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Ray White : Howard! (0:00:21.71)
Howard Kennet : Ray... You have... (0:00:25.51)
Howard Kennet : to live. (0:00:28.68)
Abbie Garnet : Is that... overheating? (0:00:52.47)
Ray White : It really is huge. (0:02:30.46)
Ray White : Let's see... (0:02:36.27)
Ray White : Which way is the auditorium? (0:02:38.00)
Ray White : Apologies, (0:02:43.94)
Ray White : my lady. (0:02:45.68)
Wanda Erika : Oh, that's all right. (0:02:49.82)
Wanda Erika : But I'm not sure it's a good idea to
suddenly stop in the middle of the path.
Ray White : I apologize. I'm new here. (0:02:56.24)
Jeryl Yumimaru : What? But didn't all new students
move onto campus two days ago?
Laquis Simeld : I heard there'd be just one moving in
on the day of the entrance ceremony!
Jeryl Yumimaru : One who descends from neither
aristocrat nor sorcerer,
Jeryl Yumimaru : but is born of an ordinary family. (0:03:10.58)
Wanda Erika : Ordinary?! (0:03:13.21)
Wanda Erika : I-I can't believe an
ordinary just touched me...
Laquis Simeld : Wanda! (0:03:23.94)
Jeryl Yumimaru : Wanda! Keep it together! (0:03:24.48)
Laquis Simeld : It's okay! Everything's okay! (0:03:26.18)
Albert Alium : So you're Ray White? (0:03:27.94)
Jeryl Yumimaru : Wanda! (0:03:27.94)
Ray White : And you are? (0:03:31.21)
Albert Alium : Albert Alium. (0:03:32.15)
Ray White : I'm Ray White. May I call you "Mr. Alium"? (0:03:34.51)
Albert Alium : Only nobles are allowed
to attend this school,
Albert Alium : or, at the very least,
those descended from sorcerers.
Albert Alium : That's because the Arnold Academy of Sorcery (0:03:44.98)
Albert Alium : has ancient and honorable
origins as a school for nobles!
Cusuechs Igul : Yeah, that's right! Totally right! (0:03:50.42)
Albert Alium : I don't know what strings
you pulled to get here,
Albert Alium : but this is no place for
an ordinary like you!
Cusuechs Igul : You tell 'im! (0:03:59.64)
Ray White : That's unfortunate. There are many
things I want to learn at this academy.
Albert Alium : Why, you— (0:04:06.01)
Albert Alium : You worthless ordinary! (0:04:09.71)
Amelia Rose : Enough! (0:04:11.87)
Albert Alium : Tch. (0:04:13.83)
Cusuechs Igul : Whoa! She's... (0:04:18.57)
Zuina Shuck : From one of the top three noble families. (0:04:20.70)
Zuina Shuck : Al, maybe you should stop... (0:04:22.85)
Wanda Erika : Lady Rose! (0:04:25.62)
Ray White : Rose? (0:04:29.61)
Albert Alium : Hmph! (0:04:30.47)
Albert Alium : I will never accept an ordinary like you! (0:04:32.21)
Cusuechs Igul : Hey! Wait up, Al! (0:04:37.71)
Amelia Rose : Are you all right? (0:04:38.73)
Ray White : Yeah. Thanks. (0:04:40.60)
Amelia Rose : I'm Amelia Rose. (0:04:45.48)
Ray White : Miss Rose. (0:04:47.32)
Ray White : I'm Ray White. (0:04:49.23)
Ray White : Feel free to call me "Ray." (0:04:50.69)
Amelia Rose : And you can call me "Amelia," as well. (0:04:52.42)
Amelia Rose : You're the first ordinary
to attend this academy.
Amelia Rose : That's a big deal. (0:04:59.37)
Amelia Rose : Clearly, your talents have been recognized. (0:05:00.97)
Ray White : I couldn't be more grateful. (0:05:02.97)
Amelia Rose : So, Ray... (0:05:04.48)
Ray White : What is it? (0:05:05.84)
Amelia Rose : If you have any problems
at all, you can talk to me.
