Shiori Katase : Did you hear that?! It answered me! (0:20:24.32)
Takuma Shinozaki : Sure. (0:20:27.80)
Shiori Katase : That was deeper than before, though.
Maybe there's a second cat?
Shiori Katase : You! You! I can't believe you made fun of me! (0:20:40.92)
Takuma Shinozaki : S-Sorry! I didn't think
you'd react like that...
Shiori Katase : As punishment, for today,
you have to be kitty Shinozaki!
Takuma Shinozaki : Kitty Shinozaki...? (0:20:51.93)
Shiori Katase : I expect you to meow in response! (0:20:53.90)
Takuma Shinozaki : M... Meow. (0:20:55.18)
Takuma Shinozaki : Y'know, this might be too much... (0:20:56.56)
Shiori Katase : Excuse me? (0:20:58.30)
Takuma Shinozaki : It's kind of embarrassing— (0:20:59.34)
Shiori Katase : These are orders from your senpai! (0:21:00.82)
Takuma Shinozaki : Okay... (0:21:02.76)
Shiori Katase : Do you understand?! You respond with "meow!" (0:21:03.52)
Chinatsu Hayakawa : Good morning, Manager. (0:21:05.03)
Chihiro Akina : Oh, good morning, Hayakawa-san. (0:21:06.64)
Shiori Katase : Meow! (0:21:07.14)
Chinatsu Hayakawa : You look happy. Something good happen? (0:21:09.26)
Chihiro Akina : Just glad that my team is getting long! (0:21:11.36)
Chinatsu Hayakawa : They are? (0:21:15.56)
Shiori Katase : All right, Meowzaki, we're going to work! (0:21:16.62)
Takuma Shinozaki : Right, Senpai! (0:21:18.99)
Shiori Katase : You're supposed to say "Meow!" Okay? (0:21:20.63)
Takuma Shinozaki : M-Meow! (0:21:23.06)
Shiori Katase : Let's give it our best today, Meowzaki! (0:21:28.21)

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Toshiie Maeda
Anonymous : I used to play SLBP religiously back in 2017! Never knew I shared bdays with Inuchiyo?? Not my fav but I still really liked his route : )

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