Abbie Garnet : Welcome, students. (0:05:23.35)
Abbie Garnet : The Arnold Academy of Sorcery (0:05:25.97)
Abbie Garnet : is among the finest schools in the world. (0:05:28.31)
Abbie Garnet : All of you who stand here today (0:05:30.81)
Abbie Garnet : have been acknowledged for
your talents as sorcerers.
Abbie Garnet : But do not be prideful.
Hard work is still a must.
Abbie Garnet : Spare no blood, sweat, or tears. (0:05:39.55)
Abbie Garnet : One's skills are a product of their innate
talent, environment, and hard work.
Abbie Garnet : Many sorcerers, despite remarkable
talents and favorable environments,
Abbie Garnet : lose heart and let their
abilities waste away.
Abbie Garnet : Thus, I tell you this: (0:05:53.78)
Abbie Garnet : Put in the effort to become
first-rate sorcerers.
Abbie Garnet : I am Abbie Garnet, the principal
of the Arnold Academy of Sorcery.
Abbie Garnet : Thank you. (0:06:08.28)
Amelia Rose : I am Amelia Rose,
representative of the incoming students.
Amelia Rose : I am proud to have been accepted
to this prestigious academy.
Amelia Rose : However, this is not our destination,
but rather our starting point.
Amelia Rose : I'm sure many difficulties
lie on the road ahead of us.
Amelia Rose : But now that I am a student of this academy, (0:06:39.55)
Amelia Rose : I intend to face all of them head-on. (0:06:42.94)
Amelia Rose : As the principal said a moment ago, (0:06:45.71)
Amelia Rose : to continually work hard
and master our sorcery
Amelia Rose : is the mission we have undertaken. (0:06:51.34)
Helena Grady : Silence. (0:06:59.41)
Helena Grady : This is the last student to join the class, (0:07:01.02)
Helena Grady : the one I've told you about. (0:07:02.93)
Ray White : I'm Ray White. (0:07:05.08)
Ray White : As I'm sure many of you know,
I come from an ordinary family.
Ray White : I've heard I'm the first ordinary
at this school since it was founded,
Ray White : but I intend to put forth my best effort
as a sorcerer throughout my time here.
Ray White : I hope we can work together. (0:07:19.62)
Helena Grady : Okay, White. Sorry to just throw you
into this, but you know the situation.
Helena Grady : You can introduce yourself to
your classmates individually.
Ray White : Yes, Instructor. (0:07:31.17)
Helena Grady : It's Helena Grady. You can call me Miss Gray. (0:07:33.37)
Ray White : My apologies, Instructor Gray. (0:07:37.05)
Helena Grady : Must you be so rigid? (0:07:39.54)
Helena Grady : Okay, fine. Go on and sit down. (0:07:41.16)
Ray White : Yes, ma'am. (0:07:42.91)
Amelia Rose : Looking forward to working with you, Ray. (0:07:44.79)
Ray White : Same here, Amelia. (0:07:46.82)
Albert Alium : Ordinary... (0:07:55.27)
Helena Grady : White! (0:08:13.16)
Helena Grady : White! (0:08:14.98)
Helena Grady : Class is in session, White. (0:08:24.18)
Helena Grady : You need to pay attention. (0:08:26.95)
Ray White : I apologize. (0:08:28.73)
Helena Grady : To get back on topic... (0:08:30.37)
Helena Grady : We were discussing sorcerer ranks. (0:08:31.94)
Helena Grady : Do you know what they are, Rose? (0:08:34.18)
Amelia Rose : Yes, ma'am. (0:08:35.80)
Amelia Rose : There are five ranks established
by the Society of Sorcery:
Amelia Rose : bronze, silver, gold, platinum... (0:08:41.23)
Amelia Rose : and grand, the rank regarded as sacred. (0:08:44.63)
Helena Grady : Correct. (0:08:48.07)
Helena Grady : Only seven grand sorcerers
exist at any one time.
Helena Grady : These seven, who have mastered
the very essence of sorcery,
Helena Grady : are known as the seven greatest
sorcerers in the world.
Helena Grady : They are the pinnacle of sorcery
that all sorcerers strive to match.
Helena Grady : The very existence of the seven greatest
sorcerers is shrouded in mystery,
Helena Grady : but a few details about them
are known to the public.
Helena Grady : First, our very own principal, Abbie Garnet, (0:09:10.77)
Helena Grady : is the Blaze Sorcerer. (0:09:14.74)
Helena Grady : Next, the Spellbinding
Sorcerer, Carol Caroline.
Helena Grady : She's the most well-known of the
seven as a researcher of sorcery.
Helena Grady : In fact, she's just about the only one
who really puts herself out there.
Helena Grady : And then there's the one known as
the hero of the Far East War...
Amelia Rose : The Iceblade Sorcerer. (0:09:36.88)
Helena Grady : Exactly. (0:09:39.09)
Helena Grady : The Iceblade Sorcerer is the one who vanished (0:09:40.09)
Helena Grady : after bringing an end to the Far East War. (0:09:42.89)
Helena Grady : Nothing is known about the rest of the seven. (0:09:46.02)
Helena Grady : Not even their aliases. (0:09:48.13)
Helena Grady : But as I said earlier, (0:09:50.58)
Helena Grady : so long as you attend this academy,
you should be aware that the destination
Helena Grady : at the end of your path is the rank of
grand sorcerer, one of the great seven.
Albert Alium : Miss Gray. (0:10:02.53)
Helena Grady : What is it, Alium? (0:10:03.94)
Albert Alium : If the goal we strive for is to be
one of the seven great sorcerers,
Albert Alium : then why is there an ordinary at this school? (0:10:10.09)
Helena Grady : The only students here are those
who passed the mandated exam,
Helena Grady : as well as an in-person interview
to be approved as students.
Helena Grady : Whether they are noble or
ordinary means nothing.
Albert Alium : Tch. (0:10:26.55)
Helena Grady : Now, it's time to practice some sorcery. (0:10:32.11)
Helena Grady : You might not think it necessary anymore, (0:10:34.29)
Helena Grady : but you will be starting from
the most basic of exercises.
Helena Grady : Do not underestimate the basics. (0:10:39.41)
Helena Grady : Even the seven great
sorcerers are no exception.
Helena Grady : Now, Rose... (0:10:44.61)
Amelia Rose : Yes, ma'am. (0:10:45.69)
Helena Grady : What is "sorcery"? (0:10:46.42)
Amelia Rose : Sorcery refers to the art of
reconstructing prima materia,
Amelia Rose : the primary building block
of matter in our world.
Helena Grady : Very good. That's right. (0:10:55.87)
Helena Grady : And at the very core of
sorcery is the code theory.
Helena Grady : Prima materia, encoding, material code. (0:11:02.97)
Helena Grady : First, you encode prima materia, (0:11:07.06)
Helena Grady : or in other words, turn it into code. (0:11:09.59)
Helena Grady : At this stage, there is still excess data. (0:11:11.43)
Helena Grady : So... (0:11:14.92)
Helena Grady : Material code, decoding, material code. (0:11:16.10)
Helena Grady : You remove the excess by decoding, (0:11:20.19)
Helena Grady : put the data back in order,
and move to the processing stage.
Helena Grady : Material code, processing. (0:11:26.49)
Helena Grady : Here, you can add or remove more data. (0:11:29.13)
Helena Grady : Finally, you manifest it. (0:11:32.75)
Helena Grady : Embodiment, material. (0:11:34.93)
Helena Grady : These are the fundamentals of sorcery. (0:11:39.90)
Helena Grady : Additionally, anything you have made... (0:11:43.21)
Helena Grady : you can also erase. (0:11:46.94)
Helena Grady : Sorcery is a theoretical phenomenon derived
from the understanding of technique.
Helena Grady : Any questions about what
I've explained thus far?
Amelia Rose : I have one, ma'am. (0:11:58.29)
Helena Grady : You do, Rose? Very well. (0:11:59.77)
Amelia Rose : Are there any limits on the things
reconstructed by prima materia?
Helena Grady : No, strictly speaking, there are no limits. (0:12:06.47)
Helena Grady : It all depends on the
sorcerer's own capability.
Helena Grady : Sorcery is, primarily, the art
of creating matter or phenomena.
Helena Grady : Matter can be separated into four categories. (0:12:17.87)
Helena Grady : Solids. (0:12:22.00)
Helena Grady : Liquids. (0:12:25.59)
Helena Grady : Gases. (0:12:28.34)
Helena Grady : And finally, plasma. (0:12:30.75)
Helena Grady : Anything else is classified as a phenomenon. (0:12:33.62)
Helena Grady : Anyone else? (0:12:40.25)
Elisa Griffith : U-Um... (0:12:41.60)
Elisa Griffith : When you erased the ice roses earlier, (0:12:43.69)
Elisa Griffith : did you use anti-material code? (0:12:46.76)
Helena Grady : No. There is no sorcerer who
uses anti-material code.
Helena Grady : Ainsworth's twofold code theory
is doctorate-level material.
Helena Grady : Students don't need to understand it yet. (0:13:00.00)
Helena Grady : Now for some exercises. (0:13:03.59)
Amelia Rose : Prima materia, encoding. (0:13:09.40)
Amelia Rose : Material code. (0:13:11.76)
Amelia Rose : Material code, decoding. (0:13:13.12)
Amelia Rose : Material code, processing. (0:13:13.85)
Amelia Rose : Embodiment, material. (0:13:16.95)
Wanda Erika : I knew you could do it,
Lady Rose! Magnificent!
Amelia Rose : Th-Thanks... (0:13:24.82)
Jeryl Yumimaru : Leave it to a lady of one
of the highest noble families.
Wanda Erika : I love it so, so, so, so, so, so much! (0:13:26.77)
Amelia Rose : Uh, yeah... (0:13:28.30)
Laquis Simeld : On the other hand... (0:13:28.66)
Ray White : Hmm... I see. (0:13:33.41)
Wanda Erika : What was that supposed to be? (0:13:35.96)
Jeryl Yumimaru : That was a child's sorcery. (0:13:37.59)
Laquis Simeld : But didn't the teacher
say he passed the exam?
Cusuechs Igul : What's his deal, anyway? (0:13:41.71)
Zuina Shuck : He's totally useless. (0:13:43.53)
Albert Alium : Ordinary... (0:13:47.72)
Cusuechs Igul : Whoa... Al?! (0:13:49.35)
Albert Alium : As a member of the Alium household, (0:13:51.62)
Albert Alium : I refuse to acknowledge the existence
of a talentless Withered Wizard!
Ray White : This is definitely a
historical school building.
Ray White : Its construction is flawless. (0:14:05.21)
Ray White : Looking for Ainsworth? (0:14:12.73)
Elisa Griffith : Huh?! Ah... (0:14:13.82)
Ray White : You asked about it in class earlier. (0:14:14.92)
Elisa Griffith : Oh... Um, I... (0:14:17.53)
Ray White : Sorry for asking out of nowhere.
I'm Ray White.
Elisa Griffith : Oh... um... (0:14:22.38)
Elisa Griffith : I'm Elisa Griffith. (0:14:23.81)
Ray White : Nice to meet you, Miss Griffith. (0:14:25.85)
Ray White : You can call me "Ray." (0:14:27.93)
Elisa Griffith : Oh... And you can call me "Elisa." (0:14:29.68)
Ray White : Once more, nice to meet you, Elisa. (0:14:33.10)
Elisa Griffith : Same to you. (0:14:35.65)
Elisa Griffith : Dr. Ainsworth is my role model. (0:14:38.48)
Ray White : So that's why you asked about
the twofold code theory.
Elisa Griffith : Yeah. I want to be just like her. (0:14:44.13)
Ray White : That's amazing. She's a top-ranking
researcher of sorcery.
Elisa Griffith : Well, it's just a dream. (0:14:52.02)
Elisa Griffith : Do you like Dr. Ainsworth, too? (0:14:55.25)
Ray White : Yeah. I love her from the bottom of my heart. (0:14:58.49)
Elisa Griffith : Really?! Wow! I've never met
any other Ainsers my age!
Ray White : Ainsers? (0:15:06.84)
Elisa Griffith : Oh... (0:15:08.58)
Elisa Griffith : That means... fans of Dr. Ainsworth. (0:15:10.00)
Ray White : Never heard that before.
There's actually a word for them, huh?
Elisa Griffith : I'm sorry for getting so carried away. (0:15:16.96)
Ray White : I don't mind. Why, though? (0:15:20.41)
Elisa Griffith : Why what? (0:15:22.90)
Ray White : You have such beautiful hair. (0:15:24.34)
Elisa Griffith : Huh?! (0:15:26.66)
Ray White : Elisa... (0:15:29.20)
Ray White : is there some reason? (0:15:31.50)
Elisa Griffith : Well... don't you think my ears are weird? (0:15:34.46)
Ray White : They're not weird. (0:15:37.37)
Ray White : They're lovely. (0:15:39.19)
Ray White : So you're an elf... no, a half-elf, right? (0:15:41.07)
Elisa Griffith : My mother is an elf. (0:15:44.53)
Elisa Griffith : I've been made fun of all my
life because of these ears.
Ray White : I think you're beautiful, Elisa. (0:15:49.71)
Elisa Griffith : Huh?! (0:15:52.13)
Ray White : So what need is there to hide them? (0:15:53.27)
Elisa Griffith : I-I'm glad you think so, I guess. (0:15:58.26)
Elisa Griffith : You seem very mature, Ray. (0:16:03.63)
Ray White : Do I? (0:16:06.13)
Elisa Griffith : Yeah. You don't look like you're my age. (0:16:07.04)
Howard Kennet : Jeez, kid, you act way too old for your age. (0:16:10.62)
Howard Kennet : You're too mature! (0:16:15.31)
Ray White : I guess I do get that a lot. (0:16:17.52)
Elisa Griffith : I thought so. (0:16:20.53)
Elisa Griffith : Thank you for talking to me today, Ray. (0:16:23.91)
Ray White : Same to you. I look forward to
spending more time together.
Elisa Griffith : Um... See you tomorrow. (0:16:29.29)
Ray White : Yeah. (0:16:31.76)
Ray White : Pardon me. (0:16:37.05)
Evi Armstrong : I've been waiting for you, Ray White. (0:16:38.11)
Ray White : You're Evi Armstrong? (0:16:42.83)
Ray White : Call me "Evi," Ray. (0:16:45.03)
Ray White : Oh? I appreciate the invitation. (0:16:47.53)
Evi Armstrong : I'm not like those noble kids. (0:16:50.38)
Evi Armstrong : I don't care if you're an ordinary. (0:16:52.95)
Evi Armstrong : There's only one thing I believe in. (0:16:55.75)
Evi Armstrong : I knew it! Just like I thought! (0:17:03.04)
Ray White : Evi, you're... (0:17:05.80)
Evi Armstrong : You've got some nice bulk. (0:17:10.69)
Ray White : Same to you. (0:17:12.90)
Evi Armstrong : You're welcome here, Ray! (0:17:16.03)
Ray White : Thanks! Nice to meet you! (0:17:17.93)
Rebecca Bradley : Huh? (0:17:30.23)
Ray White : Sorry about that. (0:17:33.10)
Ray White : I wasn't expecting anyone to be here. (0:17:34.69)
Rebecca Bradley : It's all right. (0:17:36.76)
Rebecca Bradley : Running so early in the
morning is very impressive.
Rebecca Bradley : Are you an incoming student? (0:17:41.02)
Ray White : Yes. My name is Ray White. (0:17:43.26)
Rebecca Bradley : Oh! You're Ray White? (0:17:46.10)
Ray White : You know of me? (0:17:47.76)
Rebecca Bradley : The academy's first ordinary.
You're very famous.
Ray White : I'm honored. (0:17:53.48)
Rebecca Bradley : My name is Rebecca Bradley. I'm a third-year. (0:17:54.98)
Rebecca Bradley : Feel free to call me "Rebecca." (0:17:58.72)
Ray White : I'll do that, Rebecca. (0:18:01.05)
Rebecca Bradley : Good, Ray. (0:18:03.51)
Evi Armstrong : Bradley? That's one of the
top three noble families!
Ray White : Top three noble families? (0:18:10.54)
Evi Armstrong : You really don't know? (0:18:12.01)
Ray White : Well, I grew up in the countryside. (0:18:13.81)
Ray White : I don't know much about the nobility. (0:18:16.09)
Evi Armstrong : Rose, Bradley, and Olgren. (0:18:18.32)
Evi Armstrong : Those three families are as
powerful as the royal family,
Evi Armstrong : with just as much influence over politics, (0:18:25.32)
Evi Armstrong : the economy, and everything
else in this country.
Evi Armstrong : That's who the top three noble families are. (0:18:30.22)
Ray White : So Amelia is... (0:18:32.14)
Ray White : The eldest daughter of the Rose family,
the highest of the three.
Ray White : She's got spotless integrity, high morals,
and first-rate sorcerer skills.
Ray White : She's a genuine, born-and-bred lady. (0:18:41.77)
Ray White : Evi, you can go on ahead. (0:18:47.34)
Evi Armstrong : Huh? (0:18:49.20)
Ray White : The instructor wanted to see me. (0:18:50.01)
Evi Armstrong : Okay. Remember, first period
is practical swordsmanship.
Evi Armstrong : We'll have to change, so get there early. (0:18:55.10)
Ray White : Right. (0:18:56.85)
Claris Cleveland : Whoa! (0:19:00.13)
Ray White : Are you all right? (0:19:04.35)
Claris Cleveland : Hey! Watch where you're going! (0:19:08.09)
Ray White : My apologies. I was just
walking like normal, though...
Claris Cleveland : Well, I was running because
I was kind of in a hurry!
Claris Cleveland : So you should have moved aside! (0:19:16.82)
Ray White : Uh-huh... That's awfully
unreasonable, but I do apologize.
Claris Cleveland : You're weird. Wait... (0:19:22.95)
Claris Cleveland : Aren't you that ordinary?! (0:19:25.63)
Ray White : I'm Ray White. Nice to meet you, (0:19:27.33)
Ray White : my charming, pigtailed lady. (0:19:29.51)
Claris Cleveland : Well, you certainly know just where to look! (0:19:32.39)
Claris Cleveland : You actually recognized the
greatness of these pigtails!
Ray White : Really? (0:19:37.98)
Claris Cleveland : I am the first and the last, (0:19:39.74)
Claris Cleveland : the girl of transcendent, raging cuteness... (0:19:41.99)
Claris Cleveland : The girl who loves and
is loved by pigtails...
Claris Cleveland : I am Claris Cleve... (0:19:48.93)
Claris Cleveland : land! (0:19:53.01)
Ray White : Wow, how nice. (0:19:56.80)
Ray White : I'm not familiar with
the "Cleve Land" family,
Ray White : but I hope we can get along. (0:20:01.59)
Claris Cleveland : What?! You don't know the Clevelands? (0:20:03.40)
Ray White : I'm sorry. I grew up in the countryside,
so I don't know much about the nobility.
Claris Cleveland : I see. Well, that's fine... yeah. (0:20:10.38)
Claris Cleveland : It's a pretty well-known family, though... (0:20:13.89)
Claris Cleveland : I see... You don't know us, huh? (0:20:16.63)
Ray White : But I'm sure it's a beautiful family. (0:20:18.95)
Ray White : That's clear just from looking at you. (0:20:21.66)
Claris Cleveland : You can tell?! (0:20:24.18)
Claris Cleveland : Oh, very well, then! (0:20:25.53)
Claris Cleveland : I'll grant you special permission
to call me "Claris," Ray!
Ray White : I appreciate that.
I hope we'll get along, Claris.
Claris Cleveland : I suppose I'll let you get along with me! (0:20:35.35)
Ray White : Anyway, weren't you in a hurry? (0:20:38.55)
Claris Cleveland : Oh, crap! (0:20:40.89)
Claris Cleveland : Well, bye! See you later! (0:20:42.03)
Ray White : Okay. (0:20:44.07)
Abbie Garnet : Welcome, Ray. (0:20:49.09)
Ray White : It's good to see you again, Colonel. (0:20:51.59)
Abbie Garnet : None of that, now. You and I have
both retired from the service.
Ray White : What shall I call you, then? (0:20:57.21)
Abbie Garnet : Just "Abbie." (0:20:59.62)
Ray White : Understood, Abbie. (0:21:00.71)
Abbie Garnet : You haven't changed. (0:21:05.36)
Abbie Garnet : That part of you is so much like him. (0:21:06.77)
Ray White : It brings back memories, doesn't it, Abbie? (0:21:10.69)
Abbie Garnet : Uh, hey... (0:21:13.53)
Amelia Rose : Withered? (0:21:28.28)
Evi Armstrong : They call him the "Withered Wizard." (0:21:30.27)
Amelia Rose : Huh? (0:21:32.17)
Evi Armstrong : I'm Ray's bosom buddy, Evi. (0:21:32.86)
Amelia Rose : Oh, well, hello... But what does that mean? (0:21:35.52)
Evi Armstrong : It's wordplay. (0:21:38.83)
Evi Armstrong : "Withered" and "Wizard"... (0:21:40.60)
Evi Armstrong : They're practically the same word. (0:21:42.96)
Amelia Rose : Oh, I get it. (0:21:45.09)
Elisa Griffith : Ray... (0:21:46.88)
Albert Alium : Someone who can't even use sorcery... (0:21:50.79)
Albert Alium : ...has no right to stand
on the same level as me!
Amelia Rose : No way! (0:22:03.23)
Evi Armstrong : Not bad, man! (0:22:04.25)
Elisa Griffith : Ray! (0:22:06.71)
Ray White : That doesn't have too much influence on me. (0:22:08.16)
Albert Alium : You... You... (0:22:11.91)
Albert Alium : You damned Withered! (0:22:14.62)
Abbie Garnet : I'm glad to see you enjoying
your student life,
Abbie Garnet : Ray White... (0:22:34.59)
Abbie Garnet : the Iceblade Sorcerer. (0:22:36.94)
Abbie Garnet : Students! This is the preview for
The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World !
Abbie Garnet : Having quietly made up his mind, (0:23:54.99)
Abbie Garnet : Ray heads to the place that's a sanctuary
for fierce, impassioned muscle men,
Abbie Garnet : and a garden for pure, elegant young ladies. (0:23:59.29)
Abbie Garnet : "The Boy Who Became the World's Strongest
Sorcerer Begins His Practical Exercises."
Abbie Garnet : Abbie Garnet, signing off! (0:24:06.68)

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she is stunning wish she was real tho rip my world): - Anonymous


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